Love, Sans Limits

Story by Mitsozuka on SoFurry

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Love, sans limits.

The sun rose slowly over the quiet town of Manzanaris this morning, its soft light slowly bathing the already semi-busy city in a glow, just strong enough to turn off the street lamps and car headlights on its streets. The temperature in this area was kinda low for a semi-arid area, but the citizens here liked it a little cooler than most... because they all wore fur, or in Zach's case, scales. The city was a minor metropolis, with a couple of high schools and even its own 1A ranked college. Its busy business district had office buildings, banks, shopping centers, and even a few Skyscrapers. This quiet, but rather large, town even had a mall district, where all the cool furs hung out and went shopping. On the outskirts of the city's east side, only a stone's throw from MitsozukaKAyarashiMemorialHigh School, and about 20 minutes walk from the college's main campus, was a big grey brick house.

This 2-story testament to construction perfection was home to the Silverwing family, Donovan, Silvia, and Zach. At least, it was formerly the home of those three, as Lord Silverwing, his official title, had met with a load of bad luck and was killed in a plane crash. His age required him to have a living will anyway, and his affairs were in such order that has wife and son were well taken care of after his unfortunate demise, but his untimely departure was still a hard blow for his loving wife and only child to deal with alone.

Zach was 18 at the time, soon to graduate high school and head to college, and weathered the news better because he kept himself busy and had his friends to support him. He was the director of his Senior level theatre class's semester play "Once upon a Midnight Yiffy: A comedy in white." He also helped write the play itself, as well as playing the role of Denis Moriarty, a yiff hungry heir who accidentally yiffs the mayor's wife and gets caught. His performance, as well as the play itself got rave reviews and the town demanded an encore showing the following weekend. He also was president of the Drama club, called "the Society of the Flying Snake" under his reign as kind of a joke. He also played lacrosse, playing goalie for his team, The MKAHS Tigers, and was known as "The Winged Wall" for his uncanny ability to stop nearly any shot on goal with his massive size. He had all these things going for him, as well as a part time job as assistant manager at the movie theatre "The Super 6" not a mile from his house, which earned him enough money to rely almost totally on himself for anything. Despite his seemingly ridiculous schedule and having to help take care of his home, known to most as Silverwing manor, he made more than enough time to have a very Active social life, and could almost always be seen at his friend's houses or at the malls with them when they went. Zach was an outcast, but he was a very popular outcast, and had a very broad circle of friends, but kept several friends closer to his heart, as well as his home. There were about 5 of them, not including himself, who all lived within a 10 minute walk of his home, and were there so often they all had at least one change of clothes left at his house in case the occasion arose they had to be there overnight.

His closest, and you would call it best, friend was a Lynx named Murray Freedman, but NO ONE ever heard that name around him or even very much when he wasn't there either, as he was simply known as Merf. A close second to him on the friends list was a Kangaroo named Roxxette Chirald, known to most as Rocky for her affinity for Kickboxing and her reputation for being the only girl tough enough to take Zach and many other boys on and win. Every group needs a Goth, so it was said, and this close knit group had one who was not only quite Goth, but very smart, very poetic, and quite good looking, named Sheena Eldrin, a 4'6" Echidna with a sense of humor sharper than her black spines and a figure almost like a bathing suit model's, just without the huge fake boobs. Not to say she wasn't pretty well stacked for her size, they just weren't ridiculous. Another of his close friends was a raccoon named Jaymie Derrick, usually called Slick by those in this group because of his affinity for swimming and how good he looked all wet, no innuendo meant. He was also second tallest in the group, standing a righteous 6' 7" tall, and weighing in at a healthy 240 lbs, but he was so slim you would never know. The last, but certainly not least, in this close-knit group of friends was a Sliver Fox named Cindy St.Croix, a shy, reserved girl, who was kind, soft spoken, had a great sense of humor, and had known Zach since early childhood. She would seem out of place with this gang of misfits but for the fact she had not one, not even two, but FIVE long, beautiful tails. This group was close, and not just on a personal level, either. Cindy, for instance, had always had a crush on Zach, as had Jaymie, who despite his very masculine appearance, attitude and mannerisms, was almost totally gay. Roxxette had always claimed to be a lesbian in jest, but was really just bisexual with a preference for females, a trait she shared with Zach. Cindy and Sheena were straight, so to speak, but in this group they wouldn't really care which gender their partner was, and neither would Merf, who didn't bother classifying himself, and when asked just said simply "If it wants to fuck me, I'm up for it.".

