It's Not His Party, But...

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#7 of Dare

What happens at an otherwise typical kid's birthday party when both Candy and Annabelle are there? Anything but the typical.

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Special thanks to Guri, Rob Baird, Rokanoss, WolfPrinceKouga, Blake, Silvani, Jeff, Kona, Aang, Red-dragon, and the rest of my beloved patrons for all their love and support!

"A birthday party for Stacy Baker? Do you even know her? She's three grades lower than you," Mom asked, cocking her head to squint at the invitation.

I said, "You know we do, Mom. It's Becca's younger sister. If we don't go, there'll be no one else her age at the party!"

Dad grunted, shuffling his morning paper. The big, black wolf said, "Going to be any boys there?"

My twin sister Carly coughed down some of her morning bacon. "No, dad. How about a little trust?"

Ramsey Cotter looked around the breakfast table at his darling family: three four-legged wolves, Claire, Carly and me. As the only one with hands in the household, he did a lot of the work in the house, dressing not only his eleven-year-old pups, but also his wife, making breakfast, driving them all to work and school... Growling, he replied, "I'll start trusting you when you haven't gotten knocked up by your own damn cousin!"

"Ramsey!" Claire tsked.

It was almost time to pull Carly from the school to hide her growing belly. They were going to apply for homeschooling and keep the wolf out of sight until the puppies were born, and raise them as their own. Dad had made it quite clear that he hadn't wanted more kids, and he certainly didn't want_grandkids_. Why he had to rub it in every day, I couldn't tell you. He took a deep breath. "Candy, are there going to be any boys there?"

Carly dropped her jaw. True, I had always been the more responsible one, but it's not like I'd been much better than her with our cousin, Randy. The only reason she'd gotten pregnant, and not me, is that she had been in heat. We'd both laid back and let our cousin fuck our brains out. I tried to stem the bleeding, but Carly was already furiously storming out of the dining room. "Dad, there's no boys there. Gosh, can you just give her a break?"

Dad was too stubborn to try to patch things up, so I had to go at least make Carly feel better. As soon as I got Dad on the hook for driving us to the party, I hopped up the stairs, two at a time. I found my grey-furred twin sister already in bed and waiting for me, lying on her side.

"He's such an asshole..." Carly whined.

I slid my paw to the handle, pushing down on the lock. Dad had a key, of course, but I doubt he knew where it was. We weren't supposed to lock the door, but after a big fight like this, he wouldn't be too surprised. She couldn't help but notice the loud click, and I hopped up onto the bed with her. "He thinks we're still his precious little nine-year-old pups. But we're almost twelve! Still, I got him to agree to drive us to the party. At least we won't always be locked in this tower."

Carly gritted her teeth. "That's what it feels like, isn't it? Like we're princesses being driven back and forth to school by a big ogre, waiting for some prince to save us."

I shook my head. "We don't need a prince, do we, Carly?" With that, I slid a white paw over to her. She was reclined on her side, but with a little pressure, I lifted one hind leg provocatively.

She immediately blushed, ears flat. "We can't, Candy. Mom and Dad'll hear us..."

"Not if we're quiet. And I expect our mouths to be rather...preoccupied."

Carly took a deep breath, looking me over. "O-okay..." she finally agreed. Dozens of times she'd turned me down in exactly this situation, preferring to wait until midnight when our parents were asleep to get down to business. Slowly, but surely, I was convincing her to take more risks. I still hadn't tried the drug in my pouch that I'd gotten from Pie, but I wanted to try it with Carly - if I could ever convince her to take that risk again. After all, the first time she'd tried drugs, she'd gotten laid by her cousin.

Maybe I'd have to take matters into my own paws. What she doesn't know can't hurt her, right?

Which were also a little busy, as I spread my sister's legs, rolling her over onto her back. Her grey spade filled my view, glistening. In seconds, I'd spun around and hopped over her, presenting my own pussy just above her smiling muzzle. Together, we locked lips, but not like a prince and his princess. Our 'kiss' was more intimate, more special, and way better feeling. With our mouths full of muff, we grinded against each other.

We couldn't keep as quiet as Carly wanted, but Mom and Dad were none-the-wiser, writing off the grunts and panting as simple horseplay. How could they suspect what we were_really_ doing?

* * * * *

Annabelle nuzzled me. "Do you want to take me to a birthday party?"

