The Devil May Care 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Devil May Care

Dusk, a black cat that has some practice with voodoo and black magic, has finally exceeded all that he can do with mortal power. Rather than retire, he decides to go for more immortal power, and what better darkness to try and seize for his own than the power of the Devil himself?

Commissioned by DuskCypher

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The Devil May Care

Part 1

For DuskCypher

By Draconicon

The bedroom was quiet, though Dusk knew that wasn't going to be the case for long. It was only so because he was gathering his thoughts, making sure that he was completely prepared for the ritual that was about to take place. If even a tiny element of it was out of place, if there was even one thing that he had forgotten, then the family name of Von Doom would be more than just a name; it would be his fate.

Yet, he felt confident, even if he was a little nervous about his plan as a whole. The ritual circle had been written just out of sight of the average observer around his bed, beneath the carpet that had been laid just a day or two ago. He had made sure to do it himself, knowing better than to trust the average handyman for something of this sensitivity. Even if they didn't get it wrong, they would have questioned what all the runes on the floor were for, perhaps even tried to clean them up. And then he'd be doomed.

The black cat took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down again. His muscles were tight, tense, bulging slightly through his fur, making his arms and chest puff and pop in the mirror across the room. Well, the mirror on the door, the walls...the ceiling...he had mirrored almost the whole place to watch things, to see them, to see himself and his partners over the years.

Was that narcissistic? Wasn't that what a cat was supposed to be?

He chuckled, the little joke against himself enough to take the worst of his tension away. He leaned back against the pillows that were piled high against the headboard, relaxing as much as he could as he stretched his legs joint, pointing his toes, flexing his claws for a moment before pulling them back to a more normal position. Dusk knew that this was going to be a hard night...

But he could take it.

" more sense delaying," he muttered, looking out the window as the moon started rising over the city. The other apartment buildings were like black silhouettes as they loomed over him, the greater buildings around his little complex staring down at him like judging giants. "Let's get this over with."

Get this over with. He hadn't thought that he'd be so blasé about doing this, but maybe the vodka was finally working its way through his system and pushing his nerves out of the way. Hopefully he hadn't taken too much.

After all, you didn't want to meet the devil himself while drunk, even if you did have a plan for dealing with him. Especially if you had a plan for dealing with him.

Dusk sat up in his bed, crossing his legs in the lotus position. He lifted his shaft and slid it over his left thigh, making sure that the hefty thing was out of the way, and he coiled his fluffy tail over his shoulder and around his neck like a scarf. The cat took a few more deep breaths, and then, with his voice steady, he started chanting the words of Hell, the summoning call for something greater than an imp or a mere demon, a mere captain of Hell. No, he was calling for the greatest denizen of the depths, the greatest power in the world beneath. He was calling for the Devil Himself.

The words came out as guttural chants, as a deep voice that went further than his own was capable of dropping. More than once, he felt like he was ripping his throat apart, feeling like he was gagging and gargling on stone rather than stating words that actually existed, but he could feel it working. The air was heating up without him doing a thing to the thermostat, and he could feel sweat starting to run between the strands of his fur. He wanted to cough, but he kept speaking, knowing that the spell needed to be completed before he could make another sound.

The more that he chanted, the more that the smell of brimstone, of smoke, of sulfur began to fill the room. He felt his throat trying to close up at the smell and the taste, but kept going, knowing that it would be the death of him if he let this stop him.

More, more, more words spilled from his lips, feeling almost like he had consumed a series of chilis and that they were starting to bleed out of his mouth. His lips felt like they were on fire and his mouth likewise. He groaned, tinting a word slightly wrong, but not enough to break the spell.

The walls went from purple and black to crimson, streaks of spiritual flames running up and down the sides as he kept going. He grimaced as he clenched his fists against the sheets, feeling his fur starting to matt against his face and his back, his chest and his stomach. The muscles beneath showed off all the more, but he forced himself to keep talking. The spell of summoning was almost complete, but if he stopped now, then the binding would not take place. He would be as good as dead in the hands of the Devil.

