The Traveling Slave pt2

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#20 of The Dancing Slave Saga

Here it is! At long last, part 2 of the dancing slave, where we finally reach the trader's conference, and Shadi gets her first change to show off what she has learned during her time aboard Isiat's ship. Enjoy!

Smiles were a strange thing for Isiat. Not so much because he didn't feel good, but because a sincere and genuine smile was a peculiar and wonderful thing to come across. They were often unexpected, occurring under the most bizarre of circumstances, and frequently at very little or no provocation. When you spent so much time behind a desk bartering with people who once might have sold you for the cost of the fur on your body, one learned to have a separate smile.

It was neither sincere nor genuine. It might well indicate pleasure or joy, but over a well-struck deal, a trade contract that exceeded expectations, or whispers of a move in the great game brought to light. It was not a smile one used for happiness. It was for success. For victory. For risks that paid dividends on their expenses. It was a business smile, and it could be as warm or as cold as he chose it to be.

But this smile... Well, this one was genuine as the air he breathed, and it was beginning to hurt his jaw from its longevity.

That damned smile of hers though...

The greenhouses at the aft end of the starboard side weren't exactly an outrageously large project. It had been Scion of all people who had insisted on making use of the space. Perhaps a few hundred square meters had been risen to allow for almost a meter of natural earth to be boxed in, along with seeds for plants, vegetables, smaller trees and ferns, and a grassy clearing in the centre of it all where he watched Shadi dance to a jaunty jig played by a ferret with a violin nearby.

There was always a few onlookers when she came here, be it long term staff taking a quiet nap on their breaks, or his other slaves looking for a place they could escape for an hour, uninterrupted and peaceful to just listen to the birdsong. It was humid, but never overly so, and Isiat had stripped down to his undershirt and trousers, his feet kicked out on the soft grass like the half dozen or so other onlookers.

It was also one of few places to escape the perpetual humming of the airships many, many motors and moving parts, the thick layer of natural soil providing more than adequate insulation from the background noise.

Reaching up, the Kyruku ran a paw along the edge of his angular vulpine muzzle, playing out his whiskers between his thumb and index fingers, his tails flickering in tempo with the music.

There was something about that slave girl, that was for sure, but the words to describe it were as fleeting as a glimpse of a shooting star.

Shadi danced with passion and with heart, her curvaceous feline body almost flawlessly suited for it to be just the right amounts of alluring and bright. Her tail flowed after her like a ribbon, her tan fur as sparkling and bright as her mismatched eyes, green and topaz gems that shone in the warm, natural glow within the greenhouse.

One, one two, pause, onetwothreefour, oh one, one two, pause, onetwothreefour!

But for her smile...

His jaw still hurt from his own almost comically goofy grin. Damn her for that smile. It was intoxicating. She was enjoying herself, and she knew it, and her smile gave it away to everyone around her as well. There were many imperfect things in the world, as Isiat knew all too well, but a true and honest smile like that could never be called anything but perfect. Perhaps it was in part the not insignificant role he had played in securing her release, but he knew in his heart that he had done a good thing by taking her from the canine castle.

No flower so precious should have been left to wilt in darkness.

"Remember! Let the music move your dancing, don't force yourself to move to it." He called out, shifting as he rested on his palms behind him, tails fanned out over the grass.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Fishing?" She laughed back at him. That damned smile again. She needed to stop before he had to see Mack for something to help the ache in his jawbone.

Truthfully, he didn't ever want her to though.

As if to mock him further, she extended her arms, and kicked off in a pirouette, spinning around and around on the ball of one foot that she became a tan blur threatening to drill herself into the ground. She sprang off her toes with ease, twisting and moving in ways that made his heart race with excitement. Perhaps he was letting himself get too familiar with the girl. He didn't care, of course. It was his ship, his slave, and his mandate to do whatever the hell he pleased. What was the point of it all if he couldn't wrest that much freedom from the business he had created, and the airship he had all but stole with crafty deception?

Plots within moves within schemes within plans within deceptions within truths. It was all a convoluted mess to understand, yet somehow, he managed to keep abreast of events, and always ended up with his own goals emerging ahead. As for the specifics of those plans, well...

He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the letter again, scanning over the richly, flowing script that was absolutely unmistakable as having come from anyone but the dragons. Everything about the letter wreaked of their clans. The thick, sturdy parchment, the gold gilded edges. Hell, even the official seal of the clans had been illuminated upon the letter, rather than a wax seal as many nobles and traders did. The clans would undoubtedly be their next destination after the trader's forum was over but until then...

