What You Mean to Me, Chapter 12

Story by Kadarchy on SoFurry

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#12 of What You Mean To Me

Chapter 12 of What You Mean to Me, featuring a male Luxray and a male human

I guess if I were to say one positive thing about this day, it would be that the view of the sunset from the mountains that overlooked the Village Bridge, as well as the surrounding forest and civilization as far as the eye could see, was absolutely astounding. I could see other trainer hopefuls crossing the bridge, trying to get their gym badges, or, who knows, maybe become the champion.


Even though I said it in my head, the word still left a sour taste on my mouth. The more I thought about what had happened the deeper the pit in my chest seemed to sink. How was it possible to be destroyed so quickly?

I thought that I had a good team; there was Luxray, my first Pokemon and best friend, Gyarados, who was probably the strongest Pokemon I had, my Semisear, Throh and Sawk and finally, the Scolipede I caught just before I went into the Championship league.

There was no way that I should have lost to Alder; my team, for the most part, countered his, but as soon as his Bouffalant knocked my Semisear out, well...

That was it.

I had relied too heavily on one Pokemon and on national television to boot. It had been a stupid move to do so, but...

I dunno.

I guess I trusted my team too much. Now, I was pretty much the center of humiliation, a laughing stock. I was the kid who only brought one fire type to a bug fight. Every time I saw someone with a phone, I knew that they probably knew who I was. It was in their eyes, that small, cracking smirk that slowly spread across their face as they realized just who I was.

Having blue hair didn't help much.

The thing is, my team is still very good. Fuck, I mean, I was able to get to the Champion for crying out loud! So what if I lost horribly, all his Pokemon were super fucking strong!

I sat down on a rock by the entrance to a cave, one of many in the area and put my hands in my head.

Everything I've been working for this past year, every trial, tribulation and adventure I had was all for nothing. If I wanted to reface the Champion, I would have to do the entire process of getting the gym badges all over again. That did bring tears to my eyes.

Even if it would be cakewalk to do so, since I had a pretty well off team, a lot had changed since a year ago. There were new rules in the Pokemon League that some moron had come up with that restricted the amount of gym badges a trainer could get to one a month.

One a fucking month.

At the very least, it would take another year to get where I was now and who knows who would be champion at that point?

Champions had maybe a month in total before they were beaten by some other runner up, with the longest Champion staying in the spot for just three. Was it really worth it?

There was a nudge on my arm and I looked up through my tears to see Luxray. I could see the sadness in his downtrodden eyes as well. Had he taken the loss as personally as I had?

I didn't think so.

It was more likely that he was sad because I was. He didn't understand that now that I had lost, it would be another year on the road to become the Champion. He didn't know that it would be easier to find a job at a PokeMart or some department store instead of trying to live on the road for another year.

I don't think he understood just what I had lost once Alder's fucking ice cream cone Pokemon knocked my Gyarados out like it was nothing. The more I looked into his yellow and red eyes, the more it just...

Made me sad.

I pushed him away and got up. I couldn't stand to face him, let alone the rest of my team that were nestled inside their PokeBalls. Was I mad at them? Maybe.

I think I was more pissed at myself more than anything.

The gravel crunched beneath my feet as I walked away from Luxray, who I could hear walk close behind me. I stopped.

"Just... go away, Lux." I said. It didn't hurt to say, like I thought it would. Luxray ignored me however and nuzzled my arm as he got close again. I pushed him away again and started to walk away.

I wasn't too sure where I was going; all I knew was that I needed to get off this mountain. It was a long hike down and going through the caves would have been easier, but...

I didn't have the energy to fight anyone or anything. Pokemon battles had lost their luster. It wasn't a fight for survival like it was when I first started out. Once Luxray had become overpowered, most fights became formulaic; Throw him out, demolish the opponents Pokemon, collect the winnings.

It had followed this formula up until the point where it had mattered the most. I had expected to lose one or two Pokemon in my party, three at most, but all six? No, that wasn't something I had a difficult time comprehending.

Luxray was once again behind me.

Not wanting to deal with him, I whipped around. Luxray shrunk back a bit, but held his ground as I screamed at him to leave me alone. He was too much to deal with, way too much.

He stared back at me with those eyes, those damned eyes, but didn't move. I groaned and turned to leave. I didn't want to leave him alone out here, but...

I wanted to be left alone.

I would have recalled him into his Pokeball, but it had broken in a rock slide a long time ago and I hadn't been able to get him one I thought he was worthy of. I was going to buy a Luxury Ball for him with the winnings I would have gotten from the Champion, but...

As it was...

I walked along the mountain path and slipped on some gravel. Not enough to cause me to fall, but enough to make me take a pretty giant step forward. Fucking mountain trail, didn't anyone know that kids routinely walk on it? You'd think that someone would get some sort of government worker out here to fix i-

Instantly, my world started to tumble around me. It was like someone had thrown me into a laundry machine, just spinning and spinning and the pain? Oh, the pain was fucking unreal. Every degree my body spun was another sharp, jarring ache somewhere in my body.

It felt like forever, but eventually, I stopped.

And then the real pain begun.

Every single spot that had crashed into the ground had lit up with pain unknown and all I could do was gasp for air as I laid on the cold, unforgiving dirt ground. I heard a cry from somewhere above me but it was a bit too faint to recognize who, or what, it had come from. The sky above me was so pretty, you know?

There wasn't a cloud anywhere and it was just... the yellowish-orange of the sunset. For as far as you could see, there was nothing but those two wonderful, harmonious colors.

. . .

Can't exactly remember what happened next, even to this day. I don't exactly know how it happened, but I was left alone after my fall, thankfully.

Everything seemed to spin when I sat up and I quickly felt myself falling. There was something fuzzy I landed on, however. Looking behind me, I saw the smiling, yet concerned face of Luxray looking back at me.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my aching head. "And where are my glasses?"

I looked around for them; it wasn't imperative if I had them, but I would like to see things off in the distance. By an act of Arceus, not only were they close, but they only had a slight crack in the left lens.

"Lux," He growled, motioning with his head towards a large, steep hill. Now that I had my glasses, I began to see just how lucky I was.

The hill, more of a mountain the longer I look at it, was pretty much all just large rocks and gravel. The more I looked, the more I realized that there was no way I should still be alive. Whatever path I fell down must have been picked by whatever guardian angel looked down at me, because there were just too many sharp looking rocks to avoid for me to feel as good as I did.

"Fuck..." I whimpered out.

This was it.

This was rock bottom.

It's funny, the first thing that I told myself was that there was nowhere to go but up from here, an old proverb I had heard a long time ago by someone, but it didn't feel like that. I didn't want to go climbing back up, I didn't want to do the whole gym challenging bullshit again and I didn't want to try and fight the champion ever again.

I tried getting up again, but my legs quickly gave way and I fell back on Luxray again. Before I could try again, he moved and his large paw was gently, yet firmly, placed on my chest. I looked up at him, about to demand my release, but all he did was shake his head.

There was another head-splitting pound that racked the insides of my body and turned me into jelly and I decided to stop fighting Luxray, at least for now. I loved him, but it was hard to be around him right now.

At least his fur was soft.

. . .

When I woke up, the aching in my body was still there; would it be an ever present specter to my demise utop this cliff? Luxray was still laying behind me and the soft rising and falling of his chest must have lulled me into a pretty good sleep, because it was morning. Birds chirping, baby blue sky, dew all over the two of us, the whole nine yards. Carefully, I sat up, fighting back any residual dizziness that might have stayed with me as I slept. After a few seconds, I was able to rise and get a somewhat good look around me.

I had fallen down a large hill, I knew that much, but it seemed as if I had fallen at a dead end. Further along was an entrance to a cave that no doubt led to the Champion and the Elite Four and it seemed as if there was another downwards slope after that. My throat was parched and my stomach was rumbling; luckly, I had refreshments in my backpack.

