A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 8

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#8 of A Jewel In the Ruff

Alex's first night in this new and strange place, sleeping in a bed with someone who saved her. But the wolf doesn't feel right. And can she really?

The next chapter will be next Friday. I hope you enjoy.

Alex remembered the last time she got to sleep in an actual bed. It wasn't a pleasant memory, filled with arguments echoing from the corridor across her old room before she'd been kicked out. Then she'd spent so much time wandering alone, only to find Phyllis. A warm room, a roof over her head, and free food. All she had to do was be hers and the mink would help her.

Staring up into the ceiling, the wolf wondered if she'd take it all back. Yes, Phyllis had abused Alex throughout her stay, but she didn't think herself deserving of anything better. And she wouldn't have met Jewel, now cuddled up against her on the pullout mattress. When she first saw S&M style play, Alex had figured it could be a release. A way to punish her so people could accept her rather than yell or hate her.

But there was no hatred in the trio that took them in. Two girls walked around in collars but didn't act like slaves. They laughed, smiling genuinely in the presence of their dominant. And the pig woman, though rough at first, embraced them with a warmth that Alex could only envy. Did they even kiss her boots? Alex needed to know, but had been too afraid to ask.

Jewel stirred, slowly raising her head in the dim light provided by the moon. "Can't sleep?" She asked, her tired tone carrying that concern Alex still wasn't used to.

Alex nodded, keeping a steady gaze on the ceiling. "Sorry, I can sleep on the floor if it bothers you."

Jewel wrapped her arm across the wolf's chest, pulling herself closer to whisper, "You being on the floor would bother me. What's wrong?"

Despite her blush, Alex couldn't help but think how stupid that question was. What's wrong? What's even right? She hit Phyllis, had no identification papers, and was sleeping in the house of a stranger next to a girl she'd known for less than a month. She'd never been this close to someone physically without them hurting her or using her in some way. If she had any self-worth, she'd have pushed Jewel away already. But she didn't want to push her away, to lose the one good thing that's happened to her.

"Your friend," Alex said, "She seems happy."

Jewel nodded, "Yeah...probably the happiest I've ever seen her." She said, a tinge of regret on her tongue.

"Phyllis told me that a slave's true happiness comes from serving their better. That any negative feelings they felt were meaningless so long as their betters smiled." Her throat tightened with each word, eyes tearing up, "Yet...Helga treats them so well. Like they aren't slaves. They don't cower before her. They look so...relaxed. Like one mistake won't earn them twenty strikes to their genitals."

"Phyllis was wrong." Jewel said, resting her sizable chest against Alex's almost flat mounds. The wolf bit her lips, wishing someone would hit her for the envy she felt in comparing bodies. The badger was a woman, no one could mistake her otherwise from a distance. Some might call her fat, but Alex would have preferred a body like Jewel's, one where people didn't mistake her for a man just because of how flat or broad-shouldered she was. "She was a cruel person who only used you for pleasure."

"I know," Alex nodded her head slowly, "But she's all I had." Jewel's body heat stirred something in the wolf's loins. Against her conscious desires, her cock grew erect under the sheets of their blanket. Closing her eyes in shame, Alex shifted in a vain attempt to break free without actually wanting to escape Jewel. "I'm sorry," she said, "I don't mean to get hard. It's just that you're so close and..."

"It's ok," Jewel whispered, "Don't be ashamed." The badger looked down at the wolf's crotch tent, a small blush forming under her facial fur. "Can..." she paused, looking directly into Alex's eyes, "Can I touch you, down there?"

Alex blinked. No one had ever asked her permission before. They just saw her arousal as an excuse to push forward, with Phyllis being the rare exception that demanded arousal. "I...my cock doesn't deserve to be touched," she muttered, wishing to hide her face and never be seen again.

"That's not what I was referring to." Jewel said.

The wolf's eyes lit up in the faint light of the windows. Her erection bounced, and the lower folds grew moist, hitting her with a double whammy of arousal. "S-S-Sure..." she said, losing all sense of fear as Jewel slipped down the bed, moving the covers away to reveal Alex's large erection.

The badger ignored it. Only touching the cock to help move it and Alex's balls aside, giving her a clear view of the herm's vulva. Her heart raced with each inch closer Jewel's maw came. It had to smell awful, had to be gross, that's what her anxiety told her the longer Jewel stared at the abomination down there. Maybe Phyllis was right, and she should just sew that cunt up and be a man.

