Sharing's Caring

Story by Alice Clawford on SoFurry

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Patreon Story for May

Marie is in for some trouble when she comes to her Mistress' home. Her Mistress invited her into her home for some time together, and Sylvia has something new to try on her darling subordinate.

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Sharing's Caring

"Mmmm, you're really been asking for it lately, haven't you?" The purr in her voice went right down to Marie's ringed tail, that little bit of excitement running down her legs to her paws. She knew exactly what her partner meant, but she always loved to play hard to get. Or playing dumb, even if she knew that Sylvia knew her better.

"I'm confused, haven't I been good, Mistress?" She added a little head tilt and a few blinks of her green eyes, trying to be more convincing than she actually was. Evidently, Sylvia knew better.

"It is rather adorable when you play the innocent card hun, but we all know you're not really all that innocent, are you?" A paw came to her jaw, lifting her head up in a gentle grasp that Marie could easily break out of, but didn't. She was absolutely hypnotised by the cobalt eyes that stared at her, challenging her and looking through her soul. She wasn't one for poetics, but she could definitely believe that her mistress, Sylvia, could see right through her.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, Mistress."

"Hm? You didn't mean to what? It's no good apologising if you don't know what you're apologising for, now is it?"

Marie closed her eyes, she still couldn't get used to the idea of showing her feelings out in plain open like this, to expose herself to Sylvia, even if it had done her a lot of good, it took a lot of getting used to, even after a few months together. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stand you up and leave you waiting yesterday. I slept through my alarm and I didn't wake up until long after. I didn't text you back because I was afraid you would shout at me."

Marie felt paws slide through the fur on her head, comforting her. "There we go, that wasn't so difficult or frightening, was it?" Sylvia explained, talking quietly but firmly. "What time did you go to bed to sleep through your alarm?"

Marie felt her face burn, though it didn't show against the grey fur of her cheeks. "Um... 5am?"

Sylvia tutted. "Ah, you know that's not healthy of you? My, that's going to be difficult to fix right back up now, isn't it?" Sylvia continued to pet through Marie's fur, however, as the girl's head looked down at her lap. "Never mind, we all stumble on the occasion, we just need a moment to get right back up and recover, now don't we?" The feline lifted Marie's head again and smiled.

Marie couldn't help it and she smiled back. "Yes, thank you Mistress. I promise I will be back to a normal sleeping pattern."

They were in Sylvia's room, the Russian Blue feline was a rich woman, at least compared to Marie's standards, with luxurious silks, thread counts above the 500s and pillows you could practically melt into. A large Queen sized bed and a spacious large room with a pole at one end for pole dancing and a wardrobe and drawers that were filled with anything but clothes she was meant to go out day to day in. These were her play time clothes or items she would use when Marie or her were feeling frisky at all. Marie had been dating Sylvia now for about 4 months and she was beginning to finally become fully comfortable with welcoming the new lifestyle.

Of course, finding out that Sylvia was a dominatrix was a rather big shock, when they'd only been dating for about a month, before Sylvia popped the question. Marie had never known anything like it, or heard only the negative connotations about the BDSM lifestyle, but Sylvia never pushed her into it. She explained how it worked, safe words, safe gestures when she was gagged and the importance of consent and enjoying yourself whilst being safe. She also explained that it was entirely normal, and it definitely wasn't for everyone, and that was okay.

Still, Marie was curious, and Sylvia worked with her from there, first talking about what kinks they most certainly would not touch, comparing each other's comforts, likes and dislikes, before they went any further into depth at all. First, Marie got used to the small things, like calling Sylvia Mistress in the bedroom, but Sylvia outside in the real world. She wore a collar in the bed, but had to be professional and friendly outside of it. Sylvia worked in a high professional office, so she liked a particular appearance outside of her house or Marie's. Marie on the other hand worked a simple retail store, a small corner shop that paid the bills and a little extra but that was about it. They only happened to meet because Sylvia was a regular, picking up a coffee and a sandwich or pasty whilst on break at her office. It started innocently enough, polite smiles and talks about the weather and such nonsense one did with their customers. Then it got a bit more, not flirty but certainly more comfortable where that barrier of customer and staff member blurred.

Then, Sylvia finally popped the question of meeting out for coffee one day, and Marie was never more happy to do something other than sit in her room watching TV or playing video games all day. This was something different, something exciting with a person she thought had such a lovely way of words and didn't care that Marie was a working class raccoon and she a fabulous feline with a high end paid job.

