Filming of the coming of age rituals in the bunny tribe

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Today was the day. It was going to be a hard day in many ways for poor Tony. He was a camera man who had filmed many exotic tribes and cultures over the years but nothing could prepare him for this particular tribe. He had heard the rumors, but he never wanted to believe that they were true or how much detail they left out.

His director a brown wolf was ecstatic to Finally film the Kupalu tribe's ritual. This was going to be a huge revelation just to learn about this. The kupalu tribe was only recently discovered in the grand scheme of things. A few boats had shipwrecked on their island over the years and only someone finally discovered this place when trying to rescue them. Since then this tribe had been one of curiosity for those who studied the tribes around the world.

After getting two furs who had moved away from this tribe to come back as their interpreters, they were able to get the chief to let them film the ritual that they had heard about. The coming of age ritual that all boys went through. The specifics had always been vague but for this tribe that promoted male to male relations and thought all boys needed to have their first time with their father or uncle it was going to be quite the unique experience to say the least.

Tony's team was about eight people. Three cameramen, the director and produce and a sound engineer along with the two interpreters. His director was a somewhat new name in the field and wanted this to put his name on the map. The producer was his wife and young fox with glowing white fur. The other cameramen were two bears who he had worked with before and finally the foxes that were the sound engineer and the two interpreters. All three were brothers whose father had washed ashore here years ago and married a young fox in the tribe. When the time came he choose to return to civilization with his wife and kids. All three though still knew their language and had been back to participate in the ritual themselves.

He had heard a few details but the most he got was that today he would be filming a bunch of naked boys doing things that were frowned on in other countries and cultures. But he hadn't heard the details and quite frankly he didn't want to. He already was struggling with the boner in his pants just thinking about it.

They had already been here a month and would be here another month for the last bit of filming and according to the brothers they were in for some unique treats as this started the hunting season and the harvesting season.

"Alright. So today is the day we are here to really film. I had all our equipment prepped and checked and we are ready to go" His director Gibbs said addressing everyone. Of course, being it was just after day break most were still waking up but they had adjusted by now to at least be up this early.

"so how we doing this boss? And are we going to record everything?" One of the bears said working on his settings on his camera.

"everything. The network will choose what to cut but we do have an online deal in place for the raw footage so don't worry about getting the full details"

"Are you guys sure? This will be a bit uncomfortable for you." Their sound guy said. Actually the hut they were using was the family hut his father had built before returning to society.

"If you guys would give us the full details them maybe we wouldn't be this in the dark!" The producer said as she wrote out some notes.

"We can't say. It is tradition to not speak of it until the day it starts. You may only learn of it if you have become a full hunter."

"Yea, we have heard the jig a few times." The other bear said.

"Well. We can say one thing, while we won't be participating my brothers and I will have to at least respect the traditions that start on this day."

"And what would that be?"


"excuse me?"

"The month of the naked moons. From today until the next full moon all hunters are required to go naked to get closer to the moon in preparation for the hunt."

"Wait what?" Tony paused once hearing that.

"And yes my brothers and I are hunters in the tribe so from today onwards we will have to go nude to respect our tribes traditions."

"well I wish I knew that before we agreed to this!"

"fear not we will be in the hunters hut from today."

"That is quite interesting. But it is your stories that have me so curious. You boys have mentioned the tribes sexual nature but never revealed much. Your father and mother also kept quiet. It is why I am so curious as to what this entails." The director said rubbing his chin.

"Well it more of a tradition here and quite frankly most outsiders would consider our ritual bizarre and unnatural. So we normally keep things quiet about it. But the tribes leader was quite interested in seeing what outsiders would think about our ritual." He said stripping down.

"well this won't be the first bizarre ritual we have filmed and won't be the last either. Right sweetie?" The wolf said winking at his wife who rolled her eyes and continued writing more notes.

"Well then how shall we perform this?"

"Tony, Me and Tuali will film the rituals and the participants. Sarah, Huali and Chopper will film the village. Suali and Brent will do interviews about the ritual and the hunters." The director said dividing up the teams.

Tony's worse fear came through. He would be filming the ritual. He was really going to have to keep himself under control this time.

"Well we should hurry. The rituals begin quite soon. Oh and one last word of advice. Do. Not. Eat. The hunters. Food."


"you will regret it if you do. So please if you are hungry eat only your rations or the food the women in the village."

"Alright, everyone keep that in mind and let's get started."

It was time to begin and Tony followed Gibbs and Tuali while the other went to their various locations. Tony was dreading things especially when he saw the amount of bunnies walking their way. Tuali had been granted permission to be at this ritual as non masisi hunters were normally not allowed to attend this one or so he had said. But judging by the fact that this was young boys being escorted by their mothers and sisters he knew he was in for a rough one.

Once they got to the festival location just outside the village he saw a small stage in a clearing where five elders sat in wooden chairs just in front of the stage. The young boys who ranged from ages eight to twelve and were all gathered in the clearing behind the stage in preparation. Tony started zooming in careful to avoid as many crotch shots as he could while filming the boys who were just lounging around waiting for it to start.

Tony saw some of the more confident boys probably bragging about passing or something similar as he couldn't understand the tribe's native tongue just yet. He saw some boys being very shy and nervous as they talked to each other. He even saw two start fighting because they tried touching each other's dick. The elders screamed out something at them to get them to stop as their mothers stared or what Tony thought they were their mothers.

The group of boys were mostly bunnies but there were was one who was there different from the others. He seemed to be more of a hybrid of a bunny and a fox. He did hear that the brothers had left an uncle here in the tribe. That must be one of his sons. Which meant he was the cousin to his interpreter who was nearby explaining things to the director. Translating somethings the boys were saying as the director took some audio notes.

A few of the boys were ready and waiting for this and the older ones seemed most confident or the most nervous.

"This is the ritual or showing. This is when boys show that their bodies have matured enough to start on the path to manhood." Tuali said near to tony to ensure it got picked up on the mic.

"They will show the elders that their penises have matured enough for their foreskin to be pulled all the way back and show the head completely. As this is the first sign of becoming a man."

