Family Matters - Part 10

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#11 of Family Matters

Whilst Eisley and Kenny try to get it on again, they are interrupted despite the approaching move whilst Tomas and Clint's situation ends and Hector and Tamsin are considering the future and having some fun. But unknown to anyone, Isadora's strange relationship with her teacher is going to take a dangerous twist as their 'bad teacher' gives them insight on their body developments and continues his bad touching on his gullible students!

Part Ten: Dangerous Secrets

Eisley was wearing one of his work shirts as she was doing the washing up and with him just back from shift that had ran into the early hours, Kenny was seeing an opportunity for a little fun. It was starting to get rare again to even see his wife for more than ten minutes before they were either rushing about to the kids or he was collapsing out of exhaustion. With everything that had been happening with Tomas and the Jackal incident, he was not sleeping well and working extra hard to ensure things were being sorted. But of course, having their time with the heat interrupted by something like that had cooled he whole rest of their feelings and yet, now things were calming and suspects were being questioned, Kenny was feeling ready to have a little fun.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Kenny purred, his big thick paws hooking around Eisley's waist as he pressed his already swollen trousers up against her almost revealed backside as her tail wiggled about to flicked to the side in invitation. His big paws rolled around her belly as she chuckled, kneading into the soft, squishy flesh as he growled playfully and rubbed his massive black mane against her ears to make them flick about as she chuckled. She turned around in the massive shirt with a snort and gently pressed her lips to his as his big tail whipped about in waring to anyone that may come downstairs. "Shall we have a bit of fun?"

"We have to talk about the move first... I contacted daddy and he's going to give us the smaller home in the secure neighbourhood opposite the compound. That means no concerns for your job, plenty of room, a good schooling district to move the kids to and job and college opportunities for Nero. Remind me to ask him what he wants to do..." Eisley grunted gently as she rubbed her cheeks against his, sharing scent and giving a purring grunt of pleasure as his big paws slid around her waist. He wanted to be happy that it seemed like everything would be sorted, but the problem was that her father was sticking his whiskers in their business again and trying to get a hold of Eisley. He then grimaced as he thought about Nero... that old spotted bastard was going to try and encourage his second grandson to join the 'family business', he couldn't rely on that punk son to really take heed to the dangers involved in such a thing. Eisley then nuzzled into his chest and heaved a soft sigh as she stroked at his sides. "We'll move the middle of summer break so they can get through this year, Saturday we're all going up to see the compound, except Nero who's going to a concert with Clarion."

"It's that thug's birthday on Monday, has he hinted what he wants as a meal or cake? I was hoping this weekend we could do a BBQ for him, I saw some decent looking ribs going for a decent price at the butcher's. I like the thought of having a cookout again, getting the paddling pool out and dragging Hector back here..." Kenny groaned softly, gently groping at her body again with a smug expression upon his face. His tufted tail wiggled about happily, at the thought of having such a time with his kids again. Being a family cat was what Kenny's life was all about and normally Eisley would be laughing and referring to a previous situation of fun, but when he noticed she was grimacing slightly, Kenny's eyes widened in concern. "What's the fact or?"

"Oh well... Nero asked my father previously for his birthday needs. He wanted to go to a concert with Clarion and a girl, so I'm giving him money for spending with his friends and dad's set up a hotel and will pick up any tab he makes there and Hector brought the tickets with some help from the others..." Eisley began, but she could see the way the tail was twitching with fury, his eyes were narrowing as his whiskers twitched and his lips curled. He gave a low grow of frustration as he then pulled Eisley away from the sink and over to the kitchen table, hooking her up and lifting her onto the table as she gave a soft grunt. "Honey..."

"Why does your father... I... I can't say anything now can I? He's giving us a new place to live that we need right now that will be safer and yet he's arranged for my second son to be put into a potentially dangerous situation. I know the music he likes and you know the kind of animals that go to those places are selling drugs. Then again if its your father he's probably warned them all his grandson is there and he'll skin them. Urgh..." Kenny groaned as he stroked around Eisley's hips, brushing his cheeks against hers lovingly, sharing scent as she purred softly in response. Their lips came together in a loving kiss, their prickled tongues gently scraping and strolling around one another, making them both moan softly before he began to try and shift her clothes up. She gave a soft chuckle pressing her nose to his and he growled softly as she stretched her legs open and then lay back.

