Butterfly (Waiting For Tonight)

Story by Bartan on SoFurry

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#5 of Waiting For Tonight

Feels like it's been ages since I posted anything >>;

Things are a bit slow, but I'm trying to get back into the groove of things. In the meantime, here's a Waiting For Tonight spinoff.

This one is focused a lot more on Kyella; the "Guard" from WFT act 4. It's a bit on the short side, but there are two sessions here. One with your lovable raptor Ari, and the other... I'm going to leave as a secret (unless you look at the tags. If you don't want it spoiled, don't look at them intensely)

Regardless, not really much else to say here. This'll be the last one of these until next year. I've got other things I want to work on, and well... My life has been getting a bit busier lately. I'm doing well and I'm safe here, just... Busy and not having a whole lot of energy to write.

Charr © Guild Wars 2/Arena.net

Butterfly © Crazy Town

...Once you hear it, you'll likely recognize it.

Butterfly (Waiting For Tonight)

By Bartan Tirix

The chilling breeze passed through her brown fur as she pulled herself up over the rocky ledge. Throwing the compact bag that remained attached to her onto the flat surface and nearly using it as an anchor while the feline pulled herself up. Taking several breaths before convincing herself that it was time for a break, especially after looking down.

Yes, Keylla spent most of the morning climbing these cliffs, thinking it wouldn't be that hard. The weather was indeed perfect for such a thing: beautiful sunshine in the early autumn. Borderline summer still in these parts of Tyria. The winds only started to pick up recently, and it made sense now that the brown one was able to see the waters from this high up.

However, standing in the breeze was a good way to catch ill. Moving along the smoother surface carefully; looking rather thin and plated when the Charr was on her way up. Those four ears even catching a few sections of the bottom layer plummet down at least three hundred feet before making contact with anything remotely solid. Once again catching the attention of those yellow eyes at the height she had climbed in the span of several hours.

Yet, it made her feel so alive! Something the brown one swore such a thing would nearly paralyze her with fear as she found a good spot to rest. Stable and sheltered from the winds, allowing her to take another few breaths. Sit down and enjoy a packed ration for several minutes while the view entertained her.

And it was astonishing. The bay down below leading out to the Elon River. The works of an old bridge still intact below, likely still used. The Rock Gazelle herds passing on a large flat surface, one near a waterfall that seemed to divide the very seasons of summer and winter. Looking a bit above it, Kye could actually see snow!

She wondered what it would taste like at that moment. She tried it when she was a cub when they snuck out of the iron walls of the Citadel. Was like a cross between dirty water and exhaust that was chilled, even making her own muzzle scrunch in the present as it did in the past. But this... This land didn't seem to have such machinery.

The Black Citadel... Has it really been two years since she left that place with Linet? Learning under her prestige while doing a lot traveling, studying the effects of potions as well as how to pack them properly. Doing enough honest work for Kye to afford her very own Alchemist Kit and gather collections of herbs out in the wild. There was just so... Much information the scrapper needed to learn.

But the brown feline wasn't a scrapper anymore, was she? Nor was she a guard. Strange how it took so long for Kyella to find work that she was passionate about, that she enjoyed. Be it just hiking through the wilderness and finding materials, researching recipes and studying what components did what. As well as making a special bestiary for Linet, a hobby that even Kye was enjoying.

...She missed the white female for that moment. Taking a cool drink from a canteen and a deep breath as the Charr's mind flew back in time to the last time they spoke. Sitting and waiting in the busy square of that trade city: Lion's Arch. Remembering quite well the sleepless night before, overlooking the waters and feeling a bit nervous about it. "I know that look." The white and black spotted one stated, getting the past version of Kyella to half startle. "Not even a wink, huh?"

A light chuckle left Kye as she adjusted herself on the large pile of crates. Who's they were, she had no idea, but it was a good vantage spot to spot her comrade... Well, if she was able to focus that is. "Not even. I'm having second thoughts about all this."

"Don't." Linet told her confidently. "I felt the exact same way myself, but..." She looked over the large raptor at her heel, getting a purr in question before a little chin scratch. "It was the best decision of my life. Besides, you have everything I know written down or memorized."

"I swear sometimes I haven't learned a thing these two years." A gestured for the dinosaur to come to the brown one, and it did. Using the other hand to dig through her backpack and pull out several slices of prepared meat that got the theropod's attention. "Except Ari's favorite fish, that is."

"Useful information." The white one pulled herself up beside the other charr, chuckling at how fast the dino slurped them down. Though definitely showing forms of gratitude towards Kye in return. "You'll do fine, Kyella. It'll be a bit scary at first, sure, but you'll get used to it."

"You say that, but I didn't get any sleep last night. And part of the shipping deal was that I helped with the sail." A strange shrug from the white one, clearly indicating she was hiding something. "What?"

"I_maaaay_have paid the rest of your cost, upgrading you to your own quarters and no work needed." A massive sigh of relief from the brown one as she took a moment for it to sink in. Getting a chuckle from Linet and then a sudden yelp when the female hugged her tightly. "You're welcome."

