Wolford's Unveiling - Part Eleven

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#25 of Wolford's Unveiling

Whilst his ass his healing from Grizzoli's abuse, Wolford tries some disappointing phone-sex with Gary, but if he knew what Gary was thinking a the time the situation might become troubling. But later Wolford is out and about when he gets a message he's been waiting for from the wicked little Fennec Fox Finnick....

Eleven: Long Distance Relationship

"Fuck... I don't know what hurts more, my ass or my ankle... at least I've been on desk work for the week..." Wolford was stuck on his bathroom floor, his lower body dipped into the bath-like pool with a groan of frustration as he let the warm water soothe his aches. He'd been hiding the pain from everyone, not wanting to let Grizzoli gloat in satisfaction or even say something that might cause grief. His mind was riddled with fury about the words of that wolf, the problem being that maybe no one would believe that he was assaulted when he was openly gay... why did everything have to be so complicated? Wolford gave a groan of frustration and then his phone went off and his tail began to wag in delight, only to droop. "Oh... Angel's asking me to come to the bar and dance... how can I dance with a bad foot?"

Wolford groaned, only to blush when he realised he'd brought his mobile into the bathroom with him again, it was embarrassing when it was because he was waiting for that Fennec to call him! With a groan he slid the phone across to the towels, glad he was not splashing around in the pool before he then stood back on his swollen ankle, grimacing in pain. The Timber wolf stepped limply out of the bath, rubbing at his hips that were at least a little less painful now as he stepped to the bathroom mirror and then casually bent himself down in front of it, grabbing some cream and then looking at the still raw looking hole. It was embarrassing, he couldn't think of being anywhere near Finnick with this and worst of all, if Gary made a surprise visit then he could only say it was something like piles and show off the cream he was using... he really hated Grizzoli right now!

As he deftly smeared the chalky smelling cream around his backside, his mind slid back to when he'd done it the first time when he'd first learnt about being gay. He whole putting a digit in your hole had felt so weird and horrible with his tight hole that he'd almost thought it would be impossible, but he'd still tried and then stumbled upon something that had felt kinda interesting. However, as he cleaned up he straightened and then looked at the curve of his backside in the mirror with his ears flat and a soft whimper. He could still remember when his dearest fox had first touched him, how wet he'd been made and how he'd even been hanging out with his knot when that pic had been taken. He wondered briefly if his friend still had that picture, maybe he did... maybe he looked at it fondly....

Nope! Wishful and silly thinking, Wolford shook his head to get the water out of his ears and brain before he washed his paws and dried himself up. He grasped his phone and then grimaced as he realised a text ha come in but once again it was from Angelo again, begging to know what he did to hurt his ankle so bad he couldn't dance! Wolford's eyes rolled and swiftly he typed in 'police work' hoping that it would be good enough, only for the trans fox to beg him to give the gory details, which of course he could not. Wolford chuckled though as he limped softly towards his bedroom, hooking up a nice pair of pants to climb in before grasping at his backside and then giving a sigh. He then considered Victor's photo, was it still on his phone?

Wolford blushed, he could send the picture to Gary and make him know he was being thought of again, but then he thought about how he might also be able to send it to Finnick too. He could also probably send it to Angelo to make the fox squeak, but then it would probably be get sent around to everyone with BlueTusk in the club! With a snort, Wolford flicked through his contacts, pausing when he noticed that Matthew Cinders was still on the phone list and he hadn't heard from him in ages. Wolford groaned and swiftly he decided to send a quick message on it, just to say 'sorry I haven't contacted you in a while, I hope you're doing well and you finished school well, good luck in all your endeavours'. It sounded corny, but it felt like he needed to message those he'd been ignoring for a while and curiously with Victor's number, he paused over decided to text or call before he pressed the button to call and shockingly, he got through.

"Vic?" Wolford felt his throat tightening, his voice went to a higher pitch and his tail was wagging away like mad as his heart was racing. Why the hell was he being like this? Hadn't Vic gotten engaged to that fox nurse who'd worked at his mother's rehab clinic? He was pretty sure that Gary had said something like that and it was clear from the way Victor questioned if it was Wolford on the phone, the wolf could hear that the fox was smoking and he could not help but blush. "Am I interrupting you?"

