All's Well that Ends Swelled ch2a

Story by OneBadMamaJama on SoFurry

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#1 of All's Well that Ends Swelled

The fun begins! Now that Ajani and Sha'Ria have traded their boys, they get to have some fun with their new toys. KiwiBB and I are each handling half of the adventure, and here's my portion focusing on Sha'Ria and T'lak. The eager-to-please dragon might have spent years with Ajani, but he wasn't ready for the kind of intense nut abuse Shari can dish out!


CHAPTER 2A: You are here!



Sha'Ria was absolutely over the moon. All she had planned for the afternoon was dropping off a few of Raj's latest leatherworking efforts at the tanner to see how he'd been progressing (fingers crossed soon he'd be ready to sell at the market for himself!), and then pick up a tipsy rat to haul him home, then maybe pound his nuts flat before their usual pre-bed romp, but now look! She'd reconnected with an old friend and even managed to score a brand new set of balls! Not just any balls, but bona fide red dragon testicles that she could do whatever she wanted with!

Okay, okay, she couldn't just do WHATEVER she wanted with them. Ajani had a few rules, but that wasn't anything major. Basically just make sure T'lak got returned in one piece. Or at least, that his two pieces were still intact. She could do that. Yeah, feeling Raj's nuts go splat got her wetter than anything, but that didn't mean she'd go easy on the dragon's set, oh no. Heck, half the time Raj was ASKING to just get his sack finished off, this poor guy wasn't gonna get that!

T'lak wasn't feeling QUITE as enthused. He was pretty sure he could put up with however much ball-pounding Sha'Ria had in store for him, but he was still a bit on edge about the arrangement overall. The booze had faded and he was having second thoughts about the whole thing. It seemed... unfaithful, even if there was no actual sex. But then again, Ajani was okay with it, and Sha'Ria was REALLY okay with it.

The dragon huffed awkwardly, looking down at the hands wrapped around his junk. "Y'know... you didn't have to come over here with me. I'm perfectly capable of peeing on my own," he said, glad that at least they were standing a ways off the path and it was after dark.

Sha'Ria stuck her tongue out. "Yeah but that would mean letting go of these babies!" she said jovially, clamping her fingers around his dangly bag and giving it a hard shake. "There we go. Done?"

"...yessum!" T'lak squeaked, wincing from the sudden grab and jostle, and the two resumed the stroll back home.

Sha'Ria, as it turned out, was not a particularly chatty travel companion. It was an odd experience, not conversing with a gal who had your nuts in her hand. For the most part, she kept a stern look on her face, like a warrior traversing the countryside, but then every so often she'd really dig her fingers into his nutmeat to make him yelp and jump and she'd break into an impish grin. Other than an occasional satisfied murmur at hearing her new toy whimpering, things were silent between them.

"So uh... you been out on your own for a while, huh?" T'lak piped up.

Sha'Ria nodded once. "Mmhm."

Well, he thought. That didn't really go anywhere. A few more moments passed, and he decided to give it another stab.

"You ever thought about moving back to town?"

Sha'Ria looked sideways at him, giving his ballbag an especially hard squeeze that nearly made his knees buckle.

"Thought about it, decided if any of them wanted to see me again they'd have let me know by now," she replied, with a tone that said it would probably be in T'lak's best interest to drop the subject.

T'lak wheezed, his toned midsection flexing and his hips squirming as much as they could, getting the message immediately and leaving that topic alone for the time being.

It was a surprisingly long walk from Bellringer's to Sha'Ria's home. As they made their way along a mountainside, T'lak realized he hadn't seen any, you know, houses in a while. They'd abandoned the main path and walked down one that looked like it had mostly been formed just from her traveling it, and were coming up onto an opening in the rock face that the dragoness turned toward, pulling him along.

"Wait... you live in a cave?" he asked as they made their way in. "Like... like all old school? Like the green drag-YAHHH!"

Oh that was right, Sha'Ria still had him by the balls. She clenched that hand down until his nads were bulging between her fingers, leaving him on tiptoe and struggling to stay upright. Fucking hell she was strong. "YES, T'lak. I decided I wanted to get back to nature and not deal with the hassle of that red dragon society you seem to think is so perfect. Is that a PROBLEM?"

T'lak shook his head rapidly, and finally, after what felt like WAY too damn long, Sha'Ria let his balls go while she deposited her satchel on a small table by the cave's opening. That whole "sack smasher" nickname was making a lot more sense.

