Rodney the Bear 2

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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Rodney befriended the Twin Cities bartender two years prior to asking him out. However, Rodney felt he forced the fox's hand too aggressively. The bear was never actively considerate of others, so it came to his surprise when he started thinking about his rapport with Marcus and the events leading up to the night he encountered his ex-boyfriend at the nightclub.

Rodney came out of the closet when he was 21. After feuding bitterly with his parents over his decision to declare his homosexuality, Rodney spent several nights at a time, retreating to the nightlife, not knowing what his future would bring. Without any friends for support, Rodney spent his college years hopping from one club to the next for days at a time until he was broke and had to beg his parents for money, but when their disgust overrided their capacity to love their only son, Rodney lost his financial backing. He had to earn money in order to maintain his risque, alternative lifestyle. When he met Marcus for the first time, Marcus was a guest DJ, mixing house beats at the club every Friday night.

With large, black headphones around his neck, Marcus spent time playing with his vinyls and toying with the mixer. Rodney would sit at the lounge tables, watching everyone dancing from afar. While the rest of the patrons were enjoying themselves, Rodney spent hours looking at his reflection on the glass table. "How am I going to get any money?" Rodney asked himself. "What the fuck am I doing?"

Eventually, Rodney left the table and wandered aimlessly around the club in his modest, red t-shirt and blue jeans until he felt someone grab his backside. Naturally, he jolted and turned his head to the side to see who touched him. He saw an orca in a blue tanker and khaki shorts. The orca's long tail grazed Rodney's back seductively.

"I have a thing for bears," said the orca in a mild, British accent.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Oh yeah. It's like... I love their attitude and their willingness to be frisky."

"I take it that you want some of this," said Rodney, who pointed to his own body.

"We'll see. Dance with me for a moment."

"I'm not much of a dancer, but --"

"Come on, give it a shot," said the orca, who extended his hand to the bear and offered to escort him to the dance floor. Rodney eventually gave in and walked with the orca. The orca started to move his hips and shake them to the music blaring from the stereo speakers nearby. Rodney wasn't as enthusiastic about dancing, but he found a compromise by tapping his shoe and nodding his head to the beat. The orca laughed heartily at Rodney's reluctance to dance.

"Loosen up. Enjoy the music," said the orca.

"I'm loose all right, but I'm not good at dancing."

"Okay, then tell me what you are good at?"

"For fifty bucks, I can show you."

The orca tilted his head back a little because he didn't expect to elicit that sort of response. "Fifty, you said? Didn't know you ran a business."

"I just opened shop."

"So I'd be your first customer then?"

"Sure. You got fifty on you?"

Rodney and the orca stepped outside of the club and walked quietly down the adjacent alleyway. Both males stopped walking until they were completely away from the street lights. Neither of them could barely see each other. Rodney caught a glimpse of the orca's tight chest muscles. The orca was the first to remove his shirt. Rodney followed the orca's lead. He stripped off his clothes and found himself locking lips with the cetacean. The orca pushed Rodney up against the wall and kissed him. Rodney spread his arms wide against the wall and didn't touch the orca. He slowly slid down, releasing himself from the passionate kissing.

The bear slithered down to the ground until his head was facing the orca's large, thick cock -- and Rodney happily indulged. To his surprise, Rodney was able to take half of the orca's hardened member in his maw. Little did the orca know, this was his first time performing oral sex -- or sex of any kind. He was a virgin, but he tried his best to appear experienced. Rodney believed sex was an easily acquired skill. It looked so easy on the pornographic videos that he secretly watched in his bedroom when he was in high school. So far, everything seemed like a piece of cake.

Rodney made a deal with the horny orca to give him the "Rodney Special," an intense blowjob from start to finish for fifty dollars, and that was it. However, the orca had other things on his mind. The orca started to hump wildly into Rodney's maw.

"That's it, you cocksucking, little faggot. Suck it, and make me want to fuck you!" the orca muttered. Rodney attempted to withdraw from the act, but the orca grabbed Rodney by the back of the next and hurled him -- with his brute strength -- to the middle of the alleyway. The bear felt paralyzed. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't know what was going to happen next. "This is not part of the deal," Rodney thought while the orca's precum dripped down his lips and his chin. He tried to stand up on all fours by the orca wouldn't let him. He pushed Rodney's back down and quickly plugged his monstrous cock into the bear's tailhole. For Rodney, this was a completely new experience. He never felt such pain before, but he was quickly overwhelmed with adrenaline.

"I'm a fuckin' horny boy. I told you I had a thing for bears, didn't I? Well I like to ride them too, and you like being fucked. I can tell." Rodney could barely pay attention to what the orca was saying. He felt something tight inside of him, brushing up against his prostate. He felt the orca's cock move in and out at a quick pace. He couldn't help but groan every time the orca pushed himself in. It was harder to take compared to the act of pulling out. Rodney was caught in between feeling strong doses of pleasure and feeling that he was being taken advantage of. His cock was certainly hard, though.

