ch 22 angel vs devil (part 1)

Story by silvereyed_foxninja on SoFurry

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#22 of Rukario Romance

not mine i am uploading this with the permission of XD385

copyright shit

lucario and pokemon (c)game freak

other car. (c) xd385

i do not care if your 18 or not because even if i say dont read this you probly still will.

Lucy gagged from the heavy volume of dust lingering in the air after the strange shockwave had run its course. She then called out, "Kazeerah! Where are you?!" But something soon emerged through the dust storm, "I'm right here. And I'll be fine, except for a sore bottom from the landin'." Lucy ran over to the Blaziken and embraced her, "I was afraid I lost you again..." But Kazeerah patted her on the head, "Like I said, I'm fine. What I'm worried about is our little buddy out there. Whatever that was he threw at us, it wasn't normal. Never even heard of an attack like that." Lucy then looked around with a worried expression, "I just hope the others are all right..."

Ruby glanced around in a panic as she screamed, "Lucash! Sapphire!" A voice above her called out, "We're up here!" The young mother looked up and saw her two children caught in some branches in a tree she had landed next to. But while Lucash seemed no worse for the wear, Sapphire seemed frightened as she was tightly gripping the branch with a look of panic in her eyes. Ruby then jumped up to the branches and carried her children down. A voice then asked, "You OK, Sis?" Ruby turned to see Pearl step out from behind the tree. Ruby nodded, "Yeah, and the kids are fine too. And you?" Pearl smiled, "Just fine. My gut hurts a little from the rough impact, but nothing too bad." Pearl then gazed back towards the area where the shockwave had originated from, her view still obstructed by thick clouds of dust that had not yet settled. "What do you think that was? That roar..... Is Ash all right?" Ruby frowned with a worried expression, "I don't know..... I know he's not a monster....."

Chiara groaned as she cracked her neck after climbing to her feet. "Such a mighty force... Truly not the power of the Eternal Flame. Zandria, are you well?" A puff of white mist soon gathered near the Lugia and began to take on a solid form. "I'm fine. You can't get hurt if you're already dead. Huh?" Zandria then looked behind her old friend and snickered, "Um..... I think you landed on him." Chiara turned around and gulped at the sight of a dazed Shadow lying where she had fallen, his face partially buried in the dirt. "Oh my, I'm sorry! I had no control over my own body at the time!" She then pulled Shadow up and gave him a good shake to wake him up. "Ugh..... I'm OK... Really... What about Ash?" The two ladies looked at each other and shook their heads. Zandria sighed, "Something's not right with him. I just hope Ashton doesn't have to kill him."

Once the dust settled a little, everyone was able to see Ashton and Ash. However, the sky was still clouded with dust, causing the area to seem unnaturally dark. Ashton was sweating profusely as he gripped the hilt of the Flamberge with both hands. The crimson eyes of Ash gazed ahead at the viscount, his mouth curved into a frightening smirk. What was more, the ground that Ash was standing on had rapidly begun to melt. In moments, the ground within five feet of Ash in all directions had been reduced to a molten puddle of lava. Ruby shuddered, "Those eyes... What happened to him...?" She then began to walk forward, "Ash, what's wrong?! Why are you..." But Ruby stopped in her tracks as Ashton slammed the blade of the Flamberge into the ground that was right in front of her. "Don't... That is no longer your lover."

In a truly demonic tone, Ash spoke, "Why stop her? Let her come. So that I may tear her asunder." Ruby shuddered in fright. The voice that was coming out of her mate's mouth was only vaguely similar to the voice he had always used. If she had not seen him change into the beast with fiery orange fur, she would never have believed that he was the same person. "Ash... Why are you..." Ashton frowned, "I know you don't want to accept it, but that beast before us is no longer the kind and caring boy we used to know." Ruby asked, "How?! How is that not the boy I love?!" Ashton explained, "It makes no sense to me either. But if what that monster told me is true, then it is a creature that should've disappeared from this world forever 600 years ago." Chiara gasped, "Ashton..... You can't possibly mean he is....." Ashton hesitantly nodded, "I do. Ash has become the Azure Knight. His body is now a host to the spirit of Soul Edge."

Zandria screamed, "Soul Edge?! What the devil are you saying?! You destroyed that thing! You said it yourself! Should Night Terror fall, Soul Edge will vanish from this world forever!" Ashton nodded, "Yes, that is the knowledge Soul Calibur bestowed upon me. But still....." Ashton then gripped Soul Calibur's hilt with his left hand and asked, "Soul Calibur, are you certain that there was no possible way for Soul Edge to survive Night Terror's demise?" The spirit sword replied, ".....I am very certain, young master. There should have been no possibility for the evil presence to linger in the realm of the living after the obliteration of the Night Terror. This return is nothing short of miraculous." Ashton growled, "Miraculous? More like a sick joke." But Pearl then shouted, "But what is this 'Soul Edge'?! And how can it still be alive?!"

