The Dragon and The Wolf

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Path of the Demon Angel

Story (c) 2010 by Drako Wolf. All rights reserved. Characters Sheba, Tella, Art, Alastair, Talon, Maria, Ken, Markus, Eskey, Dr. James Albert, Ryan, Jack, and Queen Reisa © Drako Wolf

The Dragon and The Wolf

Tella moved next to Art and looked him over making sure nothing was broken or cut. He looked fine just a few scales out of place. The two of them then moved out to the street from the alleyway. They didn't expect to find themselves where they did. Unlike the last place they had ended up with Sheba, which was bright and full of sounds and color. This part of what they thought was the same city was dark and grey, and the only noise you heard was a yell here or a booming noise there. It was a scary thing as they moved on to the dirty streets only people they saw were a few fur's in rags walking by.

"Tella I'm not sure this is a good place to be." Said Art keeping close to the Wolf

"I think your right but what will we do. I mean Sheba's not here and I'm sure that cop will have taken her away." Said Tella moving down the street Art right on her tail.

"We should try and get back to her so we can save her. I mean isn't this whole adventure mostly about her."

"In a way yes but also its about me finding my place in life and also keeping you safe. Sheba was told that she had to make up for all the bad she has done in the past but that is not all it is. We help each other out as much as we can."

Art smiled at her the ducked his head down as a tall Anthro Dragon passed by then looking hard at the two strangers then Art said "Why is it you are with Sheba anyway Tella. I mean if you didn't want to be with her you don't have to be you know."

Tella blushed a little at this then said "It's hard to say really. See she was always there for me no matter what I did. I grew to really enjoy being around her the more time passed so when it came time for her to leave I wanted to go with her."

They passed by a tall building that had sex toys in the window some that made Tella shudder as Art continued "Well she seems nice to me and I really like being with you two. I think you're the first friends I have ever had."

"I'm glad we can be called friends Art. Well now we need to find a way back to what they called the top level and get Sheba." Said Tella

"That is a name that is forbidden in this city miss why are you walking around saying such things?" said a deep voice

Art jumped and Tella twisted around and saw the tall Anthro dragon from before towering over them. Tella backed up a couple feet then said "Sheba is a friend of ours who came with us to this world."

"I see, so you're not from around here then. I also heard you wanted to get to the top level; so I take it you're nobles then or have one of the nice jobs up there." Said the dragon

"No we are not nobles or anything we come from a world called earth and we are here....well to be truthful I have no idea why were are here but I know it's for a good reason." said Tella

"So this friend of yours has the same name as the missing princess of our royal family who went missing over 500 years ago. Then you tell me you're from a place that has no way of getting to our chain of worlds. I'm not sure I believe you, also on top of it all you're with a Feral Dragon still in his Young years. So tell me who the Fuck are you?" Said the Dragon and he took hold of Tella's arm pulling her toward him

Art got angry at seeing this Anthro Dragon trying to hurt Tella. He jumped forward and bit down on the other dragon's arm. A blue mist came from his mouth as he did this and the other dragon yelled and let go. He looked at Art and yelled "What the Fuck was that you stupid child." And he kicked Art hard making him fly back a few feet.

That was all Tella could take she summoned up all her strength grabbed the Dragon and flipped him over. She then kicked him as hard as she could once he hit the ground sending him flying across the street where he slammed into and broke through the opposite wall. There was little bits of black scale laying along the path the dragon flew and Tella could tell her kick broke a good number of them and most likely broke a few ribs too.

"That's what you get for hurting Art." Said Tella. The dragon didn't even move he just lay there a bit of blood pooling next to him. She then moved over to Art and said "Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine he didn't hit me hard." Said Art

"Art that was really stupid he could have killed you."

"I'm sorry but he was hurting you and I didn't want that to happen."

She kissed his head then said "Art I'm not like most females I'm super strong and I can take care of myself." Art dropped his head and seeing this she added "But thank you so much for helping. It was really nice and brave of you."

"Brave indeed." Said another voice from behind them.

