Blackmill: That wasn't so hard

Story by Dregs on SoFurry

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#3 of Blackmill

Felicia wasn't exactly sure what came over her. One minute she's sitting in history class the next she felt the sudden compulsion to excuse herself from class and sneak into the boys locker room. She tried to reason the urge but failed yet she the urge to do so wasn't any less powerful. She raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Grove?" Mr. Strak said. He was a tall stallion. Chocolate brown with a jet black mane. The way he ws built he could have easily been the pysical education teacher. Felicia would be lying through her teeth when she denied having secret fantasies about him. Yet he was twice her age and married with kids. his oldest son was a freshman that Felicia had toyed with the idea of dating on the chance she could get invited to Mr. Straks home. Though noen of those thoughts crossed Felicia's mind at the moment.

"May I be excused, Mr. Strak?"

"You no the rules. No one is allowed to leave during lectures unless it's an emergancy. So is it an emergency?" he said half sitting on the edge of his desk with those thick muscled arms crosed over his chest. Felicia tried her best to look a bit embarrassed and simply nodded her head.

"It can't wait another twenty-four minutes till the end of class?" He asked and Felicia shook her head 'no'. "Alright, but make it quick."

"Thank you. I will." She said and quickly exited the class. What had come over her? Why was she doing this? Thomas, her boyfriend, was in P.E. right now. So he'd likely just hitting the showers but so would the rest of the guys. This was stupid. Did she really want to see Tom this badly? Felicia shook her head slowly trying to gather her thoughts as she rounded the corner that would take her to the boys locker room. Outside the door was the blackbear Mr. Markov. The gym teacher and football coach. His plain white collared shirt strained around the huge muscles of his arms and also his large gut. He spotted her almost immediatly.

"Hello, Felicia." He said with his intimidating thick russian accent. Felicia just stared at him in confusion expecting him to question why she was there when instead he opened the locker room door and said, "Go on in."

Felicia wanted to turn and just go back to class but for some reason couldn't bring herself to do so. instead she thanked Mr. Markov and stepped inside. Fear slipped into her then as she walked through the short hallway and rounded a corner to find the locker room empty save for thomas who stood against the wall lined with shower heads. He was completely naked and in his eyes he had the same fear Felicia felt.

"Tom!" She said rushing to him. "What's going on? Why are you naked?"

"Sit down." A voice came from behind her. "There on the bench behind you and don't move or make a sound until I tell you to."

Felicia reacted without thinking. It was like being drunk, knowing what she was doing but having no real control of it. As she turned to make her way to the bench she saw him. That human, Nathan, she remembered his name. The perverted kid that had just transfered into the school. What the hell was he doing here? Why was Tom afraid and not saying anything? Why was she listenign to what nathan told her to do? She was just a girl but she was fairly certain she could kick the crap out of most any human. Felicia sat down on the bench facing Tom. His eyes darted from her to nathan. Pleading with him. What the hell was going on and why couldn't she make herself talk?

Nathan stepped up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Tom. You can speak if you like but no loud noises or calls for help."

"You son of a cunt bitch." Tom snapped instantly. "You hurt her in anyways I swear i'll beat you to such a pulp I'll be able to drink your remains through a straw!" Nathan only laughed. if Tom cared for her some much why was he just standing there making threats? Why didn't he do something? Why wasn't she doing anything?

Nathan hand slipped down the front of her V-neck shirts, cupping one of her breasts and massaging it slowly. Why wasn't Tom doing anything to help her? She wasn't foolish enough to think he truly loved her but she at least thought he cared. Tears formed in her eyes and she could see anger growing strong on Toms face but still he just stood there watching. Tears began to soak into the fur of her cheeks, she couldn't stop them, while Nathan slipped his other hand down the front of her shirt messaging her breasts and finally giving her nipples a painful twist. Still she didn't make a sound.

"I'm fucking warning you, Nathan! Get your fucking hands off of her. I'm going to fucking kill you! I'll fuckign kill you!"

Nathan paid Tom no attention and instead pushed Felicia down onto her back. She wanted to plead for Nathan to stop, for Tom to do something. She wanted to do anything but all she could do was stare up at the flourescent lights and struggle against the tears with no result as nathan positioned her on the bench so that she had a leg on either side of the narrow bench and her arms crossed over her stomach. Tom cursed and threatened but still made no move to help her. Had he not cared for her all this time? Not enough enough to stop a human from... She couldn't bring herself to think it but she knew it was going to happen even before Nathan began to pull her pants off.

She couldn't see him but the next thing she felt was something soft and warm between her thighs. It-it was a tongue. She could feel the warmth of Nathan's breath against her fur and it made the skin beneath tingle even before she felt his tongue slip between the folds of her slit. She gasped silently. It, it felt so good. Too good even. It was like she had been given some sort of drug that hieghtened the sensations. She choked on her next breath as the human continued licking in slow drags of his tongue up the length of her cunny. It-it felt good but, no. No! She didn't want this. Not like this. Not from some dumb, under evolved, monkey.