Ashton began to turn towards his companions, but then suddenly turned back towards Soul Edge. The beast chuckled, "Oh, don't mind me. I'll let you tell them." Ashton then turned back to his companions and explained, "Soul Edge. It is an ancient and evil sword that has existed since before recorded history. It has been known as the Sword of Ruin around the world, and is also known to be a shape shifter, changing form to suit whoever holds it. But those who grip its hilt are doomed to become its host. While the person who takes Soul Edge into their hands still lives, their body is no longer their own as Soul Edge takes complete control over them. The host body that Soul Edge manipulates has long been known as the 'Azure Knight' due to Soul Edge choosing to clad its host in azure armor more often than not. Countless lives have been ended by Soul Edge, as it has unleashed massacres throughout history, wiping out entire cities and slaughtering vast armies that tried to stop it. Those who fell before Soul Edge were doomed to an eternity of anguish as their souls were devoured and absorbed by the evil sword. And from these souls, Soul Edge gained more power."

Ruby, as well as the rest of Ashton's companions, was spellbound with silent awe and horror as they listened to the tale of Soul Edge. But Lucy then asked, "But then.... How does Soul Edge still exist? Didn't you destroy it?" Ashton nodded, "Yes, I thought I did. 600 years ago, Soul Edge came to the Kingdom of Rohta and sought to kill me so it could acquire my soul, which had been strengthened by the Eternal Flame. And it partially succeeded. I was left gravely wounded as it devoured a mere fraction of my soul, which was more than enough to satiate it. With its power at its absolute maximum, it took on the form of a mindless and horrific beast known only as 'Night Terror'. At that time, Soul Calibur appeared in my hands to help me combat Soul Edge." Ashton paused for a moment, as he seemed to think back to his most dire battle in his first lifetime. "That battle......was nothing the likes of which I have ever experienced... Everything I threw at Night Terror seemed to do next to nothing to it. A true juggernaut, it muscled through all my attacks. In the end, it came down to a bitter struggle between me and one of this world's greatest evils, if not THE greatest. I was exhausted... It could've gone either way. But.....I succeeded. Night Terror was destroyed, and Soul Edge disappeared from this world forever. The countless souls that had been devoured by Soul Edge throughout the eons were also released." But Ashton then looked back at Soul Edge, who laughed, "Yes, it seems you have not forgotten the past." It then looked towards Ashton's companions and sneered, "His tale was quite accurate. Yes. I am Soul Edge."

Ruby shouted, "Ash, this isn't funny! Stop playing along with Ashton's story! You're not..." But the beast shouted, "Silence!!! The pathetic human whelp you know is gone forever!" He then brought a hand to his face and tenderly caressed one side, "This is MY body now." He then seemed to savor the moment as he rolled his head back and forth, "Oh yes... Never before have I come in possession of a body this fine. So youthful and full of energy. A mere thirteen years old, if I recall." But Ashton then shouted, "That does nothing to explain how you still exist! Tell me, Soul Edge! How did you escape oblivion 600 years ago?!" The fiendish red eyes of Soul Edge gave Ashton a leer, "Very well. I shall explain it all......just before I tear you to shreds."

Soul Edge spoke, "Yes, you did indeed triumph over me 600 years ago, make no mistake about that. However, I would not allow myself to die. Not after waiting for eons to obtain the power I desired! It was finally in my hands, and you destroyed me, body and soul!!!" He then growled, "Therefore, I transferred as much of my strength as possible into a temporary vessel along with a tiny fragment of my soul." Ashton frowned, "Temporary vessel? Of what sort?" Soul Edge then gave Ashton a most wicked grin, "Eleven unborn souls were at the edge of the Dead Forest at the time. And I chose the one...that rested inside her." He then pointed at Zandria, "My host, Ashton of Green Mile.....was YOUR SON!!!"

Zandria's face became one of silent horror as she spoke, "My son... Atlas?" Soul Edge cackled, "Yes! I had to choose quickly, for I had only a few seconds before I was consumed by the holy energy that had infected me. About 98% of my power at the time was transferred into my host along with a fragment of my will. I infused myself into the very soul of the child, merging with the power of the Eternal Flame. I then became dormant to preserve my soul, for I was far too weak to survive for long while active." Ashton asked, "The...Eternal Flame?" Soul Edge nodded, "Yes, exactly. The only way for me to awaken again was for my host to draw out the Eternal Flame's power to its absolute fullest. Only then would I awaken and take my revenge upon you. In other words, my goal was for your son to awaken his full potential, so that I may use the very power you used against me to annihilate you!"

