Furries University Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#32 of Furries University

Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss (November 11th 2019 A.D. - Monday 10:30 AM)

Kitsune awoke on the medical bed, Ryu, Shon, Yoshi, Shadow, Rodgers and the fox were all around him. Kitsune shook awoke, looking around. He saw most of their faces smile at his consciousness. He tried to smile himself but a feeling inside him froze his face emotionless as he looked upon them.

"Good" the fox said looking over him, Rodgers beside him "glad I was there, I dunno if he would have made it with that stall in judgment in that classroom".

"You sayin' we wouldn't have done anything!?" Ryu questioned turning to the fox.

"I didn't say that, but who knows what would have happened...I'm just saying it's a good thing that I knew CPR, did any of you?" the fox looked over the group. Rodgers and Shon both shook their heads.

"Don't argue right now around Kit" Rodgers walked up to Kitsune placing a glass of water near the bed "the good thing is he's okay who knows what could have happened!"

Kitsune gave his emotionless stare to the roof, above him, staring into the light. Sitting up, he looked at the furs around him.

"Oh" The fox stepped forward "My Name is Hunter". The fox extended his paw to Kitsune. Kitsune shook it giving a fake smile to him, despair running through Kitsune's body like blood.

"You collapsed into an episode in the classroom, so I had to perform CPR on you" Hunter nodded to Rodgers.

"Kit, you need to calm down, I think that whole thing was caused by stress. There doesn't appear to be any physical problems with you, so it must be mental, I can talk to your professors and get you out of classes for a few days" Rodgers put a paw on Kitsune's shoulder "It'd be nice for you to get a break".

"No" Kitsune shook his head giving a dull tone "I already skipped a few days of classes, that's enough". Rodgers nodded backing away from Kitsune. A bell gave a rang and Kitsune shook his head.

"Where's my stuff" Kitsune asked his tone still dull.

"You're not going to finish classes today" Shon spoke "The professors won't let you, now just get to the dorm and lay down. I'll get the work from your classes". Kitsune gave a sigh, turning so that his feet hang off the bed.

"I'll go with you Kit" Insisted Rodgers.

"I'd...rather be alone right now" Kitsune turned his head from the group.

"Sorry it's not a choice" Rodgers said picking up Kitsune's bag from a corner and slinging it over his shoulder "The rest of you should run to your classes". The other furs began to pile out of the room, Shon still standing by Kitsune and padding up to him.

"Look, I only have one more period I'll be at the dorm as soon as I can be, you just get some sleep" Shon put a paw on top of Kitsune's. The fox didn't look at him, lost in his own thought he stared at the ground, his eyes looking as if they'd burst into tears within seconds. Shon left the room, leaving Rodgers and Kitsune, which the raccoon quickly grabbed Kitsune's paw and tugged on him to follow. Kitsune nodded without words following along Rodgers. Moments passed as they crossed the large area between the dorms and the university, the grounds almost barren of other furs except for the few sitting on picnic tables near each other under a shade near the center of the grounds.

When they reached the door, of Ozwot's dorm Kitsune stared at the green door, his eyes with that still almost weeping kind of sense.

"Would you like me to watch you till' the second period is over?" Rodgers offered. Kitsune shook his head opening the door, Rodgers walking off slowly, and Kitsune shut the door. Standing at the front of the door, Kitsune seemed to stared, his chest moving in and out, until he fell to his knees, tears know bursting from his eyes, whimpering and weeping, the fox placed his paws to his eyes.

"He...he's not coming back!" Kitsune shouted to himself weeping into his paws "...I'm...all...alone". The fox wept into his paws desperately, feeling that all was gone now, that no more hope existed.

"That's right" the misty voice played in his head "just give up...make it easy on yourself".

"Why!!" Kitsune screamed out towards the roof, tears still rolling down his cheeks. Falling down know Kitsune curled into a ball weeping onto the carpet, pathetic shivers and twitches in between. Smashing a fist into the ground Kitsune got onto his paws and knees, tears still hitting the carpet.

