Wild Night

Story by Dirty Little Secret on SoFurry

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#22 of Complete Stories

A researcher at a remote facility for the study of rare and unknown diseases finds himself with a particularly perplexing patient: an anthro vixen who behaves as if she's a wild animal. It doesn't help that he's a fox just like her and she obviously has the hots for him. And for someone who seems completely unintelligent, she has quite the talent for escaping from her enclosure...

M (fox) x F (fox). Shameless nudity, animal-like behavior, non-con, somnophilia, knotting, possible impregnation. 5147 words in 1 chapter.

Cover art made using DON'T YOU WANA BALLOON GEORGIE!? by Animew. Used with permission.

Doctor Neils stood with his arms crossed, observing patient number 224 in her room ... or rather, her cell. 224 - or 'Tutu' as she'd been very unofficially nicknamed - was called that by everyone in this medical research facility because nobody had any idea what her actual name might be. She was an anthro fox just like him, but she didn't act like it. She acted like a wild fox, like a feral.

And that was why she was currently locked up in this hastily assembled chain link cage, complete with padlock _and_combination lock. Because for someone who showed no outward signs of intelligence, she had quite the disturbing propensity for escaping her enclosure.

At the moment, she paced endlessly back and forth, back and forth, along the edge of the cage closest to him. She was completely naked, of course, as always. Her eyes were always on him. Tutu had shown nothing but aggression and fear to any of the other researchers or facility staff, but to Doctor Neils, she showed... Well, there was no getting around it: she showed intense and absolutely uninhibited sexual attraction. This morning - as with most mornings - she'd greeted him by running up to the bars of her cage, turning around, and bending over with her tail raised, displaying the white fur of her inner thighs and the hot pink slit in the middle of her vulva.

Ever since then, as she was now, she paced back and forth along the edge of the cage closest to him as if seeking a way around it so she could get to him.

Evidently, though, she'd been pacing long enough at this point to tire. She took a break from her ceaseless patrol of the cage's edge and instead loped over to the far corner of the cage, where she'd been given a bucket of water. She drank out of it by shoving her head right down into the bucket, lapping it up. Her white hair drooped down around her face, some of it falling into the water. The staff had offered her non-breakable cups, of course, but she tended to spill them as she tried to drink the same way she was now. So now Tutu drank out of a bucket the staff could refill with a hose.

Quietly, Doctor Wellson opened the room's outer door and slipped in next to Doctor Neils. He wasn't quiet enough, though. The moment he came in, Tutu's head shot up, splashing water inside and outside her cage. When she saw him, she scrambled over to the other corner, with what passed for her bed, and crouched low on top of the bare mattress, growling at him.

Doctor Wellson was a tiger, which seemed to draw an especially high level of fear reaction from Tutu. He glanced over at Doctor Neils for a moment, then back at Tutu. "Anything new?"

Doctor Neils sighed. "No, nothing. Even at seventy milligrams, the Olanzapine doesn't seem to be accomplishing anything at all. Well, except the nausea."

"More vomiting?" The tiger said, brushing his squeaky-clean lab coat disapprovingly.

"We had to tranq her last night so the nurses could clean it up."

Doctor Wellson grunted and took his hospital-issued tablet out of his pocket, tapping out a note to himself on it. "Well, I think we have to admit it, then. Anti-psychotics just aren't going to work in this case."

Trying to be inconspicuous, Doctor Neils attempted to get a look at the tablet screen. He was decidedly unsuccessful. "Has her blood work come back yet?"

"Just saw the report in my email this morning. No traces of drug use ... well, besides what we've been pumping into her. No unusual antibodies or bacteria, either."

Shaking his head, Doctor Neils stared through the cage at Tutu. "So ... we move on to behavioral therapy, then?"

Tutu darted forward with a snarl, slamming against the side of the cage closest to Doctor Wellson. She leapt back as if the metal burned her, rebounding straight back to the imagined safety of her bed, where she growled at him again.

"Behavioral therapy, with that?" Doctor Wellson looked at him aghast.

