The Prince and the Knight

Story by Zygarde22 on SoFurry

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Well here we are, another story I've been working on for a while. I got inspired by the Deer Prince and Cat Knight art by Hladilnik, but I changed the species cause I wanted to write a story about rats for some reason, anyway I should be coming up with another story in a few weeks.

and if you want to commission a story from me you can do so at my Patreon:

The sound of a roaring fire, its embers reaching into the air with the hollowed pops and cracks of the small blaze were all that could be heard in the forest. Stoking the flame was knight clad in iron armor, she looked out at the forest before her-observing and noting every fine detail that she could ever vigilant and ever weary of any would be bandits, assassin's or any other group that might wish to prey upon the one who she was guarding. In the makeshift bed beside her was her lord, a young prince by the name of Gabriel. She smiled thinking of him, he was a pretty naïve kid (though calling him a kid was a bit of a misnomer, since he was only ten years her junior,) still unsure of how he would act or be in this world at large, especially with the prospect of becoming king someday, but that wasn't her place to dwell upon, she simply had to protect him. Seeing that nothing was coming out of the woodworks she began to strip out of her armor, having been wearing it almost all day leaving her in her underclothing.

Letting out a tired sigh, she swished her tail around the area in boredom placing the stick she was stoking the fire with into the flame itself before she used the sand around the area to snuff it out. She laid down on the sleeping cot she had for herself and laid down, closing her eyes she was about to let herself go to sleep...until she heard the snapping of a twig. Almost immediately her eyes snapped open and her ears perked up as she listened for something that might be a threat. Then a crossbow bolt impacted directly near her head in an instant she got to her feet, catching another crossbow in midair.

"Show yourselves fiends!" She shouted as she stood up crushing the crossbow bolt in her claws, pulling her sword out she saw coming out of the darkness a wolf with a bandanna around his mouth. Ducking under his blade she brought her blade to his leg, cutting a tendon, making the man collapse to his knees before bringing her dagger into his eye socket. She stood up and scanned the area, if there was one bandit there were bound to be more, then another bolt crossed her and hit her in the chest, luckily her underclothing was padded enough to stop the bolt from going too far. Scanning the area her eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness. She saw another bandit emerge from the shadows, parrying the sword swipe she stabbed him several times with her dagger just in time to hear a yell.

"Helena!" Gabriel yelled as a bandit carried him off over his shoulder.

"Young lord!" Helana yelled as she took off after the bandit, this was their plan all along she figured, they probably were tailing the two for days, and she would chastise herself later for not noticing them but for now, her only priority: rescue her lord. The bandit was fast, probably not a human, she couldn't tell what species they were, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things her lord was getting kidnapped. Jumping over fallen logs and other things she could hear from behind her voices, no doubt the bandit's compatriots, she had no interest in fighting more bandits, all she really cared about was getting Gabriel back. She was rapidly catching up with the kidnappers and shouted at him.

"Give him back!" She yelled as she managed to tackle the man from behind her dropped Gabriel who let out a grunt of pain as he impacted the forest floor, Helena on the other hand was in the middle of punching the bandit in the face.

"HOW. DARE. YOU. TAKE. HIM!" Helena yelled with each punch connecting in the bandits, mouth, nose, and other areas that would be particularly bad to have a nearly two hundred pound feline hitting you in. To end her punching tirade, she pulled out her dagger and brought it down on the bandit's head before he could make a noise his skull was pierced with the dagger killing him. Getting up from the bandit Helena walked over to Gabriel to make sure he was okay.

"Are you okay my lord?" Helena asked, Gabriel nodded as she pulled him up to his feet, she checked him for any injuries and aside from some sticks in his fur which she brushed away Gabriel was as unharmed as an animal could get, which was a great boon to the feline. But this happy moment was interrupted when the bandits that were tailing them made their way out of the woodwork, literally. Pulling out her blade Helena prepared for a fight.

"Last chance, I killed two of you, what makes you think I won't kill the rest of you?" Helena threatened, the two bandits despite the darkness looked at one another, then back to her, then to the body of their dead comrade, the blood from his head oozing warmly on the forest floor. Seeing the writing on the wall, the two bandits decided to cut their losses and ran off Sheathing her blade Helena and Gabriel let out a collective sigh of relief as they made the annoying trek back to their campsite.

