Fox McCloud and the Big Bad Star Wolf 2: Aggression Training

Story by Vic Sidious on SoFurry

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#2 of Star Fox: Rewired

I've been hammering out this chapter for a few months now, rewriting it a few times, re-imagining the angles. I even delved into some kinks that I myself do not hold, but felt right for the characters. Let me know if you're into it, or if you felt I did it justice, or if it was an abject failure and I should be eternally ashamed. I welcome all feedback, especially with witty insults.

I wasn't sure where to cut it off. I felt like having it go on a bit longer, and have some even meaner, crueler things happen, but I decided to cut it off a tiny bit sooner, because it felt like a more suspenseful ending. I guess that means Chapter 3 will start with a bang. A very carnal, metaphorical bang.

Here's hoping this chapter isn't half-baked or terrible for you! I personally enjoyed quite a few of the scene ideas.

WARNING: Slight spoilers, so skip to the story if you want to be maybe-shocked.

There is an act early in this chapter that some viewers may see as forced consumption of drugs. I do not see it that way. There's a certain 'grounded' quality that I wish to achieve in this story, and while the sci-fi elements are indeed far-fetched, I wanted to avoid anything possibly cartoonish. In short, with the thing you're about to see, just think of it as a sci-fi potion. That's how I honestly see it.

Also, don't worry. The first thing Wolf does in the next chapter is make sure Fox drinks plenty of water. We wouldn't want the little vulpine getting a headache, now.

Fox McCloud and the Big Bad Star Wolf 2

"Hey. Wake up."

Fox groaned as he was kicked awake. The lights were too bright. He couldn't open his eyes all the way, having to cover them with one arm. "What time is it?"

"Early. Sun's not up yet. Get up."

Lying on his back, Fox could tell he was on the floor now. At some point, he must have been kicked out of bed. Reluctantly, he sat up, and started taking inventory of his body.

He felt tired, and_empty_, physically empty. As he sat up, he felt something sticky and wet on the floor between his legs. That stretch of carpet was ruined. Eyes still shut, Fox felt around the floor with his hands, especially around the wet spot. "What is this?"

"That's where the cum gushed outta you, right after the knot popped out. You slept right through it."


"I know. It was awesome."

The wolf set something down nearby, something heavy, and Fox forced his eyes open in order to take a look. A big, black, exoplastic box, which sounded like it was full of various eclectic things.

From inside, the wolf picked out what looked like a large water bottle, though the water itself looked cloudy. The wolf clambered over and sat on the floor, right next to him. He slid the bottle down between Fox's legs, and rubbed it against his balls, then he slid it up higher, and higher, until he placed it in the vulpine's hands. "Drink it."

"What is it?"

"Prostate stimulant. Porn stars use it to make 'em cum buckets. You know, for those money shots? It does a few other things too, but you'll find that out later. Now, chug."

Hesitant. Fox unscrewed the bottle, and took a quick, testing whiff. It smelled weird, like rubber.

"Either drink it right now, or I roll you over and pour it up your ass."

With those as his options, Fox decided to drink it, bottoms up, chugging just as he was told. It tasted just as weird as it smelled, and the coldness of it made his throat cramp, but Fox regulated his breathing through his nose, and in one go, he finished the whole thing.

The plastic popped back into shape as he stopped sucking on it, and then, obediently, Fox handed it back. "Now what?"

"Now, you're takin' a shower."

There was a bathroom attached to that central bunker of a bedroom, and the wolf dragged Fox inside by the scruff of the neck. It was a nice setup, brightly lit, well kept. There was even a bathtub in the corner big enough for Fox to swim around in. The strangest feature, however, was the floor. The tiles were all perfectly reflective, forming what looked like a mosaic mirror. It made the room feel twice as tall, and somewhat like they were both walking on thin air.

But Fox was being pulled along, to a small alcove on the far wall, a shower stall with no door.

As they stood just outside of it, the wolf gave Fox a big, one-armed hug from the side, and whispered in his ear, "Tell me, Pup. Do you like it when I touch you?"

Fox didn't answer.