Now, months later, they fit together like bread and butter. They worked well with one another, Marie got better at sharing her feelings and Sylvia loved making sure Marie was well looked after. Marie loved to dote on Sylvia and make your breakfast in the morning before work, whilst Sylvia gave Marie all the praises she could ask for. They worked so well together, balancing one another and knowing each other's boundaries easily that verbal communications weren't always needed.

They mostly did stay at Sylvia's house, and today was no different. Marie just happened to get in trouble because she didn't go to sleep the appropriate time and stayed up all night watching a show on Netflix and missed a date with Sylvia. Of which, understandably, Sylvia was upset about. But each time Sylvia would forgive her and help her out, whenever she did something like this. Sometimes, Marie felt rather down on herself, for constantly disappointing her, somehow messing things up like this, something so simple and she couldn't manage that apparently.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Marie shook her head as Sylvia asked that, seemingly so suddenly that Marie was caught off guard.

"Oh, uh, nothing, yeah, sorry." Her ears went down, she hadn't meant to ignore Sylvia like that.

However, the feline didn't take that as an answer. "If it bothers you, then I think it's worth us talking about it. If I'm doing something wrong, how am I meant to improve and know what I did?"

That surprised Marie. Because Sylvia was perfect! She never did anything wrong, she never stood on toes, she was professional, she had a good paying job, she was sexy, all these things that Marie was not. "You've not done anything wrong, Sy- Mistress, never! You are perfect and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never want to lose that." The words tumbled out of her mouth, as she realised what the real problem was. It was true, she never wanted to lose what she had now. She never realised, Sylvia really was a person who changed her life and made her happy, and she was so frightened of it being taken away and her life returning back to the way it was that she would end up back miserable again like before. She never wanted that to happen to her again. She loved life the way it was going now and didn't want to change it for anything in the world.

Sylvia's ears rose, as did her brow, taking in the worlds her partner spoke. "Marie, it's okay. When you're feeling like this, you can call me Sylvia. We aren't in the zone yet." Sylvia turned to face Marie fully, sitting on her knees on the bed and putting a paw on Marie's. "I will always keep telling you this, I think you're an incredible woman, even if you don't think so yourself. I didn't become your girlfriend just for your looks, or for the fun of it. I genuinely think you're an amazing person. You get so many customers every single day in that store, and some of them snap at you with the most horrible of tones and yet you're able to brush it off like nothing. I would never be able to do that." Sylvia smiles, though it looked strained. "I'd have slashed their mouth off if they tried that to me."

Marie blinked, then she giggled a little. "Well, that's definitely how you get fired from your job. But I guess, I don't really get used to it but it doesn't bother me anymore? Everyone hurts a little, they just haven't found their better outage yet to deal with the hurt they feel everyday, so they take it on store clerks usually." Marie shrugs, though she does take Sylvia's paw, smiling down at their connected digits. "I kind of feel sorry for them. Maybe one day they'll find a better way to let out their frustrations."

Sylvia shook her head, smiling at her companion. "You're too kind for your own good, you know that? My darling raccoon." She purrs as her other hand came to under her chin, running her paws beneath her neck, with Marie letting out a strange purr of her own. Not quite a cat, but something else, a strange rumbling sound that Sylvia adored hearing. "Now, do you feel better having told me your worries?"

"Yes, I do now. Thank you." Marie replied obediently, getting into character quickly after the exchange was over. She was feeling much more comfortable now, much more at ease than before. No matter how many times it may take, Sylvia would always be there to remind Marie the brilliance she saw in her, hoping that she would finally truly understand what she meant.

"Are you ready to play now, little one?" Her tone changed, from being supportive and friendly, to a more strict and business tone.

Marie let out a whine down the back of her throat, her tail thumping against the bed as her cheeks flushed a little. "Yes, Mistress. I'm ready to play. I'm sorry."

Sylvia grinned, running a paw through her black short hair and against her ear, moving her thumb and forepaw to pet that ear. "It's okay. You needed some time to gather yourself, and you'll never be punished for that. Remember, you just need to ask. You don't get it if you don't ask."

Marie let out that same purring sound as Sylvia's paws rubbed her ear, her senses tingling with pleasure as her erogenous zone was played and simulated with precise intention by Sylvia, who knew all of her weaknesses. "Yesss... thank you, Mistress. I'll make sure of that."