Now that he could let his brain steal some bloodflow, T'lak was able to get a look at Sha'Ria's home. Despite being, well, a damn CAVE, a lot of care had been put into making it feel cozy. It was obvious she'd been living there for many years. This wasn't some ramshackle camping trip kind of cave dwelling. Between the woven rugs keeping his feet warm, torches lighting the space, and even a table with a few chairs around it, the main area looked surprisingly inviting. It branched outward from there, a kitchen to one side, a large area that appeared to be a work area further back.

"Whoa..." he said, taken aback. "Heh, this is nicer than half the houses in the village," he chuckled. It was true, between the high ceilings and just how spacious it all was, T'lak was almost jealous. He could even see openings to allow sun in during the day, wide enough that moonlight was helping save the flames from being the only illumination.

"T'laaaaak," Sha'Ria called from another area.

He followed that voice through a small hallway of sorts, discovering a large opening that was... oh boy. The bedroom. Not quite as wide open as the rest of the cave, though still plenty roomy, with a massive bed against the wall, tables on either side, and a few candles set up to give the whole thing a downright romantic atmosphere.

Granted, with Sha'Ria standing there, her gaze locked on his dick and nuts, that romantic vibe took a bit of a hit.

T'lak swallowed, staying near the doorway. "Hey! Y'know, we never really got a chance to get to know each other before, right?" he offered, seeing a downright primal look in Sha'Ria's eyes. "So how'd you meet Raj? Ajani and me? That's a funny story, we w-"

"Get on the bed NOW."

"Okay then!"

T'lak sat on the edge of the mattress and scooted back a ways to get into what he assumed was the right position. He fidgeted, not sure what to expect. Sha'Ria was stepping up towards him, licking her lips, with a hungry look on her fact that briefly had T'lak worried she might legitimately try to eat him.

"Um, so what did you wanna start with? I know when Ajani and I are settling in one of our fav-OHGOD!"

In an instant, Sha'Ria pounced right on top of T'lak and just DRILLED her knee up between his legs, making the male SQUEAL in pain. She loved that. DAMN she loved that sound guys made from getting their nuts flattened. It never got old! She pinned her temporary boyfriend down under her bulk and held his wrists on either side of his head.

"Nnh, keep your legs open, c'mon T'lak..." she breathed, pressing her mouth to his, her long tongue sliding over his lips, along his cheek, until she was right in his ears. "Remind me how tough a set of dragon balls are..."

T'lak was still reeling from that first knee. Fucking hell, that one felt like it sent both of his nuts up and into his throat. He was used to getting his plums made into pudding, but WOW usually it was at least spread out a little. That felt like she was trying to finish him off with one. He panted and groaned, spreading out again.




Sha'Ria threw her knee against T'lak's spuds so hard it nearly slammed his head against the stone wall behind him. Each one launched a HOWL out of his throat, a sound that echoed off of the cave walls and made the girl on top of him moan, grinding hard into him. She kept her leg buried in his crotch, grinding it in place to feel the heavy eggs she had pinned there.

"Oh GODS, your nuts feel so FULL... when was the last time you came?" Sha'Ria groaned in his ear, rocking her hips.

T'lak wheezed, his belly in knots and seeing stars. For the first time in a while, his twitching dick was the furthest thing from his mind, even if it was currently getting pressed between their bare bellies. Ajani sure enjoyed cracking his eggs to keep him on edge and make him squirm, but this girl... she was just getting off on breaking his balls. Like... literally. He could feel her dripping on his stomach. For the first time, T'lak was NOT the one doing most of the leaking.

"Uh... a few months?" the cross-eyed dragon croaked.

Sha'Ria went wide-eyed. "Did you say MONTHS??" she gaped in disbelief. "Ooooh, so you're telling me these bad boys, right here, have three months of cum all stored up?" As she spoke, the dragoness pressed her knee harder up into the fork of T'lak's legs just to make sure he knew what bad boys she was referring to.

"Gyahhh... uh-huh!"

The powerful female pulled in a breath through her nose, her eyes fluttering. She could just smell it on him. All that pent up arousal with anxious sweat. It reminded her of her first "date" with Raj, and she was determined to enjoy it just as much, even if SOME of the fun would have to be limited.

Sha'Ria pulled her leg away from T'lak's nutbag, making him breath out a heavy sigh of relief.

"Ohhhhfuck..." he groaned, hands slowly going between his legs to cradle his injured testicles. "Shari... just throwin' this out there, but maybe, like... we slow things down a bit? I mean, not trying to be difficult or anyth-YIPE!"