"If we met under different circumstances, wouldn't the very sight of me just make you hard?"

"No," Fox said, though inside, it was probably a lie.

The wolf could probably sense that, and he smirked. "Heh." He then picked Fox up off the ground, and flipped him upside down.

"Woah! Hey!"

"Quit whining!" With a bit of a struggle, he grabbed one of Fox's ankles, and let go everywhere else.

Soon enough, that was how they stood, Fox upside down, held aloft by one foot, held at arm's length, in one hand, with what looked like zero effort on the part of the wolf.

This fucker is_strong..._

The lupine didn't say anything. No more taunts, no more mind games. He just held Fox out, dangling in the shower stall, and with his free hand, he turned on the water.


Fox thrashed, trying to break away, but the wolf held on tight. No way to break his grip, much less run away.

After a regular bout of fruitless struggling, Fox, once again, gave up, and let the wolf have his way.

Hanging helpless right in the center of the spray, Fox was shivering, practically convulsing. His only possible action was to protect his genitals with his hands. His teeth chattered. Under his fur, it felt like his skin was pulling tight. It was so cold, that it ached...

Coughing, sputtering, moaning, he caught a glimpse of the apparatus through the downpour. Only one dial. No hot water in the circuit. There was nothing to wait out. This was the intended experience.

The wolf was unfazed by the cold. He reached up, and pulled the shower head out of its holster.

Handheld, he brought it closer to Fox's body, which only made the little vulpine thrash harder. Cruelly thorough, he pressed it right into Fox's abdomen, letting him feel the brunt of all that frigid water pressure.

The water coursed upward, biting him as it flowed over and around his neck and face.

The wolf twisted his grip, and turned Fox around.

He's washing me on all sides! Like a piece of produce!

Wordless, moaning, Fox writhed and twisted as he was held aloft, powerless to stop anything that was happening to him.

And then, the wolf shoved the head between Fox's legs, water full blast.

Fox screamed, tried to cross his legs, but it didn't help. It was already right on top of him. His hands did little to protect him. So cold, he felt his balls cramp.

"Quit bitchin'," the wolf grunted, as he changed his angle. "Cold showers are good for you. Gets the blood pumping."

Fox didn't care. All he wanted was for this to be over.

He wasn't ready for when the shower head moved, perfectly in place, right under his tail.


"Come on! Take it! You can take it!"

The water scoured him as it gushed inside. No way to stop it. Fox just begged, internally, for mercy.

He had lost track of time when it was finally over.

Uncaring for Fox's trauma, the wolf set the shower head back in place and cut the water off. Now, there was nothing, except the shivering, and the dripping. "Would you look at that? You survived. Put your hands up. Touch the floor."

Fox obeyed, and the second he touched the floor, he was let go. Fox flopped onto his back, knocking the wind out of him. Instinctively, he curled up on his side, coughing and moaning, almost loud enough to count as screaming.

"Come on, you're not done yet!" The wolf rolled Fox over and, of course, gave him another slap on the ass. "Fifty pushups! Do it now!"

What? What the fuck...?

"Get that blood_pumping_, Pup! Do it now, or I'll knot you again and turn the water on!"

That threat made Fox comply. Anything but that. He put his palms on the slick, wet tile, and as soon as he had balance, he started doing push-ups.

He held the record in the entire garrison. He could knock out a hundred push-ups in his sleep.

Maybe, if I blow past your expectations, you'll shut the fuck up!

Ten felt like nothing. Twenty, still nothing. Thirty and forty, he blasted past without breaking stride. He hit fifty in less than forty seconds, and he kept on going.

Something felt wrong. Fox was shaking, and it wasn't from the cold. He could tell. His legs were trembling. He was getting... hard. Really hard. Now, with every dip, his cock was bumping against the tile.

What's happening to me?

No matter. He was gonna knock out one hundred, just to stick it to the bastard.

I'll make him see. That bastard. Him and his... perfect body... fuck...

Right after his fifty-fifth pushup, he felt the wolf's foot step onto his back, and pin him down. So much weight. So much strength. He could kill me so easily... The thought made him squirm, and not out of fear.

