The Safehouse

Story by OxyUrsine on SoFurry

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"The Safehouse"

A story by Aenzi

Please tell me what you think. I love comments!

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It was late evening. The sun was just beginning to set, and it set the sky afire with oranges and reds, staining the clouds purple.

To Adrian, there had never been anything so beautiful. It felt good to be alive.

Adrian was walking down the street, with Mariah. They had chosen to travel to their destination on foot, rather than be driven. Adrian wanted to move forward by his own strength. Something felt good about that.

Adrian had recently been attacked by a monster...a Lupirin. He'd been bitten, and like some vampiric nightmare, he'd become one of them. A Lupirin. A natural born killer.

With the help of Seerey, a dear friend, he'd recovered. It hadn't been fun, but here he was. His strength had almost completely returned. Still, Mariah walked with his arm around her shoulders, supporting him. Adrian didn't need to lean on her to walk. He could walk by himself just fine...but leaning on her just a little bit seemed to make life so much easier.

In so many ways.

Adrian had never been so content as he felt now. He was young, in love, and very alive. Even a brush with death had been unable to change his life course. He was still here, and he had his eyes on the future. He felt a warmth inside him, an energy...A power! Like he could do anything. Yes...It felt good to be alive.

Adrian had been so surprised, earlier this evening, when Seerey had told him he needed to leave...

"But...why?" he asked. It wasn't that he really had any reason to stay there, but the fact that Seerey didn't want him there anymore...hurt.

"It's not that I don't like having you around, you silly cub." she said, as if reading his mind. A smile was evident upon the vixen's graying muzzle.

Adrian grinned sheepishly. "Well, if you're not kicking me out...then why?" he laughed.

Seerey turned more serious. "Your body has changed, Adrian. These next couple of days will be the hardest for you. You have new sensations, new hungers, new instincts that you must master, should you want to function," she explained. "Normally, in society."

Adrian paused, digesting this. Then slowly nodded. "I think I understand."

Seerey gave a curt nod of approval. "You will go to a safe house that my colleagues and I have...procured, for newly changed Lupirin."

Adrian now knew the truth about Seerey. He had never really known exactly what she did...only knowing that she was a 'social worker'. Helping the needy, and so forth...or so she claimed. This is what she had really been doing...helping the Lupirin. The people who had been changed, but didn't embrace the Lupirin's heritage. There were those who forsook society, taking to the wild. Hunting to live. Truly animals.

Thanks to Seerey, Adrian didn't need to be like that. He was blessed to have her as a friend.

"You will stay at this safe house alone a few days. Get used to the way things feel. Remember, you are now a creature of the earth. Your instincts are now more...primal." Seerey continued. "As the planet and nature around you change, you will change. This takes quite a bit of getting used to."

Adrian sighed. "Alrighty..." he said. He didn't mind going to a safe house...but he didn't want to be alone. Adrian didn't like being alone.

"I'll stay with him." Mariah said, moving next to Adrian.

Seerey blinked. "Mariah, I understand how you feel, but these next few days will..."

"I will stay with him." Mariah said, more firmly.

Seerey bowed her head in acquiescence. She could see there would be no changing her mind. Mariah was a creature of will. You could not dissuade her once she had made up her mind.

And so here they were, walking down the street, as if nothing had changed in the last three days. They had a key from Seerey, and an address. And that's where they were going.

Day faded into night as they walked. Warm. Together. There were many things that had been in Adrian's life that he felt had been taken away...but he realized the things that he still had were the most important.

They walked slowly. Adrian's strength was still far from whole...and the process of walking still felt awkward after his recovery. By the time Mariah and Adrian actually reached the safe house, darkness had fully fallen. The day had ended. The world of night was begun.

The house was a cookie-cutter home, in a forest of cookie-cutter homes. So, as one might've suspected, the exterior of this house looked exactly the same as every home around it: Cream, beige, dull, unoriginal...and not particularly aesthetically appealing.

"Hold on, I got the key here somewhere." Mariah dug furiously in her pockets, and came up with the elusive object. "Here it is."

She awkwardly slid the key in the lock while still trying to hold up Adrian. She told herself it was because he wasn't strong enough yet to walk alone, but that wasn't true. He probably could've made the entire trip by himself. She just wanted to be close to him. And Adrian was perfectly okay with that. He wanted to be with her, as well. The door swung open silently on well greased hinges, and Mariah led Adrian inside.

