A Warrior Side Tale Book 2

Story by JoeWolf on SoFurry

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Another part of the story. :3

After coming back to the castle, The king came and welcomed back Seito and said " My

dear Soldier Seito, I have prepare a bed for your slave to sleep in when you turn in for the nights."

Seito nodded and said "Yes, my lord. Thank you for preparing Jeks bed, I wouldnt want my slave to be too tired for the next day

to serve me." Later that same day, Jek was resting in Seito`s room while he gone out for practices on Bow and arrow shots.

But one of the soldiers came in and said "There you are, you little beast. Now you come here and please me now,

you grandson of that bastard!" Jek was scared and terrified of that soldier, he was a white wolf with black scar on his chest.

With blue eyes and brown hair. "Please leave me alone..." said scared Jek. The soldier grabbed Jek and said "Now you

do what I say, you little punk! You`re a slave to this castle!" Jek said " But I belong to the great Warrior Seito.."

The wolf soldier laughs and said "That no good son of bitch? I could do whatever the hell I want with you, I don`t give

a shit that youre Seitos pet dog!" As he continues yelling at Jek, he pushes him to the ground and undress hisself,

to sexaully rape Jek. He holds Jeks head down to the ground and said "Get ready now, you little bitch. Im going to

have a good hot time with you, and make you mine forever, and doing sexual pleasures for me! He was about to rape Jek, but

Seito walk in and said. "What the hell you think you doing with my pet?" The wolf turned around and gotten up.

And said "Im just helping myself with your dog, trying to give him lessons on how being someones bitch feels good."

Seito looks at him angrly, as he grabs the soldier and said "Listen to me, you damn asshole, If I ever see you going near my little wolf again,

I`m going to turn your skin inside out! Got that, you damn coward?" After he finished speaking, the wolf soldier and nods alittle and gave

Seito a mad glare at him, and said "You think youre a big man in this castle? I dont think so. Ill get you for this and Ill

make that bitch dog of yours mine!" He slamed the door and left. Jek was scared and he cried as he hugged Seito.

"Im sorry, my love. I`m here now." Said Seito as he holds Jek and kisses him on the head.

Jek said "I want to leave here and be with you forever..I`m scared to be alone in this dark castle"

Seito holds Jek and said "I know, but I need more time to plan for our escape..so we won`t have no one hunting us down."

After Jek stopped crying, He and Seito sat on the soft bed as they both kisses each other deeply, their tounge

again swirl around together. As they both making out again, the moon was rising outside, as the stars shine with light and love.

Jek looks outside and said "Look outside, my love..it seems very beautiful..I miss being free..* He holds on to Seito.

Seito speaks and said "I know my love. Soon well have our home and well look up in the skies everynight, kissing and holding each other

as our love grows strong and pure.." Seito then kisses Jek more and rubs his back as he feels his loves soft body, but saw a bruse on his arm and neck.

then said "My love, did that no good bastard hurted you?" Jek nods and said "He was the one who raped me when i was younger, he helped the

king did that to me, and told him about my family`s past line. The king gotten curious about me and thought about

keeping me for himself, but since you came along, I`m saved.."

Seito looks in his bag and pull out Talisman, moves it over 3 inches above Jek`s wounds.

As it glows, the bruses went away. Then Seito said "How you feel, my love?"

Jek rubs his neck and arm, then said "I feel good..but how did you do that?"

Seito holds it up and said "Its a Kerian Talisman, I gotten this as a reward for saving the Anicent City of Keriant. It allows me to heal

other people and myself from serious injury." As Jek looks at it, he started getting some werid forgotten flash back.

Like he seen that talisman before. After those flashes, he passed out.

Few hours later, Jek starts to wake up. Seito looks at him and said "What happened my love?"

Jek rubs his head and said "It like I remember that talisman, like some other life or something, but don`t worry about it."

Seito smiles and lays next to Jek, and says "All right, my love. I don`t want you to get hurt or worse.."

He holds him and kisses more deeply and cuddles. Jek said "You want to do it again, my love?."

Seito nods and grins "Thought you never ask." Jek places his hands on Seito`s attachment of his armor, then pulls off his cloth, as

his belt unbuckled. Then Seito pulls off Jeks cloth and he grins saying "Maybe I should get you some better clothes, since youre mine."

Seito smiles more. Jek blushes and said "Awwww..you dont have to, my love." He rubs Seitos both cheeks and Seito said

"I wanted to, so you won`t have to live as a slave, you could live as a free boy..free to choose what to be in your life.."

Jek thoughts about it and said " Seito...I wanted to be a warrior as you..it been in the family lines that the only male of the wolfian

may and have to become a warrior.." Seito looks at Jek and said "If that you want..then ok my love." he kisses Jek and said again

"I guess we both will fight off enemies and darkness when we have to" Jek smiles and kisses Seito more, as his tounge slide in,

licking around Seito`s tounge, as their slaiva fused together.