Rodney could feel the orca grabbing him by both sides of the waist while intensifying his thrust. Rodney felt the orca leaning into him and moving his head so that he was aligned above the bear's. He said to Rodney, "I've been waiting to rape a stud like you, but you were too easy. You wanted my dick. You wanted my big, fucking cock, didn't you? Oh, you fuckin' slut." Rodney responded to the orca's dirty talking by stuttering while he felt the wind being knocked out of him. The bear wanted to say, "No, get off me," but he was physically overwhelmed -- and he felt humiliated. Though he couldn't see him, Rodney knew the orca was looking down at him, smiling. He could feel the orca's breath -- like a warm, unsettling breeze -- graze the back of his neckfur.

When he could feel the orca pumping his rear with a plentiful amount of warm seed, Rodney knew it was over. Eventually, the bear collapsed into a pool of his own sweat, laying face down on the cold cement. The orca quickly stood, pulled his shorts up and dropped fifty dollars beside Rodney's head. The bear felt humiliated and defeated. There was only one thing he could say to the orca.

"You son of a bitch," Rodney shouted at the orca. "You don't know what you've done."

The orca stopped walking for a moment to listen to the bear.

"You think I'm a slut, huh?" Rodney slowly tried to stand up. "You think you were good? I could fuck you better than you fucked me," said the bear, taunting him.

"Desperate words coming from a cum-guzzling whore," the orca snapped back. Suddenly, the back door of the Twin Cities club swung open. There was Marcus, who emerged from the club wearing a backpack full of portable music equipment. By chance, he looked to his left and saw Rodney naked on the ground with the orca towering over him. The fox was horrified at the sight.

"What did you do to him, asshole?" the fox barked ferociously at the orca. The orca ran for it before jumping over a gate and fleeing the scene. "Fuck!" Marcus ran over to the bear to see if he was okay.

"What did he do to you? Can you get up?" The fox offered his paw, but the bear waved his paw away.

"I can get up," Rodney muttered.

"I'm calling the cops. They'll catch that bastard, and I'll --"

"My clothes." Startled by what just happened to him, Rodney wandered over to his pile of clothes before slowly putting them on. Rodney looked down on the cement and sighed. "Don't call the cops. Please don't."

"I will call them until I find out what happened."

"Well, look, I blew him," Rodney confessed, "And then he pushed me down and --" The bear sighed again and started to walk past the concerned fox.

"I take it that it wasn't fully consensual, right?"

Rodney wanted to tell him, "No," but it was something that he enjoyed... at least, when things got rough. He felt it was best to clarify before things could spiral out of control. "He was hitting on me and I thought, 'Okay, I'll give him what he wants for fifty,' but he wanted more."

Marcus wanted to criticize Rodney for prostituting himself, but the will to care triumphed over everything else. The fox took off his brown jacket and put it around the bear without asking him if he was cold. Rodney was not familiar with such kindness, but he managed to utter, "Thank you," to Marcus for the gesture.

"This won't happen again," vowed Rodney. The fox was taken back by how assertive the bear was, despite the circumstances.

"You live and learn from your mistakes," said Marcus, calmly. "I would have charged the guy about a hundred."

Rodney looked at the fox with a scowl for a moment before snorting back at him and brandishing a barely recognizable smile. Marcus tilted his head a little and saw the bear smiling.

"I was hoping that I could make some cash," Rodney confessed.

"If money's what you need, I know a guy two blocks south who is looking for people to do some sales work. Want me to write his name and number on a card for you?"

Rodney quickly said, "Sure, thank you," but before he could finish saying the word "you," Marcus ran back into the club to write down his contact. Rodney was appreciative. He could feel the orca still inside of him with his ever-present scent and seed. The bear didn't want to admit to it, but tonight was the night that he lost his virginity. The bear wanted to keep the illusion of being a "professional" alive, but the way he was treated -- and left naked in an alleyway, shivering -- showed otherwise. He knew that he had to grow and learn.

The bear was more fascinated with the idea of dominance. The willingness to be submissive felt unnatural to Rodney, who valued his bear pride. He knew that maintaining his pride would require a physical and mental evolution, which required exercising and getting stronger, knowing his pray, knowing how to improvise and building his sexual desire so that it would overwhelm anyone else's who ever considered to turn the tables on him. He wanted to be the one in control, and that aspect excited him the most.

Rodney happily took the card from Marcus when he appeared. He left shortly after, but not without saying goodbye to his new friend.

"I'm Marcus, by the way." The fox extended his arm for a shake. Without hesitation, the bear shook his paw.

"Rodney. Nice to meet you."

"I wish we met under more positive pretenses."

With resolve, the bear nodded his head and left the club, acting like nothing happened to him. The fox was intrigued by how quickly Rodney was able to recover from the ordeal, but little did Marcus know, the bear had some major ambitions, which dominated his psyche; effectively precluding any consideration of recent events that gave insight into his shortcomings. Rodney knew that he needed to apply his ambitions and make them a reality. "I have a lot of work to do," thought Rodney, "But nobody is going to fuck with me again unless I say so."