He gave the summons a last glance over before tucking it away again along with any of his lingering worries. They would wait. Shadi's dancing would not, however, and the plump, curvy feline drew his eyes once more, that same stupid smile returning to his features before he could do anything about it even if he had wanted to.

Truly, she was a beauty and damned good at what she did. There were no regrets at all in his mind about her purchase. She was like the ancient marble statues of voluptuous and scantly glad vixen deities he'd seen during his time as a slave, but given flesh. Well, all but the vixen part, of course, but she was still a dancing goddess in her own right. Even here, he could see no less than two of the male crew watching her, practically undressing her with their eyes. If she had that sort of bewitching effect on them, surely no red-blooded male trader would be able to resist her allure.

His eyes were drawn to the flank of the greenhouse, a sandy looking canine creeping in to watch behind a row of decorative ferns. He couldn't help but chuckle at the coyote's antics.

Or any female, for that matter, it seemed, which might well be a good trait for Shadi to have, given the sheer number of trader's she would no doubt be forced to entertain company for. At least Scion would do the majority of the screening work for them. Only those with viable and valuable propositions would ever actually see the elusive owner of the flying city that was High Fortune themselves. Lesser deals Scion would simply handle himself, and traders who made it that far ought to have felt honoured the dragon saw fit to give them the time of day.

She finished her routine, ending with a neat flourish of her paws and an eloquent bow that spoke volumes to why she had been branded with gold instead of merely copper or silver. Her collar was proof of her worth, but Isiat saw so much more to her than just what profits she could earn him. Indeed, he didn't doubt that before her time was up here, she would have helped him implement more steps and make more moves in the great game than he had previously considered.

Her worth was not doubted for a second by him.

His quiet applause echoed in the greenhouse as she watched him, fiercely grinning across her feline features.

"You, Shadi, are more than ready."

"Well, I'm glad at least one of us thinks so! I'm still trying to memorize some of the more complex movements of 'The Jangeen Waterfall dance', but-" He cut her off with a dismissive wave, offering her a skin of water after helping himself to a sip. She was panting quietly, but it was good to see her throwing herself enthusiastically into her role. If he could keep her that happy with their arrangement, well...

Plus, it didn't hurt to have her warming his bed at least a few nights of each week. Especially over the desert, the nights were cold, and while his kind was well adapted to deal with it, it never hurt to have a soft, furry body to cuddle up against. He allowed himself a soft chuckle at the thought, leaning back as she gave him a puzzled look.

"What's got you in such a good mood?"

He waved his paw, brushing the question off. She still smelled of the sweet vanilla perfume she had started wearing as of late. It was a scent he was beginning to associate with the curvy little lioness far too readily. His excitement seemed to simmer at the merest hint of the spice now. He could smell her approaching his quarters in the night, and it lingered still in the mornings after she had left like the pleasantries of a half-remembered dream.

"Nothing, nothing. It makes me happy that you seem pleased with our arrangement."

"Well, I haven't had to sleep with anyone I didn't choose to myself yet either-"

"Scion will take care of that, and I trust him with my life. He'll make sure anyone you may even have a chance of needing to entertain aren't the violent or reckless sorts. Most traders have good temperaments, you'll find. It's hard to shake on an agreement with a clenched fist after all. You will do just fine, I promise."

Of course, he wouldn't have let anything happen to her. She was an investment, as well as, perhaps, a friend at this stage, more so than that even. He would be double-checking Scion's proposals with a jeweller's glass, not to mention watching them like a hawk. Many, many males regarded slaves as little more than things to be enjoyed, giving them about the same amount of thought and consideration as one would a piece of decorative furniture.

That kind of devil may care attitude towards them would not fly onboard Isiat's airship. Anyone who harmed any of his slaves, including Shadi, would find themselves as fair game for the guards to deal with as they saw fit.

No, he decided as he smiled at Shadi, watching as she delicately spun away from him, taking the steps to launch herself into her next practice routine. His tails flicked once, before settling back down behind him neatly, his paw resting on his waist where his rapier would usually sit. Nobody would harm so much as a hair on her head, or he would see they were dealt with personally.

"Come on, it's just down here!"

"Are you sure we're supposed to be in this part of the ship? We've passed three signs that all read 'Crew only' in at least a half dozen languages now, and-" Shadi was cut off as the coyote stopped so suddenly the Shadi had to slide against the wall to avoid just running straight into her back. Larise turned and fixed the little tan lioness with a coy grin.