Finally, he reached the final word, and as it passed his lips, a thunderclap split the air. The windows around him cracked, and more than one mirror came close to shattering. He stiffened his pose, sitting in the lotus position still as a great portal opened at the door to his room.

Dusk smiled. It was done.

As he relaxed, the great silhouette of the master of Hell began to rise. Goat horns preceded the great figure, followed by cat-like ears that twitched as the monarch of darkness began his ascension. A feline face was revealed, a panther's face, and his fur was tinged with stripes of red, corruption and hellish power covering the great male.

Muscles that were stronger than his, height that was greater than his own, lent the figure a hint of greatness that went beyond the mere fact that he was the Devil, that he was the greatest figure of the plane of darkness and torture. The original demon, he who had committed the first sin, stood before him.

And even then, Dusk shivered as he felt the waves of power, the aura of magic that the panther put off. He shivered, trembled, shook as he felt it running through him, blasting him with fear and respect, with awe and even arousal as his cock started to rise in the presence of the other cat. He bowed his head slightly, and the other man chuckled.

"And what is this, then? A mere mortal, a weakling, calls for the King of Hell?"

There was a deep, sultry, rich tone to the Devil's voice, and he groaned as he imagined hearing that every day, knowing that he had gained the attention of someone that was so mighty, so sexy.

And yes, sexy was the term. The Devil stood before him like some model out of a magazine, like some sexy pin-up from the gym. The master of darkness might have been the most potentially evil being in the universe, but that did not stop him from being rather arousing to look at. His muscled, chiseled features, the slight streaks of red through the black fur, the way that his cock throbbed up almost like it was perpetually at arousal and attention, made him seem like the ultimate in what malehood should be.

Dusk knew that it was a temptation, a powerful one to distract the mind and soul, and he knew that if he had been unprepared for it, he would have fallen for it. Even now, he was tempted, and he could feel that temptation rushing through him, the Devil's power feeding on it and feeding it in turn, making his cock throb, his eyes stare, his heart race at the idea of being with the great cat in bed.

And so, he let himself go with it. After all, that was part of the plan, for how could one contend with the First Sin if one did not play by his rules?

"I summon you to offer a deal," Dusk said.

"A deal? A mere mortal such as you, rather than a magician, offering me a deal?" The panther chuckled. "And what can you offer me that another cannot?"

"It is not what I offer, but how I offer it. Something good for something small."

"Go on."

"I will, of course, offer you my soul."

The Devil waved that off, of course. The offer was hardly a new one, something that the Devil had been given a hundred times by many others in the course of his existence, no doubt. Dusk continued, however.

"In exchange, I merely ask for a night with you."

"A night with me?" The panther chuckled. "A soul for a mere night of pleasure? You must be lonely indeed...or merely have high standards."

"More the latter, oh Lord of Sins."

"You would live life without satisfaction if your standards are so high that you have to summon me to fulfill them."

Dusk nodded, but that was less to confirm the statement - though it was true - than it was to keep the Devil from being suspicious. The last thing that he needed was for the panther to start feeling around the room for a trap, to start thinking that there was something to worry about. He needed the Devil to be completely unawares until the trap could be sprung.

Yet, it seemed to work. The great panther sauntered forward, his eyes glowing with the power of Hell, his steps lithe and light, despite the crackling sound of fire in the distance. The black-furred master of Hell leaned forward, one hand on the bed, the other reaching for Dusk. The black cat offered himself, tilting his head back as the demon king wrapped a collar around his neck, the leather appearing as if from nowhere, wrapping around his throat so tight that it almost felt as if it was his own skin.

"Then you will be my toy for the night...and you will know ecstasy such as you never imagined."

"Then take me, oh great King of Hell, and allow me to feel bliss for the first time in my life."

"Roll over, little one, and present yourself."