"Don't start getting emasculated right now... we've finally got a chance in a quiet room..." Eisley knew if she mentioned her father, that was going to make the situation weird as Kenny nuzzled his face into her bosom before stretching his paws to lift up the clothing as he pressed his nose to her pussy. He kissed her clit gently, breathing in the still faint traces of heat as Eisley gave a soft sigh and Kenny gave a chuckle of pleasure as he barged his soft cheeks in between her lips as she gasped and then his tongue got to work. "Oh darling... that's it, how do you always know what I want..."

"Because..." Kenny growled softly into her body, lovingly the feel of her warm flesh, the way it moved against his mouth and he wanted to just open his mouth and bite into the flesh. He truly wanted to eat this place, a place that was for him alone and made him get an erection so painful he knew it wouldn't be long before he had to bury himself inside her. He groaned in pleasure as her hips shuddered as his prickled tongue tickled her twitching clit and she gave a soft gasp as he paused to lift his head. "...since we first got it on, you used to always tell me it was time to go by lifting that tail and letting me take a good sniff...."

"So you could check for my heat... uuuuhhh... go in Kenny... I need it, I really need you inside me right now..." Eisley gasped, feeling oddly pathetic and weak the more excited she was getting, feeling the heat pouring from her paler cheeks as she lifted her rosette covered paw to her face in a bid to stop her looking so childish. It never seemed to matter how old they got, whenever Kenny enticed her liked this out of season, it was like being back in his room, spreading her pussy with her paws and begging him to make her feel good again! He growled as he straightened up, eased his solid lump out from his trousers and began a deep growling purr as he brought himself to lean over the table, hoping the rubber stoppers under the legs would stop it from making the scraping sounds it had previously! "I need it... God I want you so bad..."

Isabella sat up in bed upstairs after having a funny dream, it was a strange dream about someone being in her bed and sniffing at her, someone who'd smelt like dog. She didn't much like the thought of a dog being in her bedroom and she'd gotten up and looked about the bed, her whiskers twitching in anxiety though Isadora was still sleeping away as if nothing were happening. Anxiety bit into Bella and she marched on out of the room in search of her parents, noting that since Tomas' incident, anything involving dogs including dreams put her on edge. She strolled around to the stairs and began the slow descent, trying not to make them creak so much beneath her tender cream-toed paws. But the sound of her foot-falls was enough to rouse Eisley from the cock head probing her crevice and sit up fast enough to thump Kenny's nose.

"OUCH!" Kenny grunted, stepping back and then hearing the faint questioning of 'daddy' from the stairs before he stuffed himself back in his pants and hurriedly sat under the table. Eisley had to roll off the table, nearly actually falling off before she swung herself into the seats as well and then made a few mentions about Nero's birthday again. Kenny was having trouble though, the last thing he wanted right now when his cock was on the verge of exploding and he was so hard nothing but ice would make it go down, was his darling girl stepping into the room and having a long conversation. "Bella? What's up, did you have a bad dream?"

"Yeah... just... just thought there was a dog in the room and... could you or mum just come up and sit with me till I go back to sleep?" Isabella questioned anxiously, wringing her paws together as her mother gave a soft nod and stood up. Kenny was about to open his mouth to say something, but Eisley strolled past to guide her daughter upstairs and Kenny groaned. Once again his kids had cock-blocked him, but maybe it was better to save up all that fun for the new home?

With a sigh, he pulled himself from the table and waddled to the downstairs toilet that was little more than a closet. He pulled himself out and then jerked away with grit teeth and a low groan, just remembering when Eisley had still been young with him, the pair of them still new but she'd been pregnant so penetration had been off. He recalled how she'd said she'd let him do anything and he'd gotten her to kneel in front of him, mouth open and begging as he'd jerked of onto her face. He recalled how his strings of cum and coated her face, re-coloured the rosettes and spots with his own paint and the memory was enough to making him shudder in ecstasy with a gasp of relief.

The next morning the house was busy again but with the kids on their exam time, it was easy enough to round them up for school. Eisley was feeling more confident that Tomas was getting better, his mood had picked up and the visits from Clint each day were helping out greatly. She was more than a little shocked though when he turned up before noon just as she was about to go out shopping for an hour. Clint had insisted he was ditching class for a bit but he would head back after hanging out with Tomas for a bit and Eisley was a little frustrated by it. Still, she informed him of their impending mood and this made the maned wolf pause and look at her cautiously for a moment, something that made her feel strange and a little guarded. But she had to go and Tomas was eager to have his friend come upstairs.

