Spermatosaurus Attack

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of The Spermatosaurus Saga

Moh's made his escape, but in the grand scheme of things, he's still kinda fucked. He doesn't know what he can do to make himself better, but he's determined to try. Unfortunately, life seems determined to present temptations.

This is a patreon reward story for Mohrahk

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Spermatosaurus Attack

For Mohrahk

By Draconicon


It was hard for Moh to walk without squeezing them, even when he was taking extra special care. It was like they had grown so big specifically to keep him from running around. Even when he was taking each step as slowly as possible, his balls were getting scraped slightly by his thighs, always threatening to squeeze them to the point of popping. He honestly didn't know how to handle it, and he didn't know what he was going to do if he didn't get home soon.

His cock was throbbing, and it had been doing it non-stop since he had managed to get away from Vasilisa. She had to have done something to him, made the medicine work less well. There was no way that this was happening just because of his transformation.

He rubbed his hands across his face, more to reassure himself that he still had his normal eyes more than anything else. He could still feel the wrong teeth in his mouth, the way that his tongue was still the wrong shape, but as long as he had his eyes, he could feel like he was still...well, somewhat normal.

Feeling the little indents where they were, the part-sergal, part-Spermatosaurus let out a shaky sigh.

Gotta...gotta get...home...

It was getting harder and harder to keep that objective in mind, particularly with the smells of females on the air. He was passing through the alleys between the residential apartments, and he knew that there were a great many females in the area. Some of them lived alone, some of them with boyfriends, but they were here. Some smelled pregnant, and those were ones that he could avoid. Others...

Moh tilted his head back, catching the smell of one female masturbating. He could even tell what she was by the smell. A lioness, one with a hot pussy and one that was eager to get pregnant from how heated she was. Not quite in heat, but it would only take a lick or two to fix that.

He would have slapped himself for the thought if he'd imagined that it would do any good. Considering how horny he was, how hard his cock was and how it was dripping all over the place, he was pretty sure that it'd do jack shit.

The sergal shivered as he walked along, trying to think about the discomfort of the cold road, trying to think about the humiliation of being seen naked if he didn't hurry up, but all that did was add to the erotic feelings that he had about the walk. He got hornier, hornier, and hornier still, and his dick...

He looked down at it, glaring at the shaft for all the trouble that it had gotten him into. Already, it had almost gotten his Kotyavir friend pregnant, and it had gotten him registered as some sort of monster with the government. And now, he was walking down the road, and it wanted him to hop the fence into one of the buildings and...

And rape someone.

A shiver ran down his spine as he thought about it that way, trying every which way to reframe what he was going to do, but it was nearly impossible. The urge to fuck was too strong for him to call it anything else, and he knew that a no wouldn't be enough to get him to stop. There was nothing to call it besides rape.

He struggled to keep walking, feeling his balls sliding between his thighs with every step, feeling pre-cum dripping down on his toes every time he took a second one. He groaned as he smelled his own product, knowing that his pheromones would arouse just about anyone if they were around him for long enough.


It had become a mantra for him, forcing him to take one step after another. If he could get home, if he could get his dick on ice, maybe he'd have a chance to shut down this insatiable sex drive for a bit longer.

Just a bit...further...

Vasilisa would be after him, too, though he didn't know if she'd want him to keep breeding her or if she would genuinely try to help him. She'd been riding him for hours when he was last there, and he knew for a fact that she had not been interested in slowing down. Even though he had been in the process of becoming a monster, she'd wanted to keep fucking.


The sergal stumbled, leaning against the nearest building as his cock throbbed, little barbs starting to flare at the tip of his shaft. He could see each one, knew somehow that they'd be used to break down the will of different females, to make them want to fuck him. They'd take one thrust, then be on all fours, begging to be dicked over and over and over again until they were flooded with the seed of the monster inside of him.

How did he know that? He didn't know, but he could feel that it was right. If he started, there would be no way for him to stop without someone else stopping him, and he didn't have anyone around that could do that.

Home. He had to get home.

The sergal rounded another corner, then stopped as a new scent slapped him across the face. He tilted his head up, catching it, following the heated smell up to an open bathroom window. He had been able to resist the smells of others, but this was a dragoness up there, someone that was different...someone that he could see.

His eyes widened as he saw the creature in there, a female, alright, and one that was getting stripped down for a shower. His eyes widened all the more as he saw just how curvy she was, how exposed she was, how...how sexy she was...

She was dripping, too. His eyes could see it, his nose could smell her heat. She was perfect.

Without a warning, his body moved on its own. Lunging across the street, he grabbed the drain pipe along the side of the dragoness's building, climbing up the wall and grabbing hold of the bathroom window. He yanked it open the rest of the way, staring at her as she turned as if in slow motion.

She was a deep purple, so deep that it was almost black, and as she turned he could see that she had a more lavender-colored front, an underbelly that colored her tits and pussy a different shade to the rest of her body. Her nipples were softer, a flush pink that also burned around her pussy as if to signify her heat.

She was beautiful, puffy and plump and ready for breeding. And she had finally seen him, too.