T'lak's moment of rest didn't last long. Sha'Ria yanked him by the ankles further down the bed so his feet dangled, then climbed right back on top of him and spun to face the other way. Poor T'lak was struggling to breathe before, and that was only getting harder now that he had his face squeezed between Sha'Ria's thick thighs and his snout right up against her pussy.

"Normally I'd make Raj fuck me but since we can't do thaaaaaat, that tongue of yours is gonna have to pull double duty," she huffed, grinding back against T'lak insistently.

Oh yeah, that was the other rule. Traditionally, fully penetrative sex was to be saved until marriage, so for all the chicanery they'd gotten into, Ajani and T'lak had never gone all the way. Sha'Ria, meanwhile, had a house rat and no plans on marriage, so she had no problem with getting dicked good and deep whenever she felt like it. It wasn't like he'd get her pregnant, and each time he stuck his rat cock into her it was like she was thumbing her nose at all that tradition nonsense. So that was pretty great.

BUT, rules were rules and Sha'Ria wasn't out to ruin another relationship, so she had to make do. Her meaty thighs flexed on either side of T'lak's head, letting him know he should probably get started, and that was exactly what he did. A second later, Sha'Ria was nearly giggling, her hips writhing and squirming on top of her new best friend.

"Ohhh... OHHhh... just like that...!!" she cried out, grabbing one of those aching dragon eggs in each of her hands and squeezing down with all she had. Around back, Sha'Ria heard the beautiful sounds of a male trying to scream while his face was buried up in her cunt, and it just got her that much more worked up. She flexed and arched, crunching his nads in her fingers, using them to steer him around just like on the walk over.

It was also a good opportunity to really get a close look at T'lak's dragon meats. His swollen balls were filling up the sac entirely, so stuffed from months of denial that it really took some effort to make them squish down in her hands. She could tell this was a set that had been really trained to put up with abuse... just not HER brand of abuse.

Oh and then there was that dick. Sweet genius, that thing. Raj got plenty horny when they fucked, but T'lak's cock looked like he could drill a hole through the cave wall if he ran into it. The skin was stretched taut, each time she ground her fingers into his nads it twitched desperately, and all it took was breathing on the thing to get it drooling precum.

"GRRRrrrrRrrr! Don't you DARE stop!!" Sha'Ria yelled back over her shoulder. She wrapped her fist around his bag to hold his balls up and started speedbagging the damn things. Open hand, closed fist, smacking them from the sides or pounding straight down from the top. Meaty smacks echoed in the room right along with her moaning and his muted howling, and she Just. Didn't. Stop.

Sha'Ria's whole body quaked. She grabbed T'lak's nuts again, one per hand, and pressed them against each other hard enough that it made her shoulders sore. She could feel those heavy testicles crushing flat in her hands, and it was almost as lovely as feeling T'lak's tongue frantically driving further up her soaking wet pussy every time she did it.

T'lak, meanwhile, felt like he was about to pass out at any moment. He could barely breath from getting having his face pressed against Sha'Ria's admittedly INCREDIBLE ass, and she had his balls feeling like they were about to explode at any moment.

Suddenly, Sha'Ria let fly with a deep, guttural moan and shuddered, her inner walls trembling around T'lak's tongue. It was heaven for her, but hell for him. Mostly because while she rode that orgasm out, she kept on squeezing the life out of T'lak's balls, soaking up the sounds of his muted screams about as much as she soaked his face.

Finally, Sha'Ria finished and slumped down atop T'lak. She was blissfully panting and he was barely holding on. Sha'Ria let her legs and hands relax, spreading out to get some air in there and cool off her hot flesh (plus, sure, maybe let T'lake breathe). She grinned, ears focused behind her on the sounds of a whimpering, blubbering male behind her, a job well done after a nice easy warm-up of ball abuse.

She was just getting started, after all.

The dragoness arched up a bit, gripping the base of T'lak's cock and shaking it, making the length bob and dance around in front of her. "Ooooh... T'lak, I hope you're still with me back there, cuz now it's your turn..." she said, licking her lips while she eyed that pulsing, dribbling dick.

"Nnguh... bwah?" was about all T'lak could manage to articulate.

Sha'Ria snickered. "Okay big boy. I said I was gonna drain these nuts, so let's see what you've got."

If T'lak was hoping his turn would mean his balls would get a break, he was tragically wrong. She wasn't grinding them into powder like before, but Sha'Ria was still working his nuts over with her hands while she went to town on his cock with her mouth, and dear gods she was still running at full speed. This wasn't Ajani's loving caresses and firm kneading, Sha'Ria was groaning and sliding her mouth all over T'lak's cock with the same energy she had before, smearing his precum everywhere with her tongue, her cheeks caving in when she put that hard suction on him.