I was sitting back in the recliner, the eight-year-old, four-legged German Shepherd/Husky mix curled up in my lap. Dad thought I was at a friend's house, but instead of hanging out with other thirteen-year-olds, I'd been spending a lot of time at my mother's place, babysitting Anna. "Who's birthday party?"

"Stacy," the cute pup replied, wagging her tail.

I knew that name well. Not more than one week ago, Annabelle had told me how she'd 'had sex' in the bathroom at school with her friend. But Anna was anything but naive. She knew from well-researched literary sources that sex included a lot more than just intercourse. She was talking about oral. Since then, I'd often sneaked a paw into my shorts thinking about Stacy, the Beagle third grader. Would I be more or less turned on if I saw Stacy in person?

"Where is it?"

"Jungle Gymtastic. It's got pizza and arcades," she added.

I wasn't immune to pizza and arcades, my ears perking up. "A little kids' birthday party sounds a bit like a drag."

Annabelle huffed. "We're not little kids!"

I shook my head, grinning at the young pupper. "Compared to me you are. I'm not gonna want to play My Pony Playtime or whatever you kids do."

She flattened her ears. "We're only five years apart. Mom and Dad are seven."

I laughed. "Five years is more than half your age. Seven years apart in your forties is way different than five years when you're eight. Or do you still like baby stuff?"

"You're mean!" Annabelle shrieked, trying to pull away from me.

I pulled her tighter to my chest, her naked body squirming against mine. Mom and Dad were at a movie and wouldn't be back for at least an hour, so I'd quickly joined the little feral in the buff. "Alright, fine. I'll go. When is it?"

Annabelle yipped excitedly, wagging her tail. She licked my face and said, "Sunday at 2."

That was tomorrow. "You sure I'm invited?"

The little girl nodded fervently. "Stacy specifically asked if you could come."

I held my breath. "She did? Okay..." How much did the Beagle know about me and Annabelle? I was nervous, but also a little excited.

My sister licked my face again and said, "Thanks, Paul. And - speaking of grown up things... I was wondering if you could come."

Confused, I asked, "Where?"

Annabelle smiled, her eyes beckoning. "In me." Paws firm on my chest where I reclined, she lowered her hips to me, rubbing her spade against my sheath. She shivered as she felt me growing beneath her, her tail wagging.

Sure, I got twenty-bucks a night for babysitting Annabelle, but this was all I really wanted. I knew it was illegal and I knew it was wrong, but the eight-year-old girl knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it. And it's not like she was a dope. She knew more about sex than I did! Ferals like her hit puberty fast, when she was just two or three. Grinning like an idiot, I nodded and pulled a condom from my nearby wallet. Yes, our first time had been a little messy - I'd really lived up to my nickname, Pie - but we were playing it safe now, and I could barely tell the difference in her tight, clenching cunny.

"I love you, brother!" she moaned, as she finally lowered herself onto my rubbered cock.

"I love you, too, sis," I grinned.

But I was thinking about Stacy.

* * * * *

Paul walked me to the Jungle Gymtastic the next day. I looked so cute with a sky blue ribbon snapped to the fur on my head, a white blouse with blue trim and a matching skirt to cover up my tail. Sure, at home I liked to be naked, but it was fun to dress up for school and parties. Paul didn't dress up, in his usual jeans and a t-shirt, but that was okay.

I was just glad he was coming along.

I didn't realize how hard it would be to really spend time with my half-brother. The handsome husky was so different from me. He had hands and I had four feet. He was red and I was brown. He was five years older than me. He didn't want to watch cartoons anymore, or play with dolls, so I had to adjust. Action movies were okay - I could mostly ignore the guns and blood now, but Paul had been trying to get me to watch scary movies. I spent a lot of the time with my eyes closed and curled up in his arms, but maybe that's what he wanted.

There was, after all, one thing he wanted to do that I wanted to do, too. In my head, I kept track of all the things the "My Beautiful Body" book had described about sex, and check-marked them as we went. Paul loved blow jobs, and I was getting pretty good at them now. I liked making him happy, even though I didn't love the taste.

"There is it!" I yipped, running ahead when I saw the Jungle Gymtastic.

"Not too fast - you'll rip your dress," Paul gasped as he ran after me.