Ashton and Zandria were frozen with both shock and rage at Soul Edge's confession, knowing that their own son could have become a host to Soul Edge at anytime in his life. However, Soul Edge soon frowned, "Alas. By some miracle, your son never drew out the power of the Eternal Flame to its fullest. And when you finally met your end from natural causes, my dreams were filled with nothing but rage and disappointment. My chance to avenge myself was gone forever. Or so I thought. Like the Eternal Flame, I was somehow passed down from parent to child, again and again, until I ended up in this boy. I was most fortunate too. Even though every single one of my hosts had the Eternal Flame at their disposal, not one of them ever drew it out to its fullest." Soul Edge then raised his fist into the air, "Fate smiled upon me like never before today! Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you returned to this world, Ashton!" The fiery beast then glared ahead at the viscount, "Such a shame. After 500 years, you returned to this world. Only to meet your end at the hands of the being you destroyed so long ago. Irony can be so amusing."

Ashton was both horrified and sickened. The very thought that his own son had been carrying a terrible evil within his soul throughout his entire life made his skin crawl. But just then, a voice screamed, "HOW DARE YOU!" Before anyone could react, Zandria made a dash for Soul Edge on all fours. "How dare you use my boy as a host body! You sick piece of trash!" As she came within range, Zandria leaped at Soul Edge with her claws extended. But a split second later, Soul Edge was standing behind her, his right arm looking as if he had lashed out with the blade on his hand. Exactly three seconds later, Zandria burst into a cloud of white mist.

Ashton gulped, "I..... I didn't even see that move..." A moment later, it occurred to him that he had just watched his own lover perish before Soul Edge. "No... Zandria?!" But the cloud of white mist soon floated back over to him and took on physical form. "Relax. I'm already dead, remember?" Ashton breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness..." But Soul Edge raised an eyebrow, "White mist? What are you?! Some sort of living cloud of smoke?!" Zandria shouted, "I'm a specter! A ghost that can take on physical form! Ever heard of it?!" But she then muttered, "But still..... Even though it didn't hurt, I didn't even know what hit me until a few seconds after it happened... That speed... Unreal, even for a Zangoose."

Ashton suddenly recalled something and shouted, "Wait a second! You said that you remained dormant in your host unless it happened to unleash the Eternal Flame at its fullest! Right?!" Soul Edge nodded, "Exactly. Why do you ask?" Ashton explained, "Atlas used the power of the Eternal Flame time and time again during his days as a knight, but his personality and actions hardly changed at all. And like him, Ash never brought out the Eternal Flame's power to its fullest, until now. If you had no influence over him, then why was Ash so bloodthirsty and violent when he was still only at around 50% back in Hoenn while Atlas was not?!"

Soul Edge's eyes went wide at Ashton's question. It brought a hand to his chin, "Strange..... I thought my dreams felt too real during those times... I could almost swear that I was half awake at the time. But that couldn't have been..." Ashton called out, "Well?! What do you have to say?!" Soul Edge shook his head, "A most bizarre phenomenon. I know not how I influenced him when I was still dormant. But there is one thing I can guarantee." He then scowled at Ashton, "Something..... Or someone must have caused it. An external force or spell that was outside my knowledge and control. That's the only possibility I can think of."

Kazeerah stretched a little and walked up to Ashton, "I think I've heard enuff. Whatcha say we finish this fight, Ashton?" But the viscount glanced over at the Blaziken and shouted, "Are you mad?!" But she replied, "C'mon, I can handle it. Ya saw how well we worked together before, right? What's the difference now?" Ashton growled, "What's the difference?! That is no longer just the Devil of the Eternal Flame we are dealing with! That is Soul Edge! The Sword of Ruin! Taking on that monster with your bare hands is out of the question! Only Soul Calibur can stand against it. And I'm the only one suited to wield it!" But Kazeerah gawked, "Aw, c'mon! I think yer just too gentlemanly for yer own good! Seriously, I can...." But Ashton suddenly closed the distance between their faces and stared Kazeerah in the eyes.

Ashton softly spoke, "Listen. I know what I am talking about. I'm not saying that you MAY die if you attack Soul Edge. I'm saying that you WILL die. I have faced Soul Edge before, and your fighting style is one of the worst possible matches for something like that. Trust me. You will be throwing your life away if you try to fight it." But Kazeerah replied, "But... I can..." Ashton spoke, "No... You cannot. And think about Lucy. She thought you were dead. And you were only reunited just a short while ago. Do you want to leave her again, and this time for good?" Kazeerah's eyes went a little wide at the mention of her sister. After a moment of deep thought, she sighed, "OK... I get what yer sayin'. I'll stay outta this one. For Lucy's sake." Ashton gave the Blaziken a grateful smile, "A very wise choice."

