the princess and the donkey part two

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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here is part two of the story it seem SF is part erroring so i can't join the two story's up as in part one here part two here, so enjoy

part one:

part two: your here

it had now been five months since we had been kicked out by my family all because I'd fucked a common donkey and thrown away my virginity to him instead of marrying ugh Chris but now I was in hell.

So as you know I'm now just Rita, not lady/madam Rita just plan old Rita, as for my mate or donkey called Ted.

Thankfully our father's or more mine had been rather merciful in which he didn't tell the town not to hire us so we'd have to leave well he had told the more posher or richer places but not were commoners work.

So I work in a small greasy spoon place taking orders and bringing out the food mopping up crap and cleaning the bathrooms as well as the kitchen fun not if your 5 months pregnant like I am.

My walk is a waddle fuck if like this at 5 how am I going to be in 9 months?! They like me there the owner took pity on me as I said I was once lady rose and had thrown my life away he said that there old help was indeed getting on and they did need a new worker I said I'll work I'll get on the floor and lick it I'm that desperate he said not to do that but I got the job.

As for my I guess husband? Ugh more like lover he got a job in the car wash mostly as he could speak none English he picked it up when he was a child as other none English speaking furs or kids were there with him.

He was good at his job teaching the new workers how to lie to cops or were to hide or run to if they turned up as most of them had no papers and would go by a name.

He was good at washing cars too finding all bits and pieces in them putting them on the dash or in the centre were the hand break was.

He would get hot though as there were cars by the plenty I guess this was more work then he thought but we both brought home the money, just enough to pay for rent food and bills.

"Ugh another day over my feet hurt Ted can you rub them like I like please"

I said in my voice as he sat down on the other end and rubbed my feet

"You're not the only one whose feet or hoofs heart your lady ship besides unlike you I don't got no were to sit down"

He said as he rubbed my feet making me smile

"Aw poor baby, do you want me to put you to bed and change your nappy? Oh wait I only want one baby not two!"

I said as I pulled my feet away and cried fuck my emulsions were everywhere one moment I'm happy the next horny then angry then sad then happy

"And here we go again with the crying, you wanted my meat and I gave it to you how the fuck was I to know your father had you lined up for some hunky beef dragon?!"

He said as we argued over whose fault it was we were in this place

It was then I kissed him and pinned him taking my top off and saying sex now I'm horny and sad oh gods my life.

He fucked me good I felt him sink that donkey cock into me and empty his pent up load.

This happened most nights it would either end up in sex, or both of us going to bed him drinking from a bottle me eating comfort foods as I couldn't drink when pregnant.

But the sex was still good him thrusting into me not hurting the baby I hoped mind you few blows to head with his father's cock might do him good to stay away from girls or guys or something I don't know but what I did know is Ted was still the fuck beast I needed.

His cock going inside me and he would always kiss and smack my ass fuck I would often before going to work let him smack my ass so I had that thought in my mind.

My orgasms were always good and I never had to fake one never he always came inside me or on me we often did oral if sex got a bit too painful.

Laying there in bed we smiled and held each other this had been a bit of a bad time but it was good I loved him but part of me loved my old life I guess I would say I was homesick but why?

As I held him I had a dream about me and Chris my own house pregnant with his child getting pampered but then I thought no it would be that but I'd hardly see him I want my child to grow up seeing his father not just a picture or via a video link in his office or at work.

I knew that Ted though a bit simple was the man for me each day he'd come home and I'd be there and so would our son, I had no idea if it was girl or boy or what it would be dragon colours but donkey looking? Maybe a mix like in that film the one with the green being who meets a donkey then see a dragon or something I forgot the name would our child be like that? Some mutant of part dragon part donkey?

I sighed no it would be fine he she would turn out great at best it might even be herm.

Morning came and I got up back hurting belly more rounder then last night I swore getting up Ted was already making breakfast I smiled as I kinda hugged him though belly got in the way he turned and kissed me then I took a shower.