"Joking, joking. Sheesh - lighten up a little bit, old-timer." He hadn't actually been joking, not really. But Doctor Wellson didn't need to know that. Despite himself, Doctor Neils had to admit taking a bit of a personal interest in Tutu. It had nothing to do with the way her alluringly naked body looked. So fit and lithe, every muscle chiseled and accentuating her youthful-looking curves in the perfect way. No, of course not. Tutu was a unique case, even among the patients in a facility dedicated to the study of rare and unknown conditions. And besides that, he took a personal interest in her especially _because_nobody else seemed to like her. He felt that he had to stand up for her sometimes. And, of course, again, it had nothing to do with her being one of the most gorgeous little vixens he'd ever seen. That would be unprofessional of him. Instead, he asked Doctor Wellson, "What would you suggest, then?"

"An animal trainer?"

Doctor Neils' jaw dropped.

"Joking," Doctor Wellson said quickly. "Looks like I'm not the only one who needs to lighten up."

Doctor Neils actually did manage to laugh a little bit at that. "Do you think we could finally get that functional MRI I asked for?"

With a groan, Doctor Wellson put his tablet away and looked back up at Tutu. "It's going to be a hell of a time getting her to stay still inside the scanner while she's conscious." He sighed. "And we'll have to transport her to Northern Family, since our machine _still_hasn't been fixed. But I suppose now that we're fairly sure she isn't contagious, that option is back on the table... It'll be difficult, but we could--"

A knock came from the door. Tutu growled at it.

Doctor Wellson went over to the door, peering out through the narrow, steel mesh reinforced window in it. "Ah," he said. "It's Mister Edwyn. Come on - I'm sure he'd like to meet you."

With a shrug, Doctor Neils followed him out into the hallway. Just outside, he found a huge woodchuck in a business casual suit, along with a cute doe with a clipboard.

The doe looked over at the room number, then down at her notes. "Okay, this is patient 224. Female fox, unknown age, unknown condition." She looked up again, at the two doctors, as if surprised to see them there. "Oh! And this is Doctor Wellson and..." She checked her list again, running her finger down it. "And Doctor Neils."

Doctor Wellson pushed Doctor Neils in front of him. "Here, I'd like you to meet Mister Charles Edwyn, our new patients' rights inspector."

"Call me Chuck," the woodchuck said, reaching for a handshake that Doctor Neils automatically returned. "And, yes, I've heard all the jokes. Before you ask, the answer is, 'As much wood as I damn well feel like chucking.' Good to meet you! I'm just making my rounds through the facility, getting to know everybody. You know, the usual."

"Oh, well, um..." Doctor Neils fumbled for a response to all that. "Welcome to our facility, then. Great to meet you, too." Honestly, he was more interested in getting to know that doe acting as his secretary, but since nobody had volunteered an introduction for her, that might have to wait.

"So, a completely unknown condition, hm? Sounds fascinating." The woodchuck rubbed his hands together. "Is she awake? Do you think I could have a quick chat with her?"

"Uh..." Doctor Neils winced. There had to be some excuse to avoid that. He knew Tutu's conditions would look terrible. What should he say?

Doctor Wellson came to the rescue, putting his big, meaty hand on Doctor Neils' shoulder. "She's, well ... she's not particularly talkative..."

"Just a quick visit, then." Mister Edwyn chuckled. "I don't want to make a nuisance of myself, of course, but I do need to check up on things."

"Oh..." Doctor Wellson glanced worriedly at Doctor Neils. "Of course..." He opened the room's door. "Come on in."

All four of them filed in, with Mister Edwyn insisting on holding the door for everyone and following in last. But when he saw Tutu growling in her cage, he gasped. "Why... Why is she in a cage? Why is she ... naked?"

Doctor Wellson sighed. "We've provided her with clothing, but she shows no interest in wearing it."

Feeling compelled to back him up, Doctor Neils added, "We even tried putting clothing on her once while she was sedated, but she just ripped it off as soon as she woke up."

"Ugh!" Mister Edwyn held his nose. "And is that _piss_I smell?" His eyes went wide and he pointed to a puddle in one corner of the cage. "Yes! That's ... that's a puddle of it right there! Why haven't you provided her with--"

Doctor Wellson cut him off before he could go into a tirade. "We tried providing her with a toilet, but she just drank the water out of it."