This group of friends wasn't about sex, nor was sex within the group out of the question, it was just a side effect of being so close, and that was an opinion everyone shared. The nice thing about being a part of this group was that everyone in it was the same age, liked many of the same things, went to the same school, and lived within walking distance of each other, which proved handy in a few crises over the years they knew each other. Sheena, one summer night before their junior year, in an effort to get everyone closer together, invited the whole group over while her parents were away, and after the "Punch" was served, slightly more than just too much sugar added, she revealed her reason for bringing everyone together, and promptly got naked, sat down, and told everyone that in an effort to bring the group closer, they should do the same. Slick had no qualms about being nude, so he followed suit first, followed by Rocky and Merf. Zach was a bit nervous at first, seeing as how no one outside his family had ever seen him nude, and even then not for over 14 years, but when Cindy told him she would if he would, he did. Slick and all three girls were stunned to silence when Zach stood, his then 6'6" form bared before them, and Merf even whistled almost jokingly. Cindy drew the same silent reaction from Zach, but a slightly more obvious one from Merf, who couldn't help getting hard at all the sexy bodies around him. He laughed a bit at first, but everyone got so used to being nude around each other so quickly that even when Zach got hard about 20 minutes later, a sight that impressed even him when he looked at it in comparison, nobody really said anything. For a bit more than half an hour after that, the group continued just talking about themselves and what their attitudes and preferences had become since going into high school, since they had all just finished their second year. Everyone agreed that outside the group, their tastes in company, whether sexual or just casual, varied greatly, but that everyone in the group was comfortable with the idea of being in a yiffy situation with everyone else. So, in accordance with her plan, Sheena suggested they go ahead and put themselves in that exact situation. At first everyone was hesitant, but when Sheena reached over and calmly started pawing Merf off, everyone else followed suit, and soon there wasn't an empty paw in the house. Slick and Cindy ended up being the ones who got Zach off, and he was the one whose paw was in Cindy's slit, while his other paw was busy with Merf's sac. Surprisingly, for both Cindy and Zach, that night was the first time outside of masturbating that they had ever gotten off. That night seemed to last forever, as even after everyone came at least once, they all just kept right on going. The party ended around 4 in the morning after starting a little after 6 pm, and the fun really started around 10:30, and in all that time, all the girls got off at least 4 times, and Zach and Jaymie got off twice, while Merf managed 5 times.

The following morning everyone woke up almost simultaneously, expecting to be a little weirded out by what happened the previous night, but much to everyone's delight, everyone agreed that it was fun and should be a more common thing. They even agreed on a code name for the event: "a circling." Nobody would really assume the word had a sexual connotation, nor would they assume it was anything of any importance. As it happened, any time they all got together they agreed they would keep the possibility of a "circling" open, since they all had such a good time with it, and often after that night when the group met they would all end up naked anyway, if just for the sake of reminiscing.

This whole situation, as well as the feelings the group shared about it, helped Zach keep his wits about him through the whole crisis with his father's death, and several times the whole group ended up in Zach's bedroom while his mother was away taking care of the estate's affairs, usually starting out with commiserating, but almost always ending up in another circling. The circlings got more and more adventurous as the group aged, and during the crisis, they matured from explorative yiffy situations to flat out orgies and circle jerks, some running fairly long, for example, one weekend it ran on and off the whole weekend from Friday after school to about 10:30 pm on Sunday night, starting and ending in Zach's bedroom, but only after changing location quite a few times. Thanks to his friends, Zach not only survived the remainder of High School, but he graduated ranked #3 in his class, a surprise even to him. So Zach pulled through the crisis pretty much unscathed.

His mother, unfortunately, could not have been further from fine. At first she tried drinking her problems away, but Zach eventually got a Doctor and a lawyer together, and had himself put in charge of his mother's finances until she recovered. It was then that Zach's mother realized she hadn't completely lost her husband, because Zach was the one piece of her beloved mate of 420 years she still had. To Zach's mother, he was her little miracle, proof that the old arts were not only real, but still worked, even in this westernized, modern civilization. Lord Silverwing had always been a great warrior, and was well trained in the arts of Ki usage and some of the old Draconic arts. So after Decades and Decades of preparation, he finally revealed his plan to help his mate, who was diagnosed as barren, conceive and have a son. It seemed too good to be true, but after only 16 months, a little short for a Bipedal dragon pregnancy, Zach was born, a testament to not only his father's love for his mother, but to the power that his love possessed.