"You are just too good to me, Lin..."

"However, you're not entirely off the hook yet." A noise in question. "You don't _need_to do any work, but I want you to try. Spend today getting rested up, and this trip learning the ropes for next time, okay?" A nod was felt as the white one shared the embrace, one of many the past two years. "Consider it a 'Goodbye For Now' gift. Deal?"

"Deal. I can't thank you enough for everything you've-" A gesture from that white paw cut Kyella off.

"The only thing I ever asked..."

"Was to give interest and effort, I know." The two smiled, breaking the hug slowly and a bit shyly as well. Especially when others looked from afar. Likely gazing at the exotic beast more than anything but.

"Okay, I got some things I need to take care of. You've got everything packed and ready to go?"

"Yes. I'm taking your advice and traveling light."

"Good. Can you do some Ari-sitting for me then?"

"Of course. I've got at least an hour before my ship is even scheduled to port."

"I'll be back before then, thanks." The white one waved before moving on, giving the raptor a pet as she went and getting a playful wrap from Ari's tail in return. Returning his attention towards the brown one, nudging her chest and calling Kye's paws to cup his chin for a few strokes. And like magic she felt it.

"You understand what's happening, don't you?" A look from those orange eyes, the black slits within widening a bit with sorrow and making the Charr sigh. "Linet is often right about you, Ari; you tend to have this intelligence within this thick skull of yours. If only your tongue could speak for it." A snort from that muzzle. "But, yes... I am leaving. For quite some time too." That gaze fell with her own. "However, at least it's by my decision and nothing forced. Thank you for your protective services, buddy."

A disgruntled grumble left him quietly as he paused and looked away. Soon raising that snout up under her neck and licking the brown fur underneath, getting her to chuckle a little at it. Then go after one of her lower ears, playfully biting it and giving it a small tug, a suggestion that got her to freeze for a moment and lightly whimper. Making his rather... Suggestive gaze with eyebrows bouncing and that dumb smirk in the corner of his muzzle at her expression.

"W-what?" Another tug. "H-here?" A nod after he let go, causing the Charr to become a little flustered and... 'Inconspicuously' looking around. Once in a while still getting a few questionable looks, but again; more towards the beast than her expression. At least she hoped. "I swear you're getting a thing for Exhibitionism." A chirp from Ari that time as the feline sighed, getting nudged a little strongly for her attention and snorting loudly. "Yeah, you're right. I want it." A large nod as she looked around again, this time for something specific. "Over there, the docks there shouldn't be too busy."

Mid-sentence, he snatched her bag and moved closer to the crate Kye was sitting on, allowing her to saddle on his back with ease and take off into the direction. Trying not to long-jump due to lacking any reins for her to hold onto at this time, and taking a few turns along ivory roads. Finding a large set of curved ramps that lead to piers, and a large amount of wooden planks piled up neatly close to one of the curved walls. Perfect.

Near carelessly, Ari dropped the bags in a 'corner' and practically shook the Charr off his back. Causing her to stumble against a wall and snatch that brown muzzle with his own before she could sass, making her whimper near blissfully as that tongue went to work. Lapping against hers roughly as those paws against his neck soon submitted, though really making sure his 'prey' wouldn't try to escape. He knew she wouldn't but it was still fun to make his masters kneel.

Breaking the kiss and nibbling down her neck furs, past down the rather loose and opened clothing Kye was wearing. Something that barely covered her chest as the raptor's teeth sought out a nipple through the brown forest. Using her vocals as a radar of sorts as the Charr attempted to keep quiet in the public place, thankful that there were no workers around right now.

A sharp gasp as those fangs discovered one, allowing that tongue to lap at it roughly and make her claws dig into those neck scales. Each lick was sending shivers down to the Charr's knees as she leaned against the wall, pinned by the constant nudges and that strong tongue. Hearing the feline exhale loudly over his head as he stimulated one of those sensitive areas before moving down to his most dastardly of enemies.

Pants. Along with belts and- well, just about any type of waist-wear, really. Looking over her soft skirt and spotting those bare brown legs underneath, tilting his head and purring a bit in question. He recognized this garment, as well as it's underneath. Pulling the skirt up and finding only a strap of cloth protecting that gate.

The beast smirked slyly as the charr caught her breath, only for it to be half taken away again when that muzzle shifted to nudge her pelvis. Still straining herself to be quiet as some footsteps a ways away were snatched up overhead by those blushing ears. Keeping herself against the wall as the dinosaur gnawed at her underlayer, lightly gripping her lower lips with each attempt as they lightly swelled. Recognizing such a key.

Soon enough, Ari got a good enough hold on that cloth to pull it down, though getting resistance when the straps caught in her fur. Pulling a little harder and slipping that tongue within the gap to coat her folds in a warm wetness. The feline's legs buckling together and lightly trapping that snout as her grip on his neck moved up, pulling that nose closer to the brown one's moist gate.

She whimpered, doing her best to silence her voice and hold back the noises through the gasps as that tongue went to work. Studying her well over the past two years and still loving whatever those potions did to her taste. Knowing just how to persuade the barriers in order to seperate them, reading the clawing along his neck as signals that the dinosaur was doing perfect. But over time... Over time he's gotten to enjoy something very specific.