The warm ish water going over my body felt good plus it felt good known that their were no maids catching a peek of your nude body and going red faced from it.

It was then I felt hoofs on my swelling breasts they were cupped and leaked milk I gasped and moaned out as there was Ted behind me rubbing my belly then moving under it to finger my pussy I moaned softly.

"Hay Rita babe got any ideas how I can get rid of my morning wood?"

He said rubbing his semi hard cock on the back of my leg and butt cupping that too as I turned pinning him to the wall of the small shower unit

"Yeah, go jerk it off yourself"

I said as I kissed him rubbing it to be fully hard making him moan

I put his cock in-between my breasts and started to rub them up and down making him moan and grunt.

I sucked on that black head as I felt wet myself not from the shower but from this sexual act fuck I wondered if Chris would be like this? No he'd want sex but not like this unless his feral or more adult side took over but even then that might be once a week month? Who knows?

What I know is Ted here is a sex machine I rubbed his balls a lot smaller now from the amount of sex he was getting daily or almost every day he then let out a grunt and came.

I let him cum inside my mouth then pull off getting a face full of donkey seed then let it mix with the water as it ran down my breasts I let go and stood up him gasping me groaning as that hurt my knees he then kissed me and I washed myself then him as we went to our jobs.

4 months later and I was now very round bellied I was bumping into customers letting others feel my belly as I enjoyed the touching you could stroke and rub it but that was it the moment you kissed or started to rub your crouch I moved away from you, it was then one day I was working I bent over and groaned today I was in more pain.

It was then right there in the middle of the café that I felt my body clench and then there was a dripping and then a lot of water I gasped as I went for a bucket but it was no good my first contraction hit me and I cried out and arched over in pain.

"What the hells going on Rita? Why is my floor wet? Oh my gods call the ambulance this girls going into labour!"

He said as I sat down on a chair feeling my body clench and the pain of each contraction hit me like a boxer punching me in my crouch and gut

"Oh gods it hurts Ahh! It hurts so much!"

I said as there was red and blue lights as the ambulance came and I was put onto a bed

"Just breath misses Rita deep breathes hold the metal bed side when you contract that's it I've got a dragoness in labour here I need"

She went on as I cried out in pain from yet another contraction

at the same time while washing a car and then getting the big hover to clean the mud up from the inside carpets the main phone rang in the small portable office they had there which had one guy in to book cars in or to order cleaning items he stood up and yelled,

"Ted! Get in here it's the café your wife works at!"

He said as he ran over sucking up stones and water on the floor were he dropped the hover


He said

"Ted it's the owner of the greasy spoon place, your wife just wet her self on the floor and is going into labour go see her you fool!"

He said hanging up the phone

"Oh crap my wife's having our baby where is the hospital?!"

He said as the boss pointed down that road Ted signed out and ran towards the hospital

The one thing we both didn't have was transport, yes no bike, so no way of going anywhere car was too much gas and we both didn't have driver cards and the bus went in all the wrong areas so we walked well Ted did I got a lift from another who worked near the greasy spoon.

As Ted ran he gasped and sweated it was not a good day to run in overalls and boots but he did.

He breathed and gasped as he flew past others walking there dogs and kids he then crossed the road and was now getting out of breath.

In the mean time I had arrived at the hospital and was still crying out in pain as contraction after contraction hit me.

I had pain killers via a tube and I was starting to push as I was in that much pain.

It was at that point Ted fell into the room I gasped as he was sweaty and gasping for air he had run a good 8 miles on this hot day to see me no bus bike or car could have made it here faster but he was just here.

"Ah Ted it AHHH! Hurts so much oh gods I can feel it coming!"

I yelled as Ted now drinking water held my hand

"Push my dear you can do it"

he said as I did it was then a doctor walked in gloves on and mask on as he kneeled in front of my pussy to see if everything was doing it things

"Okay Miss Rita push its crowning I can see the head"

He said as I felt my pussy lips spread wide then I pushed it felt like I had a poop stuck I pushed until there was a wet pop and then crying

the young baby slide from me and I groaned out in pain and bliss as it was over though one last contraction hit me as I nearly broke Ted's hand the baby cried and was cleaned then wrapped in a blanket then handed me to cord cut.