No way... I just got in from a long shift at the garage, it's a good job you know, I'm small and able to get right into the framework of some of the lorries that come through. Its good to hear your voice, Gary's been missing you a lot you know, he hates having to work down here and Larry nags him every time he visits you to tell us how you're doing. Its hilarious, no matter how it was when you went away, the pack still loves you like mad. Its weird too, I'm basically part of the pack because of you and it's been great for me and my girl... she's working tonight but you know, we're having the wedding next year so I hoped I could come and visit you for a Bachelor's Weekend, just you and me? How you doing?

"I'm good, got a bit busted up falling out of a car the other day on patrol so my ankle's sore but been working hard." Why did it hurt so much to talk to him? Why did hearing that voice and then thinking of them both being alone a weekend make Wolford's tail flop to the side in anticipation? He could feel the prickling in his spine, the tingling s his ring began to pulse and pucker in desperation for some kind of penetration. He could remember those fingers, those beautiful fingers and then he was thinking of how it must feel to have Victor's cock stuff itself into that tight passage! It made Wolford swell and he blushed awkwardly on the phone, enough so that Victor noticed the shift in voice and Wolford's ears dropped as he gulped softly. "Uh... Vic... you remember the picture you took... could you send it to me if you haven't deleted it..."

That picture? The... uh... the revealing one... There was a strange sound like a strain in Victor's voice and Wolford's tail was leaning back against his spin, his backside pushing out in desperation. All he could think was that Victor was thinking about the moment too, the way they'd touched and then how he'd taken such control to become the first to penetrate, even if it was with a digit. Both of them gulped heavily down the phone thinking about it and Wolford's heart was trembling at the thought that maybe Victor did use the image still. I have it... I'll send it to you, I guess... I guess its going to go to Gary is it? Uh... I only kept it because I was too scared to dare go back into the folder it was in and... sorry.

"No it's fine... I appreciate it Victor, I really do. If you could send it, I'd like to share it with Gary, I was thinking of trying a bit of phone naughtiness with him to help him feel less frustrated..." Wolford began and for a while he and Victor were chuckling with each other, teasing over how terrible Wolford would be doing phone sex and how he was really going to have to say things that used to make Wolford blush. The wolf tried to tease with him, only to blush and giggle even more loudly at how terrible his words sounded as Victor chortled down the phone at him. When they settled back, saying their goodbyes as the picture was sent, Wolford rolled onto his back and then looked at the picture. His eyes widened in surprise, it was strange to see how his virgin ass had been made so very excited by that digit, so much his cock had even been bulging with the knot to say he would have cum if Victor had just stretched him out some more....

But then Wolford sighed as he sent it on to Gary with a note saying he found a picture of him being naughty and wanted to 'entertain' him. He doubted if the white wolf would get the message, expecting them to start something called 'sexting', but rather than that, suddenly the phone exploded into life as Wolford yanked his pants down and then just lay naked upon his bed pulling out the top drawer with the lubricants and toys in... the toys he liked. Swiftly he flicked the phone open and was happy to hear from Gary as the figure gave a gap and insisted that this was the sexiest picture he'd seen in a while and that he recognised the room! That made Wolford blush, but he was glad Gary didn't ask who'd taken the photograph or it might have brought up anxious thoughts because he might have asked questions or been a bit jealous someone else might have seen him like this!

What Wolford did not know though, was that Gary was lounging upon his back in his bunk, sharing the room with Larry who was fast asleep. Larry was like the dead when he slept, it would be for however long their break without any ability to wake him except with an alarm. It frustrated Gary to think that he could possible do some naughty things to Larry right now if he wanted but if he tried he knew it would just ruin what he wanted. Gary wanted Larry to want him, but the damn wolf was asexual and fucking oblivious to the obvious affection that Gary had for him from the beginning. Gary had already taken a photograph of Larry chatting to him from the back and it was perfect to link with the image Wolford had sent... Gary could easily copy and paste Larry's head onto this image and he certainly would, but now he'd had another thought in mind as he'd grinned to himself.