The interior was not anything that would make you look twice at it; it was actually rather passé. Still, the furnishings were comfortable. There was a large living space with a big, soft sofa, with white upholstery...and a TV. Further back there was a full size kitchen, separated from the rest of the house by a bar with stools. The kitchen was complete with sink, fridge, stove...anything they might possibly need. There was a door in the back, presumably to a bedroom, probably with a bathroom contained within.

"Not to shabby," Mariah said with a grin.

Adrian, on the other paw, was rather surprised. "This is a ton more than I was expecting! How can they afford to keep this? And to keep it up so well?"

Adrian did have a point. Beside the obvious mortgage payment, the house was totally spotless and all the appliances were in working order. Someone was paying heavily for upkeep of this place.

"Yes...we'll be very comfortable." Mariah said. She moved Adrian to the couch. "Seerey said this place would be stocked with food...I'm gonna make something. You want anything?"

Adrian nodded. He'd been on a liquid diet for the past several days...since he'd been bitten. The idea of solid food sounded good to him. "Yeah...I'll have some of whatever you're having."

Mariah was already in the kitchen, rifling through the fridge. " think she got us enough food?" Mariah said, her head stuck in the refrigerator. "There's enough food in here for six people!"

Adrian grinned to himself. "Well, you know how much I eat."

"Not this much, trust me...oooh, chicken."

Mariah pulled out a package of frozen chicken and placed it in the microwave, closing the door and turning the machine to defrost. She spoke while she worked.

"How are you feeling?"

The kitchen was separated from the rest of the interior by a chest-height bar, complete with stools. Adrian walked to the kitchen, pulled up a stool, and sat himself down, watching Mariah cook. "I feel great... really great! I don't know what it is with me tonight. I feel almost..." he giggled to himself. "Almost giddy!"

Mariah smiled. It wasn't really characteristic of Adrian to be so silly...but it had happened a few times before. And Mariah remembered all those instances fondly. Adrian was an adorable guy when he was silly. But still, she wondered... "What has you so worked up?" she asked, bending down to fetch a pan from a floor-level cabinet. Her back was toward Adrian, who grinned mischievously.

"Probably watching your hind end all night!" he said.

Mariah hastily stood up, wearing a fond grin herself . "Behave yourself, you letch."

Adrian gazed adoringly at her from behind the counter. He'd been joking with the comment about her hind end, but...really, she was gorgeous, he never told her that enough. Mariah's solid grey fur glowed in the moonlight streaming in through the window. And the way she moved! Such lithe grace...she was amazing, she really was.

"Mariah..." he said.


"I just...thank you. Thanks for sticking by me through all this...You have no idea how--"

"Oh, I think I do, actually." she said, leaning on the opposite side of the counter. She wore a knowing smile. "Don't thank me. I wouldn't have wanted to be anyplace else."

"I know, but still..."



Without another word, Mariah leaned across the counter and kissed him soundly on the lips. The effect was astounding. Adrian stood, leaning across the counter and wrapping his arms around her, returning the kiss with vigor. This...was incredible! Adrian had never had a kiss that felt like this! Such--such heat...

All at once, the room seemed sweltering, and Adrian didn't only made the passion all the deeper. Adrian broke the kiss, for only a few moments...Long enough for him to move to her side of the counter. Then he kissed her again, if possible, with more passion this time. How she looked in that moonlight...oh, that blessed moonlight!

Adrian slowly but surely moved Mariah towards the sofa in the living room. If she was aware of what he was doing, she gave no indication or resistance. She was enjoying the kiss just as much. Adrian was normally...shy, reserved. What had made him so willing to open up tonight?

Adrian pushed her down onto the soft padding of the sofa...and tongues began to come into play. It was Mariah who moved first, pressing her tongue gently into Adrian's mouth. He accepted it willingly, purring deep in his throat as he allowed his own tongue to dance with hers. For a few moments, they laid like this; caressing, purring, letting their paws run over one another.

But Adrian wanted more. He knew what he was doing now. Each move, every touch and caress, felt comfortable, he'd done this a thousand times before. He knew what he wanted, and he knew Mariah wanted it too...and that was enough for now. And he loved her, oh how he loved her. She was still wearing a white tank-top, and Adrian let his paws slide under it, never breaking the kiss. Her fur was soft. He let his paw go around to her back, and with a single fluid motion he unlatched her bra, and pulled it away. Mariah was surprised...but it was a pleasant sort of surprise. She gave a deep purr and wrapped her own paws around Adrian, allowing him to caress her as he pleased.