Soon after Zach took over looking after her expenses she developed an unhealthy feeling for her son, who was growing into more of a stud than his father ever was. She found herself fantasizing about him, and often times would quietly creep into his "lair" as he called the bachelor pad the entire second floor of their manor was, and watch him sleep, sometimes even pulling down the covers to gaze longingly at her only son's muscular, sexy body, even on occasion finding herself almost trying to pull down his boxers, the only thing between his groin and her eyes, stopping mere micrometers away from touching them, for fear she would wake him and not have any explanation for doing what she was doing. For months she would do this, then go back to her bedroom and let her paws do the best they could to sate her carnal desires. Eventually, however, her paws, all the toys in the world, and every trick she knew wasn't enough to quench her thirst for pleasure. She started plotting from that moment on a way to trick her only child into believing that he HAD to mate with her. She had an idea, but she knew it would have to wait, so she worked and worked on her scheme, an ingenious, almost evilly clever idea, which she would spring on him just before he turned 21...

Now the years had rolled by, not much of anything changing as Zach and his friends went off to college, turned 19, turned 20, and then one by one reached that shining age where the world basically opened up totally for them, Zach being the last one to reach 21. He had noticed his mother's behavior shift over the past year or so, and figured she had finally gotten over the mourning period for her mate, his dad. In reality she was just growing a little anxious for her son's 21st birthday, so she could spring her trap, a surefire plan to trick him into relinquishing his social contacts and become her sexual servant. Zach had no idea why his mother had suddenly started being so nice to him about 2 months before his birthday, but he and his friends all agreed it could only be a good thing. The months rolled by somewhat slowly for both Zach and his mother, until finally it was February, and his birthday was only 17 days away. Zach's mother couldn't help but try to drop subtle hints that she was going to do something truly special for him the night after he became 21, and he suspected something was up, but his expectations and his mother's plans were vastly different. Zach couldn't have asked for a better coincidence, as his friends and he all ended up having a 3 day weekend before he turned 21, and they threw a party in his lair, drinking, yiffing, eating mass quantities of pizza and junk, as well as giving Zach a few gag gifts. The last day Cindy told Zach she had a special present to give him, and after walking out of the room, disappeared for almost half an hour. This is where our story picks up.

"Ah gods, this party has been something else, I have to tell you guys....thanks again." Zach was sitting in his big recliner in his lair's social room, surrounded by everyone but Cindy, who had still not returned.

"No problem, lizard-breath, its been pretty fun for us too, I imagine." Merf retorted teasingly, sticking his tongue out at the much larger Dragon momentarily.

"Yar, seriously, Zach. Its about time ya joined us in grown-up land." Rocky replied with a laugh, one of her powerful feet slapping the ground and shaking nearly everything in the room as she chortled merrily along with everyone at her own joke.

"No need to thank me, man. All I did was come over, eat your food, drink your booze, and yiff. It should be me thanking you." Slick said with a wink at Zach, who was his last partner earlier that evening. Everyone laughed at that as well.

"All you have to say is that you will take us all out for a round on you this weekend and I won't curse you to a living hell on earth." Sheena said, standing on the table and trying her damnedest to look menacing, growling and snarling at the dragon in front of her, who was quite easily twice her size. Zach picked her up in a hug, and she batted his nose playfully, and scurried back to her beanbag where she had been sitting.

"So what are we going to do now? We've almost exhausted our supplies, we ate all the cake, and I'm even starting to get a little tired. And we've still got hours before anyone is expected to be home..." Zach trailed off.

"We could play strip poker." Merf suggested, with assorted responses.

"We could watch porn on TV and do MST3k to it." Sheena piped in, and elicited a laugh from all present.

"Drinking contest?" asked Rocky quizzically, her mind obviously set on proving once again she could drink anyone present under the table, but nobody felt like getting that hammered.

"We could all go swimming again, swimming is never a bad idea." Slick added, and a couple of others nodded in agreement.