"You missing me too? Its miserable here, been desperate for an excuse to call you and well... I have to admit that seeing that picture... you gave me a reaction I was not expecting. You gonna take responsibility for this?" Gary teased down the phone, his tongue lolling as he waited for some kind of response. Phone sex would be an interesting experience for them both and would be maybe even more enjoyable for him when he had Larry in the room and no way to upset him. Gary could see easily that he could think about Larry, he could hear the words and imagine they were coming from Larry and better yet, he could have a good reason to jerk off when Larry was sharing the same room. "Do you want to try it? You've got to start it Wolfy..."

"I see, umm... hum, how to start this, it's all new to me!" Wolford beamed, but to be fair he was just as bad for not thinking about Gary when he did this, he was going to think about Victor, he was going to imagine all that Gary did was really that black fox touching him! He considered the situation, he'd thought there might be a chance for phone sex, but to be encouraged to start it, he'd have thought Gary would have known more and Wolford closed his eyes as he leant back and then gave a blush. He was thinking about the idea of lying on his side looking to whom he believed to be on the bed, telling him they should have a bit of fun together again. "Okay, we're lying side by side and, I wanna start by holding your sheath, rubbing at it gently to get your cock out before asking you to do the same to myself.

"Alright... so I'll grab your sheath and start giving you a handjob to get you out." Gary stated with a wag of his tail, grasping his own sheath and gently rubbing his paw up and down. He was quick to think of things in the crudest of terms, not trying to b nervous or descriptive. Gary was imagining that his paw was Larry's upon his groin and that wolf was the one jerking him off, though he was being a little too rough on the matter. As he gave a groan down the phone, Wolford, who was moving more steadily rolled his eyes before then giving a sigh and he forgot about touching himself... Victor wouldn't just go ahead and jerk him off!

"So I stop touching you because your erect and then I bring my head to your groin and I take your dick and I roll my tongue along it. I stroke around the head, my tail's wagging and up, my booty near you as I slurp and lick before I press my lips over your head, I kiss it a few times and then I put your cock in my mouth." Wolford stated, starting to make the messy sounds of a blowjob, holding his curled paw near his face and making a comical show of the situation as he made sure to make it seem as stupid as possible. He almost wanted to have a lolly on hand to suck on, just to make it sound real but his wet noises and soft moans were getting a funny experience from Gary. "Oooh... Gary... don't let me do this alone... touch me please!"

"Uhh..." Gary was getting hard just from the sounds now entering the phone and making his hairs standing on edge. His nose was twitching, his mouth curling because he was getting harder and he only had to hold himself. It didn't help that Larry chose that moment to roll in his bunk to face Gary, open his mouth and yawn with a roll of his tongue and a wet slurp as he licked his nose. Gary gave a gasp, flopping back and gently holding his cock, rubbing his thumb against the head and moaning softly as he looked towards Larry and gave a groan. "Keep licking and look me directly in the face, yeah... keep taking it in deep but keep your eyes on me and I might play with your ass..."

"Oooh... but please play with my ass... you know I can't cum without it... do you want to cum from my mouth?" Wolford teased down the phone, sheesh Gary sounded pathetic and Wolford was really wondering why he was in this relationship. Why? It kept him in contact with the family and safe, he could see them all, meet them all and there wouldn't be a problem! He whimpered as he pressed his paw to his mouth, sucking at his wrist firmly and making a slurping sound to make wetter noises. Gary was groaning softly down the phone and then he began saying that he'd stick his digits in Wolford's ass, pump them in because he was going to cum twice! "Oooh... oh yeah? Oh Gary... your paws are so big and you dick tastes so good... please let me eat your cum!"

"Uh... no, no... I don't wanna cum in your mouth... I wanna cum on your FACE!" Gary grunted, almost giving a howling wheeze as he dropped the phone and snatch his paw around his muzzle. He kept himself quiet, his cum spurting out of his cock, which he'd aimed right towards Larry. At that moment, the other wolf opened his mouth to lick his nose, but thankfully it was too thick to fly far and Gary gasped and shuddered as he slumped back and grabbed the phone. His mind was filled with the image of Larry's face plastered in cum, staring up at Gary with an appreciative expression as Wolford moaned softly down the phone and begged for more. But Gary was exhausted and he got what he wanted, he'd been lucky he hadn't called out Larry's name but he was done and he groaned down the phone. "Uuuh... so I put my cock in your ass, pin you down and thrust into you until I cum. Thanks Wolford... goodnight, love you."