They turned to see a tall wolf with Flaming red fur, black tips on the end of his ears, a white underbelly fur, and bright Violet eyes; standing there smiling. Tella backed up growling and said "Who are you and what do you want. If you don't tell me you'll end up like him." She pointed at the dragon

The wolf only smiled wider and said "Jack's always been more attack and not much for talking. He needs a good beet down from time to time to bad for him it was a girl who kicked his ass and in only two moves. My names Ryan by the way and I wanted to tell you that I was quite impressed by that attack."

She growled again then said "You still didn't tell me what you wanted."

"My apologies but I will soon; first I need to make sure my friend is ok over there he is thick headed but still a big help if you ever need a strong dragon." Said Ryan walking off to look over the tall dragon who was called Jack.

"Tella what should we do?"

"I'm not sure yet but let's see what he has to say before we try to get out of here."

After a few minutes passed Ryan stood up and said "You...feral dragon can you come here I need to ask you something."

Art started to walk toward the wolf but Tella put a hand out and said "Wait what if this is a trick?"

"I'll be fine just come with me I'm sure he is an ok wolf." Said Art walking around her arm and to the wolf.

Tella followed and crossed her arms as Ryan said "Can you tell me where you come from dragon."

"I'm not sure where I was born I was still really young when I left it but I grew up in the land of Dreams." Said Art

"So you don't know of your original world then. That is not good." Said Ryan

"Why is that?" asked Tella

"You see he bit Jack here and from what I can tell he poisoned him too but the venom is not something I recognize."

"Are you sure it's from me? I'm not a Venom Dragon at all normally they are Silver or white." Said Art

"I can tell it's from you but you are right see I'm not sure why but you did poison him only thing is I don't know if it will kill him or not."

"Well how would knowing where he was born help you with saving your friend." Said Tella starting to relax

"It's not really a big deal the Doctor will be able to help I'm sure. But first I need to get him back to the base. Do you think you can help me miss? I saw how strong you are I'm sure you can handle it." Said Ryan

"Why should I trust you and come with you?" Asked Tella

"Because you're the two that hurt him and I think it would be right horrible to just leave him here to die don't you."

"He attacked us first." Said Tella

"Tella lets just go with him. By the way I'm Art and this is Tella." Said Art turning to the wolf

Tella grumbled a bit but ended up walking over and lifting the heavy dragon up like he was paper putting him on her shoulder to follow the wolf. He smiled and said "My word you are strong he has to be over 850 pounds and you lifted him like he was nothing."

"I'm just gifted I guess. Where are we going then?" said Tella

"It's not far just make sure you keep away from anyone in black hoods or a uniform." Said Ryan walking off

"Why is that?" said Art walking next to him

"You don't want to know child trust me." Said Ryan walking past a few dirty looking furs then down a dark alley way that lead to another street. This one was not as populated as the others were.

As they walked Tella noticed the lack of light and said "Why is it so dark here Ryan."

He laughed and said "If you would look up you would see why."

She looked up and saw the sky was covered by a big metal roof almost like they were in some kind of large building. She shivered at the thought then said "What is that?"

"That would be the floor to the second to last level of the greatest city of in the change of worlds Remington. We are on the lowest one now or called the slums. There are 7 lower levels and one upper level. The first three bottom ones are for people like myself who are poor or criminals. The next two are lower middle class people with the hard jobs but still make an ok living for themselves. The last two are for the mid level middle class to the higher middle class, people who make a good to great living and get to enjoy sun light from time to time when they open up light vents. The last is the upper level and that is for the rich and richer, the people who have a lot of money and never have to worry about it. Also that is the home of the royal family who oversee the change of worlds. Only people aloud up there are the police, some business males and females, residents, and nobles." Said Ryan

"It sounds like a nice place, but I didn't care too much about it when I was there." Said Art "To much noise and bright lights."

Ryan looked at them with a shocked look then said "You been up there and you didn't get arrested?"

"Yes but we didn't mean to get up there." Said Tella then she told him the story of what happened to them when they arrived.

"So you mean to tell me you know a wolf named Sheba who has the power to Transport you from world to world without the help of a Teleportation Chamber?"

"That's right Well her power can transport her from place to place she has a Necklace to help her get from world to world." Said Art

"This will be something I'll have to talk to my boss about. Tella, Art, I think you two are the ones we have been needing to help us. Would you mind coming in and staying for a while and talk with my boss." Said Ryan. "I'm sure we can help you get back to your friend."