Looking around, the knot in my stomach only grew deeper when I looked up and saw it nestled comfortably on the rocky cliff. It hadn't fallen with me and there it laid. All my food, water, clothing and Pokemon were in that bag with the exception of Luxray and that's where the situation I found myself really hit home.

I was going to die here.

My legs weren't broken, but everything felt sore. I was too weak, however, to do anything but sit there. I felt like lying down again, so that's what I did. Luxray was still sleeping and didn't stir when I laid back on him and it became clear that I might fall asleep on him yet again. He was soft and it wasn't unlike many other times I had taken a nap with him, but the longer I looked at the blue sky, the more I came to hate...


My failures as a gym challenger, my inability to raise a team strong enough to beat the champion, the fall that I should have been able to avoid, even Luxray, who I considered my closest friend, I hated with a burning passion.

He seemed so calm, so relaxed. It didn't worry him that I was maybe hurt, or maybe it did. Luxray was a Pokemon and I couldn't talk to him like I could a normal human. I couldn't understand him and it drove me crazy sometimes.

Just then, his long, wet tongue licked me, leaving small zaps running across my cheek as it left me. I couldn't help but giggle and push his large head away. As much as I wanted to be mad at him, sometimes he did things like that that I just couldn't help but laugh at.

"Well, bud," I say, looking up at him. "this is it."

"Luxray?" His voice growled.

"I... I give up." I said, sheepishly looking away from him.

"Lux..." He said, batting my chest with his paw.

"Just leave me here to die, you big oaf."

I was licked again and again and again until I couldn't control my laughter. Luxray licking me helped me in more than a couple of ways, because for the first time since yesterday or so, I had laughed. It came from deep inside me and I laughed! I laughed at losing to the Champion, at falling down this hill, at losing all my possessions and I laughed at the year's worth of effort that went away in the blink of an eye. The tears flowed from my eyes like they never had before, but they soon stopped and I was left with nothing but Luxray and my aching body.

"Well," I said, sitting up. My situation still felt hopeless, yet felt as if I couldn't wait to move on from here. "I think it would be a smart idea to get my bag."

I stood up slowly, thankful for the help that Luxray offered and soon stood on my feet. It didn't hurt as much to do so and I was even able to take a few steps forward before the pain returned with a vengeance.

It was mainly around my ass and shoulders, and damn, did it hurt. It sledgehammered my back as I approached the rocky cliff and wondered how in the hell I would be able to get the backpack. I could use the cave and walk up there, but then I would have to climb down it and I didn't think I had the energy for that.

"Stay here." I said, looking down at Luxray. If one of us were going to do this, it would be me. I had to snap out of this pity party I had been throwing for myself since I lost against the Champion.

I never considered myself an analytical person, often I took risks and relied too heavily on chance, but this wasn't one of those occasions. Before I even took the first step, I made sure to find the safest way up this hill, from every rock I would step on, to any path that had the most gravel I could try to aim for if I fell. After the plan was formed, I took the first, trembling step up. My ankles hurt and almost immediately screamed for me to stop, and I almost did. I wanted to stop and sit back down, but after a deep breath, I grabbed another rock that was a bit higher up and used it for support as I climbed smaller rocks beneath it. Progress was being made slowly, but surely.

There was another rock; it cut my hand a little, but I bared my teeth and pulled myself up. It was almost therapeutic, in a way, to be doing this. Every time I hoisted myself higher, those voices telling me I was trash, that I deserved to fling myself back down this cliff, that I would never become a good Pokemon trainer, those all just gave me strength and I hadn't even realized that I was able to grab my backpack until I was a foot or two above it.

I yelled to nobody and everybody on this seemingly abandoned trail, screamed my victory to the heavens and soon heard Luxray roar along with me.

It felt fucking marvelous.

I opened the backpack down after I sat down and pulled the water bottle out. Greedily, I drank it all down, all thirty two ounces and placed it back in the backpack. The water helped me recover considerably, and the climb - or should I say, slide - back down the gravel wasn't as difficult as I would have thought it to be. Luxray was there to greet me and I scratched him behind his ears, smiling when he perked up. I kept scratching him and smiled at the deep, throaty murrs that came from the bottom of his throat.

"Sorry I was such a pain in the ass, buddy. I won't be like that from now on." I promised him.

Luxray just smiled and the two of us were off. I was still hungry, thirsty and in absolute pain, but stuff like that didn't seem to matter anymore. I still had my tent, I still had my Pokemon and I still had my life, which was more than I could say for some.

The entrance to the cave, so foreboding when I first approached it as a younger Pokemon trainer, now seemed trivial. Maybe it was the fall, maybe it wasn't, all I knew was that there was nothing in there that I feared. Inside the cave was cool, it was dark, but after I had one of my Pokemon use flare, I could easily see any danger, any obstacle, anything that might get in my way, I avoided. I wasn't looking for trouble, I didn't want to fight any wild Pokemon, all I wanted to do was put as much distance between myself and the Champion as possible.

That being said, I was attacked a couple of times as I walked through the cave, but all it was were a couple of bat Pokemon, nothing too bad, nothing that Luxray and I couldn't handle. I stopped at a small stream that ran through the lake and refilled my water bottle as Luxray lapped at the cool, running water and I couldn't help but get down on all fours and drink with him. It was certainly an interesting way to drink, but from a bottle was probably easier for humans like myself.

After another thirty minute of walking, occasionally fighting Pokemon and rechecking my map to make sure we were on the right track to get out of the cave, I felt the wind on my face and sunlight was soon to follow.

We made our way out of the cave and I scratched Luxray again and sighed.

Where to go?

Home? I could, but what would mom think of me? Her failure of a son? I had a couple of friends I could stay with for awhile, at least until I found a good job and was able to afford to move out. Maybe I could see if anyone wanted to take me on as an apprentice somewhere. The world seemed to sprawl out before me the more I thought about it, but in the end, I decided that it would all take care of itself. I have it all up to whatever higher power had saved me from that fall and the first step was taken in my new life.

Opelucid City was my destination. The hotel I stayed at when I was fighting the gym leader there had comfortable beds and I knew that there was work to be found there. It was a pretty big city, after all.

Village Bridge wasn't as pleasant to walk down as I would have wanted it to. It seemed as if people knew my face, they knew me and they knew that I had lost to the Champion and they wanted to rub it in my face. Most were ten year olds with nothing better to do and the those that challenged me to a Pokemon battle realized just how well put together my team was. The Champion had beaten me because he was the best Pokemon trainer in Unova, not because I was weak. There was a bit of satisfaction that I granted myself when I grabbed my winnings from the hands of those I steamrolled and by the time I had made it to the horizon of Opelucid, I had a sizable amount of spending money.

Who knows, maybe this would be a good way to make money?

It wasn't the same thing as taking candy from a baby, I was winning this money fair and square from people who thought I was weak. I was teaching them lessons and, by the rules that the Pokemon League set up, trainers are obligated to challenge each other. The more battles I won, the more money I made, the stronger the Pokemon I called my friends became. It was a win-win, but before I decided to do anything big, I thought that a doctor's visit was in order. My head was still throbbing, and my body was still in pain. The money was nice, but didn't help ease my pain.


When I got into the hospital, it didn't take long for them to find me a doctor. The doctor I was with did a whole bunch of examinations and tests to make sure I was okay. I was, and they sent me along my way with a couple of painkillers. After they passed my gullet, I took a deep breath and sighed as my body slowly began to tingle. The ache in my bones went away and, while it was all a chemically-induced facade, I felt new. Awake. And hungry.

Very hungry.

Luxray and I found a restaurant, a Pokemon-friendly one and went inside. It was pretty packed with all sorts of people and Pokemon and, as much as I didn't want to eat somewhere I would definitely be recognized, there wasn't much choice. I was hungry and from the way Luxray was eyeing the platter of food being devoured by a Munchlax, I would have taken a bet in his odds that he was hungry.