It was lovely I cleaned off some dried blood and then saw it was a dragon but it had Ted's face I then moved more of the towel it was a boy but not just any boy a hybrid.

Part dragon, part donkey, he had Ted's body and fur but it was the same colour as mine and yes it was a boy as like most new born's can't control there bodies out from his slit came a small donkey cock.

I covered him up and held him crying as I was now a mother it was then I pulled my top down and for the first time he got to suckle oh gods it was so odd but it felt right.

Ted was there stroking me and him it was then he thought of a name.

"Let's call him after your father you know in case he grows up to be a dick we can always remember him by calling him by your father's name"

Ted said as I laughed

"Okay then lord roses it shell be then"

He and I laughed but then I said no to that name

"I'll name him tom, as I like that name and he's my child and now we can raise him even if our place is crap and it's now going to be costly to keep him but I'm willing to do that for him"

I said as we hugged and were now a family then a voice came from the door

"Or you could come home and be with us instead of that house you call home lady Rita"

The voice said as we looked and there was my father still in a suit and looking as posh as I remembered him

"No, why would I come home now? I'm staying with Ted you drove us away or no sorry drugged us then left us to fend for ourselves why should I come home now?"

I said as Ted though tried from the run got up and stood on front of me like a true dad would to the older dad that disproved of us

"Your not the first, me and miss roses have had sex with workers, she had a few kids of her own but they were all still born's, as for me? Well let's say maids may have come and gone for certain reasons you see when your mother was pregnant with them I went looking to other places"

He said adjusting his tie

"You mean I'm not the first? Ha! I knew it c'mon then old guy why are you now being all happy and inviting the both of us back?"

Ted said making him grit his teeth and clench his firsts

"yours is the first to live, I guess fear or just the fact donkey and dragon DNA mixes well or something yours has lived on but all of ours died at birth, the doctors said from shock I guess getting pregnant and what we did to those that failed us made them kill there own child or something"

He said as he walked over to see little tom drinking and now asleep in my arms

"Well no matter I'd only return to that house if you let Ted come too and treat him like you would me if not father then I'm sorry I'm staying right here were you dumped us"

I said as Ted pushed my father aside and was getting very dad like

"yeah, we don't like it here but now with a child were going to raise like it should be, though if you wanted to you could help us, I mean you know grandfather kids aren't cheap and were not getting much money from this plus this hospital bill"

Ted said I could see my father's blood starting to boil but he kept his calm

"You're pushing your luck sonny boy if you think I'm going to pay for you"

He said as Ted stopped him talking more in a sly way like a con man would to a buyer worried about after effects and prices or were to get spares

"You're not going to pay? Okay then we'll go on this money thing and your taxes will go up another two faces sorry three faces to feed and it comes out of your taxes so instead of getting a nice pay return some of its gone, but that won't happen if you pay"

Ted said my father very close to slapping him but he was right

"You're not as dumb as you look Ted, very well you can return home your home and I'll pay you will get a monthly check until you are back on your feet or at least I start to note your bank accounts start to not spend that money"

He said as he adjusted his suit and exited

I breathed it was so good to know that my father was going to pay but I wished I'd set a limit as in maybe a grand a month but turns out I was wrong on that account.

A few days later with tom all cleared and us heading home it was then we got to the desk and would have to pay Ted had been saving money from his job to pay for this day as he knew it was coming, the nurse on the desk typed in our bill but then found it to have been paid in full already.

My father had kept his deal good on you dad.

Outside we smiled as I held my child the first order would be to get a baby cart or carriage Ted said he could pick up a cheap one second hand.

It was then we saw a taxi with my name on it lady Rita I asked him who was paying and he said a nice dragon called roses again my father there was even a child seat in the back.