"Oh, so what if we're not? What's he going to do? Throw us off the ship? Isiat is too soft for that. Worse case, he might take it out on your ass later, but not that I'd mind seeing that punishment given out. Not like you'd mind either." She added with a cheeky kiss to Shadi's cheek that sent the feline stammering and blushing as she tried to compose herself, hurrying to catch up to the canine who had sauntered off in a fit of giggles.

"It's not funny! I'd much rather stay on his good side!" She called after her, short legs having to move doubly fast just to keep pace with the leggy mutt.

"Mhmm, or under it, I think is more truthful. Did you know you two are really loud when you're walking through that corridor beneath his quarters?"

If she could have grown any redder, Shadi might just well have, but then a thought struck her.

"Wait, that corridor only leads to Isiat's quart-"

"Oh, so now I'm spying on you? Big whoop! Like you've never listened to two people fuck before. Or three people. Same difference! Not like he hasn't done the same thing, the pervert." She huffed as they reached a door quite unlike any of the other's she had seen on the ship thus far.

It was heavy, made of solid metal, and looked far sturdier than even the reinforced wooden gates that she had seen during her time as a slave at the castle. It was curved around the edges, leaving a lip that one would have to step over, and featured a rotating cylinder style hatch that led to metal arms and springs that secured the door tightly shut. Larise didn't even hesitate, grabbing the handle of the bulkhead and twisting it with both hands until it shifted, the locking mechanism springing open. The door swung inwards soundlessly on well-oiled hinges.

"Come on." Larise hissed impatiently, beckoning the feline forwards and through the hatch. Her heart nearly fell out of her chest as the coyote pushed her inside, and she dug her claws into the sleek, smooth surface she found herself upon. She found no purchase and slid forward but a moment, leaving not so much as an imperfection in the thick glass.

She could see the ground below her. There was nothing between her and it. Internally, she screamed in terror, and nearly did aloud as well!

It took her reeling mind almost a full minute to cease it's panic as she looked down at the sprawling city of tents and pavilions, with fabrics, banners, patterns and standards of every size and colour imaginable. Her mouth hung agape for a few moments. Such a massive gathering put simply, dwarfed even the largest of clan meets she had attended. Even the looming shadow cast by High fortune seemed like little more than a blotch on the ground below.

"H-how big is this conference?" Shadi stammered as she unsteadily found her footing, treading carefully along the riveted metal beams that supported the massive weight of the glass flooring and windows that comprised the bridge of the mighty draconic vessel.

"Smaller than most Capitol cities. Larger than most towns. On foot, it takes a few hours from one end to the other, assuming you know your way and don't get lost. It's different every year, but they all centre around that-" The coyote paused, pointing down below to a large circle of purest baby blue water that seemed remarkably out of place in the desert.

"Great for swimming. One year, somebody tried poisoning it, but it's far deeper than it looks in the middle. Anyways, they cut his head off and burnt all his trade goods as an example. Nice folks really." Larise offhandedly muttered, laying herself down on her stomach with her nose pressed against the glass, sandy tail flicking back and forth excitedly.

Hesitantly, Shadi edged a paw off the metal beam she was tip-toeing along and placed a single toe onto the clear glass. When it didn't show any signs of strain beneath her weight, she gently inched her way forward. Larise laughed at her antics.

"Oh, don't tell me you're a scardey cat! I thought that was just a playful teasing on felines! I never thought-" The girl had rolled onto her back and was laughing wholeheartedly now, finding Shadi's increasingly reddening face far too amusing. She shut up when something large, fluffy, and with the weight of a tossed brick behind it clobbered her over the cheek, the blow rolling her over entirely.

Larise rubbed her cheek, still grinning ear to ear. For such a small feline, Shadi's tail swung about like a sack of bricks when she wanted it to. She gave her a look of playful anger before she grabbed the lioness by the arm and pulled her down until she was lying facedown on the glass beside her. The pairs tails swished back and forth behind them as Larise excitedly pointed out what spots she knew in the sea of merchant's below.

"And see the red and gold banners over there? That's the Dysairk Commonwealth flags, from beyond the sand sea. They're felines too, and make some of the best sugar string you'll ever taste. It's a specialty of theirs. Over there by those blue cloud banners are the merchants from Sud Relman, an avian kingdom, and those there-" She pointed to a grey, fluttering streak among the tents that Shadi recognised all too well, with a sudden drop in her stomach.

"The castle where I was kept had that same banner."

Larise paused, before nodding slowly in acknowledgement. Shadi's tail had stopped and was now curled protectively against herself like a blanket. The coyote scooted across the glass against her side.

"Yes, that's the Canine coalition banner. Can't really expect them to not be here as well. Representatives from almost every species usually are, even if they happen to be at war. Everyone knows better than to cause trouble..."