I just ran faster, and sure enough, right through the doors I saw Stacy in a perfect, pink dress with white frills on the end. "Happy birthday!" I barked and ran up to the Beagle. She was smaller than me, with the same black flanks, but where my belly fur went tan, hers ran white. Her floppy ears framed her face in a way that I was often jealous about. I felt like my pointy ears were too intense.

We hugged, one paw over each other's shoulders.

"Hey, Annabelle!" Stacy yipped excitedly. "The table's over here."

Paul was just getting into the building as I sat down at the indoor picnic bench where party plates and balloons were all set up. The Bakers were all four-leggers, so the restaurant staff had done most of the set up. "Have you opened any presents yet?" I asked, tail twitching.

"Not-uh. Saving them all for the end of the party! I can't wait!" she smiled.

Paul set my gift on the table next to all the others. Most were from her folks, I assumed, but there were other party guests. Stacy's older sister, Becca, had invited a few friends as well, and Stacy had invited a two-legger from her church. I didn't know Kayla very well, but the Greyhound hadn't arrived just yet.

There weren't many other families at the Jungle Gymtastic. Just our party and a family of Shiba Inus, and a truly large group of Chihuahuas. The Japanese family reminded me of my family - the mom was the only two-legger, helping serve food to their four-legged dad and son. They seemed really serious for being at an arcade.

It was always a toss-up for families with mixed parents - the kids could have two or four legs, usually an even mix of both. But there were always stories about families that beat the odds. I stared at the Chihuahuas until I think one noticed me, but it looked like their poor father was the only two-legger, and I couldn't see one that could be the mother. Five little Chihuahua pups of different ages ran around, yelling, fighting over food, while their old man tried his best to keep them in line. It was always possible for two-leggers to give birth to four, but that was pretty rare. To have five in a row was -

Unless the mom Chihuahua was also a four-legger... I looked over at the exhausted dad. Sure, he was short for an adult, but could he? Did he really start a family with a tiny Chihuahua mom? How would that even work?

"You're so lucky," I chirped to Stacy. "My birthday is months away."


"Hey," replied Paul.

I perked my ears up and turned to see Paul talking to another girl. From her clothes she seemed older than me. Maybe he knew the wolf from school? She was very pretty, in all white fur with a green party dress on.

"Is that your sister?" the white wolf asked, looking over at me. I looked away, not wanting her to think I was staring.

Paul said, "Yeah. You're here for the party, Candy?"

Candy nodded. "We're friends with Becca." I could see a greyer wolf that could have been Candy's twin standing just beside her, in dark blue. She didn't seem nearly as interested in my brother as Candy did.

The husky paused. "Cool."

Now I knew there was something going on here. They seemed way too awkward together. I knew I shouldn't feel jealous. It's not like Paul was my boyfriend. We were brother and sister, after all! We were just having safe, healthy fun together. But the idea that Paul had this whole life and knew these other girls I knew nothing about - it hurt a little.

"Let's go to the play area!" Stacy squeaked, excited.

"Not until the Garrisons arrive," her father interrupted. "You can be a polite hostess, darling."

The Beagle looked a little sore, but said, "Yes, Daddy."

It wasn't long. The twins sat next to Becca, who was the spitting image of Stacy, only a little bit larger and wearing a white blouse and purple skirt. They were talking about boys. I didn't need to talk about boys because I had one babysitting me almost every night. Paul poured everyone some soda and helped set up the plates. I couldn't help but keep glancing at Candy, but she wasn't trying to talk to my brother anymore. She seemed way more interested in her and Carly's drinks. What was she -

"What the dickens!" Stacy yipped in my ear.

Stacy and I chatted about the Victorian England festival she'd gone to where she'd gotten a seventeenth century (style) gown. I saw pictures and don't know how anyone could move dragging that much cloth behind you. Then the Garrisons walked in. Miley and Kayla were both tall, blue Greyhounds, by which I mean they were a nice, solid grey color. I could tell from Miley's t-shirt that she had a splash of white fur on her chest, but Kayla, who was our age, was wearing a sweater that went up to her neck. Such a different eight-year-old. Unlike Stacy and me, Kayla still hadn't gone through puberty. She could dress herself and ride bikes, and cut her own nails. I didn't want to be jealous, but I still was. I'd been dealing with heats since I was three.

Miley looked about Paul's age, and she was even a little taller than the husky. But way thinner, her Greyhound build accentuating how flat she was. But she still had curves on the rump area. Like Pie, she hadn't bothered to dress up for a kid's birthday party, wearing shorts that ended up being pretty baggy on her slender body.