"I thank you again Lady Helena." Gabriel said as he laid back down on his sleeping cot, Helena nodded as she laid her head down.

"Twas a pleasure my lord." Helena replied as she drifted off to sleep. The next morning the two broke camp, and made their way to the nearest town, a small village that neither really cared to remember the name of , all they knew is that it had a inn and a inn usually meant a few things to them: warm food, hot baths and comfortable beds, all things sorely needed by the beleaguered travelers after so many days traveling on the road without many creature comforts, and while roughing it always sounded good on paper, in practice it often felt like more work than anything else.

"Ah, it feels so nice to be in a real bed!" Gabriel said as he flopped down on the bed of the room they rented for a week, the beds were not the softest or really the most fancies beds that a prince could hope for, but after a week sleeping on a makeshift cot in the middle of bug infested, hot and dingey forests, a lowly bed in a somewhat modest inn was like staying in the palace of one of the wealthiest kings of all of Elhiem. But that was not what made him the most excited-no the thing that made him most excited was the fact that each room had a bath, heated by fire runes meaning the water would be nice and warm.

"I'm gonna go take a bath." Gabriel announced as he walked into the small washroom connected to the room they were staying in. The washroom was sparsely decorated, holding only the wooden tub with a sponge on a stick, not the most luxurious of accommodations (especially since they were paying a hundred golden tlarle for the room,) and a bucket which was filled with enough water to fill the tub, disrobing Gabriel felt the cool air of the room ruffle his fur. He then felt a draft come in, turning he saw Helena also nude. A lump formed in his throat and his heart started beating heavily.

"H-Hel-Helena." Gabriel stammered out as the lynx sauntered over to him, she looked down at her prince, his cock was extended and hard, leaking copious amounts of precum, smiling she walked over to him, him having to look up to look in her eyes,

"Yes, my lord?" Helena said as she smiled at him, her sacred body looking radiant to Gabriel as he examined it,

"C-Can I help you?" He said nervously, the two were never intimate, at least not past longing looks and light kisses that Helena always initiated, but he'd never seen Helena naked or in any way that was in a non-chaste way.

"I think I can help you more," Helen said as she placed her hand on his chest, swallowing the lump in his throat, Gabriel's breathing and heart were accelerating at a pretty consistent pace, then Helena went lower, extending her retracted claws and dragging it down across his chest and lower and lower, he let out a hitched breath when she stopped near his cock, she then slowly and agonizingly went further down to his balls, cupping them in her hands. "You're quite pent up my lord." She commented on the size of his balls, filled to the brim with seed.

"H-H" She cut him off from saying her name again with a kiss, not one of the chaste ones that they shared before, no, this one was so much more. He could feel her tongue reach into his mouth, and he tried and failed to stifle the moan that erupted from his throat when she did. If his cock wasn't rock hard a few moments ago, it was definitely rock hard now. When Helena and his lips separated a thin trail of saliva hanging from their lips, his breathing was heavy and labored like nothing else in his life sans when he used to do training for combat before he switched away from it by his mother's request.

"I think I should help you...alleviate that." Helena spoke softly in his ears as she touched the tip of his cock, and Gabriel let out a hitched breath as she did she then trailed from the tip down to the base of his shaft and then began to slowly stroke his shaft up and down. Her hands were slightly calloused yet somehow...soft to the touch. Gabriel's let out a gasp as Helena began to stroke faster and faster, the rat's breath was getting shorter and shorter as Helena stroked.

"H-H-Helena- '' Gabriel couldn't get the words out , a long whine erupted from his throat as he reached his climax. Rope after rope of virile seed spurted from Gabriel's cock, each spurt making him groan in pleasure. Some of his seed ended up on the floor but a good bit ended up on Helena's hand. Heavily breathing Gabriel nearly collapsed to the ground his legs seemingly having turned to jelly from the exertion of his orgasm. A wicked smile danced across Helena's lips as she licked some of Gabriel's seed off her fingers, not caring much for the salty taste. She then motioned for them to get into the bath together. The bath was just large enough for Gabriel to sit in Helena's lap, washing each other together and enjoying the nice warm water Helena held Gabriel close to her chest, she washed his chest smiling at him.