This was straight-up turning him on.

"When I say 'fifty push-ups', you do fifty. No more, no less." The wolf pressed down harder. "Got it?"

Fox moaned as the air was pressed out of his lungs.

"Say, 'yes, sir'."

"Yes sir..."

"Say, 'yes, master'."

"Yes, master!"

"Say, 'thank you for raping me. I loved it'."

Fox was running out of air. Without skipping a beat, he caved. "Thank you for raping me! I loved it!"

"My, my. Spoken like a true fox." The wolf took his foot off, then crouched down and shoved his middle finger up Fox's rectum. The whole finger, straight to the base. "Now get that ass of yours up."

And with that finger inside, he pulled Fox up.

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow...!" Fox raised his ass in instant compliance, and pushed himself up in order to keep the penetration at the same angle. It felt like he was being trained to do tricks.

The wolf stopped lifting, right when Fox's hips were raised as high as possible. On fingertips and tiptoes, Fox strained for every breath.

With a filthy slurping sound, the wolf pulled his finger out, but Fox was frozen in place.

"What's with this pose, Pup?" The wolf took up a stance behind and grabbed Fox's waist with both hands. "You want another ass-fuckin'?"

Straining from his awkward position, Fox groaned out a long, strained, "Nnnooo..." with rising intonation.

Strange. Again, it felt like a lie.

The wolf was done fooling around. "Well then, stand up straight!" He used his two-handed grip to pick Fox up and set him on both feet. "Now, go over there. I'll dry you off."

After a rough, thorough, full-body toweling-down, Fox had a hard-on so strong, it almost made him dizzy. It didn't just twitch, it swayed with every heartbeat. A steady little stream of precum beaded at the tip, then trickled down the underside of his cock where it soaked into the white fur on his balls.

Now, they were standing in front of the sink, looking at themselves in the mirror, with the wolf smoothing out Fox's fur by hand.

"Heh. Look at us." He motioned to the mirror. Fox saw himself, looking small, scared, and overshadowed; his full height only reached the wolf's pecs. "We look like the thumbnail to some rape-porn video. Wouldn't we just be perfect for that? Come on. Strike a pose. Flex. Try and look big."

With a hesitant sigh, Fox raised his arms and flexed both biceps. He puffed out his chest, tightened his abs, and made himself look--by any vulpine standard--rather impressive.

The wolf whistled. "God, you look like you're asking for it. _'No! Please don't break me, Mr. Wolf! I'm straight! I have a girlfriend!'_Blah, blah, blah." Then, he licked Fox's cheek.


The wolf grabbed Fox by the hips, picked him up, turned him around, and sat his ass on the countertop, sitting right on top of those massive, lupine hands. "Am I making you hard, Pup?"

"Uh huh." Fox clapped his hands over his mouth. _Why the FUCK did I say that?_His erection pulsed, too strong to deny, or even try to hide.

"That's the stimulant talking." The wolf licked Fox's chest, forcing out a high, warbling moan. "It does a lot of things, but mainly, it makes you horny. Real horny. So horny, you'll have trouble thinking about anything else for the next few hours."

After another double-handed squeeze, the wolf took his hands off Fox's ass, and reached for something next to the sink, one of the two soap dispensers.

Except, one of them wasn't soap. The wolf held it up, and let Fox read the label. A picture and a caption. The picture was a closeup of a male vulpine's face, eyes closed, mouth open, looking to be in the throes of an orgasm. The caption said: 'Petbreaker - Masturbation Lotion for Foxes'.

"Hold out your hands, Pup."

Fox did so, folding them into a nice little cup. The lupine then pumped the bottle until it filled and overflowed Fox's hands. A smooth, clear gel, sticking to anything it touched, and wiping out all friction.

"Pretend like you're washing up for supper."

Fox started rubbing his hands together, spreading the lube nice and even.

As soon as he looked ready, the wolf set the lotion aside, tipped Fox back onto the counter, then bent forward, so he was right overtop of him. The massive, terrifying lupine only had two words left to say.