"You know mother took me to the school and sat in the gymnasium with the other teachers so I could have all my exams without trouble. I had thought they'd all be understanding and happy to see me, like ask how I was or smile... but instead they were all looking at me like I was diseased. I never hated school before, I was cautious because I knew I wanted you but... it didn't affect how I was with everyone else!" Tomas was looking miserable; his body had healed and really he was over what had happened to him. Knowing that he had these moments with Clint, it had dealt with the situation and he'd known that what had happened had been an act of stupidity, jealousy and hatred for things outside of their control. He couldn't hate the beast he loved so much, it was impossible when he wanted nothing more than to keep Clint company. "I'm not going back to that school. We felt I might as well go into the new school with Leo for my last year or so. I should pass the exams for this year anyway and I've been doing my assignments here but... I never thought I could ever have a reason to hate them all so much."

"That's my fault though, not yours... I was the one that fucked you that hard... if I'd not let my knot..." Clint began as he slumped onto the bed with Tomas, only for the black jaguar-lion half-breed to lift a paw to that long thin muzzle and beckon him not to say more. Clint couldn't help but smirk, even if Tomas was a guy and his former best friend with all the weirdness that came along with, the idea that someone was so addicted to his cock they'd be like a slave to him was great. But he had some moral fibre, this was going to be their last time no matter if Tomas was moving or not, Clint had a girlfriend now and Tomas had done his job of giving him something to fuck whilst he'd been between females. He knew it would hurt Tomas, but life was a bitch anyway. "Hey Tomas... can I do something a bit more today?"

"A bit more? You know I'll do anything for you Clint... my backside's nice and tight again... if you didn't go into a tie I could take it..." Tomas whispered softly, blushing a little as his black ears with their faint darker spots drooped. He had been doing a lot with Clint each time he'd visited, even having the fellow's cock sitting calmly between his thighs as he'd squeezed and Clint had rubbed against his backside. They had been trying a lot of stuff, anything to make Clint happy and feed his fantasies but always he'd make a point it was from his dreams about girls, not about Tomas. Sometimes the panther liked to imagine that Clint was just saying that to stay tough and that some of these really dirty thoughts, like him licking Clint's backside and then playing with his own whilst Clint jerked off... that surely couldn't be done with a female.

"Its just for a bit of practice... I'm not gonna stick it in but, get your clothes off because I wanna lie on top of you uh... you facing me..." Clint grunted, fearlessly pulling his pants off and then giving himself a few touches to try and ease his cock out. The thing was, he did rather get turned on when he did this with Tomas, but he was not gay and he would never allow himself to be gay! He rubbed himself a little more to get out of the sheath and Tomas was already completely naked and lounging on his bed. He cat had started doing more seductive poses, Clint had told him to do things that were more girly, but the problem was the jaguar's body was a bit of both, there were muscles and strength, but the long body and sensual natural feline curves made Tomas' body sexy enough to get him up without trouble.

Tomas lay there with a soft sigh, gently grasping his sheath and just stroking downward, trying to push his balls up against the heel of his palm as he gently massaged at his backside. He was huffing a little, trying to look a little more sexy and Clint appreciated that because though Tomas had a voice that couldn't be mistake for a male, sometimes he made the cutest girly noises. As Clint rubbed himself, he eyed the now tight looking hole as Tomas just squeezed about the ring and rubbed it; the pair of them both imagined how exciting it would be and could indeed have been if Tomas were to do that and as he squeezed, Clint's cum had oozed out of it, showing that Tomas and him had been keeping a naughty secret between themselves. It was a dirty thought, one Clint would never share but Tomas would dream off as Clint then straightened up and clambered onto the bed, pinning Tomas who looked up at him lovingly.

"Just remember, its about me getting off - I don't need you to cum and I don't want any kissing... got it?" Clint growled, his long canine muzzle pressed right up to the black jaguar's nose. Tomas wished it was not the case, he longed to just lick his nose or just lead him into a passionate kiss, but Clint then straddled him properly and then took a more suitable position. He aligned his groin with Tomas, ignoring the thickening sheath or the cock probing out from the cat, just leaning his groin against him so his balls were being slightly pinched beneath Clint's. The maned wolf then began to rock his hips back and forth against Tomas' warm body, his soft plush under fur parting smoothly as the cock slid back and forth, long and thickening quickly. He groaned in pleasure, feeling his sheath peeled down to reveal the growing thickness of a knot as he then pushed against Tomas' own cock. When their pink flesh touched, both of them gave sharp hisses of shock, only to shudder for how the sensitive flesh just seemed to prickle and those slight barbs on Tomas' cock tickled against his and Clint gave a soft groan.