"Gary?" Wolford questioned as the phone suddenly cut off and Wolford sat up, ears erect and his expression frustrated as he looked to the phone and then tried to call through only to find it was not connecting. He groaned, slapping the phone down for a minute and slumping back whilst looking at himself at half-mast. He could not understand why phone sex was so disappointing for him when it had clearly made Gary feel good, why was it he was good at giving it but got nothing in return? Wolford groaned in frustration and then grasped a second phone, a burner phone, that he pulled out of the draw. He then grasped a condom, lube and one of his dildos. He placed he dildo on the bed, sitting it up and bracing himself in a squatting position over the object as he quickly hopped a condom onto himself, onto the dido and then covered the dildo in lube. His ass might hurt still but he could not care as he logged into the website he was paying for on the credit on the phone.

It was not a good site, an exploitative site to say the least as he opened onto the page showing the smallest fox fucking aggressively into bigger animals. There were not many, but Wolford had found a fox that looked just like Victor that was doing a German shepherd, close enough to a wolf ad the fox was loud and talked a lot in the video. It was a bondage one so the dog was gagged and tired, following this bad boy theme and Wolford sat the video on the pillow, braced himself against the bedpost and gently, as he watched the fox teasing his cock against the dog's backside, asking him if he wanted it, Wolford bent down against his dildo, letting it stroke at his backside as he focused on the image and moaned softly. Then, when the fox stuffed it right in to be mean, Wolford sat right down and gave a sharp moan of pain but then satisfaction as his cock strained out enough the sheath wouldn't slip up again. The fox in the video teased he'd do it slow and rocked a little, Wolford wobbled along the dildo, groaning softly to feel it touch his pleasure spots.

Then, in the video the fox started to really thrust had into the dog that was whimpering through a ball gag and Wolford began to ride his toy as hard as he could. The bed creaked and groaned, shrieking and squeaking as Wolford slapped his arse against it, gripping the headboard as he panted and gasped. He moaned and sighed, listening to the fox yell at him, asking him if he was some dirty piece of trash getting off on a fox that lived off trash! The fox was telling him he was so low he might as well be the dirt, his only use as a spare hole and Wolford moaned and sighed as he heard these words and slapped his body against the dildo. He couldn't think of the pain or the lack of tightness within to hit the good points, he just needed the pounding and to think it was a fox doing it to him.

Wolford groaned, the video was about to end when the dog came from his ass and the fox came down his back. Wolford groaned as reached for the glass of water by his bed, bringing it to his shoulder as he continued to thrust down onto the dildo and then finally he gave the choking gasp of orgasm as his ass felt like it had suddenly become wet and then the condom on his cock filled. Then, when he heard the fox on the video insist on cumming on his new 'toy', Wolford spilt some of the water on his back, imagining it was cum and his body jerked and quivered with a drier orgasm as he groaned and then put the glass down before slumping against the headboard again.

He felt damn pathetic and so dirty now....

"Hey Wolford, did you have a good day at work? Nice to get a bit of time off for yourself?" Wolford had come to the Fox and Hound for the Friday night usual and because Angelo had bullied him into coming at last. He'd been up dancing with everyone else, his body back to a hundred percent although his heart was not. He'd been eyeing up a few foxes that looked like they might have liked a trip to the glory holes, but Angel and Tremaine had been filling the bar with their romance as the red fox had skipped off the stand with his earrings jangling, in a hot pink tank top and wear denim hot pants with fishnets beneath that everyone had been stuck staring as he'd tackled the jackal. As Tips was busy in the backroom with his lover, Wolford was finally face to face with Donovan himself. "You look a little drained... I think you were before dancing."

"A little..." Wolford was feeling the desire to pull his ears back and tuck his tail, he could not believe how handsome and just how majestic the bar owner really was. Donovan just had this aura about him that screamed he was model quality with his long neat legs, imposing stride, gorgeous black mane of fur on his head and neck that would make an Afghan hound jealous, that long thin muzzle and those gorgeous eyes. He was a very beautiful, oddly masculine and Wolford just felt enchanted to be in the presence of a maned wolf that had been so brave in his marriage to dog! "I was on the phone with my boyfriend and... things didn't go that well when we tried phone sex..."