The moment that she turned to see him, her mouth opened in shock. Moh didn't even know what he was doing, but his cock jerked up, spurting a splash of pre-cum right into her mouth. She gasped, covering her mouth and coughing, gagging, trying to spit it out.

It would be too late, of course. He didn't know how, but it was.

The muscular sergal forced himself inside, grinding his balls against the window frame and not caring. Now that he had a female, it didn't matter anymore.

He grabbed her around the waist, shoving her up against the wall. She gasped for breath, her face turning red, her scent getting all the stronger as he breathed it in. The small bathroom didn't have a place for the smell to go save for out the window, and that was hardly going to be enough now that she was infected with the taste of his pre-cum.

She was panting for breath, her face going from purple to red to bright pink, her breath coming in fast puffs. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets as he pinned her to the wall with his hand around her neck, and she looked at him with an expression that was rapidly warping from fear to confusion to pure need. Her hips started to twitch, and her nipples, already raised, were starting to go hard.

She didn't just want him. She needed him.

Moh huffed and puffed, his needs shoving his morals down into the basement of his mind. They still existed, they still knew that this was wrong, but it didn't matter at this point. All that mattered was that they were in the room with a sexy female, one that was able to take their young, and it was time to breed her.

He used his knee to spread her thighs apart, and she didn't do anything to close them again. All she did was stand there, staring at him, her eyes melting from fear to worship. She reached for him, gripping his cock, and she squeezed him, hard. The pressure made him squirt, more pre-cum glazing her thighs. Moh growled, leaning in as he stared her in the eye.


She couldn't say anything, her breath coming faster, and he could almost hear her pussy clenching down on nothing. It was as if she had been completely neglected for all of her life and she was finally getting what she needed.

If this wasn't so wrong, it would be hot.

The sergal lifted her up by her neck, still holding her against the wall. Her body responded, wrapping her legs around his hips, pulling him in close. She obviously didn't know what she was doing, was as out of it as any drunk at a bar, but her body knew what it needed. It required the breeding that was to come.

One thrust, and he was inside of her. One thrust, and she almost screamed. One thrust, and he wanted to cum.

The Spermatosaurus inside of him was begging for the chance to impregnate her, to leave her filled to the brim with so much seed that she'd be birthing their young for the next few years. Moh almost did it, too, but he wanted this to last. He wanted to fuck her, to fill her, to show her his power as a sergal. The instincts and pride of one species warred against the breeding need of the other.

And this time, the sergal won.

He started it slow, teasing her, raking her inner walls with the barbs on his cock. As she shivered beneath him, laying her hands along his shoulders as if to anchor herself to the real world, he could feel her pressing down on him, lifting her hips to meet his thrusts. One thrust, two, three, and she was moaning for him, her juices running down both their legs, lubing him up so that he could fit in her all the easier.

Thrust, thrust, thrust, and she was moaning more, her back arched, her eyes wide.


She still didn't have words, and he didn't have a name. He had nothing for her except the knowledge of what species she was, that she was in heat, that she could become a mother. That was all that mattered to the Spermatosaurus side of him, and that was all that mattered to the sergal side, too.

Moh picked up speed, finally taking the satisfaction that he had been denying himself for the last few hours. He needed this. Needed her. Every time that he slammed in, he felt her wet inner walls clamping down on him, squeezing down and pulling him that much deeper. He groaned every time, knowing that it was her body's way of telling him that it consented, even if her mind didn't.

In, out, in, out, thrusting away as he picked up the speed until he was in a proper rutting rhythm. The bathroom wall creaked behind her, the shower floor already awash with their mixed juices. His pre-cum, her pussy juice, all of it mixing together around his toes and going down the drain. There was more than enough to lube up an entire orgy, the stuff that he made making the females over-produce so that they could attract more mates.

In, out, in, out, his big balls slowly shrinking as he continued to slam into her, and he moaned as he felt that pressure ease. That moan turned into a growl of lust, one that he muttered into her neck, one that he held her tight to make.

Soon, she was gripping his shoulders tighter, her toes curling against his ass. She was moaning, panting, begging.

"Fuck me, fuck me fuck me fuckmefuckme!"

She was losing all sense of reality, and that was all the hotter for the Spermatosaurus. It needed her to break, needed her to want him, needed her to completely lose all sense of what was right and wrong.

His claws came out, pinning her in place, rutting her as if she was just part of the wall, one more feature that was there for him. Slamming in harder, faster, making her gasp as much for the fact that he was beating the air out of her lungs as for any other reason as he filled her up to the brim again and again.

Forward, back, forward, back, forward, back. He was getting so close, knowing that he was right on the verge of filling her. He leaned his head back -

And then something squeezed his throat. Moh yelped as he was yanked back, his cock yanked out of the young woman. He grabbed for his neck, felt nothing, but there was something pressing against his back as he was held against the window frame. A soft hand, followed by a soft voice.

"Did you really think that you could leave me behind like that?"

Vasilisa. She was there.

He coughed as she used something to strangle him, holding him pinned, but all the while, the woman was slowly getting to her feet again. She'd fallen in the shower, but now she was staring at him, her eyes wide, her pussy wet...

And she got on all fours, crawling over to him, her eyes filled with lust and need. She needed more...

The question was, would Vasilisa let him give it to her?

The End