"Felicia!" Tom called to her but he seemed miles away. There was only her dwindeling fear and the growing sensation like nothing she had ever felt before. Had Nathan drugged her? She gasped again wishing she could make herself speak. Trying to focus on Tom's voice. Please stop this. Tom please save me. Why don't you care about me? Do I mean so little to you? She thought to herself wishing she could make herself say the words aloud_._ A chill ran up her spine, causing her body to shudder and tense for a moment. Oh. No. She was going to cum soon. it was inevitable if Nathan kept going like he was. Licking and sucking on her clit while two of his fingers probed in and out of her cunt. Please, no. She pleaded and the tears came harder now. Silently crying as she begged for Nathan to stop without words. this can't be happening. This is just a nightmare. She fell asleep in class and she was- She was...Oh. Fuck.

The orgasm exploded from the point where her body met Nathan's tongue washing over her body like tidal wave crushing her against the rocks. She screamed without sounds and the tears did not stop. Somewhere in the distance she could hear Tom's rage. He was still cursing and swearing but still wasn't making a single move to save her. In that moment she hated him. With every fiber of her being she hated Tom for letting this happen to her.

"Hey, Tom, shut up will you. I think she came. I think she likes it." nathan said with a laugh. "Look at your wonderful boyfriend. He likes it too. He's getting off on it, Aren't you, Tom? Go ahead and stroke that hard cock of yours. Show her how much you like watching me do this to your girl and tell her how little she means to you. Call her a filthy whore and a slut."

Felicia turned her head to the side and there he was. Tom was still standing with his back against the wall with a full erection. His cock in hand as he stroked it slowly not willing to look and meet Felicia's eyes. He wouldn't say such horrible things. He wouldn't. He...

"Yes. I love watching you fucking my whore of a girlfirend. She's just a slut." Tom said not willing to look her in the eyes as he said it. Felicia wanted to scream. She felt as though her heart had been torn out of her chest. How could he say such a thing about her? She was such a fool to think he cared. Then she felt something, Nathan's cock, it was his cock. Without warning he had began pushing it into her. The walls of her pussy wet and ready as they stretched to accept what felt far too large to be the cock of a human.

"You can speak now, Felicia, but the same rules apply. No screaming or trying to call attention to our little 'private party'." he had his cock buried to the hilt in her now and felicia moaned in pain, fury and agony. There was so much she wanted to say but she only managed another moan as nathan pulled back and thrust into her again. finally the words came to her between moans and gasping breaths.

"I fucking, oh, hate you, ah, Thomas." She said. "I thought, ah, you, oh, cared for, ah, me!" Nathan laughed at this.

"Tom. On second thought her voice annoys me. Why don't you come joins us and shut her up with that cock of yours. I'm sure it's just aching to unload."

"Tom! Don't! Please!" Nathan was thrusting harder now. "I'll forgive you! Just-just stop, please!"

It was no use. Without a word, Tom positioned himself near her head, straddling the bench. The tip of his cock inches from her mouth but she resisted, turning her head to each side until he forced her head in place and shoved his cock suddenly down her throat when she moaned. Felicia gagged. Each thrust nathan made into her cunt forced her to take Tom cock deeper than she could without choking.

"That's it." Nathan said pounding at her cunt harder and faster now. "Fuck her throat. Pound her mouth like Im pounding her tight cunt."

Tom did as he was told, matching Nathan thrust for thrust with the same power and speed. It was too much for Felicia to bare. The tears were still streaming down her cheeks as the two pounded her from both ends. She could feel another orgasm coming on but couldn't breathe. Please. Please stop. Please don't do this. she tried to say the words but only managed gaggng, garbled noises as Tom forced his cock deeper down her throat than she could do if she tried herself. Without indication, she gagged hard and the contents of her stomach escaped her. The disgusting taste filled her mouth as the fluid escaped around Tom's shaft which still didn't let up. The horrible taste and the lack of oxygen was getting to her as her climax grew near.

"I'm going to cum, Tom. I'm going to fill your slut girlfriend with my hot seed and when I'm done she'll be mine. She'll beg me for my cock. Again and again she'll beg me to pump her full of my cum." Tom said nothing but only kept thrusting matching Nathan's pace.

"Cum with me, Tom. Let's fill her from end to end."

Felicia continued gagging and in unison both Nathan and Tom came. "Swallow it." Nathan whispered as he groaned through his own orgasm and Felicia did as she was told. The feeling of both cocks pumping her full of seed pushed her over the threshhold and she came as well. Her own orgasm exploding within her as she struggleled to swallow all that Tom was pumping into her mouth.

Both males pulled out of her and Felicia moaned caughing up globs of Tom cum as she continued to try uncontrollably. She wanted to scream, to tell Tom hw much she hated him, to rip both thier throats out but she couldn't move. she just lay there, crying and shuddering in the wake of her orgasm.

"In the name of Lady Cheza I claim you're soul and in mine own, I claim your body and mind." Nathan said as he pressed his palm aginst her chest and then everything went black.

She struggled to open her eyes before she realized they were open but it was simply to dark to see anything. "Hello?" She called out. Where was she? Where ever it was, it was dark, she couldn't move and the heat was so intense she couldn't breathe. Fear engulfed her and she began to panic. She screamed and cried. Cried and screamed but no one answered her. She cried out until her throat ached and then she just cried. Cried alone and in utter darkness because it pained her too much to scream wishing that someone, anyone, would tell her what was going on. Praying to wake up from whatever twisted nightmare she was having.

Her screams, her tears and her prayers were all in vain.