The cat would normally never do something like this. In all his life, in all his moments of debauchery, he had been the one on top. He had been the one calling the shots, the one that had been all too eager to be thrusting away, giving of himself and taking of the other. However, he knew that it was not the time to allow the Devil to be suspicious. He needed to play the role of the eager slut for a bit longer.

So, Dusk rolled over, thrusting his ass in the air and flagging his tail off to the side. Thick fingers grabbed him, thick, but dexterous as they pulled his ass cheeks apart. He felt the hot breath of something unworldly puffing against his hole, could feel the soft breath that was taken of his scent.

"My, my, but this is a most inexperienced hole...your fantasies have run away with you, have they not?"

"Is it fantasy to imagine the best as your first, or ambition?"

"Heh, a short-lived ambition...but you will have the pleasure that you pay for...a soul is worth some effort, after all."

He nodded, lowering his head. He expected the Devil to ram himself in, and indeed, he hoped for that.

He was disappointed.


Dusk gasped as he felt the first lick along his hole, a little lap that was followed by a longer, loving slide of a tongue along his rim. He groaned under his breath, clenching his hands into the sheets as he felt the Devil rimming him, soft whiskers tickling the valley between his ass cheeks, a warm tongue that was just rough enough for pleasure dragging all the way from his taint to his pucker and then swirling around it. The licks turned firm, pressing against him, pressing him into the sheets with a feeling of domination behind them.


Despite everything, he hadn't expected the Devil to lower himself to something like this. Ass-eating was something that the lesser beings did for the greater ones...but then again, he could feel - ah! - he could feel the pleasure that came from it, how the will of someone that was beneath another could be broken by a talented tongue.

But he would not break. He would not.

He did, however, moan quite hard as he felt that tongue working into him, pressing past his rim and into his hole. He groaned as his cock throbbed up, slapping his belly as he felt that tongue wiggling, extending, pushing deep. It opened him up, slathered his insides with spit before pulling back. The soft pop as it left his pucker was all the hotter, for some reason, and he felt empty without that tongue.

It had to be part of the Devil's plan, something to turn him into a wriggling, squirming puddle of pleasure. He groaned again, gritting his teeth as he kept his tail up and out of the way, feeling that tongue working along his taint again, dragging from balls to hole and then -


Inside of him again, thrusting away, getting him worked up and loosened. Dusk ground his face against his pillow, shivering as his hole clenched, as his cock dripped from the assault on his body. Each little lick was followed by a sudden thrust, almost like the Devil was trying to get him to break on his tongue rather than his cock.

As the black cat curled his toes in pleasure, he could hear the Devil whispering to him, teasing him in his mind.

Ah, such a lovely little hole. You certainly have saved something special for your first. I will try and remember it when the souls of Hell attempt to tease their way back into my good graces...

The cat was happy enough to hear that. At least that meant that he was a little unique in the eyes of the Devil, which meant that he would be able to hold his attention for a little while.

Lick, lap, suck. The sucking was perhaps the hardest to deal with, feeling his hole getting pulled backwards in a way, feeling his rim rise and puff as the Devil sucked on his asshole. He groaned, trying not to wiggle his hips too much as the warmth, the suction, the filling pressure of that tongue all combined to push him closer and closer to climax. He clenched his hands into tight fists, almost clawing at his palms as he struggled to keep his head on straight, and hoped that he was succeeding.

"Heh, you are fighting this..."


"Come now. You want to finish, don't you?"

"I want to feel you, first."

"Mmm, then perhaps I'll grant you that. You did pay for this, after all."

Dusk groaned as that tongue slid over his hole one last time before pulling away, his fingers losing some of their grip on the sheets. That came right back, however, as he felt the thickness of the Devil's cock against his ass, feeling it throbbing, hot, heavy, bigger than anything that he had ever imagined against his ass. The sensation of it, knowing that it was going to be jammed right up his hole, was far worse than he had ever imagined, and far better at the same time.

How can anyone...

He didn't finish that thought as the head poked against his hole, opening his pucker ever so slightly before letting it close again. He lowered his head to the pillow, taking a few deep breaths as the panther teased him, rubbed him, almost slid in again and again. The Devil was waiting for him to break, to ask for it rather than just taking him. patient...

