Breeder City S3 Ep. 1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#27 of Breeder City

Over five hundred years after a devastating nuclear war that ravaged the planet, the so called "Great Fall". The decedents of the current occupants of the great domed cities of Earth built their refuge to survive the mistakes of the past. Hyper City, the largest, greatest and most powerful of these cities, made up of it's thirty four domed districts, rest between a mountain range and a valley in the vast continent once known as North America, a fact lost to those that live there now. The people of Hyper City have fought immeasurable odds simply to exist, from the founding of the first district to it's leading position in the healing and reconstitution of the planet. The domination of markets and fields of endeavours that led to it's super power status. Fighting wars that would baffle the minds of the pre-fall era, to it's on going struggle with a persistent alien threat. There was once a time when Hyper City could boast it's jewel like perfection, until the alien invaders known as Breeders revealed a glimpse of their true strength. A devastating attack by a Breeder Titan levelled district four and the reveal of a space born giant Breeder destroyed one of the city's orbiting defence platforms. Another potential Titan was destroyed three months later. Officially this was the work of the Hyper City Security Forces, the stalwart defenders of the great metropolis of over twenty million people, but the truth; is something the government officials propagate as nothing more then a rumour. The Sabre Scouts, at best, Hyper City's very own myth, at worst vigilante criminals insisting on doing the jobs of the elected officials.

Breeder City

Episode 1: Awaken

The artificial sun shined brightly down on a wide body of water, a lake of shimmer clear liquid in the center of district twenty seven. Tall colourful skyscrapers surrounded the lake which was crowded by beach goers. The beach wrapped around the large lake that served as this districts center piece of beauty, every district had at least one. Underneath the buzzing of flying traffic and animated holo-screen bill boards the city gave way to boardwalks and outdoor restaurants and bars with a clear lake and beach vista. Palm trees crowned the recreational area for added beauty and shade. Seemingly thousands of people were out today, adorned in all kinds of beach wear. Muscle bound hunks lifting weights under the artificial sun, hoping to catch the eye of the passing or watching girls. Bikini clad girls walked in groups and sun bathed on the sand, while some kids with hover boards performed tricks on the walk ways. Multitudes of scantly clad people splashed and swam in the clear blue waters as laughter and excitement filled the air. Boats of different kinds could be seeing dotting the distant deeper waters of the lake. A gorgeous day indeed to get away from the hustle and bustle of the epic glass towers of Hyper City.

Suddenly a loud boom could be heard from above drawing everyone's attention to the sky. Their gaze was met by a flash of light and a streaking fireball darting across the sky. The strange object caused a great commotion among not just the beach goers but all the people of district twenty seven. The falling object seemed to slow down and change coarse as it flew and violently struck the ground at the beach, making people scream and run in fear, a few guys flying from the impact flipping through the air with a scream. As panic spread in the crowds of people, the dust settled revealing a giant round rock formation that looked like a beach ball.

It suddenly cracked in half, the flimsy material split open as a creature emerged from its insides waving it's arms about as it gave a horrify cry. It was slightly bigger then a man with four arms, though only two seemed to be moving and it walked on two legs. It's bug like head looked around while it's flimsy antennae bobbed about comically. "Rrrrrrrraaaaaahhhhh! Hyper City at last!" It bellowed in a deep manly voice. A girl in a bikini stood up and pointed screaming. "It's a Breeder!" She cried out and covered her face hysterically as the gathered crowd screamed and started to run. One unfortunate girl seemingly tripped on nothing hitting the sand and made a poor attempt at getting back up, instead deciding to turn on her back to cover her face with her hands and scream dramatically. "Yes! Scream, run. I have come to conquer this puny city and then the world!" The Breeder bellowed out cackling and walking toward the helpless bikini clad girl in the sand as it walked, stomping awkwardly toward her. "But first I will need an army! Come girl, you will help me in this endeavour!" The girl waved her hands but doing little to actually get away. "No! No! Stay away from me. Somebody help me!" The Breeder loomed over the girl, it's bug head tilting awkwardly as if not looking at her. "Mu hahahahahahha! First I will take you, then this puny city!"

"Not on our watch, you fiend!" The Breeder snapped up and jerked comically to the source of the feminine voice. "What!?" In the glaring light of the artificial sun a female figure in blue armor flipped through the air with a battle cry, followed by another in red armor doing a twirling flip, one in green armor followed with a flying cry then finally a purple armored girl twirled across the sun. The four armored warriors landed at the same time on the beach in front of the Breeder. "UUUUURRRRR Who the hell are you!?" The creature bellowed waving it's arms around. "What? You never heard of us? Didn't the bug emperor warn you about this place?" The purple armored lioness performed a series of intricate moves with her arms as she spoke. "Yeah, you gotta be dumb to come around here by yourself mister!" The green armored doberman performed a spinning roundhouse. "For light and love!" The red armored skunkete followed with her own moves, punctuated with a fist pump. "Princess' from another star!" Their blue armored leader followed suit before making a finger gun with one hand pointing at the Breeder. "We're the Sabre Scouts, and we defeat evil, just like you!" A burst of blue, red, green and purple smoke exploded from behind the martial arts posing armored heroes!