"GYUH!! Ffuck... ohgods... Shari! HOLY..." T'lak gasped, his toes curling and his hands gripping at her ass while she worked him over. The male's testicles felt like they were swollen up to twice their size and even a light jiggle made his stomach knot up, but that girl knew what the fuck she was doing. Her hands kept changing focus, going from squeezing and stroking the bottom half of his cock while her mouth busied itself up at the top, to pulling and squeezing on his balls all over again, like she was trying to knead the cum out of them in case it had gotten stuck from sitting so long. He outright SQUEALED when she ground a finger against his taint, and that was what finally did it.

"SHARI! G... GONNA CUM!!" he moaned, almost sounding worried about it, like he wasn't sure he'd survive.

Sha'Ria was ready for it. Well, she THOUGHT she was ready. She'd been spending the last year wringing every last drop of jizz out of Raj, and that rat's nuts could spray like crazy. However, she'd never dealt with a guy who'd spent an entire season getting edged to oblivion, and she was sucking him off like he'd already shot the easy one.

"Mmmn... MMFLLFF!!"

All at once, T'lak started unloading in Sha'Ria's mouth, and she was NOT prepared. Before the first wave even finished her cheeks were pouched out and she was sputtering. T'lak's cock was firing off ropes of sticky dragon cum like every single orgasm he missed over the last three months was happening at the same time.

As quick as she could, Sha'Ria pulled her mouth away, but kept on pumping T'lak's dick with everything she had. She watched his body tremble and shudder while jet after jet of sticky seed shot out, splattering all over her chest, some of them even flinging out so hard they shot over her shoulder entirely and landed on the bed and the dragon behind her.

"Holy SHIT, are you KIDDING me??" the dragoness howled with laughter, one hand gripping T'lak's bag and squeezing down while the other kept on stroking him off, just AMAZED at how much he had in there. She even had to turn her head to stop from getting hit in the eyes!

"HUUUHHHBWWHHUUNGHhhhhh...!!" That was T'lak's contribution to the discussion. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might burst. He'd NEVER gone off that hard. Sha'Ria wasn't just letting him dump his load, she got behind it and was shoving it through with all her strength.

Eventually, though, T'lak's climax petered off, and those massive sprays faded into little squirts before he was done entirely. Sha'Ria almost looked disappointed, like she was hoping it would last forever. After one last shake, T'lak's dick was softening down for the first time since... actually, she'd never seen it soft before. The dragoness hopped right off the bed, snickering and looking at the mess.

"T'lak, buddy, wow... just... WOW!" she praised, wiping a wad from her cheek and shaking it down on the floor. "Do you SEE this?? It's gonna take FOREVER to clean all this up... I mean, I knew your balls were full, but I didn't know they were THAT full! Fuck, I think you got it on the CEILING."

T'lak couldn't do much but murmur incoherently. His entire body was limp, his chest was heaving while he tried to catch his breath, and he was covered with both his and Sha'Ria's juices. Sure, his balls felt like she'd dropped a fucking boulder on them, but... there was no way around it, when she promised she'd give him an orgasm that'd drain him dry, she wasn't kidding. He was starting to understand why Raj stuck around so long...

"Okay, ready for round two?"

The male froze. "...round two?" he asked, lifting his head up. Even THAT took effort.

Sha'Ria had her hands on her hips, her eyes sweeping over T'lak's body. "I said I was gonna empty those nuts out, didn't I?"

T'lak gulped. He looked down at his lap, his dick flopped onto his thigh like a sleeping baby and his balls sagging down, still throbbing from the earlier activities.

"Uh... I think you did!" he replied in a hoarse voice, gingerly sitting up and leaning back on his hands.

Sha'Ria snorted. "Are you kidding? That first one's the EASY one. Look at those things, they got at least a dozen in 'em, and if they're all THAT big..." She whistled. "We're gonna have to dedicate tomorrow just to mopping up."

Oh gods, T'lak thought. A dozen of those?? There was no way. He wasn't sure his nuts would survive that. But then again, if each one ended with an orgasm like that...

The red dragon carefully scooted himself onto the edge of the bed, onto a spot that was at least mostly dry.

"Well, uh, I might need a minute! Like, damn Shari, you really know how to empty a guy out." He blew a breath out, his cheeks puffing. The fog hadn't quite faded from his head. "I'm surprised Raj is able to walk at all if that w-OHGODS!"

T'lak found himself with his back flat on the floor and his legs stretched up in the air, with Sha'Ria grinning down at him, holding his ankles wide apart.