"What happens if they do?"

"Then they will find themselves and their kin barred from future conferences, much like Miss Larise and her kin are -supposed- to be barred from the bridge of this ship, as are any other slaves." The stern voice from behind them carried with it an authority that was as bold as it was intriguing. It reminded Shadi instantly of Scion, but without the gravelly, rasping edge that was reminiscent of two mountains clashing.

No, this males voice reminded her of two blades being drawn across each other like a duelist making a challenge. The exotic eagle's sharp-looking grey doublet that matched the natural colouring of his feathers completed the look of importance.

He was damned tall, but of course, it was hard not to describe almost anyone Shadi met as such when she wasn't even five foot herself. The fact she was laying on the floor didn't help matters much either, as the neatly uniformed avian regarded her cooly, clacking the tip of his raptor-esque beak.

His feathers were a lustrous silver, with a dark, almost patina-like tint to them. Right now, they seemed ruffled, both metaphorically and literally, if the crested plumage atop his head was anything to go by. His eyes were like a dark brown topaz, glinting with predatory intellect and utter contempt for the two slaves who had intruded upon his sanctum.

"Slave's are not to be on the bridge during operations. You know this perfectly well Larise. Will you be showing yourself and your... friend-" His eyes gave a suitable pause on Shadi for a few moments before switching back to the Coyote. "-here the way out, or shall I call the arms-men again?"

Larise looked back over her shoulder at him and scoffed.

"Ahh, good to see you've still got that stick up your ass Fiacre. How's the whole flying thing working out for you?"

The fact that his paw at once moved down to something tucked under his belt worried Shadi at once, half expecting the eagle to draw steel upon them, but after a moment when he drew out a long, carved ivory pipe, Shadi's tension eased, if only slightly. He struck a small spark rock set against steel across the bowl with a few, swift flicks of his hands, the long wings upon his back stretching out even wider than Scion's wings would have encompassed. How the hell they looked so much smaller than the dragon's when folded was an utter mystery to her.

"About as well as your enthusiastic adding to the headcount. You're still not welcome here though, slave. I thought you could read, Larise. Did you miss the signs?" His tone made it clear to her at once that this wasn't the first time the coyote's antics had run her afoul of Isiat's paid crew.

"Ehhh... It was more like ignored them. Come on! We're already over the convention. I thought those were only for when we were travelling! Honest!" Larise whined in a playful protest, looking up at the eagle's stern, almost stoically unimpressed gaze.

"Hmmm, funny. It sounds like you did see the signs then, and just missed the part about indentured crew forbidden from entry."

There were more eyes than just his watching them now, and it was making Shadi anxious. Above them on the upper levels where the controls themselves were stationed, dozens of the crew had stopped to watch the unexpected confrontation below them, leaning over their wooden stations to peer over the railings. The commotion was drawing attention, and attention from large crowds was probably the last thing Shadi wanted... Not after that place. Not after what she had been through. She gently tugged on Larise's paw, climbing to her feet.

"We're sorry, we just wanted to see-" She started her explanation, but the Eagle would have none of it, his feather's ruffling as he extended his neck, appearing even taller now.

"There are no excuses on my bridge-"

"There are, however, orders. Shadi and Larise are my guests today Fiacre. I'd hope you'll extend them the courtesy of your hospitality, and forgive us for the intrusion." Isiat stepped onto the bridge, climbing through the same hatch Shadi and Larise had used just minutes earlier. Had he been following them?! There was no way that his unexpected appearance was any sort of coincidence.

The vulpine's tails flickered as the eagle stared him down as if measuring the worth of defying the one who provided his coin. After a few long moments, he relented, the avian's broad shoulders slouching visibly.

"I shall make no attempt to pretend I like it-"

"Nor do you need to friend." Isiat modestly admitted, with a bow of his head in thanks. "I just ask you to tolerate it for a short time. Surely you were just as excited the first time you flew this route?"

Something crossed the eagle's features at that, a sort of half-smile that could have been missed if you weren't watching just to see it, fleeing like a leaf in a hurricane.

"Perhaps, once upon a time. The first time I was here was with my father, aboard the Trade Conveyor, Gold of Gil'zaar. He was a pilot for the clans. We went to explore the available wares. While he was busy, I wandered off in search of sweets. Slavers found me and tried to clip my wings and put a collar on me, believing I was someone's escaped property. Suffice to say, Farth'igdurr, the dragon in charge of the ship at the time, had them all publicly flogged and burned alive to make an example." His tone turned sour as he spoke, with a facial expression that matched.