"And her bed!" Mister Edwyn pointed to that. "It's a disgrace! How is she supposed to sleep in that?"

Looking at the state of Tutu's bed, Doctor Neils had to agree. She'd stripped it down to the bare mattress, and the now-torn pillows and sheets were arranged in kid of a rough circular nest around the middle, where she currently crouched, snarling at them. "Yes, it's a mess," he admitted. "But we try to avoid involving housekeeping more than necessary. She has to be sedated every time they go in there, and too much of that isn't good for her."

Mister Edwyn gradually drew closer to the cage, but Doctor Wellson held an arm out, stopping him before he got too close. "Careful," Doctor Wellson said. "She bites."

Brushing Doctor Wellson's arm out of the way, Mister Edwyn came even closer to the chain link of the cage, pressing his hands against it as he peered inside. "This is appalling - absolutely appalling, and completely unacceptable! Exactly the sort of abuse I'm supposed to--"

Tutu sprang up from her bed, lunging at him. He barely managed to pull himself away from the cage in time to avoid a nip from her sharp teeth. She yipped at him, snarling and flinging bits of spittle everywhere before bounding back to her bed, where she hunched down behind the rough row of blankets and shredded pillows.

His hands shaking, Mister Edwyn slowly wiped little bits of spit off his face. "It's... It's not contagious, is it?"

Doctor Neils offered him a paper towel from one of the cupboards every room in this facility had. "As far as we can tell, no. No evidence of infection of any kind, actually."

Mister Edwyn dunked the soiled paper towel into the wastebasket with visible disgust. "So I presume she'll be transferred to Northern Family Psychiatric soon?"

Doctor Neils winced, but Doctor Wellson came up next to him, backing him up with his big, imposing, tigerish presence. "We do have a few more tests we want to run first before we can be sure it's a purely psychiatric condition."

With a shudder, Mister Edwyn turned and fumbled for the door handle. "Well, keep my office informed on this case." He glanced back at Tutu one last time. "Hopefully we can do something for this poor girl..."

The doe followed him out, but took a moment before leaving to look at the two doctors. "Thank you. I've been trying to figure out how to tell him about 224 for days now. You did well."

When the door shut behind her, Doctor Neils turned toward Doctor Wellson.

Doctor Wellson shook his head. "We will have to transfer her to psychiatric care soon if we don't find evidence of something physically wrong with her."

"I know, I know..."

He patted Doctor Neils on the shoulder on his way out of the room. "Just don't get too attached, okay?"

As Doctor Neils settled into bed in his cramped room in the facility's staff quarters, he couldn't stop himself from thinking back over the day, especially Tutu.

He wished he could get her out of his head, but every time he closed his eyes, there was that image of her, bent over for him right against the edge of the cage, her tail high and that white strip of belly fur on display underneath, culminating in that little twinned bump between her shockingly toned ass cheeks...

Ugh, and there it was again. He was getting a boner! His pajama pants were already tenting up so much it was visible through the blanket!

Rolling over and pulling his blanket over his head, he admonished himself over and over again not to think about Tutu. But no matter what his brain said, his body kept responding to those sexual displays of hers: Vixen ready for breeding! Vixen ready for breeding! There was just no getting around it.

Should he jerk himself off in an attempt to get to sleep? No. No no no - he didn't want to encourage this kind of thinking. And he knew that if he masturbated while thinking of her, it would only make this unhealthy fixation of his worse.

No ... he needed to get to sleep the old fashioned way. Even if it took him all night.

In a hazy approximation of an office, one that actually resembled the offices at med school more than his facility's, Doctor Neils reclined and played with that doe's lovely, lovely breasts. Each one just the right size for his hands. She was naked, and he had no recollection of why, but that didn't matter. He just wanted to enjoy it.

At some level, of course, he knew he was dreaming ... but he also didn't want the dream to end. _Such_a nice dream... She slid down the front of him, and the pants he'd been wearing just kind of went away. Somehow he was still easily able to reach and play with her lovely tits even as she bent her head down and licked his red cock.