"What...did I do" The weeping fox asked fate "...I...just want...to love him!"

His paws giving way, Kitsune lay his cheek into the ground, letting his legs fall limp, laying down the world becoming a teary mess as he cried, tears flowing to the world. Kitsune twitched, at his own thoughts still only seeing the rippling world through his crying eyes. 'Alone...I'm alone now...he's not going to come back...and from now on, It's just me...' the thoughts ran about Kitsune mind he only began to moan now despair filling his veins and pushing the liquid from his eyes.

*** (an hour passed by Kitsune still weeping and crying)

Shon approached the door, hearing sounds from inside. He placed an ear to the door, hearing the weeps, cries and moans of the fox, he quickly burst in to find Kitsune laying on the floor. A pathetic sight, the young fox curled and whining on the floor, a dark spot around his muzzle on the carpet, Kitsune did not even notice Shon enter the room. Shon shook his head and kneeled down to Kitsune placing a paw on his arm.

"Kitsune!" Shon shouted shaking him, the fox did not stir to his touch lost in his own sadness. Shon shook his head again and put his arms under Kitsune picking him up and cradling the whimpering, fox and moving the young man's head to stare into his eyes.

"Kitsune" He said softly, the fox's tears still rolling out.

"He's...not coming back" Kitsune whined to the folf, his eyes tearing more so now. Shon sighed and carried Kitsune into the bed room laying him on the bed, putting a paw on his shoulder.

"Calm down" Shon said "Just...don't worry he'll come back".

"No!" Kitsune shouted pulling covers over his body and face "He doesn't want me anymore!...I...I did something to him..."

"Kitsune!" Shon shouted at him, pulling the covers from him and giving a stern face "Ozwot will come back for you! I can't believe I'm hearing this now...like this...you who so heavily show and imply your love for him!".

Kitsune's tears slowed as the fox sat up pulling his legs close, his knees covering his muzzle.

"But..." The fox sniffed as he spoke "why hasn't he sent in so long?"

"Maybe he can't" Shon spoke calming himself and sitting on the bed beside the fox.

"Just...don't...I" Kitsune stopped in his sentence and turned away his eyes gloomy and his hair covering his face "...I want to be alone right now". Shon shook his head and stood up.

"Is that what you really want?"

"Just...leave me" Kitsune said looking down at the floor "...what hope do I have anymore...what reason left to live..."

"I hope" Shon said turning his back and reaching for the door "That while you're alone...you rethink those words..."

Kitsune lay down on the bed now crying into the covers as Shon close the door.

***(12 hours later)

The day passed by Kitsune his tears stopped but his hopelessness, and despair remained as he walked through the abyss of his mind, Shon now laying in the bed beside him. Nights lunar light flowing into the room, Kitsune's eyes dry moist around the lines, fur stuck down tight, eyes barren of happy sight. Monstrous forms and shadows rolling around the room, approaching Kitsune who only stared back with emotionless thought. Shon lay close to Kitsune, a paw on his arm. The black furred fox stood leaned against the wall staring at Kitsune an ethereal knife in his paw outstretched offering to Kitsune, who only repaid with a stare and contemplation.

*** (November 12th 2019 A.D. - Tuesday 7:00 AM)

Kitsune followed Shon out of the door to the dorm, closing it behind him, his head was low, his eyes with that almost tearing look still as thoughts of not so long past went through his head. Shon took Kitsune's paw into his own, and looked behind him, at the slouching, pitiful looking animal. Kitsune's entire surroundings were different, once a bright hot feeling arose when around him, now nothing but cold frustration and depression seeped from his being. Now they passed the tree within minutes, Shon noticed now there was a strange indention in the tree.

"Kit?" Shon breathed, Kitsune looked up with his empty eyes at Shon "Are you sure, you don't want to take this week off? I can bring you the homework."

"No" Kitsune shook his head putting it back down, as they neared the school "no point...I might as well waste time in school..."