"Raj? Doesn't ring a bell," she teased, casually jostling T'lak's legs. "I showed you what I can do with my hands, just wait and see how good I am with my feet."

The floored dragon winced, less from the lump on the back of his head and more at the thought of what was incoming. "Hey! I was just thinking, you know what's really fun? Talking about ourselves! Great chance to learn about each other, and you could, you know, grind my dick against your ass for a while until it's ready to go again!"

Sha'Ria snorted, rolling her eyes. "Oh it's ready," she said, with a menacing edge to her voice. The dragoness pressed her toes against T'lak's swollen testicles, claws pressing into the flesh just enough to get it to dimple. "The ol' boy just might need a little... kick starting."

T'lak got a sudden heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. His fingers curled into awkward fists, hands resting on his chest while his brain screamed at him to put them down over his balls and shield them from Sha'Ria's foot for gods' sakes.

"You sure you're ready to go again? It's already kinda late and maybe we should wait until the mornaaAAUUUGH!"

Oh yeah, she was ready to go, and if T'lak's cock didn't get its head in the game, his nuts were gonna be the ones to pay for it. She pulled her leg back and swung forward, SMACKING T'lak's already angry and swollen scrotum hard against his hipbones with the top of her foot. Then, she did it again. She used his legs for balance and really pulled that curvy leg back, showing off an almost ballerina-like poise that would have been rather picturesque if it wasn't spelling doom for T'lak's future offspring.


"Oooh, damn, that one hurt ME a little!" Sha'Ria laughed, shaking her leg out, wincing at the pins and needles in her toes.

Unfortunately, T'lak wasn't really able to appreciate the humor there. His mouth was wide, trying to get a scream out of his throat that had apparently gotten stuck somewhere along the way. As a matter of fact, his whole body had basically frozen in place, like his brain short-circuited and couldn't get started again. That damn kick was the kind that would have just neutered a set of balls less condition for abuse. How the fuck did that rat's survive this??

Sha'Ria grinned, planting her foot down right on T'lak's dragonmakers, her toes resting along the underside of his cock. "C'mon, let it out, leeeeet it out," she teased, stroking playfully along his shaft and only SOMEWHAT tapping her heel down against his nuts as she did.

"....nnNGGHHAAAAAH MY BAAAALLS!!" T'lak howled out, his hands snapping upwards to grip at the bedframe behind him, fingers digging into the wood.

"Atta boy!!" Sha'Ria praised.

The dragoness was impressed! Normally after a pair of nearly full-strength kicks a guy would be covering up and trying to get out of the way (especially after the knees, squeezing, and punching before that!) but there was this one, screeching in agony but still leaving his gonads up for more. How much more could he take before his sense of testicular preservation kicked in? She had to find out!

Sha'Ria pulled up on his legs, raising her foot up high before STAMPING down on his sack, shifting smoothly into stroking him off with her toes. The girl was just as much of a pro with that as she was using her hands and mouth. It took a couple rounds of stomp-stroke-stomp-stroke, but once she had him leaking precum again, she smeared it all over his cock with her foot and managed to get the ol' boy (she was liking that nickname for his penis) throbbing and pulsing again.

It shouldn't have worked. It REALLY shouldn't have worked. Maybe she was right and he did have a lot more stored up in there than he realized. Or maybe she was just that damn good with her feet. Possibly both! All he knew was that in between shrieking from getting his balls nearly driven through his pelvis, he was letting out those shuddering, low moans of an incoming orgasm.

"F... fuuck... Shari... I'm gun' cum again!!"

The dragoness grinned, all smug that she was right. Sha'Ria knew balls, and she knew how much she could squeeze out of a pair. More importantly, she knew HOW to do it. Guys always thought they were too spent to go again, but that's just because they didn't have a girl who could MAKE them.

"Oh I know you are, big guy," she said, speeding up the pumping with her foot. "Ooh, your balls are begging for it, aren't they? I forgot how much you dragons just LOVE it when a girl crushes your balls. Lucky you!"

Sha'Ria did a little hop and switched feet, letting her left take over to finish T'lak off. Her heel thudded thunderously down three times in quick succession, pulling a high-pitched trio of shrieks from the male, and then deftly pressed the ball of her foot onto his dick, rapidly stroking up and down, curling her toes over the tip here and there. By then, T'lak didn't even need to hold onto the bed, his arms had given up entirely, and all he could do was lie there and moan pitifully.

"Huhhh... GYUUUUH!!!"