But Ari didn't want to completely rush this just yet, focusing along the outside of her privates after using a paw to pull that undergarment off once and for all. Giving him unrestricted access as his tail swayed about, bouncing between the solid marble wall and a very large pile of wooden 2x4s. Neatly stacked save for one area that was the perfect height for his plan.

One thing at a time though, right now he needed the Charr loose. Slowly breaking her will with the constant strong slides against her folds, occasionally slipping inside to weaken her vocal restraints. Pushing that tongue in a little further while combing the lighter patch of fur with his teeth. Those hind legs of Kyes getting more and more unstable, occasionally feeling the dinosaur push her up against the wall and lift her slightly off the ground with that snout and paws. Loving the uneasy whine that left the feline's blushing muzzle as she attempted to root herself along the smooth vertical surface.

Again and again he balanced her for a few moments, getting a tight squeeze from those lower lips each time. Until he folded that tongue within her during the fourth try, nearly breaking her voice attempting to hold back the cry of bliss while her legs failed to support her. It was time. Taking the half drunk Charr and placing her belly down along the piled wooden planks; the lowered and more comfortable height for the raptor. Still giving the two a little wall to hide from anyone looking from the other side as he continued to tongue the female. Making that fluffy tail flutter with every lap and movement, swaying it side to side like a flag of surrender, but not juuuust yet...

...There. He detected it, lightly slowing down so the feline could hear the upcoming voices getting closer through her gasps. Releasing a rather pitched and embarrassed whine as she covered her snout with both paws. Tensing up and really giving that tongue a squeeze as the vocals grew closer; coming down the same ramp that they did. Playfully wiggling his stuck tongue in order to get a reaction out of her before getting free. "A-Ari! We should get back-!"

Another little yelp from the feline as she felt the male's underbelly press against her back. Pinning Kye down despite her whispering denials until that tool prodded her wet folds, catching her in a state of manneral contradiction, shy fear, and sexual submission. Unable to think as all three sides fought with her, leaving the 'decision' to the beast; who's answer was quite clear with the steady prods.

Then a much stronger one, forcing those folds to swallow the weapon's head and push her into near spasms. Nearly hissing in her paws to keep herself from calling out in bliss while the dinosaur curled over her. Giving the brown one a loving lick between the eyes, swearing that his very saliva was evaporating from the blush over her. Pushing in a little deeper as the voices grew closer and closer, setting some equipment down during their small talk just on the other side of their wall of wood.

But the two were still out of sight. Barely. And unnoticed for the time being. Sliding that weapon through the smaller one's tunnel slowly and still playing her like a wind powered instrument. Quivering with heated breaths during every movement while those brown ears scanned the area. Her coat puffing up whenever one of them drew near, being stroked into relaxation by the raptor while the dock workers took out a few planks for their projects.

Yet, the female still squeezed. More and more frequently as that red tower continued to thrust into her. Slow and powerful, testing the charr's capacity like it did every time. Gently shaving off flakes of her will to stay silent, provoking the beast to move a little faster. Press a little harder. Thrust a little deeper. Finding that perfect speed to make Kyella's breaths climb up, squeezing that welcomed intruder in attempts to slow the dino down.

A statement from one of the workers caught her ear among the faint purrs, saying that they'll be right back after they collected something. Perfect, Ari thought. Keeping his pace until the second one was out of earshot, while one still remained. Hearing them continue to work alone as the raptor geared up. Pounding into that furry rear and badgering against the charr's will to remain quiet! Rushing her to her orgasm as the beast continued to slide within her! Those squeezes becoming more and more frequent until her entire body started to tense up!

This was it! Keeping his pace as Kye slowly started to cave in, breathing a little louder with each huff as she tried to cover her muzzle with those brown paws again. Only to be rejected by the raptor, pinning one of those down too! Causing her muzzle to scrunch up as the charr attempted to resist for just a little longer! Squeezing that weapon immensely before finally cumming while releasing several blissful whines! Ones she was still trying to silence...

...And nothing? "Hello?" (Damnit!!) She cursed, once again becoming quite tense and remaining completely still. Ears flickering at every step the worker took as the raptor once again pressed up against her, giving her a few licks while hiding as well. "Is anyone there?" They were just around the corner, cautious step after step-! Feeling their gaze move along Kyella's bags, her clothing-!

And Ari roared loudly! Making the worker panic and stumble backwards before scampering to their feet! Taking off up the ramp with several... Well thought out curses for someone who was just surprised. Putting a large grin on the dinosaur's muzzle as he looked slyly down at the panting feline. "You've gotta stop doing that..." She half grumbled, still dealing with the constant waves that surged through her. Starting to get up and head back to the square they were in, until the raptor pinned her down again.

The charr double taked the best she could as he once again nibbled at a heated ear, gently sliding in and out of her while Kye released a whimper. "Y-you're not... Done yet, are you." She barely asked, getting a snort in response and making her sigh. "That means No. But they're going to come back any minute." A grumbling noise from him, and the brown one tossed her muzzle. "Fine, but you better make it quick-!"

