Damp Detour

Story by Kiden Stormsoarer on SoFurry

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Kila frowned at the rain as he turned his windshield wipers up all the way to max, grumbling about the weather, and on a friday night, as he was driving out to spend the weekend at his uncle's cabin on the lake. Well, he still had half a tank of gas, at least, and with some luck, that would be enough to last until he was out of the rain. Reaching down, the fox flicked on his radio, scanning the stations to check the weather, or at least find some decent music. He was three hours from the nearest city, and at least fourty-five minutes from any town worth the name. Suddenly, his car started sputtering, and he transferred his frown from the weather to the instrument panel, leaning forward to tap at the glass over his gas gauge. As he did, the needle suddenly fell from half a tank to below E! "Dammit...why did the damn thing have to stick now?" he asked himself as he began looking around for anyplace that looked like somebody might be awake, that he could buy some gas off of, or at least use their phone. As he looked around, he spotted a single light, set well back from the road, but quite obviously a farmhouse. Turning into the long driveway, he just prayed that he would make it to the house, and that whoever lived there would actually HAVE a phone.

His car gave out halfway up the driveway, so, growling under his breath, he reached in the backseat and grabbed his umbrella, opening it as he got out and hurrying the last bit up the driveway, it taking him a good five minutes walking. When he reached the door he gave it a good hard knock, to make sure whoever was inside would hear him. He waited a couple minutes, and just as he raised his paw to knock again, the door opened. He blinked as he was confronted with what looked like a silver cape, before looking upwards at least a full foot to stare into the eyes of a smiling silver dragon.

"Why, hello there. It's a bit late for a friendly visit, so I'm assuming you require some sort of assistance? Well, come on in, then, the name's Razeen. Now, why don't you tell me what happened, hmm?" And with that, the silver dragon turned away, heading into the house, and Kila had to follow, or be left outside in the rain.

Folding up his umbrella, and setting it down next to the door to dry, he began. "Well, sir, my car ran out of gas, and I was wondering if you had a phone I could borrow...my uncle live about an hour from here, and he can come bring me some gas."

"Now, now, I told you my name, I'll have none of this sir business. I'm just a simple business man. Now, unfortunately, this storm has knocked out my power, and I don't have a phone out here, but you are more than welcome to stay until morning. The rain should be cleared up by then. Now, sit here by the fire and dry out, then you can tell me what brings you out into the middle of nowhere." Turning, the dragon smiled at Kila again, before taking a seat on an overstuffed blue sedan, bringing his feet up next to him so that he was half laying, watching the fox, and the only other seat in the room, a nice plump armchair.

As Kila sat in the armchair, he smiled hesitantly at the dragon, thinking hard about whether to accept the offer to stay or just spend the night in his car. The guy SEEMED nice enough, but you never could tell..."Thank you for your hospitality, Razeen...I was on my way to my uncle's. My gas gauge stuck, so I didn't realize how low I was on gas..." he trailed off as he looked into the dragon's eyes, noticing how they seemed to somehow swirl, as if laughing at the world.

"Well, now, that's no good! I tell you what, I have a few gallons of gas in the barn, come morning, we can put it in your car, and get you on your way. But for now, can I offer you some wine?" He gestured towards a bottle on the table between them, where sat a tray with three glasses on it, and another, half full of wine at the edge nearest the dragon. Kila blinked, and then nodded. "thank you." he said quietly, reaching over and pouring himself a glass. As he leaned back and took a sip of the wine, the dragon began to speak. "So, since you are staying the night here, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Starting with your name, preferably."

Kila found himself coloring slightly, and suddenly glad that his red fur hid the blush. "Yes, of course, where are my manners? My name is Kila. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've never met any dragons, but I must say, if you are what they are all like, I'd like to meet more." He said, grinning slightly. Noticing the dragon's smile widen, he took a sip of the wine and went on. "Like I said before, I'm on my way up to my uncle's cabin, and I ran out of gas. I plan on spending the weekend up there, relaxing. I'm in college, and just finished finals, figured on getting rid of some stress, you know?" As he spoke, he noticed that what he had taken as a cloak before, was actually the silver dragon's wings, tucked under his arms and wrapped around him. What was more, it didn't look like he was wearing anything at all! Noticing this, he threw back the contents of his glass in one gulp, and poured himself another glassful and drank that one as well. "this...this is some rather strong wine." He said, noticing himself starting to get a buzz already. "I think that I've had quite enough."

