Damn it, I need this!

Story by Faller on SoFurry

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#2 of Damn it, I need this!

Hey. This is my first story on sofurry. I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it aswell. It starts slow but ramps up to be pretty intense (Or at least I think it does). I posted the second part today as well. So feel free to enjoy that too. This story contains bukkake so if you don't like that, sorry.

"Goooooaaaaaaaaallllllllll!" the television blared into the small living room. A local soccer game was being televised and it was zooming in on the team's star player, Jacob Stark. The horse that laid on the black couch facing the television had a slick smile plastered across his face as he watched his big brother score his second goal of the game. Steven looked very similar to his brother as they were only a couple of years apart age-wise.

Steven was a lean and muscular horse with a speckled gray fur with a lighter gray spotted white chest with a black mane stood in direct contrast to his fur. He had the back of his head against his folded hands and was taking up the entire couch. He envied his brother even though he was just as good as him at soccer, but a broken leg in his teenage years barred him from most serious soccer leagues, dampening the momentum necessary to launch any sport career. His brother was only nineteen when he was being scouted by national teams. Now, five years later, he has remained local because his overly ambitious standards to the team he wants to join.

Steven's eyes were beginning to drift shut before the apartment doorknob started to jiggle his eyes lazily darted at the door and back to the game, sure of who it was. Eva finally pushed the door open carrying a carton of milk.

"I can't believe how crowded the damn store was." Eva angrily uttered as she closed the door and and opened the fridge.

"Hey babe," Steven said happily to his beloved Black fox. She gave him an ornery glare and his eyes quickly darted away.

"Did I miss something here? What's wrong?" the stallion muttered confused.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." the fox muttered apologetically.

She walked over and sat in the chair next the the couch. She sighed and clasped her fists and confessed, "Its just the whore at work, Violet. Our project leader chose her as his assistant. Ten minutes after the announcement I caught her blowing him in the copy room. They started right back up after I closed the door."

She sighed and leaned her head back. She was wearing a white tank-top under a pink blouse covered by a small black jacket. This coupled with her skin tight jeans attracted Steven's gaze until his eyes darted back at the game. She looked great even after such an apparently long day, especially compared to the horse who spent his day-off lounging on the couch wearing a white v-neck shirt and some baggy jeans. He turned the sound on the television down and then put his hand back behind his head.

"Babe, I told you that bitch was crazy, but I had no idea." Steven said reassuringly.

Eva flung her black jacket onto another chair in the corner of the room revealing her black arms that slowly faded to gray as it approached her hands.

The horse muttered, "Before you know it, she'll be giving quickies in the bathroom." she chuckled, warmed by Steven's tone. "I'm sure with her special talents she will have reached the pinnacle of the corporate ladder in no time." Steven said jokingly.

Eva covered her mouth as she gave a loud giggle. She looked at her mate affectionately with the corner of her eye. A sparkle of lust twinkled in her eye; not to the notice of the stallion next to her. She slowly rose from her chair, watching to make sure his eyes didn't follow, and walked behind the couch. She took off her pink blouse silently and along with the white tank-top, revealing a skimpy white lace C-cup bra that was obviously to small for her as it barely hid her recently perked nipples. She slowly grabbed the remote control and clicked off the Soccer game right before Jacob was going in for another goal.

"Hey babe, what was that for?" he said as he got up on his elbows. His face froze to find his fox standing, waiting for him. She paused momentarily feeling Steven's gaze eye her up and down. She waved her sharply curved hip as she walked around her stallion's head and mesmerized face. As she walked past his face she waved her bushy gray tail at his nose, giving him a whiff of her scent. She tried to ignore her urges the entire day, but her boy's warm voice melted away her attempts, surrendering to the lust hidden deep within her moist pussy. Steven closed his eyes as he took in the intoxicating fragrance letting his breath go in a long anxious sigh.

As she walked a few steps in front of him, eyes locked onto her tight figure, she bended down to reveal her fantastic, toned ass whose amorous curves were revealed by her tight jeans squeezing on her skin as if they were shrinking on her. Steven laid spellbound by her hypnotic allure as she turned to face him, eyes focused on the sizable bulge in his pants. She licked her lips as she moved slowly to the ground and crawled over to her snack, her lovely tail swaying behind her slowly.

"I have been itching for this all day." she said with a devilish grin. She got up above the bulge and softly nibbled on it. Steven moaned in anticipation. Eva unbuttoned and slowly unzipped the loose jean as Steven's equine, half-hard cock pushed out of its prison. He took off his shirt revealing his speckled white chest with a trail of white leading down to his crotch. The lack of boxers made this extraction all the more easy as Eva licked her lips and her mouth watered at the sight of the wonderful member. She gave one long lick over the length of the soft cock, making Steven shiver with happiness.

"Show those fantastic tits to me babe." Steven groaned. She grinned as she gave the cock one more lick before reaching behind her to unhook the bra and reveal herself to her anxious lover. The bra almost popped off as she growled lightly and tossed the garment at the stallion's face.