T'lak arched his back and went off again, somehow unleashing a wave that was nearly as big as the opening act. Sha'Ria gritted her teeth and leaned in hard as T'lak started shooting, pumping her foot along his shaft and pressing her heel damn near full weight on his balls to GRIND that cum out. The first spurt shot up his chest and hit him in the chin, then came the second, the third, the fourth...

"Oooooh, T'lak, BABY, look at you!" Sha'Ria teased, finally stepping back and just staring at the aftermath. The encore performance left the poor guy as drenched in his own jizz as he'd left her before. "Can you believe all that was just hiding in those big balls?"

Her words fell on deaf ears. T'lak's body was lying on the cave floor in a heap, but his soul had crossed over into another reality. That orgasm was so powerful it launched him completely out of his earthly shell. He felt himself floating above the whole scene, looking at his fleshy form sprawled out, the worryingly swollen and battered ballbag sagging down onto the floor between his legs and a dick that he could swear was coughing pathetically in exhaustion.

"Wow... I really did have a lot in me," he thought from up there, chuckling. "If I'm gonna wait a year before I get married, Ajani's in for a ride."

He watched Sha'Ria press her foot against his bloated nutsack again, curling her toes down and furiously rubbing one hand between her legs. The dragon winced.

"Yeesh... never seen a girl get that horny from busting a guy's nuts before. Uh-oh..."

T'lak's spirit got yanked back down to Earth and he GASPED a breath in. His eyes regained their focus, just in time to see Sha'Ria nudging his legs together, just so his tormented balls could sit on his lap for her to plant her plush ass down on top of.

"NNGNHH... Shari!!" the dragon squeaked. He felt his gonads flattening under her weight, all that dragon meat already tenderized and not even with the extra support of months of cum inside them.

Sha'Ria panted, gripping his cock from in between her thighs and tugging it up, starting to pump it again. "My turn. You don't think I'd let you have all the fun, did you?"

"Wh... wait, but we can't...!"

The dragoness rolled her eyes and picked herself up, thunking her round buttcheeks down on his beanbag again and making T'lak yelp out. "We're not gonna fuck, jeez. Now c'mon, if this doesn't harden up fast I'm gonna need to stamp your balls some more to get my horny back."

T'lak stared down at his dick, his jaw clenched. "Okay buddy, gonna need you to really help us out here," he thought at it as hard as he could.

Against all odds, that drooping dick slowly started coming back to life. He'd say it was DESPITE having his nuts pancaked under Sha'Ria's ass, but having a sexy dragoness sitting on his balls was a good way to get him back in the mood again. Even if those balls WERE currently screaming for mercy.

"See?" Sha'Ria sang at him, her hand still jerking along that dragon cock, making sticky squelching sounds from the mess on it. "You males, I swear. You think after one or two little orgasms it's time for bed."

She wasn't lying that they weren't fucking, but boy she was really stretching the definition of "not fucking." Sha'Ria had a tight grip on T'lak's cock and had the head of it pressed right up against her mound, kneading and massaging furiously. She threw her head back and bounced her hips, squashing the poor dragon's plums down into his lap while she did. It wasn't as bad as the avalanche of kicks and stomps from before, or those blindingly tight squeezes, but Sha'Ria wasn't exactly small, and she wasn't being easy with dropping her weight on his balls over... and over... and over.

"HAHHH! Oh FUCK! MY NUTS!!" he screeched, well beyond being able to do much besides those reflexive jolts and spasms.

"Nnngh... HEY... hold still!" Sha'Ria barked, lifting up and smashing her rump down on his balls hard enough to get the message across. His job was to just lie there and let her take care of herself. This was made MUCH more difficult by the fact that his cock was freshly squeezed twice already and the head of it was ridiculously sensitive.

Sha'Ria sunk into her happy little self-massage, while T'lak did his best to stop from jolting or squirming each time the overexcited dragoness crunched his sack down under her buttcheeks. She was just on Cloud Nine, moaning out nearly as much as he'd been doing earlier.

"OOHHHHhHHhhh YEAAaaahhh..." she bellowed, arching her back as that familiar electrical sensation took over and she gleefully rode it out. Quite literally, in fact, as she still bucked and bounced on T'lak for the thirty seconds or so it took for her to finish. It wasn't as good as getting a dick nice and deep in there, but it'd do.

"GAHH! Sha'Ria... balls... balls! BALLS!"

Now it was Sha'Ria's turn not to hear. While she blasted off into space for the second time that night, her full weight kept on smashing his nads down. It was a good thing she DID have a nice layer of soft on her, because that was pretty much all that kept him from getting flattened for good. At least it was quick, and Sha'Ria just blissfully slumped down on the floor beside T'lak, basking in afterglow.