As I got in and put tom in the driver took off at some speed with us both in it was then I saw the house draw up I told the driver to stop but then I saw it was one of the drivers my father had the cab colours washing off as he drove past.

"I'm sorry lady Rita your father told me to do it"

He said as the gates opened Ted smiled holding me and kissing me softly on the hand

"its alright Rita, we'll go in say hello let your mother see the child then go maybe after getting some food I'll see what I can grab for later"

He said kissing me as I kissed him

going to the main doors the door was opened Ted got out and made sure to leave his foot in the door until I had got out holding tom it was then the taxi went away into the garage.

Walking in there was the whole family including Ted's okay it was just his father but it counted.

My mother hugged me and saw the little child we'd had it was then I saw him, Chris I glared at him and he shyed away it was then we were walked into a room another big room and then there was a bunch of wrapped items.

My father said they were all for us, there was big boxes and small ones.

I hugged him and we started too opened up gifts, the first one was a new pram top of the line too.

Next was clothes and toys, then some clothes for us it was then there was a small box and then another just smaller.

"Father what are these two?"

I asked as tom made burbles and cries in his new cot

"Open them and see"

He said so I did

there was a set of car keys, and outside was a new SUV complete with child seat all paid for and with me in the name, the next one was a small box I opened it and there was two rings wedding rings it was then Chris appeared.

"my dear lady Rita, I judge you not for fucking this donkey but I guess your life, I'm sorry I reacted as I did though I know you are now with child with him so I offer you my ring from our marriage that won't go ahead, but please I wish for you and donkey boy here to wed otherwise it'll just look wrong"

He said as he kissed my hand making me blush Ted come over and hold me next to him tightly

"All good and well Chris but I'm not going to marry her, after all I'm free ha-ha!"

He said running around the room then laughing

"What? It was a donkey joke, I kid I'm going to be with her but not in wed that means nothing to me I'd much rather be single with a girl then know I'm married besides whose to say I won't just pawn the ring?"

He said as my father and family glared at him

"Boy tough crowd for donkey humour"

He said pulling at his collar

"Um master roses, does that mean I can still work here on the grounds or shell I have to go with them?"

Ted's father asked my father smiled

"You can stay after all your staying here, aren't you Lady Rita?"

He said to me as I looked at him my mother and the gifts

"You know Ted this is much better then that house, plus we can be as one maybe change the family rules you know have sex with other staff here as father said in the hospital"

I said as he kissed me softly

"We'll stay mister roses but as she said your to treat us nicely otherwise were outta here and that isn't dark donkey humour that's the truth"

Ted said as my father sighed and felt like he was losing his battle and the fort wall he had made were crumbling around him but he smiled and hugged me

"Very well lady Rita, but only if you behave and are good like a real lady"

He said to me as I hugged him

"What about in the bedroom?"

He growled and I just hugged him more

It was from that moment on things in the rose's house changed.

The donkey's and maids no longer feared us well they did but not that much they still worked but not as hard.

Little tom is walking and loving this big house he loves to crawl around to find new places to sit and eat his hands while watching others walk around.

That night however it was different I felt my body start to burn and itch but not from the outside from the inside.

Ted came home from working in the grounds only to see me nude and laying sexily on my side with only part of the bed sheet covering me, yes my hips had grained a lil' and my breasts were larger but he still loved me.

"Ted hun, I'm horny come fuck me like you used to"

I said as he got undressed in moments showing off that donkey cock of his

"With pleasure lady Rita or should I say bitch?"

that word and the way he said it made my insides flare up like pouring gas onto a fire I needed him

He got onto the bed and bent me over his lap cock throbbing on my belly he then brought that hand down on my chubbier butt and smacked it I cried out thankful that tom was in another room and not in here as my lustful moans would surely wake him.

More smacks on my ass fuck I was dripping wet as the last long hard group smack hit my ass he then pushed his fingers into my pussy licked them then told me to get onto all fours I was going to be fucked like a true animal which made me roar in pleasure.