"Jack off."

Fox was stunned, silent and motionless. Such a sudden and brazen concept. He must have misheard.

The wolf was staring back down on him, eye-to-eye. His brows raised. His eyes widened. With a single condescending stare, the wolf expressed a multifaceted idea: Well? What are you waiting for? Make yourself cum for my amusement.

His mind clouded, Fox couldn't think of anything else to do. The little vulpine reached down, and took a firm, slippery grip of his shaft. Immediately, he winced. "Ssss...!"

Too much. It was just too much stimulation. It was all too much. This didn't feel real.

"I..." Fox struggled "I--I can't--"

The wolf crept a little closer, flattened his ears, bared his fangs, and growled.


Fox cowered, ears flat, lips quivering. His hands then moved on their own.


"Aaahhh... Haaagh!"

It was an ordeal for his body, too pleasurable to actually feel good, like a light electric current coursing out from his cockhead. The little fox squirmed and moaned.

shlick shlick shlick shlick shlick...

A spike of stimulation forced him to make a little falsetto whimper.

Fox was so swept up in his own terror, he failed to notice that the wolf's growling had swiftly dissolved into a low, incredulous chuckle.

"Good boy." Wolf murmured with a smile. "Good boy." The lupine stood up straight, and took in the whole sight, head-to-toe, as his cute little hostage continued to violate himself.

"That's a good boy!" Like a stupid dog, he felt his tail start wagging, and he let it wag, wide and proud. He was seriously happy.

Resting his hands on the edge of the counter, slowly kneeling down for a better viewing angle, Wolf said, quiet at first, but increasingly loud, "That's a good, sexy, helpless, irresistible little fuckslut!"

On his knees, Wolf rested his maw on the countertop, and watched the show with wide eyes. Best seat in the house.

A perfect ass, perfect balls, and a perfect cock; this fox had it all. With nothing but a veiled threat and a little fear, Pup had polished himself, tip to base, and was jerking himself off like his life depended on it.

Wolf felt his own cock slide free of its sheath, all the way out, in one horny push. That was how he knew he found a keeper. You're such a fuckin' hot little thing...

But no matter what, Wolf didn't lick him. Tempting, but he abstained. He wanted to watch what this fox could do to himself, all on his own.

He particularly liked how those soft white balls bounced and jiggled with every cycle.

Oh, you're about to cum so hard...

He's watching me...

Fox kept pumping his length, equally intimidated and diligent. Now, just like yesterday, he was morbidly curious, at least a little. In this isolated, helpless state, couldn't he just give in? Surrender completely? Be a totally subservient slave?

He's breathing on me...

The wolf was so close to him, nose just short of brushing against his balls. Fox could feel every exhale, making him jolt, bringing him closer to release.

There were three outcomes to this whole nightmare:

First, after a possible escape, or release, nobody would know what happened here.

Second, if rescued, everyone in the world would hear about this. It would be on every headline in the star system. WAR HERO'S SON VICTIMIZED BY SERIAL RAPIST.

Third, no escape, no rescue, no release. This wolf would keep Fox as a sex slave forever. This would be his new life.

In all three of those outcomes, not one person would ever blame him for giving up and accepting his new role, under this cruel, perverted predator.

Come on, McCloud, Fox thought to himself as he twisted his grip, and tried working his shaft at a new angle. It felt great now. Getting closer to climax. He's having such a good time with you. This is his_passion. Maybe you can have some fun too, if you try and get inside that same mindset._


The pleasure spiked again. Fox thrashed, and kicked out with both legs, unevenly. He made sure not to kick the wolf. That would ruin it. That would ruin the fun.

At that point, there was no use denying it. Fox was toying with himself, just as much as this wolf was toying with him. He wasn't fighting back, or resisting.

It was time to admit it, at least to himself.

Fox was _loving_this. All of this.

FINE! Fine! Alright, you bastard. You win...

No longer shaking. No longer tense or apprehensive, Fox was relaxed now. He could feel it in himself. His eyes were glazed over, no doubt. His jaw went slack, with his mouth hanging half open.