T'lak panted. He wheezed. It felt like he'd run full speed from one coastline to the other. His limbs had lead in them, his lungs were burning, and oh yeah there was that little matter of a pair of throbbing cantaloupes in his lap.

The dragon turned his head to look at Sha'Ria, finding her smiling ear to ear, her eyes closed. She wasn't asleep, he could tell that much, but she was just sunk into her moment. He logged that bit of information away. Help her get off EXTRA hard, and that would buy him a couple minutes to recover. He had a feeling that would be important.

"You're pretty spent, huh?"

The words snapped T'lak out of his moment of rumination. He made a vague groan in reply, and even that much effort took all the energy he had.

Sha'Ria snickered and pushed at his shoulder few times, then whistled. "Jeez, I knew I was good, didn't realize I was that good!"

T'lak tried valiantly to get himself up, but his legs were made of jelly and every slight jostle felt like an earthquake. Even rolling lightly to the side made his balls shift and tie a knot in his belly. He gingerly rested one hand on his man parts, just making sure everything was still there. His sac was hot, sticky, and even a light press made the flesh sink down. Gods she'd done a number on him.

He didn't even realize Sha'Ria was helping him up until she had him back sitting on the edge of the bed. His body just flopped back on the mattress, not giving a damn about splatting back in his own juices.

That was when he realized there was a Sha'Ria kneeling in front of him, pushing his legs open and getting right in between them.

"Buh... awhh??"

The dragoness grinned, scooting in good and close, pressing her tits all up in T'lak's business. "Hey, I said you had a dozen in you. By my count, that's only two."

She laughed, seeing T'lak's mortified expression. "I'm kidding!" she said, flicking the tip of his dick with one finger, and even THAT made him squeak. "But come onnnn... you said you hadn't cum in months, now after two you're already done?"

T'lak swallowed hard. She was right. He had to rally the troops here. For the last three months pretty much the only thought in his head was getting to blow his load, and here he had a sexy, curvy dragoness with her tits literally wrapped around his cock, and he was gonna tell her that he wanted to go to bed? Besides, even with how much anguish his nuts were in, those two orgasms were otherworldly. Was he really going to say no to that?

No. HELL no.

"You are... absolutely evil..." T'lak panted, staring at Sha'Ria in disbelief.

Sha'Ria had a wide, devilishly pleased grin on her face. "I'm not hearing a no..." she replied, that melodic lilt in her voice, punctuating her sentence by planting a downright loving kiss on the tip of his cock.

T'lak shivered, from his toes up to his ears. All those little nerves immediately fired up again, and his dick started showing signs of life. She knew he had a weakness for dragon tits. She just had to. Ajani must have told her.

"I didn't say no!" he yipped back, feeling blood traveling on down to organs other than his brain. "But uh... think you could go a little easy on my balls? Maybe? Just this once?"

He braced for impact, worried that Sha'Ria would be upset at being asked to restrain her fun, but the girl still looked as amused as before. Her hand wrapped around his shaft, casually stroking it, helping get the ol' boy up to full size for one more round. Third time's the charm, after all.

"Mmmn, okay. I was gonna use your nutsack like a punching bag but I guess I can back off a bit, just cuz you're cute."

Unfortunately, Sha'Ria's definition of "backing off a bit" didn't QUITE line up with T'lak's. No, she wasn't pounding her knuckles into his nuts, but she was still making sure to give those swingers plenty of attention. For a girl who talked like edging was a foreign concept, she was pretty fucking good at squeezing her tits around his cock and then backing off a JUST the right time to reach down and give his balls a fresh around of hard squeezing and pulling.

"AUUH! Fuck... ju-NNNNGHHH! Shari!!"

Sha'Ria was focused, though. She had a rhythm going that wasn't too far off from the footjob from earlier. A quick series of stroking, keeping those heavy breasts all perfectly mooshed on either side of T'lak's miraculously throbbing dick, pull away and give them a hard squeeze. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

"Ooooh, HERE we go... oh we're gonna get that cum from DEEP in those big balls..." she said, going the extra mile to suck on the tip of his cock whenever her hands worked at his nads.

Fuck, she was good.

T'lak even found some extra reserves of energy once she really started going to town on him. He planted his feet on the floor and started bucking his hips. Gods it made his balls hurt from bouncing them around, like his nutsack had cannonballs in it, but he didn't care. Not while his cock was getting a big pillowy hug from a set of tits all slickened up by his precum and a flaming hot dragoness who was begging for it.