"Ah but you forget, the pool in our backyard has that auto cleaner thing and automatically shuts an hour before it turns on, and is usually shut up until morning." Zach added with a sigh, as he had wanted to go swimming as well.

Everyone sat around feeling kinda bummed that their last night of partying was turning out to be boring, and without everyone present, they couldn't even resort to Humans and Hunters, their favorite paper roleplaying game. Everyone settled in for what they were sure was going to be a long night of extra studying and other relaxing, but boring non-activities. Merf sat idly scratching himself, Rocky was studying over some English notes for her next class, Slick was reviewing his textbook, and Sheena was lying lazily across Zach's chest as he worked on his lighting notes for his drama class. Sometime between a mind-numbing lull and the next upcoming patch of boredom, Zach looked around and asked an obvious, but as yet unasked question.

"Hey... where is Cindy?"

As if on cue, the lights in the room cut out, and a scintillating beat began to thump from Zach's stereo, followed by what could only be best described as high quality porn music. Everyone was taken by surprise by this sudden lack of light, but then were even more surprised when the disco ball lowered from the roof and the dance lights slowly kicked in, everything in the room seeming to pulse with the beat of the music. Cindy waltzed in, scantily clad in what appeared to be a belly dancer's outfit, her lithe and sexy form wriggling and writhing to the beat of the music, drawing a stunned silence from all present. Cindy had never done anything so spontaneous, let alone this hot, and was very VERY good at what she was doing. Her hips gyrated in perfect sync with the beat, her arms twirled and twisted around her torso, her tails waving hither and thither, and every soft curve, every detail of her sexy body highlighted against the dim light thanks to her silvery fur. The dance was hypnotic, no one quite knowing what to make of it, until Sheena realized she was doing it for Zach, and scurried over to Slick, who cuddled the echidna in his lap as he stared, transfixed not on Cindy, but on Zach, an unpleasant sour feeling in his mouth and stomach as he watched.

Cindy couldn't believe she was actually going through with it. She had left almost an hour ago to work up the courage to take this leap of faith. Even as she danced her way over to Zach, she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, even as she noticed his eyes weren't oogling her body, but were fixed on hers. A warm, inviting look was on his face, and a glint was in his eye she hadn't seen since his father died. She laid back against him slowly, letting her tails tease random points of his muscled frame, and as her eyes stared into his, she could almost hear him saying a silent thank you. She slowly kicked one foot up and over his head, her tails in such a way as to only allow him to see that she was wearing quite literally only her fur beneath these bits of cloth, and her eyes fell lower for a moment as she saw a bulge in his pants that made him shift uncomfortably in his seat. As she had planned, Cindy quickly turned the belly dance into a private lap dance for Zach, her paws clamped tightly on Zach's shoulders as she straddled him in the recliner, slowly letting the tender flesh of her bared slit rub against the tented crotch of Zach's pants, barely able to contain a lustful moan that tried to leap from her as the heat of Zach's body and the fabric of his jeans hit her clit, which was already hard as a rock. Neither of them noticed or cared about the wet spot forming on Zach's pants, as neither was sure who was to blame, the scent of Cindy's dripping slit mingling with the singular aroma of Zach's own precum assaulted the room and its occupants. Cindy continued to grind against him, often bringing her exposed slit down over the tip of the bulge on Zach's lap, serving only to get herself and his pants wetter, and make him groan louder as his dragonhood stood painfully pressed against the inside of his jeans. Cindy, unbeknownst to her at the moment, was actually the last to get into her partner's pants, as Rocky and Merf were already sharing a lap dance of their own, while Slick busied himself fingering Sheena, while softly massaging and suckling on her firm and perky breasts, an activity he was known to be rather good at.