Tella just shrugged and said "I guess but as long as you can help us. Just tell me how much longer we will be I don't think I can take walking much longer and super strength or no I'm getting sore caring this huge lug."

"We are here now that you mention it." Said Ryan walking up to a large building down a small alley with a big red sign on it that said *Al's Playhouse.*

"Do I really want to know what is in this place." Said Tella

"It's not as bad as you may think. It's only a smut store for show the real deal I down stairs. Just bring Jack through the front there and just walk on to the back and down the stairs the clerk may try to stop you but he will stop once he sees me." Said Ryan letting Tella take the point.

She walked into the small store keeping her eyes off the shelves of porn and toys covering every inch of the wall. She pushed by quickly going right to the back. As she did this the short Antho Squirrel said "mmmiiissss you can't just wwwwalk by me like that. This is a Privet aaaarrea." Then he saw Ryan and said "Oh sssorry I didn't see you sir."

"It's quite alright Ben you're doing a fine job." Said Ryan

Tella stopped at a door which was opened by Ben then she moved down the steps the sound of her soft pads on the steps filled the hall as she moved down the steps one by one slowly bringing the large dragon with her. Soon she found herself in a large living room where a few furs were sitting all looking at her, Art, and Ryan.

"Well who's this then and who beat the shit out of Jack there." Said a fat raccoon

"This is Tella and the Feral Dragon here is named Art, and the young Tella here was the one who did that to Jack. As you can see she is quite strong." Said Ryan

"Bet Jack tried to touch her bum." Said a fox who reminded her of Ti

"More like he thought he could hurt one of my friends." Said Tella tossing Jack onto an empty pile of pillows

The fox got up and walked over to him and smiled looking him over. He smiled then said "Now he hasn't only had his ass kicked in more than he is used to but he is also been bitten by that young Dragon over there too."

Ryan walked over and said "Yes Dr. Albert and the dragon isn't sure where he comes from so I can't say what will happen to Jack here."

"Oh he will be fine. Dragon's don't die from poison from another dragon but this poison is mighty powerful and Jack will be sick in bed for at least two weeks." Said Jack

"That's not too bad." Said Tella

"Yes it is really for a dragon to be sick from a poison of any kind for more than three days is really bad." Said Ryan "Do you know what kind of poison it is Doc."

"Yes I do I did some training on this young dragon's world when I was still quite young." Said the Doc

"You don't look that old to me." Said Tella

"I'm not, I'm only 24 years old but I was called a Genius when I was a boy and started to practice medical treatment at a young age. Oh and sorry my name is Dr. James Albert but you can call me James I don't like all the formality's that the others always seem to think I need." Said the Doc

"Nice to meet you so can you tell me where Art is from." Said Tella

He smiled and said "I can. The dragon looks like a Ralion. I'm kind of shocked to see one so young here though. The Ralion's have had their world locked up for a long time. Some time someone like me can get in to learn from them but not many get to leave that are one of them and never no one so young."

"I have lived in the world of dreams for most my life my parents put me there to keep me safe from a war." Said Art

James looked skeptical then said "So be it but anyway Ryan why did you bring them here?"

He bowed then said "Sir you see they have a friend that is on the Top Level named Sheba and she has powers that we have been waiting for."

"I see so the day has finally come but why is she not here with them?"

"She sent them here but she was arrested." Said Ryan

"Well damn that's not good if they find out who she is and I'm sure they have by now then she will be on her way to the royal family." Said James

"Pardon me but what are you all talking about." Said Tella

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot you are not from around here. You see Sheba was the name of one of two pups that went missing over 500 years ago. Sheba and her Brother. One white the other black. They both were said to have great power and would one day rule the chain of worlds. Our leader and god Drako_Lupus took the children to make sure that they would grow up to be good. But they were never heard from again same for the leader himself."

Tella smiled at that and said "I'm Sure if she is the one person you are talking about I may be able to help you with the rest. You see Drako_Lupus is who we know as the God of War in our land. His name is given to one wolf in the world who is the strongest. Drako is my father and was given that name by the people of the land called Greystone. Sheba and her brother Talon were once evil and made that way after something went wrong with the god Drako_Lupus. I don't know all the story but I do know that Sheba has been around for more than 500 years."