Tony was now curious. So this was why he kept things secret. This would be quite the spectacle. But why was this a ritual of manhood? His answers were coming as one of the elders had risen up and began making a speech that Tuali would translate for them.

"It is time for the ritual of presenting. On this day our boys will show to the elders if they are ready to begin training for manhood. Their bodies will show if they are ready or not. For each one present may the gods of the moon and fertility bless you upon this day. We shall begin!" Tuali translated as best he could. There was some meaning lost there but tony got the gist of it. Boys would have to show that they could pull their foreskins back fully to show they were ready for manhood. Tony had never had his foreskin since it was customary to be cut where he came from and a few tribes he had filmed over their years would be cutting their boys at a young age.

But this tribe apparently celebrated it. But now he had more questions. He had heard that uncut boys were more sensitive over the years but would this tribe really be celebrating that in a ritual?

"Sons of Guto present yourselves" Tuali translated and Tony refocused on the stage as three boys got on there. He could see they were all the same age looking on the younger side. Two hunters walked up on the stage with the boys.

"Those are two are masisi men. They are married to each other. They are also my uncles." Tuali whispered to the director behind Tony who still managed to hear it.

"Present!" The elders screamed and Tuali translated. The two hunters hit each boy just below their balls on their legs with a coconut leaf. The boys then showed if they could pull back fully and none of them could. They all tried but the elders stopped them when they saw them wince in pain.

"Sons of Guto you have failed. You are not ready!" The elders said as the hunters escorted the boys to the side where their mothers waited.

"Sons of Grato present yourselves!"

This time five boys got on stage. Three boys were older probably eleven while two were younger probably nine. Tony watched as the hunters got on stage and slapped the boys again. This time all but one of the bunny boys passed as four of them presented themselves fully. The final boy looked nervous and shy as he had failed but his brothers had passed and the other nine year old was very excited that he had done it.

"Sons of Grato you have passed. Son of Grato you have failed." This time the boys were separated into two groups and the ones who have passed were taken to the side of the elders while the one who failed went back to his mother. The boys behind the stage were getting nervous and talking more now as some tried to see If they could peel back but the hunters around yelled at them. Tuali started explaining that they could be branded as something called 'vy' which mean unfit to ever become a man.

"Sons of Fulso Present yourselves!" The next set of bunnies were called, and the ritual continued as the crowd of boys waiting to be judged was getting thinner. There were quite a few surprises as some boys failed while their brothers passed but it seemed the boys who were most curious about this always failed. The younger boys quite frankly seemed to fail a lot more than the older boys and that was to be expected perhaps but why did they start them so young?

"Son of Brad present yourself!" Tony perked up as he saw that half bunny half fox boy from before getting on stage he was the last boy to be judged and he almost seemed like he was ready to cry. Why was this boy so nervous?

"present!" The elders said as he was hit just like all the other boys. Then he tried to pull it back and failed. It was too tight. Tony eyed him up. He was definitely one of the older boys here so he should be able to but he couldn't. Tuali had even stopped and looked on in wilderment.

"what happened?"

"He has failed it for the fourth time. I have never heard of any boy failing it more than three times." Tuali said a bit worried.

The poor box started to cry but one of the elders who had remained seated got up.

"Son of brad. You shall come with me!" The elder said and tauli translated for us once again. The poor boy was soon comforted by his mother as the elder had them escorted away from the ritual.

The other elders got up and first address the boys who had failed. "Young boys who failed let this be a lesson not to hurry. Your body will choose for you when the time is right to become a hunter. For enjoy the time you have with your mothers as the time of manhood be just be another year away!" the elder said to the boys who were comforted by their mothers and sisters.

"Come and receive the mark of the festival!" The elders said as more hunters appeared with bowls of some paint like liquid in their hands. The elders had the boys line up before them. They then proceeded to dip one finger in the bowls the hunters held and then mark a straight line down by the boys belly button to their dick. Each boy got a mark before the ritual ended and their mothers took them home a bit somber they didn't pass but they got another year of time with their sons before they started their hunter training.

The other boys who passed were addressed next. "Boys who have passed we are thankful for the start of your journey into manhood. As of today you are now men in training. If you are to take the next step and become hunters for our tribe then you shall need to take heed and observe the next ritual. Now line up and receive the mark of a man!"

The boys now lined up as the elders once again dipped their hands into the bowls but this time the mark was made on their faces across their forehead. And it was two. Each boy was happy as they got their mark and then they were made to eat some food that was wrapped in a brown banana leaf. The boys where then escorted away but not to the village they were escorted into the forest somewhere.

"That was the festival of presenting. What did you think of it Director?" Tuali asked. Tony stopped filming and prepared to check on the footage of his camera.

"Interesting. Very interesting. I wonder why did you not say something about this?"

"Honestly it thought you outsiders would find it weird. My father and uncle certainly did. They didn't even attend for the first few years that they were here."

"I still want to find out more about why your tribe has a bit of interest in the foreskin."

"it has to do with the next ritual so how about I tell you then." Tuali said escorting us back to the village.

"That is fine by me. We can regroup with the others and maybe find out what they filmed while we were here." Gibbs said as tony tried to hide the boner he had. Seeing all those naked men and boys in one place was quite frankly turning him on especially when this ritual involved playing with their dicks like that. But there was one thing bothering him. What happened to that one bunny fox boy?

As they reached the village it was now that they could see the festival in full swing as the girls danced in the center to the music of the hunters banging on their drums and using some gourds as flutes. Everyone was naked as Tuali had told them before. The advantage to that was that he was able to find his co workers easier. They were the only clothed furs around with some bunnies around.

"alo! Tuali!" Tony heard a voice say. It was coming from a fox. An older fox approached Tuali who exceitly went up to the fox and hugged him.

"Alo Brad!" Tuali said before doing something that Tony never expected they kissed each other on the lips.

Tony blushed hard. But that seemed to be a common greeting for them. Tuali noticed that his companions had been a bit creeped out by that.

"This is my uncle Brad. Brad this is the director of this documentary and one of the camera crews!" He said introducing Tony and Gibbs to his uncle.

