Skyler character

Story by Kile johnson on SoFurry

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#2 of Skyler: story

(I will continue to update this, I was really impatient and couldn't wait to upload the story which is why this is unfinished, I'm so sorry)

Skyler characters

Information will vary depending on the chapter.

Name: Skyler Dawn Johnson

Place of birth:

Birth date:

Age: 8 - 18

Height: 5'5 - 6'4

weight: 85 - 150

Eye colour: sky blue

Fur colour: white with sky blue markings

Personality: hyper, outgoing, ecstatic, brave, caring

Powers: fire, electricity, speed, strength, stamina, agility

Origin: Skyler was born : : and raised by her mother : : and father : :, she is an only child, when she was six years old she found out about her powers, unlike most of her kind her powers didn't scare her or make her feel nervous, instead she found joy and excitement within them,


Place of birth:

Birth date:

Age: 24 - 34

Height: 6'1 - 6'3

Weight: 137 - 148

Eye colour: sky blue

Fur colour: white with sky blue markings

Personality: passionate, sweet, caring, protective,

Powers: speed, agility, strength, endurance, memory, fire

Origin: : : had a troubled childhood, when she was 12 years old her village was attacked by the dark ones, one of the dark wolves attacked her family and ended up destroying them, : : fought back and eventually fled the village, upon leaving she discovered more of her kind and chose to live with them and considered them to be her new family, after a year of grieving over the loss of her parents she began try to forget her past and focus on the future, at the age of 18 she met : : and the two fell in love, : : decided to start a new life and eventually left her brothers and sisters to start a new life, she and : :eventually started a family together and raised their daughter Skyler.


Place of birth:

Birth date:




Eye colour:

Fur colour:




Place of birth:

Birth date:




Eye colour:

Fur colour:




Place of birth:

Birth date:




Eye colour:

Fur colour:



World war VI: classified

Justin: good morning Admiral, you wanted to see me sir? Dave: yes, take a seat please, this might take some time, do you know why I wanted to speak with you in private? Justin: no sir, but I was told that it was very important and a urgent matter, is...

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World war VI: characters

WORLD WAR VI CHARACTER This will probably be updated in the future. Name: David thorn Place of birth: Gender: male Species: German shepherd Age: 58 Height: 6 feet 5.5 Weight: 213 Rank: fleet admiral Personality: aggressive, viscous,...

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Skyler (short story)

"MOM" Skyler immediately ran towards a woman laying motionless on the dirt, kneeling down skyler held her mom in her arms, her body seemed lifeless and the sky blue markings on her body started to slowly fade to grey "Mom are you ok, please say...

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