A different, disappointed whine left Marie's throat when the feline stopped. "Very good. Now, be a good girl and get yourself on the bed, face down for me please." Marie was quick to do just that, crawling up to the head of the bed and lying down flat on her belly, her arse up and her face into the pillow, lying under her chin. She shook with anticipation, feeling the bed move as Sylvia got off the bed and could hear her opening the drawer and rummaging through her things for the right item she was looking for. Marie refused to turn her head, didn't want to turn around and see what was happening, knew it would be a bad idea as she would be punished for it. So, she stayed there, resisting the temptation to turn her head, to see and ruin the surprise she would be in store for.

It felt like a long time of listening to the rustling and the hums of her mistress searching, almost like she was doing it on purpose, but Marie didn't dare accuse her of such a thing. Instead, she waited still, patiently, but did let out another noise of complaint after a good five minutes passed by.

"Hush now, you spoilt thing. I'll treat you well, don't you worry." Sylvia remarked, before it finally sounded like she'd closed the drawers. Marie tried not to get too excited, but she jumped when she felt a strange liquid on her left arse cheek suddenly. She was about to turn around. "Ah ah, no peeking, keep your head turned away now." Almost grumbling, but doing as she was told, Marie turned away and leaned her head on the pillow beneath her. She felt Sylvia's paws on her cheek, the same one, spreading the liquid on her fur and skin, confusing the raccoon at first, but then.

"Ah!" She gasped in surprise as the feline brushed her fur apart, and blew cold air right onto her skin, right where the liquid gel was. That, she was guessing, was lube, but it reacted under her breath, cooling her skin like water would do, chilling Marie. It was very different to anything they had tried before, surprising Marie, but... she kind of liked it, in a strange way.

"How was that? Surprising?" She could hear her mistress' smirk, even if she couldn't see it, but she couldn't help but answer her back honestly. She nodded her head, breathing deeper now as she got more excited. Sylvia's paw pads rubbed against her cheek, this time without the lube and Marie groaned in an exaggerated manner, wanting to rile up her mistress. She knew it wouldn't work, but she couldn't fault herself for trying. Not really.

Her mistress suddenly loomed over her body, she could feel the body heat of her feline self close to hers, but not touching. Not yet. She was shivering with excitement, her senses were being overloaded as she wanted her to touch her somewhere, anywhere, and she could almost feel herself tearing up from the frustration of being ignored.

"Mistress please." She begged, gasping as she felt hot air right by her ear.

"Please, what?" She whispered so quickly, so seductively, Marie could hear every click of her tongue inside her throat, the smack of her lips, and could even hear her taking her breaths. Then, she felt sharp fangs on her ear, teasing, just touching, but doing nothing dangerous.

"Oh God, please, I need you!" She cried, her tail moving back and forth in her desperation. Her paws clenched into the sheets beneath her, trying their best to not reach out or touch anywhere she hadn't been given permission to.

Marie heard a giggle. "Don't worry. You'll have me, ring tail." Was breathed into her ear, before a long lick of her tongue against that ear again. Another breath, instantly making her ear cold and a shudder ran down her spine. Oh goodness, she wasn't sure how much longer she could last, she could already feel the dampness between her legs soaking the fur at her thighs and they'd only just begun. "You're so easy to rile up. Patience, my little sub. You'll get your reward." Was spoken again, before she felt her mistress pull away. Annoyed, Marie was about to complain, until she felt a nip at her arse cheek and she squeaked. Then another moan left her as a tongue pressed against her other cheek, the one that had been untouched. Then, Sylvia blew on it, the raccoon's skin growing up into goosebumps and fur sticking up as her nerves tingled with the sudden cold air. She felt another rush of fluid leave her and her cheeks blushed hard, knowing that probably Sylvia could've seen her excitement out in the open by now.

"Hm, I suppose we don't need the lube so much anymore, do we poppet?" Her mistress purred as a paw went from the back of her neck and brushed down against her spine, following its path right down to the bridge of her tail, her tough feather light enough she brushed against her fur. Marie shuddered with want, moving her mouth to bite at the corner of her pillow as she felt those same paws suddenly touch between her legs. She knew what she must've looked like, her lips puffed up and pink, begging for attention beneath the white fur. She could hear her mistress give another hum, before she felt the first paw pad against her.