"Ah..." Donovan finished mixing a cocktail called a 'Foxy Fizz' and passed it to Wolford to drink as he nodded his head firmly. He filled out a couple of glasses for the other patrons and surprisingly, Rabid Dog marched in to sit with Wolford and join the conversation. But as they shared a cocktail together, the wolf was startled when Donovan and Rab both said the same thing in the same tone with the same expression upon their faces. "Don't tell me... you got him off but he didn't care about you?"

"Exactly... how is that even possible and... wait, the three of us are bottoms, is this a thing with bottoms?" Wolford groaned in frustration as he looked to the other two, they shared a glance together and then nodded their heads. Clearly there was some one-sided things going on in phone sex where as the sexting was a little more 'mutual', Wolford explained to them how he'd faked the noises to get a reaction but then he'd been hung up on without even a thought to his own interest. It was clear the timber wolf was looking pissed and the other two gave soft sounds of appreciation as Donovan leant forward to give him a soft hug before then pulling out another cocktail for them both to enjoy together. Wolford turned towards Rabid with a sad expression and his ears down. "Rabbie... I'm a bit worried that this relationship isn't working... but the problem is, it's a disguise all the same and... and I'm too scared to push him away."

"Its hard... I'm not you so I can't speak for your situation but I certainly would not be able to cope the way you do. In fact, I'd have just given up with them all if dating someone I didn't want to made them happy! But its hard, you wolves have a greater family orientation than the rest of us..." Rabid Dog sighed as he stroked at Wolford's back, nuzzling against him and smiling happily to have a chance to talk to him about these things again. Wolford turned to look at him gently as he downed another glass of the Blue Lagoon that had been offered, only to make a funny face as his tongue even looked chow-chow blue in the bar mirror! Rabid made a giggle but then licked Wolford's ears softly in amusement before he yawned and then grinned. "You've got Vic's bachelor weekend coming soon too, are you going to be alright on that?"

"Its different with Victor... he knows everything and I don't have to worry as it would be back to being the way we were and actually having fun." Wolford sighed n frustration, but he got a sudden surprise when his phone began to buzz loudly and he could see that someone was trying to ring him. He hooked it up quickly, worried for a moment that he was being called in for something big and would have to inform the chief that he was drunk and at a gay bar, which would really piss Bogo off considering everything. He didn't bother checking the name on the number, he just answered the way he expected himself to. "Officer Wolford speaking..."

The response on the line made Wolford's whole body tremble in surprise, it was that Fennec fox calling him and asking where he was. Wolford told him, trying to remain tough sounding so that none of his friends got suspicious on the matter. For some reason, Wolford had the feeling that if these guys were aware of anything to do with Finnick, they'd warn him off and Wolford could not stand the thought of missing out on any time with the cheeky fox. He listened and then gave a soft grunt to say he couldn't drive but he could meet him up near the station, which confused the fox on the phone but threw off his companions. Wolford then turned the phone off, texted Finnick the address to the bus station near his apartment block before he pulled himself off the stool and quickly pulled out his card, only for Donovan to tap his nose.

"I'll put it on a tab for next time, besides, the lagoons were my treat for you and Rabid. Its nice to get to chat with the youngsters so openly these days... especially a police officer. Stay safe." Donovan beamed sweetly and Wolford quickly insisted he'd pay it off now in case he couldn't get back any time sooner, Donovan just chuckled but accepted before blowing him a soft kiss and waving him out as Wolford collected his coat and started to walk like he was about to go on duty. Rabid shook his head gently, clearly something important was up, but he got a surprise when he noticed how Donovan was still staring and he gave him a gentle prod. "Huh? Oh... sorry dear... I was just musing how curiously, with a backside like that... for Wolford I could probably be a top... you think he's interested in a maned wolf aiming towards his mid-fifties?"

Wolford was quick to grab the bus as soon as he was out of sight of the usual traffic into the club so no one could ask questions. Finnick had sent a message of fascination over the idea of where he was meeting the wolf and to be fair, Wolford was a little nervous himself about the cameras. But swiftly he was able to arrange a room at the fancy hotel just down the road on his app and take on a fancy room. He then hopped off the bus at the stop and then found a curiously short figure in a hoodie sitting there looking vaguely frustrated. Suddenly Wolford recalled Finnick's size and pondered how he was going to get in the posh hotel, no matter what his legal information said, a lot of animals were dumb! But when Finnick just gave a snigger of amusement at the idea, he quickly showed Wolford towards the valet parking spots and the cars pulling up, insisting he'd be with him soon as he looked towards one of the monkeys working the valet service and well, Wolford thought it best to leave him be.