"It feels good Clint... I'm... I'm a bit worried I might cum because your hips are rubbing you against my balls... if I do... I'm sorry." Tomas whispered, feeling very awkward if he did indeed make a mess and Clint got annoyed, but the maned wolf was not listening to him as his eyes were shut. Clint was already moaning softly in pleasure, just rubbing himself against the wet flesh below, sighing and licking at his long thin muzzle in total delight. He couldn't help but rather like the rougher edges of Tomas' cock head against his groin, especially when it was making his bulb swell up even more and he shuddered as he grit his teeth and was giving a soft whistling through his lips.

As the pair continued to pant and Tomas could not help but stretch his legs wider and fit more of the wolf's body into position, putting more weight against his balls and cock. It was strange, the constant rubbing was shaking him and the bed and Tomas could feel that what might have been considered painful was actually giving him far more than if he'd just tugged at himself alone. Clint did not seem to be noticing, just bulging up, but Tomas knew that without a paw or the muscles inside a bottle gripping it to help the bulb bulge, this wolf was just going to go ahead and splutter onto Tomas and well... he was looking like he was about to go and Tomas knew if he went and grabbed the cock!

"Fuck... fuck... god those barbs feel so good that I'm gonna blow... fuuuuck..." Clint growled as he hurried with his hips, Tomas gritting his teeth and pinching his lips in return as he felt something like a bubble being squeezed upward and burst! Clint's cock was still hitting against his, harder, hotter but it still felt really good as he strained out, mouth open and his tail lifting as he gasped and aged before suddenly, both gave a gasp. There was a hot splash, it was oddly watery from Clint but Tomas knew not to think anything about it but just to revel in the sensation of it upon his body as Clint was panting softly and then he knelt up, turned around and lay his backside over Tomas' face, making him give a grunt. "Lick it!"

"Yes, Clint." Tomas whispered softly, pressing his muzzle to the surprisingly clean backside where her nose was twitching and the stench of Clint's anal glands near his tail. It was typical of a canine but cats like Tomas did not really enjoy that kind of scent as much as the dogs, nor did they like to lick non-cats in this area. Still, Clint was clean and so Tomas stroked his bristle tongue to the hole tenderly, only for Clint to jolt and grunt, before swinging off of Tomas who stared at him in confusion as he sat up, belly and chest totally soaked in their joint cum. "Something wrong?"

"I was testing... forgot cat tongues have bristles... I'd have to has a cunt for you to lick out, that would hurt!" Clint snorted in amusement over the thought before groaning softly and then grasping the moist towelettes and passing them over. Gently, the maned wolf wiped his cock, his sheath, his balls and his butt clean as he watched Tomas steadily clean his body with a slightly nervous expression. Clint gave a soft sigh, hooking up his phone from his coat pocket draped over a nearby chair and then flicked through it in search of the video which he then showed off to Tomas who blushed heavily with his head lowered before Clint suddenly deleted it and Tomas' eyes widened in surprise. "There... it doesn't exist, no one knows what happened and no one will know... get why you bashed your head and then washed the cum out of your ass before you left... otherwise I would have been arrested. Thanks, Tomas."

"Thank you for deleting it Clint... but I only did that because you hadn't meant it to get into a tie... if it had just been the normal way, I would probably have just accepted it glumly..." Tomas stated, sitting up and then bringing his face into his knees. Clint turned to look at the black jaguar cross, then stretching his paw out and patting his head tenderly before then giving a groan that he reacted the way anyone would and really, Clint should have been dragged in. But Tomas suddenly wrapped his arms about his waist, nuzzling into Clint's side and then shaking his head. "No... I wouldn't have let that happen to you. I know why it happened... I know why it was done... I made the mistake, I never wanted your sister... I... I know I wanted you but I was scared because I didn't know if I was really gay and then... I don't blame you for it Clint."

"Don't cry and stop hugging at me... sheesh you're disgusting sometimes, I raped you and I will never say what I did then was anything else. It should have been like this between us from the start, but I was angry and I wanted you to suffer, so don't act like some female in an abusive relationship that's blind to reality. It wasn't enjoyable for me, so now I've got a girl we'll end it here. You're moving anyway, so its better like this." Clint scoffed as he then went to pull on his trousers and then he patted Tomas' head and then, when Tomas asked if he'd come to see him to just play a game as a goodbye, Clint just shrugged his shoulders. "Best not to... best not to ever see each other again."