Getting into place I lifted my tail up and felt him drip pre seed onto my red raw ass he had just spanked I then felt him rub it in-between my buttocks fuck I was on fire just fuck me already, he then slide it up and down slowly I roared out if he teases me any more I'm going to eat him afterwards.

It was then I felt him sink that cock into me I let out a cry as it had been a while about 5 months roughly we'd stopped sex shortly after I hit 6 months as it hurt when he went in me and I don't do anal no fucking way.

My virgina though now wider to him was as tight as the first night we'd fucked.

I cried out as I felt him go past my cervix with ease I guess after child birth you don't notice a cock going in you fully.

I felt his fully loaded balls though they slapped on my clit and I groaned out in need.

It was then he pulled out only to thrust right back into me! Oh by the gods yes Ted yes fuck me.

I gripped the sheets as the fire inside me roared from this each thrust was like adding the water but then adding gas afterwards to make roar back up like a tin toy would repeat its action this was my womb.

I moaned out as he thrusted and like true animals we fucked hard him slapping my rear and pulling my tail to go in balls deep of fuck my first orgasm in ages here it comes!

I orgasmed on his cock feeling him moan out as I squirted my juices all over his cock making it more lubbed up as he just kept on pounding this time though he was lasting longer.

More thrusts and then he went balls deep his cock head flared and I moaned out as he did I felt his balls tense up and then that first long wave of water to the fire putter outer or his seed filled me and it was good.

Long ropes of good creamy donkey seed filled my womb he came pumping me full some leaking out.

I lay there and he lay there as we fell gasping and panting with each other him now cupping my still leaking milk breast as we lay there enjoying the after glow of sex.

My fire now gone it was well and truly put out no flare nothing it was then I felt him pull out his cock still hard rubbing on my belly as it dripped his donkey seed onto my belly and the bed he then asked me something I'd waited to hear from a lover in all my dreams.

"Hay, if you ready I'm ready to go for round two"

He said fingering my pussy making it drip and clench on his fingers

"Oh Ted you've no idea how long I've waited to hears those words from a lover"

I said as I rolled over and kissed him and we made love again him filling me up and giving me a very good orgasm

we both were now too tried to try another round I lay next to him as he cuddled me I knew that I was pregnant again but I didn't care I kinda liked the whole mommy look and being pregnant the sex fuck its good.


A few months later my belly was once again round with a child that Ted had given me my father not too pleased saying I had only just had my first but he was then happy to know he would be a grandfather again.

My mother was happy too in fact both seemed happier it was then we both found out why.

After I moved back in my father was found fucking a maid donkey with his cock it was then later on that my mother was found being fucked in the garden by a male donkey thankfully with protection they both stayed but now my father and mother had free range of lovers including themselves things were much better.

Tom is now 5 months old and well he's soon to be joined by another in oh about 7 months time I hope after that to have a break I might have to ask Ted to wear condoms if a fire in my womb flares up after this one.

As I rubbed my belly I smiled as my body adjusted once again to take on this child I wondered if maybe I'd been with Chris he'd of been the same? Fucking me when I was in season or just fucking me when he could.

With Ted I get fucked when ever and wherever I want I even like to fuck when at dinner much to the displacement of my father and mother but I don't care I'm horny and need my lovers cock.

It took a while to adjust to my old life but its back to normal and where one big happy family who knows? I might even want another child or 6 the car has enough to seat that many.

That night as I kissed Ted he smiled and we snuggled him holding me his semi hard cock lightly resting on my back thigh and butt his hoofs on my breasts but I'd not trade this for anything I love him and I'm glad I broke the marriage to Chris who has since found another turns out at the baby meet he found a maid that was still a virgin and he grabbed her and fucked her knocking her up too mind you the amount he came you'd think she was already pregnant there happily married in there own house with kids yeah he's quite productive in that area but he's no lover like my Ted is.

~the end~