Wolford checked-in and texted the room number to Finnick before he strolled to the bar and then sat down to order a drink and take another cocktail to fill his body with a just a little less anxiety. He was glad he did not feel drunk after taking it in, but once done he hopped over to the elevator and then took it to his room, getting out and then stepping to the door, opening it up and then staring in shock. Finnick had just popped a beer cap after slapping the mini-bar closed and was then chewing on a candy bar too. Wolford stepped in with a giggle, closing the door and placing the 'do not disturb' tag onto it before he stepped to the double bed and sat himself upon it calmly as Finnick chugged back the beer then finished the candy with a grin, he knew what Wolford wanted to be told.

"Look daddy... I'm being naughty and raiding the mini-bar... you're going to be very angry with me if I do this, aren't you?" Finnick grinned, sticking out his tongue covered in colourful sprinkles as he finished it off and polished off the beer. Wolford grinned, he knew exactly was to do, sitting over the edge of the bed and then grasping Finnick by a foot. The little fox gave a yelp of shock as he was suddenly dragged right over to Wolford's side, his pants and trousers yanked right off before he was lain over Wolford's knees. Wolford made a gap between, making sure that Finnick's meat was sitting between it and able to bounce without getting too pinched as Wolford gave a playful growl and held up the tail as Finnick growled. "I had a lot of booze daddy, doesn't that make me a bad boy?"

"Undoubtedly, I seriously bad boy... this is going to take some real spanking..." Wolford sighed, shaking his head in seeming disbelief but actually grinning for how the fox had managed to get into the room in the first place. Before Finnick could grin some more about it, he was soon giving soft grunts and groans as that big wolf paw lay flat and clapped firmly against the bouncing sandy-furred cheeks. He clapped and slapped them steadily, watching the skin go pink beneath and listening to Finnick give his soft moans and whimpers as the sudden sting and the fact someone was daring to punish him made his cock start sliding out of its sheath. "Bad boy... you know that stuff is only for daddy... you think you're a big boy but no! You're a bad... bad little boy... you're going to get more than a spanking, daddy'll have to clean your mouth out!"

Wolford growled in seeming fury as he clapped those gorgeous, tight little cheeks more firmly, getting a resounding clap and a jump from Finnick that made the fox give a gasp of pleasure. Ten he got a shock as Wolford stuffed his digits into the little fox's mouth, rolling them and stuffing them inside, stroking his cheeks to make him moan and drool before he started to suckle on them and groan with pleasure as the spanking continued. It made Wolford start to swell in his sheath and he wanted to stick his tongue right inside that tight little backside already and just make Finnick feel good back there too! Wolford though continued to spank away at him and licked his lips as Finnick moaned and groaned against the fingers, licking and even pinching them with his teeth! It was making them both excited and then Wolford decided to stop whilst Finnick was still swelling!

"Naughty boy... I'm spanking you and its clear you haven't washed under your tail properly!" Wolford growled playfully, pulling Finnick up into his lap and then lying on his back, urging the fox to sit over his muzzle as Finnick just gave a smug snort at the manner of this mad wolf. He grasped hold of Wolford's ears and stood with his legs apart as he groaned and let that tongue start slurping around his backside whilst his cock was sitting calmly upon Wolford's forehead, making him barge it, rub it and make it bigger as Finnick gave a soft swear. There was something curiously pleasant in letting his dick grow on someone's face, let alone to feel that long tongue slipping between his cheeks, flickering against the rim and just making Finnick moan slightly.

"You know what... Wolfie... if it weren't the fact you've got such a fat dick of your own... I'd almost let you get inside me once..." Finnick sighed and Wolford's ears lay back, he pulled a paw up and then gently shifted his digits into the crack too, making Finnick squat more, even thrusting slightly so that his cock could keep swelling up on top of Wolford's face. It even slid towards his eyes and though he kept his eyes closed, Wolford was still groaning in pleasure as his tongue and digits slipped into that tight ring. "Fuuuck... gotta be careful daddy or I'll make a mess of your face..."