"Suffice to say, I stayed aboard the ship after that. I have no love for this place. There are other, more attractive destinations-"

"Like where?" Shadi asked quickly, twisting herself around so that she was now facing the eagle directly, her head cocked slightly to the side as she tried to convey her sincere curiosity.

Isiat caught onto her change of topic right away, the corner of the vulpine's lips curling in a cocky grin. Oh, Shadi was very good indeed.

The interruption seemed to catch Fiacre momentarily wrong-footed as if the helmsman of the massive vessel was not used to being interrupted so brazenly aboard his ship. But, sensing no insult or ill intent, he dropped his previous line of thought and furnished the feline with an answer. After all, she was a guest now, not a slave today, he reminded himself. Treating them with hostility would win him no favours at this point.

"The beaches of Zaragabar, for one, at the supposed end of the world. It isn't, mind you, but the name draws in ignorant fools in search of adventure beyond it. The waters there are as clean as you are likely to find beyond the mountain reaches, warm and welcoming."

"Or above the dragonholds at Ender's peak, where my kin reside in the Avian mountain cities, built around the summit. There is a reason we fly for the dragons after all. Not all dragons have wings, nor are they built for sustained flight as we are. We understand the element of air better than any dragon ever will." He seemed to say that last part with just a hint of a gloat, clearly taking it as a matter of great pride.

Shadi couldn't refute his claim. She had honestly never met a member of the avian species in person before.

"And there is no finer or more loyal pilot this side of the equator, Fiacre. He's been with me since the start you see Shadi, and-"

"I've been with the ship since before you. I told Sar'paryr that no good would come of his detour. He was supposed to deliver a large haul of materials to the far kingdoms in repayment and then return to the clans, but insisted on landing for a night and delaying so he could flirt and drink and gamble. In the end, it only cost him the ship and all its contents."

"A most fortunate string of events I'd say. I sincerely doubt I'd be here now if it weren't for that, now come ladies. Let us leave the helmsman to his business of mooring the ship. Shadi, you shall need to prepare yourself to come with me. I've arranged for some introductory meetings."

"With who?" She asked, her ears quickly perking. This was news to her.

"Prospective clients we'll call them. Scion has the names and times and locations. Once we are landed, I'll show you around." He nodded with a grin, as vague and unconvincing as ever.

"And if I say no?" She tried her luck just a bit, ever vigilant when it came to ensuring the many-tailed fox kept his word. As she expected from him now, he was as straight as ever with his answer.

"Well, stay aboard then. I simply wagered that after being aboard for so long you'd be eager to-"

Shadi shoved past him before he could finish, already pulling the hatch open.

"Oh, I am. I just wanted to make sure I still had the option."

Of course, it took quite some time as one might imagine finding a suitable place to be able to land something as massive as High Fortune, and as it ended up, the vessel finished this leg of its journey moored on a quarter of the trader's conference reserved for the more exclusive merchants who could afford to openly flaunt their success.

To say the assault of sound and colours and scents was overwhelming would have been to compare a tidal wave to an ant. Words for Shadi fell woefully short as adequate to describe everything as she padded slowly and cautiously down the long gangway leading to the ground. Even here, beneath the High Fortune's shadow, it was impossible to not fear that the weight of the massive airship would simply come tumbling down atop her!

Of course, when she had been brought aboard, she could only see a tiny fraction of the vessel's immense size. Now, stepping out from one of the lowest decks, it seemed simply incomprehensible that such a thing had brought them here by flying! Everything seemed dominating and humongous to the short, chubby lioness. She could feel her heart racing with both fear and excitement.

The air carried a crisp, lingering odour of metal and dust, along with exotic spices and oils from the array of tents and merchant stalls assembled in orderly rows beneath the bulk of their respective owner's vessels.

A much smaller airship moored beside them had its hull plated with shimmering gold, and another flew sails of royal purple silk that probably cost more per foot than Shadi's entire tribe might have fetched in a year combined. Further along, another had been painted gaudy yellows and vivid greens, as if trying to stand out. None even came close to the raw tonnage of her Isiat's home ship though.

It was an ostentatious display of avarice, and stepping down the boarding ramps for the first time since she had arrived aboard, it was hard for Shadi to not feel intimidated by these people. Was Isiat planning on selling her to one of them perhaps? Would they make offers so high even his greedy nature couldn't be kept in check?

A gentle tug on her paw brought her eyes back down to his, and away from the bedazzling ornamentations and flags of the conference. Even now, they walked beneath an orange shade sail that had been drawn across between High Fortune and the next vessel in the row beside them, casting several hundred-foot areas of shade so that all here could benefit.