"Nice to meet all of you. Alo!" brad said in English. You could tell he was here for a while as he still spoke English well but his accent had been adapted with his continued use of the tribal tongue.

"Nice to meet you to. Would love to get you for an interview!" Gibbs said shaking the hands of the fox.

"I already had one with your wife Sarah and Huali. Huali is with the hunters now."

"I hope he told chopper not to eat the food before he left."

"I think he did as the camera guy is eating with the women now." Brad said as he pointed to the bear currently eating with some women who were dancing to the music. The women were certainly enjoying themselves as the mothers were comforting their sons who failed the tests.

"But how was the ritual? Did the outsiders find interesting or disturbing?" Brad said watching over the first team.

"Well it was interesting but I want to know the meaning behind it." Gibbs said.

"The second ritual will explain it. And it shall be participating most likely." Brad said proudly. Tuali just looked away causing Brad to stagger a bit and eye him down.

"Did something happen to my son?" Brad asked.

"He failed the ritual again. For the fourth time..." Tuali said to his uncle unable to look him in the eyes.

"That is concerning. I know he was nervous but most other boys can already pull it back fully by his age."

"He was taken away by the elder shaman. He didn't even get a mark."

"Well I better find him. Tuali I shall catch up with you and your brothers another time hopefully before the first hunt." Brad said as he left going to find his son.

"So that was your uncle huh?" Gibbs asked pulling out his notebook and writing some notes in it.

"Yes, My dad, him and Their friend Dale all washed up here over three decades ago. When my dad was finally recused they stayed behind as my mother and father left. Dale and uncle brad were busy with preparations for the festival so I was unable to introduce you to them as they were spending most of the day in the forest."

"Hmm. I would love to get an interview with this Dale fellow."

"He will be at the second ritual since his son is the same age as Brad's."

"He passed the first ritual before?"

"Actually no. He is a unique situation among the tribe. You will see why soon. But let us get something to eat before the second ritual begins." Tuali said leading them to a place were a bunch of food had been prepared. Fruits had been roasted along with some of the tribal food that the women had cooked in the morning.

The festival continued on for a while in the village center but then some hunters were seen walking away and Tuali told his team it was time for the second ritual. This time they went to the other end of the village. This time they were heading to the shore and going to have the ritual on the beach as Tauli explained.

Tony was a bit more on edge over this one. He had heard this one would be the one that freaked out most outsiders. Quite frankly he was a bit worried that his boss would notice his distress this time as he was so enthralled with the first ritual that he never really got a chance to look over at tony.

As they approached this festival had more hunters here. The boys instead of being accompanied by their mothers were this time accompanied by their fathers. The bunny boys stood naked as they were expected to be but this time as they waited they stood next to their fathers who were eagerly awaiting the start of this year's ritual. The boys seemed to be around preteens to early teenagers this time.

"Last time only Masisi hunters were allowed at the village but this time hunters are allowed to view this one." Tuali explained as he guided us to a perfect spot out of the way where tony could film easily and the director could observe. Thankfully how they were positioned no one but the participants could see Tony's distress if he didn't manage to keep it down.

The elders were seated in front of the stage again which was built up into the cliff side with stairs from either end. But on the stage was a weird device that Tony couldn't really recognize.

"As the sun remains high in the sky and before the moon falls upon the night we hunters are gathered here to see how many of these boys who have started the path to manhood are ready to become a hunter!" the main elder once again said.

Tuali had translated the speed once again for them. Tony prepared his camera taking in the crowd but tat was when he finally noticed something odd going on. Every boy and man there was hard. They were all hard even the boys he saw pass the ritual earlier in the day were all hard. What was going on? Why were they all so excited? Tony was about to get that answer.

The first five participants walked onto the stage. The boys were all accompanied by their father. Their father then lifted them up onto the wooden contraption that was on the stage. It was then that tony finally saw what the contraption was for. It was meant to hold the boys. Each father helped position their sons so their legs were raised and spread so that their fathers could get easy access to their groin. Below the boys groin were some empty coconuts with a hole in the top. A masisi hunter also stood behind each boy. Tony just gulped.

"let the rite of the hunter begin!" The elder said. As he did each of the five bunny fathers dipped their hands into a bowl that the masisi hunters presented. Once their hands were suitably lubed up they began. Each father inserted a finger or two into their boy. They wiggled the finger trying to rile up their boys and find their pleasure spots. Tony could see how some of the boys were reacting to this. A few bunny boys reacted in pain others seemed to be experiencing discomfort while only one was seemingly in pleasure.

Tony was not hot and bothered as he saw the men each grabbed their son's dick and begin to stroke and caress it. It was surreal seeing some fathers jack off their son like this, but he could see how experienced some of them were. He saw the pair closest to him have the son start reacting hard to the pleasure his father was giving him. He could see the father jack him off with varying rhythm he would go fast for a bit then slow down before caressing the tip of his son's rod and going a bit faster. Each of the boys started to groan and moan as one or two of them approached it. The pair closets to tony was the first to finish. He could see the son kick his legs and groan as he reached his first orgasm. His body shivered and shook as his father removed his fingers from his tailhole. The boy seemed to be completely out of it.

"Fail!" The masisi hunter behind the pair said. The father just smiled and helped his son out of the contraption trying not to interrupt the other hunters with their sons. The boy in question was panting hard. His little rod was still hard but even as far as he was Tony could see the dick throb as he was still in the throws of orgasm. The father lifted the boy up and let his head rest on his shoulder as he took him off the stage. Tony focused on the father who was still hard himself but was caring for his son lovingly.

Tony focused on that pair seeing the father help his son over to an area on the beach where a huge cloth had been prepared. The father helped his son drink some water to help the son recover but even tony could see that was no ordinary orgasm. That boy would probably not be right in quite some time.

As tony moved back to the stage a new hunter and son combo had taken the stage while the others continued to pleasure their sons. Some took it slower caressing and fondling their sons while trying to pleasure their prostates as best they could. One father though had picked up the pace. His son was quite close now as he was thrashing about but thanks to the contraption he couldn't move too much. But soon the boy groaned out as his dick spasmed and a small drip of seed came out. The father moved a leaf nearby that caught the cum.

