Teaser: Sleepover At Samantha's, Part II

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#2 of Samantha

With Nelly mysteriously missing, there's no one left to normalize Vicky's exhibitionism with her 'boyfriend'. Samantha's patience is wearing thin, though Vicky is sure if the Bernese Mountain Dog would just open up a little, she'd be much happier. And she knows just what might help!

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all future stories, please consider pledging your support at the $3 level on Patreon! Pledge your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

All four guests were there, but not one of them was watching 'Freaky Friday'.

Vicky sat next to Alexander on the couch, bristling, pretending to watch but thinking furiously how she might get back at Samantha for being such a prude. Samantha sat, arms crossed in the lounge chair, just counting the seconds before the movie ended so she could kick her unwanted guests out of her house. Alexander leaned back in the couch, licking his lips, the bulky Great Dane a fair bit bulkier than when he came in, an arm over Vicky's back.

And Nelly, the Corgi, couldn't see anything at all. She was curled up, unconscious or worse, nothing but a bulge in Alexander's tummy. His tank-top barely covered his belly now, but when the two remaining girls dared look at the twenty-something male, they couldn't see his gurgling belly at all. Because right below that was his fat, naked sheath, the dog taking full advantage of Samantha's house being in the bottomless district. They didn't know that that sheath had just recently been busy popping Nelly's cherry in the basement, or that he'd been polite enough to take care of her missing contraceptives by swallowing her head first.

Samantha should have known they'd never make it to the end of 'Freaky Friday', if she knew her sixteen-year-old 'friend' at all. The husky knew how to get a rise out of the Bernese Mountain Dog, and that involved getting a rise out of Alexander. Concentrating on those distracting genitals, Vicky slipped her hand into Alexander's lap. She knew that Samantha was making a show of keeping her eyes on the television, but not for long.

Grinning softly, Vicky placed her hand on the appreciative Dane's grey sheath, rubbing up and down. Sure, she'd just met the Dane and knew basically nothing about him, but she'd been pretending he was her boyfriend to irritate Samantha, and this is what boyfriends and girlfriends did, right? Right on the couch, in full view of the host? Alex spread his legs and groaned softly, tongue spilling from his wide muzzle.

But the soft fap, fap, fap of her paw wasn't enough to draw the distracted mountain dog's attention. Giggling softly, the blue-grey husky slipped off the couch and knelt between Alexander's legs, nose to tip with the dog's emerging cock. She'd promised him a blowjob if he would play his part in making Samantha upset, so why not get right to it? She winked up at her partner in deception, and placed her lips on the glistening tip of his dick.

_Sluck, slick, slirp, glurp,_finally sounded out over the movie, perking up Samantha's ears. Started, she turned to see the slender husky on her knees in front of the humongous Dane, her lips wrapped around his quite-solid cock. She was playing with his oversized balls and bobbing her muzzle up and down, her wagging, curled tail showing off her own, heat-swollen spade.

When Alexander noticed the mountain dog's shocked expression, he just grinned and said, "Want a lick?"

Samantha stood stiffly, ears flat, and growled, "No I do not. Vicky - this is it. I'm done with you. If you and your 'friend' don't get out of my house, I'm calling the police! First the two of you scare off Nelly, and now you're...having sex in front of me!"

The Dane held up a paw and said, "Actually, I'm pretty sure that Corgi friend was into me."

Vicky said, "Damn, girl, do you _ever_need a fuck. We're just having a little fun. If you let loose a little, maybe you'd find you have a lot in common with Alexander."

"Get. Out," she said through gritted teeth, stamping out of the room and climbing the steps two at a time.

"Looks like you got what you wanted," Alexander laughed.

Vicky shook her head. "I mean, yeah, I wanted her to get upset, but I really want her to open up a little. I think I might have just done the opposite."

Alexander just shrugged. "I held up my end of the bargain," said he, indicating his throbbing crotch.

Vicky nodded, but she was clearly still thinking about Samantha. Huffing, the husky turned back to her work. Her warm, wet tongue curled around the impossibly huge Dane cock, suckling gently. But the Dane didn't want gentle, grabbing the dog by the ears and pushing her down around his dick. Vicky squeaked, her mouth suddenly full, but she did what he wanted, lapping and slurping up and down his huge length. "That's a good little bitch," Alexander groaned.

She flattened her ears as he started to get into it, leaning forward and thrusting his hips, his chunky belly wobbling back and forth. The stubborn 16-year-old didn't like the way this dog treated her, but she had promised a blowjob. She just wished her plan had actually worked. All she'd managed to do was end her long-time friendship. Samantha was still just as prudish as before.

Her eyes widened as he began to poke the back of her throat, making the husky gag. But he didn't pull back or slow his thrusts, forcing her to cough and sputter until she learned how to suppress that reflex. Soon, he was throat-fucking her like she was a pro, his pointed tip pushing several inches down her throat. "That's better," he praised. "Now you won't cough it up on your friend's couch. I hope you're ready!"

She hoped he was, because her mouth was strained to the brim, her jaw muscles aching to contain his entire, fat cock. At least his knot was still outside, pressed up against her nostrils. He smelled heavenly to the husky in heat, her bare pussy dripping on the floor now as she relaxed her throat and prepared for the flood. She did her best to nod, but Alexander didn't care if she was ready or not. He just came.

But with his tip in her throat, she had no choice but to take it all, every sticky rope launched straight down her esophagus into her mostly empty stomach. That changed fast, as her belly filled up with Great Dane cum. She couldn't taste it at all, but she could feel it pulsing down her throat in waves, her belly expanding. She watched in awe at his pumping balls, reaching forward to cup them. They were truly massive, and she had no idea he'd recently dumped an equally large load into her former friend, Nelly.

When he was done with her, he pushed her off, suddenly too sensitive for her squeezing tongue. Vicky fell backward from the force of his push, coughing and then burping at her large semen slushie. "Woah..." she gasped, panting for air.

"Not bad," he grunted. "I was worried I was gonna break you, there."

Vicky panted, her loins on fire, wanting nothing more than to climb into his lap and give him her 'almost virginity'. She wasn't sure she could take his whole dick, but that wasn't what stopped her. No, she knew enough to realize that she might get pregnant, and besides which, it was_Samantha_ she was really worried about. Still, she slid a paw between her legs, rubbing herself gently at the thought of the picture perfect Great Dane panting in front of her.

Vicky said, "If only Samantha knew how much fun you were."

The Great Dane cocked his head. "I could go fuck her, if you wanted."