"Oh... I see... take care of yourself Clint." Tomas watched Clint leave with a gentle shake of his paw and Tomas' expression became insanely depressed and sorrowful. He waited till he heard that Clint had left the house completely did he start to sob heavily. He could not believe what had happened or how it was ending, he'd had everything he'd wanted with Clint but a kiss, love and all he'd gotten had been gained in the most violent way possible. Now he would just sob for the rest of his days and hope that maybe, maybe one day he'd find someone that wouldn't hate him for loving them!

Hector had a bad feeling as he stepped into Tamsin's luxury apartment with a blush on his face because he was still wearing his overalls from the mechanic's room. In fact, Tamsin had begged him to turn up like that, only to change his shoes and he'd been let in by the guard without question though telling him which room had a broken washing machine. Hector had been more than a little startled by the situation, but when he had given Tamsin a quick text, he'd then gone on to actually go and fix the washing machine with a soft snort of amusement before he'd fixed what had been a simple case of a bra wire getting caught in the drum and puncturing holes in things, before he'd hurried back to Tamsin's room, only to feel that anxious sensation of trouble.

"Something's up at home..." Hector growled to himself as he approached the door carefully, his nostrils twitching and his whiskers pinching, he knew that his family were going to move closer to grandpa and closer to university that way, but he had a bad sensation. He'd had it before when he'd gotten the news about Tomas and like Nero, he'd eyed up every canine going around the campus, only he was more subtle and listened to any talk about banging high schoolers or watching a high school game but he'd heard nothing. Now he stroked down his risen mane of jet back around his spine, pushing it right back to smooth it before he gently knocked on the door only to find that gorgeous fluffy snow leopard wearing a very short and tight fitting dark blue dress with no bra so her nipples were poking out and her thighs were even on display and he could not help but grin. "Excuse me miss... I'm hear to check your dryer..."

"Oh... I was hoping someone would come soon, but have you got a tool big enough?" Tamsin cooed, but the par of them swiftly burst in laughter as they cackled and then Tamsin pulled him into the room. He gave a chuckle, the cream and ivory coloured room had some large warm sunning rocks near the window, the carpet was soft and spongy, there were beautiful paintings of winter landscapes awaking to spring and high places to climb and slouch to read, a perfect habitat for a snow leopard. As he pulled off his shoes with an apology, suddenly Tamsin was wrapped about his waist, stroking up and down his zipper as he gave a soft purr and she giggled. "Is it bad if I say I wanna get to it already?"

"Already? Heh... no problem... just let me check I've got the right tools..." Hector teased and she turned around and licked his nose gently before grasping his zipper and sliding it down. She gave a chuckle as he gave a soft grunt, letting her stroke his paler under fur but those gorgeous rosettes visible as he then gave a soft grunt of amusement as Tamsin knelt down in front of him, pushing her arms together to show off her cleavage before she pulled the zipper right down to tug at his underwear. However, with a chuckle, Hector gently knelt down to stop her, hooking his arms around her and kissing her romantically as she purred loudly and her big fluffy tail was wagging about in excitement. He snuffled at her lovingly, only to curl his lips, she was smelling odd lately, almost like her body did not really want him and he gave a soft snort. "You feeling alright Tamsin? I keep thinking that your scent is a bit... off?"

"Oh... I have noticed it but, it might be because I'm getting stressed with work... its just how it is... but that doesn't mean we can't have fun..." Tamsin purred softly and Hector swung his arms around her and hooked her right up with a chuckle as she gave a chuckle. He then stepped over to the big flat, granite sunning rocks, where he lay her down and then peeled himself out of his overalls before yanking his pants off as Tamsin peeled off her dress. She chuckled as she lay down on her back as he flicked on the button to heat up the rocks and Hector growled softly as he lounged between her legs and rubbed his cheeks against her thighs as she blushed. "Hector... you're far more gentle with me than I ever think you should be..."

"I could get rough... but I'd rather we got married first..." Hector growled softly, licking the inside of her thighs to make her quiver before she blushed and made a soft whimper that he teased too much. He grinned at her before leaning forward, pressing his big nose to her more delicate one, before they kissed lovingly. She then lay back and questioned that tease as he snuffled at her belly, nuzzling it for some reason he could not quite understand before he gave a soft growl. "I told you... I want to marry you... this has never been just a casual fling Tammy... I really love you and I want to do what's right for you. So... if I can... I'll talk to your dad after we graduate and I've got a good job lined up... then he'll know I'm not some waste."