"Pass!" the Masisi hunter screamed out or so Tauli translated.

This time the father helped his son out but after handing the coconut to the masisi hunter behind him. The father was smiling as he helped his son out and just like before the boy was in no shape to stand let alone walk. They went to the other side of the stage like before but this time it was away from tony who had to move to filmed what was going on. A new Masisi hunter got on stage to help a new set of father and son but tony had to focus on the old pair that were approaching another tarp. This time though two elders sat near the tarp. The masisi hunter handed over the coconut with the leaf in it and the elder then took out a ladle and scooped up some liquid that was in a pot nearby. He poured some in before shaking it and handing it to the father who gathered some of his pre and let it drop into the concoction.

Tony gulped again. This was unreal. The father then bent over as his son was made to lay down but the masisi hunter heled up his head so he could drink. The father then had his son drink the concoction. Slowly he did it but it made no difference they were making the boy drink his cum. His first cum.

"That is why there is a focus on the foreskin. If the foreskin is ready for the boy to be played with then he is allowed to enter this ritual." Tuali explained as Tony continued to film the father and son.

"Well I can say this is the most sexual ritual I have ever heard of! But what is the meaning behind it? The boy who passed was made to drink his own cum!" Gibbs said as he watched another boy fail on stage.

"The first seed. The first seed of a boy is considered the most Sacred and not to be wasted. The first seed contained the last of their boyness. They drink it in order to symbolize them drinking away their boyness and ready to take on manhood. Also, this is the time when they are allowed to start sexual experiences. Boys who pass are now made to explore their bodies and gain experience." Tuali said.

"hmm. But there must be more to this right? Why are the men all hard and that doesn't seem like a normal orgasm."

"The leaves of the Chante plant are a powerful aphrodisiacs. They induce heat and cause us to over produce semen and maintain erections for hours on end. The festival food for men is laced with it. It is why I warned you not to eat it."

Tony gulped. He had to refocus on the stage as another father son pair had passed. He saw another father gather the cum of his son onto another leaf before placing it in the coconut and giving it to the masisi hunter. The boys who passed were being attended to be the elders over by them but the boys who failed were just left to sleep in the shade of the cliff.

"So the father of the boy is to have him achieve his first orgasm and see if he can shoot any semen. Interesting take on the growth from boyhood to manhood." Gibbs said once again taking notes.

Tony then saw another two boys pass at the same time on stage. Judging by the crowd still there and how some fathers had to take turns as they had multiple sons this was going to take a while. But a very unusual father son combo caught his eye. They were both huskies. They were the only non bunnies at this ritual. That was probably Dale and his son. This was something most outsiders would probably avoid if they could so he was interested in why those two would be participating.

The husky boy was acting quite shy as he held his fathers hand who was more confident about things as he just talked to another hunter sporting boners as everyone was of course. Just then another three boys failed one after the other clearing space on the stage for three more boys. Dale and his son were one of the three pairs replacing the ones who had failed.

Tony zoomed in on the huskies as the father helped get his son strapped in and prepared. It was just then tony realized that these fathers were strapped their sons to a BDSM stage like some porno. Now he could only think he was in some sick joke as he filmed fathers jacking off their sons in front of other men and boys. It sounded like the plot to a human fic or a bad porno.

Tony focused on the husky pair as unlike the other men they had canine style dicks with knots. Not the normal anthro uncut ones. Tony thought about it for a second. How did this boy pass the ritual? Pulling back a sheathe was not the same as pulling back a foreskin.

"Dale's boy had to be taken to the Shamans to be judged when he was ready for this ritual as they are the only ones here with a different dick." Tuali said so tony could hear. His question was answered but boy was he more nervous now.

The husky father did the same with his son as the others did but he had more to work with. His son was bigger than the other boys around just like him since their canine members were much thicker than his other tribesmen.

He lubed himself up and instead of the normal one or two fingers the father inserted three as his boy groaned out in pain having his hole stretched out but his father was quite the expert. He had found his sons sweet spot almost instantly and faster than any boy before the husky boy was already experiencing huge amounts of pleasure. But Tony couldn't focus on them only as the boy next to them had also passed letting his father gather up his first seed.

Tony was hard as a rock right now. This was not an easy thing to film especially when he hadn't cum in a month. That was nothing new to him as he would go months without rubbing one out before. But not when filming something like this.

The husky boy was being absolutely tortured by his father who seemed to know how to really drive his son mad as the boy was moaning louder than any of the boys before him. The bunny fathers were watching lustfully. They knew something that Tony didn't. And soon he would find out why. The husky boy lasted not long at all and eventually he squirted hard. Tony couldn't believe it. That boy had cum so hard and so much that the father had to use the coconut to catch it instead of a leaf.

The boy was pleasured out of his mind almost passing out but his father quickly helped him as the Masisi hunter grabbed the coconut which he looked at in awe seeing just how full of seed it was. The husky father was walking so prideful with his son in his arms.

"That Dale. He knew that would happen. He has always been the biggest seed producer in the tribe." Tuali said grinning.

"Hmm. I really want to get an interview with him and his son about this. It would be an interesting take on this." Gibbs added. The crowd of boys and their fathers were thinning out. It seemed some fathers had finally had all their sons be presented. And while it was still going to be a bit Tony thought he could manage it now.

The ritual continued as boy after boy being jacked off and fingered by their fathers failed or passed the ritual until the final pair reached orgasm. As the stage was finally emptied the elders got up and first went to talk to the boys who failed. Only a handful were still conscious. Most had been passed out but all the boys were still hard themselves.

"Young boys rest now. And fret not your first seed will come another time as the moon will guide you on your path to become a hunter!" The main elder said as the others bowed. More hunters came down to help carry the boys back home. The boys were thrown over their shoulders as the hunters escorted them back along with any father who didn't have a son who passed the trial.

The elders then walked to the other side of the beach where the boys who passed were gathered. Most of them were being tended to and were in better shape than those who failed as most were still conscious though only one of two could be seen strong enough to stand.