He had time. There was plenty of time. As long as the moon was up, he had time.

The panther's shaft bumped his hole again and again, each time making his hole loosen up that little bit more, bumping and abusing his muscle, sliding along the spit that had been left behind from the rimming. His rim was slowly losing its ability to stay tight, submitting to the thick shaft, until -


Dusk gritted his teeth at the first real stretch, feeling the very, very tip of that cock pressing into his rim, opening his pucker slightly and then pulling back. It wasn't enough to actually slide in, but he had felt the heat of the Devil's pre-cum in him, almost enough to make him go wide-eyed, almost enough to make his cock jerk and shoot.

Not yet. Not yet!

"Mmm, you want it, do you?"

"I do...please...more..."

The panther chuckled, and for a split second, he wondered if he'd be able to take it. Dusk didn't let himself speak; he didn't trust himself to.

The pressure returned, sliding against his hole, then into it. He moaned into his hand, trying to keep from making too much noise, but the feeling of his hole opening up was more pleasurable than he had ever expected. No less than he should have from the sin of lust, he supposed, but he knew that it was going to be harder to resist than he had planned.

As that thick cock slid further and further into him, opening him up like the slut that he had been pretending to be, he felt the Devil's pre-cum opening him up more and more. It was slick and hot and wet, and it made it hard for him to think about anything more than the feeling of getting stuffed by something almost too big for him.

More, more, more of it slid in, and he could feel the Devil panting a bit. He could feel the King of Hell starting to groan and grunt, like he was having a harder time than he expected holding back.


"Mmmph...let's leave a little mark on your soul, then, kitten. Let me find it again when I take it with me, to Hell..."

The Devil started speeding up, each thrust pulling almost all the way out, and then pushing all the way back in, just fast enough for the Devil's sac to swing forward and bump his balls before pulling back again. Forward, back, forward, back, the friction at his hole more than enough to keep his eyes wide, the pressure on his prostate enough to keep him huffing, puffing, and dripping on his sheets.

A little more...a little more...

Desperate to speed it up, he started thrusting his hips back, meeting the Devil's thrusts. He felt that thick shaft spreading him wider, forcing him to take it deeper, felt his hole opening in a way that would never change back naturally. He grunted, he thrust, he moaned, he groaned. He felt his pucker twitching, felt a hunger in his ass that had to be coming from the Devil's power that was infusing him.

But the pre-cum was flowing faster. He was getting closer. He was almost there.

He squeezed down around that shaft the next time that it slammed in, and that did it. The panther growled over him, squeezing his hips to stillness, and Dusk smiled as he felt the first shot of pre sliding into his hole, because there was more than just cum shooting.

Warmth, tingling power, and more came with it. He felt it filling his ass along with the seed of the great demon, swirling in him and adding to the power that he had used to call the Devil here in the first place. He clenched his hands tightly, slowly looking over his shoulder as the demon that had started it all blinked in confusion.

"What...what have you done?"

"I am stealing you...Or rather, stealing your power."

The runes on the floor, the marks of voodoo and black magic that he had translated over to a different form to make it that much more powerful, glowed beneath the carpet. The Devil tried to pull back, but no sooner had he done so than he was shoved forward again, forced to thrust his cock right back into the black cat's ass. Dusk's fluffy tail reached out, wrapping around the great panther's hips.

"Ah ah. I didn't say that you could go."

"What is this?!"

"I called you here for sex, and you're going to give me sex. Orgasm after orgasm, shot after shot of seed...and power...and your soul."

"That wasn't the agreement!"

"Then you should have read the fine print."

It was the biggest cheat of all time. The Devil usually would have read such things, he was sure, but the ritual circle had been all but invisible, keeping the great panther from seeing it and examining it for any tricks against him. It was almost poetic justice, in a way, considering just how much the Devil had tricked the rest of the world out of.

