A Dragon's Love: Desire

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#13 of A Dragon's Love

Once more unto the breach! The twins enjoy their parents again!


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Faith was carrying another baby, very much so pregnant. Her belly was big and she waddled about the cave slowly whenever she was forced to moove. Spending most of her time in the nest, chores at home had to be added to the twins' daily schedule. Flare and Twilight were taking care of Mama now more than she took care of them. Not that either of them minded. No, what Twilight minded was that she knew how it had happened, how this had all started.

Twilight had awoken one night a few months back when something bumped into her. She blinked her eyes open to the darkness of night. It wasnt time to get up yet, but the nest shifted behind her nonetheless. She opened her mouth to ask what was wrong when a muffled groan met her ears. She laid still for a moment, then slowly rolled over, keeping her lids mostly closed so as to appear asleep. She suspected it wouldnt have mattered anyway. Mama was on her back, her legs wrapped around Papa's waist as he slapped his hips against her repeatedly. Twilight could just make out mama's body taking Papa into her repeatedly. Papa was usually naked in the cave, not believing in hiding ones natural beauty, but Twi had never seen his... thingy so large, or stiff. The night ended with the pair kissing and moaning into one another's mouths as Papa held himself still inside of mama. Days later, Mama had told the children she was pregnant again.

Normally this wouldnt have been a problem. Twilight would have just tried to forget the whole thing, but seeing that had stirred something inside of her, something she couldnt explain. She wanted to see more! Every night she would pretend to be asleep and stay awake as long as she could, but mama and papa never mated again! It was frustrating! Often times, Twilight would hide from everyone else to try to relieve some of the stress. She found rubbing the slit between her legs helped for a while, but it only got worse afterward. When new chores were being handed out, Mama and Papa asked if one of them would help prepare breakfast every morning. Twilight volunteered without question. She had something in mind, something that had manifested itself within her dreams since seeing the strange act between Mama and Papa weeks before.

Every morning she would fly out in her dragon form with her daddy and help him find a deer or elk to kill, then she would help him stuff the carcasses with fruits before carrying them back to the cave for the rest of their family.

This morning started no differently. Twilight followed her daddy to the waterfall hiding the cave mouth and slowly changed, her body shimmering and melting until it reformed itself into a feral dragon. Spreading her wings, she took off, flapping behind her father as she had for weeks now. Her father was massive, about the size of a large mansion, where her, on the other hand, was only perhaps just larger than a horse, if even. She hadnt even started puberty yet, though. She had a long way to grow.

They flew for a good long while without seeing a single game animal. Sighing, Valor slowly landed in a grassy clearing. He looked around, then back to his daughter and shook his head. "I dont get it. Normally they are all over the place..."

Twilight knew this was it. They were far from home, alone, secluded... She almost whimpered aloud as her body shimmered and shrank. When she was again small and bipedal, very much resembling an angel with a dragontail and wings, she looked up at her father. He didnt even notice she wasnt wearing the little dress Mama made her! She slowly laid down on her back the same way she had seen Mama laying and spread her legs wide, presenting her slit to Papa, the very same hole she had seen him plowing into on mama... It was infuriating! He wasnt even looking at her! "Daddy..." she whimpered, rubbing herself to find even minimal relief. It didnt help this time in the slightest.

Her heart lept when her papa looked down at her, his jaw quickly falling slack. "What are you doing!?" he demanded, but a glance between his hind legs showed her that she might just get her wish...

"Daddy, please... Put it in me. Like you did to mommy when she got pregnant." she pled, her eyes and heart full of desire. It wasnt all lust, however. She had always loved her daddy very much, but now that she knew there was another level of love besides simple emotion and signs of affection, she wanted it. She was, after all, a greedy dragoness. "I love you, daddy." she reminded him. It was not a romantic love, but how was she to know there was a difference yet?

Again her heart lept when she saw her daddy's body slowly melting and shrinking. When again it solidified and her daddy's angelic body stood before her, she knew her idea had worked. She had no idea, however, that Valor was as hungry for a female as he was. Normally, he and Faith made love on a nearly daily basis, but since her pregnancy, they didnt seem to have the time nor the energy. His desire had only seemed to grow.