"So it is true that they were taken to another world. I'm not to shocked to tell you the truth. Anyway for your friend here I see he is a Ralion now but I must know why he is with you now. As I said they don't leave there worlds much and I'm am still a little shocked. Another thing is his color I didn't know they had ever had a blue dragon before." Said James

"I'm with them because they helped me when some other Blue Fur's came to take me away. They are also kind and my friends and I'm happy to travel with them." Said Art

"I think I understand who you're talking about but I can't tell you much since I don't know much about them myself. All I know is that your kind goes back a long time and they were really close to the Civilization that once controlled a thousand times the number of worlds that our great king does now. There was a war though and they split up taking sides against themselves and the war nearly wiped them out." Said James "All I know is that the side your Family must have been had Blue fur or scales depending on what they were."

"That sounds like Nik he had blue fur and it was really close color to Art's here. So do you mean Nik is one of the Ralion's too?" asked Tella

"Was he a Feral dragon at all?" asked James

"No he was an Anthro Blue Fox with tattoos on his body." Said Art

"Then no he wasn't, The Ralion's were all Dragon's but none were blue that I have seen before young Art here." Said James "I will take a guess that he is one of the last few of that other race I was talking about."

"So what does this have to do with Art anyway why should it matter why he is here or blue. His parents left him in some strange world and we helped him." Said Tella

"Young lady you don't understand. The Ralion's have said that once a Blue Dragon of their race is born it means the end of the empire and maybe the change of worlds." Said James

"Are you saying Art is going to kill everyone or something?" asked Tella starting to growl again

"I'm not saying anything all I'm doing is telling you what I know." Said James "Also one last thing I can tell you is that you're still not used to the Anthro body of yours are you?"

Tella looked a bit shocked then said "I don't know what you mean sir."

"You move funny and when you get angry instead of yelling you start to growl ready for a fight. You act just like the Feral wolves would in some of the worlds. I know that some powers can change the body of someone so I'm not too shocked." Said James

"I...I am just a little surprised is all." Said Tella

"Don't worry too much about it ok miss. That is not why you are here. You see we are a rebellion here in this city. The king here is horrible and answers to someone much higher than him. We live in fear of him every day. We want him killed and you and your friend Sheba are the perfect ones to help us do that." Said James

Tella backed up a bit then said "What do you mean? How can we help you bring down your king and why should we. We are not form here and it's not our fight."

"I'll say this in a different way then. If you want to save your friend Sheba then you have to do as I tell you. She will no doubt be brought to the king or the queen and if they find out who she is then they will kill her." Said Ryan who was standing next to a hallway

Tella looked away then said "I'm sure we can find a way to her."

"Tella; Super Strength and a Dragon is not enough to take down this Kingdom. If you want to help your friend you'll need our help and you'll be in luck because the Doc here has a way to get you in to the castle." Said Ryan with a smile

Art walked up to her and said "Tella I think we should listen to them. We can't let Sheba get killed just because of a small thing like killing one fur."

"Art he is the king how do you think we can get away with killing him?" asked Tella

"I'm not sure but I do know that if we find Sheba we can Teleport out of here before anyone can stop us."

Tella bit her lip and hit the wall making a large dent in the metal then said "Fine we'll help you but only if you help us get Sheba back first you hear me. If you try anything that will stop me from saving her so help me I'll rip you apart slowly."

"We promise to do whatever we can to help you." Said James with a bow

"Just don't try and kill Jack again he isn't as bad as he looks." Said Ryan with a smile

"I'll be as good as I can." Said Tella

"Well with that all said and done if you would Art come with me and I'll get you set up in a room that fits you a bit better. Ryan show Tella here to one of the nicer rooms and get her set up it will take a little while for planning and such." Said James walking off with Art following

"Be careful Art and come see me when you can ok." Said Tella with a smile

"I will."

She watched him walk off with a small smile on her face then she turned back to Ryan and said "So where is this room."

Ryan was looking over her shoulder to where Art and James had walked off. When she spoke he jumped then said "Oh sorry. What."

"You ok?"

He looked at her then said "Yeah I'm fine...Art seems to be kind of attached to you."