Then came the lick. Alex held her gasp as that warm and wet badger tongue slowly lapped across her pussy. Her sack rested on the badger's snout, Alex froze in place as Jewel licked her slit down below her. The badger wasn't experienced, lathering her tongue randomly across the wolf's vagina. She didn't complain, having never had anyone but her own fingers down there made her all the more sensitive to Jewel's touch. Holding her maw down with her hands, Alex rested her head against her pillow as she stifled each and every moan.

Her dick had been left in the cold open air. Not even a finger dragged across it as Jewel focused one hundred percent on Alex's cunt. The herm had seen porn of her gender before, seen how the actors focused on either just the cock or both organs for maximum pleasure. But never just the vagina. As though having a cock meant they couldn't just be treated like women.

She didn't need to hold back like with her penis. The pleasure building slowly over time through the badger's amateur licking. Alex found herself lost in a state of bliss, wanting to reach that edge only to be just out of reach. Jacking off was faster, rougher when she didn't use lube. Which, given Phyllis's no masturbation policies, was often. Gritting her teeth, Alex's fingers dug into the mattress with each step closer to that orgasmic edge.

Could Jewel breathe down there? Was the badger holding her breath the entire time or sniffing in the smell of Alex's mixed musk with every suction of air? She panted into the night, staring up into the ceiling for who knew how long until her dam finally broke. She didn't scream, biting her lips so hard that they drew blood to keep her from waking anyone else. The orgasm rippled across her body, lasting longer than the shots from her cock. Had this been what it had been like for Phyllis?

Alex looked down, seeing not only her erect dong dripping pre and nothing else, but Jewel pulling her head out from between the wolf's thighs. She smiled, Alex's juices dripping off the badger's lips. The wolf's own cheeks were burning, her erection unable to fall despite finally cumming from just her pussy alone.

"Did you like it?" Jewel asked, ears furled. Alex looked down in disbelief of the question. How could she have hated it? Without warning, she pulled herself closer to the badger. Their lips embraced, the taste of her sex was still fresh on the rainbow headed girl's lips and tongue that danced with her own. Her erection had grown so hard that the knot expended further than she had ever experienced, becoming a weighted burden as the two girls clashed.

She broke away, smiling. Alex hadn't thought of herself as just a girl in a long time, perhaps never. "Can..." biting her lip, she looked down past the badger's blush to her crotch, "Can I repay the favor?"

"You don't have to."

Alex kissed her again, then pushed her further up the bed before crawling down the badger's pudgy and beautiful frame. The wolf always had to pleasure Phyllis, who trained her mouth and fingers for foreplay every day and night. Pleasuring the mink had become a duty, a responsibility to her betters that she longed since stopped having an opinion on. But she wanted to please Jewel. Alex wanted the badger to cry out her name, and not just as a thank you for everything she'd done for her. It had become primal.

Pulling down her panties, the wolf smelled Jewel's need. Like she'd stuck her face in an oven, the poor girl burned in desire for touch. Alex kissed up the badger's thigh, slowly tantalizing her before reaching her vulva and gently dragging her tongue across her slit. Jewel shuddered, giving Alex something she never expected to have: pride.

"Oh my god..." she muttered in a drawn-out moan as Alex worked her magic. Spelling out the ABC's, the wolf had her tossing and turning. She'd nearly locked her legs around Alex's head by the time she reached M, squealing as the wolf sucked on her labia. Neither cared about the noises they made anymore. The guilt of being horrible guests would come later, when their highs crashed and regret sank in. Now was just pleasure and pride, something that swelled so deeply in Alex as Jewel came.

To the wolf's surprise, the badger was a squirter, ejaculating into Alex's nose. She pulled back, coughing and sniffing for breath only for the badger's scent to bombard her senses. "Oh crap, are you ok?" Jewel asked. Alex giggled, small tears fell from her eyes as she nodded and fell back into bed, lying next to her. Since her cock hadn't cum, her erection could finally drop despite the arousal.

"Did you like it?" she asked, smiling wider than she'd ever been.

With a blush, the badger nodded, "So...that's what being eaten out is like."

Alex frowned, "You've never..."

Jewel shook her head, "I'm still a virgin actually. Not that I have a hymen or anything anymore. It's just..." she poked her stomach, "No one ever really approached me and...well my sexuality has always been weird. I used to think I only liked guys, but then I found myself liking girls and I just couldn't decide." She said, staring up at the ceiling, "By the time I realized what being Bi was, I had developed other confidence issues. I'm not really the most-"

She didn't let her finish, hugging her tight and nuzzling into her shoulder, "You saved me from a monster, and cared about who I saw myself as. You have a beautiful soul."