"Young men. You only have one more trail to take. Gather experience and explore your bodies. You have been deemed worthy of manhood and only the trail of the hunter remains!" the elder said as a group of hunters came down carrying a hollowed out log contained some interesting shaped objects.

Tony zoomed in and saw that they were canine penis shaped gourds. They all had some leather strings coming from them and seemed to have a wooden plug in the top of it just below the knot like protrusion. The fathers each went over and grabbed a gourd for each of their sons who had passed. Some were picky, others weren't choosy but all grabbed some with smiles on their face.

Tony soon saw each of the fathers have a masisi hunter help up their sons who were still unable to stand on their own. Each son was then positioned so that their fathers could wrapped the leather strap around their waist so that each of them would now have a gourd strapped to their sides. It was kind of ironic to tony these bunnies that had uncut anthro cocks were having a canine style cock tied to their waist.

"Those gourds are meant to be filled by father and son as their hunter training begins. They will finally start training with weapons now." Tauli explained as the elders began walking away signaling the end of the ritual. The men were still waiting there trying to encourage their sons and comfort them as the boys still looked shaky.

"So how did you like that ritual director?"

"I wonder how many lawyers I am going to have to show this to in order to find a way to release it. Honestly this was quite amusing. I wonder if there are more things to know about this tribes rituals."

"I can explain it to you, but you should get the picture of the final ritual before I tell you everything. It will make more sense then."

"alright then! What is next?"

"the final ritual is not until sundown, so we have time though the hunters won't leave here for while. Their sons can't walk at the moment. But this would be the perfect time to talk to Dale." Tauli said escorting the director over but first he approached tony.

"I know how much you struggle with that." Tuali said pointed down to the small wet spot that could barely be made out in Tony's pants.

"The director doesn't have to know. When you get the chance there is cave around the cliff that you can use to clean up a bit." Tauli said making sure the director didn't see what he was pointing at.

"thanks I guess"

"No problem." Tuali said as he walked back over to the director.

Tony just sighed. How the hell was he going to get through this?

Gibbs walked over and observed the gathering of the men helping their sons. Those who had many had their sons lean against them in some way as they chatted among other hunters who were there helping their sons recover. Gibbs noted it almost seems that they will still orgasming.

Tony had managed to at least adjust himself in the cave that Tuali had pointed out to him so his distress was easier to hide now. But when they got to the hut tonight things were going to be a bit rough. Though thanks to how big the bunnies families were their huts were much bigger than the normal ones he was used to.

Tony walked over but spotted some bunnies on the cliff talking in a very concerned manor. It was something he wished he could hear. But even then, he couldn't translate it anyway. But they were very concerned or at least surprised. He then saw them point at an elder who was still at the beach and called him over. Tony was a bit taken back. What was going on? He would have to ask Tuali about it.

As he noticed may of the sons were now recovered to at least sit up and some were standing. Their fathers were petting them and rubbing their ears in congratulations or at least that is what Tony thought they were doing.

Gibbs with the help of Tuali was writing some notes down about the ritual.

"any more questions?" Tuali asked Gibbs just as Tony walked up to them.

"I think I got the gist of it. The chante plants induce a longer and stronger orgasm to the point that if you aren't used to it you are rendered almost immobile."

"Yep and the boys who fail will probably just stay asleep. Rare that one of them manages to recover."

"So what is the plan now?" Tony asked.

"How about we interview the shamans. They should be preparing for the final ritual. You may learn quite a bit about the plants that grow on this island." Tuali said.

Gibbs was pondering hard as this was something he was quite interested in learning but if he was lucky then the other two teams would have already gotten some information on it. Afterall they were split up just for that reason.

"I think I want to get more information from these guys here. Tony, let's get them on camera with their sons." Gibbs said as he let Tuali start the interview of the hunters.

The crew filmed the boys being cuddled and hugged by their fathers who were all singing the praise of them passing the ritual and how they would finally be men now.

It was quite the sight to see. Just how normally cuddling after sex with their sons were to them. Tony just remembered that all these hunters had gone through the trials of course. That meant they were just like their sons before them.

After a while, the hunters and their sons started making their way to the site of the third and final ritual. This time they did not return to the village instead they walked along the shore until they got to another way up the cliff.

On top of the cliff was a giant hut. The biggest one that Tony had seen since being here. He had spent the first month just learning the village and customs and they were only allowed to film some areas until the elders felt they were safe enough to let them have access to the village.

He had heard Tuali talk about this. This was the hunter's hut. The place where hunters gathered before and after the hunt. Only boys who had passed the second trail were allowed in and that was because they would begin their training.

Once the party got there they were greeted by the hunters and the apprentices who were waiting for the third ritual. Just like all the bunnies Tony had seen before they were all naked and hard. Those plants were really effective. Gibbs hadn't thought of it but the thing most people would be interested in on this island was probably the flora and fauna. He knew a certain blue pill would be out of circulation if someone found out about this all-day boner.

Something was off though. As Tuali stopped them and looked concerned. There was much discourse suddenly among the hunters.

"What is going on?" Gibbs asked wondering why everyone had broken out into such a huge conversation.

"It is Danny, Brad's son. The shamans are about to present him before the hunters." Tuali said.

"Is this a problem?"

"Not necessarily. But it rarely ever happens. I have heard rumors of someone failing the ritual four times, but I have not actually heard of what happens when they do."

Just then the hunters all fell in line as the shamans walked out of the hunters' hut. There were five of them all had bright pink paint on them but were naked just as everyone else. Gourds notwithstanding.

The shamans then revealed the little bunny fox who had been painted the same as them. He had stopped crying but still appeared to be horribly nervous. He was shaking and barely keeping the bowl in his paws with a green paste still enough for it to no spill.

His father was also behind him looking a bit nervous but not as bad as his little box. The poor bunny seemed ready to cry at a moment's notice and being put into the spotlight like this was not helping. The elders then also came forward and started to address the hunters.

"On this day. Before the third trail starts. The Son of Brad will present himself before the hunters. He has been judged to be unfit for hunting." Tuali translated as Tony quickly moved to film.