Her tails aflutter here and there, Cindy reached down and slowly helped Zach undo the front buckles of his jeans while he undid the buckles over his tail in the back. Cindy and Zach slowly slid his pants and boxers down and off, revealing Zach's enormous shaft, a deep red in color and throbbing in anticipation. Its head stood a good foot off of his body, making his full length a massive 14", with very near 2" in width at its base, and Cindy let one of her paws slowly trail up the entire length, then back down to fondle his sac, both of the orbs inside it big enough to require one of her dainty paws to hold properly. Cindy couldn't help but blush as her body reacted to his sculpted physique, and quickly pulled two clasps that were all that was keeping her clothed, dropping her meager garments to one side, and standing still, fully nude, for Zach to see. The two spent a few long moments staring at each other, Zach amazed at Cindy's soft curves, supple, firm breasts, and smooth, perfect cleft into her groin, out of which a very hard clit poked itself, and Cindy equally amazed at Zach's huge sizes, not because they were out of place, but because they were all perfectly balanced, his muscled shoulders and arms framing his sleek, cut torso, and his long, muscular legs running up to meet at his hips, and his enticing shaft, still bobbing intently in front of her, the single most amazing thing she had ever laid eyes on. She knelt before him, running her paws over the stiff, warm length, before reaching up and slowly taking as much of his shaft as she could into her muzzle, surprised that she even got past its head, and let her tongue and mouth coat the tip with a thick coat of her saliva and his own precum, letting the juices mingle in her muzzle and trickle down the mighty shaft before her, leaning up into it as she suckled on the tip and let her breasts surround the massive shaft, pressing her paws against them to squeeze his shaft with them as she bobbed her whole body up and down in an effort to please him.

Zach was flabbergasted by the whole thing, and couldn't stop himself from moaning loudly as Cindy worked her hot little maw over his cock-tip. His eyes closed against the feeling, his whole body dead to the world except for his cock in her mouth for right now. Zach reached out and put his paws on her chest, helping her press the tender mounds of flesh tighter around the base of his massive pole of dragon meat, which gave a hard twitch in response, filling poor Cindy's muzzle with a spurt of precum. Zach looked down at her as she pulled away, cleaning her face and paws off a little, both of them blushing madly. They quietly looked around the room, watching Merf on top of Rocky in her chair, and Sheena taking Slick's two fingers in her slit while they made out, and then looked back at each other. Zach looked as if he was about to speak, but Cindy's finger met his lips and shushed him.

Cindy pulled herself up by pulling on Zach's stiff member, a little awkward for both of them, but Zach just grinned all the more at her. He was already reclined in his chair quite a bit, and Cindy knew this, so without a sound, she stepped up onto the arms of the chair, bringing her now dripping slit to Zach's eye level. He got a good eyeful, and his mouth watered for a moment, begging him to bury his face in her crotch as he had every other time before, but he knew this time was different. This time Cindy wanted him to fuck her, and he knew it. Zach put his paws at her waist, and decided to help her down slowly, just in case the lubrication on his shaft and her already dripping pussy weren't quite enough. Zach was, physically, all for this union, but mentally, he had reservations. He wasn't quite sure if Cindy's beautiful, but very petite, form could handle all of his massive dragonhood. His mind flashed to the others, who had all felt him inside of them. Merf and Slick had taken all of him, albeit being quite sore after but happily so. Sheena had taken most of him, but he always went easy with her anyway because of the radical size difference. Rocky had taken him on many occasions, and bragged that she was the only girl he knew tough enough to really handle the absolutely righteous fucking he could give with his massive pole. His mind twitched at this thought. Rocky and he had measured how deep she was once, and at the most, she could handle nearly two feet inside her, but then again she was built differently than Cindy. Zach flashed back to an anatomy lesson, and remembered hearing that most females of average height could only handle7 to 9 inches before the tip started hitting their cervix, which was painful to most everyone. Zach snapped back to reality, and stopped Cindy in midair, her still dripping slit mere inches from meeting his bobbing cock head.

"Cindy... I know we both want this, but are you sure about this?"

Cindy didn't even reply, but merely smiled and lowered herself those few more inches, and let his tip slide into her folds. They both moaned heavily and continued doing so as she slid even further down, to approximately 9 inches. As Zach had feared, he felt his tip nudge her cervix, and he instantly froze, holding her loosely, but firmly, where she was. She panted a little, but was still going to go through with this, come what may. She forced his paws looser, and slid another inch downward, feeling an eerie pop inside of her as his tip opened her cervix. Zach winced, but Cindy didn't. Cindy felt him slip deeper into her than any toy or other partner before him ever had, and instantly fell in love with the feeling. She fell so hard, that without any warning a moment later when his head cleared her cervix, she came and came hard, moaning and groaning loudly for a few seconds and then panting to a halt. She looked at Zach with a newfound fire in her eyes, and hunger in her loins, and Zach saw it. He too, right at that moment, fell madly in love with the feeling he was sharing with this beautiful Vixen, and decided to throw caution to the wind. He let go with his paws, and let her slide the remaining couple of inches down his shaft, and felt her warm, tight insides seize up around his shaft. She basked in the feeling for another long moment, and then howled her way into a second orgasm.