Adrian's paw ran across Mariah's breast...they were smaller than most femme's her age...but soft and supple nonetheless. Mariah gave a small feline squeak of surprise and arched her back, her whole body leaning into Adrian's single touch. Oh...she'd never been touched this way before!

Mariah would later wonder, in retrospect, why no alarms went off in her head when Adrian's paw slipped down to her jeans, unbuttoning them. She didn't feel apprehensive at all. It just felt...


Mariah gasped as Adrian's paw slid inside her panties, his clawed fingers gently caressing her virgin opening. Adrian's lips moved from Mariah's mouth to her neck, sucking and gently biting the fur there. Mariah moaned deeply and tightened her embrace around Adrian's shoulders.

Adrian's mind was enveloped in a haze. Adrian's whole body was running on a high faster than anything induced by adrenaline. His body was geared toward Mariah. Adrian was not quite as virgin as some. He'd pawed-off many times before, but even then not nearly as much as his male counterparts at school did. Adrian knew what it felt like to want to get off. He knew what it felt like to NEED to get off. But he'd never felt like this before...because before he hadn't been a Lupirin. Mariah was far to busy to be looking at Adrian's eyes, but if she had, she would have noticed that they were no longer his usual green.

His eyes were blood red.

Adrian managed to get his own pants off without ceasing his relentless kissing and sucking of Mariah's neck. His love for her was still foremost in his mind, but his normal emotion was amplified times a thousand into a crazed desire to possess. He wanted to have her. He didn't want anyone else to come near her.

Mariah was only as much of a virgin as Adrian. She had never had sex with anyone, but she had fooled around on her own. Adrian and Mariah had even fooled around together like this a few times before...but they had never gone all the way. Adrian loved her too much to try anything untoward, but he had thought about it. Oh, how he'd thought about it. And now...Adrian was beyond controlling himself.

He moved back up her neck and locked her muzzle in another kiss as he slipped two fingers inside of her. The gray feline gasped and moaned, but Adrian did not allow her to break the kiss. Her every cry was dissolved by his muzzle. It was true that Mariah had some sexual experience, if only with herself, but she was still wonderfully tight.

Adrian's own member had long since freed itself from his sheath. He stood fully erect, his feline penis glistening with the moisture from his body, admirable in its size. Adrian could wait no longer.

He kissed Mariah once again, their tongues twisted around one another passionately. And when Mariah was distracted he lowered his body and thrust forward. Mariah managed to break the kiss, to cry aloud.


Adrian pressed into her, her opening spreading to allow him entry. Adrian growled as pleasure vibrated through him. He pushed all the way forward and buried himself completely into his lover. He brought his muzzle down next to Mariah's. "I love you. You are mine."

The breath had been robbed from Mariah. "A-Adrian..."

He slowly pulled out of her, and then thrust back in. Adrian let out a quiet grunt. He repeated, and then he managed to keep a pace. In out, in out...this wasn't so hard, he thought to himself.

Faster and faster he went, delighting in the sensations. Delighting in the sounds he made as he went in and out of Mariah. Mariah clung to him tightly, her tail subconsciously twisting itself around his leg. Faster, faster, in and out, in and out!

"Adrian...Mmmph! Slow--ahh--down. Slow down..."

Adrian heard her words, but--Oh! It felt so good! This, this...feeling. His pleasure was intensified by his new body, and there was nothing he could do to stop himself.

"Adrian, slow down!" She commanded once again.

"Ahhnnn...I can't. I can't!"

Suddenly, he felt two rows of sharp feline teeth clamp onto his only known weakness...his ticklish ears. He stopped moving completely, and let out a feline chirp of complaint. "Ahhaha...No, no, not the ears!" he pleaded.

"Shhlow Dwwn." Mariah said, through a mouthful of ear.

Mariah refused to let go of his ear, but Adrian's body starting its motion once again, moving in and out of her. This time, he moved much, much more slowly, his body recognizing submission to this female. She maintained firm control of him, his ear still held in her teeth.