Chel sat on her couch with her mouth open slightly, a large sandwich in her hand. Her features frozen in shock as if she was about to take a bite from her lunch but never really made it that far. "What the fuck is this shit!?" The red head looked over at her guest and friend Nina Anderson, who seemed to be enthralled by the show on the holo-screen glowing in the living room. Nina waved her hand dismissively while taking a bit from her own sandwich. "Just give it a chance, how often something about us come out that isn't porn on the network?" Chel let out a breath of air as if ready to respond but then stopped herself thinking about the question. "Well...what's with this princess stuff then?" Nina smiled and looked over to her. "Oh didn't you know? We're secretly space princess' sent here by our dying planet to protect the people of Earth from the Breeders." The purple pony tailed doberman said bemused with herself. Chel nodded slowly with a look of serious understanding in her red eyes. The horned fox looked at the holo-screen and watched the awkward martial arts happening, as bursts of sparks flew from the various weapon strikes. "Come on girls! Lets show him how we do things!" Chel heard her doppelganger speak in a stilted yet heroic fashion. "I do not sound like that!" Chel objected to her portrayal. Nina wiggle her open hand back and forth in a so-so manner. "Eeeeehhh..."

"This is fucking retarded." Chel said while looking over to her right, stretching her neck to see past the kitchen and into her garage where she normally would be working. "There's no customers, just enjoy yourself will ya." Nina's voice pierced her attention. Chel huffed and took a small bite from her sandwich. "Why do I keep having you over?" She murmured. Nina smiled and made a playful face. "Cuz we're best friends, even if you never say it. You have no one to blame but yourself. It's your fault if you think about it." "Hrmm..." Was all Chel could do to respond to that.

The two girls met almost six month ago, when Nina became a member of the Sabre Scouts. Chel never thought much of her at first but slowly yet secretly started to enjoy her company. In many ways Nina Anderson saved her, after the death of her boyfriend, who's name adorns her apartment and place of work, which prompted the horned fox into a alcoholic fuelled revenge rage against the aliens. She would use alcohol to dull her senses, make it easier to fight, come victory or death. Not long ago the prospect of death never frightened her, sometimes she would welcome it, just to end the pain she felt on the inside. Slowly however, that pain started to subside as the bonds with Nina and the others started to truly grow. Nina's desire to fight and protect truly fascinated Chel, even inspire her to be better herself.

"What the hell!" Nina cried out almost throwing her food. Chel snapped out of her daze and shook her head startled. She was in her happy place, away from the cheap production value of the comical farce about her life as a vigilante. When she looked over she saw on the holo-screen a black screen with white text. "This show is being terminated for........Glorifying criminal activity!?" Nina barked out, her short fuse lit. Chel smiled slyly looking over. "Aw. Your favourite new show just got cancelled." Nina put the plate down on the table as she rose to her feet, anger in her eyes. "This is bullshit! How is that even a rule? There is all sorts of "Criminal activity." in movies and shows!" Chel shook her head. "Yeah, but we are real, and the government hates us, remember?" "Wha....but i's..." Nina's feelings as both a Sabre Scout and a proud member of the Hyper City Security Force were colliding inside her. She visibly looked confused, unable to figure out where to direct her anger. Chel leaned back on her couch enjoying her friend's anguish. "Calm down, it'll be up on the network in no time."

Nina huffed and plopped herself down on the couch making her breasts jiggle. "Fine." She conceded with a pout. The short silence was broken by the holo-screen coming to life once again.

A Breeder waved it's many legs about, clicking and hissing at screaming girls, but before the giant insect could attack, a large fist came from the right and punched the creature in the head sending it to the ground. A Security Force officer came on screen. "Calm down everyone, the Security Force is here!" A large handsome and photogenic man stepped up as the girls rushed to his side. "Thank you officer, our safety was never in doubt!" One of the girls called out hugging him. "Hahahaha, not a trouble in the world, that's what we're all about!"

Nina's face twisted into fury which only made Chel's smile bigger. "Are you fucking kidding me!" The doberman barked.

The handsomely large officer walked down a busy street to the camera. "Are you looking for adventure? A sense of duty? Perhaps you want to be among the thousands of amazing men and woman who selflessly help others! Well come on down to your local district precinct and request to join the Hyper City Security force!" The officer stopped near a boy and reached up into a tree pulling a pet cat from a branch, petting it before passing it to the boy. "Gee, thanks security force!" "Hahahaha no problem Timmy." The officer redirected his attention to the camera again. "Come and be apart of something larger then yourself, whether on land, in the skies...." He pointed up as the camera followed his finger. "....Or in spaaaaaaaace!" The screen faded to black before continuing with a different program.

Nina started to pout more. "This is bullshit, would it kill them to just....I don't know, thank us, or give us a medal or something?" Chel tilted her head in a quizzical manner. "Ah, the truth comes out, that's why you do this huh?" Nina spun in her seat looking insulted. "No! I do this because others wont, I fight for those that can't fight for themselves!" Nina said with a fire in her eyes, mimicking the lessons passed down to her by her parents and family. The redhead raised her hands in defence. "I know, I know..." Nina then slouched. "A pat on the back wouldn't hurt though." Chel smiled and reached over lighting patting the pouting girl on her upper back. "...That'al do pig..." Nina turned with a look of shock on her face.