Cindy couldn't believe her body was doing this! He had just barely gotten into her, and already she had cum twice! Twice! She felt the hunger inside her growing with every passing second, and she positioned her legs and feet to allow her to push off of the chair, and slowly she pulled off of Zach a ways. She nodded to Zach, and then he took control, pulling her a little further off, and slowly pushing his way back in, working into a slow, steady groove, thrusting at a very leisurely pace. This did not last however, as both of them were too excited to keep it slow, so it quickly escalated into an all out fuck. Zach's thrusting was mechanical, hard and steady with a high, hard tempo. Cindy could barely breathe for all the orgasmic rush overcoming her slender, quivering body as Zach ravaged her, that same popping feeling hitting her like an orgasm button every time Zach pushed past her cervix again. Zach gritted his teeth and pumped on, never having felt his partner's insides reacting like Cindy's were, fluctuating between gripping his cock like a vice and quivering like a pile of jell-o as he fucked her for all he was worth. Zach felt his balls, aching from Cindy's tail-bases thumping into them over and over, pull tight to his body, and felt that old orgasmic twinge in his insides, and could barely hold it back at all. He leaned into his final thrust, pushing himself as far into Cindy as he could, and let loose his hot, thick load of dragon cum. He felt something boiling over inside of him as he came, and without any warning it came out of him, a roar to end all roars. It was the single loudest, most terrifyingly beautiful thing any of them had ever heard in person, and it lasted until his load was spent. Afterwards, Zach fell back in the chair, still impaling Cindy as he was, verging on unconsciousness.

Cindy was amazed, scared, and embarrassed by what had just happened. She sat in wonder and awe as her insides bulged slightly from the massive load that had just been poured into them, and she watched as some of that load leaked out from around Zach's still hardened cock still plunged into her depths. She rubbed her ears, still hurting a little from Zach's outburst, and looked around. Merf had literally fallen off of Rocky he had jumped so high, and Sheena and Slick both were staring, mouths agape, at Cindy and her seemingly lifeless partner. Cindy had never been one for exhibitionism, so she instantly tried to cover herself up a little, and turned a furious red, showing even from beneath her heavy face fur. She patted Zach on the cheek lightly, and he blinked awake, instantly hugging Cindy to him, but moaning as his aching groin was moved awkwardly in doing so. The others soon got back to their own endeavors, leaving Cindy and Zach to their cleanup, which they were already in the middle of.

Little did Zach or his friends know, but Zach's mother had secretly been watching them, not just tonight, but every time they had been in the lair, via secret cameras hidden around the rooms, and had been fucking herself with a solid rubber phallus, shaped after a mold of her husband's own 13 inch cock. She pulled the long, thick dong from her crotch with a satisfying slurp, and licked the tip of it slowly, eyeing the camera, which she had pointed directly at her son's naked groin. She knew he was bigger than his dad, and not just longer. She had planned on telling him about the cameras, and asking him from a logical point of view to help her ease the need she felt for a real man, but now that she had witnessed her son's first true mating call and seen the way he looked at this trifle of a Vixen, so she knew it would never work. So she fell back to her original plan, and pulled out the keys to the Jag his father had left him as a 21st birthday gift. She eyed the keys, small and shiny as they were, and lowered them to her still dripping slit, and easily slid them in, then right back out again. She smiled and dried them off quickly, putting them back into the pocket of her coat. He would get his present alright, she thought to herself, but only if he had the balls to reach in and pull the keys from her needy, dripping slit himself. She knew he needed a new car, his old beater had lasted almost as long as he did, and was in desperate need of retiring, so she wondered when the appropriate time to strike would be, deciding finally she would try the next day, once his friends were gone. She reached down and gave her rock-hard clitoris a mean pinch and twisted it, making herself growl angrily, but she just did it again and again a moment later, her eyes never leaving her son's cock.

**Author's Note**

This is sorta just a one-shot... unless I get some people telling me to write more of it. Enjoy!