"Yes, please, more mistress." She breathed as she let go of the pillow, sighing as she did so. Her mistress hummed the affirmative, pressing the paw pad a little harder, before her lips finally parted and gave her entrance, much to Marie's relief. Still, even then, it wasn't enough. She stayed there, before moving a little, leaving Marie whining for more. "I really need more, please mistress. I've been so good." She put on a pout as well, though she may not have seen the best angle of it, Sylvia must've been somewhat moved by it still.

"Oh you're a cheeky little thing sometimes, aren't you? I suppose I'm being cruel to you now." The feline muttered, pressing a second paw pad inside of Marie and the woman moaned obscenely. Her flesh sucked her digits in easily, the sound of squelching liquid as loud as the moans coming from the raccoon beneath, made Sylvia grin. She loved to see her sub reduced to something like this, when she seemed almost unmovable on the tills. Still to this day, she could not believe her luck in being able to do this, to spend time like this with her raccoon. She was absolutely perfect, delectable and addicting.

Sylvia spread her paws apart, opening her raccoon up and revelling in the keening sounds coming from her sub, yet she remained utterly obedient even as she wanted more. Ah, she really was such a lovely good girl. She made sure to touch every surface inside, to make sure she'd explored the area, even though she knew Marie and had learnt her body and language very very well over the months they'd been together. She could play her like a delicate instrument, knew how to get certain noises to leave her, knew how to make her react a certain way, all because they'd played together well for a while now.

"Mistress, please!" She begged, her hips pushing back and thrusting, demanding more. Syliva felt a smile grow, loving how she was reacting perfectly, but now she did feel she was teasing a tad too much now. So, she pulled her paw pads back, to see them covered in liquid, as if she had spread lube onto her fingers the entire time. Globules of Marie's excitement clung to her pads between her fur, and so she picked up the item she'd been planning to use tonight and spread it across the head. It wasn't near enough, however, as whilst she was excited herself, she knew just a mere slathering of Marie's excitement wouldn't make this a comfortable experience. So, grabbing the bottle of lube, she began to spread the lube against the same head, making sure to be liberal with it.

Sylvia heard Marie beginning to whimper, as it had been a good few seconds since she'd last paid attention or touched her, waiting for her to get her bearings back. She'd recovered faster than the feline thought. "There we are now. Don't worry, I'm coming back to you, pumpkin." She purred, then crawled closer to the raccoon. "Turn around on your back, I have a surprise for you."

Marie did just that, and then gave an intake breath as she spotted the item in Sylvia's paw. A double ended cobalt dildo, one that seemed somewhat flexible too. She could feel her entire self shaking with anticipation, they'd tried dildo's before, straps on and the like, but they'd never shared one before. She wondered for a second how it would work, sharing the same item, but it sounded so... lovely.

"Do you like this? Your cheeks have gone really red, I must assume you're excited?"

Marie nodded her head, her mouth open and almost drooling. "God yes... Mistress, it sounds wonderful."

Sylvia smiled, then tapped Marie's leg. "Here we are then, let me insert it. Open your legs wide and I'll start pushing it in." The raccoon did not delay, opening her legs wide giving the feline plenty of room to manoeuvre. There, she pressed the dildo against Marie's lips, watching it being engulfed almost instantly, her flesh parting ways and gulping it down greedily. Her sub moaned delightfully, her eyes lidded with pleasure and panting affirmatives as she opened her legs wider. Sylvia wasn't one to hold back, and she slowly but surely pushed it forward, until she felt it was right near what was considered its hilt.

"Okay, don't move, I'm going to get the other end prepared for me, alright?" She heard a groaned 'yes', which was good enough for her, as she turned back to the lube bottle nearby. She lathered a good amount onto the other head, before lathering some on her centre. It'd been a little while since she'd inserted something, but it never hurt to be a little careful. She did it quickly, not wanting to leave Marie alone for too long with teasing her, pressing a paw, then two quickly inside of her, scissoring her walls slightly and feeling her excitement drool out of her.

Satisfied enough, she eased her way awkwardly to the other dildo head, then positioned herself.

"M-mistress. My legs." She heard breathed, and watched as Marie repositioned herself, so her legs were right by hers and helping her pull closer. With a smile, Sylvia took advantage of it, pressing the head to her lips and slowly, she eased forward so the length entered her slowly. She began breathing, as Marie moaned obscenely as the dildo was pushed into her just as much as she was pushing into it. Her flesh squeezed against it, feeling it shake as her raccoon shook with it from her nerves being so excited. Sylvia couldn't help but let out a gasp of air, a moaned breath as she sunk it further and further inside, until she, too, hilted. Then, she took a breather, the squelching noises of their flesh clenching against the rod inside of them both mixed with the moans of her sub and whines.