He didnt seem to move though. She stopped moving in disbelief for a moment before arching her back in frustration. This was maddenning! She clamped her eyes shut and ground her teeth, about to plead to him again when she felt warm lips press against her own. Her eyes shot open in suprise to see her papa leaning over her to kiss her, but this was unlike any kiss they had shared before. It was... different. On many levels. When the touch was broken, it left her breathless, powerless to do anything but watch and listen to her papa.

"I knew you were awake... I thought I was just being paranoid." he said, then kissed her again. She whimpered against his lips, slowly lifting her legs to wrap around his waist like she had seen Mama do.

Again breathless, she watched her daddy chuckle and smile down at her as he reached between them to grip his thing and stroke her slit with it's hot tip. "Alright, alright, be patient." he said, staring at her with hazy, lustful eyes. Twilight almost didnt recognize him. He was so lustdriven, he seemed to take on different features, even. Was he so hungry as she?

She felt him press against her body for a moment, then pain shot through her form. She arched her back and the world began to swirl all around them. Everything was a blurr. The pain was like fire in her lower region as her back again fell flat against the grass. She lifted her head to stare down at her slit to see what had happened only to see it stretched in an obscene O shape as her daddy plowed into her fast and hard, moreso than she had seen him take her mama. It hurt so bad, and her belly bulged obscenely every time his hips pressed against her own. Her head fell against the ground and she took handfuls of grass against her palms, crying out.

This was what she wanted, she reminded herself. How was she to know that it would hurt so much? She clamped her eyes shut and tried to focus on the pleasure she had felt flowing from her mama that night. Being a half dragon, she still possessed a strong empathy. Soon enough, it seemed less a memory and more a reality until before long she dug her fingers into the dirt not from pain, but from the extreme pleasure her daddy brought her. Her cries faded from agonizing yelps to heady moans and pleas for more. She smelled blood but could care less that it was hers. All she cared about was that that little layer of flesh just right inside of her body was gone, torn by her daddy's needy thrusts. Whats more, what she would learn later, was that her deepest barrier, the entrance to her womb, had been completly obliterated, as well. It wouldnt take it's shape again until they were done.

Her back arched and her body writhed. "More! MORE!" she screamed as her arms and wings spread wide. Her body convulsed violently and she felt something wet and hot squirting out of her little O-shaped slit to splash against her daddy's body. She screamed again, crying for more unintelligibly as her daddy threw his head back and forced every last inch of his engorged length into her body. She could feel his thing swell and pulse. She lifted her head and blinked the fog from her eyes to see what was happening. All she could see, though, was her belly getting bigger and rounder.

She gasped, staring in shock as the swelling slowed, then stopped, leaving her looking even rounder than her mommy. "DADDY! I'm... I'm... BABY!" She said, tears forming in her eyes. Her papa chuckled breathlessly and shook his head, leaning down to kiss the tears from her cheeks.

"No, no you're not, little one." he reassured her. "It takes months. Not minutes." He said, reaching a hand out to rest against her hot, swollen belly. "I guess I just had alot pent up in there, is all." he said, then watched her curiously as she began to calm down.

She sniffled and reached up to wipe her eyes before questioning "What is it?" After all, she had neither seen her mommy's belly get this way, nor had she seen what her daddy had planted deep in her womb.

"It's my seed, my sperm. My cum. Its what helps mommy make babies in her tummy." he said, gently stroking her belly still. "The longer I go without mating, I guess, the more there is to give." he surmised.

Twilight chewed on her lip for a moment then reached a nervous hand up to touch her suprisingly hot skin. "Will... Will I have a baby too then?"

She watched her papa think on that for a long moment, then shake his head "No, I dont think so. You're much to young." He said, then smiled and leaned down to kiss her in that same deep fashion as before. "But we can still do this while mommy's carrying your brother or sister, ok? Thank you, Twi. I needed that..." he said, then blinked suddenly as if something had just dawned on him. "Let's keep this between us..."

Flare woke up that morning not to the smell of charred meat, but to a strange sensation he had never felt before. He was flat on his back and his lower body felt quite stiff. Not ony that, but something seemed to be licking him. Had a curious animal wandered into the cave when they were asleep? Or was this a dream? He groaned lightly and lifted his head to see two very strange things: His thingy was long and stiff and his mother was suckling on it quite vigerously. He blinked and gasped.