She blinked then said "Well yeah but that is most likely due to the fact that we are the only people who he has seen in years. We also saved his life."

"I think it's more than that."

She laughed then said "If so I'm sure I would have noticed by now."

"Well I'm not sure but oh well follow me." Said Ryan walking off down a small hallway

She followed him down the dark hallway looking this way and that at the different pictures that lined the walls. She found the place to be a bit creepy there deeper they went into what was starting to look more like a bunker than a building. But it wasn't the look of the place that she found scary it was the way the hallway seemed to get Colder as they walked. She felt her fur start to stand on end and a chill go down her spine.

"Is it always this cold down here?" she finally asked after a moment

"'s not cold down here. Are you ok?" Asked Ryan looking back at her

She looked confused then said "Are you sure. I'm freezing and that is not normal for a wolf."

"Well it is cool in here but not cold."

She was starting to feel a bit scared but she shook her self then said "I'm fine...maybe I'm just imagining it or something."

He took a long moment then said "Well ok then your room is right on the right there."

She moved over to the large oak door and pushed it open finding a nice sized bed, a couch, and a window looking out onto the street below. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge then looked at Ryan and said "Thank you for all you have done tonight Ryan. You didn't need to you know."

He walked into the room and sat next to her his red fur almost blood colored in the moon light coming in through the window. He turned to her and said "No it was nothing I should really be thanking you. With you here we finally have a chance to take down that blasted royal family."

"Tell me why you hate them so much. I don't mean to offend you but you don't look like the others. You look like you spent most your life in better conditions than this." Said Tella

He smiled and said "If you only knew Tella. I'm sorry but I can't tell you right now why I hate them so much but I will say that they did something horrible to my family. Also your right I didn't grow up in the slums like this."

"Where do you come from then?"

"The top level is all I'll say, and that is all I can say." Said Ryan starting to get up

She put a hand on his shoulder making him stay "You don't have to leave if you don't want too."

He looked at her then said "I don't want to make you mad is all."

She smiled and kissed his cheek then said "You won't make me mad I promise. Hey I have an idea..."

"What's that?" he started but then he felt her put his hand on her breast

He jumped at first but she said "Shh don't worry you need to relax and I think I can help with that."

"But I can't I'll be doing something I shouldn't. James would be so angry with me if he knew." Said Ryan

She pushed him onto his back then moved on top of him then put a finger to his lips "He doesn't have to know about anything Ryan. But if you don't want me then I'll let you get up."

He looked at her then at the door then back at her. He slowly got up making her get off of him. She looked a little down as he started to walk toward the doorway. He put his hand on the door then shut it turning back to her and saying "What he can't see he won't know about."

She smiled and slowly took off her shirt moving back onto the bed. He walked over to her his shirt already falling to the ground. He pulled himself onto the bed and moved over her his ready fur still the color of blood. His white furred belly slowly moved down rubbing itself on hers as he kissed her tenderly on the lips.

She moaned and opened her muzzle letting their tongues meet rubbing against each other as they embraced. Her soft breasts pressed against his hard pecks and she could feel his stiff member between her pants and his ready for some action. She smiled and still kissing him moved her hand down and undid his pants letting his member fall out. She put her hand on it and slowly stroked it making him break the kiss to moan out in pleasure.

She smiled at him and let him go undoing her pants and slipping them off. She gave him a moment to get his off too. She turned herself over and smiled back at him raising her tail up showing him her hot wet lips and tight tail-vent. His member was already hard but she could have sworn it got bigger when he saw her woman hood sitting there all for him. He moved forward and run his tongue over both her slit then tail-vent making her jump for a moment then moan.

He took a few minutes to play with her holes bringing her close to a climax each time then he pulled away and said "Tell me why are you in the Canine position Tella."

She looked at him and panted out "It what I'm used to."

"Girl if you're going to look like us then you're going to fuck like us." He said picking her up and turning her around. He took her over to the wall and pressed her back to it holding her hands up him. He moved his hips to hers and smiled then slowly he slid his hard cock deep into her warm hold.

