Leodus 1: Exiled

Story by Femboy Tiger on SoFurry

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#1 of Leodus the slave

I'm starting a new series here. I give thanks to Avanti Halfhorse for the inspiration here. Don't read if you're under 18. If yiff stories offend you, don't read. Blah Blah Blah. You're responsible, blah blah blah... now on with the story.

Story of Leodus: Exile

By Lone_Tiger

He's name was Leodus, a white tiger. He was a guard in the castle of King Nicander of the Golden Retriever family. Today, he was summoned to the King's daughter's room for reasons unknown. Being a loyal servant of the royal family, he agreed.

As he got to the door, he knocked out of courtesy. When no one answered, he opened the door. As soon as he walked in, he was hit hard by the smell of heat, the Princess' heat.

The door instantly closed, and the Princess pushed him against the wall. She leaned forward to kiss him. She immediately stuck her tongue into his muzzle. She rubbed her dripping slit over his groin, begging to be mated. Leodus was stunned at her actions. Sure, he may have glanced under her tail when she bent down, but that was it. He never even thought of mating with her. She was the King's daughter!

Her hands kept his head in place; he struggled to break away from her hold. "Princess Nitocris... what ... are you doing?"

"I'm ...in heat Leodus. I need to be mated. You are the strongest of my servants, so I chose you."

"But... you're... the king's daughter. I can't mate with you, I'm just a guard."

"I know you want me. I've caught you staring under my tail more than enough times. You want me and I want you, we're both getting what we want."

Leodus couldn't think of more to say. Nitocris lead him to her bed, and threw him down. She jumped onto him, and ripped his clothes off. When she ripped off his pants, she saw her prize.

A little pink was coming out of his sheath. She took it into her mouth, and sucked on it. Leodus was in heaven now. He didn't think about anything except her wonderful blowjob. With every lick, more and more of his cock came out of his furry prison. Soon his rod grew to its full length. She was getting every single part of his tigerhood. She nibbled on the head of the rod. Then Leodus squirted a little pre out the top. She licked up and down his length to get as much of it as possible. Then she took each of his balls in her muzzle and sucked on them. After she was satified with coating his balls with saliva, she deepthroated him in one go, without even gagging. She got all the way down to his knot. Leodus looked down and saw a massive bulged in her throat. Her throat muscles were massaging his head. Oh it felt so good.

"You must have done this before haven't you Princess?"

When she nodded, her bottom teeth scraped against his most sensitive part of his knot. His cock twitched in her muzzle. The Princess saw this and just as Leodus was about to cum, Nitocris pulled away from his cock.

"Damn, I was so close!" Leodus whimpered.

Nitocris smiled seductivly and crawled over him. She rolled him over so he was on top of her body. She guided his rod into her. Her heat made her entrance tight, but her arousal made her walls wet with her sex juices. So Leodus easily slipped about halfway in, but it was still almost unbearably tight. Nitocris moaned as inch by inch, he pushed into her depths.

When he couldn't get through anymore, he looked at her figure. It was the first time he got a good look at her body. She saw that she was completely naked, and her heat made her golden fur, even brighter, even in the darkness of her room at night. Her breasts were one of the biggest and firmest of all the furs he had mated before. As the fur came closer to the nipple, it became whiter. Until it got to the nipple, which was pink, and erect pointing straight up to Leodus. He also found the smell of her heat more intoxicating because he had penetrated her sex.

"Like what you see?" Leodus heard from below. Nitocris gave a tight squeeze of her cunt. Squeezing more pre into her sex.

"Ahhhhh! Gods that's tight!" Leodus chocked out.

Nitocris gave a wicked grin and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him down on top of her and kissed him. Leodus slowly pumped in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and meet with everyone of his thrusts. Every time he got deeper into her, and his knot was growing fast. He shot a few loads of pre to lubricate the tight crevice. His rough feline tongue entered her muzzle and wrestled with her soft canine tongue. When he got to her cervix, he plowed through that barrier, and into her womb. His knot tied them together.

"Ahhh! I'm coming to cum!" they both said.

He exploded into her depths. She felt this and was sent into her own orgasm. Her walls clamped down on his tigerhood, milking it for everything he had. Her juices ran down his length and splashed all over his balls.

The smell of sex was still surrounding them, and only spurring them on. Nitocris rolled over and was on top of him. She put her hands on either side of his head, and rubbed her bust in his face.

"Lick me Leodus," she begged.

Without any time to recover from the mind-blowing orgasm, Leodus obeyed his Princess and took a nipple into his mouth, and sucked on it, like a cub sucking for milk. She lifted her hips up and down, pistoning his rod. He move his hips up to meet with hers. The Princess rode him like a horse. Leodus transfered his head to her other nipple and licked it. He moved his hands down, and flicked at her extremely sensitive clit.

She screamed and came again. More fluid rushed down and onto his lap. He cummed again into her sex, giving her more of his fertile cream. Then, exhausted, she collapsed onto him. Leodus pulled out of her with a squish kind of sound.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and some of his fellow guard friends pulled him away from the princess, and clapped him in irons. Leodus heard the princess scream, "No!" but it didn't help him.

Leodus was brought to the throne room, in front of King Nicander. The golden retriever was staring him down with every step he limped into the room. The guards forced him to kneel before their king. Then they drew their swords and pointed them at his neck.

Damn it, I knew this was going to happen, Leodus thought.

He was still as naked as when he did the princess, but out of the shame, and humiliation, his tigerhood retreated back into its sheath.

"What do we have here?" the King asked.

"We caught Leodus mating with your daughter, your majesty," a panther guard said.

"Dude! James! What the Fuck!" Leodus hissed at him. James was one of his closest friends, he couldn't believe he was selling him out like this.

The King walked down from his throne. He pointed at Leodus and yelled, "You! Leodus. I hereby exile you out of my kingdom!"

"But where will I go?" Leodus asked.

"That's not my problem," the King scowled. He turned to James, "Get him out of my sight!"

The guards nodded and carried him away. Leodus went to his room and got his stuff. The other guards left him, but James stayed.

"Sorry man," he whispered.

"What the fuck was that? Why did you sell me out like that?" Leodus yelled.

"Come on man, it wasn't just me who saw, everyone saw. If I backed you up, I would get in just as much trouble as you."

Leodus grumbled under his breath.

James sneered, "So how did you get her to mate with you? She's the princess, and we're just guards. How does that work out?"

"She was in heat."

James laughed his head off, "Which means, she'll be bearing your children."

Leodus sighed, "Yeah, too bad, I'll never get see them...... I've always wondered what a tiger/golden retriever hybrid looked like."

"Don't worry I'll look after them."

Leodus decided to just bring his armor, and his sword to hunt wild non-furry game. "Goodbye man."

James just shook his head as he saw Leodus walk out of the castle.

Chapter 2 coming soon!

Please leave comments, like how to improve my work.