"Hi Kayla! Now can we go to the playground, Dad?" Stacy yipped, wagging her tail.

The father Beagle grimaced a little that Stacy hadn't even bothered to address Miley, but he knew it was a lost cause. "Yes, honey," he agreed.

I glanced at Paul to see if he was still looking at that white wolf. Or maybe at Miley? Instead, the thirteen-year-old was watching Stacy bound away into the large play structure that went all the way to the ceiling. There were rope ladders and ramps and tunnels and overhangs everywhere. This time, I didn't feel jealous. I was glad he was looking at my friend. I loved Stacy, too, and I ran after her.

After a good little chase, I finally caught up to Stacy in one of the plastic bubbles that frequented the top of the playground. The old plastic was blurry, but as I panted there, laughing, I could see that Paul was still sitting at the table near the Bakers and Miley. The sixth graders were either at the arcade or somewhere else in the playground.

Kayla finally caught up to us, much slower on two legs than us. "Stacy!" she gasped, panting. "I didn't know you could run that fast!"

The Beagle sat up from where she'd been panting on the blue floor. "I don't go full speed when we play tag at church. It wouldn't be fair."

Kayla blinked. "I can see that! Wow."

"Hi. I'm Annabelle," I smiled.

"I love your dress," the Greyhound suggested politely.

I did too, but I didn't want Kayla to think that. I'd been trying to react more like I thought Paul would like. "Not me," I said. "I can't even put it on by myself. I'd rather just be in my fur."

Kayla's eyes widened slightly, then she said, "You'd be even cuter. I wish I was a German Shepherd."

Stacy shook her head. "She's only half. She's half husky too."

"Full-blooded Greyhound here," Kayla explained. "But my sister says I have some Afghan Hound in me." That wasn't how it worked, unless Miley also had some Afghan Hound in her. Besides, the stupidity of Afghans was just racial stereotyping. I'd done a research project on it in second grade. "But I thought four-leggers could go around naked if they wanted. If you don't like your clothes, why don't you?"

She had a point. I didn't really want to take off my white-and-blue dress, but how could I explain that without making myself out to be a liar? "I don't think Stacy's Mom and Dad would like that."

But Kayla kept at it. I think she was trying to help. "Well, they aren't up here, and they can barely see us in the gym area anyway. Hey! I can help you put your dress back on when it's time to eat!"

The kid's play area went all the way to the ceiling and deep into the corner of the large building. She was right, none of the adults could really see us in here. I bit my lip, but she'd called my bluff. Not that I really minded being naked, but I did look pretty cute in the dress. "Okay!" I agreed.

Kayla helped unbutton the back of my blouse, and in no time, everything but the ribbon in my hair was lying in a pile next to the glass dome. "Thanks," I said, stepping out into the nude. As part husky, my tail tended to curl up over my back - another reason I usually wore clothes out in public. Though I think Paul really liked the view...

Kayla said, "Okay, you two won race number one. But first to the skytower wins the next one."

The skytower was in the middle of the playground, and it was pretty high up. The coolest thing about it was that it had a window at the top that could see up to the sky. Stacy and I looked at each other, and then at Kayla. "You're on."

I left my clothes right there, and took off, just ahead of Stacy. The only way to the top was around and around, a circular staircase that ran beneath a very similar slide to the bottom. Pretty silly for the two-legger to make this challenge, since it was all speed. Stacy was behind and she had shorter legs, so I took my time, making sure not to slip as I rounded the curves. Until I saw Kayla.

She was climbing up the outside of the tower. She wasn't even supposed to! There wasn't a net to catch her, or handholds...but she was grabbing onto the large, plastic bolts that kept the structure together. For a second I thought she'd get stuck outside at the top, but then I realized the beginning of the slide was open. She was going to beat us!

I picked up the pace, panting as I circled the tower, but there was no way to beat the agile Greyhound. Panting, I collapsed at the top area of the structure, a big open room with the bright skylight above us. Kayla was already there, not even out of breath, but she wasn't gloating. Instead, she was staring at the other side of the room. Becca, Stacy's sister, was sitting with her back to us, looking at her sixth grade friends. She (and they) were too distracted to see us, but I didn't have to look long to see what was happening.