Chel chuckled in her cool sensual voice at Nina's speechlessness, who turned to face the red head. "Oh you think this is funny huh?" Chel folded her long naked legs sticking out from her shorts. "Kinda, it was a very convincing commercial, maybe I should join the force." Chel said in a teasing manner. Nina's laugh was interrupted by a snort from her nose. "Yeah right....I don't think you got what it takes." Chel's smirk turned upside down. "What was that....fatty?" Nina's mouth opened wide in shock. "I'll have you know Ms. Ying is VERY happy with me, I've been laying off the sweets yeah know!" Chel narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Hrm..." Nina smiled. "Besides, that's not what I was talking about, the force doesn't take people with records." Chel shifted to face the purple pony tailed doberman and straightened up. "Wut..." Nina smirked and folded her arms in front of her. "That's the power of the badge, I know lots of things." Nina leaned in slightly with a devious face. "Chel....A.K.A Chelsy O'Shaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Nina screamed in pain as Chel grabbed her by the cheeks with her fingers.

Nina fell back on the couch with Chel over her pinching her face, the horned fox's large breasts squishing against Nina. "What did you say!?" The redhead pulled on her cheeks. "Owe owe owe owe owe!" "You looked at my file without my permission!?" Nina struggled under the bigger girl. "That it works!"

Suddenly the two devices on the table in front of the couch lit up and started vibrating, shifting on the hard surface, making the two girl look over at the same time, Chel, still holding onto Nina's cheeks. Chel quickly sat up letting Nina fall off the couch, she hit the floor with a yelp and a thud. The red head thumbed the device and a small holo-screen popped up. "Breeder attack in district eighteen, Lynn and Trix will meet us there ASAP." Nina sat up rubbing her face. "How big?" Chel stood thumbing the device. "Looks like just a small rock, come on, faster we get to the strike zone, the faster we can help contain the problem." Nina struggled to her feet. "Right lets go!" Chel quickly spun around letting Nina bump into her making the red head's large breasts bounce from the impact. Chel looked at the doberman through narrow eyes. "We will finish this later." She hissed in her low cool voice. Nina could only cower a little, lightly chuckling. "Heh heh heh..."

In low orbit above the city the privately owned satellite known as "Sky Vault" drifted silently in space. Inside the cold air could be clearly seen as a misty substance shifted about it's tight spaces. Suddenly, as if awaking from a slumber a holo-screen lit up showing the images and measurements of four girls, along with the many calculations for it's intended task. Large cylinders rotated making a clunking noise like the chamber of gun being loaded. Outside a beam emitter lit up with a glowing baby blue color then suddenly shot down towards the surface of the planet.

At the strike zone of district eighteen, the peaceful life was shattered by the fallen alien object. A clear path was bore through two buildings, a wake of destruction from the Breeder rock and a plume of smoke rising from between buildings. The sound of buzzing could be heard intermingled with the screams and panic of the people of district eighteen. As the people ran for safety Breeder warriors scurried among them, hunting and clicking. A warrior stopped seeing girls behind a glass wall to a store and ran right through it with a crash making them scream in panic. A girl in a car screamed as two warriors crawled on her rocking vehicle. The buzzing Breeder scouts flew every which way above the fleeing people, their inseminators whipping about from their fat little bodies. A scout dived, pushing a screaming girl to the street, she struggled as she was lifted into the air. Another girl got pushed up against a stopped bus as she looked around at the panic around her. Suddenly a scout landed on her from the front, beating it transparent wings fast she screamed as the giant insect lifted her into the air.

A woman in a fine looking dress with pearls screamed as two scouts crawled on her body, her dress started to rip as it was pulled apart, her large tits bouncing free. Another girl screamed, trapped on all fours with a warrior mounting her, hugging her body with it's many legs. Her shirt ripped being pulled back as her tits bounced from their confinement, a scout in front of her directed and pushed it's inseminator into her mouth muffling her screams. One after another the attacking aliens snatched up girls from the fleeing citizens, ripping their cloths as they screamed.

The impact zone now filled with the incessant clicking and buzzing of the giant insects mixed with the cried and moans of their female captures. A girl screamed with every thrust into her as she bounced on the thick inseminator fucking her, her big tits heaved in front of her, her arms restrained over her head. "Naaa no no no no!" Not far from her another girl moaned with pleasure, on all fours she pressed her tits against the ground as a warrior, facing away pushed it's thick inseminator cock into her wet pussy vigorously making her ass jiggle. Another, bent over a car as she moaned out, a scout hugging the small of her back as it's long inseminator slithered inside her wet pussy. The woman in pearls moaned a muffled moan of pleasure. Laying on her side rocking up and down with one leg high in the air. Her big tits pressed together, jiggling while her hard nipples gyrated in circles. An inseminator filling her wet pussy while she clutched and sucked on the one in her wet mouth.

Near by a girl squealed with pleasure, trapped under a warrior with her naked legs wrapped around it's body. The giant bug's studded inseminator vigorously fucking her. The thick bug cock sliding inside her wet pussy as juices dripped from the inseminator onto the ground. One could see through the smashed street window inside a cafe, the only thing left inside was the giant bugs and their victims. Moaning with pleasure getting fucked on the floor and the tables, their tits bouncing with the hard nipples flicking as their asses jiggled from the slithering hard fucking of their wet pussies. A girl in a cafe uniform screamed, her hips moving as her big tits pressed up against the unbroken window. Another cafe employee sucked the a big bug cock in her mouth as she got fucked from behind, her tits bouncing under her. When suddenly she felt a rush of hotness fill her mouth, the bug cum squirted from her lips and across her face, the studded inseminator slid out of her mouth as she gasped feeling it squirt more cum, covering her face.