Even the breeze felt as if it was coming off of a furnace, dry and whipping between the tents, causing shade and loose fabric to roll like waves in the breeze. She was grateful for the modest protection her silk dress provided, along with a matching emerald shawl that she carefully had wrapped so that her ears stuck out from the top. Isiat had worn his beige shawl similarly, after spending ten minutes teaching her how to tie the garment properly.

"When I was in your position, the climate was similar, though that place was even further than here. Make sure you drink lots. If you're offered water, take it. The last thing I need is you fainting during a performance while you're trying to entice a client."

She nodded understanding, still in awe of the vibrant colours and the jaw-dropping scale of everything. High Fortune had been a shock enough. This was an entirely different league.

Of course, as she would soon find out, everything outside of the castle she'd been held in was entirely different, and yet, in some ways, much the same...

Shadi didn't understand the almost primal sounding rapid back and forth that was going on between her master and the guard at the doorway, but she knew enough of their body language to read that it was getting very tense. The large, male iguana had his fist clenched around the hilt of an elegant and long, curved blade for the last minute. It was making her heart race as his gestures went from Isiat one second and back to her!

What could she have possibly done?! Her tail was already long since curled around her legs, and it was a sincere force of will effort to not start shaking.

Even Isiat, usually the epitome of calm and collected seemed to be growing tired of this conversation. His usually pristine kept tails were twitching erratically, entirely out of rhythm, or at least any that she could recognize. They lashed back and forth like angry vipers, hissing when they dragged across the layer of coarse sand upon the stone pavements beneath them.

"Escillio. She is my personal escort. I'm not putting a leash on her like some stray mutt." He finally snapped, her owner's voice nearing a feral, agitated snarl. The sight frightened Shadi. She had never seen him properly angry before, nor did she have any desire to.

What frightened her the most, however, was the mention of a leash. They wanted her to have a leash like she was some kind of obedient pet! They wanted her restrained in such a fashion that everyone could see she was nothing more than property! She did her best to keep herself composed and maintain what little dignity Isiat had given her over her time aboard.

Without realizing it, she had started shaking now. She stepped her curvy frame behind Isiat so that she was hidden from the reptile's disdainful scrutiny.

"That was last time, kitsune." Came the Iguana's raspy hiss of a voice as he changed languages as easily as Isiat had. Isiat, for his part just winced at the low blow. They knew full well he wasn't a kitsune.

"New trade master, new rules. No slaves unleashed. She wears the leash, or she stays to keep me company while you attend to your business." The dark, muddy-green scaled lizard's tongue flicked out, curling in the air towards her as he tasted her scent.

She turned away, averting her gaze from meeting his hungry, predatory gaze. She could already imagine what the lizard's idea of company entailed, and despite her initial revulsion, well...

Even after all this time, it was apparent whatever drug her canine captors had given her was still lingering, if it would ever go away. A familiar tingle of warmth ran through her body, as an intrusive thought made itself know.

Would it really be that bad? He's no bigger than Scion after all...

When she looked back up, the Iguana was staring at her over Isiat's shoulder, his nostrils flared like a stallion scenting a mare in heat. Her nose turned pink instantly.

"Well, I'm only as good as my word Shadi. If you wish, you can return to the ship. I don't expect you'll-"

She cut him off, at last meeting the lizard's gaze with her own, doing her best to give her tail a swish beneath her dress, playing the part of the sweet, small, innocent feline slave.

"Perhaps a private dance might change your mind? If my master agrees, of course..." she let the question linger.

Isiat was grinning like a fox who had caught a hen, clearly pleased by her initiative and quick thinking.

"If you are willing and that would be acceptable recompense?" He offered through a shrug and a single, lofted eyebrow towards Escillio.

He gave a gruff snort, and jerked his chin back across his shoulder, stepping out of the way.

"It is not my mind that needs changing. I will walk your slave in when she is done."

"And you see her collar, yes?"

"Gold collar. High status. I shall not bring her harm. No leaving marks. She will be returned to you as she was left..." The Iguana added with a dark snort of amusement, the spines along his back rippling like blades of grass in a breeze.

Isiat pulled Shadi aside quickly.

"Go with him. Be obedient. Iguanas are not known for their temperament. He's a thug, but an extremely well-paid one. I'll be inside once you're done 'dancing'." He didn't need to control her like a child, nor did he attempt to. He trusted her enough to know she wouldn't attempt to escape and trusted the other male enough to know that his property would be returned intact and promptly. He gave her forearm a gentle brush with his fingers before he turned and marched through to doorway.

As soon as her master was out of sight the Iguana got her attention with a deep chortle, motioning with his long claws for her to follow.

