Lykos 3-04 - Pack Mentality

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#51 of Lykos

LYKOSThird Age

Chapter 04 - Pack Mentality

Written by

Funded by my generous patrons.

_________________________________So much of life is change, but the act of living is adapting to that change. For some it is easy, for others nearly impossible. The movement of the masses can sweep an individual up, but sometimes a single stone can divert the course of a river. For Marco Iona and his pack, coming to grips with their place in the grand scheme may be a bigger challenge than facing the supernatural.

Lykos is continuing thanks to my amazing, generous patrons. Their support has allowed this story to flourish and grow into something new and exciting and evolving. Patrons get early access to Lykos chapters like these as well as exclusive stories. If you're interested in reading ahead and supporting other original content like this, please check out my Patreon at

Once again, thank you to everyone for making this possible!


Third Age

Chapter 4

(Pack Mentality)

Ribbons of grey clouds drifted across the sky, tearing open momentary gaps for silver morning sunlight to spill through, creating a monochromatic kaleidoscope of light and shadow across the campus. The trees were bare for winter, but their branches arched over the weathered pathway that bordered the quad. It wasn't Marco's favorite time of year in Colorado, in fact it was probably the least like home, but he'd come to embrace it... although it felt even colder in his present state.

The sound of sneakers hitting the cement in rhythmic precision punctuated the jog that Marco and Duncan were maintaining. Marco had bundled up in a burgundy sweatshirt and black sweatpants while Duncan had opted for black and neon yellow activewear that hugged his fit physique. The pack had gotten an earlier start than usual, but with a full moon coming right before Thanksgiving, it was natural for there to be a time crunch.

"Do you think that the faculty planned some of the days off just for full moons?" Marco asked. Duncan considered for a moment.

"I don't know, but back when I was on the football team, I only had to miss one game for it. Maybe they were working things behind the scenes for our benefit." Duncan said. Marco nodded a little, feeling the sting of the cold air in his nostrils and lungs.

"We're still in football season, aren't we? I mean, I never really followed it as much."

"You mean you weren't a fan of the Bighorns?!" Duncan asked, curling his fingers and holding them near his head to mimic the school mascot's horns.

"I thought the keepers tried to keep groups and stuff from having obvious wolf names so they wouldn't attract the attention of hunters..." Marco said. Duncan looked almost offended.

"The Bighorn Sheep is Colorado's official animal..." Duncan replied.

"Yeah, but like... a wolf... in sheep's clothing?" Marco smiled despite his fatigue. Duncan slowed a little, his brow furrowing a bit.

"I never thought of that." Duncan said. Marco came to a stop, panting for breath, relieved for any respite. Duncan looked over at his Alpha with a bit of worry, moving over to put a hand on his shoulder, "Are you alright, boss man?" Duncan asked. Marco looked up and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just... different." Marco replied, straightening back up, "I mean, I remember what it's like. The full moon's zenith is this afternoon. You've got a lot of energy to burn off. I used to love morning runs on days like this." Marco said, still panting before he looked into Duncan's eyes, "Be honest, were you going slower so I could keep up?" Marco asked. Duncan looked suddenly uncomfortable, shrugging a bit.

"I mean, there's no one right pace to go. There's a benefit to any speed." Duncan said. Marco gave a sad smile and leaned over to kiss Duncan's fuzzy cheek.

"How about you do what you need to do, and I'll head back to the dorm. We'll meet up for lunch, okay?" Marco asked. Duncan considered for a moment before nodding.

"Sounds good. I'm going to work up an appetite." Duncan said before he smiled and started moving again. Marco watched him round the corner and pick up speed, cutting down the path between one of the other dorms and the science building. If he headed out that way, he'd be on the nature trail in a few blocks and his trip would take him many miles. Marco controlled his breathing, forcing it in through his nose and out through his mouth. There was an importance to remaining healthy and fit, but at the moment he knew exactly where he wanted to be and what he wanted to do. Marco turned around and started back toward the dorm room at a much more measured pace.


A light glow permeated the imperceptible gaps in the plastic blinds, providing just enough illumination for Fletcher to work without overwhelming the serene, calm atmosphere of the otherwise empty space. There was something cozy about doing homework on an extra day off. The stakes were lower, the time more flexible. If necessity was the mother of invention, then procrastination was the mother of diversion. It was a natural law as far as Fletcher was concerned and in the time the text on the computer screen had remained static, he had perfected the timing on the percussive beats his two pencils elicited from the edge of his desk, creating a drum solo until the dorm room door opened. Fletcher turned, seeing Marco enter, a confused smile crossing his face.

"Are you back already? I thought you went for a run." Fletcher said, putting his pencils down and turning, his black fleece pajama pants sagging down from the harvest gold t-shirt he wore. Marco closed the door behind him before he promptly peeled off his shirt, revealing his fit and firm torso. The shirt was tossed into the hamper just inside the closet.