The little sound caught his mother's attention and she smiled, sitting up to push him down and keep him from sittting up. She moved to straddle his waist, as naked as he was, which was an oddity all it's own. Her belly was massive, towering over him and threatenning to fall and crush him, it seemed. Her breasts above her belly were equally massive. She was well endowed to begin with, but now they were laden with milk and had grown to epic proportions. Her pale skin was bright in the din of the cave, as was her downy white feathers on her wings. These only occupied Flare's attention for a moment, however, as he felt something hot and moist stroking his stiff thing. Looking down, he gasp again to see his mother's slip pressing his length against his belly, parted to stroke three sides of his arousal up and down slowly as she held a finger to his lips.

"Shhh, dont wake your brother and sister, sweety." she whispered, motioning to Blaze and Keto curled around one another on the other side of the nest. Flare watched them for a moment before fingers on his stiffness once again caught his attention. He watched Mama lift her body up and grab him to point his tip straight at her slit. What was she-... He gasped loudly as her hot flesh took him into her, stroking him like he had never before imagined. When he felt her groin pressed against his own, he openned eyes he hadnt realized he had closed to stare up at her hunching over him. Her great belly pressed against his and she smiled, kissing the tip of his nose gently. "This'll be our little secret." she whispered, slowly starting to rock her hips on his small six inches. Small, she thought, because his father was a whopping eleven.

"Your father and I," she gave the tiniest of squeeks, "havnt mated in months, Flare... I need something,,, Mmnff... in me..." she said, then started to lift her body until only an inch remained before pressing their groins back together, slowly repeating the action again and again. "And who better to pop your cherry than mommy?" she asked, touching his cheek with a gentle, smooth palm.

He gasped again and began to moan as her pace slowly increased, but the angel shocked him again by pressing her lips to his tightly, muffling his sounds with a kiss they had never had before.

It was unlike anything he had ever imaginned before, and it felt wonderful. Better than wonderful. His mommy's hot wetness squeezing at his body, milking him for something he didnt know he could give... it was more than he could bear! All at once every senstation of the encounter funnelled down to his groin. He moaned loudly against his mother's lips even as he felt her body vigerously tensing and pulsing against him, milking him eagerly for whatever it was he felt gushing out of his length. She held herself against him for a long time before finally parting their kiss and smiling down at him.

"Thank you, sweety. I needed that..." she echoed her mate who at that moment was keeping a similar secret. She lifted her body off of his own, letting only a dribble of white... something lay against his arousal. She smiled and bent over to lick it up with a small wink. "Help mommy get dressed." she said as if nothing were amiss, as if they had never mated that moment.

Even as Flare helped his plump mother into her dragonscale-gown, he heart Papa and his twin return. The smell of meat and fruit filled the air and his tummy rumbled. Oh, it smelled delicious! But when he looked back to his mother, all he could see was her body stretched around his own as she rode him. He suspected that was all he would see when he looked at her from now on... And he was enjoying every minute, knowing his mommy and he had shared something so special. He wanted more...


Flare wasnt the only one who wanted more. In the celestial realm within which dwelt the Goddess, the very same laid on her back, her tail pulsing into and out of her body as she watched the four of them keeping such secrets from one another. She watched as the one time turned into two, as the two days of sharing intimacies like that turned into weeks of secretive mating turned into months and ultimatly years. Neither suspected the other, or perhaps neither wanted to suspect the other. The secret was out, however, as when Twilight neared the end of puberty her belly began to grow. Faith had one or two of her son's chicks, certainly, but it was much easier to hide than Twilight's pregnancy. Faith past them off as Valor's children, but her daughter had no such cover as that. When she gave birth, Faith berated Valor, yelled at him for hours about being unfaithful, forced him to hear every single word of her unhappiness even as she rode their son into orgasm after blissful orgasm. She claimed it was the first time, but really, it was just one way to break the ice.

Even watching all of these things happen, the goddess arched her back and felt her divinity squeeze at her tail, milking it for what it couldnt give. Gasping and panting, she smirked to herself and the images portrayed in the stars all around her. Oh, what a way to wind down after the random creation and genocide of a species...