I approached one of the waitstaff and gave my best post-tumble, medicated smile to her. She was nice looking, really my type of woman; my height, skinny, yet not anorexic like society wanted her to be, long, dark hair, golden-brown eyes that seemed to sparkle in the poor restaurant lights. There was a cute smile that matched her equally cute, small button nose. She was dressed in typical black waitstaff garb, but it only added to her beauty.

"Table for two?" She asked, her voice a little off-puttingly high pitched, but still adorable.

"Please?" I stammered out, realizing that I had been staring at her for longer than I would like to admit.

"Right this way!" She said, taking two menus and walking down a long corridor of full tables.

"Pretty busy tonight, huh?" I said, trying to make conversation with the woman I barely knew.

"Most fridays here are. We're a little short staffed, as usual, so service might be a bit slow, but the chefs in back are giving out free bread to make up for it!" She said as Luxray and I took our seats.

"Short staffed, huh?" I asked, looking up and smiling.

"Yup!" She said and she walked away before I could ask if they were hiring.


I looked at Luxray and smiled. He had a menu specifically designed for Pokemon; large pictures of an array of delicious food instead of boring words like my own menu was. He looked back and gave a small smile as he normally did, but I couldn't help but see the concern on his face.

Suddenly, I was glad to have such a companion. One that stuck by me when I fell off cliffs, one that never left my side when I wanted him to, one that would even stay with someone like me, a failed champion, a national embarrassment for the time being. I reached over and he leaned forward and I gave his nose a slight boop. The look he gave me seemed to tell me that he had beared no ill-will towards me, and I loved him all the more for it.

All right... the menu...

It was your typical budget menu, with easy-to-cook soul food, steaks, burgers, salads, the likes. Most, if not all of the dishes were under twenty bucks and I quickly decided on a large, fat burger that wouldn't have broken my already small bank, and when I looked over, Luxray rested a paw on a dish. It looked wonderful; turkey, smothered in gravy with stuffing beneath it.

"Looks good." I said, taking his menu.

He just gave his maw a good lick and smirked. God, I loved that smirk.

It was another few minutes before an exhausted looking waiter came almost jogging up to the table with a glass and a bowl of water.

"Hey, sorry for the wait." He said, taking a notepad and pen out from his apron. "Name's Justin, I'm your overworked waiter," I giggled at that a little bit, "what can I get for you two?"

"He'll have whatever this is," I said, pointing to the dish Luxray had pointed out, "and I'll have the Opelucid Burger."

"How's it made?"

"Chef's choice."

"All right... Any drinks?" He asked as he scribbled our order down.

"Water's fine for the both of us."

"Great! I'll be back with your food!" He said.

"Wait!" I called after him before he left. He turned, eyebrows raised. "The hostess said that you're short staffed."

"Yeah, we definitely are!" Justin said, chuckling. "Kind of an understatement."

"Do I apply online, or is there an application here?" I asked, trying to smile.

"I can get you one." He said, leaving before I could thank him.

"Sweet." I said, looking at Luxray.

I didn't have much experience in... well, the kitchen industry in general, but I knew that if I were a Pokemon, my nature would be outgoing instead of anything else, so I hoped that I would fit right in. Luxray didn't seem to know what was going on, but he loved the scratches I gave him so much so that, when he purred, the glass on the table shook. Before it slid off, I had to stop, and giggled.

Justin was true to his word and gave me the application rather quickly.

"I'd apply for the waitstaff if I was you."


"Lots more money." Was all he said.

"How much, you think?"

"Nights like tonight?" Justin said, looking around. "About three, four hundred."

I gulped. That was a lot of money, a lot more than I made battling Pokemon. "A-and the chefs?"

"Most make around fourteen, fifteen an hour and work from twelve in the afternoon until twelve or so at night, so... a hundred and sixty eight?" Justin said, double checking the number on his phone. "Yeah. So, if it's money you're after..." He shrugged.

"Become a waiter?"

Justin smiled and nodded. "When you get brought in for an interview, make sure you let them know that I sent you."

"I will!" I said, smiling. "Thanks!"

Justin smiled again and walked off. Becoming a chef didn't sound like it would be that bad, but I wanted to make a living and, come on, three to four hundred a night? That would definitely be more than enough. I didn't have a pen, so I would have to drop everything off tomorrow; my resume, application and cover letter. You bet your ass I was a professional, if nothing else.

I looked over at Luxray, who was looking around at the other Pokemon in the restaurant. When our gazes met, I smiled at him again and took one of his front paws. I looked at it, felt its weight, the soft, yet scratchy paw pads on the bottom of his foot and felt the dangerous feeling claws in his foot that he had retracted. I asked him to show me his claws and I gulped. They were easily an inch long, maybe a bit longer, I'm not good at lengths and looked like they wouldn't have any trouble at all eviscerating anything biological in nature. I set his paw down and watched as he brought them back into his foot, suddenly glad he hadn't pinned me down with them to keep me from getting up last night.

It might have been the painkillers, or something else, but for some reason, I couldn't keep my hands off of him. Whether it was running my hands through his huge mane of dark, black hair, rubbing the golden bands on its front legs and feeling the differences between the two different fur colors, everything about Luxray just enthralled me.

He gave me a lick on the cheek, but when I looked at him, smiling, he wasn't looking at me. Instead, he was looking behind me. I turned around, wiping his saliva off of me and came almost nose to nose with what seemed to be a Pokemon Trainer.

"Hey, you're that kid, right?" He sneered. "The kid who lost the Championship match? Against Alder, no less!"

"Yeah, what of it?" I said, realizing now just how dull everything seemed. I'm glad that I didn't get more than one of these pain killers.

"Just wanted to tell you that you and your team suck!" He said, laughing and walking away.

"Asshole..." I murmured, frowning with Luxray. I heard his deep, throaty growls that usually came when he was about to fight a Pokemon, and his claws were out and almost gleaming in the light of the restaurant. I put my hand on his chest and shook my head. "No point, let them hate."

All he did was growl.

"Don't worry about them, Lux." I continued, giving him a couple of scratches. "He didn't even know my name, I doubt most people will remember me by the time this week is over."

His claws did retract, but I could tell that he still desired the blood of that kid. I did too, if I was honest, but...

No point in killing someone for an insult. I wasn't that crazy.


The food came shortly after and the two of us dug into it almost immediately. I didn't even have to respond to Justin when he asked if we wanted a refill, he just poured. Before I could thank him through my mouth full of food, he was off and, in hindsight, I'm glad I didn't thank him with a mouth full of burger.

It was a good burger, though. A bit too rare for me to give it five out of five stars, but I did ask for the chef's choice. Each bite seemed to give me a bit of strength and when I was done with it, everything almost seemed all right.

Justin came by a bit later and handed me the check.

Thirty five dollars and sixty eight cents.

Pretty decent amount for the food we got.

I look up to see Luxray licking the plate clean and couldn't help yet again to smile. He was like a big 'ol Meowth.

After paying the bill and leaving a generous tip, I left the restaurant, thankfully not running into that little insulting shitbird as I walked out of the doors. It was getting dark out and I decided that it would be a good time to find a hotel in this town, maybe fill the application out. Most hotels here had printers in the lobby, and I knew that there was an account I used to write essays and whatnot back when I was in school that definitely have a resume of mine on it. It would have to be updated, but it all would be worth it if I could get a job there.

I made my way to the hotel with Luxray beside me and sighed when I saw it. Luxray looked up and nuzzled me, as if trying to comfort me. I thankfully gave him a few scratches behind his ears again and walked into the hotel lobby.

There were a few rooms on the third floor the manager for the night said I could rent out for the night, and I chose one with a couple of numbers I considered lucky. Who knows if it would work or not, but I needed all the help I could get at this point.

I thanked the clerk behind the counter and left to go to the elevator. Nobody seemed yet to recognize me and it confused me. I thought that it would have been a bigger deal, but...

"Hey," I called the clerk.

He looked up from his newspaper, not saying a word. His eyes seemed to speak for him.

"Do you watch any Championship battles here? Like, in the lobby?" I asked, trying my best not to smile.