Candy and Carly were kissing. Seated in front of Becca, the littermates were really kissing, heads tilted to the side, tongues in each others' mouths. The grey wolf, Carly, broke the kiss and whimpered, "Candy, stop."

Candy was slightly out of breath. "Becca asked what we've been doing all cooped up in the house."



Stacy collided right into my naked rump, sending both of us sprawling across the floor. As one, the three older girls turned to look at us.

Becca's fur was all on end, like she'd been caught cheating at school. "Sis!"

Carly tried to pull away from her sister, but Candy wrapped her paws around her litter mate, pulling her closer. "Let them see. We don't need to be embarrassed. Don't you feel it?" While the grey-furred wolf did look uncomfortable, I managed to open my eyes in time to see her nod, and once again, despite the three of us, she kissed back.

Becca was blushing like mad. "Stop that!" she said in a rush. "Girls aren't supposed to kiss!"

Stacy and I looked at each other, still lying in a heap on the floor. We'd been kissing in the bathroom -and a lot more than that. I opened my mouth, but Stacy was faster. "That's not true. Girls can kiss if they want to kiss."

I was proud of her. She'd been a lot more shy before I explained what I learned about hormones and the four-legged body. The shy Beagle didn't usually stand up to her big sister. Kayla just looked confused. She probably didn't know about adult kisses, except what she saw on T.V.

Becca said, "But not -" She was cut off as Candy leaned forward over Carly, the grey wolf sliding back against the plastic floor until she toppled over onto her back. Candy fell down on top of her, still kissing. "- like that!" The older beagle jumped back from the wolf sisters making out as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Even I was blushing. "They're sisters!"

Carly put a paw on her sister's shoulder, pulling away to gasp, "W-we shouldn't, but...I've never felt like this before."

Candy said, "I'm tired of hiding it, sis." And like that, the girls were kissing again, every bit as fierce as when Paul and I were getting hot and heavy. It was hard not to blush, warmth rushing through my body as I picked myself off the floor where I'd been huddled up with Stacy.

Becca tried another tack. "Stacy! Tell them to stop! It's your birthday..."

But the younger Beagle shook her head. "Their bodies, their choice," she explained academically.

"Who the heck told you that?" Becca snapped.

Stacy put her foot down. "Annabelle did!" And with that, my best friend reached a paw up to my muzzle and turned me to her. I didn't even know what she was doing before she was opening her mouth, and like that, we were kissing.

I pulled away. "Hey," I objected. "You didn't ask, first." Still, I was panting for a different reason now. Until now, I'd kissed people - and more - in private. I don't know what had gotten into the wolf sisters, but now I could see Candy was even humping her hips down against her sister as they coiled their tongues. It was so much more real than the pictures in "My Beautiful Body".

So when my friend looked at me with her wide, loving eyes, and asked, "Can I kiss you?" I couldn't say no. I tilted my head to the side, and Stacy kissed me again and I kissed back, my tail wagging.

Becca just stammered, her mouth wide open as her best friends and her sister made out in front of her. Kayla looked even more confused. Having never been in heat, the only two-legger of the group was completely clueless. Becca yipped at the Greyhound, "Go get your sister to put a stop to all this!"

Kayla just shook her head. She was friends with Stacy, not Becca.

"Fine, then I'll do it," Becca groaned, taking another look at us and the twins before jumping down the slide.

"I don't think she's happy," Carly whined beneath Candy.

"Whatever," her sister shrugged. "She's a bitch."

"But if Dad finds out..."

"Stop worrying so much and feel the music," Candy replied, nuzzling her sister.

Unlike the two wolves, Stacy and I were sitting upright, her paw wrapped around my back as the smaller dog kissed me. I was already panting, even as I felt her paw slide down my naked back. She wouldn't - right here? With three other girls watching? Shivering, I hiked my rump slightly as she reached my tail.

"Can I?" she asked quietly.

What was I doing? I gasped, "Yes," and Stacy tucked her paw beneath my curled tail, pressing against my soft, wet spade. Her rough paw pads played with me, even as we kissed.

Kayla still looked clueless, but instead of watching, she ran to one of the many windows in the skytower, saying, "Becca's almost back to the table!"