"Come, pretty cat. You will entertain me, and then you can go back to your master dog."

Isiat slunk away, loosening the wrap around his head, a single paw taking through his long, inky black hair, uncoiling the length of his ponytail and letting it spill down between his shoulder blades.

He was all but assured of Shadi's safety. It was exactly as he had said after all! The Iguana was a very well compensated thug, but even he knew better than to mess with another traders property if he knew what was good for him. In this place, trade was king, and an unhappy potential business partner would mean a much harder client in future. Grudges made here could spill over into other sectors of business, and linger for years or even decades. Reputations could be built or demolished by a single misstep. Trade wars had started for less.

He couldn't help but grin. It had been a good first test of Shadi's commitment. Strangers would become regulars, and sometimes, well... a warm, flexible body could open doors no bribe or key could.

"Where's your little dancer?" Scion asked, stepping out from his place leaning against the interior wall. He fell into step with Isiat quickly, motioning down a hallway to the vulpine's right.

"Dancing with the guards. She'll be in once she's done. Did you speak with Maximillianus?"

"Not yet. The old dog wasn't even in when I passed by his normal place, but I'm sure he'll reach out once he learns you have arrived." The dragon paused, opening a doorway to the interior of the building proper.

"And the other one?"

"Ahh, like all the rest, he expects you to be personally present before you conduct any business, per the trade master's message." Scion nodded, motion with his red-scaled muzzle across the way, out into the central area of the building that was reserved strictly for high-value traders to meet and negotiate their deals.

The centre itself was built around an artificial micro-oasis. Sandstone floors and individual rooms like caves surrounded it, tall palm trees reaching out above the roof height of the structure. A small, gurgling fountain rose from the pond that acted as a centrepiece.

Just beside the shore was a golden statue that Isiat had no doubt was made of pure, artisan-crafted gold. Anything less would have been entirely, completely unacceptable in this place. One couldn't make a bastion of avarice and greed with fake idols and trophies.

Depicted upon the plinth were three traders, kneeling in veneration to a fourth, adorned in chains and gems and rings, clearly displaying his status. The details were immaculate, from their expressions to the finely engraved patterning upon their moulded clothes.

Indeed, everything in this particular structure was made exactly to specification, because its owner requested it that way. The trade master was a venerated position here, one that many aspiring traders hoped to one day ascend to. The trade master was the warden of the conference, setting rules and precedents, making judgements upon disputes, and collecting a fee for each trader present per day of the conference.

But the trade master was not the owner of this establishment, nor of the grounds on which they did business. No, that title belonged to one who's say was as good as gods.

Isiat passed by the guards at a stairwell without incident. Both of them nodded silently to Scion as he passed.

Below, the room was dark, lit by flickering torches along rough-hewn walls that had been carved to fit neatly into a natural cave. About twenty paces in, both of them dropped to a knee and bowed, their noses almost kissing the dirt, and waited.

And waited.

The entire back wall of the cavern seemed to shift, what appeared at first to be a sandstone wall moving and rumbling, until a large, golden eye cracked open, staring the pair down.

"Otharni'elda." Scion intoned, still facing the ground respectfully. Isiat counted the seconds as they passed, but dared not raise his head. Scorch marks along the walls spoke of the fate of those who failed to show proper respect for such a being.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five...

By the time he reached thirty, he could hear his heart beating in time with his counts. A bead of sweat ran across his muzzle from the unnatural warmth in the passageway, like standing over a boiling cauldron. It dropped to the floor a few moments later.

He didn't dare move from his posture.

There was a sharp snicking sound as the great eye blinked once, and the ground rumbled again. Satisfied, the great wyrm gave them leave of its paralyzing gaze.

Isiat sucked in a lungful of the hot air through his nostrils but maintained his posture still.

"Unto mine grounds, permitted be your presence, Scion Du'scion, first of the Cloud razor and Red Devil claw, and Isiat, son of none of note. Be about thine business. May your hoard grow great."

Each word rumbled like an earthquake as if spoken from all around. As if to shake the very foundations of the earth itself. It was spoken deliberately, precisely. The great wyrm of the desert did not mince words. Only the most exalted was permitted his company. Not even Isiat had spent more time than these formalities in his presence.

One of a rare few dragons who could claim themselves entirely free of the clan's influences, it was the mere knowledge of his presence that ensured, more than anything else, that trouble would be avoided upon pain of a very quick and catastrophic demise.

Truthfully, he wasn't sure he wanted to spend more than time than this in the creature's presence.