The streets of the impact zone now evacuated by anyone who could flee and all that was left was the ones who could not. The rush of the attack seemed to peter out, many of the Breeders occupied with their victory. The sounds of buzzing and clicking mixed with moans and cried of pleasure filled the air of the deserted intersection. Naked and half naked girls moaned with pleasure as their bodies bounced, hips moving with the thick inseminators fucking their wet pussies. Bouncing tits all sizes lead by their hard nipples as girl's squealed.

A girl on all fours moaned a muffled moan between two of the alien creatures, a thick bug cock in her mouth another fucking her wet pussy. She bounced fast between them. "Hrm hrm hrm hrm hrm!" Her tits heaving under her as the cock she was sucking on released hot cum from her lips and across her face, while she could feel herself getting filled from behind, hot cum squirting from her fucked pussy. A girl nearby sucked a big bug cock being pushed between her big tits while a wiggling inseminator fucking her wet pussy. The creamy liquids flowed through the long inseminator, suddenly squirting from her pussy folds. She pulled her head back to cry out in pleasure when the thick inseminator between her tits started squirting hot cum into her mouth and dribbled down onto her big tits. Bug cum dripped from the sky, a Breeder scout clutching a naked girl upside down. She cried out in pleasure, her tits bouncing as cum ran down her ass cheeks to the streets below.

A cum covered girl spread her legs and cried out as pupae started to pushed out from her cum dripped pussy, another beside her laying on her side looked back and cried out. A pupae wiggled from her and slapped her ass as it squirmed free. All along the captured zone this was happening as the Breeders did what they did best.

A Breeder scout buzzed through the air and darted up into the traffic of the flying vehicles. "What the fuck is going on down there?" The driver cranked his neck to see what was happening. "Look out you idiot!" The passenger screamed pointing forward as the Breeder scout smashed into the windshield. The giant insect splattered from the force of impact it's gooey insides spraying and covered the cracked protective windshield. "Whhhaaaaaa! The driver, panic stricken; tried to use the wipers but they were stuck with a faint mechanical sound. "AAAAAHHH!"

The flying vehicle darted off coarse and smashed into a nearby building with a crash of glass and twisted metal. Fortunately there was no explosion. Dust streams and debris fell from the impact to the streets below as a man screamed in terror on his back, keeping his briefcase between himself and the Breeder warrior on top of him. He struggled with all his strength, not wanting to be food for the giant insects. "Aaaahh get it off me, please!" Suddenly a beam of coloured light pierced the bug's head before a more powerful bolt of energy killed the giant insect with a fatal head shot. The creature's body went limp on the defenceless citizen as a half naked woman in blue armor ran passed him with jets firing for increased speed, large shimmering armor tipped tits bouncing as she moved.

A group of Breeders clicked to each other, crawling about when their attention was drawn to the sky from a battle cry. "RRRRAAAAHHHHH!" Delta twirled through the air, jets firing as her weapon, the kinetic knuckle bomb collapsed down over her fist with a charging sound. The Green armored Sabre Scout lunged down striking the street with a powerful boom! The road cracked and shattered with her at the epicentre, her right arm buried in the street a stylized tag could be seen on the armored arm reading "Panzer Faust". The giant insects forcibly jumped into the air from the shock as Alpha ran up and jumped off an abandoned car firing her plasma weapon into the defenceless creatures. Hot melting holes burned through their bodies, one after the other. Alpha firing as fast as her targeting computer can lock on. Shortly after this blitz manoeuvre the giant insects all hit the ground dead.

Alpha landed next to her partner and stood up, her large tits tipped with armored bits bouncing from the impact. "We need to move fast, the Security Force will be here in no time, and we gotta make sure they don't run off with anyone." The redhead said looking down the war zone like street. Several girls could be seeing crying out, moaning with pleasure being violated by the alien insects, cloths torn to shreds. Delta crawled up out of the small crater she had created, her kinetic weapon relaxing and folding back into a safe position. "What's the plan boss lady? You go high, I go low?" Alpha thought for a split second. "hrm...fine, we gotta keep the fight on us until the others show up. Focus on getting those girls out of there."

Delta punched her gloved palm with a smile. "Hehehe, I got some work related stress to work out of my system!" The green armored Sabre Scout fired her jets and leapt into the fray with a battle cry. Delta landed on the road as two Breeder warriors scuttled toward her. The green armored doberman grabbed the front bumper of a car lifting, and with nano-machine enhanced strength flipped the car over onto one of the attacking giant bugs with a crash. The second swerved to avoid the falling car but was intercepted by Delta who lunged with a cry and a mechanical charging sound. The kinetic knuckle bomb crushed the creature's front end into the street making the cement crack under it. "Hhhhaaaaa!"