A deep thrust interrupted her as the beast above purred, exhaling his own walls of heat as he quickly regained his speed. Now not having to worry about the noises they or the surrounding objects made and doing his best to keep the feline singing. Slowly feeling himself climb up closer and closer to a release as those lower folds continued to squeeze his member hard. Nearly stopping the raptor's pull with their very brace, triggering more and more of those fluids to retaliate against such a thing.

But Ari was getting a little too close too fast, slowing down his motions and letting the feline catch her breath for a few moments while licking at one of her ears. Almost being able to taste Kyella's blush as she panted and spoke. "No knotting." A very loud grumble in question from the dinosaur as he curled his neck at her, accidently pulling that ear a little in the process. "No knotting-" A growl from him this time as he nearly spoke to her. "Because I don't have time to empty out an entire barrel of your-" A single thrust interrupted her, making the Charr half beg for it as she battled against her own resolve.

The raptor nudged at her a bit smugly, letting that large tool inside the female throb to weaken her defiance. "No." Another growl with several noises of slight frustration. "I know I like it-!" A thrust again. "Okay...! Okay, I _ love _it." A vocal of prideful confirmation from the male. "But we don't have the time for it, Ari. You can either finish up in me-Without Tying!" A snort that she paused for, expecting it. "Or we can stop right here." A snout toss as he grumbled, attempting to stare those yellow eyes down.

But the feline remained vigilant against Ari's gaze, making him grumble for a moment before agreeing. Starting up his motions again, sliding that entire tool into the Charr's sex while a thought occured. What if... He started to knot her? Maybe Kye would perhaps miss such a thing and change her mind? He could already feel the dense flesh already begin to form at the base of his weapon, let alone a near spike of bliss from her squeeze that nearly made the theropod climax.

Ari thrusted into her deep, remaining there and just barely edging himself and letting several jolts of pre enter that far chamber within. Loving how the feline was still trying to keep her song quiet, especially now that his bulge started to swell up within her. Nudging Kyella lovingly before double taking at her stern look... Well, Stern attempt. Tossing his snout lightly and giving in; there was no way around it.

Granted, he did want to give her one more release, and swear the female was almost there. Pulling out made her gasp loudly and nearly made his own body rush towards its own climax. Trying to time it so they both would get a satisfying ending as he plunged that growing knot in and out of her swelled folds. Judging by her whimpers and cries, Kye was almost there! But so was the raptor! Soon feeling himself get past the point of no return, but still forcing that bulge in and out of her!

Until one very tight squeeze caused the dino to become grappled in the cumming sex! Soaking his slit while also keeping it within a vice as he attempted to withdraw! Pulling harder and harder only made his climax rush through! Only made that knot pulse larger and larger! The Charr's higher pitched whine climbed as the theropod struggled to pull out, until his legs locked up! His tail flicked upwards! His vocals grew from deep growls to heavy hisses!

That first torrent thickened Ari's shaft up, making the feline beg for it as ropes started to fill her! Venturing deep inside as the pressure started to build up...! A bit sooner than normal, and mostly around the waist-The damn skirt and belt! She forgot to take it off! Feeling the beast's seed continue to launch out into Kye as she struggled against his weight! Attempting to get a paw inbetween her and the pile of wood she was being mounted over while her gut continued to lighty swell around that restraint!

Finally finding the buckle and attempting to undo it against the pressure of both the torrents and the dinosaur's own weight, even though he was trying to support it! The Charr's belly grew little by little with each passing second, becoming so taut that Kye couldn't find enough give to loosen the prong! Eventually rushing the feline to another orgasm where her body also locked up as she whimpered loudly! Her lower end swallowing spray after spray until-!

The belt snapped once! Then soon a second time! Then feeling her lower belly wrap around the remains of the skirt before ripping it apart! Stuffing the Charr full as Ari finally got control enough to start pulling his knot out, being aided with the pressure inside and those lower folds releasing it with a loud plop! Letting the rest of the dinosaur's fluids spray against the woodwork, trying not to completely cover those brown furred legs and tail like he usually does.

Pants left the two of them, their bodies finally coming down from such excitement. Feeling the theropod nudge Kyella against her brown neck and giving her the 'Guilty Look', making her sigh and lightly shake her head. "I know... I can't stay mad at you, and that..." Another pant as she was still blushing. "That wasn't _all_your fault." A slight whine from him as the feline's paw led that scaled muzzle to her own. Letting them share a deep kiss for a few moments before breaking it. "But we need to leave here and find someplace..." She put her hand on her belly while the raptor nodded, grabbing her back pack as the memory faded.

Yes, it was quite the parting gift. Recalling such a thing even made the female wet just thinking about it. Not even noticing she's been rubbing between her legs for several minutes no doubt, blushing a bit when a couple of Rock Gazelle were just staring at her from afar and making Kye release a whimper.