Seeing that Ashton had refused Kazeerah's aid, Soul Edge cackled, "Trying to play the hero?! It doesn't matter if it's just one, or a thousand! All will fall before me!" But Ashton glared at him, "I vanquished you before. As long as I have Soul Calibur, I can do it again." But Soul Edge sneered, "If I was the same as back then, perhaps. But I still contain about 98% of the power I had when you defeated me in the Dead Forest. Remember?" A trickle of cold sweat slid down Ashton's face as he recalled Night Terror, its hulking form resisting almost everything he threw at it. Soul Edge then spoke, "And you were only barely able to triumph over me. But now, I possess something that I did not have then. And do you know what that is?" Ashton gulped as his eyes went wide, showing that he knew the answer. Soul Edge laughed, "Yes! I also have your own power in my possession! The Eternal Flame!"

Ashton shuddered, "The power of Night Terror combined with the Eternal Flame..... I don't know if I can handle this one..." Soul Edge chuckled, "Yes, you know it too. Your chances of actually besting me now are slim. But even then, you just may be able to outlast me." Ashton glanced up, "Outlast you?" Soul Edge grumbled, "Yes. This tiny flicker of my soul is far too weak to survive for long without a shell. Before this day is done, I will be gone. Forever. For you see, you did indeed succeed in sending me to oblivion." A slight glimmer of relief filled Ashton's eyes at this revelation. But Soul Edge then smirked, "But even should you, by some miracle, survive my onslaught, I will still have a fine consolation prize." Ashton's eyes went wide with surprise, "What are you saying?!" Soul Edge gave Ashton and his companions a most wicked grin, "When I finally disappear from this realm, this boy..... This host...will die along with me!!!"

At Soul Edge's confession, Pearl shrieked, "WHAT DID HE SAY?!" Ruby shouted, "YOU'RE LYING!!! YOU SICK SCUM!!!" But Soul Edge merely laughed, "You think I'm not being serious?" Ashton added, "I don't believe you either! How can your death effect Ash?!" Soul Edge then asked, "Tell me this. Do you know why my host body always disappeared when I assumed the form of Inferno time and again?" Ashton bowed his head as he pondered this question, but soon looked up at Soul Edge with a frightened glance, "No..." Soul Edge nodded, "My host body never disappeared. It was destroyed by my own overwhelming power! Humans cannot contain my power once it reaches a certain degree. And the power of Night Terror is far beyond that of Inferno. The only thing that is preventing this body from being reduced to a pile of smoldering mush is the restorative properties of the Eternal Flame. But even it has its limits. Before the sun has set, I will be gone, and I will be taking this boy with me."

Ashton growled, "You sick piece of..." But at that moment, he felt someone pull on his cape. Ashton turned around and saw Lucash gazing up at him with tears in his eyes. "Grandpa... Don't let Daddy die..." Lucash then sobbed, "Daddy...already died before... Back in Hoenn... But he came back to life...because of some bird made of fire. It said...he can't come back to life again..." Ashton nodded, "I see. A once-per-lifetime resurrection." Lucash pleaded, "Save him, Grandpa! Don't let Daddy die!" Ashton patted his descendant on the head, "You have my word, Lucash. Your father is in good hands."

After making Lucash return to his mother, Ashton asked, "I am your opponent, Soul Edge. So leave them out of this." The beast of flames replied, "True. I have nothing against them. But then again, I can't be held responsible for what might happen to them should they try to intervene, can I?" Ashton then threw up his left arm to his side and called back to his companions, "You heard him! This is my fight! No one interfere!" But at this, Pearl ran up to him and begged, "No... Please allow me to aid you." Ashton shook his head, "I know you mean well, but..." However, she pleaded, "Don't tell me to stay back! I want to help! I want to stop you from killing him if you're about to go too far!" But Ashton explained, "That won't happen. I have no desire to kill Ash. If I can deliver a purifying strike with Soul Calibur, Soul Edge will likely be exorcized from his body, leaving Ash no worse for the wear." He then looked Pearl in the eye, "That is why I must face him alone. I am the only one who can purify Ash of Soul Edge without killing him." Pearl hesitantly nodded, "I.....see. Don't forget those words. I want to have his child someday, so don't let him die here." Ashton smiled, "I'll look forward to that day."

Soul Edge shouted, "Are you done yet?!" Once Pearl had returned to her companions' sides, Ashton nodded, "Yes. It's just you and me." But Soul Edge growled, "No. Not just yet." Ashton merely cocked his head to one side with a puzzled expression. Soul Edge then pointed at the viscount, "You're not the only one I want to see die. I will smother you along with the despicable shackles that have held me from my goals for far too long! You still carry IT with you, do you not?" Ashton calmly replied as he reached for Soul Calibur's hilt, "You know your other half well, Soul Edge."