"Oh, I went for a run..." Marco muttered, kicking off his shoes without untying them. "I went for a run like I did any other full moon day. Went with Duncan." Marco explained, stepping onto the toe of his sock before extracting his foot from it, repeating the process with his other foot. "We made it around the creek by way of the library, then up past the music building, then part way around the quad... Running the whole way." Marco said before he worked on his pants next, dropping them to the floor. Fletcher was a little confused, but he was much more turned on.

"That's quite a distance without a break." Fletcher said softly, not wanting to interrupt whatever Marco was doing. Marco looked up, a little bit of wildness in his eyes.

"It is, isn't it?" he asked, shaking his head before he reached up and pulled off his beanie, shaking loose his smooth, long black hair that came crashing down across his shoulders, "It'd be quite a distance for anyone that wasn't supernaturally inclined." Marco said before he took a hold of his underwear and shucked them, letting them drop to the floor, joining his pants and socks and shoes in an unceremonious heap.

Marco stood there naked, the morning light nearly glowing against his bare skin. He had certainly changed after losing his lycanthropy. For one thing, his hair had changed. It was straighter and smoother, making it look longer. His chest still was hairier than many, though he didn't quite have the forest he had a month prior. Still, he had managed to stay healthy and robust. He'd come a long way since the skinny Hawaiin boy that Fletcher had met during orientation. Fletcher's fleece pajamas shifted as his erection rose to full mast.

"So, what... are you going to do now?" Fletcher asked, a bit breathy as he looked at Marco.

"I am going to do what any self-respecting college student would do after getting up early on a day off to go for a run. I am going to take a nap." Marco said, moving toward their bed. Fletcher sprung from his chair and bounded after, reaching out to rest a hand on Marco's bare hip, appreciating the curve of it, the way it led from his perfect ribs to his strong leg, all hinting at the curvaceous nature of his pert ass. Marco turned and looked back at Fletcher.

"Babe, may I just say you still look amazing?" Fletcher asked. Marco gave a subtle, satisfied growl at that as he moved to the edge of the bed and took a hold of the large navy-blue quilted blanket. After extracting the blanket from the bed, he gave it a hearty flap, unfurling it to full size. Marco pulled it around and rested it against his shoulders like a cape as he climbed up onto the bed, dragging the blanket behind to seal him in as he moved. The soft microfiber sheets welcomed him almost as much as the soft memory foam mattress did, pulling him down into it.

With a well-earned flop, Marco dropped down against the bed, his head hitting the pillow. He rolled over onto his side, looking over to Fletcher with an expectant quirk of his eyebrow. Fletcher grinned, getting the message. He left all cares for his homework behind and quickly slid in between the blanket and the mattress, snuggling up against Marco, nuzzling his boyfriend's shoulder as he got comfortable. Marco smiled and let his eyes drift shut, feeling as if things were finally the way they were meant to be... at least in one regard.

Marco felt sleep sweeping up around him quite easily, though even with his eyes shut he could sense the general glow of the morning light coming through the blinds. It was strange how the slightest light could keep him up at night, but naps almost seemed better if there was a bit of mood lighting. Maybe he wouldn't be as sensitive now that he didn't have werewolf senses anymore. Still, there were other things to busy his mind and keep it from resting.

The last week had been frustrating... Maybe even more than that, but in that moment and in that bed, Marco knew how lucky he was. He'd come so far since freshman year. He'd made a pack, he'd saved the world, and even without his powers he had an amazing family and wonderful boyfriends and he was able to live his life and be completely open and gay and happy. Marco leaned down to kiss the top of Fletcher's head, getting cozier with him. Fletcher slid an arm over Marco's waist and held on, his breathing slowing just like his heart rate did.

Marco was almost jealous of how fast Fletcher had fallen asleep, but then again, he couldn't really blame him. They had the perfect bed and they made perfect companions. Marco let out a long yawn before he settled down more. He pushed aside thoughts of the full moon, of the other werewolves, of duty and responsibility. In that moment he was just a college student having a morning nap. It only took a few more moments for Marco to join Fletcher in his slumber.


Duncan had really picked up the pace as he headed off campus, heading along the nature trail. Most of it was well traveled, even lined with bark dust and stones to keep people from venturing onto uneven terrain. There were countless classes that ensured the area closest to campus was protected, maintained and well-utilized... but Duncan wasn't close to campus anymore. With Marco heading back to his dorm, Duncan had made it some distance. The bark dust had broken down to soil and no one had bothered to mark the edges of the trail that far out. It was the edge of the wilderness, barely visited... although Duncan could tell he wasn't alone.

