Blood Fang - Part: I - Transformation

Story by Woofy69 on SoFurry

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Blood Fang

By Woofy 69

Part: I - Transformation

Human years have no meaning in the packs of the werewolves that roam the mountains of North America, or to the wolves The Confederacy of the Five Paws. For many years their numbers remained small, for there was no great amount of men was not substantial; Praying on the males of the native tribes to replace lost numbers in their packs. The natives believed that the werewolves were some type of spirit. The werewolves were quite weak due to the natives not being as resistant to disease and deadly wounds until white square clouds were spotted on the horizon.

Bear Killer walked along the beach; he was very fond of the beach where as most of the wolves preferred to be further inland. He walked to the top of a dune and was hit by a gust of wind. It had a unfamiliar smell, but it still had the smell of men and lots of them. Bear Killer got down on all fours and started to stalk towards the smell. As he crested a sand dune, he spotted a large group of men, but their skin was much lighter than the natives. Bear Killer spotted a rather attractive male walking away from the group. He stealthily snuck into the grass. The man was finishing taking a piss; Bear Killer snuck closer.

James sighed in relief and glanced around a bit, turned, and went completely still. Before him stood a seven foot monster; it looked like a man but was covered in fur and had the head of a wolf. He wanted to yell or run, but he could not. The creature smiled and took a fur grip of his arms. James couldnt yell; he was petrified with fear. The creature spun him around, pulled him into its body, and cupped its massive paw over his mouth. James did not know what to expect to be devoured, but the creature had other plans. It suddenly sunk its razor sharp fangs into Jamess shoulder. James screamed into the paw then was let go; he fell to the ground. His shoulder was burning which soon spread to his whole body. Suddenly his senses became incredibly sensitive, and incredibly overpowering. James glanced up one last time to see the creature grinning with bloody fangs; he then was consumed in darkness.

James opened his eyes and sat up, hoping it all was a dream; at first glance it was not. He was in the middle of a small cave that had the heavy smell of musk. He was not bound and saw that the cave entrance was unguarded. He stood up and made a run for it. Yes he can make it, but then he stopped. His hands were no longer hands, but were now a type of paw but still looked human. James sensed something and looked up. A different creature stood before him but still resembled the other one.

It stepped forward, Hello, new wolf.

James gulped but didnt feel any fear, Hello.

The wolf smiled warmly, Im your trainer, Lokar.

Um, alright.

Lokar giggled and offered James his hand; he took it and was lead out of the cave. Outside the cave was a little camp. There were fires and around them sat many brown furred wolves. The two passed by a basin with water in it; James got to see what he looked like for the first time. His fur was brown like the others, his eyes still had the same dark blue, but his body was much more muscular. He thought to himself, What have I become and where am I? It was obvious that they were in the mountains but they did not resemble the mountains of Scotland. He turned to Lokar, What is going on here?

Lokar spent much time telling him about what he was. He was a werewolf. A ancient race of beings that kept to themselves except when they needed more wolves in which they would try to procure a human male. They would bite the shoulder where the heart was so that a venom in their saliva could spread quickly throughout the body. Werewolves could not be killed by most forms of injury unless it was to the brain, so hanging could kill them. Lokar also taught him about their culture and social ranking. At the bottom there were the New Wolves, who were really only apprentices to another wolf. Next was the a very equal bunch of classes. The Trainers would be the ones to take on a apprentice, New Wolf, to be taught and then permanently added to the pack. There was also the Finders; they would go out and find men to be transformed. Then there was the hunters. Their job is to go and get food for the rest of the pack and normally brought back other types of food as well. Next came the Betas, there are two. They help take care of the more intellectual matters as well as protect the Alpha. Finally at the top is the Alpha. He was basically the master of all the wolves in his pack and was normally the wisest and strongest. He kept all things in order amongst the pack. The Alpha for this pack is Valiant the Great for his strength and wisdom. He was also quite a attractive wolf and is prone to rewarding wolves for their good deeds by letting them sleep with him for a night.

The pack that James has been partially brought into is the Eastern Pack. There are five packs. The Eastern is on the central east coast of North America and extends through most of the Appalachian Mountains. Their fur is brown and they are quite intelligent. In the south east is the Black Furs they are rather quiet and have black fur which allows them to be rather stealthy. Dominating the west coast is the Gold Furs; they are not really smart or strong but rather flamboyant and tend to be more party animals. Finally the largest of the packs is the Northern Wolves. They control all the northern section of the continent. They are also the largest pack. Their fur is a silver grey color and they are quite strong and fierce.

James took this all in and was rather shocked but not completely surprised; he had come to the New World expecting to find strange things.

Lokar then told James that he had two things he needed to do before he could be excepted into the pack; he must kill a big game animal and find a human male to transform to become his mate. That night James slept in the small cave; another wolf was there and appeared to have been bitten recently and was slowly changing. James pondered what he had learned but soon fell asleep. Tomorrow would be a day of hunting and killing.