Now it was like the chair he'd been sitting in was a recliner, and he could lean himself all_the way back. The doe plunged her mouth down over and over again on his cock, taking him all the way to the hilt. And even though she was way down there between his legs, he _still could play with her wonderful little boobies, teasing her nipples with his thumbs ... maybe he'd suckle them a little? Maybe there were two does? Yes, two... That made sense, that was why he could feel one sucking him while he enjoyed the other's breasts...

And it felt so real, especially the suction. He could feel her grip around the base of his cock - so rough and authoritative for such a demure looking doe. The heat and wetness of her tongue, the excess of it soaking into his fur along his thighs. Even the loud slurping sounds she made. So real, so...

Groggily, he opened his eyes. He was still in his bed. Kind of cold... His blanket was gone. The wonderful tits he'd been playing with vanished away into the fog of forgotten dreams. But the blowjob didn't. It was more real than ever!

With a start, he shot up and looked down at himself.

Tutu met his gaze, her eyes shining in the dark. His cock was in her mouth!

Too stunned to move, he stared down at her, his mouth gaping. No - no, this wasn't possible! How did she get out? How did she track him? Oh yiff - his door was open!

When he didn't do anything else, she resumed her blowjob, eagerly and messily sucking at him. She was completely and utterly without skill and nuance, but her single-minded passion led her to push herself down on him recklessly. Her fingers gripped around his base almost cruelly, pumping him for all he was worth.

"W-what are you doing?" he whispered.

No use. Was she even able to understand speech? But she did_suddenly look up into his face again, this time with an altogether different gleam in her eyes. He cringed at the sight of her sharp teeth around his cock. She hadn't hurt him _yet, but it would be so easy for her to do it, and his mind kept flashing back to the way she'd snapped at people from her cage.

Tutu pulled her mouth off his cock, but before he could move or do anything, she pounced up on top of him, pinning his shoulders back down to the bed.

Doctor Neils collapsed back down onto his bed, barely able to breathe as he felt Tutu's weight pinning him down. She was so strong! A drop of drool fell from her mouth and splatted down against his nightshirt.

Her hips moved, rubbing against him. He felt the intense warmth of her against his lower belly, just above his crotch, and then... Oh! Oh yiff!

The wet heat of Tutu's pussy touched directly against the sensitive skin of his cock. That_was the moment he finally realized what she was up to. Those sexual displays of hers hadn't been just for show! And now she meant to _take him!

For just a brief moment, he was paralyzed by that realization. And that moment was all she needed. Before he could bring himself to struggle or throw her off of himself, she found the right spot and pushed.

To his own shame, Doctor Neils actually whimpered_a little as he felt his cock sliding - unprotected! - into that unmistakable velvety-slick embrace of Tutu's inner heat. She slid all the way down his cock seemingly effortlessly, taking him down to the hilt in one go. And once she was there, she simply went _berserk.

Tutu rocked wildly back and forth on top of his cock, making the whole bed shake and creak. His neighbors in the adjoining rooms must have been hearing it! But she didn't stop, even as some part of the bed cracked and the creaking grew louder. Her claw-like fingernails dug into his shoulders as she forced herself on him, her hips jerking wildly.

He'd never had anything even remotely like this before. Sure, girls had ridden him before, but never like this. She was ferocious! It never seemed to be enough for her.

He lost himself. Any part of him that wanted this to stop was washed away by the incredible slick warmth of her pussy, the soft and squeezing embrace of her inner walls as she milked him for all he was worth. Even the look of animalistic lust in her eyes was a part of it, calling up an answering feeling of lust in himself, a drive to breed regardless of the consequences. It was something he absolutely would have denied at any other time ... but now, with this vixen churning his stiff cock inside herself, there was no denying it. Who knew what was going on in her mind ... but what was going on in her body called to him, and his body answered, regardless of what his mind wanted.