With the full moon on its approach, Duncan's senses were heightened. He could hear something thrashing back and forth in the woods, he could see prints of where someone had clumsily broken through the brush, and he could smell... sex. It was musky, sultry, salty and raw. He could smell the sweat, the pre, and the unmistakable scent of werewolves. Duncan flushed, his eyes shifting a bit more golden, the facial hair pushing out longer from his cheeks and chin. He looked down at his nails as they darkened and pushed into claws. He closed his hand, trying to hold it back, but the branches pushed back as a pair of golden eyes looked back at him.

"Duncan! Didn't expect to see you out here... Doing a little pre-gaming?" Ryan asked. It seemed he hadn't even bothered to pull himself back. His bare torso glistened with sweat, his dark brown hair sticking up a bit while thick, wild sideburns had pushed out of his stubble beard. His mouth was full of fangs, barely able to close over them. Duncan looked at Ryan and then past him into the clearing, hearing the unmistakable sounds of rutting.

"I was out for a run, trying to burn off some excess energy." Duncan said. Ryan grinned before gesturing back behind him.

"There are a lot more fun ways to burn off that energy. You could come hang with us, like the old days. The Alpha would love to let you have a round with the new recruit." Ryan said. Duncan hesitated a little.

"What do you mean, new recruit?" Duncan asked. Ryan chuckled.

"You should have seen him, man... He was sniffing around since the announcement, trying to figure out which one of us were wolves. Said he'd been dreaming of it all his life. I thought people were desperate to pledge the frat, but I guess the wolf pups are a whole new breed." Ryan grinned, "It's not too late, man. You could get him to imprint on you if you hurry." Ryan said. Duncan said nothing, looking at him for a moment before he pushed past. The words kept ringing in his head, bouncing around like errant tennis balls. Ryan's comments seemed so cavalier, so casual.

Duncan pushed the branches aside as he left the trail behind, stepping over a big rock and under a tree limb before he saw the clearing that the wolves had claimed. A freshman was on his hands and knees, moaning and panting, eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. His light brown hair had bleach blond highlights, but all of it had fallen across his face like a curtain. He rode forward and back, his back arched, fingers digging into the dirt. The pose was perfect, the sounds lewd. It would have looked like something out of any college-based porno if it hadn't been for the one doing the dominating - Tobin.

Claws dug into the freshman's hips, powerful arms holding him in place. A pert, muscled, ample ass slid back and forth, sending over a foot of thick, swollen, transformed werewolf cock into the bubble butt in front of him. Tobin was relishing the pleasure, letting it feed through him. His pecs were full, his abs were defined, and his biceps and triceps were thickening with each passing second. Even his hair was getting longer, pushing out from his scalp as the little tuft of hair hanging from his chin got thicker and longer.

Tobin cracked his neck one way and then the other as his ears pushed into points and his brow bone got thicker, pushing out around his eyes. His feet swelled and popped as they grew bigger and broader, longer and wider. His shoulders pushed apart, extending wider. Patches of fur began to sprout from his chest, his elbows and thickened on his legs. With just a few more thrusts he buried himself in the freshman's ass, threw his head back and howled. Ryan went to join him, wrapping a clawed hand around his own cock, jerking himself off to orgasm as his Alpha came.

Duncan watched as the freshman moaned, gasped and then screamed out in pleasure. His baby face darkened slowly as soft velvety fur began pushing out in a line down his cheeks, another strip growing out from his chin and another from his upper lip. It was modest, soft fuzz but it was something he hadn't had moments before. His ears tingled and burned as they pushed into points and when the freshman finally did open his eyes, they were an intent golden hue. The freshman moaned hard before jet after jet of cum erupted from his cock, showering down onto the crushed leaves below.

The smell of heat and sex in the air intensified and Duncan had to admit, it was getting to him. For a moment all he thought about was the experiment that Futurza had conducted on him, turning him into the perfect Beta for his Alpha, a beast intent on nothing more than sex and breeding... Duncan closed his eyes, huffing for breath, groaning as his ears pushed out into points, his beard thickened and his nipples stung as they got as hard as diamonds. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up to see Ryan.

"Why do you hold back, Duncan? It's just a full moon. Nothing wrong in playing with us. I know I can help you enjoy yourself." Ryan said. Duncan looked at the frat boy before he let out a growl and turned, pushing through the brush before he got onto the path. He took a step, then another. Each one became easier than the last. As the air cleared, so too did his mind. His fingernails lightened to grey and then ivory. His teeth flattened, his ears rounded and slowly he started easing back toward normal - but just what was that anymore anyway? What was normal now with an Alpha that was human?