"I know... I'm more than willing to marry you Hector... I'm eager to wait till we're ready and well... I'm glad you want to talk to my dad about it. But, I don't think he'll allow it if you just went up and asked him... he's not the kind to just left these things happen and being a hybrid, he might be even more unkind to you." Tamsin purred softly, but then she gave sharp gasps and Hector's muzzle fell to her soft velvety pussy. He kissed and pushed at her lips, his tongue flicking in to stroke the wet flesh and drink her honey as she gasped and shuddered in pleasure. Hector's thick tail whipped about and then his tongue slowly whirled and swirled around her pussy, urging more excitement and that little pink bead to swell. He then lifted his head a little and clipped his lips around her clit, sucking on it as eagerly as she might his cock. She gave a sharp gasp of surprise and shuddered with pleasure, surprisingly quick to swell in his mouth as her legs spread wide and she gave another gasp. "Put it in! Put it in or I'll cum from this!"

"Maybe that's what I want... heh... but don't worry, let me get the condom on." Hector growled softly in amusement, licking his chops rapidly, something about the taste had changed but it was still as addictive as ever. He shuddered gently as he grabbed his clothes from the floor and pulled out his condom and some lubricant, never wanting to pull her open bad enough she'd be in pain. Though he might normally spend some time fingering her until the fur of his grey-brown fur was black with the fluid, today it was clear she wanted it now. He grinned as he hooked the condom on and then lay over her, pressing his face into her soft, lush bosoms as she giggled and then sighed lovingly. He them hooked his paws around her waist and then gently eased himself into her body as she gave a growl and a wheeze, his form even with lube coated on it still so thick and hard to get in without a little difficulty. But he loved that tightness, it made him feel like he was even more linked to her as he lay over her again, nibbling about her breasts and then under he chin with a growl.

"I love you Hector... but you can make a mess of me from time to time..." Tamsin purred, her huge fluffy tail swinging around and stroking his back as he nibbled her chin to make her gasp. Then he began to thrust steadily into her body, his hips moving calmly and with total control into her body, pushing about to the sides that snatched him violently to find then good spot. As her hips juddered against him and she made sharp gasps that almost had not sound but the intake of air, Hector groaned lovingly as he moved himself in and out hurriedly. He began to move faster and faster, feeling himself swell up inside her as he began to pant and huff, telling him he was rubbing the right point inside her.

Hector did not want to do this without a condom considering the situation with her father, though he'd love to just keep cumming and cumming to leave her so coated in his love and scent that she'd need a rough scrub, he was being cautious. He bent his back slightly, arching so he could thrust in deeper, really pushing against the spot and watching her nipples strain out and her breasts bounce as he moved her body. She wheezed and panted in excitement, her body vibrating with purrs she could not stop for the pleasure she was feeling. She could feel that tight squeezing bubble running around her hips and begging it was going to pop and fill her with a wave of ecstasy! She moaned and groaned, lifting a paw to her muzzle as she nibbled at her knuckles with a growl of pleasure as Hector gave a soft pant.

"Don't worry... I'll be able to go for another round..." Hector nuzzled against her cheek as he bent, pushing his hips in at an angle to pull her body upward and make her gasp and feel his size even more. He groaned and purred, lapping at her body lovingly as his hot breath rolled over her fur and their wet slapping sounds began to spin around their ears. As she kept gasping and gulping, desperate not to suddenly orgasm before he was, loving it more when they yowled together when they came. As Hector began to give his throaty sounds that were almost roars already, he began to lift his legs up, practically taking a more natural squatting position as he hurried into her, squeezing the muscles in his calves and hips!

Finally, as he gave his low moans and Tamsin was doing the same, lifting her legs right up and almost curling into herself to let him get deeper, the pair groaned and licked at each other. They pressed noses, nuzzled cheeks and then their tongues were rolling and stroking against one another as they moaned and then suddenly, there was the rush of pleasure and fluid as both of them groaned together, their yowls echoing against their necks as their throats pressed together and they felt the noise of the other's pleasure echoing into them. They sighed lovingly as Tamsin slumped back and then he pulled out, the condom swollen like a water balloon at the tip as he looked at her sopping wet pussy that was spewing her pleasure and he chuckled.

"Fifteen minutes... then how about you on your front, back bent up like a rearing cobra and I'll thrust in whilst playing with your breasts..." Hector growled playfully into her ear as she gave a sudden giggle of amusement, curling her big tail right over her pussy to hide her shame from the shining light of the windows filling the room with dimming light as the sun began to sink. Hector loved seeing her like this, he loved looking at her so happy and content and all he wanted was to keep her by his side forever, more than he had ever wanted anyone ever in his life. He might even love her more than he loved his own family and that was startling!