Mmm...even slower, it still felt good. Oh...the heat, her fur, the feeling, and the moonlight! He slid in and out of her, her body gripping his feline penis with amazing, wonderful tightness. Little sounds emanated from both their throats, little "Mmms" and "ahhs" of pleasure. This...this was amazing...

Mariah, decided to release his ear, but her torture wasn't over. He turned his head and began to lick the inside of his ear, his sensitive, ticklish ear...

"Unnnnhh!" Adrian let out, and couldn't help but move a little faster. felt good, so good...

Suddenly, Mariah held on to him tighter and her entire body seized up. Her vagina clamped around Adrian, trying to hold him in, growing ever tighter. Adrian's entire body surrendered. He was a virgin, and couldn't even imagine holding out against this. He gently bit her shoulder, careful not to break her skin. He hilted himself, pushing as far into her as he could, and he climaxed. But this was no ordinary orgasm. He was supercharged by the Lupirin within him. Ever nerve within Adrian's body suddenly lit up. Such pleasure could never be known by common people.

"UUUUUUHHH!" Adrian cried out. And he emptied himself into her. Had he been by himself, the load he produced would have amazed him. His orgasm lasted for several seconds, his new body clinging to the moment.

And then it was over.

Adrian pulled out of her, an animal growl of triumph escaping his throat...but then the energy of the moment faded. The crimson lust began to drain from his eyes, and his eyes became brown once again. He looked at himself, then at Mariah on the couch. He slowly backed away.

"My god...what have I done?" he whimpered, cringing away from his lover. "Mariah...what the hell have I done?"

Mariah blinked, sitting up properly. "What's the matter, Adrian? I don't understand what you're unhappy about."

Adrian slumped to the ground in the far corner of the room, cradling his head in his hands. ", no, no..."

"Now stop that." Mariah got up and managed to dress herself. She moved over to the young leopard's side. "What's the matter?"

"I--I can't believe..."

"Look at me, and tell me what is the matter." Mariah commanded firmly.

"What...we just did. What I just did!"

"I was there, too. We didn't do anything wrong."

"My fault! I just couldn't control myself..." Adrian cried.

"Now calm down, and explain it to me slowly." Mariah said, sitting next to him against the wall. "What happened?"

Adrian took a deep breath. "It was like...I just forgot why I wanted to wait longer before we had sex. I didn't even think about whether or not I should...I just...DID."

"Why? What made you do it?" Mariah asked, placing her paw on his arm.

"You just looked so pretty in the moonlight. Your eyes, they glowed in the moonli..." Adrian stopped. "In the full...moon...light..."

Mariah and Adrian looked at each other. The Lupirin were sensitive to changes in nature. Changing of the leaves, the way the winds blew. Sometimes even the movements of the stars...but of a certainty, they were sensitive to the light of the moon.

Adrian put a paw over his face, trying to hide the tears. "Mariah, I'm so sorry."

Adrian was startled as he felt a paw roughly grab his muzzle, and he was more surprised to feel Mariah's muzzle pressed against his. He had no will to resist her. They sat there for a long while, not saying anything...just kissing one another.

Mariah finally spoke. "It's not your fault. You're still new at this."

"I know, but still, I..."

"Yes, you should have made the world stop and fixed all it's problems. You can't be perfect, Adrian. It's alright to screw up sometimes." She whispered.

"I'm still sorry." he murmured.

"Just promise me we'll do it again sometime, and you're forgiven." she grinned.

Adrian couldn't resist smiling. "Mariah," he chided half-heartedly. "That's not really a good idea..."

Another kiss to stop another hapless thought.

"Still hungry?" she asked.

"More than ever..."

Lupirin: Pain - part 3

Lupirin - 'Pain' part 3 Story © Aenzi [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) All comments/criticisms will be met accordingly with vast amounts of love. =-=-=-= Adrian had his paws wrapped tightly around Mariah. ...

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Lupirin: Pain - part 2

Pain - Part 2 Seerey spent most of her time outside her house on her patio while Adrian was asleep. He had fallen asleep last evening, nearly twenty-four hours ago. It was a good sign that he was able to sleep for so long...unfortunately, there...

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Lupirin: Pain - part 1

Pain - Part 1 Adrian was aware of the pain long before he came fully into consciousness. His whole body throbbed, his body attempting to reject his entire bloodstream and yet cling to life at the same time. Never had he known such agony as this...

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