Grand Mesa University had many amenities, but one of its most anemic offerings came in the form of the Travel center. Calling it a center was a bit of an exaggeration given that it was little more than a closed in glass patio with a few computers and desks tucked into the corner between one of the fraternities and the dorm Yom called his home away from home. Still, since Echo Creek had no travel agency and the closest one was in Grand Junction, it was a lot better than a long drive and Udo was doing most of the heavy lifting while Yom tried to arrange things on the phone.

"No, we can't stay more than the three days. We have to get back..." Yom explained before grimacing, "Because of our classes. We've already missed like a month." Yom explained. Udo half paid attention, although most of his focus was on the computer screen in front of him. Booking a flight for four out of Denver on a Thanksgiving weekend was a nightmare but it was made far worse by the fact that the full moon was hours before Thanksgiving Day officially started.

"No... No... Ugh, we won't be fully reverted in time for any of these." Udo muttered, his teeth sharpening a bit in his mouth.

"Yes, I'm sure..." Yom protested before growling into the phone, although he soon looked sheepish, "No mother, I did not growl at you, it was at the situation..." Yom replied. Despite being a bear of a man towering over six feet tall and sporting a beard down to his clavicle, he still knew not to cross his mother.

"There we go..." Udo said, double checking the figures before he paused, looking over his shoulder, "We can make it in time for the mud run if we upgrade to business class. Coach is full on all the flights." Udo said. Yom nodded, pulling the phone back to his ear.

"What does father think about us taking business class if it means we get there on time?" Yom asked, though his brows furrowed again, "What do you mean father isn't there?" Yom paused, "He never takes business trips before holidays. He always said family is the most important thing..." Yom said before tilting his head, "Well, yes, I do believe he might consider that a good reason to pay for business class... And he might agree with you that we have been through a lot and deserve it." Yom said, smiling a bit more, "Mama ya lyublyu tebya." he said gently before hanging up the phone.

"Business class?" Udo asked.

"Business class." Yom replied, moving over to rest a hand on Udo's shoulder. Udo smiled at that, reaching up with one hand to pat his before resuming his work.

"So Anatoli isn't at home?" Udo asked. Yom grimaced a bit.

"Mom was a bit upset about it. She says he went on a business trip last minute about a week ago, but the rest of the family is already there. She has half of them peeling potatoes." Yom reported. Udo chuckled.

"Is that easier or harder as the claws come out?" Udo asked. Yom smirked at that, but he turned, watching as the Travel Center's printer came to life, starting to spit out their travel confirmation. Udo finished up his work and logged out, moving over to grab their passes.

"Should we head back?" Yom asked. Udo shook his head.

"I think we need to grab some new luggage first, and something nice for your mother. After all, we're bringing another hungry wolf to dinner on top of the usual." Udo said. Yom smiled more broadly.

"You'll make a fine honorary son." Yom said. Udo laughed at that.

"Well, you know what they say. The heart is the only container that can grow to hold everything. If Marya didn't have enough sons already, she's going to feel like it this weekend." Udo said before he turned off the lights, pulling the door shut behind them after Artyom stepped out.


A steady tick-tocking filled the small office, emanating from the wooden framed hexagonal clock mounted on the wall. It had the precision of a metronome and despite its innocuous persistence, it had been allowed to stay in an area of concentration and focus. The office itself was well organized despite its somewhat cramped status. It looked out across the campus parking lot with a view of the fountain that guarded the south entrance to campus proper, a horse perched atop rock columns with water spraying out beneath his hooves.

It was a quiet corner of the campus, especially in the middle of the year, but it was something Trevor had embraced. It was that fact that had made the request for a last-minute appointment particularly surprising, but he had accepted without hesitation. It was his job, after all, to be there for any student in need of guidance. The clock counted the seconds and as the arm reached its zenith, there was a gentle knock on the door. Already Trevor had learned something about his guest. He stood up and moved over, easing open the door.

Marco stood on the other side of the door frame, a little surprised to come eye to eye with someone else. Even after his reversion, he was a bit taller than most of the faculty on campus. Marco looked at the school's guidance counselor, a man in his late forties or perhaps fifty. His face seemed quite vital other than some concentration lines at the edge of his eyes, though his hair had blanched to a rather flattering silver hue. To Marco's greatest surprise, the guidance counselor sported a pair of gold earrings.

"Marco Iona?" Trevor asked. Marco nodded, looking at the door and then back.

"Mister Halyard?" he asked. Trevor smiled and took a step back, gesturing to the chair against the wall in his office.

"You can call me that or Trevor, whichever you prefer." The counselor said. Marco nodded and moved in, sitting down in the chair, adjusting himself a bit. It was a bit snug, but he managed to fit. Trevor eased the door shut and moved back to his own chair and sat down. Since Trevor's desk faced the window, he turned his chair to look at Marco without any barrier between them. He smiled a bit more, "What brings you in today, Marco? What can I help with?" he asked. Marco looked up. Even facing the question was difficult.