"Not really. I just read about them. Why, you lose one, something like that?" He asked.

"Nope, just wondering. Good night." I called, turning to the elevator.

The clerk just grunted and flipped the newspaper back open. I was a little offended that he didn't say anything back, but at this point I think I was a little too exhausted and higher on drugs than I ever had been before to care about a lack of a response. The elevator dinged open and Luxray and I were brought up to the third floor. Once the elevator doors opened, the smell of old carpet hit me and I could tell that Luxray wasn't a big fan of it either. The two of us quickly made it to our room and I opened the door quickly, slamming it behind me.

The room smelled a bit better than the hallway and it was a big relief. Luxray jumped onto the bed almost immediately. He circled around it a few times before laying in the middle, his paws hanging off the edge of the bed and his head resting in between his powerful looking front legs.

I chuckled and tossed my backpack down by a dresser that had a TV on it, as well as a couple of other things. A guidebook for the city we were in, a box of tissues, a TV remote and a couple of magazines. After sitting down, I took my socks and shoes off and threw them clean across the room. I didn't want to know what the devastation hiking for two days without changing the socks would smell like. The television was turned on and I surfed the channels for what seemed like forever as Luxray softly snored away next to me. Nothing good was on and it was getting a little late in the day, so I decided a shower was in order.

It was when I saw the giant gash on the back of my shirt that I realized that I hadn't changed like I wanted to, and was still in my clothing from yesterday. You'd think that I would have had this revelation as soon as I took my boots off, but hey, I fell down a cliff and was on painkillers; that's a pretty good excuse for not processing things.

As I stripped off my pants and underwear, I groaned when I saw the outlines of dark purple bruises near my back. Once I got into the bathroom, the lights were turned on and I examined myself further.


My back had a pretty large bruise on it, but purple, red and yellow marks were also all over my upper arms, elbows, and legs. It was kind of terrifying to look at if I was honest with myself, and would explain why I was so sore. Well, that and falling down a fucking hill.

I turned the shower on, wincing as I bent down to fanagle the faucet. It wasn't hard to find where the hot water was and after I set my glasses on the sink, I was soon shivering from the hot water on my tender skin and muscles. It was painful, but it was a good pain, the type of pain you didn't mind self-inflicting upon yourself. Scratching a bug bite. Running your poison-ivy infected arm under scalding hot water. Rubbing your eyes too hard.

I carefully scrubbed my sore body with the hotel-provided soap and my hair shortly afterwards. There were memories and thoughts that came to me in the shower and I tried my best to ignore them. More negative than positive, unfortunately and it threatened to devour me with that dark place I had been in after my fall.

I quickly turned the water off and stepped away from the warmth onto the cold, hard tile of the bathroom floor. The towels that they had in for my use were a bit too soft for my liking, but I came to realize that beggars which, for all intents and purposes was what I was, could not be choosers.

After my body had been inadequately dried, I stepped back into the room and collapsed back onto the bed. The application was on the nightstand beside me and I decided that it would be a good time to fill it out. I grabbed it and a pen in the drawer and got to work.

Let's see here...

Relevant job experience? Not really, no. Previous work? Ah, that was easy. Pokemon Trainer. One year. How was I with people? Good, I'd say. Wait... I'm trying to get a job here. I am the best with people. You couldn't hire someone that was better with people than I was. How do I work under pressure? Well, I was a Pokemon Trainer, so I'd say I can handle all sorts of pressure.

It seemed to go on and on, but thankfully it didn't seem like it had been generated by a computer. The questions seemed to be carefully thought out, not just asking me so they can scan it, run a program and see how a software would think I would do working at that restaurant.

After longer than I would like to admit, it was done. I felt like I was able to breathe for the first time since I started and set it on the nightstand. After I cracked my knuckles and took a deep, relaxing breath, I turned the TV back on and laid back down. I finally found a show I had started to watch back when I was a kid, some animated cartoon, but it was still a classic in my opinion.

I wanted to drift off to sleep, but Luxray was still hogging the bed. I looked over at him and smiled. He was on his back, paws up in the air and slightly bent, belly exposed and...

L-legs wide open.

I wasn't a stranger to my Pokemon's genitals, it was like owning a pet, you know? You don't dress your Meowth just so her slit isn't visible. Same concept with Luxray, but something about him was just... Especially appealing tonight. The way his sheath gently drifted down with gravity, his large, fuzzy, black ball sack with it.

For the first time ever, I reached over and felt his balls. Gently, as not to wake him, that it. They were warm. Squishy. I could feel two large eggs inside. My heart was racing and I was growing a bit stiff between my legs. I smelled my hand and almost shivered. It was him that I was smelling. Everything that I liked about how he smelled was currently on my hand; that woodsy, ozoney smell...

I reached back and touched them again, picking them up in my hand. It was more than enough to fill it and it seemed to weigh so much. Once I let it go, I rubbed in between his sack and his thigh, feeling what must have been the softest fur anywhere on his body. My fingers ran over to his asshole and I touched it as well, not pushing in, just touching. It felt... puckered.

After moving my hands back to his balls, I gently grabbed them again and just played with them. They were much bigger than my own and the fur just made them so much more fun to play with. I kept fondling them and soon saw a red dot poke out from his sheath.

I gulped when I saw his cock begin to grow out of the sheath, coming out more and more, revealing all of its beautiful, erect secrets. The slightly arrowhead looking tip, the small barbs that ran all along his cock and the wide knot that popped out of the sheath soon after his length was revealed to me.

It was long, that was for sure. I didn't have anything to measure it with, but it was easily bigger than my own length, even with my strongest erection, he still would have been three or four inches bigger than me and I was about average for a human, about five, five and a half inches on a good day. Which meant that... If it was three or even four inches longer than mine...

I was looking at a cock at least nine and a half inches long, not including his knot.

Upon that realization, I gulped.

Would I dare to touch him? If I decided to do anything in return to him, like... anything, I didn't think my body would be able to handle it. My heart began to beat like a drum for the first time in my life as my hand slowly, shakily drew near his length.

When it connected, when the barbs gently tickled the palm of my hand, I gulped. For the first time since I had fondled his balls, I looked over at him. Luxray was awake and looking at me, a different kind of grin I had never seen before on his face. He looked almost excited, like a dream had come true. It did scare me when I saw him, however and I pulled my hand off his cock.

"S-sorry, Luxray." I stuttered out. "I don't know what got into me."

He and I both looked at my cock, and the burning shame that I felt was only amplified. My perfectly average looking member was erect and throbbing between us. His length put mine to shame for sure. I tried to cover myself with a blanket, but before I could get it covered, Luxray jumped up and dove down.

I yelped as I felt his large, powerful paws on the top of my thighs, so close to my cock. I still had the blanket in my hand, but watched Luxray. He looked at me, his red and yellow eyes seemingly looking through me and into my soul, at the lust I now felt for him and for the want my painfully erect cock showed with each demanding throb. Without saying anything, Luxray bent down and gave my cock the best sensation I had ever felt. I always wondered how his sandpapery tongue would feel on my length, but even my wildest dreams were leagues away from how it actually felt.

Luxray's tongue, with just a single swipe, sent me spiraling into a sea of sensations, from the sparkling electricity that ran around my body, to the warmth that his tongue and saliva gave me. I instantly asked for more as he looked innocently up at me and he obliged.

He began to slowly lap at my cock, dragging me up with every lick as every muscle in my body tensed at his tongue, not because of the electricity, but because of the pleasure he sent me to with every lick. His tongue was warm and wet, and the rough texture gave me a higher degree of pleasure I didn't know was possible.

Luxray picked up the pace of his licks, paying special attention to my tip, which I was sure had precum pouring out of it. I began to whimper and ran my hands through his hair as his tongue wrapped around my tip for a second at a time before being withdrawn, only to have it shoot out again and bring that pleasure back. After he was satisfied, Luxray went back to the base of my wet, tingling cock and kept licking its length. I couldn't help the pants and sheepish moans that came from me as he kept obediently licking, and Luxray must of known just how tight my balls were, just how close I was to shooting a long overdue load onto his snout, because he rammed my entire cock deep into his mouth.