Ashton slowly drew the spirit sword from its scabbard with his left hand. Once it was free from the scabbard, the sword began to shine brightly as it grew. When the light receded, Soul Calibur had taken on the form of a massive great sword, just like 600 years ago in the Dead Forest. Ashton spoke, "Consider yourself lucky. This is only the second time I have ever had to resort to Soul Calibur's true power and form." Lucy gasped, "It's beautiful..... But the way it shines... Is it made of glass now?" Chiara shook her head, "No. Crystal. The spirit sword's true form is a sword composed of a beautiful blue crystal." But Shadow then raised his voice, "Is he really going to use two of those giant blades at once?! Now I've seen everything..." Ashton's eyes then became a familiar shade of red as a pair of large wings composed of flames emerged from his back while flickering a rainbow of colors. Soul Edge then cackled, "Yes, just like old times! Now, come! I don't have all day, you know!" Ashton frowned, "I'm well aware of that. You failed to achieve your goal in the Dead Forest and you will fail here as well. For the last time!!!"

Ashton performed a quick double slash with his two swords, sending out a wave of flames from the Flamberge and a wave of blue soul energy from Soul Calibur, the two waves of energy cruising over the ground towards their target while occasionally crossing. Just before they reached Soul Edge, they split and collided head-on at the spot where Soul Edge was standing. But just before they could reach him, Soul Edge suddenly raised his arms, causing the lava around him to rise up and shield him in similar fashion to the Water Wall Jutsu. The walls of lava then fell over the two projectiles, snuffing them out. Ashton gulped, "The Eternal Flame of the Devil... It commands not flames, but the molten blood of the earth?!" Soul Edge then gave a cocky glance at Ashton and cackled, "Do you not see it yet, Ashton of Green Mile? I'm a completely different game from Night Terror!"

Soul Edge shouted, "Now it's my turn!" He suddenly raised his arms above him, causing the ground in front of him to melt and rise up into a wall of lava. "Not even you can take this kind of heat!" At Soul Edge's words, the lava wall began to fall towards Ashton like a tidal wave! Ashton gulped, "Not good." He then plunged the Flamberge into the ground beside him and grasped the hilt of Soul Calibur with both hands in a reverse grip. Ashton then plunged the blade of the spirit sword into the ground, sending out a trail of crystals jutting up from the ground. The instant the crystals touched the wall of lava, they began to crystallize it, making it seem as if the lava was turning into ice. Once the lava had become a massive hill of crystal, Kazeerah let out a whistle, "Now that's cool." But an instant later, something smashed through the wall of crystal, revealing the form of Soul Edge dashing towards Ashton on all fours. "You'll have to do better than that!" As he closed in on Ashton, Soul Edge leapt at him and thrust out his right hand with its blade aimed at Ashton's throat. But before it could collide, Ashton grabbed the Flamberge with his right hand and held his two swords in a type of crossed position, blocking the blade as Soul Edge pushed Ashton back. As the viscount's knees buckled with Soul Edge bearing down on him, the beast closed the gap between their faces and sneered, "Now there's a look I haven't forgotten. You still know to fear me." Ashton's eyes were quivering in fright at Soul Edge's new presence, showing that he was indeed fearful of its new power.

After a few seconds of trying to push Ashton to the ground, Soul Edge chuckled, "You better think fast. The ground beneath us is already starting to melt." Ashton glanced down and saw the air becoming wavy, a sign that the ground was becoming extremely hot. Knowing that the Eternal Flame would not protect him from lava's searing heat for long, he shouted, "Get off!" Ashton rolled backwards and vaulted Soul Edge off of him before jumping to cooler ground. Before Soul Edge could regain its footing, Ashton plunged the blades of his swords into the ground and brought his hands together to form a hand sign. "If Chakra can be used to walk on water, then it can also be used to walk on lava while protecting me from the heat." After making a hand sign for a moment, Ashton returned his swords to his hands and dashed towards Soul Edge. But the beast shouted, "Mind your feet!" He then plunged his hand into the ground, causing a trail of lava to extend from him as the ground melted. But as it extended to Ashton's feet, he simply continued running atop the molten earth.

Soul Edge cackled, "It seems you learned quite a few tricks since our last encounter! However, I too have learned much of this boy's heritage. Including this." Soul Edge then brought his hands together and held the palms a short distance apart. Sensing that he should keep his distance, Ashton came to a stop and held his swords in a cross-shaped guard like before. Soul Edge then asked, "Do you know what this is?" At that moment, a small orb of vile red energy began to gather between his palms. As she watched, Pearl gasped, "Is that.......Aura?" Shadow then shouted, "Ashton, that's an Aura Sphere!" The viscount grunted, "Aura?! But Zangoose can't manipulate Aura....... Oh no..." Ashton then recalled some of the last words he had ever heard from his son Atlas while on his deathbed 500 years ago. He recalled that Atlas had a daughter who had a child with a Lucario as the father. Ashton gulped, "How could I have forgotten? There is indeed traces of Lucario blood in Ash's veins..." Ashton then glanced at the red Aura between Soul Edge's hands, "But that is not Ash's own Aura...... It must be Soul Edge's. And it..... That Aura is like poison!" By then, Soul Edge had completed forming the Aura Sphere and shouted, "You got that right! Now feel the effects of my cursed soul on your own body!"