"Professor Sims... suggested that I come talk to you. Well, I mean he suggested it when I first got back. I am... I was one of the Lost Ones." Marco said. Trevor made a soft sound and the joviality softened on his face. He nodded a little.

"That couldn't have been easy... Then again, no part of what you've had to go through could have been." Trevor said. Marco took a breath and nodded.

"I know it's only been a year since I..." Marco hesitated, looking up at the counselor. Trevor smiled again, though this time in a more protective way.

"It is alright Marco, I know." Trevor said, "I know about you, I know about the others, I know about the legacy of this campus and this town. I wouldn't exactly call myself a keeper, that term is very noble and true, but I've worked my life to be there for those that need guidance, especially those that have to deal with issues bigger than scholarships and internships."

"So, you know about everything?" Marco asked. Trevor smiled a bit more.

"You could say that..." he said softly, holding up his hands as his fingernails turned from ivory to brown then black, honing into narrow, sharp claws. Marco's jaw nearly fell open, watching the guidance counselor reveal his ability before his hand shifted back to normal. Marco took a moment but seemed far more encouraged.

"So how much do you know about me, specifically?" Marco asked. Trevor gave a more subtle smirk before he gestured.

"Generally, I try to let my students lead the conversation, but I don't like going into anything unaware. Your student file is fairly excellent. Good solid grades, a stint as campus safety at the start. Great remarks from your professors. No official extra-curricular activities, but what isn't in your file is even more impressive. You helped the campus wolves get into a healthier headspace during your Freshman year. I personally have to thank you for that. It made my job much easier." Trevor said.

"And more recently?" Marco asked. This time Trevor shook his head.

"This isn't like you are getting a grade, Marco. You need to tell me what you want to talk about, what you are going through." Trevor said. Marco nodded gently, accepting the logic of that. He looked down at the carpet, then lifted his head again, momentarily distracted by a beautiful bonsai tree sitting near the window in an ornamental rectangular pot. Its branches were so meticulously groomed that it almost looked artificial.

"The Lost Ones were taken by Futurza. We were experimented on and toyed with and kept in little cages. That'd be enough to give anyone nightmares. Then when we got out, we headed to Futurza and charged into the fray and stopped... something that would have been far worse. We saved all those lives, and then watched the tower come crashing down. All that dust and debris, then the stories... The world went from being terrified of direwolves to being confused, not knowing what stories about us were real and what were rumors." Marco said before pausing, his face tightening, "And yet despite all of that, the part that hit me the hardest is the most selfish, pointless thing." Marco murmured.

"That you are no longer a werewolf?" Trevor asked. Marco looked up with vulnerable eyes at that before he nodded.

"And I still keep saying 'us' and 'we' but it isn't the same anymore. My pack keeps calling me the Alpha even though I'm human, treating me the same, but no one on campus thinks so. I'm getting shit... I mean, crap, sorry, from the other werewolves. I wanted to protect people when I came back, but I don't know if they even want it." Marco said. Trevor smiled at that and stood up and moved over to a small table near the corner of the office.

"Tea? Cocoa? Bottled water?" he asked. Marco was a little surprised.

"Bottled water would be fine, thanks." he said uncertainly. Trevor opened the mini fridge under the table and got two bottles of water, handing one to Marco before sitting himself back down. He opened his bottle, the plastic lid popping free of the safety seal ring.

"I may not be a professor here but indulge me a little Marco." Trevor smiled, "Where do the words Alpha, Beta and Omega come from?" he asked. Marco's eyebrow quirked a bit.

"They're Greek." Marco replied. Trevor nodded.

"And where do werewolves come from, at least according to legend?" He asked. Marco smirked a little.

"Greece." Marco replied to which Trevor nodded.

"Exactly. There was a study many, many years ago that was the formation of the idea that wolves, the animals, had alphas and betas and omegas but that study was later refuted by the same person that came up with it in the first place. It's not a real thing in nature. When it comes to werewolves, though, we've seen that stratification, that organization, that hierarchy. I know you've taken Western Civilization from your file. What do you know about the ancient Greek culture?" he asked, finally taking a sip of his water. Despite weeks of depression and gloominess, Marco was starting to look more positive, feeling an odd glittering ember of an epiphany in his chest.

"They were stratified, baked into hierarchies with their class system..." Marco said. Trevor chuckled and nodded.

"Being an Alpha or a Beta was never the wolf part of being a werewolf. It has always been the influence of the human part. The fact that your pack still accepts you as their Alpha is because you are. You're their leader, their protector, their guiding compass. You can depend on that. You can trust that." Trevor said. Marco smiled gently, cracking open his water before he looked back up.

"What about the other wolves?" Marco asked. Trevor shrugged.