"Rather than crying over false thoughts?" Shon questioned. Kitsune did not reply back to the question just following along in tow. Shon gave a soft sigh and looked around the campus. The sight seemed quite barren of furs, there was a light fog around the place. The parking lot was impossible to make out in the distance, as well as the forest, but the universities large intrusive look sprang from the mist, with it's prestigious aura.

Moments passed as they moved through the fog, coming into the entrance of the school, Again just like outside the halls seemed empty though voices could be heard off in the distant halls. Shon looked around oddly, Kitsune following along cautiously.

"Something's up" Shon said looking back at Kitsune, who's teary eyes looked down the hall, for anymore life.

"We're early, I know but...it's odd...maybe something is happening" Shon said, and then foot steps could be heard down the hall to the left of them, Shon turned and looked. The male lion had an ecstatic look on his face and came up to Kitsune tugging on his sleeve.

"You're Warui right?" The tiger breathed out looking at him. Kitsune nodded not looking into his eyes.

"You might wanna hear some of the things being said" the lion spoke quickly, "Out in the cafeteria some guy is making all kinds of comments and threats about you". Kitsune shook his head and pushed the lion away calmly.

"I don't care" A wispy tone came from Kitsune's maw. Shon looked to Kitsune and nodded putting a paw on his shoulder.

"Come on, I'm gonna walk you to class" Shon breathed out. Shon took Kitsune by the wrist and began to walk down the hall with him in pull. Leaving the lion standing somewhat confused.

*** (three hours later, after Kitsune had finished with his classes)

Kitsune walked out of the university, no furs seemed to be around, it was oddly quiet though in the distance he could see the furs who ended there classes same as him, but his slow pace seemed to be obvious in comparison. He breathed out giving a sigh his mind never leaving from the hopelessness that now filled him, staring at the dorm building as his crawling pace kept him so far.

He continued his pace towards the building looking at the ground before looking up as he passed the tree, an uneasy feeling near it, as he crossed it. He heard a foot step behind him and quickly turned, to see Jerry giving an evil smile towards him.

"Hey" the large fur smirked maniacally a water pipe in his paw, as he took a step towards Kitsune, who's heart was racing at the site, but his eyes showing an apathetic feeling towards the situation.

"You, haven't quit yet" Jerry took another step "not smart boy, now your kind are full of dumb asses you need to know that you're only leading these people to pain, now once chance, lil' faggot, shut it down".

"...fuck you" Kitsune said softly giving a monotone from his maw "...you really think you can cause me any more pain than I'm already in?"

Kitsune's eyes still appeared to be tearing up as he looked at Jerry, the fox's tail swishing about. Kitsune could feel his heart pumping and anger rising. Kitsune began to feel slightly, better at this moment, feeling a chance to vent out his frustration.

"Now you leave me alone" Kitsune gave an angry tone towards Jerry "If you're thinking of attacking me you better have more than a pipe". Kitsune growled at Jerry.

"Oh?" Jerry looked at his pipe then back at Kitsune "I'll make you learn". Jerry took another step towards Kitsune and gave him a shove moving him back a few steps.

Jerry swung the Pipe over his head and down at Kitsune, who threw his wrist into Jerry's the pipe falling from his grasp. Kitsune stalled for a moment then thrust his left hand into Jerry's stomach. Jerry fell forward onto the ground, grasping at his abdomen. Then The fox followed by slamming the bottom of his paw into the back of Jerry's head, throwing him onto his face, dirt flying up as he met the ground.

Kitsune turned to begin walking, as his anger exploded he thought of turning about and smashing his heel into the back of Jerry's head, but that hopeless feeling came across Kitsune as he began to walk, his eyes began to tear and leak as he walked before he fell onto his knees covering his eyes with his paws. Kitsune's fears and sadness flooded over him, no particular reason.