But the twins didn't seem to care. My jaw dropped when Candy stood up above her sister and _turned_around. She couldn't be...not right here in public! But sure enough, she lowered herself back onto her sister, her wolf tail hiked to the side to reveal beneath her green skirt. This wasn't just getting carried away - she moved with practiced skill, and Carly didn't even hesitate, spreading her own legs as she nuzzled up beneath Candy's tail.

I'd read all about that position, but I'd never tried it, with Paul or Stacy. I broke my kiss to watch, breathless, as the two shameless litter mates started eating each other out, green and blue party dresses barely getting in the way.

"Miley's coming!" Kayla announced, nervously, glancing back at the other girls.

I put a paw on Stacy's shoulder, pushing her away. "We'd better not be here when she gets here."

"Why not?" the Beagle whined, grinding her paw against me. Believe me, I wanted to stay with her, but the twins were about to get in trouble, and I didn't want to be involved. So far, Becca'd only seen Stacy and me kiss.

"You know what I told you about how adults act when they see something like this? Well, Candy and Carly are about to get in a lot of trouble..." I explained, eyes still fixed on the two. Candy had plunged her long tongue into Carly's pussy, and Carly was full on guzzling her in return. Something seemed wrong with them, but I couldn't tell exactly what. Maybe they were in heat? Though I couldn't smell it. "Kayla, you too, let's get outta here."

The two listened to me, thankfully, and we were halfway down the slide before Miley had even started up the long, curved ramp to get to the skytower.

At the bottom, Kayla said, "What were they doing?"

"Sex," I replied.

Kayla's eyes widened. She knew that word at least. "That's what that was?" She'd probably only seen kissing and fades to black in movies. "Isn't that bad?"

Stacy growled. "No!"

I nodded in agreement with the Beagle. "But it's supposed to be in private." I didn't want to add that siblings weren't supposed to - after all, I'd been mating my half-brother daily. Seeing those girls 'sixty-nining' had me thinking about what it'd be like with Paul. Still wet from kissing Stacy, I was starting to regret coming to the party at all, when I could have been home alone with my big, beautiful brother all afternoon.

I led the two girls away from the skytower, ears perked up in order to hear what happened when Miley finally caught the sixth graders in the act. But I wasn't watching where I was going, and collided full into another kid!

It was the pure-white Shiba boy. He was a little smaller than me, and not quite full grown. So he was probably pretty young. He bounced off me and kept his feet. "Gomenasai!" he replied quickly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

Kayla came to the rescue. "He means 'sorry'."

But before I could say any more, he'd already run off toward the obstacle course, his big, fluffy fur bouncing up and down. "You know Japanese?"

The young girl shook her head. "I watch anime."

We reached the edge of the play area, and I could see the party - Paul, Mr. Baker, and Mrs. Baker were entertaining Becca, who seemed to all but forgotten why she'd rushed back to the party in the first place. The eleven-year-old Beagle was outraged that one of the pizza's had accidentally had olives on it, and Mr. Baker was talking to the waiter to get a new one.

"There's no way I'm going to eat that!" Becca yipped. "You can't just take off olives, Mom, they leave their gross juice all over it!"

I took a deep breath, realizing that there was still time before dinner. It took at least fifteen minutes to make a pizza, right? I knew I was taking a bit of a risk, but one look at Paul and I'd made up my mind. Before we headed back to the tables, I told Stacy and Kayla, "I - uh - have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back."

With that, I headed straight for my brother. He perked his ears as I charged toward him, turning to look at me. "What happened to your clothes?" he asked, incredulous.

I had totally forgotten my dress, still in the upper levels of the play area. Oh well, I didn't need them for what I was planning. I ran up to Paul and said, "Bathroom - now!"

He looked startled, and thought maybe I was having some sort of "feminine emergency", I guessed. Well, in a way, I was, and my brother had the cure. "Yeah, okay," he said quickly, not asking any questions.

The Bakers just nodded. They'd probably had to deal with emergencies of various sorts all the time. And so, like that, I had my big brother following me straight to the Jungle Gymtastic bathrooms. I skipped the girl's room and went straight for the family bathroom - the one with the lock.

"What's wrong?" Paul exclaimed, once we got far enough away.

I pushed him through the door and hopped in afterward, locking it with one paw. Looking up at the red-furred husky, I said simply, "You need to fuck me."

The husky gasped. "Annabelle?"

"You don't want to?"

He shook his head. "Jesus, we're at a kid's birthday party!"

I growled. "Well, I'm a kid who needs you inside me," I said, looking up at the tall two-legger.