She let out a moan of pleasure like she had never done before. The feel of the large member slowly going into her new form's hot folds was so wonderful she thought she had to be dreaming. She pulled her hands away from his grasp and put them on his shoulder holding on to him as he slowly pumped his hips up and down. She felt his member going in and out of her slowly and filling her up like she had never been filled before.Even those wolves that helped her father during the war never filled her like this.

Her moans filled the small room with his. Their hot breath starting to come out steamy as the two of them held each other one close. She lifted her legs up and put them around his waist pumping herself down harder onto him as he pumped up. He moved his muzzle up and pressed his lips to hers moaning into her mouth and around her tongue. He put his hands on her rear and squeezed tight making her moan more.

He closed his eyes tight as he felt her pussy tighten on his member as she came. Slick fem juice flowed from between their legs falling onto the stone floor making a small puddle. The scent of it made Ryan's mind go fuzzy making him move faster and wilder. He pushed his cock in and out so fast that her breasts were getting close to hitting her in the face with each downward thrust.

She could feel his knot growing and she knew he was close to losing his load. She pushed him off, making him fall back onto the bed. He looked at her for a moment then smiled as she moved over to him and started to run her tongue all over his member slowly taking it in and sucking hard. He moaned pressing his hips up again forcing her to take more of his cock in.

She put a hand to the base of his cock under his knot and held on tight taking in as much of his member as she could. She howled out and put a hand on her head as his balls pulled back and he shot his load. She gagged a bit as her muzzle was filled with his hot seed. She pulled back and got a lot of it on her face. She giggled and licked her lips smiling at him.

She was about to say something when there came a bang at her door. She got up and said "Who's there? I'm a little busy just so you know."

To her surprise Art's voice came through the door "Tella let me in now. I know what he is doing to you."

"Art what are you doing here and it none of your business." Said Tella

Before she could walk to the door there was a loud boom and the door was blasted away followed by a flash of blue flame. Art who was not as tall as Tella but wider pushed his way into the small room walking past her and toward Ryan. He backed up to the wall his cock still a bit hard and covered in both his and Tella's cum.

" dare you touch her like that or do anything to her." Yelled Art not sounding like himself as his eyes gave off a shiny blue light

Tella could see something was wrong with Art so she moved forward and pulled at his tail. To her surprise she couldn't move him one bit. Either he was really heavy or her powers didn't work on him. She moved around and said "Art calm down it was my idea not his."

He looked at her with his glowing blue eyes and said "Back away Tella or you'll regret it."

She had never seen Art this upset before but before she could do anything Ryan ran forward and pushed her away. Art let out a roar as he pushed her away then he turned quickly hitting Ryan with his tail making him hit the far wall hard. Ryan was quick to his feet again and he looked the Dragon in the eyes and said "Listen to me Art there is no reason to get angry ok let's talk this out."

"Talking won't do any good I'll kill you for touching her." And he attacked again this time trying to take off Ryan's head with a bite

Ryan moved out of the way then with his fur almost glowing he shot a fire ball at Art. It threw Art back knocking him down. This happened so fast that Tella was baffled. She didn't even know Ryan had power of any kind. He looked over to her then said "Get out of here now Fire can't hurt him only stun for a second or two."

"What did you just do...why didn't you say you had power." Said Tella

"That will have to wait now get out of here."

"I won't leave you."

"Don't be a fool..." that was all he could say before Art got up making everything in the room grow quite

Art's body now had dark black stripes on it and he looked older and bigger than before. He looked at Ryan and opened his muzzle in a silent roar. A Dome of Blue light shot out from his body filling the room slowly. Tella had seen this light before and knew what it was. She wanted to help Ryan but she felt someone pull her away.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion now. The blue light almost filled the room up, Ryan was running from it, The room itself seemed to be cracking and Ageing within the dome of light. The bed turned to dust the window darkened and slowly faded away. Then there was a Flash of red light and the room Exploded sending Ryan flying away and Art vanished under a pile of stone and metal.

Tella looked back to see who had hold of her and saw James holding her back. He smiled at her then said "Hope you're ok miss."

She didn't answer him but ran over to him making sure he was sill alive. He was breathing and holding his head. She knelt down and said "Are you ok Ryan."