Isadora was a little startled when she'd been given the okay by her father to go to the special 'cram classes' with her teacher, Mr Utagus. She'd had a strange sensation that her mother would not allow her to get involved in such a thing, but she'd been given her teacher's phone number so he could be called out if needed and she was more startled to know that he was called 'Jay'. It was very exciting to hear that but she was annoyed when she was told that Leo was going to be driving her to school and back for these lessons and with frustration, she was dropped off in front of the school where the zebra twins were waiting along with the happy looking Labrador. Leo didn't double-check about leaving her there, he just insisted upon a text when she wanted him to pick her up, she thanked him for it and then 'Jay' approached.

"Don't worry, you were the last we were waiting for... sorry if you girls don't enjoy a brief walk, its just ten minutes, follow me." Jay smiled sweetly, his big beaming face so soft and benevolent that they had to agree with him. They stepped behind him, all of them looking eager as they were led down the road and then down a nice looking floral path that led to a comfortable looking cottage that was apparently Mr Utagus' home. He beckoned them inside, made sure they had things to drink and eat and that they were feeling comfortable. Isadora and the two twins were all looking excited, their chests heaving in excitement but Isadora had to blush too, she noted how compared to this buxom herbivores, she was really flat!

When they were all settled down, Jay pulled out his computer and a screen to project onto, quickly turning on a video that was a bit old but discussing puberty in mammals. They watched in fascination as he let them listen to it all but was grinning as he watched, the Labrador on the screen was 'Doctor' George August, a disgraced teacher and doctor but a brilliant canine that knew everything about puberty in females. Jay was beaming as he watched it and the doctor calmly beckoned girls of varying ages just starting puberty and beyond to strip naked, let him fondle them, showing off the development of their genitals, even being permitted to pull their lips open and show off everything. It ended with discussions on female masturbation and breast development and the girls were listening and staring in fascination as Jay just smirked to himself.

He was glad he'd chosen the right kind of gullible girls to focus upon this and make none of the assumptions smarter girls might. In fact, Jay was intrigued by the fact that if Isabella had been here, that twin would have reacted immediately and pulled away, but as the zebra girls chewed loudly on their gum as they watched and Isadora tried to focus and not question it, Jay just rolled his eyes. He then waited for it to stop before he turned it off and then sat in front of the girls and beckoned them to remove their clothes completely just like the girls in the video and get used to their bodies and how things would change. For a moment, the girls were a little cautious, but as soon as the elder of the zebra girls, Ebony, peeled her boob tube and hot pants off... Ivory and Isadora copied without hesitation and then sat back down, totally naked but oddly comfortable not to be the only girl naked in the area.

"Alright girls, we're going to talk about two things regarding your breasts. First is to check for cancerous lumps and then we'll discuss ways to prevent your nipple from staying inverted, which can affect you when you have kids. Now... first to check for cancer, put tow digits together and, from the armpit down around the whole of the breast, press firmly and feel for any kind of lump. Not all breasts are smooth, some are kind of lumpy depending on how big they are, but if you get nervous, tell me." Jay stated calmly, pulling his own shirt off and gently touching himself in the same way to show off how to do it and to keep him clam. The girls nodded their heads and did the same, gently pressing their variously sized breasts as he watched with a happy expression and Isadora was glad to see that she was doing exactly what she needed to do. She then finished with both breasts and realised she was waiting a bit longer for the bigger busted girls beside her and she blushed a little. But Jay then beckoned for her to do the other exercise, to just gently rub and pinch and her nipples until they became erect. The girls did the same as the twins caught up, then they were all blushing and looking a little awkward for the sensations it was causing for them.

Jay was watching in amusement as he looked at them, noticing how the zebra girls were showing less sensitivity and he almost wanted to shake his head to think that they were obviously used to being around males and therefore boring. But Isadora was clearly looking anxiously about it and he almost wanted to grasp her nipples and pull them to see if she would shriek as she seemed to sensitive to it. He was pleased he'd picked her, though there was more than just how sensitive she was! When this test was over, he then brought out a large mirror that he turned on its side and held over himself as he told the girls to spread their legs and have a look at themselves.

Isadora was anxious but she did so, startled to see that she was already sticky looking down there and her fur was soon rippling with anxiety to think that she was very pink down there whereas the zebra girls were a bit darker with their skin striped and their fur to fine that they looked neat and tidy, not fuzzy. Dora was blushing to think that she looked so different and how her ringlets were oddly even visible upon the very fine fur around the lips. She felt so embarrassed to see herself, to see how small her clit was compared to the other two and worst still, they had a wider looking opening than she did, hers looked little more than a small slit and she looked very embarrassed by it.