A Breeder warrior clicked it's alien noises as a naked girl under it moaned with pleasure, her tits bouncing as the giant bug's inseminator fucked her wet pussy, dripping with cum. Small slithering pupae crawled on her glistening body as she cried out. Suddenly a blast of energy melted and burst through the creature on top of her and Alpha pulled it off. "Aaaahh oohhh thank you!" She called out to her saviour. Alpha held one of the pupae in her hand and squeezed it to death. "No problem, you see those girls over there?" The blue armored red head gestured to the naked girls huddling together. "Go with them, Aberdeen street is clear, move!" Alpha commanded. "Thank you, thank you soooOOO!" The girl pointed at a warrior rising behind the Sabre Scout but Alpha just pivoted on her armored high heels and sliced the alien creature in two with her beam blade. "Go now, please." Alpha watched the girl join the others as they ran away to safety.

The two Sabre Scouts danced the dance of battle, weaving and attacking destroying the alien invaders, taking every care to free any captured women they came across. Alpha darted past the giant bugs, slicing them with her beam blade preventing them from grabbing her. Alpha skid to a stop and outstretched her arm, firing bolts of energy into attacking Breeders. A Breeder warrior screeched while wrestling with Delta who held onto two of it's legs. The alien creature screeched in her face, it's little tendrils wiggled angrily. "Rrrrraaaahhhh!" Delta screamed back at the giant bug and with great mechanical strength pulled it's legs out of it's body with trails of blue blood. Finishing off the alien with a powerful blow, a downward punch with her kinetic knuckle bomb.

Delta looked up seeing a small group of buzzing scouts swooping down with their inseminators poised for attack. "Alpha incoming!" She yelled out as the blue armored red head looked up at the coming assault. The piercing sound of whistling hisses filled the air as a cluster of micro missiles lanced through the sky, striking the flying Breeders and exploding in a cluster of fire balls. From behind the purple armored lioness called Epsilon slowly hovered down to the street level with her jets firing. "Heeeey girls, been a while. Crazy day huh?" She said before touching the ground, her big armored tipped tits bounced, while Delta waved, smiling. Alpha frowned, her eyes hidden by her armored visor. "Your late." Epsilon clicked her tongue and walked up to join the other two, the tall lioness' hips shifted. "Maybe YOU started the party to early." She countered. "Hey wait up!" The red armored skunk descended from above with her jets firing, then landing. "I told you to wait up for me you amazon!" The diminutive Beta looked up at Epsilon who only looked down at her. "Your late." The lioness said with serious tone looking back down at her. Beta countered. "You just go here a second before me!"

"Focus Scouts!" Alpha barked out authoritatively. "Beta!" The red armored skunk straightened up and looked at the horned red head. "Get up to the roofs, tap into local feeds and surveillance, I want eyes on everything." Beta gave a stiff salute. "Yes Ma'am!" The red armored Sabre Scout fired her jets and took off upwards. "Epsilon, go up with her, ranged combat. Keep their attention on us, and if they try to leave, blast them or turn them back." Epsilon gave a thumbs up. "Sure thing boss lady!" She said before taking off with a jet powered jump.

"Uuuhhh Alpha!" Delta tapped the blue armored red head on the shoulder redirecting her attention to the street, the pair stared down a small group of warriors charging them, clicking in their alien noises. "Lets get em!" Delta barked as the pair jump jetted into a flying charge, weapons at the ready. The two Sabre Scouts fought the creatures, energy blade and bolt burned through their armored carapace, while bodies were smashed by the forceful power of Delta's kinetic knuckle bombs.

Up above on a building Beta, hooked up to a maintenance hatch, projected several small holo-screens showing data from the surrounding area while Epsilon fired round into the air at buzzing scouts. One of the smaller flying bugs getting perforated by several thin rods of depleted uranium like a shotgun blast. "Ha! I'm getting good a killing you little fuckers!" The braided lioness called out. Beta sifted through the data pouring into holo-screens and her armored visor, after a moment of silence she tapped into the Sabre Scouts private comms. "Hey Alpha, I got good NEWS and bad NEWS."

Down below on the street in the middle of a dogged fight, Alpha let out a battle cry slicing an alien invader in two, her beam blade burning through it like a hot knife through butter. "Hit me with it." She called back. "Well, the Breeder numbers are dwindling to a manageable numbers for the Security Force to clean up." The red head heard in her ear. The blue armored fox stopped for a moment hearing and feeling Delta cry out punching a Breeder into the street. "The bad NEWS?" "The Security Force is here to clean up." It was only then Alpha's attention was grabbed by the sound of vibrating engines in the sky above them. She saw several Security Force marked drop ships, and the famed XM-88 Enforcer mecha suits started falling from the sky being released by the airborne carriers.

Flashes of energy lanced from the mecha suit beam weapons, strafing the street below. Alpha and Delta watched as the powerful beams burned and melted through the Breeders, cars and the street, killing them instantly. The heavy fourteen foot tall walking machines struck the street hard cracking the cement despite their jets burning hard under them to slow their decent. "Lets book it scouts, I'm not in the mood for their anti-vigilante crap today!" The Sabre Scout leader called out over the comms prompting a silent confirmation as they started to disengage from the fight. As Alpha and Delta started to jump jet away, one of the mecha suit pilots watched them, their targeting radical locking onto them. "They're getting away!" A feminine voice from inside called out. "Forget em, deal with the bugs, we will get them later!" Another feminine voice coming from a different suit called back. Suddenly a Breeder warrior lunged onto the mecha suit blocking the targeting sensor. "Aaaahh damn it!" The pilot moved her mecha suit limbs with mechanical ease, using a grabbing arm and driving it and the giant insect into an abandoned car, smashing both in a loud crash. As the mecha suit looked back, the Sabre Scouts were gone.