He rolled his hips back, taking that thick cock inside of him again, feeling the way that it tickled against his inner walls, the way that it pressed down on his prostate. With the bit of power that he had stolen, he flicked his finger.

They shifted position, suddenly with the panther on his back on the bed, and Dusk straddling his hips, that cock still buried in his ass. The panther's eyes went wide.

"How -"

"It's merely an enforcement of our contract. My pleasure for the night, and with every orgasm, I take a bit more of your soul, your power, from you." The cat smiled, leaning forward, his hands resting on the great panther's vast pectorals. "Do you think that you can hold out all night long? Can you keep any of your power?"


"Let's find out."

He smiled as he rolled his hips forward, feeling that thick shaft pulling on his pucker, feeling its sheer size. It was no longer so overwhelming, but rather a source of pleasure, something for him to enjoy as he rode it. He pulled his hips further, further, further up until it was almost sliding out of him, and then -


He slammed down so hard that the bed bounced, some of the Devil's seed oozing back out of him. The panther grunted, his hands clenching down on the side of the bed.

"I know what I want...the biggest creampie that any mortal has ever had," he said, pushing on the contract a bit further, feeling a little more power oozing from the cat demon. "Now, let's see how much you can give me."


Hours of pleasure whisked by, and by morning, there was nothing supernatural left to the panther in bed with him. The great demon king had been stripped of his horns, of his aura, of the red streaks through his fur. All that was left was a hint of the muscles that he had arrived with, and a cock that was too big for the frame that he now had. Even that was drained compared to what it had been, having lost several inches during the many rounds of sex that the pair of them had enjoyed.

Or, rather, that Dusk had enjoyed. The more that he had milked of the Devil, the more that the Devil seemed to whine about it. Now, they were near to morning, and he had taken everything. He stood up, smiling at himself.

He hadn't changed, at least not much. His cock was bigger than it had been, standing out at nearly a foot long, perhaps slightly over; it was hard to tell without a ruler to press against it. His muscles were bigger, too, though not by as much as one might have thought. They were definitely harder, though, less likely to go down.

Dusk sat down at the edge of the bed, looking back at the shriveled Devil. The once-mighty man had been reduced to a shadow of his former self, and despite everything, that sent a thrill through Dusk. To know that a simple little cat had managed to end the rule of the greatest supernatural being outside of Heaven was a feat, and one that he would remember for the rest of his now-endless life.

For he had taken everything. Immortality, power, all things save for the title that the King of Hell had held onto with a deathgrip. Not that he would hold that for long, either.

"Well, then, I suppose it's time that you take my soul," Dusk said.

"You spend all this time...all this time stripping me of power...only to hand it back? My power has tainted your soul. I will have it all again."

"No." Dusk chuckled. "Remember? I said that I was taking more than your power. I was taking your soul."


"Your immortal soul, which holds your power. Which means -"

" didn't..."

"That's right. You're getting a mortal soul, while I keep yours."

"You...that' can't..."

"You should have read the fine print."

The sun rose, and the light burned through the windows over the mirrors, the broken glass glimmering with the dawn's rays. The shift happened, and the panther shrunk yet further, becoming less than he had likely ever been. Dusk, on the other hand, was reborn, grown into something that nothing could resist.

As he stood up, however, the Devil pounced on his back, grabbing for his throat. His new muscles were more than strong enough to fend off the amateur attack, of course, but it was rather amusing to feel the Devil so frantic.

"You monster! Give it back!"

"I have merely kept to the deal we set up."

"You offered me your soul!"

"And you have it."

"You tricked me!"

"No, merely offered terms that you didn't examine."

He gripped the panther's hands, pulling them from his neck and then holding the shriveled feline before him, holding him by his wrists with ease. He looked him over, shaking his head.

"You really are pathetic now."

"You will pay. I swear, you will pay."

"Heh. I have all your power. There is nothing you can do to me now."

"Me? Heh...if you think I'm all you have to worry about, you're wrong. All the legions of Hell will be here when they find out, and so will the armies of the other side. Heaven and Hell have all the time in the world to find you, to turn this to their advantage."