Drunk on his own newfound perversion, Fox reached a final decision. Instead of a compliant observer in his own debasement, from now on, he'd take part. Whatever you do to me, I'll bend over and take it. I'll help_you_. I wanna see what you've got.

Getting closer. Any moment now, he would pass the point of no return.

One last declaration. One last gut-wrenching admission. He had to think it, word for word.


That last thought was all he needed. The last push. The climax crashed into him, quicker than ever before.

"EEEEYYYYYAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Pup arched his back, and his cum shot up into the air. Massive shots, far too big, long, and hard to be coming out of such a small body.

Wolf took his time standing up, savoring the sight from every angle he could manage. The pup was screaming like he was being stabbed to death, cumming so hard, his loads were hitting the ceiling.

The stimulant was working perfectly.

"Keep at it, Pup!" Gloating, Wolf reached out and grabbed the fox under the jaw. "Don't stop, whatever you do!"

Glassy-eyed and slack-jawed, the fox nodded, obedient to every single word. He kept on stroking himself at full strength, mid-climax.

Next, Wolf shook the little fox's head. "Open your mouth! Now!"

Pup obeyed, maw wide open, like a proper canine yawn, tongue out all the way. Maybe he knew what was coming.

With a hand under the fox's thigh, Wolf tilted the fox's hips up and back, after the next two spurts, it was working. The shots were landing in Pup's mouth.

"Don't you fuckin' swallow, you hear me?" Wolf then pushed on the vulpine's ass to make his body curl up even tighter. "Let it pool up! I want a big fucking mouthful, kid!"

Powerless to do anything else, Pup gave out a big, gargling moan.

It won't fucking stop!

Fox just couldn't stop cumming.

The first spurt had been the greatest pleasure he had ever felt in his life. He had lost count at about eight, and those eight were the eight biggest loads he had ever blown, by far, and it just wouldn't stop.

No matter. The wolf wanted him to cum in his own mouth, that's just what he would do, all in one massive, filthy load.


Most of it was landing right on target, in and around his open maw. Whenever it hit the back of his throat, he gagged, but Fox never shut his mouth, or spit anything out. He took it all.

Fox's body started to convulse under the continued overload. Spasms rocked his legs, hips, and abs. He started to crunch up, to lose control, but the wolf kept him steady, even as the cumshots started to taper off, to peter out.

The last ten or so shots didn't quite reach the mouth, filling the clefts between his pecs and his abs with canals of semen.

By then, he had already filled his mouth to the brim, overflowing, drooling all over himself. He let his tongue slide back behind his teeth, to fully take in the salty flavor, but he didn't close his mouth. He knew to wait for the order.

The wolf was pleased. "Keep on jackin' it, Pup."

shlick shlick shlick shlick shlick...

Still hard, still climaxing, Fox's cock was still ready and eager. There just wasn't any cum left to shoot.

Slowly, carefully, the wolf reached up to Fox's muzzle and pinched it shut.

"Alright, boy, you're done."

Finally, Fox let his arm rest, falling to the side, aching and tense like he had just finished an extreme workout. He needed to catch his breath.

"Now drink it down."

"Llgk! Llgk! Llgk!" It took multiple gulps just to down the one mouthful. Once he was done, satisfied and impressed with himself, Fox opened his mouth and let out a satisfied, "Ahh!" like he had just chugged a lovely glass of lemonade.

"Good boy!" The wolf laughed in amazement as he gave Fox a rough, happy tousle between the ears, like a master would to a loving pet. "Next time, I'm taking pictures! Couldn't even see your tongue under all that jizz!" Then, without resistance, he bowed down over the little fox and started licking him clean. He pressed his muzzle right above the base of Fox's cock, and gave him a long, deep lick, right up the center of his abs.

Fox stammered, stuttered, and froze as the tongue imposed on him. Wet, hot, and wider than the fox's own hand, it left a heavy coat of slobber on him, and actually did a good job of cleaning off everything else. Fox even saw something of a wake of his own cum, building up in front of the path of the wolf's tongue.