The battle was over in short order and the security force filled the strike zone with men and machines to sweep the area and perform their duty. It wasn't long after the fighting had stopped, the order had been given to let in the various civilian agents under contract to start cleaning up the streets. Among them was large transport trucks baring the markings of the Dorcell Corporation, a large company with facilities in every district. They alone had the exclusive contract with the city to take and dispose of the alien bodies, and with limited consent, to keep and study the creatures. The Breeder bodies were frozen by men in HAZMAT suits using portable liquid nitrogen guns, spraying down the bodies or the pieces before loading them into the large transport trucks. Small containers of organic debris such as blood or the alien jizz was collected as samples. The rest destroyed on site with liquid flamethrowers in powerful controlled burns.

Later that night lines of the large Dorcell transport trucks rolled into their district eighteen facility. The large vehicles drove past the main labs making the windows vibrate from the power of their engines. It started to rain from the artificial clouds created under the dome, precisely down to the minute it was planned for. Peering out the window and clutching a holo-tablet to her chest, a white cat with black hair in a short pony tail at the back of her head watched the trucks go by. The glow from their head lights shifting across her body one after the other, defused by the slick wet glass in front of her. She was simply dressed with a V cut button up, a black skirt all hidden by her lab coat. Her long legs tipped with simple dark high heels. The lights shifted over the ID attached to her lab coat showing her picture, department and name. ‾ Sophia Fairchild - Research and Development.‾

Sophia was not here to watch the trucks however, she had been waiting here for a purpose, which soon presented itself. Foot falls echoed down the polished hallway of the laboratories which drew her attention. She could see two men walking toward her, dressed in fine business attire. A short raccoon by the name of Chadwick Broom, the manager of this facility and his assistant a taller lanky rabbit, who Sophia disliked for his constant interference between her and the manager, but not this time.

Sophia turned on her heels and started walking toward them, this was seen immediately by the lanky rabbit who starting picking up his pace to intercept her. "Mr. Broom!, I need to speak with you please!" Sophia squeaked out in a nervous tone. Chadwick's assistant held out a hand to bar her path but the cat knocked it out of the way, cutting past him. "Not tonight Sophia I...Hey!" "Mr. Broom I need to talk to you about my work!" Chadwick stopped and for a silent second and eyed Sophia from head to toe. "It's OK Reggie, I will always make time for my staff." He said with a smug look on his face. Sophia did what she could to not roll her eyes, Chadwick Broom was notorious for avoiding his underlings.

"I have been asking for two months now to advance my work to some sort of testing phase, and you have kept blowing me off sir." Sophia locked eyes with Broom with a steel like determination. "Testing phase?" he parroted her with a confused look, then his assistant stepped in. "Ms. Fairchild is working on alien assisted cellular regeneration sir, I told her it maybe too dangerous at this juncture." Chadwick shifted to face him. "Quite right." Then looked back at her. "Submit your work so far and an inter-facility team of your peers will look over it to determine where to proceed from there." Sophia huffed and shook her head. "I have already done that three times, I haven't even heard back from the first submission sir!" Chadwick slowly started to walk away. "Well, your just going to have to wait. What you are working on could potentially be very dangerous. I can't just approve advancements willy nilly. I have Dorcell's reputation to consider, after all I have no intention on being the next Fredrick Maxwell. After THAT indecent exposure, the company wants to take things a bit slow." Sophia heard of the drug operation and couldn't fathom what it had to do with her work. "But...but..." She started but the lanky rabbit stepped into her path staring her down. "We will have a long talk about your indiscretions tomorrow, you can be sure of that!"

Sophia found herself walking alone down a polished hallway, it was far more deserted then normal, being so late. She turned to her right and the door slid open at her presence allowing her to walk into her lab. It was devoid of anyone else, everyone had gone home as the lights slowly came to life for her to see. The rain hitting the lab's windows as lightning streaked across the night sky. She sat at her desk and let her mind wonder, her holo-screen computer glowing in front of her, but the information it displayed didn't register with her, she was in her own world. Her eyes then darted over to a glass container filled with a clean looking green liquid. Reaching for it she tapped it twice by flicking the side with her fingers. The liquid rippled. "I just know you work, you have to." Sophia whispered to it when suddenly a chime from her lab coat pocket caught her attention.