"Heh... maybe I want you to..." Wolford paused, drooling a little while slurping and nuzzling at him lovingly before rubbing his nose up against the little fox's balls and shaft, forcing him to groan and start to suck in air through his teeth. As Wolford continued to lick him, Finnick grabbed his fat shaft and rubbed it roughly over his head, desperate to get close to cumming over Wolford's head when it was the first time a partner was willing to let him mark them like that. He was not going to say no to this chance! Wolford grinned, slurping and rolling his tongue to get that hole wider before he pulled it open and then stuffed his tongue in deeper so that Finnick gave a sharp groan and then pulled away, still standing over Wolford's coy, almost dangerous wolf face as Finnick crouched and hurried to jerk himself into spraying his cum right into Wolford's face.

"So good..." Finnick groaned, still feeling his cock spitting out the last few strands of thick cum to hint he'd been on his own lately. Wolford just gave an almost girlish gasp of pleasure to feel it moisturise his fur before his long tongue began to slurp it up and Finnick just gave a satisfied sound as he rubbed at his belly in amusement. He was certainly impressed at how good Wolford was at getting him off and playing into the fetish, only to get surprise when Wolford sat up and then rolled onto his front, lifting up his tail and then wiggling his tight backside enticingly at Finnick as he grinned. "What are you trying to do now, daddy?"

"My puppy thinks he's such a big boy to drink beer... why doesn't he show daddy how big a boy he is?" Wolford grinned, licking his lips to catch some of the cum from his face already and Finnick gulped. He was very surprised how seductive and of course how damn wicked this wolf was being to 'dare' him to fuck him. Finnick was grinning as he grasped tissue and wiped Wolford's face clean with a chuckle he shouldn't have a daddy that looked like a whore, only to find Wolford turning around and licking Finnick's muzzle to make him grin in amusement. He then gently stepped behind Wolford, stroking his cock up again whilst stuffing a paw to Wolford's backside and then stuffing his digits right in as Wolford's backside clenched to pull him in before he was groaning and sighing lovingly. He began to make his backside pinch close and stretch open around Finnick's digits as he grinned in amusement and continued to rub his cock to get it ready for fun.

Wolford was very pleased, he'd been so desperate to get off and to be with an adorable fox like Finnick, it was perfect and just what he needed! As his tail remained up, his backside pinching as he moaned softly and teased if Finnick could even get up to teach daddy a lesson, Finnick gave a sneer of amusement. The fox then brought his paws away to grasp old of his buttocks before massaging and pushing at the cheeks, watching the way that tight tailhole began to pucker and pinch expectantly as he gasped and moaned. Wolford sat up on his knees and Finnick was amused, gently grasping hold of Wolford's balls to give them a gentle stroke and squeeze before looking down at how the fat wolf cock was out and starting swell slightly.

"You're really loving this aren't you? Daddy's got a real dirty habit... he better clean his boy up after this, better make sure he cleans his muck off my cock!" The Fennec growled in pleasure as Wolford turned back to look at him, tongue lolling as he panted softly then licked his lips again and clenched to try and enticed as he then gave a soft moan. He whimpered that his puppy had to do a good job of proving he was a big boy first. For that, Finnick gave a deep guttural cackle before slapping a paw to the firm cheeks, getting a nice clapping sound as Wolford gave a soft grunt and Finnick gave a satisfied smirk as he then rubbed himself out of his sheath properly and then clambered up onto Wolford's hips and then brought his very fat cock to the puckering hole. It slipped in a little, then it began to stretch it out as Wolford gave a low moan that was almost a howl.

He tried to relax himself and widen out, moaning with utter pleasure to feel it barging and rubbing past every sensitive piece of flesh within his body as he whimpered and whined and gasped. His body shuddered in pleasure, feeling Finnick moaning and growling softly for how tight it still felt and the way the muscles held him but let him get in. Then he pushed his form all the way inside, feeling it open out almost like a sudden pop or slipping motion and both of them suddenly moaned in utter pleasure for the sensation. Wolford almost came in that moment, feeling that fat but small fox cock sitting right in the perfect place to rub his best spot and he shuddered and panted, feeling it practically vibrating against it as Finnick just soaked in the tightness.