The hunters all started talking in worried panic. The boys were all staring at Danny who was shivering now with a few tears about to come out. His father looked like he wanted to give him some comfort but could not at this time.

"As per the custom of the moon. This boy has been found to have a foreskin so tight that he can't show its head. He has been chosen by the moon to be one who learns and cares and not one that hunts. As now we present him as a Jen Shaman!" The shamans said this time. The elders all bowed and so did the official hunters.

"What is going?" Gibbs asked tauli who himself as a bit taken back by the current proceedings.

"His foreskin has been found to be too tight. I believe it is something similar to phimosis."

"Is that a problem?" Tony asked himself.

"yes and no. It means he won't be going through the trials of a hunter but he is becoming a young shaman. Normally Shamans are hunters who have retired and are chosen by another shaman to take their place. A Jen shaman is one who never learns to hunt but will spend his life learning the ways of the shaman and healing the village."

"A young shaman huh?" Gibbs said rubbing his chin.

"This happens very rarely that is why everyone is in a tizzy. Shamans besides the chiefs have the most influence. They also are needed for any and all rituals."

"So it is not very often a shaman is someone so young?"

"No. and he will be going through an extremely hard time. Shaman training is notoriously hard."

"Hmm" Gibbs continued to ponder.

"Danny, Jen shaman. Please show the hunters your first test."

The shamans moved the boy out into the middle of the hunters. He was still nervous, but the shamans seemed to be unfazed by it. They all let the boy be inspected by the hunters and the elders before he was to begin. The poor boy dipped his fingers into the bowl he was carry and lathered up two of his fingers with it. He slowly rubbed the tip of his dick with it slowly massaging the folds of his foreskin with the cream that the shamans had made for him.

He was still trying to hold back tears as he realized he was getting a bit stiff as he applied the cream. But the cream was burning him a bit. It was working for sure but he still could barely peel it back. As he continued to rub it finally happened and it came back further than it did this morning and just then the shamans stopped him.

"Eventually he will be able to participate in the celebrations but for now he has just begun his training! We welcome our new Jen shaman!" The shamans said as the hunters cheered but many of the younger boys were instead whispering to themselves about the poor boy.

Brad slowly walked up and hugged his son as he and his boy were escorted from the hunters' hut heading to the shaman hut where Danny would be spending most of his time now. The elders now calmed the hunters down and had the Masisi hunters prepare the final trail.

"Now that we have taken care of that. We shall begin the ritual of endurance and pleasure. Boys who just passed the earlier ritual pay close attention. Apprentice hunters step forward and enter the circles!" The shaman pointed out the many circles drawn into the ground in the field next to the hunter's hut.

Tony moved to film this one properly. He slowly looked over at the circles one for each boy present. The boys slowly picked a circle for themselves. The circles were each at least 4 meters in diameter. Tony was wondering what they would be doing with them.

Soon though the Masisi hunters came out once again this time burning an incense in some metal pots. The essence produced a semi thick cloud of smoke that covered the bunny boys participating in the ritual. Each of them soon removed their leather straps that had their gourds strapped to their waist. Each boy placed their gourd down as they breathed in the smoke. The ones who were here for their first times were more nervous than those who had been here a while.

"The time has come for you to show us if you are ready to become a hunter. Endurance and pleasure are things we get from sex but also from the hunt. Only those who know how to pleasure others and have enough endurance to do so multiple times will be allowed to pass this trial. Remember that you may only use your hands, mouth, Behind and Penis once each. Choose your first hunter and we shall begin."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow to the translations he had gotten. This was going to be a weird one for sure. They were going to see the boys have sex. The boys who all were teenagers now were picking out their first partners. The boys who were less confident seemed to pick out someone they were more comfortable with. Brothers and fathers were a common pick. But one very bold bunny picked one of the most prestigious hunters.

Tony gulped. His boner was back with full force as he knew what he was about to film. A full blown orgy. The boys were about to begin. Each let some lube slide out of their gourds and applied it to their hands, dick and on their partner when applicable. The confident bunny tony had his eye on choose to use his dick for the first ritual.

Tony started piecing it together now. They would have to get one hunter to cum by fucking them, get another to cum via a blowjob and a hand job and then let one of them fuck them. Gibbs also seemed to be piecing the actual challenge of the trail together.

"This trail is not just about the sex is it?" Gibbs asked tauli.

"nope. It also about endurance and decision making. Hunters must know themselves well in order to hunt the best they can. The boys must know what order to do things in themselves. What will tire them out more? They must figure that out over the year before the ritual and now apply all their sexual experience here."

"So, they have four ways to get someone off and must choose the method that they will best be suited to when tired."

"yes. But it is not easy for some. They must try and not have an orgasm themselves or they may end up tiring out too quickly." Taulia said and pointed out a poor first timer that had cum from being fucked by his hunter partner. The bunny was panting heavy as his seed sprayed on the ground.

Tony looked over to see quite a few bunnies had chosen to get fucked first and others had chosen to give a hand job or blowjob first. Only that super confident bunny from before had chosen to fuck someone first. Tony had focused on that bunny. He seemed to know what he was doing as the hunter he had paired with was moaning hard and his dick was already twitching in response to how well the bunny had been pounding him.

The bunny then groaned as he came hard on the floor and the bunny pounding him pulled out before cumming. The hunters around seemed impressed by the show. The bunny didn't miss a beat and called the next hunter into his circle. Others around him were also finishing up. The ones who gave blowjobs and hand jobs were moving on to the other as the hunters they sucked off came into their hands and maws.

As their partners left they drew a symbol outside the circle in the dirt. It seemed to represent what they used to get them off. Since they could only use each office once that meant that the hunter entering would know what they wouldn't be able to use.

Most continued to use their hands and mouths but a few more bunnies decided to try their hands at anal. Some tried to get fucked while others started fucking. The one who still stuck out among his peers was the confident bunny from before. He was already sucking off his new partner and boy did it seem like he had a ton more experience than the other boys there. He seemed to know exactly how to get his partner to moan.