For a few moments the two stared at each other, completely frozen until something else caught the deer's attention out of view. Nothing terribly of concern as it once again looked back at the charr, swearing it's gaze was centered on the paw between Kye's legs. Linet always stated that even the wild animals seemed to know more of what's going on than people credit them for, a thought that seemed to echo through the feline's head as the Cervidae finally became bored with the masturbating female and moved on to eating.

Kyella exhaled loudly, getting up from her rest and looking through the tightly packed bag for that notebook. Finding she had to carefully move around several large vials tucked between layers of blankets in order to find the pencils. An unexpected art, really; a form of packing she still didn't quite seem to master like Linet did, and this mess really showed as such. Overlooking one of the bottles to see if it was the repellant; always being told to keep it on top for those emergency situations.

...And of course it wasn't the one, making her sigh and wonder what would happen the day she did encounter a raging Rock Gazelle or Sandshark out here. Attempt to distract them with an anti-venom for Sand Eels? Hardly. For now the charr was at a safe distance, observing the deer and taking some notes on what it seemed to be eating. A strange plant that she may need to get a sample of if she could find a way over.

Adding some notes before grabbing her pack and searching for a path to take, soon finding one with a small leap across the large plates. They made her a bit nervous, considering the long way drop and the fact she swore whenever the charr stepped small sections of the rocky platforms would plummet down under. But arriving on the larger areas put her more at ease. Enough to set the bag down and find more of those plants the deer was eating.

Such things honestly reminded Kye of something she would see in Kryta, surrounded by green grass and medium temperatures. Like it belonged in a meadow of sorts; short and bush-like. Purple flowers that kinda reminded her of corn on the cob, making her question how such a thing would grow in the desert. Giving a quick sketch in the notebook before taking a sample and looking around, surprised to find a patch of grass uphill.

Several more of those plants and many others were found along the wide path the grass made, as well as evidence of the Gazelles being here. Curious, the feline followed it upwards towards the vista of the desert and ruins far beyond. The wind picking up even more, to the point where it smelled like frost and giving the faint memory of home.

Well, "Home." The Citadel never really felt like a home, but outside those iron walls really did. Still, this was quite the sight. Though Kyella did question how grass would actually grow here, the air did seem quite cooler despite the height. Yet, the path continued, making her wonder what was possibly on the top of it- and did that bush just move?

A sudden instinct of danger sent a chill down her spine, just before a strong wind blew as well. Swearing she heard flapping but didn't see anything in the sky after a quick look. Harpy maybe? Regardless, the feline didn't want to leave her pack behind. Treading down to where the grass began and overlooking the deer still eating while one acted as a watch. Almost glaring at the Charr and determining if she was a threat or not.

...And not noticing the shadow that moved into Kyella's eyesight until it was nearly too late. A large golden blur swooped down and tackled one of the feeding Gazelles, surprising the feline with a sudden jump back and leaning against the rock wall. Unable to pry her eyes away from the skirmish as the winged beast attempted to grapple the buck!

But after quite the struggle, the deer fell off the nearby ledge and onto another down below. Ones that it's herd escaped to, outrunning the scaled behemoth as it growled. About to give pursuit, but detecting a pair of eyes on it. Turning about and locking onto the brown charr with a notebook as she stared at it back.

The thing was huge, nearly twice the size of raptor Kye grew to know well. Large golden wings, thick muscled body, and a steady path of navy fur that started under its chin like a beard. Flowing down it's broad chest and far underneath, intimidating the feline with cyan eyes. A...Dragon!? Like the ones that basically acted as a new apocalypse every other year!? What the hell was it doing down here!? Still watching the creature as it let out a low growl, targeting it's next prey, and started prowling towards her.

Instincts told her to run away, but there was no way that the feline would be able to outrun a wild animal like the gazelle. However, she had a tool: that repellant! It was just in her bag at the bottom of the hill! If only Kye could get to it, keeping her own eyes locked onto the predator while starting to slowly step down the hill, at about equal pace as the beast was moving towards her.

That is, until the charr stepped on a smooth rock that slipped in the grass. Causing her to roll down the hill a little bit and trigger the wyrm's pursuit! Its stomps easily being caught by her ears as she dashed towards the backpack! Tossing the notebook aside and battling with the straps as the beast got closer and closer! Attempting to instead break it in desperation as her instincts alerted her of the dragon's swing!

Kye stepped into it though! Dodging the deadly claws of the beast's muscled arm, but getting hit by it in the process! Not knowing it's immense strength until she felt herself being thrown across the plate with the pack still in her grip! Actually letting go of it just as she hit the ground and nearly losing it to gravity as it slid closer to the edge! Snatching it just in time and finally opening the main bag!

Another alert! Causing her to dodge towards the beast and under it's pounce! Feeling her pants catch a tear along with a small cut on her brown leg! Ignoring it and reaching in for the nearest bottle she could find just as another set of claws caught her clothing! Tossing her further in the center of the rocky plate and sliding onto her side!