"Better prepare yourself daddy... I'll show you I'm a big boy..." The fox grinned viciously, his voice so deep it was almost like having some bigger animal like some polar bear right behind him. But Wolford swished his tail about and Finnick gave a grin before snatching his paws around Wolford's waist and leaning all his body weight into Wolford's backside. It made Wolford shudder and lick his lips in pleasure before suddenly, Finnick began to pull back and then stuff himself inside with slow but firm slams into Wolford's backside. The wolf was panting and grinning, drooling into the mattress with a dewy look of total satisfaction within his eyes as he was feeling that cock rubbing right into his best point, making him give sharp gasps of utter delight. Finnick was beaming already, he'd never found an ass so sensitive of eager to have the fox cock buried deep within.

With each clapping sound as their flesh met, Finnick's head stretched forward and he rubbed his chin against Wolford's hips to make him moan even more for the pleasant sensation of the nuzzling. Finnick was glad he could just focus on moving his hips, on feeling that sensation and melting inside that beautifully warm and slickening backside that was pulling him in, twitching and pulsing around him before tightening. Each time he tightened, it felt like something better than a mouth or even a pussy grabbing him and pulling him in, begging him to go as far as he needed to go as Finnick just groaned into Wolford's back.

He began to speed up, feeling his knot swelling and he began to rush, clapping and slapping in as Wolford's breathing began to hitch to suddenly feeling the cock rub briskly at his spot. He could feel Finnick starting to swell even more, his body widening to fit him in snuggly but still Finnick was able to get in and out as fast as possible. From the side, it almost looked as ridiculous as a rabbit humping and thumping into another for how much power Finnick had in his hips to keep going and going to reach his knot. As his cock swelled up enough to lodge in place, Wolford gave a sudden gasp as he came from his ass and then was panting softly as he could feel the cum starting to spit down into his passage and he began to moan in utter pleasure. Finnick was panting and grunting with pleasure too, feeling himself still being pinched and squeezed as if Wolford's ass was drinking in his cum and he gave a soft snort.

"Hey Daddy, carefully roll onto your belly for me, I wanna sit behind daddy whilst I'm filling his ass..." Finnick grinned, slowly dismounting and then grasping Wolford's leg. He then helped the wolf gently roll onto his side with him before then onto his back, feeling the knot twist slightly as Wolford swiftly came again with a splatter that just missed Finnick. The fox sniggered as he then sat his short legs up onto Wolford's groin, sighing in pleasure and showing off his own acrobatic skills as he began to fondle Wolford's balls wit his hind paw, making Wolford moan and his hips shudder as Finnick gave a soft whistle of pleasure to feel that jiggling to shake out more cum from his cock. He licked his lips softly before lounging back and then giving a chuckle as Wolford spread his legs wider, gasping and panting as he felt the cum really building up inside his backside but was totally enjoying it. "Heh... daddy's got a real thing for his kit playing with his ass..."

"Daddy loves his little puppy's cock... he's gotta make sure its fully trained for the big wide world..." Wolford grinned in amusement, his tongue lolling in amusement as Finnick gave a snort. This was starting to prove to be an interesting arrangement indeed. Wolford was hopeful for it too, this was the best experience he'd had for a while... as long as no one ever found out about him and this criminal after-all.

Wolford's Unveiling - Part Twelve

# Twelve: The Fennec # "Would you believe it, apparently some asshole trained a kit to shimmy into the air vents and rob the safes inside the store whilst the boss was on a break. Of course, the boss turns up and just wants to know how a lost kid...

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I Can Have Your Babies - Oneshot

# I Can Have Your Babies - Oneshot ## Alpha Nero x Omega Clarion - Omegauniverse _So... being a YAOI reader I found this strange trend for something called the Omega Verse but all the stories in it are often pretty dire. The idea goes there are...

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Commission - Ruin of the Pride Lands - 2/2 END

# Ruin of the Pride Lands ## Part Two: The Ruin of Nala Time went by, seasons changed, and the rape of the Pride Lands extended to the actual herds and landscapes as the animals were depleted and departed and the land dried up. Something stopped...

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