The beast of flames thrusted its hands forward, launching a massive wave of Aura at Ashton. Knowing he could not evade it on foot, Ashton spread his wings and shot skyward, causing the wave of vile Aura to narrowly miss him. But Shadow then shouted, "It's not enough! Aura Sphere can't be evaded! You need to counter it!" Ashton's eyes went wide as he spoke, "It can't?" As he turned around, the Aura Sphere began to curve upwards and was soon heading back towards him. But Ashton was not able to react in time and shouted, "DARN IT ALL!!!" Ashton let out a shriek as the vile Aura engulfed him. As his body was exposed to Soul Edge's corrosive life force, his flesh began to rot. Strange sounds escaped his throat as his skin was burned away, eventually revealing his bones and entrails. A moment later, his smoldering remains fell from the sky as the Aura Sphere dissipated. Chiara and Zandria brought their hands to their mouths as their lover's remains hit the ground with a sickening splat. The scent of rotten flesh quickly filled the air as Ashton's corpse was burned away to nothing.

Soul Edge stared for a moment at the spot where his hated enemy fell. He then began to laugh hysterically, "Yes... YES!!! Power that even the Angel of the Eternal Flame cannot match!!!" Zandria muttered, "You monster....." Tears began to fall from her eyes, but Soul Edge then turned to face the group and smirked, "Well, that was fun. Only now I have nothing else to do while I wait for my time to end." Chiara gulped, "You wouldn't..." But Soul Edge shouted, "Yes, one final massacre! What a way to end!" But just before he could charge them, Soul Edge froze at a familiar presence. "This..... Where is it coming from?!"

A moment later, something burst out of the ground around ten feet away from Soul Edge, outside the reach of the pool of lava that he stood on. Soul Edge quickly turned and glanced up. "But how?! You're dead!" Ashton held Soul Calibur high above his head with both hands as the blade began to glow. A second later, a beam of holy energy engulfed the blade and reached high above them, tripling the spirit sword's reach. Soul Edge's eyes went wide in terror, "If that hits...." Ashton then let out a shout as he brought his sword down hard in front of him with a mighty overhead swing. The instant the blade of holy power hit the ground, crystals shot up ahead of it in a growing line.

Ashton panted, "Drat..... Just missed him...." He then glanced over to his right and saw Soul Edge gasping for breath as it looked like it had desperately jumped out of the way. Ashton smirked, (So that's it. This is its Achilles' heel. If I can just strike him with this.....) Soul Edge growled, "How.... There's no way you could've survived that! No living creature can withstand my own life force!" Ashton nodded, "True, I would've been a goner. But what you took out was a Fire Clone. Remember?" Soul Edge brought a hand to his face as he thought back to their duel in the Dead Forest, when he crushed Ashton's skull, only to have his body explode in a burst of fire. Chiara and Zandria both breathed a sigh of relief. Chiara giggled, "How foolish of me. I must remember to always have faith in Ashton."

Soul Edge growled, "Stop toying with me!!!" It then screamed to the sky as a shroud of fire shot out from his body in all directions. As the flames passed over the ground, the earth melted. In seconds, the ground within fifty feet of Soul Edge had become a lake of lava. Once he had calmed down somewhat, Soul Edge faced Ashton to see that he was now standing on the lava without trouble. "Don't die too easily. I want to enjoy this!" Soul Edge then lunged at Ashton as the viscount took the Flamberge off his back and into his right hand. As he came within range, Soul Edge began to lash out with the blades extending from his hands while Ashton struggled to match him. With such speed, Soul Edge clearly had the advantage as Ashton very rarely had the chance to lash out at his enemy.

At the edge of the battlefield, Sapphire watched as her father dueled his ancestor. But while Soul Edge was in command of Ash's body, she knew that he was still in there somewhere. She also could not forget Soul Edge's warning. She had nearly lost her father before, and she would soon lose him again at this rate. (Daddy... I have to do something!) Without warning, the Riolu made a frantic dash towards the two dueling warriors. Ruby shouted as she noticed her daughter running away, "Sapphire, no! Stay with...AAAH!!!" Ruby and the rest of her companions were pushed back as a stray lava bomb hit the ground between them and Sapphire, causing a wall of flames to separate them. "Ash, he wouldn't.... He can't hurt his own child!"