Sophia produced a comm device and thumbed a sensor making it project a small holo-screen. She came face to face with a similar white cat with blonde hair, younger and male. His upper body could be see as he hunched over, clutching two metal canes attached to his arms supporting him. "Hey sis! Thought I check up on ya, when are you coming home for dinner?" Sophia's eyes widened. "Oh shoot, Steven! I totally lost track of time." Steven smiled. "Ah that's OK, are you coming home now?" Sophia frowned and shook her head. "I'm sorry, not yet, I got a lot of work to do, I know I'm on the edge of a breakthrough....speaking of which. You should be sitting down Steven!" He shook his head with a smile. "Nah, sometimes sitting feels like giving up ya know?" Sophia clicked her tongue at him. "Still..." She was cut off by him as he leaned in. "Oh hey guess what? I got good NEWS!" Sophia smiled and leaned in to meet her brother face to face. "Oh? Do tell." He continued. "Doctor said I just got bumped up two spots on the treatment list. I'll be dancing in no time." Sophia leaned back holding her smile. "That great bro, now go eat something and get some rest. Your not helping the doctors the way you carry on." Steven shook his head. "Yeah yeah I know. I'll see you in the morning though right?" Sophia nodded. "For sure, good night..." She leaned back in. "...Stevie weevy." Steven rolled his eyes. "UH don't call me that!" He yelled before ending the call.

Sophia chuckled to herself as she leaned back in her chair, then her smile faded. Steven Fairchild, her brother and closest friend was diagnosed with a bone degenerative disorder. It's fatal if left untreated. It is treatable though, however it requires nano-machine therapy. The tiny machines can fix almost anything but they are laborious and extremely expensive to produce. Treatment is hard to come by, especially if your using Public Health. Sophia leaned forward and rested her head on her cross arms placed on her desk, her gaze fixated on the clean green liquid. Time was her enemy she determined and it frustrated her that everything, and everyone stood in her way to save her brother. She didn't care about credits, or fame, all of this was for him.

She opened her hand and looked at a scar on her palm. A lab accident with a laser scalpel she got in med school, a reminder of her dedication. Her eyes refocused, once again settling past her hand on the alien assisted regeneration formula. Then an idea sparked in her mind as she slowly raised from the table. Her mind going over her conversation with Chadwick Broom, and she started talking herself into something medically unethical. If she would not be allowed to test on animals or other people, she could test it on herself. Sophia started concocting a plan in her mind, if she could make it work safely on herself, she could sneak her work to her brother. She spent a solid hour thinking, sitting, pacing, talking to herself to act.

After wandering, she stepped back into her office looking down at the liquid filled glass, a dermal injector in her right hand. "screw it all." She narrowed her eyes and moved with an attacking speed. Going over the steps to fill a vile of the untested material and loading into the injector like a gun. Sophia closed her eyes and took a couple quick breaths. "OK....OK...." She unbuttoned her shirt, trying to move quickly, thinking if she slowed, she was stop herself. Now pulling back her shirt and lab coat exposing her shoulder. She quickly pressed the injector against her shoulder and released the chemical compound into her blood stream. Sophia tossed the injector onto the table with a clatter and she leaned back into her chair with an arm over her tits as she breathed heavily. "What the hell have I done?" She whispered to herself staring up to the ceiling.

Sophia tossed her lab coat onto her desk and rushed into the lab while buttoning up her shirt. She made her way to a machine and keyed in commands into a holographic interface. The machine let loose a bed of lights that waved over her body, scanning her, giving her a read out. After she ran scans and probed and prodded herself for another hour she sat in a chair in front of holo-screens. "I don't know why, but the fact that I don't feel anything really bothers me." She said out loud as she rubbed her face with her hands sighing, feeling emotionally exhausted. As she brought her hands away she saw something astonishing. The scar on her palm was smaller, and more excitingly it was getting smaller, healing in front of her very eyes.

She stood excitedly with a smile as she laughed. "Hehehehe It works! Oh my god, it actually works!" She ran her fingers across her palm feeling the lack of a scar, letting out another laugh. "Oh my god....hahahahha...oh my......oh my......god.." She struggled to get the words out feeling a tightness in her chest, suddenly Sophia couldn't breath as she silently panicked. A sudden pain shot through her body as she cried out feeling weak in the knees. She stepped across the lab looking at the tables for something, anything to help her. Was it too late to call for help? The pain rising in her body suddenly became unbearably intense as she threw her head back letting out an animalistic cry, the sound being masked by a sudden crack of thunder and a flash of lightning across the lab windows, bathing the lab in light and silhouetted her writhing figure. She threw herself onto a nearby table, glass and other objects sliding onto the floor shattering in a burst of broking shards. Sophia pleaded privately with god in her darkening mind, not like this, she can't go like this. She lost feeling in her body unable to support her own weight as she collapsed and hit the floor with a thud in a limp fall. The pattering of rain was all that was left making noise in the lab. Sophia Fairchild laying lifeless on the floor, her arms frozen in a clutching manner as if she physically clung to life itself. Maybe minutes, maybe hours passed. The stillness of her form was suddenly disturbed by a burst of life! Her chest expanded with a powerful intake of breath as she gasped, her eyes shot open in shock, one normal, the other a pitch black.

Whistling filled the lonely dark hallway as water ran down the windows, accompanied by the foot falls of heavy shoe. A tall private security guard walked down the polished halls of the labs as he looked around on his routine check of the building. His attention was grabbed by a robot down the hall prompting him to walk over to it. A cleaning robot hummed and vibrated as little brushes quickly rotated under it fat little body. "What do you got there my man?" The guard smiled at the robot which only let off it's prerecorded phrase. "Please, watch your step. Wet floor, wet floor." The guard noticed something glistening in the darkness and pulled out a flashlight shining it to the floor. His eyes opened wide and made a look of confusion. "What the hell is this?" The beam of light followed a trail of something he had never seen before. It looked wet and thick, what was stranger, was along the wet trail was tufts of white fur. The guard's light followed the trail to a nearby women's restroom.