"Just like the moon, there is an ebb and flow to the campus pack. They are pushed and pulled by the sway of the campus Alpha. It is always changing as students come and go. Eventually they all graduate or move on. The campus pack is fluid and ever changing, as it should be. It is a pack of convenience while they are here, a mechanism to avoid competing groups, to give them structure and solidarity." Trevor explained.

"How much of this school was built just to protect wolves?" Marco asked. Trevor laughed some more, leaning back in his chair.

"There are probably more secrets than any one person could ever know. But the big question is, if you wanted to protect the wolves here, how are you going to do it?" Trevor asked. Marco looked up at that, looking suddenly concerned again.

"I guess... I have to figure out magic? Or how to be a Keeper? I know there are keepers without magic, but maybe... I mean, maybe I can now?" Marco asked. Trevor shifted a little, leaning over to pour a little bit of the contents of his bottled water over the roots of the bonsai tree before he sat back and looked at Marco.

"From what I have heard, you have been fairly innovative in how you have solved these... extracurricular problems. There are other ways to protect the people on this campus. You don't have to become a Keeper just because that is what people have always done. People always used the box canyon because that was what was done, but now the wolves are picking out their own spots all over, making the region their own." Trevor said. Marco looked up at that.

"I wondered about that sometimes, about where the other werewolves go in the community, like Doctor Woods. Where do you go to change during the full moon?" Marco asked. Trevor looked up with a smile.

"I don't change on the full moon." Trevor replied. Marco stopped, looking confused. Trevor opened a drawer and pulled out a package of snacks, proffering them up, "Cookie?" he asked.

"What do you mean you don't change on the full moon?" Marco asked, ignoring the treat. Trevor smiled a bit more slyly this time.

"It is your assumption that I am a werewolf because I showed you I had claws." Trevor explained, "I think the biggest lesson you have to learn right now is to open your mind. That's an important part of the college experience. You have to break out of your preconceptions and open yourself to the possibilities." he said. Marco felt stunned, confused, surprised, intrigued... but most of all he felt better than he had since losing his werewolf abilities. It all made sense and it was so much more than he had imagined possible.

"Are... you going to tell me what you are?" Marco asked. Trevor chuckled again and shook his head.

"That's a lot of ground to cover in our first visit, don't you think? Besides, it isn't long until the full moon is going to start affecting your pack. I shouldn't keep you. How about we have another session when you get back from Thanksgiving break." Trevor offered. Marco nodded a little at that, still a bit transfixed.

"Maybe I will take that cookie..." Marco said, looking at Trevor shrewdly.


Winter had staked its claim across most of the region, though it was harder to tell as the boys tromped through the blanket of leaves beneath boughs and branches clinging on to the memory of fall. The grey clouds had finally broken, allowing the golden light of sunset to break down through the canopy. The light sparkled in the waters that cut through the Grand Mesa campus before meandering into the wilderness. Marco felt a little ashamed it had never occurred to him, but that creek was probably the one that the town was named after. Now he wondered where the creek went.

The meeting with Mister Halyard had encouraged him in more ways than one, but it had seemed particularly important to think outside of the box - in this case, the box canyon. Marco knew that the campus pack was adjusting to a new normal. He wasn't a werewolf anymore. They would find their own dynamic, their own balance. He could work to protect them, to keep them safe, to help them, but he wasn't their leader. He had his own pack to think of. The five of them had been walking for some time, well off of any beaten path. The creek seemed to zig zag along, but eventually it passed under a low hanging branch before passing through a clearing.

Marco climbed up and over the heavy branch, reaching back to grab the picnic basket from Fletcher to make it easier for him. As they passed through to the other side, Marco looked around. Yom came up behind him, resting a hand on Marco's lower back. He sniffed the air and closed his eyes, listening. The others remained perfectly still, trying not to complicate Yom's scouting. Eventually Yom gave a nod before he looked back at his Alpha.

"No one else as far as I can hear. No road noise. A few animals." Yom reported. Marco nodded, setting the picnic basket down before he opened it up, pulling out some zip lock bags of raw meat.

"We'll be here, but as much fun as it might be to play, I think it's best if you three stick to yourselves tonight." Marco said. Yom looked reluctant but nodded.

"Alright, but we will miss you... A lot." Yom said. Marco pulled Yom close and kissed him on his lips.

"I know, I'll miss you too. We'll be okay though. I've got Fletcher to protect me." Marco said. Yom smirked.

"A few months ago and that would not have been reassuring, but now? I know you'll be alright." Yom said, giving Marco's bearded cheek a kiss before he grabbed the Ziplock bags and started heading across the clearing. Duncan smiled and patted Marco on the back before following. Udo came up behind, reaching down into the basket, pulling out a rather large black rubber object. Fletcher's brow furrowed.

"What is that?" he asked. Udo grinned wider.