Rolling off to the side to dodge another sudden pounce! Attempting to scamper to her feet, but stuck in a constant loop of lunging out of the way of attack after attack! Before getting grappled by the behemoth and dragged under it! Being pinned onto her back with a low grunt, clutching the bottle tightly with both paws as the wyrm was instantly on top of her! Face to face, able to smell the heated smokey breath coming from that muzzle; bearing its teeth at the Charr! Each forearm acting like a golden pillar that cut off Kye's exits...

Such a position made her whimper, but the wyrm didn't deliver the final blow. Staring the feline down as her instincts made her freeze in place, wanting to flee and scamper away but to do that was to end her life. Not shifting her gaze away from it's own as Kyella held her breath and pulled the bottle's lid off. Feeling some of the liquids inside stain onto her shirt and mentally cursing how much that's going to suck getting that smell out, as the beast suddenly stopped to sniff the air. Mood going from predatory to suddenly curious.... But not moving away.

Then, the scent reached her own muzzle, regardless of her lack of breaths. That... That wasn't the repellant. Was that the...? A sudden purr from the dragon confirmed such a thought as that snout leaned in closer to hers. Sniffing just under her jawline where some of the spill ventured into her neckfur.

The Aphrodisiac. Of course Linet packed her one, and it was just Kye's luck that was the one on top of the bag. Feeling a large and thick tongue slide up against her neck, still purring loudly at the much smaller charr as it started to effect even her mind a little. She knew it was strong, but 'turning a furious beast into a horny one in 10 seconds' strong? Though... The brown one was loving the idea of being pinned down by something so large, just like Linet's story about the griffon... Perhaps maybe, this was Kye's turn to be 'underneath something'?

It was a dumb idea. Scratch that, it was Beyond Dumb. To not toss that bottle off to the side to distract such a thing and take off. Instead, the charr spilled a few more drops of the liquid against her breastbone. Then lower, along her belly. Creating a small trail to her pelvis and letting the behemoth of a creature slowly follow it. Noticing the Charr move a little bit and rest one of it's heavy paws on her shoulder, making Kye yelp a little bit.

The wyrm's arm had such strength, but at least it wasn't hurting her. Just pinning the feline down as it started almost gnawing the juices out of her clothing and fur. Trying to add a little bit more to her own crotch, Kye accidently felt the bottle slip out of her grasp and catch it with her thighs! Feeling it drip down and soak her crotch completely with the fluids, a movement unknown to the enthralled beast.

Its tongue lapped at her with rather impressive strength as the Charr attempted to slightly study the creature up close. A rather wide and thick skull, covered in golden scales that spaded into large black horns. One of which getting quite close to Kye's muzzle with it's licking motions, as if still threatening the smaller one not to move. Too focused by the taste and scent of those juices to even notice her other paw start to stroke that navy mane. Quite rough and dry but surprisingly not very sandy, but instead... Damp-?

A sudden detection along her ankle interrupted her studies, feeling something hang down from the dragon's lower end. Making her whimper when she made out what it was; he was definitely a male, that's for sure. Trying to relax and give into the small waves of bliss that triggered when his purring vibrations rode the path down his tongue. Finding their way through Kyella's frame and sensitive chest spots, gearing up her own breaths that drew in more and more of that scent.

When the wyrm couldn't gather anymore out of her shirt, the golden one moved down to her belly. Giving several strong licks and pulling the clothing up, but soon following where the majority of the lustful smell was coming from. Shifting furthermore while keeping a paw on the feline's shoulder, watching her carefully spread them to invite him in then giving her pelvis a strong lick.

A heavy gasp left her as that brown paw grabbed hold of the golden pillar that anchored her. Getting strong press after strong press against the Charr's sex, causing her to whimper louder and louder as the beast began to scent something else within the wonderful juices... Getting him to purr a bit in curiosity and press that snout into her crotch for several sniffs.

The new scent was still strong, but there was something else here... Something quite familiar, yet different. Reminding him of... Female? Definitely not his species, but she definitely smelled like she was ready for mating. Even before their encounter, the same scent still lingered. Now if he could just this damn hide off-!

Her paw slowly reaching down caught the attention of those cyan eyes, releasing a low growl from that armored throat as it inched closer and closer to Kye's belt. Carefully undoing it and unzipping the fly before pulling it down, causing the two to lock eyes again for a few moments while he shifted back and forth between hers and the invitation.

She wanted this. Perhaps her plan all along? It hardly mattered, whatever that juice was... It was getting to his head and he desperately needed to mate with something. Giving into those instincts and nudging her pelvis before sliding that tongue within the clothing's gap. Instantly causing her to moan out loudly and pant as that large tongue studied the area where he couldn't quite see, but could still taste whatever was in that bottle. Sending vibrations from his purrs to make out her wet vent and pressing that muscle's tip against it.

Through the potion's flavor he could taste something else... Something rather sweet and warm. Nearly matching that scent as the wyrm lapped a bit more and more aggressively, feeling the female lightly struggle against his tongue's massage. Giving off a low growl as if she was trying to escape, but she kept attempting to press her pelvis towards his muzzle, not away. Carefully removing his paw to get it in a better position, almost waiting for the feline to attempt her escape.