"Mmmn, see, now THAT's what a big, strong dragon is made of... give it to me, eeeeevery last bit..."

"Oh gods... I'm cu-GYAHH! Fuck... fuck Sha'Ria... cumming!!"

Sha'Ria knew he was about to go, and quickly changed gears. She slid back and put both hands on his balls, digging her fingertips in, just CLAMPING down hard enough to make her forearms cramp, while her mouth immediately wrapped around his cock and sucked furiously.


It wasn't T'lak's manliest moment. His legs straightened out and his hips started bucking again while the climax took over. Sha'Ria was crushing his balls in her hands and sucking like she was trying to pull them up through his dick. That sound he made was high-pitched and a lot more shrill than he'd have preferred, but with the way Sha'Ria was working his dick and balls over, masculinity just wasn't happening.

But oh wow, that third orgasm.

Getting off after spending a long time denied is one thing. A girl who's digging into your nutsack and finding orgasms you didn't even know you had was another beast entirely. T'lak's entire body spasmed, every single muscle tensing up. He heard Sha'Ria sputter as another load of dragon cum shot to the back of her throat, but it sounded like it was happening far, far away. Like his head was on one side of the room and the rest of his body was at the other.

She wasn't ready to let this one go easy, though. Once T'lak was spurting, she let one hand yank on his ballbag while the other gripped at his shaft, squeezing and stroking it, not letting up even as the male started making some downright unnatural sounds. Every inch of his dick was lit up, he was sending a fountain of jizz up in the air, and she was determined to get it all.

By the time chapter three came to a close, T'lak was done. He was just fucking DONE. There was nothing left in him. He was drenched in his own batter, his balls were hollowed out husks, and his dick was raw.

Sha'Ria, meanwhile, sat back on her heels and took stock of her handwork. There he was, T'lak the mighty red dragon, reduced to a blubbering mess, all thanks to her.

And she was still horny.

"T'laaaaak," she called up to him. "You still with me? Buddy?"

Nothing. Well, nothing apart from some soft murmuring.

The dragoness stood up and checked on the state of affairs. She said she wouldn't break his balls, but Sha'Ria had a feeling that if she accidentally killed him that Ajani would be a little grumpy. So she leaned in close, listening and holding her fingers in front of his snout.

Whew, he was alive and breathing, but that was about all he had going on. T'lak's eyes weren't even closed all the way, but the way he had them rolled back and the awkward, open-mouthed snore he was making, well. Sha'Ria realized he wasn't gonna be waking up any time soon.

"Hmf. Just like a male," she said, giving T'lak's (still unbroken!) nutsack another playful slap with her foot that he only barely reacted to. "Once you get YOUR rocks off, you leave the girl high and dry! Rude."

Sha'Ria looked at the mess left behind, chuckling at just how much of it there was, and decided to do a little tidying up before calling it a night. Normally she and Raj would head out to the nearby stream and wash off, but she didn't feel like hauling T'lak out there and back, so once again it was time to improvise.

The dragoness went out to the stream on her own, enjoying the cool night air and the running water against her nethers, plus taking an opportunity to give herself that third orgasm T'lak had so heartlessly denied her, then brought a pail of water back with her to help wash T'lak off. He muttered some more at the initial feel of a warm, damp cloth on his scales, but otherwise didn't stir much. Well, he did twitch when it came time to clean off the tender parts, but there wasn't much she could do about that. Gotta wash everywhere!

It took some pushing to get him out of the way, but eventually she had the linens off of her bed and some new ones on, then it was time to turn in for the night.

"That'll do for now. We'll deal with the rest of that in the morning," she chuckled, glancing at the splatters still on the floor and the pile of soaked sheets in the corner of the room. One benefit of a nudist culture, though. No clothes to worry about.

She climbed into bed and blew out the candle on her nightstand, letting the room darken save some moonlight reflected through the cave's hallways.

As the dragoness nestled in, she thought about the whole trade deal. She only had two weeks to enjoy this, so she was determined to make them count. She still couldn't believe just HOW much cum that guy had unloaded on her. If he kept that up, she'd be spending as much time working that dick as she would on cleanup. And oh child those balls were sturdy. She hadn't gone all out on them, but she was getting an idea for just how much they could really take.

"Hunnhh... guh nigh', Sh'ree..." murmured the limp form beside her.

Sha'Ria had to bite back a laugh. "Okay, good night, champ. That was pretty good. Now get some rest... you're gonna need it."

With that, the two dragons drifted to sleep for the night. Tomorrow, Sha'Ria thought, the REAL fun would begin.