As he locked blades with Soul Edge, Ashton noticed out of the corner of his eye Sapphire making a frantic dash towards them. He then glanced down at the field of lava they were standing on as a cold sweat trickled down his face. (If she even steps in that....) Ashton suddenly lashed out with his leg and kicked Soul Edge away. He then ripped of his cape and threw it at him as a diversion as he leapt skyward and hovered in place while flapping his wings in a steady rhythm. He then looked towards the wreckage of J's airship at the edge of the battlefield and screamed, "AURORA!!!"

During the release of the strange shockwave as Soul Edge awakened in Ash's body, Ash's backpack and other gear had been blown clear and had landed on J's airship. At Ashton's call, a bright light burst forth from the backpack and took on the form of a Suicune. Before she could even fall to the ground, Aurora released a potent Hydro Pump from her mouth towards the two combatants. During that time, Ashton made a quick series of hand signs and shouted, "Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu!" Aurora's stream of water suddenly expanded and became what seemed to be a massive rotating drill of water! But it then began to curve upwards before aiming down at the very center of the lava lake. Soul Edge tore through the burning remains of Ashton's cape and glanced upwards. "What's the point of this? He's already able to stand upon this lava without being burned, so why cool it?" As Soul Edge finished speaking, the massive load of water slammed into the lava lake, releasing a huge burst of steam as it rapidly cooled.

After no fewer than twenty seconds of constantly using Hydro Pump, Aurora ceased her efforts and ran over to her allies. Chiara asked, "Aurora, did you..." The Suicune nodded, "I heard everything. So, Soul Edge still lives. And in the body of my master?" Zandria nodded, "Yeah. And a certain someone got impatient and ran out there to them." As they spoke, Sapphire ran across the soaked earth and neared Soul Edge, her right hand curled into a fist. As he heard the sound of her footsteps, Soul Edge turned to face the Riolu just as she lunged for him. "Daddy, stop!!!" As she pleaded, Sapphire sent her fist slamming into Soul Edge's face, stunning the demon with the sheer force of the blow. Once Ashton dropped back down to the ground, he took both swords in hand and waited for Sapphire to get away from Soul Edge before he could strike.

Sapphire grabbed Soul Edge by the shoulder to prevent herself from falling. She then gazed up into his eyes and wept, "Stop this, Daddy! You're being scary now! This isn't like you! Come back!!!" But the vile Soul Edge growled and grabbed the Riolu by the back of her neck before shouting, "What must I say to get it through your skull?! That pathetic human whelp is dead and gone!" He then threw the helpless Riolu back towards her family, "Now stay out of my way!" As she rolled to a stop, Sapphire struggled to her feet while trembling in sorrow. Soul Edge shouted, "He is gone. And he will never return! This is my body now!" But the Riolu shuddered, "No... Daddy promised me... He promised....." She then slowly began to walk towards Soul Edge once again, and her walking soon broke into a run as she screamed, "He promised! He promised!!!"

Sapphire's right fist began to glow as she readied a Focus Punch. Soul Edge then sneered, "So be it. Looks like you are my first sacrifice!" Ashton shouted, "Sapphire, stay back! Only I can destroy Soul Edge!!!" But as she ran, Sapphire became engulfed in a bright light, as her body seemed to be growing. Ruby brought her hands to her face, "Sapphire..... You are..." Soul Edge seemed spellbound by this sudden occurrence as he simply stared, "What is this sorcery....?" But just as she neared Soul Edge, the light that was being emitted from the Riolu vanished. At that instant, Sapphire's right fist sailed into her father's abdomen, prompting a roar of pain from Soul Edge, as he was sent flying to the edge of the battlefield and crashing through the forest.

Ashton gazed in disbelief at his descendant, "Sapphire...... What the devil..." Standing before him was no longer a Riolu, but a beautiful Lucario. However, unlike her brother, Sapphire's human traits were more obvious. Her hands ended with five slender fingers and her legs were less reverse jointed like full-blooded Lucario. She was also much taller than the average Lucario, standing just a few inches shorter than Ashton. But what caught Ashton's eyes the most was her hair. She did not have the four dreadlocks that Lucario are known to have. Instead, she had very long shimmering black hair that reached down to the base of her tail. She then gasped as tears still fell from her eyes and spoke in with the voice of a young juvenile girl, "He promised...that he would never leave me. That he would always be there for me... I am his treasure... His Sapphire..."