But Kye only slowly shifted hips, still keeping those hind legs spread as one of her hands tended to the tail button and pulled the slacks further down. Giving the beast easier access while still blushing at his dominant, yet curious stare. Attempting to resist those instincts roaring in his mind while that tongue demanded another taste, leaning in to take one as the Charr whimpered.

It was definitely coming from her sex, lapping at it again and again as the smaller one fought to remain still. That fluffy tail of hers sweeping the ground underneath the wyrm as waves surged through her body, reacting quite similarly to when Ari did it and not taking too long before releasing a small squirt. One that caused the dragon's snout to rear back in surprise when it landed on his armored snout, lapping it off before growling playfully and going back in.

His licks were getting progressively stronger and stronger, pressing up against those swollen folds that were practically ready before this very encounter. Attempting to squeeze that tip inbetween the guards where the source of that strange taste was coming from, but his tongue was just too large to get it fully inside. Spreading the Charr's sex quite widely in the process, something it was quite used to at this point as she moaned in bliss. Nearly riding his tongue's presses while her body lightly squirmed to burn the excess energy.

But the scent was driving him crazy, instincts finally gripping control over his body as he started moving up after a few more licks.... Then a couple more. A few more before those instincts roared in the dragon's mind again! That tool hungry for attention as he moved up rather rapidly, startling Kye as she moved to defend herself. Only to get a paw on her shoulder and roll the feline onto her front.

Attempting to get up on her knees, that same large golden paw was pressed on her upper back. Pinning her down while the beast's jaws lightly bit the back of her head, getting her to whimper but still catching purrs through his heated exhales. Keeping her still as the wyrm adjusted his lower half and started proding that presented brown rear with that deep red tip. Moving around the tail and pressing up against the uppermost hole a few times as she whimpered, knowing she would be unable to take him there.

Lifting those haunches a bit higher got that fleshy tower in contact with her warm and damp slit, causing the dragon to take a half step forwards and press that flare into her vent. Forcing the folds to spread open and attempt to swallow such a girth, just thankful that she added Linet's 'drinks' into her diet after all these years or else the charr would've been at her limit already!

Not to say that it didn't cause discomfort when the beast pressed in harder, causing Kye's sex to stretch to accomidate such a size! Attempting to prod to get that flare fully within, feeling the large spines of flesh squeeze inbetween the strong gates one by one. Soft to the touch, but firm as they anchored any progress made within the whimpering feline.

Until those lower lips slowly swallowed the monster of a flare, hearing the smaller female cry out in bliss while squeezing every part of the dragon's lower head tightly! Even making him growl a bit at its strength before feeling a wet jolt underneath his shaft's surface. Her vocals straining as that scent grew stronger within moments and he understood, taking a moment for himself to enjoy squeezing into something so tight.

The red weapon throbbed, swearing it was actually pulling the brown one up a little bit with each flex as it started to venture in deeper. Creating a worried song from the female's maw as she was pinned to the ground, but her tail was dancing to a different tune. Fluttering and teasing the wyrm's side, brushing under his wing as if to playfully ask for more. Every motion that entered the tight sex causing the furry appendage to flick in enjoyment, the harmless bats getting harder with every inch of progress.

But the dragon could only do so much, due to his frame being significantly larger than the Charr's. Adding a few more little thrusts with no avail, stepping off her back and attempting that way only caused Kyella's body to drag across the smooth stone. Was this really the female's limit? Maybe half of his total length? No. It was only his position that was holding them back. That must be it.

Going forwards didn't work, so the wyrm gripped the brown one's shoulder with a paw. Making her whimper a bit in both surprise and concern as the beast sat back. Keeping his forelegs up with her while keeping the feline pressed up against his belly, causing all her weight to be focused on that red tower below. That song started within her again, a tune the behemoth was beginning to fall for as gravity started to slide Kye down his full length!

A few sways and movements to aid such a task as that deep tunnel stretched out, creating a bulge within her lower belly that only moved upwards! Really testing the results of Linet's 'special drink', one the brown charr expected to be nothing more than exaggeration when she told the story of the griffon!

Eventually, gravity could only get her so far. Soon feeling those large paws press on her shoulders and begin pushing her down, regardless of her whimpering denials. So worried about something splitting open or tearing as that thick shaft slipped inside deeper and deeper. Creating tidal waves of bliss against her worry as the feline squeezed his member hard, leaking out her own fluids that were soon used as lubricants for more progress-!

Until she finally reached the hilt! The girth so large that its flexes were nearly knocking the wind out of her. Grasping that scaled arm with one hand and carefully searching for that bulge with the other as it throbbed with his pants. The beast soon released a small growl before Kye felt a thick spray enter deep within her chambers, flooding them with a syrup that leaked out into the hallway and a little bit along the base of the wyrm's slit.

Then the satisfying purr the charr was quite familiar with, double taking at the behemoth with his tongue lolling out. Tool still throbbing with the last few leaks escaping from the fleshy tower. Finding herself kept perfectly still, but eyes were shifting from the dragon's head to his lower half. Was... Was that it? Possibly the most intense 'Taking' in her life and it just ended with a small little...?

