AC Troubles

Story by WineStainedFeathers on SoFurry

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A lil story I did for a friend with his fat raccoon. Love writing with this guy, such a fun character.

Early spring doesn't usually bring to mind highs in the eighties and muggy, blindingly bright days, but this spring was proving to be an annoying exception. The only thing worse than an unseasonably warm spring is broken air conditioners, both of which Robinson was suffering through. He fanned himself while lounging in his office, windows open, fans blowing. He just kept sweating while glaring at the clock, waiting for the company that managed the ventilation for his building. Twenty minutes late, no call, and the temperature just kept climbing. Workers be damned, he wasn't going to sweat like a pig in his own office with how much he paid for air conditioning.

Just as he reached for his phone, the door to his office gently swung open, and in stepped a tall, sharply dressed wolf. Even though his white fur glistened with sweat, he kept himself as prim and proper as ever.

"You better be here to tell me they're here to fix the AC." Robinson grumbled, downing the remainder of a bottle of water before tossing it into the garbage.

"Yes, they'll be in shortly. They apologize in advance for getting here so late, something about a van breaking down." He said.

Robinson shook his head. "Excuses, we pay them too much to get service this shoddy. Send him in." Robinson spat.

The wolf nodded, closing the door behind him as he left.

A few minutes passed and the door opened again. This time, a short, but rugged otter walked in, wearing denim overalls and a shirt with an air conditioning company logo. He looked nervous, despite the strong, well worked body he had. Robinson glared at him as the door closed, looking him over carefully. He was almost shorter than he was, but his arms hinted at just how built he was. Robinson finally sauntered out of his chair, walking over to the otter before locking the door behind him.

"I don't think I need to tell you that I'm not happy with your company." Robinson said.

The otter shrank in on himself a bit. "I-I understand, but my van broke down. I couldn't find help for almost an hour.."

"Then you should've let me know. Do you see how hot it is in here?!" He pointed at the digital thermostat in the room.

The otter glanced at it, seeing it read over eighty degrees made his heart sink.

"I-I'm so sorry, I promise it won't happen again." He stammered.

Robinson cracked a smile at him, continuing to look over the otter's well toned arms. He knew just how to teach this irresponsible mechanic a lesson. He threw his jacket off, slowly unbuttoning his shirt to reveal just how sweaty he'd gotten. His fur glistened with sweat, the shirt he threw off damp from the heat. Robinson grabbed the otter's waist, pulling him closer until his head rested against his chest.

"See what your sorry excuse for air conditioning is doing for me? Nothing." He said, pressing a paw on his head, slowly pushing it right into his arm pit.

The otter struggled against the hot, sweaty raccoon. He tried not to inhale at first, but eventually he had to breathe, and he caught a full whiff of the raccoon then. His cock stiffened in his pants, pressing against the fabric. He just hoped he'd be released from the raccoon's grasp before he felt the raccoon's free hand grope his bulge, making him whimper against him.

"Knew it, you construction working types are always freaks." He scoffed, releasing his grasp around the flustered otter.

Robinson unbuttoned his pants, slowly pulling them off along with his underwear while the otter tried to look anywhere else.

"I'll overlook how late you were and keep the deal with your company, but you're going to have to work for it, boy." Robinson said, stroking his shaft lazily with one paw while the otter stood still.

"Well? Do you want to keep my business or not?"

The otter weighed the consequences in his mind, about turning away such a valuable customer, about how it would affect his business. He walked forward at last, kneeling in front of the fat raccoon whose cock loomed over him.

"That's what I thought." Robinson smirked at him, stepping closer so his fat, white sack pressed against the otters face.

"Lick em clean, and I'll consider keeping my deal with you."

He didn't have much of a choice, so the otter got to work. The heat was almost as intense as the heavy, sweaty scent that surrounded him. His tongue glided across the impressive sack, slowly going over each plump orb as the raccoon groaned above him. Robinson pulled him away after a few minutes.

"Lose the clothes, and get on my desk." He said as he stepped away from the otter.

He shyly shed his overalls, and took his time with his shirt. The otter's muscled torso finally on display for Robinson, he watched as the overwhelmed otter continue his slow, shy undressing. His underwear finally fell and the otter's throbbing, drooling cock finally flopped free.

"Good, now. On your back, legs apart." Robinson ordered, moving to stand behind him.

The otter clumsily climbed onto the desk, and reluctantly spread his legs, his cock resting against his abs. Robinson stepped between them, grinding the head of his cock against his rear while the full heft of his stomach pressed down against the smaller, slimmer frame of the otter. He pressed the head in, making the otter squirm below him as Robinson felt his cock pulse against his belly. He just kept slowly pushing in, pressing his weight against him as he did so, pinning the poor mechanic to the desk in a mass of sweaty fur.

It was a little hard to breathe with so many pounds of raccoon smothering him, but the otter couldn't remember a time he felt more aroused. The raccoon was thick, making him grit his teeth a bit as the last few inches finally pushed into him. He heard Robinson sigh above him, he could feel him pulsing as he brought his hips back, but kept him firmly pinned down with his weight. The thrusts were shallow, but they still made the raccoon's fat jiggle against him from the impact. His cock was hard as steel as it pressed into Robinson's soft, sweaty belly. He never wanted to get up. As his body rocked against the hard desk, he was treated to a variety of grunts and groans from Robinson as his rough, slow pace continued.

Pre-cum began oozing into him as Robinson's pace quickened ever so slightly, and he felt even more of his weight being brought down against him. He was so close already, it felt like just a few more brushes of the raccoon's gut would set him off. Right before he swore he'd blow, he felt the raccoon's full weight press against him as Robinson grunted and jerked his hips. He almost couldn't breathe as Robinson unloaded into him, but the raccoon's scent and warmth smothered him in such a perfect way, he almost didn't notice how short of breath he was once Robinson finally got up. He watched Robinson wipe his belly clean with a towel, only then recognizing he'd finished shortly after him. He got to his feet shakily, looking to Robinson expectantly.

The raccoon didn't even bother getting dressed before he sat in his chair, his entire plump body on display as he popped open another bottle of water.

"That was satisfactory. Do not waste my time again. Got it?"

The otter nodded before dressing himself and organizing his tools, only slightly distracted by the nude raccoon watching him work.