The fox, released

Story by YukiKitsune on SoFurry

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Oh, what a long day, I sigh as I turn the key to the house. "Nothing but trouble from start to finish. Hm? What's this?" Somebody had left a package by the doorstep. A gift bag about a foot tall, and no way of telling who it was from. Strange; where could that have come from?

I look up and down the street; nobody in sight. Shrugging, I pick up the bag and head inside, placing it on the table in the living room before making some dinner.

After dinner, I opened up the bag and peered inside, revealing a vulpine face with lifelike, emerald eyes. "Well now, I wonder what brought you to my doorstep?" I pondered aloud, pulling the rest of the figurine out. It was immediately clear that this figurine was worth more than a few dollars; you don't find this level of detailing in the discount stores. He was a male anthropomorphic fox, standing, back straight, with his hands clasped behind his back. His emerald eyes looked forward and slightly up, looking very much like he was waiting for something expectantly. What's more, the creator clearly put a lot of time into him; every hair on his back was meticulously painted in. "...better put you someplace safe. Whoever you belong to won't want to be missing you." I stood up, turning towards the shelves, when the figurine jumped out of my hands.

There wasn't any other way to describe it; it's as if the figurine wanted to get dropped. And get dropped it did, breaking into two pieces on impact with the floor "Shit." I swore softly, bending over to scoop up the pieces. Nothing a good session with glue can't fix, but whoever left it here probably wouldn't like the fact that it was broken. Pieces in hand, I turned to put them back on the table. And froze.

There, standing calmly, expectantly, was an exact replica of the figurine; only this one was flesh and blood.

"H...hello..." I stumbled, warily placing the ceramic down next to him. "Hello yourself," he stretched, grinning. "It's been too long since I've been cooped up like that. Nice to get out and about every once in a while, yes?" His eyes twinkled mischievously. "If you would be so kind as to furnish me with the name of my saviour?"

"J.... John..." I mumbled, still not really believing that I was talking to a foot-tall fox man. The fox, for his part, grinned, holding his arms wide. "Well, John, I'm going to give you a deal; you see, before they put me away, my enemies had the bad sense to take away most of my power. In exchange for improving your physique and attractiveness - and extending your lifespan well beyond your current mortal coil - you are going to help me get it back."

I thought quickly; it certainly sounded interesting, but he had to have been locked away for a reason... and stories involving supernatural being and gifts never ended well. "I think I'll pass..." I frowned, straightening and turning around.

"That *wasn't* an option" The fox barked, leaping from the table and onto my leg, where his sharp fangs dug into my heel.

"Ow! Hey!" I kicked the fool off, but not before fur started growing, and I was thrown off-balance by the foot extending, becoming digitigrade. Pitching forward, I caught myself with the couch, hanging on for dear life as the fur - and the unease - crept up my legs. My shorts suddenly became a lot tighter, my tail filling them out, before bursting at the seams, exposing my hardness briefly while a sheath climbed over all but the tip.

"Enjoying ourselves, are we?" The fox teased. It was all I could do to growl back as the fur enveloped my torso, trimming a little fat here, adding a little muscle there. I cried out when it reached my head; the combined feeling of ears climbing the sides of my head, muzzle growing out, and - worst of all - eyes changing to slit pupils wreathed by golden irises, were too much. Blackness closed in and claimed me.

"Hello? You awake yet?" I groaned, sitting up on the sofa, feeling my muzzle tenderly. "Here" The fox, now human sized, sat at the edge of the couch I was on, legs squeezed together and holding out a mirror. "I'm sure you'll say it's some of my best work." He grinned. I took the mirror, gazing at my own reflection. I was a red fox! An attractive one at that; could even pass for the figure's brother. I glanced towards him, putting the mirror down. "I don't suppose you'll be on your merry way, then?" I asked.

"Oh, of course not." He grinned a predator's grin. "I told you, when I was trapped, they took away the main source of my power, and I'm looking for a replacement." He opened his legs, revealing - nothing. The fox was as smooth as a Ken doll. "I can use your own latent power against you, and - " he jumped me as I tried to sneak away "- I can claim yours as my own." He groped my crotch, and I began to feel aroused in spite of my fear.

"Don't worry; I won't make you a eunuch. And you might find the power I leave you with a little more... suitable." He whispered in my ear, the heat from my crotch spreading, moving to all points of my body.

I was helpless to resist, my blinding need causing me to ignore things such as my hips widening, my body thinning, and my chest... "Oh, god!" I moaned in a soft, female voice, as his other hand brushed past a nipple. Even through the shirt, that was almost good as what was going on below. My hand moved under the shirt, lifting it up as my breasts filled out, pressing against the hand as they reached a modest size, nipples poking through the fur.

Harder than ever before, I thrust back against the fox, feeling so close, needing to tip over the edge and into orgasm. And then it was gone. Confused, I felt around where my cock had been, at first finding nothing. Then, slowly, a fissure developed between my legs, hot, and dripping with need. Needing something, anything, to keep the edge off, I plunged two fingers in, sucking my breath at the new sensation.

"Looking for this?" The fox gloated, holding up what appeared to be a fleshy fox dildo. "Mine, now." He squeezed it, and it vanished, only to grow out of his crotch seconds later. "No!" I protested, shaken, backing out from under him, trying to get away.

But he was faster, wrapping his arms around me and gently teasing my nipples, sending a thrill down my spine. "Come, now. It's been over a century since I've last been able to sate my needs," one hand moved south, curling around and expertly teasing my clit, causing my knees to buckle. "Won't you allow me this one indulgence?" He released me, and I spun around to face him, and...

And my eyes were drawn to his cock, like a red flag, and stayed there. I could feel myself getting wetter just looking at it, needing to feel it within me. Torn, the choice was made for me as he swept my feet out and gently lowered me to the ground. I felt his member probing my lips, and then, in one swift movement, he was in, filling me until I thought I could burst. He grinned at me gasp of surprise and widened eyes, "The best is yet to come." He pulled out almost all the way, and I met him on the next thrust, much to both our surprise and delight. From there we fell into a fevered rhythm, both driven hard by need and desire, exploring each other's bodies as we filled our carnal lusts.

All too soon, his thrusts became shorter and more insistent, his knot popping into me, and coming, spraying his seed into my depths. This was too much, and I climaxed, dissolving into gibbering yips as I milked him for all he was worth.

Still tied, the fox smiled, waving a hand across my face. "Sleep now," he said, and I felt the energy drain out of me, nodding into darkness.

I awoke to tangled fur and the scent of stale sex. Looking around, I couldn't find any sign of the fox, save a note stating that he would return to 'sample' more of his creation, should I so desire it. Smiling, I stepped into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I was looking forward to next time.