Hesitantly, he brought his hands closer to her, sliding up the fur of her thighs where he could feel her lithe leg muscles working hard. When she didn't object to that, he reached even further, grabbing two handfuls of her firm round ass cheeks. Yes! The image of her presenting to him flashed in his mind again, and this time he didn't suppress it. Now he was living it. This was what that perfect little ass of hers felt like! This is what it felt like to be inside her pussy. This is what it felt like to have his tip kissing directly against the entrance of her unprotected and fertile womb!

With one hand still on her insistently flexing ass, he slid the other up her body. Her belly was so smooth and toned, the side of her waist so firm and graspable ... but that wasn't really what he was reaching for, now was it? When his hand finally cupped Tutu's breast, he moaned. Yes, now that was it! Despite being quite a bit bigger than the tits of that doe he'd been dreaming about, Tutu's were firm and bouncy. As he ran his hand over both of her lovely swells, her gyrating movements on his lap made them move in his hand, jiggling and shaking just perfectly. Honestly, the best pair of tits he'd ever touched. Her pink nipples just barely_pressed down into the softness of her breast when he pressed on them with his thumb, and the way her tits jutted proudly out from her chest was just _heartbreaking ... so perfect and round! He could barely believe they weren't fake.

Soon, though, he had to move his hand down to her waist, desperately trying to hold on as she went faster and faster. She writhed against him absolutely viciously, her nails digging in hard against his shoulders as she jittered in place in his lap. And as her breathing grew more and more frantic, she punctuated it with deep, grunting, and animalistic yowls that Doctor Neils was sure would bring somebody bursting through the open door of his room.

No one came, though, at least not yet.

Was she ... was she about to get off? His eyes went wide as he stared up at her. She stared right back down at him, her eyes full of a burning, passionate need that grew and grew.

A moment later, there was no doubt. She pressed herself tightly against him, and her whole body went stiff and still. Between her clenched teeth, she let out a strained little growling sound as her inner walls spasmed around his cock. A little bit of syrupy-warm juices flowed down over his sheath and balls. She was so tight when her pussy clenched down on him like that!

When the stiffness of her orgasm left her, Tutu simply dropped to the side, no longer able to hold herself up. His cock bent sideways for a moment, then slipped out of her.

That left him in the awkward position of lying there on his bed, his pajama pants down around his knees and his cock wet, just trying to catch his breath and come to terms with what had happened to him.

Despite how utterly obliterated she'd been a moment before, Tutu actually recovered before he did. She got up on her hands and knees beside him on the bed, arching her back downward so that her ass stuck up in the air, her fluffy reddish tail held high above.

It was just like the way she'd presented to him at the edge of the cage. His cock twitched in anticipation. Slowly, almost reverently, he raised a hand and ran it over the taut curve of her ass cheek. So perfect and round...

Yiff it. If this was going to happen, he was going to enjoy it.

Raising up on the bed, he first reached down and pulled his pants down past his ankles, then he got up on his knees behind her.

Tutu glanced back over her shoulder at him, grinning savagely when she saw him coming up behind her. With little shuffling hops, she pushed herself back toward him, edging her perfect ass and needy, dripping pussy closer and closer.

Doctor Neils closed that last little bit of distance himself, grabbing her hips firmly in both hands to hold her still as he nudged his cock into position, to the point where his tip touched right between the pink lips of her pussy.

He probably should have hesitated, taken a moment to debate the ethics of what he was about to do, give himself time to come to his senses ... but he didn't. There was no question in his mind about what was going to happen next: he pushed his hips forward. Tutu's slick wet pussy lips easily spread around the narrow tip of his cock, and the more he pushed, the more of his stiff red length slid smoothly back inside her.

When his hips bumped up against her ass cheeks, hilting his cock all the way inside her, Doctor Neils let out an animalistic little growl of his own. It felt so good to finally claim her like this! When was the last time he'd had sex without a condom? Not since he broke up with his long-term girlfriend years ago. The slick wet warmth of Tutu's pussy surrounded his entire cock, and he could feel every little detail of her.

He ran his hands up and down the lithe curves of her back as he began to thrust inside her, finally giving her the cock she'd always been begging him for.