"A chew toy! I thought we'd play fetch or something." Udo said. Marco chuckled at that.

"Good idea, work out that energy." Marco beamed. Udo smiled and gave Marco a kiss as well before giving Fletcher one as well.

"See you in a few hours." Udo said before he turned, jogging to catch up with the other two. Marco watched them go, setting out beneath the fiery colors of a Colorado sunset. Marco took a long breath before he grabbed the blanket out of the basket and gave it a flap to spread it out across the ground before sitting down and finding a comfortable spot. Fletcher sat down as well before he leaned over and dug into the picnic basket, rummaging around.

"Are you eating already?" Marco asked. Fletcher withdrew a purple bag with a translucent window revealing an assortment of nuts, fruits, and candies inside. A strange grin crossed Fletcher's lips.

"No, I am snacking, and there's a big difference. Besides... This has five kinds of chocolate. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to share this with someone? The boys can't have any, you know what chocolate does to them... But you and me? We can pig out on this kind of junk food." Fletcher beamed. Marco's eyes widened slowly.

"Chocolate... You're right... I can have chocolate again without getting all wound up..." Marco whispered before he paused, "Five kinds of chocolate? I didn't know there were that many." he hesitated. Fletcher chuckled.

"Since we have more than enough time, let me educate you on the many and wondrous varieties of chocolate that exist in this world." Fletcher said, leaning against Marco's chest as he tore open the back and made a little bit of a mess as some of the nuts went flying. Fletcher looked dismayed but Marco just smiled, wrapping an arm around Fletcher's waist, holding him close. He knew that he would enjoy whatever Fletcher was talking about as long as he could listen to his voice and the enthusiasm in it.


Vapor escaped from Artyom's lips as he focused on his breathing... in and out, in and out, in and out. It didn't feel right doing this without Marco, but he'd survived many years before meeting the love of his life and he could survive a few hours apart. Even beneath the trees, the moonlight was cutting through, warming portions of his naked skin. Yom could feel his heartbeat becoming louder, stronger and more insistent. He kept focusing on his lungs, his hot breath passing over his teeth as they warped and stretched into sharp fangs.

Duncan stood nearby, trying to get the crick out of his neck after stripping own, tilting his head to one side and then the other. His mouth distended out over his sharpening teeth while his ears popped. The tips pushed up into sharp points even as his nostrils flared, his nose broadening and expanding. It had been getting harder and harder to get his beard to retract ever since being experimented on, though he knew part of that came from Marco's love of beards. Yom looked like some sort of Viking lumberjack and it almost seemed a crime to deprive his alpha of something he loved so much. There was no point in holding back on the night of a full moon.

Even Udo was feeling the tingle and burn of letting himself embrace the full moon. The fuzz that had grown out from his chin was blanching to white, so too were the fluffy sideburns emerging from his cheeks. He parted his lips, revealing his sharp fangs, panting a bit. His tongue slipped out a little as his ears went full wolf, sticking out from his shorter blond hair. Udo tipped his head back and looked up at the moon, the blue in his eyes brightening to a crisp gold.

Yom's knuckles popped as he flexed his hand, his fingers growing longer and his claws emerging from them. Patches of fur were growing out on the back of his hands, his elbows and his chest. Yom reached up to admire his chest, feeling his meaty pectorals, his hardening nipples, his abs. His claws combed through the thickening brown hair as it turned into fur, engulfing his chest in a forest.

Udo pushed forward, dropping onto all fours as his wolf ears migrated up along his skull, sticking up from the top of his head. It was always disorienting when they moved, cutting off all sense of sound for a few moments, but what they could hear when they finished was beyond amazing. Udo shook a bit as the last of the blond disappeared from his hair, leaving it a rich white.

Duncan was admiring the other two, looking at them shift, feeling his own erection throbbing. He reached down, wrapping his clawed fingers around his manhood. He stroked it back and forth, though he shivered as he felt the change accelerating. Every time he pumped his fist down, his cock bloated out wider. Every time he stroked upwards, it stretched out longer. In moments he was jacking off in wild desperation, watching it fatten up and expand. Blood kept flooding into his member, the flesh darkening from pink to red and then purple.

The smell of sex hitting the air was most appealing to Artyom, watching as Duncan's cock shifted. The plump, pert, round head began to warp and shift, stretching out and taking on an inhuman curve as it pushed honing into a point. The skin grew tighter around the engorging shaft until it was tight, the veins throbbing. Duncan moaned loudly, his ass cheeks clenching and unclenching as they pulled apart, covered with fur, revealing his quivering hind quarters as his tail began to grow and stretch out. Seeing Duncan shift and change was more than enough stimulus. Artyom inhaled the scent, letting it fill his lungs and ensnare his senses. He let out a deep, lingering, rumbling growl as he came up behind Duncan, reaching around to run a changing paw down across the other's chest.