"You know young lord," Helena said as she scrubbed some of the grime from his chest the, "when I saw those bastards try to carry you off, I got...worried." Helena said holding him tighter than she probably intended, not that Gabriel cared much, the rat loved his knight and she loved him as well.

"Why were you worried?"

"Because the threat of losing you is one I don't want to fathom," Helena said as she kissed Gabriel on the neck, "The thought of losing someone I love like you my lord is just...unacceptable."

"You know when we're alone, you don't have to call me lord." Gabriel said Helena laughed at this, it was more a force of habit at this point. After finishing their bath Gabriel and Helena decided to head downstairs to enjoy a nice dinner, after returning to their room Gabriel flopped onto his bed like he did earlier, and Helena joined him on his side. She worked her hand up his chest stopping at the top where the buttons of his shirt lay, she then began to undo the buttons of his shirt, sitting up Gabriel spoke.

"Helena-" Gabriel was cut off when the lynx pushed him on his back, she then kissed him deeply as she straddled his lap, she began to slowly undo the sash holding her shirt to her body and let it slowly slide off her frame and despite seeing this sight earlier Gabriel was still take aback by it, her body was scared but that only in Gabriel's opinion added to the innate beauty of Helena, he reached up and cupped one of her breasts eliciting a small grunt from the lynx. He kneaded the mounds gently and slowly, making small circles with his thumbs around her now erect nipples. Grinding her hips against his, Helena let out another moan of pleasure as she felt Gabriel's cock still confined to its cloth prison press up against her pussy. Moving from him she undid the drawstring of her pants and let them fall from her body and removed them quickly, leaving her completely nude to her lover.

"Now, relax my lord," Helena said as she undid the drawstring of his pants and pulled them down so his cock was now free, leaking precum and twitching Helena admired it for the second time that day. Erect, and all for her , "And allow me to take control." Helena said as she slowly lowered herself onto Gabriel's member. Swearing under her breath she felt the rat's cock enter her and stop at the tip where her cervix was.

"S-So full." She said happily as she rose up and slammed herself down again on his cock. Up and down, slowly at first so as to savor their first time together as not just two people in love-but as lovers in the purest sense, a carnal feeling that only they would share. Bouncing up and down on his cock, was the most fun she'd had in the last few weeks. All the while she had him pinned beneath her, helpless and yet still somewhat in control of a game of give and take between the dominant and the submissive.

"H-Helena!" Gabriel moaned out as he held onto the lynx's hips with such ferocity that she could feel him almost draw blood, his dull claws digging under her dull grey fur. Helena smiled at this as she picked up speed in her riding. This time she was slamming her hips down upon him with much greater ferocity, and they'd probably regret that and feel sore in the morning, but they didn't care.

"Are you close, my lord?" Helena asked as she was nearing her first orgasm, "Because I am." She said as she began to pick up speed, wanting to feel every inch of his cock inside her, she was desperate for it, such ferocity that she slammed her hips against his, the meaty slap, slap, slap could probably be heard in every room in the inn. Biting down upon her lips she went limp for a moment caught in her own orgasmic bliss, and Gabriel wasn't far behind her, as the feeling of her vaginal walls clamping down upon his cock was enough to send him over the edge. Smashing their lips together and grinding their hips together as they came . Soon potent seed flooded into Helena's womb, moaning at the sensation she was wondering if she'd end up heavy with child from this encounter, the image made her a bit lightheaded.

"I love you, my lord." Helena said as she pulled his cock out of her snatch, his seed oozing out of it and reminding her just how...pent up he was. Gabriel smiled as he kissed her, she liked kissing him and wouldn't mind him doing it much, much more.

"I love you too, my knight." Gabriel responded as he held her, the two were sweaty covered in fluids and probably going to be sore in the morning, but that didn't matter. There would be some consequences to this but, they would cross that bridge when they got to it.