With every push he made into her, she let out a little moaning breath, as if he was squeezing it out of her with his cock. He'd been with girls who made sounds like that before, but he'd always thought they were - at least on some level - doing it just for show. Now, though, he knew that she really meant it. There was no artifice to Tutu, nothing faked. Every little moan and sigh she made was absolutely genuine, an expression of how she really felt from having his cock moving inside her.

Somehow, that made this connection with someone who barely qualified as sapient _more_intimate than he'd had with almost anyone in his whole life. He gave himself over to her, pounding into her pussy in just the right way to intensify those enchanting little noises she made. It just thrilled him to no end to hear how much she was enjoying it.

Of course, she wasn't the only one enjoying it. The sweet sensation of Tutu's inner walls slipping along his shaft was having its inevitable effect. Now that he was in control of the pacing, he couldn't help but to go just at the kind of rhythm he liked the most, and soon he wasn't able to push all the way into her any more - the base of his cock swelled into a big round knot that bumped against her pussy lips over and over, not able to squeeze fully inside.

Not yet, at least. As he felt his climax approaching, he shifted his grip down from her waist to her hips, clutching her tightly. And he pushed.

Tutu yowled out louder than ever, in a cry that sounded almost painful, but he was beyond caring about that. There was only room in his head for pussy - in! - _breed!_A moment later, under the strain of him pushing as hard as he could, his knot squeezed its way into her pussy, wedging its way just inside her entrance. She pushed back hard against him, as if begging for more, even though he was as deeply inside her as he could physically be.

That didn't stop _him_from pushing either, mindlessly shoving for deeper and deeper even though there was no more room to go. Eventually, he just held himself all the way inside her, trembling as his breath caught in his throat. He knew he was about to cum, but there wasn't a single thought in his mind about pulling out, even if that had been possible.

Tutu froze, too, holding herself tightly against him, her tail trembling. She must have felt the pressure building inside him almost as much as he did. And she let out a long, low, very satisfied sounding moan as the first stream of his cum gushed straight into her womb.

Even as he came, he could feel the sudden relaxation and peace that came over Tutu when she felt herself filled, and that feeling only grew as he pumped more and more into her. He came like he hadn't done in years, filled with the primal need to empty himself into her waiting, fertile depths. Over and over again, his cum spewed inside her, swirling and filling every last bit of available space inside her ... but not a drop leaked out - the seal of her entrance around the swell of his knot was just too tight for that. He poured himself out inside her, instinctively giving her every drop his balls could muster.

Finally, his cock twitched its last little twitch, contributing its last little drops into a pussy already swimming with cum. He breathed again, sucking in deep gasps. The room had seemed cold when he first woke up, but it was unberably hot now. Even though he was spent, his knot kept him locked inside Tutu's pussy for the moment, so he just bent down over her, intending to flop down sideways together with her and spoon her a little bit.

The moment he tried to push her over, though, she curled back around, snarling and snapping her teeth like a wild thing.

That made him instinctively jerk back away from her, and at that same moment, she pulled forward. His knot was rudely yanked free from her pussy. It hurt him a little when it squeezed out, and it must have hurt her, too, because she yelped at him, retreating to the corner of the room.

It took a moment for his heart to calm down and for him to be able to breathe again. "It's okay," he said, holding out his hand toward her. "Come on. Don't you want to come over and--"

She darted past him and out into the hallway, still completely nude, but now with his cum visibly seeping out of her pussy.

For one long moment, he just stared at the door where she'd just run out. Well, okay, that had just happened. But what should he do now?

First things first: he got out of bed, grabbed his pajama pants, and pulled them back on. Then what? Well, it was obvious, wasn't it? No matter what had just happened, he couldn't allow her to run loose through the facility. Who knew what she might do?

He turned to the old landline phone in his room, already mentally rehearsing the phone number for the security office. They'd need to put the whole place on lockdown_again_, until they could hunt her down with tranq guns ... again. His hand hesitated on the receiver of the phone for a moment. How much should he tell them? Somebody was bound to notice the creamy white cum slowly leaking out of her, given that she was stark naked. This was going to take some careful explaining...

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