Artyom's hair was fanning out, new hairs growing in as his pelt emerged. It sprouted from his neck, his shoulders, even his throat. His face began to pop and snap, shifting and changing as the wolf emerged. Even his feet were elongating, broadening, shifting. Paw pads pushed out from his calloused feet even as his claws thickened, anchoring into the ground, giving him purchase. Duncan shivered as he felt the hot, thick, throbbing meat of his pack mate at his backside. He scooted his hips back, teasing Yom with what he had to offer.

Another paw lifted up, caressing Duncan's face. He turned, looking into Udo's golden eyes. The white wolf's fur had dominated his body, claiming more and more territory until his skin couldn't be seen any more. Fur surrounded his forehead, ringing his eyes and spanning his nose. His cheeks were obscured and the line between facial hair and fur had become non-existent. It was all fuzz. Udo leaned in to kiss Duncan even as his jaw bone extended, bringing his nose with it. The cartilage was audible as it shifted, Udo's muzzle forming inch after inch.

Muzzles came together, Duncan tilting his head so they could interlock. Tongues wrestled, paws caressed, and Yom grabbed onto Duncan's hips just before he claimed that hungry asshole. Duncan shivered and then gasped as he felt Udo's cock press against his, caught in the middle of a most delectable sandwich. He shivered and shuddered but his hands snaked out, trying to embrace his lovers in their time of animalistic need. Yom's thick bushy brown tail wagged behind him as he brought his ass back and then thrust forward, claiming several inches of Duncan's body.

Duncan threw his head back and howled in bliss, but Yom was right there to nuzzle his exposed neck, licking and slurping at it. Udo began to grind and hump, holding onto Duncan and Yom both. He knew he had to get it out of their systems, but in the moment all rational thought was disappearing beneath a frothing sea of lust and animal instinct. Their bodies continued to shift as their shoulders broadened. Every muscle, every ligament and every joint they had were changing.

The three tried to remain upright, and while technically they could operate in either way, the heap of men fell to the forest floor. They were a tangle of sex and need, of writhing lust and carnal cravings. Yom fucked Duncan, Duncan frotted against Udo, and the three continued their change until they were the wild beasts that had been trapped inside. Sticky clear precum leaked from Duncan's cock, joined by the more syrupy pre that Udo produced. Each move was like a dance, but as the moon rose higher and the wolves emerged more, the choreography was getting sloppier by the second.

Each of Artyom's thrusts were more powerful than the rest and all it took was for Duncan's knee to unlock for a split second. The impact knocked him off balance and he took Udo down with him. Unable to fully extract himself, Yom came crashing down on top of them both. There were grunts and growls, but despite the fall, they were still very much in the moment. They thrashed and ground against one another until Duncan pushed off, rolling Yom onto his back.

The movement was a bit more human than some of their positions. Duncan was impaled on Yom's rod and Udo was on top of him. Taking advantage of the situation, Udo moved to straddle Duncan, lifting himself up before coming down on Duncan's ample shaft. Duncan howled out; his muzzle lifted skyward. Artyom had to reposition his legs, bracing them outwards. His elbows dug into the dirt before he started to lift himself upwards with Duncan and Udo on top of him. It was a feat of strength, a test of will and an exercise that his lycan side seemed to be embracing.

The three rose and fell, working in tandem, offsetting themselves just enough to maximize their bliss. Their bodies parted from one another before coming crashing back together. The moon washed over them and nourished them just as the sun did the crops. Their bodies filled out, their fur grew long, their tails were bushy and full. They could feel their connection to one another - entwined and profound. Duncan had longed to be a part of Marco's pack and now he understood the yearning Yom had felt and the acceptance Udo had craved. Even without their Alpha there, they were together, and they were loved. Whatever came against them would fail, just as Futurza had. They were a family.

Duncan tipped his head back against Yom's shoulder, looking up at the sky before his muzzle opened and a howl escaped his lips, rising higher and higher into the night sky. Udo raised his head and followed suit and Artyom joined a moment later. Their call blended together, carrying on the wind and through the trees, across the creek to where Marco and Fletcher were sitting. The two broke their kiss, panting and heated, turning. Fletcher's eyes glinted an intense orange for a moment before fading back to their normal honey brown.

"Sounds like they are having fun..." Fletcher whispered. Marco reached back down, his hand rolling over Fletcher's groin, giving him a grope.

"Let's make sure they're not the only ones." Marco whispered. Fletcher gave a content growl of his own at that before pouncing on Marco, knocking him back into the leaves before kissing him with his own usual exuberance and intensity. Marco wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, grinding against him. He had started the day uncertain on how he'd get through it all, but now he was sure that they'd have just as much pleasure and joy as they did before. No matter what life threw at them, they were a pack.