Not that it wasn't enjoyable. Definitely a story to tell Linet if the brown one could still make it out alive. Observing her surroundings while the golden dragon soon rested on all fours, causing the charr to fall back onto her knees but still stuck with a flagpole still inside her. (Crap! Is he going to fall asleep!? On Me!?) The slightest little movement attempting to escape sent a scaled paw back on the feline's shoulder, a show of dominance when he lightly pinned her down again, but still purring deeply.

Then a slight stretching of his hind legs, flicking that tail upwards while spreading his wings. (Damnit! He was probably getting ready for a nap-!) A few adjustments, attempting to find a decent grip on the brown one but soon gave up. Looking around to figure out what the dragon was planning, only to get into a pouncing position and make her yelp when he started to face the cliffside!

(No-! No-! No-! No-No-No-No-No-!) And the wyrm sprung forwards! Taking the panicking Charr with him and holding her against that thick navy fur! Her songs turned into frightful cries as they left the ground entirely and had nothing but a several hundred foot drop below! Spreading those wings to glide a bit before diving down and swooping up in a heavy thrust, one that followed a prideful roar as more of those fluids came into her!

Another swoop down accompanied by the feline's frightful cries as the dragon held onto her. Diving into a somewhat small opening within the rocky plateau, panicking the Choyas inhabiting such an area as the beast quickly flew through a large opening that led outside. Their vocals still echoing with their exit as the wyrm banked along with the large rocky cliff.

Every flap of those wings created a thrust Kye was pushed into, stuffing that stuck shaft a little further inside before it was pulled out to the flare. Lifting up through the airways and disturbing the nearby harpies that nested around, causing them to screech in surprise and retreat with the beast's roar and torrent of flame. Not actually setting anything on fire, but as a warning to stay away during the dragon's mating.

Then a quick dive towards the shallow waters, away from the cliffside and once again causing the brown one to yelp loudly in near terror. Gripping those scaled forearms tightly as she felt a strong spray enter her within, the pressure lightly being released when those wings spread apart and halting their descent just above the water. Allowing the charr to see herself in the distorted waves mounted by a behemoth well over twice her size, leaking out a steady stream of fluids behind them.

Weaving around a few trees and structures before lifting up again, very high into the sky with another thrust and what felt like a liter of cum being released into the smaller one. The wyrm roaring in bliss before diving down and doing it again: Swoop upwards, thrust, fill the feline to the brim before pulling out and letting it rain down below.

The more the flight went on, the less terrifying it started to become. So long as the beast didn't pass out mid-flight after climaxing this often. Making Kye still worry as her heart raced between the dives and the rise that came after, and less about the golden one's grip against her body. Feeling those claws do some damage to her clothing and flesh, but nothing she hasn't shrugged off before.

And though the haze bliss, between each of the vertical transitions, she started to to see the most breath-taking vistas. Aside from his thrusts actually pleasuring her to the point where Charr had to cry out. The midday skies over the horizon, the way the sun reflected off of the bay. The colossal waterfall along the cliffside, the massive 'urns' that seemed to be sticking out of the water like icebergs, wishing she could find a way to capture such sights instantly.

The time to enjoy such views prolonged between the dives, as the plunges got less risky. The dragon starting to thrust multiple times during each arc in the air, Kyella swearing he was starting to release more per motion! Getting closer and closer to the open waters and worrying her about where exactly the wyrm was going to land to finish!

Only to bank hard and rise up towards a large cliffside, completely obvious he didn't have the speed or height to reach the top and once again make the brown one panic! Especially when the dragon let go of her shoulders! Purposely running into the wall at the very top of his climb and grip against the cliffside!

Such a heavy beast didn't look like it would be able to scale such a smooth surface, but his limbs held between the golden one's huffs! Still lightly thrusting as the only thing that was holding Kye up against that wall was the huge tower still stuffed into her! Attempting to find some easier way to suspend herself as the dragon pressed his body against her, that large tail flicking as he strained a long roar!

That red tool thickened up before the behemoth started releasing what felt like gallons of cum! The Charr thankful that she wasn't knotted, as the majority of it fell as its own 'waterfall' below them! But there was so much of it that her middle started to gain in girth, attempting to swallow as much of it as possible to please the beast! Still being sandwiched between the dragon and the cliffside, orgasming herself a few times before he was finally done. Or at least she assumed.

The two panted loudly as that red tower throbbed, releasing those last jolts into the charr's sex as his body started to relax. Once again worrying Kyella as she attempted to hold onto his arms, more so when he started to adjust so he could lean his head down to give that brown mane of her's a strong lick. Still purring through his huffs as the dragon shifted along the wall a little. Making her whimper in denial. "...Can...Can you take me back now?"

A loud snort came as a reply from the dragon as he jumped away from the wall and into the air, almost ignoring the feline's yelps as he once again held onto her shoulders. Gliding rather sluggishly before diving down, swooping in motions while still keeping the now chubby charr under him. Feeling the excitement of the session soon drain her of consciousness as the wyrm carried the female back...

Or did he have something else planned...?