"Okay, are you ready?" Sylvia asked, of which she didn't really get an intelligent response, but was definitely a yes of some sort. Letting out a barked laugh, she pulled away slightly, using Marie's other leg as leverage, then pulled herself back in, thrusting as if it were attached to her crotch, rather than inside of her. Both girls moaned as the double ended cock pressed against their walls and their body squeezed the silicone object. This way, it felt like both were getting fucked, but Sylvia was definitely more in control of the situation than Marie was. She was a moaning, sweaty mess, with her fur and hair all over the place, whilst Sylvia, grunting and growling still looked ruffled a little, but held enough composure.

"That's it, more of it. Yessss." She purred as she continued on, thrusting and pushing and pulling as Marie slowly became a complete mess, her moans and groans soon turned to mewls and shouting in pleasure.

"Oooooh goooodness, yessss, oh fuck! More, yes! Please! Miiiiistresss!" Other such words flung from her mouth without any meaning behind it other than utmost pleasure. Uplifted by this, Sylvia continued, pushing it back and pulling it into herself, feeling it touching her g spot and watching white spots cloud her vision. Still, she did not pause, becoming ravenous as she lost herself entirely to ecstasy. Marie continued to shout and scream, adding to the pleasure for both, as her g spot was hit again and again and fluids dribbled to the bed quilts as she endured the pleasured torture.

Then, finally, Marie's walls clenched down hard against the dildo and she felt her entire being shudder uncontrollably and she let out a shout as the waves of completion hit her like a train so suddenly. From her crotch, clear liquid sprayed and soaked the dildo and a bit of Sylvia's furred crotch. Moaning out loud, Sylvia's paws went right to her clit, rubbing the liquid spray against her fur, as she felt herself clench hard against the sex toy inside of her as well. She was quieter, her teeth gnashing together as she breathed out a sigh of relief as her ripples hit her less hard, but still brought pleasure. She squeezed her legs tight, watching Marie collapse down onto the bed, the dildo still inside and jerked it a little bit, another moan leaving her lips as a stab of ecstasy hit her again.

Then, she collapsed to the other end of the bed, exhausted but smiling. She could hear the same from Marie, breathing in deep breaths as both worked to recover from their experiences.

It was a good couple of minutes, before Sylvia sat back up, wincing a little as the dildo moved inside of her sensitive inside.She shimmied back a little, listening to the squelch as the sex toy left her vagina and a bit of liquid and lube seeped out. It wasn't too bad, compared to the last time she used a dildo that shot out fake cum, that was hell to clean up afterwards, but worth it to see the absolute look of cloud nine Marie displayed when taken like that.

She crawled slowly, being careful of her sensitive lips, to see Marie was smiling wide, an arm behind the pillow and the look of utter adoration on her face. Sylvia felt herself flush a little.

"How was that, my darling?" She brought a paw to Marie's cheek, brushing against the fur on her cheek. Her nose twitched, oh it definitely stank of their sex here, but she'd never trade it in the world.

"Absolutely lovely. I loved feeling like we shared something." Marie kept smiling, her lips almost pouting in a seductive way.

Sylvia giggled. "You're insatiable, I need a break before I try to break you in again, hun." She grinned, leaning forward to kiss her girlfriend, moaning as the raccoon immediately pressed her tongue to her mouth. They snogged for a while, their tongues dancing with one another and the sounds as obscene as if they were having sex with their mouths, but Sylvia pulled away with a gasp. A string of saliva followed, dripping from her muzzle and she hummed. She pressed her head forward against Marie's, lying on her side and cuddling close. This was needed usually, a feeling of being close and supporting one another through something rather powerful.

"I'd love to do that again someday." Marie spoke quietly.

Sylvia looked down to her, smiling. "Okay, I'll add that to the list of things we both agree with. I'm liking how it's looking already."

Marie purred. "We should really get cleaned up. I'm still so hungry."

Sylvia sighed. "You're absolutely insatiable and really run my ragged. What a demanding sub." She laughed when Marie whined and pressed her head to her shoulder. "Okay, shower first, and then I'm thinking food before we think about another fuck, okay?"

The raccoon grinned, rubbing her snout against Sylvia's in affection, before they giggled their way to the shower.