He rolled his eyes. This was the monologue that he had been expecting, not the panic from earlier. Shaking his head, he dropped the panther to his feet, letting him back up a little bit. The Devil stood in front of a window, still chanting about how the two sides of Heaven and Hell would be after Dusk in a heartbeat, that they had been waiting for this chance for thousands of years to make a move.

He barely paid attention. For all that he had planned on stealing this power, he had no idea of how good it would feel, how right it would be to have this kind of strength and aura. It would be wonderful...if the panther would just shut up.

Dusk finally turned his attention back to the former immortal, shaking his head.

"You talk too much."

"I'm telling you what you're going to face. You aren't ready for that. Give me my soul back, and we'll never talk about this again. Give it back, bend the knee, and I will give you power akin to mine. But if you keep it -"

"I said."

Rearing back, the black cat kicked the panther right in the chest, and the formerly large feline went tumbling back through the damaged window. He stumbled over the edge, arms waving desperately, and then fell with a scream.

"You talk too much."

The panther screamed all the way down to the pavement, at which point he stopped screaming and started burbling, mostly from the ripped flesh and worse. Dusk shook his head, turning away from the window.

And now, time for clean-up.

He started to reach for the sheets, planning to bundle them off to a burn barrel outside to get rid of the evidence entirely, but then a thought occurred. Magic had never been an option before when it came to doing the chores around the apartment, mostly because it was not the most stable of things outside of the ritual spells, but he had something different now. He had the Devil's power.

And what was more indulgent, more sinful, than laziness and wish fulfillment?


Yes, that was the right word. He held it in his mind as he sat down on a chair, and as he focused on the laziness of the sin, the indulgence of doing nothing, reality started to shift, to change, to warp around him. To do nothing meant that someone else had to do it, and in this case, the only one that was around was reality itself.

Dusk smiled as he watched the bed make itself, the sheets losing their wrinkles as if they were pulled taut by invisible hands. The broken glass lifted up, fitting itself together like a puzzle before sliding back into place, repairing the panes that had been broken. The stains of cum and sweat in the sheets faded, the smell growing stronger in the room for a moment it was evaporated out before fading completely.

In less than a handful of minutes, the whole room was as fresh and clean as if it had been recently outfitted with its furniture and accessories.

That had never been possible before, but the power of the Devil himself hadn't been in mortal hands before. Dusk flexed his fingers, leaning back in his chair. The police would be here at some point, all of them carrying questions of what had happened, how the dead man on the pavement had actually died. They would wonder at him, perhaps, until the evidence showed that the panther had never been in his apartment, even if there was a witness to say that someone had been kicked out, that the windows had broken.

Evidence worked both ways. It proved what had not happened as well as what had, and the evidence was entirely on his side.

Dusk continued to focus on Sloth as he held out his hand, and reality reached out and handed him a robe. Not even one of his, but one that was sized for him regardless. He pulled it on, humming to himself before getting comfortable.

The power of the Devil was something that he'd aimed at for a specific reason. Not for some sort of goodness, or to try and take the evil out of the world. No, that was too ingrained into the nature of people, and even he would admit that. He wouldn't be better behaved now that the Devil wasn't around to tempt him. No, this was merely his way to have fun.

After all, the power of the Devil was theoretically second only to the power of the great God himself. To hold it would be to have near-ultimate power over mortals, allowing him to do whatever he wanted with their lives, with their minds, with their bodies.

Voodoo had been amusing, as had his black magic, but it had never been enough to give him everything that he wanted. It had given him a portion, a hint of what he craved, but this...this would give him everything.

There would not be a man out there that would not give him what he desired.

There would not be a treasure out there that would not become his.

There was not a pleasure that could be conceived of that would be denied him.

Dusk had taken the greatest power that a mortal could have, and now, he could use it however he wanted. It was like the lottery, and he planned to be the most debauched, hedonistic winner in history.

The End