I screamed as I felt his sharp teeth drive past my cock and his muzzle press against my groin, and began to half whimper, half giggle at what I had just done. Luxray smiled, but kept my cock in his mouth, moving his tongue all around it. He didn't stop and I put my hands on his head in preparation for what was to come. I didn't want to thrust in and out, I wanted him to bring me to orgasm as fast as he wanted to.

It didn't take long. I moaned louder than I felt as if I ever had before and the tingling I felt in my cock shot out in thick, white ropes into his mouth. Luxray clamped down and I started to grunt rhythmically as he sucked the seed from my cock.

My legs were trembling and at this point, I didn't know if it was from the orgasm or the electricity he was licking into me, but I loved every second of it. I don't know the volume of cum I shot into his maw, but he held my cock in for a long time, his tongue sluggishly licking up every drop of my seed even after I thought I was done shooting my load.

Once he thought I was done, he pulled off my drooping, tingly, wet cock and gave it one final lick. I shivered with delight and rubbed his head. His paws were still on my thighs, pressing down so comfortably that, if he laid down on my groin, I probably would have fallen asleep, but there was no way.

I got up and he moved off of me, rising to his feet and watching me.

"Lay down." I demand.

I wasn't going to take no for an answer, but luckily, Luxray obeyed. He laid down on his legs and I had to push and pull him to that his head was near the pillows, he was on his back and there was enough room at the end of the bed for me to kneel down, so close to his cock...

My hands were sweaty and I was having second thoughts about this. It's not like he would mind if I just went to bed now, right? If he did mind, it wasn't like he could object to it... Maybe.

His cock looked so... Intimidating.

Barbs, a knot... The whole nine yards. The more I had my doubts though, the more I began to kick myself in the butt, though. He had licked and sucked me off without any complaints, why shouldn't I do so to him?

I wasn't a greedy person, after all, and what goes around comes around and I had a feeling those large balls weren't just for show.

"All right... Here goes nothing." I said once I got a firm hold of his cock.

It was warm, and those barbs... What would they feel like? As I held his shaking member in my hand, I look up to see him blushing heavily, a nervous look on his face. I thought that was a bit funny. He had no reason to be nervous!

I was the one with the smaller cock!

With the knowledge that this was new territory for not only myself, but for him, I licked from the base of his bulging, throbbing knot, ran my tongue along the barbs which, to my delight, tingled instead of hurt, and up to his narrow, arrowhead looking tip. Luxray almost instantly began to purr as I licked again and again, almost getting used to it. It still felt... Wrong to be doing this, but... This had been the best night of my life so far.

I gave him another lick and was surprised to taste something salty on my tongue. I look down and, to my amazement, saw that Luxray was already shooting his load. I didn't think much after that, just instantly plugged my mouth with his cock. I looked up after gulping his seed down and saw that his tongue was out and he was panting heavily as he shot his load into me.

And then, after a few seconds, the spigot was turned off and the cum stopped shooting. That was a bit... Too easy.

I swallowed his salty cum and looked up. Luxray was looking down and I could tell now why he was blushing. Maybe it was due to how fast he shot his load, or how fast he knew he would shoot it. He might have the bigger cock, but his instincts seemed to demand him to cum a fuck load quicker than my own biology did.

This was gonna be fun.

Luxray tried to struggle away from me, but now I smiled and gripped beneath his knot harder.

"Oh no, mister, don't think you're getting off that easy." I said, giving him an extra long lick afterwards. Luxray whimpered and stopped trying to wrestle away from me.

He looked down, whining a bit, but I could tell from the precum that he was enjoying this. I licked him again and again, moving my tongue all around his barbed, knotted shaft, paying special attention to his quivering tip. I would trace lines around the barbs, almost playing a game with myself.

How long could I lick before I ran into a barb? If I lost, I would try to see how far I could deep-throat his cock. Most of the time I lost and Luxray would lose his marbles when I drove his cock deep into my mouth. I could only get half way in before I gagged and pulled it out of my mouth. With my punishment complete, it was back to tracing the lines.

Not for much longer, however.

It was a game, after all. Games were meant to be lost most, if not all, the time. And every time I lost, I would repeat the process of slowly working his length inside my throat, as far as I could manage. His legs tried to trap me on his cock multiple times, but I was able to avoid that. The last thing I needed him to do was fuck my face with those powerful looking thighs and his huge cock.

To my delight, he began to whimper in a high pitched voice again, and I stroked him off as his seed shot out of him yet again. Every time I stroked up with the pulse of cum, it flew onto his belly. Each time his cock throbbed, I saw his paws tighten together, shaking as the cum shot out of his cock. I didn't want to have a second dinner tonight -yet- so for his second orgasm, that was all I did; hard strokes along the length of his cock. He lasted a bit longer than the first time he ejaculated, and there were at least ten pulses of cum, ten ropes of cum, that had landed on his belly. He looked down at me, wanting, almost begging me, to stop, but there was no fucking way.

I was enjoying this too much.

Luxray roared softly as I sucked the rest of the cum from his cock, savoring the salty aftertaste of a load well shot, and started to suck on his tip. I wanted to see how fast I could get him to shoot another load, his third load, into my mouth. The first one had been unexpected and I hadn't been able to taste him, his very essence, everything he was and ever would be, as much as I wanted to.

Luxray began to hump my mouth rapidly, but I held the base of his cock, so he wasn't able to push into my mouth more than an inch at a time. With my free hand, I began to jerk him off, paying special attention to the knot that rested at the base of his cock. I couldn't describe the whimpers and cute little murrs that came from Luxray as I sucked his tip and stroked his barbed length. They were just too adorable for such a large, intimidating Pokemon to be making.

I began to use my tongue more, tracing around his tip with it, feeling the opening where I hoped a huge load would quickly shoot out of, feeling the bottom of it... It was awesome. So warm and the best part was, it was like I was sucking on a finger. His tip was squishy, but it wasn't gross to suck on. It didn't taste or smell bad and it was a lot more exciting than I had thought.

Luxray roared loudly and I grunted as I felt his legs clamp onto my head. His knot unexpectedly pushed out of my hand and he took full advantage of my weak grip. I started to gag as he fucked my mouth, driving his cock deeper and deeper into me, and I felt like I was about to vomit.

It took all I had in me not to, but Luxray soon stopped. I almost wanted him to continue, but I was glad I had a chance to...

I felt the first rope slam down my throat and instinct took over. I began sucking and didn't stop until I was force to swallow a tasty mouthful of his seed. It was somewhat salty, and made my mouth tingle, go figure, but fuck...

It was like doing a shot of hard liquor. It went down hard and made me feel lightheaded as it slowly made its way down my throat and into my stomach. I felt warm inside, but he was still somehow shooting more cum out and I had to keep sucking.

Do you know what it's like to swallow mouthful after mouthful of Pokecum?

If you don't seriously, go find the nearest Pokemon and suck him off. Especially if it's a Luxray, bonus points for that.

After the third mouthful of cum that traveled down my throat, guess what, I was greeted by a fourth and a fifth. It was getting a little ridiculous, but then I realized; like I had thought earlier, those big 'ol balls weren't there for show.

They packed a punch.

After the sixth and final literal mouthful of cum, his legs finally relaxed and I was able to pull off his cock. The final shot of this forbidden ichor was creeped down my throat and I started to gasp. My head felt light and my insides were racing with energy. What I knew most of all, was that my prick was especially hard. I looked down and saw a small puddle of cum beneath me.

Was it mine, or his?

I didn't know at this point.

"Lux...ray..." He panted out, looking down at me.

"That was a lot..." I stammered out, smiling.