"That just sounds like a nice way to say I'm ugly." Jewel forcefully joked.

"If you're ugly, then I have bad taste since I've been smitten by you when I first saw you." Alex admitted, "You're everything I couldn't be."


"Brave..." Alex whispered, kissing the badger's neck, "Thank you for saving me, Jewel. I owe you so much."

"No," Jewel reached for the wolf's paw, "You owe me nothing."


"I'm going to tell them." Helga said, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling above, unable to sleep thanks to the racket from the living room lovemaking. She certainly didn't expect to wake up to their moans, but who would? It was common courtesy to not fuck so loudly in someone else's house.

Amethyst draped her arm over Helga's chest, "Just go back to sleep," she whispered, half-awake despite the clear moans from the badger and wolf. Rolling her eyes, Helga closes them to fall back to sleep. The pleasured gasps woke her up again.

"That's it." Helga mutters, pulling herself up only for Amethyst to hang onto her.

"Let them have their time."

"They shouldn't be fucking in my house. It's rude."

"What did you expect?" Amethyst asked, draping herself over the sow's shoulders, "You saw how much Alex cuddled with her."

"I expected them to not fuck on my pullout couch." She muttered, "It's already hard enough to sleep with you two in the room."

Rebecca stirred but said nothing. Somehow being able to stay asleep in this racket. Amethyst smiled as she whispered, "Says the woman who snores."

"I don't snore."

"Yes, you do. Not always but sometimes." The vole said, nipping the pig's ear, "Just come back to bed, you've got work in the morning."

Sighing, Helga kissed her submissive lover and laid back down on their bed. Almost a year ago, it had been her bed and hers alone. Now, not only did she share it with someone about half her age, she had a pittie girl younger than that sleeping happily on a comfy mat against their floor, while two college-age kids eat themselves out in her living room. She'd gone to those munches expecting to find a sub, not...this.

"Christ it's like I started a household," Helga muttered, "Maybe I should change my status on Fet."

The vole nuzzled into her butch lover, "I don't think they're gonna stay for that, Mama. That wolf girl looks too terrified of everything."

"Can't blame her, not after I talked to that mink." Helga closed her eyes and replayed that memory, clenching her fist tight at the slur escaping Phyllis's mouth, "I hadn't heard that word spoken so openly by someone so well dressed in a long time. She's lucky Tabs wasn't around."

"You'd think people would get over it," Amethyst said, "To stop using hateful words and get on with the program. I bet that mink had the right education to learn how hurtful those words were."

Shaking her head, Helga combed her fingers over her vole's sidecut, "Amy, I love you, and you're a smart girl. But you can be incredibly naive sometimes. Hateful words don't only exist because people are poorly educated. They exist because people will always have hate. I've been called a dyke by enough 'good people' to know that no matter how much I'm accepted, there will always be people that won't let me be me."

"But people can change," Amethyst said, "People can learn to be better, like Lorraine."

"Lorraine did a lot of shitty things before she even considered changing," Helga said, "And while you're right, people can change, it's not always for the better." She pulled her lover in close, "But it is getting a bit easier, every day. I doubt either of us will see it in our lifetime, but who knows?" Cuddling up next to her, Helga rested her eyes one more time, "And I don't snore."

"Yes you do," Amethyst said, "Sometimes."

The rocking in the living room ceased, leaving only the humming of their ceiling fan and their restless legs to echo through the room.

Rebecca spoke up, "Is anyone else horny from all of that?"

"Go to sleep." Helga and Amethyst said in unison.

A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 9

It had been two days since they arrived at Helga's home. Two days where Jewel had been hiding with Alex, the wolf clinging close to her and afraid to leave for fear of seeing Phyllis. Helga didn't press them to leave, and Jewel had only left once to...

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A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 7

Given the situation, being at a loss for words shouldn't have made Jewel so nervous. Her former best friend was, after all, standing before her naked in the doorway. Well, not exactly naked, but a studded collar, chastity belt, and nipple rings didn't...

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Sissy Training Center: Prepping

Jamie nearly launched from his seat at the latest bump. Old buses like the one he rode in always had terrible shock absorbers. The pink furred mouse huddled into the window corner of his spot, gripping his backpack tight and hooking his legs under the...

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