"We can't anyway, Anna. Imagine that, I didn't think to bring condoms to the Jungle Gymtastic."

My brother could be such a dummy sometimes. But I wasn't going to let that stop me. "It's okay, I shouldn't go into heat for another two weeks."

"Isn't that what you said a week ago?" Paul cocked his head.

He was being so stubborn. I walked up and nuzzled his crotch, whining softly as I said, "Then it's still a week. C'mon, it's safe enough. At least let me lick you..."

"Weren't you the one who told me we hadda use condoms because sperm can last up to five days? That sounds awfully close to a week." But even as he spoke, I perked my ears as his hands dropped to his waist. Like that, he started unbuttoning his pants.

I wagged my tail. Maybe he thought he was only agreeing to a blowjob, but I knew my half-brother well. He wouldn't turn down a tight, wet visit to my own, private playground. "A week is seven days."

"I know that, thank you very much," the thirteen-year-old replied, dropping his trousers to reveal his stiff, glistening cock, the red veins already throbbing for me.

I wasted no time getting to licking. They called it the family bathroom for a reason, right? I slurped him up and down until he was fully out and proud, his knot starting to swell. "Sit down," I suggested.

He sat down, leaning against the wall, kicking off his shorts and undies and spreading his legs as I started to deep throat him. I could fit most of his cock before he reached the back of my muzzle, and I'd had enough practice now that I could take him all the way. He held my head as he pumped up. I waited just long enough that I could taste his pre on the back of my tongue, and then I pulled back. He wasn't getting off that easy.

"Are you and Candy close?" I asked, suddenly.

Paul coughed. "Um...what?"

"Things seemed awkward between you two."

He scratched the back of his head. "No, I mean - I see her at school, you know?"

Flattening my ears, I turned promptly around and headed for the bathroom door. He wouldn't let his German Shepherd catch get away. I made sure to keep my tail lifted enough that he could see how wet I was for him as I said, "If you're going to lie, I'm just going to leave." I even put my paw on the door itself, threatening to open it up to the whole restaurant.

"Wait!" Paul yipped.

I paused, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"Yes, we're close. At school, I mean."

I turned to face him, ignoring the gentle click as the bathroom door latched closed. "Have you_done it_ with her?"

Paul sighed. "Yeah."

I fought back the surge of jealousy again. It was okay that he was with other girls. It's not like I was his girlfriend. Still, I needed to see how he felt about the next thing: "I think she may be into her sister more than you. They were making out in the skytower."

Paul's eyes widened, proof that he didn't know. But I also didn't see his ears or tail droop. He wasn't jealous. My heart swelled. He said, ""

Stepping forward, I placed a paw on his chest. "Is she better than me?"

We were nose to nose, and I could see every twitch on his face. He said, "God no, sis!"

I took another step forward, straddling him. "Tell the truth..." I growled softly.

He said, "I am! She's just an easy lay. You're...I love you, Annabelle." His paws reached back to grab me by the hips, as I perched on his stomach.

Now I knew I had him right where I wanted. I spread my tail to the side and lowered my hindquarters until my trembling spade touched his slick tip. "Convince me," I shivered.

And like that, he was in me, pushing past my tight spade to fill me out. It felt even better without a condom, his raw, red flesh grinding against my insides. This is the last time for a while, I vowed, knowing that today wasn't quite as safe as I'd promised. The start of my heat always varied by about a week. I just had to hope that the friskiness that had led me to fucking my brother in the bathroom wasn't a sign of the beginning of my period!

I grinned at Paul's expression, his mouth half-open and his tongue dangling out as he slid me the rest of the way down until my vulva squished up against his half-swollen knot. There was no doubt about it - I meant way more to him than Candy did. I would have wagged if instincts hadn't pinned my tail to the side. "Oh, Paul!" I moaned.

And then, we were kissing, our tongues wrapped together inside his mouth. My moans were muffled as I rode him up and down, the wet gush and squeak of our genitals straining against each other echoing in the small, tile room.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum..." he groaned, wrapping his arms around my back as he leaned forward. "Annabelle!"

"Do it, brother!" I squealed. "Fill me up!"

And I'm sure he was about to when our ears perked up. Four pointy ears swivelled at once to the click_from the door. _I must have unlocked it when I pushed it open!

Together, we stared as the bathroom door swung open...