"I'm fine but what did you do. I have never seen an attack like that before you could have taken down this entire building with that." Said Ryan

"That wasn't me but I think I have seen that attack before. The red light reminded me of my uncle Bain's blast." Said Tella

"Well it seemed to have saved us from Art."

"Oh no Art." Said Tella getting up turning to where he was covered by the was then she stopped and saw who had saved them and her heart fell

"I was wondering how long it would take you to see me standing here Daughter of Drako." Said the tall Evil form of Talon

"Talon that can't be you, daddy killed you over a year ago I saw it myself." Said Tella balking up

"Death and me have never gotten along well. I will say I'm shocked to see you here. I knew the dragon was traveling with my dear sister Sheba but I didn't know I would find the child of Drako here. It seems my informants are not as good as I thought they were." Said Talon jumping down from the rocks

"Talon did you say. Does that make him Sheba's brother the one who was kidnapped at a young age." Said James moving forward

"It is James and stay back he will kill you if he has the chance he is one of the most evil monsters around." Said Tella

"Oh now don't say that. With Chaos out of my head I'm not as bad as I used to be. But you are right I would kill him if I felt like it. I may not be forced to do evil things but I still like it." Said Talon

"Why are you here then what is it you want?" asked Tella

"Oh I have what I want already. You see my powers have grown a lot since we last saw one another Tella. I just beat Art in a fight and my body learned that attack of aging he was using. Now that is all I wanted, but seeing you here I think I can play a game with you and show you why your family is so weak compared to me." Said Talon and he moved forward so fast that she couldn't see him and he punched her

Tella had a split second of glee where she thought his punch would do no good then she felt him connect and she went flying. Her body went flying into what was left of the wall and she went right through it landing on the other side in a pile of rubble. He then moved forward and put his hand into the ruble Art was under then pulled him out then tossed him onto Tella.

James moved out of the way as the Dragon flew through the air. Ryan on the other hand got up with his hands ablaze. He ran toward the Black wolf but right then the black dragon Jack came out of nowhere and grabbed Ryan by the throat and held him up high. He smiled and said "I'm glad you finally showed up Talon I thought that blasted Child Venom was going to keep me in bed for weeks."

"No problem Jack next time let me know about who else is here too I wasn't expecting to see Drako's Child here too." Said Talon

"What is this Jack." Said Ryan trying to breath "I thought you were sick and hurt."

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you Ryan...or should I say Ex Prince Ryan. I'm not on your side I work for Talon and the King. Talon was nice enough to use a wonderful healing power he has to help me get better much faster. You're lucky he didn't order me to kill you or I would have long ago." Said Jack tossing the wolf into the wall again

Ryan felt blood on his head and back as he said "You betrayed us you monster and after how hard I worked to help you join the team."

"Don't start that now. It was all for Business." Said Jack opening his wings and jumping into the air "Come on Talon we need to get back."

Talon smiled at them the said "Tella I'll say hi to my sister for you when I see her. Hope you will be able to make it to her funeral if they have one." And with that he vanished in a flash of black light and Jack flew off

Art finally woke up and pulled himself off of Tella and said "What happened?"

James moved forward and helped Tella up then said "You lost your mind for a moment there and almost killed us all."

He looked shocked then looked at Tella and said "I...I didn't mean too...oh no I'm doing it again." He backed up a bit

Tella shook her head then said "Art don't worry about it I'll talk to you later right now we have to talk. Talon is part of this and if that is the case we are all in danger."

"I don't understand what is going on how do you know both of them. Also why does Talon want to kill Sheba his own sister." Said James going over to Ryan and checking his head

Tella shook her head and said it's a long story and if I tell you I want to know more about Ryan...or should I say Ex Prince Ryan."

The two of the looked at each other then Ryan said in a weak voice "Fine I'll tell you...My name is Ryan Damian Former Prince second to the crown after my brother. Our uncle took over when my father was killed and ever since things in this city have gone from bad to worse...Tella you and Art have walked into a war zone."

James smiled and said "Yes a War that has been going on for hundreds of years..."

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Path of the Demon Angel...I will leave it there and let you all guess what will happen next. Thanks for reading and once again I do my best to get this edited if there was something missed I'm sorry.

Nik belongs to Sonic Fox

The rest belong to me Drakowolf and none can be used without first talking to their owners and us saying it's ok