Tony was glad he had adjust himself earlier cause the raging boner he had while seeing this was leaking badly. He didn't know how Tauli was keeping himself in check right now. The moaning alone was making it hard to concentrate on filming. He was moving from bunny to bunny pair as the wanna be hunters continued to pleasure their partners.

But then the first bunny failed. He had given a blowjob before but asked to be fucked next. The poor bunny had been pounded so hard he came three times before collapsing. That was the end of his run as he laid in a pool of his own seed not letting the hunter he had chosen get off inside him. The hunter just walked out before marking an X in the ground in front the circle.

That was the first one but it took a while for anyone else to fail as most of them had chosen to use their hands and mouths first ensuring they would at least make it to the third one.

The confident bunny was once again the first to move on from his second partner. He had sucked him off and left him on the ground moaning as some cum seeped out of his spent dick. The hunter smiled and walked out marking his circle with another symbol that resembled a pair of lips.

The bunny boy called over his third victim as a few others started catching up to him. Most of the boys now had gotten off their second partners and that meant there was a lot more fucking going on as they had only their dicks and asses left for them to use. Many choose to get fucked now and the rest choose to fuck their partner while the one confident bunny had given a hand job to his third partner.

Now it was time for him to get fucked and according to what Tuali said he was his father. He had chosen his own father to fuck him for last after choosing his older brother for his first victim it was kind of poetic.

"He must have gotten some really good lube." Tauli commented.

"come again?" Gibbs asked.

"The gourds are meant to be filled with a lubricant. The lubricant is mixed with ingredients the son and the father gather together but the son has to mix it. That is one of the keys to passing this trial making your own lube to help."

"really now! That is so fascinating. I wonder what is the differences in them?" Gibbs asked

"I know mine had tons of aloe and had a burning sensation when I passed. Others choose fruits to help scent it other choose herbs to help it stimulate their partner. Quite frankly creating your own recipe is one of the biggest aspects of this trial." Tuali said.

Gibbs pondered it now starting to get a good idea of how the things he had seen all day related to one another. This was going to be a remarkably interesting edit.

The ritual continued though and more boys started to fail. Those who were first timers were dropping out quite quickly as they were getting tired from the fucking or being fucked. It was amazing to see as the first bunny finished having his father shoot his load in his son. What was most impressive was that he hadn't come once while having all his partners cum. He was the first to talk up to the elders and receive his final mark.

He was way ahead of his peers who many started failing at this point. Some made it to their final partner before collapsing from exhaustion and heat. They were still under the effects of the chante plant. The second bunny final finished and passed quite a while behind the confident bunny who was smirking at him as if to say what took so long.

And so the ritual went on. It mostly consisted of fucking now as most of the boys had already given blowjobs and hand jobs. And it was here many of them failed. Quite a few were unable to get their partner to cum before cumming themselves and tiring themselves out. It was quite the sight as the number of bunnies dwindled, the more pressure was on those that were left as only a few hunters had yet to be called in to participate.

Tony was so engrossed in filming he had yet to realize just how much he was leaking but he wasn't the only one. Tuali was hard as well watching this. Only Gibbs was soft at the moment as the ritual was wrapping up. Another bunny had failed after cumming a third time while being fucked by a hunter. The hunters were not making it easy on the boys for sure. When it was their turn to give a pounding they went in hard. Many boys were unable to take the roughness the hunters had and got tired out quickly. Though those that managed to hold off on collapsing before their partners were allowed to pass even if they weren't conscious or able to stand anymore.

Tuali seemed to be observing a particular pair that was near the back away from them. It seemed that he had some interest in the boy there as he was getting ploughed by another older bunny. There was only a three pairs left at this point. The bunnies left had all chosen to get ploughed last and it seemed they were struggling to finish. One of them soon dropped out unable to keep up just before the hunter came into him. Leaving only two pairs left the hunter walked out and wrote the symbol for failure on the circle in the dirt.

A few more minutes passed the final two passed the ritual. The hunters around erupted into huge cheers as the ritual came to an end. The boys who passed were lined up in their circles while those who failed were escorted home by their fathers who were still giving them words of encouragement. It was quite the sight to see and it seemed most of the younger ones had failed while the older ones all passed.

At last Tony was done. This was the last thing he would film today and boy was he happy. He was lucky that his leaking had only really stained the part of his pants that his shirt was hiding. But his dreams of finally getting himself cleaned up were dashed as Gibbs had him come over to film one last part. Apparently the hunters would have one final celebration for the ones that passed.

Tony followed Gibbs and Tuali as the hunters and those that just passed walked into the giant hut that houses the hunters. This time it was Gibbs who was completely stunned. The decorations that they could see were very lewd and quite vulgar. There were many paintings lining the wall of men having sexual intercourse. Not only that a few statutes were in the back showing bunnies being fucked by the beasts they hunted. Then behind them were another set showing the bunnies fucking them. This was definitely a hunters hut.

Gibbs was stunned at first but recovered and started admiring the art work. He also noted each hunter had a bed stationed against the wall of the hut. It seemed they would sleep here often and judging by the decoration they also did a lot more than sleep here.

"We welcome today those hunters who have joined the hunters of the Moon. As of today, you are men. Men expected to provide food for your family. Men expected to Protect the village. Men expected to Pass on our traditions. Men expected to pleasure your brothers and fathers and eventually your own sons and nephews." The elder said as the group of young hunters had gathered before them as the older ones had retreated to their different beds made of straw.

"For tonight we shall celebrate the retreating of the moon as the season to hunt shall begin on the night of the next full moon!" The elders said as a few of the Masisi hunters lit some more of the essence that started filling the room. Soon the hunters were handing out drinks that had a very strong and strange scent. Tuali had urged Gibbs and Tony to move towards the door.

"that is Chante fruit juice. Very potent and will induce a night long haze on all the hunters here. I do believe this is the end as you don't want to just film an orgy do you?" Tuali asked his director.

"No, this is already too much as it is. But I do find this quite intriguing and want to know more on our walk home."

"Tuali!" A voice called out as Brad had returned from carrying his son home.

"Uncle Brad. How is Danny?"