Whimpering and whining Kitsune's chest heaved as tears fell down his cheeks onto the grass. Jerry grunted and slowly stood taking the pipe back into his paw and taking a cautious, quiet stride towards the crying fox, and pulling it back. Kitsune heard the sound of Jerry's breathing and pulled his face from his paws only in time to see the pipe smash into the left side of his cheek, forcing his face into the ground, as he screamed out from the hit. Jerry continually smashed the pipe onto Kitsune's body in random spots, the fox twitching and crying out in pain as it smashed upon him. Jerry gave a scream and put all his force into a blow against Kitsune's chest. Kitsune gave out a twitch of pain before collapsing, unconsciously on the ground.

Jerry stood and spat on Kitsune's body throwing the pipe into him and walking off breathing out.

*** (an hour passed)

The bell rang and students began to pile out of the university. Kitsune lay his unconscious body twitching, in the grass, a small amount of blood leaking from him into the grass. Shon ran towards the dorm not noticing Kitsune laying on the ground until he was only a few feet away. When the sight met his eyes he gasped and quickly dashed towards Kitsune kneeling down and placing a paw on his chest. He could feel Kitsune breathing, a bruise was around his cheek. Kitsune began to stir and he opened his eyes, tears rolling out once he awoke.

"What happened!?" Shon demanded the answer. Kitsune shook his head pressing himself up but only falling onto his side. Shon places his arms under Kitsune and picked him up holding him close.

"I'm taking you to Rogers"

"No" Kitsune struggled in Shon's arms.

"Why! What happened?"

"Jerry attacked me" Kitsune's voice was weak "if..if I go to Rodgers then he'll think I'm scared..."

"Kit, you're hurt badly"

"Bruises..." Kitsune said once again weakly "I-if it were scars or gashes...I'd go..."

"Why not go?"

"Rodgers will ask what happened...if people know Jerry attacked me, they'd get scared" Kitsune said resting his head on Shon's chest "...p-please take me home, Shon". Shon nodded, and with reluctance, began to walk towards the dorm buildings.

The pipe still lay in the grass, near the blades of green with bloody tips.

Moments passed and Shon places Kitsune on the bed looking at the fox. Tears were still in his eyes.

"It's okay" Shon said.

"I-If he were here....this wouldn't have happened" Kitsune began to sniff before his eyes flooded with tears. Shon sat in the bed next to him and placed a paw on his back rubbing it softly.

*** (an hour passed by)

Kitsune cried for what seemed to be hours as Shon could only try his best to reassure him that Ozwot would return, but seemingly to no avail. The fox's heart seemed to crack. Shon couldn't help but feel like he was no help. Thinking on the bruises around Kitsune's body he stared at them, wondering.

"I'm going to start following him..." Shon said to himself in a whisper "this won't happen again". Shon took himself into the bathroom, pulling out rubbing alcohol and a cloth. He crept slowly towards Kitsune trying not to wake him. Dabbing the cloth on the top of the bottle he slowly rubbed it around the bruise on his cheek, which had an opening were blood had come out.

(meanwhile, At the AGF Dorm room, Jerry's room)

Jerry sat on the couch his face smug, having just washed his face off.

"So you got him?" A lion Walked into the room looking at Jerry's face.

"Ya bet yer' ass, John" Jerry said "I don't think he'll be messin' with his lil' gay group again". Jayson walked into the dorm waving at both of them.

"Hey Jay, Jerr' got that queer fox you know" John said.

"Uh huh" Jayson nodded.

John walked over and slapped the back of Jerry's head playfully. Jerry jerked forward giving a grunt, covering the back of his head now with a paw.

"What's the matter, ya' wuss?"

"Nothin' I just hit my head and it's bruised now" Jerry quickly lied.

"Oh?" Jayson nodded "You sure you didn't get a few good blows? How'd it really happen? Have to get someone else to beat him for ya'?"

"No!" Jerry shouted "I beat his ass down with my own two paws".

"Paws?" John looked over to Jerry "Jeff told me you used a pipe, to try and give him amnesia or something".