A flash of lightning and the crack of the thunder filled the air once again making the guard look back, then to the restroom again. Biting his lip he slowly walked toward the women's restroom and the door opened at his presence. The lights were on and he heard the sound of rushing water, and a laboured, wheezing breathing. His eyes opened wide in shock as a seemingly unrecognizable creature looked back at him. It was hunched over a running sink and locked eyes with him wheezing. One normal eye another pitch black, covered in ragged cloths. What was exposed was wet, bald patches, exposed flesh of a leathery texture, a gooey substance sloshing off it's body. " ‾Wheeze‾ Help ‾wheeze‾ me..." The guard was shocked at what was speaking to him. "Holy shit...j-just stay back!" The guard unaccustomed to doing any actually work fumbled with his belt to draw his sidearm.

Pointing his gun at the incredible melting person who started limping toward him. " ‾wheeze‾ no...please...‾wheeze‾ I'm...Sophaaaahhh." The gun rattled in his hands when suddenly he dropped the pistol carelessly and broke into a frightened run. "Stay away from me! Aaaaahhhh!" His foot caught the cleaning robot making him yelp and fall to the floor with a thud. The cleaning robot rocked back and forth chirping its cautions. "Watch your step please, wet floor, wet floor." The guard looked back in a panic seeing the strange creature creep out of the restroom, it's wet shedding hand grasping the door frame wheezing. "Aaaaaahhhhh!" The guard forced himself to his feet and broke into a run, down the darkened hallway. "ZOMBIE!"

Mere moments later a cacophony of foot falls from heavy shoes filled the hallway. The security guard now guiding three more. "I'm telling you boss, it was a zombie, a slimy one too!" A smaller older man lead the way with his chest puffed out, the frightened guard beside him in a pleading manner. "This is ridiculous. Zombies bah! No wonder you couldn't get into the Security Force!" The Frightened guard chuckled with sweat on his brow. "I mean it boss, its real. It disarmed me and tried to eat me, but I got away to warn you guys!" The angry looking shorter guard scoffed at this. "Right, right, well where is.....your....zombie?" The group of guards came to a stop looking down the hallway. The strange figure standing in front of a window with it's back turned to them. The sound of wheezing and laboured breathing could clearly be heard. "What the fuck?" The older guard stepped forward drawing his gun, the others mirrored him as they slowly walked forward.

"Dorcell security! Identify yourself, you are on private property." The lead guard continued to advance slowly with the others slightly behind him. "I told you! There it is!" The lead guard stopped to look back. "Shut up!" Then returned his attention down the hall. "I said Identify yourself! We will call the Hyper City Security Force if you don't comply!" The figure in front of the rain soaked window, hunched and shivering, slowly turned revealing it's melting like state. It wheezed as it shivered, staring back at them with frightened eyes, one normal, the other black. A small appendage seemed to be growing from it's forehead, antenna like bobbing up and down, twitching above it's black eye. The guards made a collection of audible gasps and curses at the sight, there weapons trained on the melting creature. "‾ Wheeze‾ Hoooooome!" The creature cried out in a raspy wheeze, yet a pleading look in it's eyes.

Suddenly lightning dashed behind the creature, bathing the hallway in light, it's black silhouette casting a monstrous shadow toward them, then the came the crack of thunder. The suddenness of this phenomenon spooked one of the guards as he yelled and pulled the trigger. This in turned spooked the others as they all started firing down range. Muzzle flares and gun shots filled the air, bullets ripped through the creature's body making it dance from the force of impact, bullet holes cracking the glass behind it. The creature known only to itself as Sophia Fairchild fell back through the window with a crash of glass and out into the rain plagued darkness. "Hold your fire! Stop firing god damn it!" The lead guard screamed out, making the others stop. The jingle of bullet casing could still be heard. The older man followed by the others ran to the broken window with their weapons at the ready. "Shit shit shit SHIT! What the fuck was that thing!?" They reached the window and looked down, seeing the remains of the strange invader that took a three story fall to the ground. The older guard looked back to the others. "We better call this in."

One of the guards turned around producing a comm device and started talking to someone on the other side. They looked down at the body, the rain spilling through the broken window. Sophia Fairchild stared back up at them lifeless, eyes open and motionless. Despite the rain however a concentrated pool of water ran down the side of her face, like tears.

End Episode 1.

Dark Harvest (Final)

After moving the horned fox onto the couch, Sally pulled a blanket over her naked body. Alex put the jerrycan at the foot of the stairs then looked back at the girls. "How is she?" Sally shook her head, her feelings conflicted, she felt bad for her,...

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Dark Harvest (Part 3)

~ Donald Weathers. August......I don't fucking know. I didn't think it would get worse but it has. It used to be that they would come every night since....since I....Read that god forsaken book. The Lustgeist are real, they only used to come at night,...

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Dark Harvest (part 2)

~Donald Weathers, august 25th, 1985. Since I read the alleged incantation two days ago, some.....strange things have happened. Three of the campers went missing a day ago. Ms. Angels went to go find them and has yet to return. The consensus of the...

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