Seito rubs Jeks butt, to feel his soft ass. As Jek rubs Seitos balls and cock.

They both making love and togetherness as they both were happy and loved.

They both contined rubbing each other and cuddling as they still kissing and lip lock.

Jek and Seito stopped kissing, then Jek crawls to Seitos cock, facing his cock near Seitos face.

They were about to do a 69 postion. Jek licks Seitos soft hard cock, As Seito moans, he started to licks Jeks cock too.

While Jek moans loud too and continued to lick the crocs cock. Then they both started sucking each others cock.

Even though they moaned in their mouths while sucking one another.

Seito started to rubs Jek`s balls like last time and feels em around, then moves to his tailhole, and rubs around the edge

of the cute wolf`s hole. Jek was blushing deep red and pants in his mouth as he sucking his loves cock.

Then the croc was too hard and excited, he precumed in his wolfs mouth and continues sucking the wolfies cock more, and more.

Jek was close to his climax, but held it in till something happens.

Seito love the taste of his wolfie`s cock, he started sucking on his balls to please his little wolfie.

Jek moaned loud and about to cum, and said "Seito..I`m about to cum!"

Seito opens his mouth and waits for the wolf to shoot.

As the wolf moans and howls alittle, his cock finally released a good tasty load of his love milk.

The croc caught alot of cum and shallows em, he loved Jek`s milk taste, and he starts to lick around the tired

wolf`s cock to clean up the mess.

Jek looks at Seito and said "Honey..can you thrust me again like last time.. but a different postion?"

Seito smiles and say "Sure..We need to try out other way to make love thrusts."

Jek lay on his side, as Seito moves behind him, he rubbed his cock against his love`s tailhole.

The wolf picks up his leg as the crocodile boy starts slowly go inside the warm wolfie.

Jek started to moans loud as his hole getting sretch again.

Then Seito starts slowly thrusts nice and easy for his wolfie.

"How does it feel, my love" asked Seito. "It feels good..but great than last time..I guess auuhhh I`m used to it...ahhh..!" reply Jek

while he moans and feels his big cock going deep in him. Then Seito said "Ok my love, I`m going to go alittle fast, as my balls will be slapping

your butt." Jek nods and moans and pants deeply. Seito started to thrusts alittle fast and good, as his balls are slapping against his

tailhole as he said.

The wolf enjoys his love`s big love meat as goes in and out of his ass.

Jek ask "Ahhh....More my love..hard..!" Seito smiled and said "All right then, here we go."

He thrusts fast and hard, as the slaping, pounding and smackings gets alittle loud and hard.

Seito places his hands anr arm around Jek and holds him tight as he thrusts harder and faster.

Jek then places his hands on Seito`s arms and moans louder and grunts alittle as his

boyfriend thrusts fast and hard. "Ohh...Yeah....Thats it...! I love you...!" said and loved Jek.

Seito reply "I..I love you too! Get Ready..! I`m closed!" After one big smack and slap,

Seito unleased his crocodile hot load deep inside Jek`s tailhole. The wolf moans loud and feels

his love`s juice in him, and said "Hmm...that feels...soo..warm..."

Seito said "Hmmm I glad you love it...its your to taste forever..."

Seito slowly pulls his cock out of his boyfriend tailhole, then grabs a rag to clean up the wolfie, but before doing that, he slip alittle

of the cum that was just shoted inside Jek`s tailhole, and told Jek. "Here, lets have a taste of our love"

Jek smiles and nods, then they both licked it and Seito cleaned his love`s tailhole.

"Ok. lets get clean up." said Seito

Him and Jek started walk to the shower room in Seito`s room, then he pull the rope as warm fresh clean water pours on em like a shower.

Seito holds Jek from behind him, and starts to rub his stomach with soap and he licks his neck.

As they both finished taking a nice warm romantic bath, they lay on the bed together, as Seito pulls the covers over em and they both

held each other and kises each other goodnight. "Good Night, my little Jek.." said Seito Jek reply "You too, my big strong Seito.."

They doze off and dream about each other`s future life...

One morning, Seito came in and told Jek a big news.

"Jek, my love, wake up!" yelled Seito, Jek wakes up and said "What is it my love?"

Seito sit near Jek and said "I gotten a note from a friend, that him and his 4 friends are coming here undercover as soldiers to help us

escape." Jek smiled and hugs Seito "Im glad..I cant wait to leave here and be with you forever." said Jek

Seito smiled and said "Yes my love, we`ll leave here this Saturday Night at the sunset."

Seito holds Jek`s muzzle and kisses him deeply.

Is this the only way to escape from the deadly troops of Kinga Sota? Find out!

-To Be Continued-

A Warrior Side Tale Book 1

This story was made a few years back, with me and my ex mate. Hope you enjoy. ^-^ * * * In a time where there villages and castles around everywhere. Even dragons and more. The story starts in a Kingdom Homeland call "Kinga Sota" Where the...

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