Looking the fox over, the dragon frowned slightly. "I'm sorry...I forgot, us dragons have a much higher tolerance for alcohol than most. Here, tonight, you'll stay in my room, I'll be more than comfortable out here." Standing up, he went over and helped the fox to his feet, half carrying him into his bedroom and laying him down on the bed. "you just rest here and we'll get you all settled in the morning, alright?" turning to go, he felt something brush gently over his tail. Shivering, he looked back over his shoulder and noticed the fox had a slight smile on his face. Following his gaze, he saw that Kila was running his paw gently over the dragon's tail.

"Don't go..." the fox said softly, "stay with me, keep me company..."

Razeen hesitated a moment, wanting to stay, but not believing that the fox knew what he was asking of the dragon. Reaching down, he gently removed the paw from his tail and laid it on the foxes chest. "Now, you just need some rest, youngling. We'll talk in the morning."

As he went to leaving again, the fox held his paw tight. "Please...I don't want to be alone...I can't be alone...not now..." he said all this in just barely a whisper, looking desperate and wimpering slightly at the end. Hesitating yet again, the dragon came to a decision and slipped quietly into the bed next to the fox, sighing as the college student snuggled up to him, fitting his body easily into the curve of his own. Tilting his head down slowly, not daring to hope that it would be this easy to find somebody new, he met Kila's own muzzle in a slow, passionate kiss.

"oh, you sweet, sweet creature...how could I be so lucky as to have you fall into my life?" he asked silently, nearly breathless from the kiss. The fox merely smiled at him and cuddled closer, nuzzling into his chest. Pulling back, the dragon swiftly pulled the foxes shirt over his head, exposing his white chest and smiling at the sight. "you are one handsome vulpine, young Kila. I must see more of you..." showing none of his earlier hesitation, he swiftly undid the foxes pants and drew them off, noticing as he did that his sheath was already filling rapidly. Murring softly, he nuzzled into the soft fur there, licking softly over the sheath, drawing a gasp of surprise and a pleased murring from Kila. Bringing his paw up to continue stroking the soft white fur, Razeen nosed his legs apart and drew his tongue slowly over the small bud hidden there. "yes, you are sweet indeed, and in more ways than one..." probing softly with his tongue, the dragon smiled as he heard the fox begin to wimper at the pleasure, his shaft fully swollen, and quite impressive. "And now you shall be mine." The dragon whispered to himself, drawing himself back up to kiss Kila passionately, pushing his own massive shaft slowly but steadily against the now well lubricated opening, sliding into the tight passage and releasing a moan of his own. Resting a moment to allow his new partner to adjust to him, he looked down, and saw nothing but pleasure on his young friend's face. Leaning close for another kiss, he began pumping in and out, building in momentum, drawing a soft yip from Kila with every thrust, the fox wrapping his arms and legs tight around the dragon, tail beating softly on the bed.

Reaching up, Kila grabbed Razeen by the horns on his head and pulled him down, kissing him roughly, demanding in his intensity, he now bucking against the dragon with every thrust, his knot swollen and pressing hard against the silver's belly scales. Without realizing how it happened, he felt even more pressure on his shaft, the dragon having wrapped his tail around the foxes waist and was now using the tip to pump his shaft, squeezing at the knot. Razeen was pumping hard and fast into his partner, grunting and growling almost continually. Giving one last thrust, he threw back his head and roared at the top of his lungs, bucking and shooting his seed deep into the foxes innards, his tail squeezing tight on Kila's knot in the process, causing the fox to yelp and press tight against the tail, his own seed spurting out and covering the dragon's scales and his own fur.

Finishing his climax, Razeen slowly pulled out of his lover, laying down next to him and enfolding him in his wings. "You are absolutely wonderful, Kila...and so beautiful, as well." The vulpine murred softly in response, snuggling against the scaled chest yet again, already half asleep. Smiling softly, the fox thought to himself, maybe this trip was worth it after all....