He didn't do anything but look at me, grinning like a mad Pokemon. I laid down next to him, pushing my arm under his neck and bringing his head in closer to mine. We laid like that for a long time, heartbeats in tandem as everything in our lives slowly got better with each passing second. I felt a tingly lick on my face and I snorted. It was unexpected and we both laughed a bit before I looked him in the eyes and kissed him on his maw. His wet nose pressed against mine, his piercing red and yellow eyes looking deep into my own dark brown eyes, it just felt so right. So perfect, even though he couldn't kiss back due to his lack of lips. He did start to lick me, though and I lost it at that. For the second time today, I couldn't contain myself as he licked and licked and I had to shove him away before I threw up from all the laughter.

He gave one final lick as I recovered from his tingly lick and I laid down again with him.

"I love you, you know what?"

"Luxray..." He murred out as I rested my head on his.

I hugged him harder and eventually, with a full belly and a full heart, I fell asleep on him. I didn't turn the lights out, didn't put the "Do not Disturb," sign on the door knob, didn't even pull a blanket over us. I didn't care who saw the two of us. I had literally nothing to be ashamed of anymore.

. . .

The clock read nine when I awoke.

Luxray had turned away from me as we slept together and I gave the back of his mane a few scratches. He didn't wake up, so I turned and got up. My clothing was still torn, but luckily, I had another set that I could wear today. A black shirt and hoodie, blue pants and black and white shoes. Not professional, but not sweatshirts and pants either.

Today, all I had planned was to get hired at that restaurant. I didn't think it would be easy, especially since I was known as a failure by anyone who watched the Championship League, and I was betting against the odds that nobody at the restaurant watched it. My hope was that, like the person in the hotel lobby, they had watched something else. Football, soccer, tennis... Extreme Ironing?

Literally anything else, anything that would help me get a job there.

I shook Luxray awake and laughed at his bedhead. His mane hadn't been well-groomed yet, and he looked ridiculous instead of intimidating. I double checked my resume on my phone as he groomed himself, making a few corrections here and there before we left.

I didn't plan on going back to the hotel and it's not like I could save my clothing because of how ripped they were, so I decided to leave it for the housekeeper. Everything else I took, however; glasses, obviously, boots, backpack and hotel soaps and shampoos. When the two of us got to the lobby, there wasn't a breakfast there. It would explain why it was only fifty bucks a night. I gave the key back to the clerk and paid for the room in cash before leaving with a still groggy Luxray. I needed to go to the library to print my resume out and make a cover letter. Not a big deal; cover letters were easy to write.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am interested in applying for the waitstaff opportunity you are offering. I believe that I would be a perfect match for who you need; I am outgoing by nature and love working with people. While I don't have much experience waiting on tables, I have a strong memory and am excellent with any type of personality that I would have to deal with, should you decide to hire me. I believe that I would be able to pick the trade up extremely quickly and would be a perfect and necessary addition to your crew. In addition to my memory and coping skills, I have been on the road as a Pokemon Trainer for the past year and even made it to the Elite Four, which I believe is a testament to just how dedicated I can be to a job I believe in.

In conclusion, I believe that I would be a perfect fit for your crew. I am hard working, dedicated to anything I put my mind to and I know I have what it takes to make it at your establishment.

Thank you for your consideration,

Marc H.

After I spell checked the document, I printed it out, along with my resume. I was pretty proud of the cover letter and after it was done, also made a thank-you letter. I wasn't taking any chances and I was told by my guidance counselor in high school that thank-you letters were important.

I got all the papers in order; the resume, cover letter, application and thank-you letter, paid for them, and left the library. My heart was racing as Luxray and I made it to the restaurant from last night and I was glad to see that it was open, albeit dead.

I opened one of the double doors and was greeted by a different hostess than the beauty from last night. She was pretty old, maybe in her sixties, but looked rather matronly, in a way.

"Hello!" She said, smiling. "Table for two?"

"Uh... No, I'm actually here to apply for a job. Justin told me that this place was hiring."

"Did he now? Well, I'm sure Ian's in the back, somewhere. Let's go find him." The two of us turned to walk, but after a single step, she turned. "I'm Kathy, by the way!" She said, holding out her hand.

"Marc." I told her, giving her a firm, yet gentle, handshake.

She smiled and I didn't know fear up until this point. I told Luxray to wait and followed Kathy to the bar. I hadn't even known that there was one here, I really could have used a drink last night.

I looked at the bottles for a while and a rather large bartender came over. He was wearing the black that I guessed all waitstaff wore and had slicked back, black hair and a large, yet well-groomed beard.

"What can I get for ya?" He asked.

"Little early to be drinking, don't you think?" I said nervously. I was trying to be funny and to my credit, he did laugh.

"You look a little young anyway. So if you're not here to drink, what are 'ya here for?" He asked.

"A job, hopefully."

"Ah! Name's Damion! Nice to meet you..." He looked at my resume, "Marc. Yeah, we have a good crew, but people have jus' been quittin' left and right."

"Any reason?" I was a bit worried.

"Naw, none that I know. A couple who worked here quit once they had a kid, another decided to become a Pokemon trainer even though he was fifty years old and the last guy quit because he was a disgruntled dishwasher." Damian explained, counting on his fingers with every person that left.


"Hey! You Marc?" Came a loud, cheerful voice.

"Yes!" I said, instantly standing up.

"Aw, no need for that. I can tell you're a good kid." The boss, it seemed, also was a rather large person. Larger than Damion, but he was also taller than him, so he just appeared like a giant. He had ginger hair, a long beard and a worn out face that seemed to match his gray chef coat. I took his hand, however and gave it my best shake. He looked down and smiled. "Nice shake!"

"Thank you, sir!" I said, sitting down once he had sat.

"No need for that. Call me Ian." Ian said, taking my resume and my papers. "Let's see here... Resume... Nice... Elite Four?" He looked me up and down before pushing a lip up and nodding. "I can see that, I can see that..." He read through everything else and it caused my heart to race. I hadn't felt this nervous in years. "You know, normally, I wouldn't hire someone for my waitstaff with no relevant experience, but besides the fact that I need more people, you were the second person to ever write a thank-you note."

Ian grabbed my papers, held them upright so they all fell in line and smiled. He held out his hand and I took it. "Welcome aboard, Marc."

"Thank you!" I said, almost wanting to cry.

"Can you work tonight?" He asked after letting go.

"I might. I'm new to town and I don't exactly have a place to live besides the hotel." I explained, rubbing my hands together nervously.

"All right, well, tell you what, you find a place, buy a pair of black pants and then come in. Just make sure it's by the end of the week." Ian said, giving me another smile before turning and leaving.

"Holy shit..." I said, looking at Damion. He was smiling and nodded to me before passing me a cup of... something.

"Welcome to the crew."

"Thanks!" I said, drinking whatever was in the cup.

It was a coke. No booze.

I looked back up at Damian, who was smirking.

"Don't think I'd be selling alcohol to a minor, no sir!" He said, chuckling as he walked away.

I realized that I never told Ian about how I knew Justin. I guess it just never came up. I laughed, shaking my head before downing the rest of the drink and headed out. Kathy was petting Luxray, much to his enjoyment, as I approached her. She got up, a broad smile on her face.

"So, how'd it go?" She asked me.

"You're looking at the newest waiter in town." I said, smiling.

Kathy squealed and, unexpectedly, pulled me into a hug. I laughed as I hugged her back and she let go. "Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything, dear!"

"I won't!" I said, laughing as I turned to go.

"Bye, cutie!" She said.

Confused, I turned and looked back and saw that she was waving to Luxray, not me. I breathed a sigh of relief as we left and laughed. Somehow, the sun seemed brighter.

"Luxray?" My friend growled up to me.

"Got the job, buddy." I said, kneeling down and hugging him. Luxray lent me his head for as long as I needed it, and it was nice to be able to hug someone for as long as you needed to. I got up and straightened out my hoodie. "Time to find a place to stay."

Luckily, the wonders of having a phone quickly became apparent. I was able to find three apartments, all within my price range and all within Opelucid City. I chose the cheapest one, because I didn't exactly have the highest standards, and called the landlord. That was a bit of an understatement, actually. I thought about calling the landlord maybe seventeen times, had her number on my phone, just waiting to press call about six times and the only reason I decided to bother her was because I desperately needed a job and, well... no apartment, no job.