"Can you see all the different parts? Good girls... see, you have different looks but everything's still the same." Jay stated with a smile and on the inside he was grinning... the twins weren't virgins but Isadora certainly was! He then beckoned the girls to consider attempting masturbation, not to be scared of him over the matter but to just have a go. He lay the mirror down so they did not have to see themselves and then he stood up and sat behind them instead, listening to them moan and huff as they rubbed suddenly furiously at their bodies. Isadora was very unsure as she rubbed at her clitoris but was blushing completely at the wheezing at the sounds of the other two rubbing so much more eagerly. Realising those two were getting close with their deep snorts and sharp whistling squeals as they got on with it was even more embarrassing. But then Jay stepped over to her with a soft expression of affection. "Here... let me help you."

"But... but... it's dirty!" She gasped, her whiskers straining out of anxiety as her ears pinned back and her hackles rose. But he patted her shoulder and squatted nearby, encouraging her to understand that it was perfectly fine. She paused and then spread her legs wider for him, he placed her paw to her clit and then lay his over hers, forcing her to rub at herself. She began to groan and gasp, her hips quivering as he encouraged her to keep rubbing as the zebras gasped in relief and one even gave a squeak when she squirted slightly. But Jay continued to rub at Dora as she wheezed and gasped, feeling nothing but heat and tingling, some kind of tightening too and she wanted to whimper. "No... I'll wet myself..."

"Its alright... I can clean this place up and it won't be on your clothes." The teacher whimpered sweetly towards her, his thick tail wagging firmly and with a noted rhythm to try and stop himself from being overly excited by this matter. He continued to rub at her, swallowing his drool carefully although he really wanted to have a taste of virgin pussycat. Isadora's breasts were lifting with each sharp sucking of air and she gave a little grimace, her nipples straining out towards his face and he knew he'd have to do something about it otherwise he'd bite them and then, maybe not be able to control himself. Instead he lifted a paw and began to massage at her breast as she gave a sharper gasp and then suddenly, her legs seemed to pull back and something oozed out of her opening as she gave a sharp little squeak of total joy as she fainted back into her chair. "Your first orgasm, clearly you need breast stimulation to really be able to enjoy yourself. These are important to learn because when you're with a male that you love, you need to be able to know how he should make you feel good."

"They feel good, don't they Dora? You sounded cool with that and you're really cute too... trust us though, when you get a guy that's worth it, he should be making you do that all the time." Ivory beamed, shaking one of her painted hooves and grinning at her. Isadora was panting heavily as Jay then gathered wet wipes for the girls to use, the two zebras clearly excited to have a new friend they could talk about their fun with. But Isadora was blushing all the same as she was given the chance to clean herself and then Jay insisted that the girls had learnt their lesson and hopefully, they would not need another. Ivory beamed about it and giggled with her sister. "Thankfully we've got somewhere to go, but nice to know we're pros at this! After-all, you can't live in a herd if you don't know what to do with yourself or how to get the guys to do what you want. See you at school Isadora!"

"Bye..." Isadora sighed as the girls pulled their clothes on and left as Jay put everything away and then brought her something to drink. She drank it eagerly, thankful for it and then Jay knelt in front of her and asked if she'd been keeping up with her breast massaging. When Isadora nodded her head, Jay then lay his big paws upon her naked breasts, massaging them lovingly as she lay back and moaned softly, she loved that her teacher was giving her such affection and attention and then she was startled as he stood up and then removed his pants to show off his erection, insisting she could touch it and should get to know the smell and eventually learn things like the taste, the feel and how to handle them. Isadora stared up at him with an obvious blush upon her face. "But... how am I going to do that?"

"Come here next week... I'll let you touch my body so you can get used to it, I'll teach you different positions, how to get your exercise sorted to do it and also how to do everything. I'll let you know everything you need to know to ensure you have a good husband in future." Jay stated calmly and Isadora nodded her head eagerly as he then held onto himself and insisted he'd show her exactly what male masturbation looked like. She watched eagerly as he just rubbed the shaft roughly until he came in a thick strand that made her jump in disbelief. The thought of that happening inside female was strand but he wiped himself quickly and then bent forward to plant a cute kiss to her cheek. "I'd never let my favourite student do anything to attract the wrong fella, but let's keep this secret."

"Of course!" Isadora beamed, her heart pounding as she considered her dream of him and her marrying and now, it did not seem so remote at all!