Moments after being launched into the forest nearby, Soul Edge came sprinting out of it on all fours. He screamed, "You little whelp!!! You won't live to do that again!!!" But before he could reach them, Ashton plunged Soul Calibur into the ground, once again sending out a growing trail of crystals. Soul Edge was not able to stop in time and was quickly engulfed by the crystals as they encrusted him. "Not this again..." Ashton then turned to Sapphire and spoke, "I appreciate your aid, but I must do this alone." However, the Lucario begged, "Let me help! Daddy needs me!" But the viscount shook his head, "I know that. But if your father is to survive this, I must deliver a purifying blow to him. And only I can do that. Please stay out of this fight. For your father's sake." Sapphire could only stare at her ancestor, but soon turned and ran back towards her family. Once he turned to Soul Edge, the beast of flames shattered its crystal bonds with brute force and snarled, "I remember that one. But you won't catch me with that move a third time."

Soul Edge quickly formed a small sphere of his Aura in one hand and lunged at Ashton in an attempt to slam it into him. But the viscount spread his wings and took to the air to evade it. However, Soul Edge soon smirked, "Think you can stay out of my reach by going airborne? Think again!" Soul Edge then thrust its arm upwards, causing a massive rope of fire to extend from it while ending with a hand-like shape. Before Ashton could look back to see it, the rope of fire grabbed his legs. Ashton let out a startled shout as the rope yanked him straight down and slammed him face-first into the ground, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to drop his swords. But Soul Edge laughed, "We're just getting started, old friend!"

Soul Edge yanked his arm back, causing the rope of flames to yank Ashton back up into the air by his legs. Soul Edge then threw its arm downwards, causing the rope of fire to respond like a whip, slamming Ashton into the ground again. It was then that Soul Edge began to speed up the process by smacking Ashton around all over the battlefield in a very erratic pattern. He then began to swing the rope of fire around in a circular motion, causing it to reach the very end of the battlefield. There was the sound of trees snapping as Ashton was sent plowing through the edge of the forests nearby. After a full rotation, Soul Edge yanked his arm upwards to send the rope of fire high into the air just before throwing Ashton towards the ground at high speed in the same fashion as if the hand at the end of the rope had thrown a throwing knife. Ashton hit the ground hard, leaving a significant crater for his size. Soul Edge licked his lips, "Such versatility. This host never ceases to amaze me."

As Soul Edge slowly approached his enemy, Lucy watched with her companions in silent anticipation. Suddenly, a voice spoke in her mind, "What in the world are you waiting for?" Lucy closed her eyes and spoke in her mind, "Don't talk to me... I don't want to hear your voice." But the darker voice continued, "You have the power, so why do you refuse to use it?" Lucy cried, "Never again. Not after what happened to Kazeerah. Even though she survived, she could've..." But the voice in her mind shouted, "So are you saying that boy is worth nothing to you?!" Lucy shuddered, "No... He is very precious to me... He is my friend." However, the voice laughed, "Oh, please. You're too modest for your own good. You know as well as I do that it is far deeper than that. Far, far deeper."

Lucy screamed in her mind, "No... I'm not worthy of him! I can't allow myself to feel that way about anyone! No matter how much I grow to love him, I must not allow myself to become that attached!" But the dark voice in the recesses of Lucy's mind replied, "So you're saying you couldn't care less if he were to meet his end here?" Lucy was silent with grief and offered no reply. The darker tone of her own voice spoke, "You heard that demon. That boy is slowly dying out there as long as that parasite is in possession of his body. And that man with the swords clearly can't stand up to it on his own." Lucy muttered, "But..." However, the darker voice replied, "But what? Are you saying that you're just going to do nothing as you watch him die?!" Tears began to fall from Lucy's eyes as she quivered in silence. A moment later, her blue fur, as well as the blue pants she wore, began to turn a golden yellow while her yellow vest turned a dark, almost black, shade of blue. She squinted her eyes closed as she spoke in her mind, "No... He is...the one..... The only boy I will never accept losing..." Lucy's eyes then slowly opened, revealing that her eyes had turned a darker, almost bloody, shade of red. She then whispered in a much darker and ominous tone than usual, "Wise choice." At that instant, a furious wave of dark purple Aura erupted around her, forcing her companions away from her. As Kazeerah saw her sister's new form, cold sweat trickled down her beak, (Oh crap... Don't tell me she's...)

ch 23 angel vs devil (part 2)

not mine i am uploading this with the permission of XD385 copyright shit lucario and pokemon (c)game freak other car. (c) xd385 i do not care if your 18 or not because even if i say dont read this you probly still...

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ch 21 wrath of the devil

not mine i am uploading this with the permission of XD385 copyright shit lucario and pokemon (c)game freak other car. (c) xd385 i do not care if your 18 or not because even if i say dont read this you probly still...

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ch 20 kindred flames

not mine i am uploading this with the permission of XD385 copyright shit lucario and pokemon (c)game freak other car. (c) xd385 i do not care if your 18 or not because even if i say dont read this you probly still...

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