She sounded tired and rough.

"Yes?" Was all she said.

"Hey, um... I saw that you had an apartment for rent?"

"What about it?"

"Well, I was looking for a place to live immediately." I hoped she could hear the desperation in my voice.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a waiter."


"Based on t-tips, but usually around seven, maybe eight hundred a week?"


"I've... uh... been a Pokemon trainer for the past year. None."

"Emmm..." She said, before taking a deep breath. "Are you quiet?"

"As a mouse."

"Alright. Don't make me regret taking you in." She said. She listed off the address and I thanked her profusely before she hung up.

She was a bit of an asshole, but I fucking had a place to live! Luxray and I quickly went across town to where the apartment was; only a thirty minute walk from the restaurant. I buzzed the name she told me to buzz, and I heard a loud, grumpy voice.

"Who is it?"

"Marc. We were just on the phone?"

"You're fast, kid." She said. She didn't sound pleased.

I heard the gate unlock and Luxray and I went inside. The apartment was maybe ten stories tall and had five rooms on each side of the building. It didn't seem trashy at all, which was definitely a big factor in why I chose this apartment as opposed to the others. The front door opened and a small, fat, old lady opened the door. She was wearing an warn-down pink dress and had those large, thick rimmed crazy cat-lady glasses I've never seen anyone unironically wear before. She didn't look crazy to see me and jerked a hand inwards.

I quickly followed her in and tried to greet her, but she just waved me off.

"Your apartment's on the fourth floor, room Four H." She said and held out her hand. "First, last and security."

"How much would that be?" I asked.

"Twenty-one hundred."

I took my winnings from last night out and counted them out. That, combined with the winnings from the battles against the Elite Four, were eighteen hundred. I grew pale and she seemed to recognize that.

"I only have eighteen..." I said, giving her my best puppy-dog eyes. "I can get the rest by tonig-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just make sure that when I die, I'm sainted." She said, snatching the money out of my hand and counting it. "I usually don't allow Pokemon in my building either, but..." She looked at Luxray and smiled. "My dad had one of those so I'll allow him, and only him," She paused for a second, and looked in my eyes. For some reason, she was really quite terrifying. "to be out of his Pokeball."

"Thank you..." I said, not believing my luck.

"Yeah, whatever. Get me the money by the end of the day, or I'm kicking you out." She said, handing me the key and leaving.

"I will!" I yelled after her.

I looked down at Luxray, completely awestruck. He smiled back at me and I couldn't hold back anymore. I booped him again on the nose and he sneezed, looking at his nose in confusion. After a small laughing fit, we walked to the elevator and up to the fourth floor we went.

The hallway had a brown carpet, with nicotine stained white paint, but at least the place smelled a bit fresher than the hotel. It might have had something to do with all the air fresheners out and about, but whatever.


The door was wooden, with a bronze doorknob. The "H" in 4H was falling loose and I decided I would fix it myself once I was situated. I unlocked the door and walked in. It was a little small, but it was still more than enough. There was a short hallway, big enough for a small coat closet, before it led to a large room. It was a studio, so that was it. The kitchen and everything else for food was on the bottom left most wall and I was glad to see I wouldn't need to be buying a fridge or stove or anything like that. The apartment was completely empty, save for the appliances, however. The walls were brick and white and the floor looked like it was made of very old wood. In the corner of the apartment was a door, which I guessed led to a bathroom. I was right, and saw a small toilet, sink and one-man shower inside.

"Holy shit..." I said again. I didn't like swearing, but... this apartment was lit.

"Lux!" Luxray exclaimed as he laid down in some sunlight.

I could already see how I would situate everything. A TV here, a bed there... I would store my clothing in the coat closet to save space, especially since all you needed for winter around here was a windbreaker at most. I walked around the apartment for a bit, before looking down at Luxray. He was lying down like he was yesterday, legs wide and open for me to look at. He was smiling. He knew what was up.

I don't know why this was, but for some reason, this day was fucking awesome. Be it a cosmic apology for that fall yesterday, or just my past life being one of pious deeds and good work towards the betterment of humanity that had now come back to help me, this day was just...

Too good for words.

After my clothing was in a bundle on the floor, I sat down and fondled Luxray a little bit. He wasn't playing around like he was yesterday; he pretty much instantly got an erection.

What to do, what to do...

I could suck him off again.

That was fun. Maybe he could lick me off...

Or maybe...

I stuck my finger in my mouth and slobbered all over it and brought it to his rear. I stuck it in and my heart beat a little faster as I felt it contract around me. Luxray's cock visibly pulsed and I could tell from the groans in his throat that he was happy.

I pushed it in and out of his asshole for a little while, getting used to his heat, the strength at which he contracted with and felt around as much as possible inside him. It was amazing how tight he was. Luxray was a big Pokemon and... well, imagining me sticking my cock in his rear just gave me an erection, especially when I thought about what the heat would feel like. I began to imagine that my finger was my cock, which only made me harder.

I made him flip over and dragged his rear close to my face. It didn't smell bad at all, just more of that woodsy, ozony essence. I was sitting cross-legged and grabbed his hind quarters and gave his furrowed hole a small taste. My mind must have blocked out any bad tasting thing, because as I licked, I didn't taste anything I would regret. As I explored his creased hole, I began slowly dipping my tongue into it every now and again. He would give a small groan at times and I felt something drip onto my leg.

I looked down and saw that he was leaking precum.

Good. That'll come in handy later.

I began to eat his ass out with a renewed vigor, not afraid of anything that he could possibly do to me. My tongue dipped in and out of him, licking him clean and spitting what remained into his asshole. As I licked and poked in, I grabbed his erect cock and slowly began to stroke him off. I expected it and he gave it to me; small little bucks. Nothing too harsh, he was just enjoying himself. I kept pushing in and could feel him contrast on my tongue when I brought it deeper and deeper into him.

Not before long, as usual, I could feel him rhythmically contrasting on my tongue. Patters of cum fell to the floor and he was panting heavily, as if begging to be fucked by me.

Only once I decided he had had enough, I pushed him down. Luxray allowed me to move him around until his twitching cock was up in the air with the rest of his body. He looked at me, smiling broadly as I brought my cock close to his asshole.

I returned the smile as I pushed my cock in and groaned loudly. I thought I was used to his pressure; after all, I had been eating his asshole out for the past five minutes and fingering him before that, but as I stretched him out by shoving my erection into him, he showed me just how wrong I was.

I grabbed his paws for support as I rammed my cock deep inside him and once our pelvises met fully, I was surprised to see him ejaculating yet again. I started to laugh and grabbed his cock, beating him off further as he yipped in pleasure.

"We're just getting started, boy." I said, pulling my cock out to the tip.

Luxray grunted as I shoved it back in and began to work into a slight rhythm. As I fucked him, I was mesmerized by the bouncing of his balls as they jiggled up and down with each thrust. He was a lot warmer than my tongue led me to believe, but what surprised me the most was just how tight this gigantic Pokemon was. When I felt around with my finger, I guess it had felt bigger than it really was, but after sticking my cock in and pulling it completely out, I could tell that it wasn't.

I leaned on his legs as I fucked him, which enabled me to fuck him harder, my balls slamming into his tail with loud whumps as I dove into him. He started to gently purr as he was fucked and the intense rumbling caused his asshole to start to vibrate. I yelped as it added another whole dimension to this experience and began to fuck just a tiny bit quicker.

Luxray couldn't stand it, however and again, more cum spurted out from his cock. I didn't help beat him off, because as he was shooting his load again, he was contracting and, like a Ekans to its prey, was suffocating my cock in his warm flesh. I caught a groan in my mouth and turned it into a grunt as I tried and failed, to pull my cock out. He was just too tight.

Whenever I tried to pull out, his muscles just pulled me right back in against my will and it actually felt amazing. It was something I didn't even know was possible, but fuck, I was glad it was.

