making a personal assistant
Alice woke up. There was a noise ringing in her ears, like a computer start up. She blinked twice, glancing around. She was in James' apartment, in the living room. Standing up, but feeling perfectly comfortable. James was there, the wolf standing in...
Patreon Story - A Brooding Mood
They wanted a slave, a dehumanized, filth soaked, and reviled object. i... i tried... oh how i tried! the first time it was offered... oh how i tried!
The High Road You Expect Us to Take To Oblivion
Hypocritical when it's pointed out, the suffering that you brung and still bring so no the high road won't be taken, you need to acknowledge what you've done through your direct and indirect actions you've hurt, mocked, occasionally killed and dehumanized
A Furry Love Story - The Burning Spotlight
I've never felt so dehumanized in my entire life. i was angry, upset, and sad. after ranting over the the affair on the internet, i started to gain popularity. after a few weeks, an elderly woman was looking for shower heads.
War Requiem - Introit
As extremely as my mother hated and dehumanized me, my father loved and protected me and my dignity. my father was like i would later become: a soldier at heart.
Brothers in the Flesh (Original Version
She crested the hill, pointing a crooked arthritic finger at tim and todd, laughing manically, as if filled with glee over their dehumanized predicament.
Fetish Fundamentals
This person will be dehumanized to be re identified as the canine female term.
Cows and Humans
A short but kinky story about a farmer (who is a bull) degrading and dehumanizes a human milkcow. her fat fleshy belly hung low towards the ground. drool ran down the side of her lip. the metal collar on her neck was locked into the metal bar.
Curious George And The Mystery Of Rabies
You know how dehumanizing it is? i have to lie about my identity each time i go to work, so they won't call the goddamn man with the yellow hat'' he told her, as he pressed the door, making sure that it wouldn't break from the assaults.
An Ordinary Week: Denouement Part II
Now that he thought of it though, he had undergone quite a fair bit of dehumanization himself in this past week.
Random Transformation I: Woman to Dragon
With her slippery folds already exposed on either side due to the distending of her panties, she easily rubbed her dehumanizing hands across every square-inch of the tender flesh.
Apples Don't Fall Far
It wasn't a way to dehumanize andy (although the fox certainly felt that way sometimes), but rather an extension of the lion's general ethos. if you're doing your job well, mufasa reasoned, you deserved to be left in peace as you did it.