"He is going to be fine at least we hope he will. He shall be moving into the Shamans hut in a few weeks."

"So that is what happens when one fails the ritual four times."

"It is rare, but I hope he doesn't get too down about not being a hunter."

"So what do you have there?" Tuali asked pointing down to a green Sack that Brad had in his paw.

"The women made a ton of food for your co-workers. They asked me to deliver it to them since the ones in the village had gone out to film some scenery."

"WE can take that then!" Gibbs said as he grabbed the Sack with tons of food.

"Well I am going to enjoy the festivities now. Masu and his son Dask owe me a few favors from the last hunt."

Tuali giggled as he grabbed one of the grey Sacks full of food for the hunters. This would be for him and his brothers. Gibbs tony and Tuali all left the hunters hut and made their way back to village just as the light of the sun was finally disappearing.

"So I think I get the point of this ritual now and how it fits into the culture we know so far." Gibbs said as they approached the village.

"Go on?" Tuali said.

"The tribe puts a great emphasis on sexual performance and it is the greatest measurement of manhood. But the rituals aren't just meant for measuring them are they? They are meant to humble the boys and shape them into more rounded furs. Then each ritual is meant to show them that their bodies will dictate when they are ready for more. But I still don't get why this ritual has nothing to do with actually hunting?"

"That is because the beasts have not awoken from hibernation yet. They will start prowling next month and we shall train our boys then. This ritual is mostly to celebrate the manhood and coming of age and as you said round the boys into proper men of the tribe who have the sexual knowledge to pleasure one another but also the knowledge of the limits of their bodies. Helps them to survive in the wilderness."

"Such a strange custom."

Tony was happy that everything was over now. He was going to finally go home and get cleaned up using the water that they had for bathing. He was glad that thanks to Tauli's father they had quite the large amount of water stored in their hut.

But just then Danny and his mother walked over to tauli who dropped his Sack and ran over to hug his nephew. Gibbs also placed his Sack down next to Tauli's before going over for an interview. Tony had enough of this he was walking off to go home since the lighting had become quite bad for filming and Gibbs looked like he was getting more notes and not trying to get an interview.

"You can head back Tony. I know you need to get cleaned up so take the food and go!"

Tony blushed hard as Gibbs said that. His director had known this entire time. Tony was flustered now he just grabbed the Sack with food and started hurrying home trying to get to the bath before anyone saw.

This was at least the worst he was going to have to film as now the ritual had been documented the only thing left to film was the first hunt. And with a ship coming to refill their supplies in a few days he was going to hide these clothes well and have them sent out.

It took him a few more minutes to get to their hut and just his luck everyone was there just resting but no one was using the bath. Tony rested the Sack down and let everyone know that it was food for them from the women before dashing to the bath telling them he needed to wash up before dinner.

Tony was glad to be cleaning himself now. He was hard most of the day and now was the perfect time for him to have a quick jack off to relieve himself. He thought back to the entire day. The many boys naked and playing with their foreskin. He then went on to remember the ritual where their fathers helped them achieve their first load and an orgasm. That was quite a turn on for him. He speed up stroking a bit stopping to splash some water on himself hopefully no one was listening in.

He went on to remember how the fathers were there letting their sons relax and lean on them recovering from a mind shattering orgasm. He was somewhat imaging his father doing that to a younger him. He was getting close now.

He went on to remember the final ritual and how the boys were especially that confident bunny that he saw. He wanted to get to know him more. If he was right that boy could fulfill his greatest fantasy a younger Dom who could make him squeal. His mind wandered as he started stroking more and more as his pre cum had leaked more and more.

He came finally as he started to fantasize about the orgy going on right now in the hut and that confident bunny banging his father. Tony tried to control his breathing ensuring no one could hear him but thankfully it seemed no one could. He looked down and saw he shot one of the biggest loads he ever had.

'fuck' Tony thought to himself as he finished washing up and washing away the cum.

Once he got dressed in some sleep wear, he walked out to see that his co workers had already started eating but were now nowhere to be found. He grabbed one of the conkers as they were called and started eating one as Gibbs' wife entered having just finished showering herself in the other shower.

"did you have fun at the ritual? From what I heard it was a spectacle"

"Some what. I wonder if we are wasting our time here though. Can we even release this to the world?" Tony asked her as he finished his conker and went to grab another one. Just then Gibbs and Tuali burst through the door.

"Where is the Sack?" Tauli said quite flustered.

"here!" Tony said pointing to the half empty grey Sack.

"Oh no! that was the hunters food! Did anyone eat it?" Tauli said in a panic. Gibbs looked at his wife, but she had yet to eat any.

"Everyone else ate some already!" Sarah said as she pointed to the room behind them. Everyone slowly ran into the room and saw quite the sight. Suali, Huali, Chopper and Brent were fucking each other with reckless abandon having discarded their clothes in a messy pile by the door.

"Fuck me harder!", "Fuck! So horny!" The two bears said as the bunnies plowed them hard.

"Tuali! They ate the hunter's food!" Suali and Huali both said as they continued ploughing away.

"OH no!" Tauli said as he facepalmed. "they will be like this all night. I may suggest we change cabins cause they won't be sleeping at all."

Tony then looked at his paw with the conker in it. He had already had one. And now he was feeling it. The poor cameraman was now rock hard which was rare as he normally had to wait a while before he was hard again. Tauli then noticed and looked at him. Tony's body was filling with heat.

"Alright, give me that! Looks like I will be staying here. Tony is going to need a partner!" Tuali said as he grumbled and scarfed down a conker.

"What is going on?" Sarah asked.

"That food is lined with a heavy aphrodisiac. They will be addicted to sex for the whole night! We should probably ask to crash at Brad's place tonight." Gibbs said as he took his wife and the green Sack with him.

Tony was already naked and bent over with his ass in the air. At this point things just could not get any worse. But he soon felt Tauli line himself up to enter him.

"This is your first time, right? You are going to be very sore tomorrow!" Tuali said as he started what would be a long fuck session with Tony who only could grumble in response and think one thing.

'God dammit why did I agree to this!'