"A pipe?" Jayson gave a smirk "is that muscle just for show or what? If you're scared of someone Kit's size kickin' your ass then you probably shouldn't fight with anyone else this year".

"Yeah right..." Jerry growled "I could have taken him with both paws behind my back".

Jayson laughed "you're a bad liar".

Jayson chuckled as he left the dorm, Jerry giving an angry face towards him.

"He's always supporting that queer" Jerry shook his head "if he wasn't so dedicated I'd think he was friends with him".

"So what really happened? Did the guy really hit you?"

"Hell no!" Jerry shouted "I threw the pipe down and started beating on him myself. He screamed like a girl when I kicked his ass".

"Odd" John breathed.

"What ya' mean?"

"Well...I was visiting a junior friend around when I met you a lil' after you did it remember? Well...I didn't hear a thing".

"Well you need to fix your ears, anyone could have heard that scream" Jerry shook his head.

*** (thirty minutes later in Kitsune's old dorm, with Ryu)

Ryu leaned back on the couch looking over to Aide who stared out the window as the sun set. She looked at the wolf, who seemed uneasy.

"What's the matter?" She asked moving towards him now.

"Nothing" Ryu looked towards the window "Just worried a lil' is all".


"Kit" Ryu replied Quickly "He's not exactly doing well, without Oz around...just worried about him".

"I'm sure he's fine" Aide shook her head sitting beside Ryu "I mean...four years without being near him...I'm sure he can take however long this will be".

"Well something is definitely up, he's just not doing so well...I mean after Anthropology I don't think he should be left alone" Ryu looked away giving a sad face.

"...scared he might have died?"

"Well...Yeah" Ryu shook his head "Kitsune is a good guy, a little annoying from time to time, and some what out there sometimes...but he's fun...He's a good friend you know?"

"I know" Aide put a paw on Ryu's shoulder rubbing.

"...He's healthy, he doesn't eat bad I don't think...and he doesn't do any drugs as far as I know...what causes something like that to just happen?"

"It's okay...it's over now..." Aide lay her head on Ryu's shoulder.

"...it was weird" Ryu said staring at the window placing his arm around Aide "when I saw him there choking, he acted as if someone was there strangling them...he was looking at someone it seemed".

"How do you mean?"

"...Why would he just climb over the desk like that if he were just choking?"

"Instinct, trying to get attention so someone would help him" Aide shook her head staring at the window with him as the sun set.

"I'm gonna keep a better eye on him from now on...I don't think he needs stuff like that right now". Aide nodded.

A Knock came from the door, and Aide lifted from Ryu as the wolf got up opening the door. Jay stood there looking at Ryu.

"Have you seen kit?" Jay asked.

"No...why?" Ryu asked.

"You should ask him...I'm just wondering if he's okay.." Jerry said looking over Ryu.

"What do you care?" Ryu shook his head "hanging out with all kinds of people who want to hurt my friends...what's with you...and then you say you're worried?"

"I...Kit is my friend too...I've never thought about hurting him at all" Jay turned about and began to walk away "...so yeah they don't like homosexuals...they used to be cool people until they started getting violent".

"Don't give me that!" Ryu retorted "I know you helped a few years back with sabotaging that float, they praise you for it".

"I...I got caught in a moment, I was drunk, they act like I beat when of the guys up, I've never done anything towards anyone at that parade" Jay shook his head beginning to walk away "...I didn't think what I did would hurt anyone...".

"You didn't think, that's the problem" Ryu shut the door and leaned his back against it sighing.

"He's in the wrong crowd" Ryu spoke softly "...you think he'll get away from them?" Aide shrugged.

The sun's rays ran over a long slender piece of metal in the courtyard, blood on the tip of it. The metal shined in the luminescence, glimmering as if with pride. The sun set, leaving behind only that metal pipe, taking its light away from the weapon of punishment. As if the pipe had no right to the glimmering shine that any other pipe that the sun shown on did.