His asshole eventually stopped literally milking my cock and I was able to pull out, much to my dismay. Luxray looked down at me, smirking and I giggled.

"That was fun!" I said, pushing my cock back in. "Do it again!"

"?" He didn't understand.

"Squeeze that booty!" I said, laughing.

Luxray obliged and I moaned loudly as he somehow was able to exert more pressure on my cock. I couldn't pull it out more than an inch before he sucked it back into his rear and this was really what got me.

I tightly hugged his legs together, resting my face on his thighs as he milked the orgasm from my cock. Panting loudly, I didn't hold back and shot my load deep inside him. Luxray held my cock deep in his rear and laid his front paws around my shoulders as I came inside him. His claws gently scratched my back as ropes of cum blasted into his large intestine, and I couldn't help but shiver.

Once the orgasm had died down to a manageable level, I tried pulling my cock out, but no such luck. Luxray looked deviously at me and only squeezed harder. I tried pulling out again and again, but nothing worked.

"Can... can you let me out?" I said, whimpering.

Luxray shook his head and the smile was there. That devious smile. I sighed and resigned to dying inside him. No big deal.

It took a few minutes, but eventually I became flaccid enough to pull out myself.

"Ha!" I said, my soft cock jiggling as I rose to my feet. "Take that!"

Luxray got up and walked towards me. He didn't stop and I had to back up a bit. Again, he offered no quarter and kept moving towards me. I knew the look on his face; he was about to pounce on his prey. I gulped.

I was the prey.

My rear hit the countertop.

Luxray pawed me, gently turning me around. I let him and put both my hands on the countertop. Paws were on my shoulders in a matter of seconds, and his large head was looking at me from my shoulder. I nodded and opened my legs as wide as I felt comfortable.

I had ever had anything up my rear; I was always too scared to put anything up there. My fear didn't subside at this point. As his cock poked my frightened hole, I realized that it might have been a bad idea to let Lux-


Luxray, with no warning, nor any sound at all, shoved his entire length into me, up to his knot. The pain was indescribably awful, feeling like a hot iron had been shoved up as far as I could go. I screamed and my knuckles turned white from how hard I gripped the countertop, but I didn't move away. I wanted to, but I didn't, for Luxray.

I could feel him quivering as his cock rested deep inside me and I looked over at him to see his eyes tightly closed and his teeth gnashing against each other. I gave him a small kiss on his muzzle and nodded when he looked at me.

Luxray nodded back and began to fuck me.

Moaning was all I could do to stop from screaming like a girl as his barbed cock dragged in and out of me. It was pain, definitely, but pain I wanted to feel for him. As I was fucked like how I imagine Luxray would fuck one of his own kind, I slightly began to enjoy it. His barbs tickled my asshole as they left and the knot that pushed against my ass gave me something to fear afterwards. I didn't know if I was physically able to take his knot inside me, but I was willing to try, for him.

He began to pick up speed and I started to cry a little as his balls smacked into mine. His cock was able to reach places I didn't even know I had, which was something completely else. I grabbed onto his paws that were on my shoulder and held on for dear life as I was nearly slammed down into the kitchen counter from his weight. This position seemed to give him a better vantage point, because, I swear, he was able to push even deeper inside of me.

He began to slowly moan his name over and over again and I began to moan it was well. His cock was now slamming into me at what I assumed was as fast as he could, because that was sure what it felt like. I couldn't feel the tickling of the barbs anymore, only the near constant motion of having a close to nine inch member ramming into my freshly broken-in asshole. I took my member in my hand as he fucked me and wildly began to jerk off. The saliva and cum from my own time with him was more than enough lubrication and very soon, even as he fucked me, slamming, his cock deep inside my asshole, I couldn't help but shoot my load onto the counters.

Luxray soon slowed down and I felt him push a bit harder and harder against me. What was he doing? I looked down and saw his large balls dwarfing mine and realized that they were doing that cute little pulsing thing they did when he was about to cum.

Oh shit...

With a roar from Luxray that nearly deafened me, I felt him slowly, but surely, push my asshole to its limits. Nanometer by nanometer, his knot was pushed inside me and I began to pant wildly like he was doing. With a final, rough shove, my own biology took care of it and sucked the knot in.

I kept screaming as quietly as I could; the pain was unreal, but holy shit was it worth it. Luxray began to whimper and fill my asshole up with his seed and I couldn't help but start to cry as he bit down on my shoulder.

His teeth were too close to biting into me, but I tried to bear through it. I could feel my abdomen swelling with him cum as he shot more and more into me and I looked down again, watching in delight as his balls pulled upwards, emptying their weight into me, before falling downwards, spent for a few seconds. I couldn't help but watch in amazement; I thought I had drained him out last night with that blowjob, but apparently not. It felt like my ass was about to burst, but his biology prevented that from happening with that huge knot of his. I gasped in surprise when I felt some of the tension in my ass being relieved. I looked down, but saw that he was still knotted inside my asshole, and realized that his cum was making its way further inside me than I realized.

Once his massive load was shot into me, he slowly let go of my shoulder, and I whimpered and my hand shot up to it and felt the deep grooves from his teeth.

"Lux..." He panted, seemingly apologizing.

I didn't respond, just pulled him in for another one of those awkward kisses that didn't seem to work for him as well as they did for me. He licked my cheek in response and, for the millionth time, I giggled.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" I said, looking behind at him.

Luxray just looked at me, his red and yellow eyes seemingly not comprehending the question. I sighed and slowly rose to my full height. Luxray held onto my shoulders and baby-walked with me as I went over to the sunlight. It must have been quite the sight to see if there were any peeping toms.

I got on my hands and knees, working with Luxray the entire time so I didn't hurt him. Once there, we collapsed as one and I laid with him there, on the floor. One of his paws rested on my shoulder, the other I laid my head on. His knot was still deep inside my ass and, if I was honest with myself, I was scared to try and take it out.

It was definitely a good thing that Ian told me to come to work when I was ready, otherwise it definitely would have been an interesting shift. Luxray moved his head downwards along the floor until it was resting on mine and I smiled, reaching up and scratching as best I could behind his ear as we cuddled.

"I love you, buddy. You know that?" I asked.

"Luxray." He licked me and I licked back.

Now it was his turn to laugh and boy, did he. We laughed together, on the floor, as one for who knows how long. I didn't mind anymore that the Champion beat me so thoroughly. I didn't mind that I had fallen off a cliff, or had become a failure in the eyes of the public. I didn't mind that my destiny was waiting tables and serving food.

I had Luxray.

I had his long, crazy bed head. I had his deep, wonderful purrs when I scratched him behind his big dumb ears. I had him to live with and to become whatever came after best friends forever. Best of all, though, I had his giant knotted cock deep inside my ass and, at the end of the day, is there anything better than a twelve inch, barbed, knotted cock inside your cum-flooded body?

This waiter doesn't think so.

Thank you for reading!

Just to let you know, I have a discord server. If you want to offer a suggestion - which I'll most likely write - or read the stories as I write them, it would be a good idea to join it! The code to join it is "x4ppb4j". All you do is get on Discord, hit "Join a Server," and enter that code, and that's it! You'll be in!

What You Mean to Me, Chapter 13

Hot spring... It was all Hilda had wanted since she had started her Pokemon journey. She had dreamt of it as she battled gym leader and Pokemon trainer alike, but an opportunity to go to the Unova Hot Springs never arose. It was a travesty of...

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Embers, Part Two

Cinderace opened his eyes and frowned, shutting them again. It was too early to wake up but his new trainer, as well as Char, were shaking the futon all to hell. He sat up and winced; his asshole felt like it was on fire. Char's chuckles came from the...

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What You Mean to Me, Chapter 10

Emma sat down on the porch outside her house, a book in one hand and an icy cold glass of tea in the other. It was a perfect day out; seventy-two degrees and enough clouds to where one could see the sky, but was offered natural shade. The door opened...

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