My Master Ch1
#1 of My Master
Jake-6'0", Fox, gay, Metal Head,18, green eyes
Brian-6'6", German Shepperd,bully, bi,18,
Steve-6'1", Wolf, gay, shy,18, blue eyes
(beep beep beep)
"Aahhuugg. This going to suck." Jake said as he got out of bed. Today he was starting at new school so he wasn't to excited to go. So he headed for the shower, he took his sweet time getting ready. When he was done he got dressed, he put on a grey t-shirt and cargo shorts. He then went to the kitchen and he found note that said
"I had to leave early have a good day at school.-Love Mom" So he threw the note away and headed for the school which it was right behind his house so he just had to jump his fence, being fairly small this task was fairly easy for him. So he head for the main office.
"Do you have an id?" a female monkey asked him
"No, I'm new here and this is my first day here." he said handing the lady his letter.
"Okay. Stand here." she said, so he did as she said then there was a flash, he was unphased. A minute later a machine produced an id then the lady gave it to him and a list of his classes
"Thanks." he said as he walked off to his first class. It was math. He just sighed, he wouldn't learn any thing, he'd be asleep the whole class. He was placed at the back of thte class, where every one was asleep. When his name was called he fell asleep. He woke in time to get the homework.
"Damn, so much to be done in one night." he said to him self. He was left alone till lunch, he sat at side table looking over his classes.
"Are you new here?" a silver wolf asked him
"Yeah." he said
"Oh, my name is Steve." he said, his voice was sweet and his eyes were a beautiful blue.
"Nice to meet you I'm Jake." he said. Then a much bigger german sheppered came up to them.
"Hey babe." he said then he kissed Steve, his voice was deeper and rougher.
"Hey, meet my love Brian." Steve said as he put his arm around the german sheppered
"Nice to meet you, I'm Jake." he said
"Want us to show you your classes?" Brian asked
"Sure." Jake said as he got his stuff together, so they showed him around but then it got weird when Steve left.
"See you later babe." Steve said then he left. Then Brian pulled Jake into the nearest bathroom and forced him to his knees and he pulled out his ten inch cock.
"Suck it now." Brian demanded.
"Make me." Jake said as he tried to stand up but he was push back to his knees.
"I said suck it bitch." Brian said, this time it was almost a growl. So Jake started sucking the cock he could smell the musk and sweat. He then quitely started crying.
"Bitch don't cry while I fuck you." Brain said then he started thrusting his cock into Jake's muzzle making Jake deep throath him. Jake just closed his eyes and continued sucking, then Brian pulled out and started rubbing his cock.
"Open your eyes." Brian said, when he did that Brian came right in his face, he then put his cock back in his pants. He then left Jake just sitting there, he quicly ran to the sink and washed his face. He quickly ran to his next class. He was a few minutes later, since he was new the teacher let it slip.
As school was ending he ran into Brian who was with Steve Brian mouthed
"Don't you dare say any thing." Jake got really nervous Brian then handed Jake a paper that said
"Gym, ten minutes." when Jake read that he got even more nervous, Brian just smilled. So Jake just went to the gym and waited for Brian, when he saw him he wasn't alone, he was with a grey coyote.
"He better be as good as you say." the coyote said , so as he walked in to the locker room Jake just follow. When they were all in Brian locked the door.
"Knees, now." Brian said, so Jake did as he was told. The coyote then pulled out his cock whitch was a bit shorter than Brian's but much thicker. Jake just swallowed. He then opened his mouth and the cock was put in his mouth, he then started sucking it a few minutes larter Brian asked
"Well, was I right?" he asked, the coyote just maoned. Then Brian went behind Jake, he then felt his pants and boxers fall to the ground and then he was forced on to all fours. The huskey then pulled his cock out of Jake's mouth and he went behind Jake, the huskey rubbed the tip of his cock to Jake's virgin tail hole.
"Please, anything but that." Jake said
"Bithes don't talk unless spoken to." Brian said then he slapped Jake. This time Jake fought back, he lunged at the german shepered knocking him to the ground. He quickly pulled up his pants, when he stood up Brian tackled his knees. Jakes face smacked the floor. Just as thet happened Steve walked in and looked at Brian
"We're through. I told you I want him." Steve said help Jake to his feet and they left.
"I'm gonna cum in some one." the coyote said as he stepped in front of Brian who opened his and took the cock into his mouth.
"Thanks for the help." Jake said
"Yeah, shut up. You two chooses you can either let me in your tail hole or I'll just do it." Steve said. Now Jake was getting turned on.
"Or I can be your pet and you can be my master." Jake said
"That good enough for me. Follow me bitch." he said, so Jake followed Steve to his house.
"When we're here you do what ever I say. When we go inside I want you to stip down to nothing and your going to walk on fours." Steve saidd
"Yes master." Jake said so when they got in the house Jake started taking off his clothes, when he was naked and on all fours Steve put a collar around his necc
"Now give me your clothes." he said, so Jake pick his clothes up in his mouth and crawled over to Steve, he took the clothesfor Jake's mouth and petted his head
"Follow." Steve said as he walked to his room. Steve was laying on his bed, he just patted his chest and Jake jumped on the bed, he then layed his head on Steve's chest. Steve then started scratching Jake's ears. While they were laying there Jake's phone rang. He just looked at Steve.
"Go get." Steve said, so Jake crawled over to his pants and got out his phone, it was his mom. Steve left the room for a minute
"Hello." he said
"Where are you?" his mom asked
"At a friends house." he replied
"Oh, you made a friend." she said then Steve walked back with food.
"So I'm gonna eat here." Jake said
"Okay, be home by eight. Love you" she said
"Love you." he said then he hung up, the he crawled over to Steve's bed
"What time do you have to be home?" he asked, Jake barked eight times.
"Good boy." Steve said then he kissed Jake then he put the plate of food in front of him. "You can be your self so you can eat."
"Thanks." Jake said as he sat up.
"What kind of kissed do I give you?" Jake asked
"I'll let you know." Steve said as he kissed Jake.
"One more thing. If I have to use the bathroom, how do I let you know?" Jake asked just abit emaresed
"Just nuzzle at my leg or go lay by the door." Steve said, so they finished eating.
"Go back to being my pet." Steve said as he picked up the plates, so Jake layed down with his head on his paws and he whined as Steve left. "I'll right back." then he kissed Jake's head then he left. He just layed there till Steve got back. A while later Jake had to use the bathroom, so he got off the bed and went to door and started whinig. Then Steve got up and a leash and took Jake out side. This was really turning Jake on because he loved being treated like this. So they went inside.
"Its almost eight, you better get dressed and head home." he said, Jake crawled to Steve's room and got dressed, when he was dressed he crawled back.
"Meet me at the north doors at six thirty." Steve said then he kissed Jake, who quickly returned the kiss.
"He then pulled out his iPod and started listening to Five Finger Death Punch. He just looked back at his master house and he just smiled.
The End