He grabbed it and took in the scent with gusto and gave a great sigh, "How I have missed that smell." Eva giggled as she played with her nipples and fondled her voluptuous breasts. Eva opened her eyes shocked to notice that the soft cock she had just left had hardened considerably and was now at some fourteen inches with precum leaking out of the fat head as it continued to grow a few more inches. She grasped the cock lovingly and gave it another long lick across its length. Her rough tongue causing Steven to moan in pleasure. She took a long time to lick over his tip, tickling Steven with pleasure. She smacked her lips at the taste of his pre. Eva started to suckle his head inciting an odd whinny from the stallion as his cock twitched and throbbed in Eva's hand, or more so hands.

She flipped her hair to one side before smacking the monster against her aching breasts. Steven sat up and placed a pillow behind his back and reached down to fondle her impressive tits, pulling a moan from her throat before he grabbed at her chin with his large strong hands and whispered to her ear, "Beg slut. Beg for my cock." She whimpered and let go of her dominance over the situation. "Please let me stuff your fat cock into my mouth." Steven leaned back, giving his blessing.

Eva went straight at it, stuffing an entire six inches in her muzzle before the member smacked against the back of her mouth. She worked with the fraction of his length before the stallion reached down and put his hands on the back of her head. She stuck her tounge out from under her mouth and opened wide, giving Steven a glimpse down her gullet. She looked up and smiled, after pumping her fist up his cock several times. Steven motioned to take over, Eva submitted to him and dropped her hand.

Steven closed his eyes and slowly pushed inch after inch into her warm muzzle. After three of four inches into her throat she whimpered as her air began to cut off. He let up, pushing her head down and up as his mate moaned in pleasure. He worked her lips back down to his tip. She licked and teased the inside of his tip with her tongue sending a shiver up Steven's torso. He then slammed down into her throat squeezing a tear out of her.

He let up a little and Eva's tongue began to stick out from under his cock as she used her hand to push his balls to her mouth so she could get a taste other than the pre dribbling down her throat. The horse moaned and smiled in surprise at the act as he rubbed her ears and scratched behind them. Eva looked up lovingly before the member started to pump in and out of her throat. Her eyes watered along with he swelling pussy.

After a few more minutes of this, ever speeding up, Steven grunted, "mmm... gonna cum babe...." Eva closed her eyes in preparation for her snack before, to her surprise, her beloved cock slipped from her maw. She looked up at her horse, pouting, feeling swindled out of her pleasure. Steven neglected to notice as his eyes were closed and pointed to the ceiling.

Then it clicked. Eva panted with excitement as she realized her impending painting, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. Steven was on the edge. Clenching his ass and grinding his teeth, continuing to pumped his fist up his cock for a few more precious seconds, not intending to hold it any longer. He moaned loudly and Eva opened her mouth for her treat.

A second later, he erupted and shot several hot, thick ropes of cum towards her mouth. It sprayed into her mouth and all over her face, matting her fur, and even shooting onto her tits. The cum's contact with her fur and the sweet taste in her mouth made her erupt into a long awaited orgasm that stabbed at her nerves like fingers digging into her spine.

She wiped the cum off of her eyes and stuck her fingers in her mouth to join more of the sperm. She stuck out her tongue to show her prize to her stallion as he smiled and audibly gulped. Catching the hint, she swallowed it gladly, revealing her clean, empty maw to her mate. Steven leaned forward and rubbed his cum deep into the fur on her hot tits. She gave a innocent smile as his hand reached for her face and wiped all the cum into his hand.

After gathering the cum, he gave a wet slap to her face making her giggle in surprise. After sopping the cum into his hand again he presented to his lover and she licked it off of his fingers. Cradeling her chin he licked from her nipple up to her cheek before shoving his tongue into her mouth. She closed her eyes and passionately pushed him back so that she was lying on top of him, wrestling with his tongue. She put her hand on his shoulders and he slipped one of his hands behind her back while the other hand grabbed at her ass and squeezed.

In the excitement, Eva broke the kiss, a thread of cum and saliva continuing the connection, and looked deep into Steven's hazel eyes. "Your supervisor doesn't know what he passed up. You would have out blowed that whore for sure." Steven said smiling. Eva just gave him a playful slap to the face as she chuckled. "You know that your the only one that can satisfy me you bastard." Eva responded causing Steven's smile to widen as he put his hands around her and held her close. They laid, eyes closed for a few minutes, Eva's head nuzzling against his neck before she licked Steven's face.

"Now its your turn." Steven smiled, sat up. He picked her up from the couch giving her another messy kiss before carrying her to the bedroom. Eva was quietly giggling the entire way and as they entered the room. Steven slapped her ass, inciting a yip from her before laying her out on the bed.

To be continued... well sort of. The next one is already posted. So march on if you'd like.