Scion tapped his shoulder, and quickly, Isiat rose and left, the first part of their job done. Now all that was left was for them to make as much profit as possible in the time they had.

And oh, did Isiat intend to make bank this year. He had just the goods for it after all, and just the thing to lure his buyers in with...

"Ahhh! Careful! No bruises, remember?" Shadi hissed as she was shoved against the rough, gravely texture of the sandstone wall, the Iguana behind her pulling her tail up and out of his way so his free clawed hand could explore her curvy rump, fingers curling as he cupper her supple asscheeks.

Her lips still tasted of the male, twin pricks of tapered lizard that left a metallic-like tang upon her tastebuds. Her knees were sore from the hard ground from where she'd been forced down to nurse upon the twin rods of flesh to prepare him, coaxing them easily from within their scaled slit.

At least this one bathes... she thought to herself with a playful roll of her eyes as the bulky Iguana readied himself behind her, fussing with the fabric of her silk dress.

"And careful with that as well... My- Ahh... owner won't be happy if you tear it." She hissed as his paw left her rear, sliding his fingers through her collar to yank her head back, stealing the breath from her complaints.

She thought of Isiat, and the advice he'd given her during their last 'practice session', between her dancing for him and her dancing on him.

"Be whatever it is they need you to be in the moment. Don't simply give yourself to them right away. You should be as flexible as silk, but as alluring as gold. Regardless of all else they do, their eyes should always be drawn back to you. Lure them in. Tease it from them with what you promise..."

Well, right now, this Iguana needed her to be a quick lay, a reprieve from a day spent standing and watching countless other men and their slaves enter without so much as thanks. He felt he deserved this for letting her inside without a leash. She should appear grateful to him, yes?

She wriggled her hips back against the male, grinding one of his pointed shafts up beneath her tail, the other across her warm slit, leaving streaks of arousal across her fur. The reptilian pricks were as hard as steel, rigid and throbbing with his eagerness. She shifted back until he was nestled against her nice and tight, his breath hot against her neck. She braced herself and bit the edge of her paw to muffle her sultry moan.

He pushed into her unceremoniously, giving her just the slightest pause to gasp as he forced her body open around him before he sank both his lengths into the tight, hot, feline queen presented before him.

With a grunt, he shoved himself into her again, deepening his ploughing of her presented body. Shadi grunted and spread her legs out, her knees shaking for just a moment as he gave a third thrust to bottom himself out within her, feeling the tight pressure of his fat cocks invasion of her body.

She moaned as he pulled back, and set about rutting her, the feline playing her part admirably as she pushed back in time with his rapid tempo, evidently eager to have her and get back before anybody missed his presence by the doorway. She counted his thrusts in her mind as he tugged on her collar with one clawed hand, the other grabbing her wide hips and tugging her back onto his impaling shafts.


Each lightning quick thrust was met by a wet slap and a dribble of their mingled sex fluids as it was forced from her body, messily dripping along her thighs to the ground below as she did her best to keep the front of her dress from the steady dribble. Pressing back, her cunt rippled and her ass clenched around each of the lengths buried in her, milking the lizard for all he was worth.

The Iguana was no Scion, that much was for certain. He never would have been able to keep with the dragon's strength or stamina, but he was far from the worst she'd ever been forced to endure. Closing her eyes, she made herself focus on the sharp twinges of pleasure she felt, biting her lip as another moan fled her like a dove before a storm. It made it easier when she could simply imagine it was her owner or Scion, or even some of the feline boys she'd fancied back in her home instead of the stranger merrily rutting away at her behind.

He didn't last long, and soon after she felt the familiar twitches all males got, the loss of coordination, the needy, desperate panting as they approached climax. He thrust deep and held himself in her, growling in his chest as he throbbed within her ass and against the gate of her womb. She clenched herself tightly around him, and set him off like a burst cork from a wine bottle, feeling the deep, warm splashes of the reptilian cum as it coated her with the stranger's seed.

He grunted, pulling back after a long moment as Shadi rolled her head upon her neck, working out the stiffness from having her neck pulled this way and that, before she reached into the folds of her dress, pulling out a small cloth to clean any evidence of the quick, rough tryst. Even after she got herself neatened, she could still feel the male dripping down her thigh.

"You'll take me back to Isiat yes?"

The Iguana nodded, pulling a short gold chain leash from behind his back. He had grabbed her and clipped it on her before she had a chance to squirm away.

"Of course. When we're done with you first. Tribe mates will enjoy tight little lion girl too."

Shadi felt her hopes sink as the Iguana yanked on her leash, tugging her towards a side building instead.

"Treat them well too. Maybe we give you back this evening."