Solfie Tying the Knot

Story by Paellicius on SoFurry

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(A bonus from my quest Mounted and Bred: Breederlord on Which takes place in a lewd anthro version of Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. A 'Bad End' for one of the MCs daughters.)

The day had been going so well the ranger mused as he ran. He'd been just about to take a cute little peasant girl for his own when suddenly the predators became the prey. He didn't know where they'd come from but he didn't think they were fellows of the trade seeing an easy score. Lots of wolves, he hadn't gotten a good look at all of them but some clearly seemed to be a chieftain's troops.

They must have been getting greedy to bring someone like that down on them. Now he and his two compatriots in crime were forced to abandon their friends to the mercy of the authorities. He truly did hate to do it. They'd been a good crew, but at the end of the day sticking around would have just meant going down with them. Running meant he at least might be able to bust them out at some point if he could find where they were sent. Or if they were carried on to Battania he could see about giving a few weeks cut to a castellan to get them back in action.

"We got some still on us." The she-wolf with them said, she was relatively new to the group and he didn't know her name off the top of his head quite yet.

"How many?" He asked

"Looks like ten." So enough to finish them off. They'd catch up eventually no matter how hard he ran, he tried to think of a solution. A thought came to him. It was a bit of a forlorn hope but they didn't really have many options.

There was another group of looters out there and he vaguely knew where their camp was. If they joined forces that would be more than enough to deal with their pursuers. If he could work his magic a bit it could even be the start of his new crew.

"I've got an idea."

The looters were far easy to find than he expected and once he had it was child's play to get their leader to throw their lot in with him. A few honeyed words enough to turn the inexperienced lioness into mush. He'd see how far that could be pushed later. For now, their quarry was approaching and it was time to do his part.


The duel had been an unexpected offer. Solfie standing alone against the bandits, she'd known she was beaten but determined to fight on to the last. Then the archer had made his offer. If she won, she'd be free to go. If she lost... she could still feel his jaws around her neck. The feeling of utter helplessness as he held her life in his hands and the way his teeth had just barely broken the skin to mark her. Marked her as his. The slight sting of pain had been nothing compared to the surge of embarrassment... and if she was being honest with herself. Arousal.

The worst part was that he knew it, as she and her group were led away from any possibility of help he was ever present. Passing by her and brushing against her, reminding her constantly of what was to come. She'd known where her path out the village could eventually lead, but knowing it and facing the reality of an admittedly handsome bandit being about to breed her were two different things. Especially considering that she'd led her friends and the newly recruited vixens into it with her. Most of the party finding themselves being led by bound necks, strung along like the men of her village had been when they were taken.

With Tarya having been shot in the back and now slumped over the shoulder of one of the looter she-wolves there was no help coming for them. At least not any time soon. She knew her mother would be torn between carrying on with the mission and coming to look for her but... she wasn't sure she wanted her mother to come for her. She wasn't sure she could bear to face her after what had happened.

"We're here." A voice said from behind her, the ranger whispering it in her ear. She'd been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed that they'd stopped. She felt a slight nip on her left ear, causing a spike of unexpected pleasure to shoot through her, "I hope you're ready."

His hand roamed down her back, caressing just above the base of her tail before he let it find its way around to her front, taking a moment to rub her lower belly, then letting it go further. Hovering just outside of her waiting sex, making her whole body tense.

"First time?" He asked, not going any further just yet. She didn't trust her voice so she nodded instead, feeling a heat beneath her fur at the question. "Relax, it'll make it better." He said, slowly adding pressure, pausing just as he was about to penetrate. She did her best and for her efforts felt him push into her slowly. His finger finding its way to a spot that sent a shock of pleasure running through her body. "Good bitch."

Her ears burned, she felt a sort of perverse pride at having managed to please him, to having been able to do what he asked her to. She looked away in embarrassment only to find no safety for her gaze elsewhere in the small clearing they were in. Her party were already finding themselves prey to the lusts of the other bandits. As she watched, a fox lined himself up with one of her friends from behind. No time wasted on foreplay as he took her chastity with a single thrust.

"See something you like?" The ranger asked, turning her attention back to him. "I think you're ready. Never seen a virgin get so wet before I even touched her." She wanted to protest, tell him that it was her mother's tea that was enhancing her instincts. Instead she meekly nodded.

That was all he needed as he lowered her to the floor, on her hands and knees, taking hold of her tail to keep it out of the way. His other hand running itself down her back to help relax her as he lined himself up.

For a moment his tip just traced along outside before finally moving in to her untouched depths. Unlike the fox he was slow, letting her get used to him as he made her into a woman. Their hips coming together slowly. As he finally hilted himself she could feel something slowly swelling at his base.

"That's for the end." He said as she realized it was his knot. When he was finished she would be locked together with him. He would be there for at least half an hour, all to make sure of that she would be carrying his pups. She didn't know what the feeling that overcame her was but it made her clench down on him hard. Trying to accelerate the process. Her body trying to pull him in deeper as pleasure assaulted her mind.

"Already?" He asked, a satisfied tone in his voice. "Good bitch." The second wasn't as intense as the first but just those mere words seemed enough. She didn't have time to react as she felt him bear down on her back and begin fucking her in earnest. Her voice ringing out in cries of pleasure to mingle with the others in the clearing, her body begging for his pups and soon her voice was as well.

He was all too happy to oblige, with a final thrust his knot managed to seal itself within her, his balls unleashing their payload into her tea-fertile depths. Her final climax seeming to last forever as she did her best to take him in.

Minutes later they snuggled together, him letting her use him as an impromptu bed as he gently rubbed her lower belly, if there was any chance she wasn't pregnant he would be doing his best to fix that. It would practically be a crime to leave such an eager bitch unbred and that was one law he wasn't about to break.

Nobody in the clearing noticed the black furred wolf who'd been following them, having ranged ahead of her party to follow after the young taken she-wolves and foxes. She watched the pair closely, coming to a decision. "He'll do." Luna whispered to herself as she left to return to her warband and continue her journey.