The tongue bath was excruciatingly thorough. Starting low, the wolf buried his muzzle in Fox's abs, sniffing and snuffling before dabbing at him with that huge tongue. With a bit of a low moaning growl, he nibbled at the muscles that he seemed to enjoy the most.

Fox tried his best to stay quiet, but it failed instantly. He was a gasping, flinching, flinching mess.

"Ah! Ohhh! Mmmph!"

The wolf worked his way upward, over each pec, then deep into Fox's armpits, and Fox was frozen, locked up. Not one thought on how to protect himself. At this point, what could he possibly do?

Next was the face, and Fox had to close his eyes as he let it all run its course.

So strange. Fox had always thought that licking was a sign of submission.

So why did he feel so dominated?

"Mmm-hmm. Yum." After some more heavy licking, right on Fox's forehead, the wolf finally stopped. "Good boy." He backed up, just a little, and made a twirling motion with his finger. "Roll over. I wanna stick my tongue up your ass again."

With a tense, stiff sigh, Fox rolled over onto his front, and tried to relax as his hips were lifted and positioned for easy access, with his tail promptly pulled aside. Then, he grabbed his own ass, and pulled himself apart until it opened.

All the while, the wolf picked up the bottle next to the sink. The lube. Once he made himself nice and slick, he went to work rimming Fox again.

It wasn't like the licking he received before. This time, the wolf buried his snout, and went deep.

Fox let out a shuddering, gasping moan, and didn't even try to fight back.

Hard, sloppy, and aggressive, the wolf did as he pleased, grunting and growling as he lapped at Fox's ass, as deep as his tongue could reach.

The angle shifted. The hot breath made Fox shiver deep inside. Wolf fangs nibbled at the edge of his anus in ways he couldn't have imagined possible. But he kept still, and took it, until this wolf had finally had his fill.

With this, the wolf's tongue had been everywhere on Fox's body, every single possible place a tongue can reach.

At that point, Fox had to wonder. Was his body even really his own anymore? He was already in less control of it than someone else.

The wolf made Fox clench down around the tongue again, just so he could drag it out, nice and slow.

After slowly, loudly, smacking his lips, the wolf chuckled. "Heh. I fuckin' swear, this fuckin' ass..." He reached over and grabbed at Fox's ass with an audible clap and a tight squeeze. "Boy, this thing is legendary. You realize that?"

Fox answered with nothing but an exasperated, mortified groan. That was the only answer he could give.

Immediately, the wolf grabbed Fox by the hips and pulled him off the counter, back onto the floor, like they were standing in single-file again.

"Welp, enough talk. Rape-time again. Bend over."

He followed up his flippant order by just manhandling Fox until the little vulpine bent over at the waist. With his hands and feet down on the mirror floor, Fox looked down at his own reflection.

The wolf squatted down behind him, and bumped his hips into Fox's ass, but a little low.

The tip prodded at Fox's balls from behind, sliding under before laying up snug against the vulpine's abs. From what Fox saw in his reflection, he couldn't even see his own recovering cock. The wolf's shaft overshadowed it completely.

"Yeah..." His huge, strong arms snaked their way around and under Fox's torso, with one working up and around his shoulder, while the other slid down the abdomen and got a tight handful of Fox's cock and balls. "Get a good look at yourself when it goes in, Pup. It's always a fun watch."

Frozen with fear and fatigue, Fox obeyed, and looked down at his reflection in the mirror floor, with the wolf also looking down, over his shoulder.

It really took a strange sort of dexterity to manage what the wolf did next. While keeping his grip, while keeping his head perched carefully, cheek-to-cheek with Fox, the lupine angled his hips, backed up just slightly, and angled himself, all hands free.

Then, he slid his cock in, at an easy, moderate pace.

Fox didn't scream. He didn't moan. Just a deep, audible inhale as he watched it with disturbing clarity. It still hurt, a deep burn mixed with a sharp ache, but it didn't feel like it would be_permanent_, like the first time.

Am I... am I getting used to this...?

"Heh..." the wolf gave him a big, wet lick on the cheek. "I knew you'd be a good bitch." He then gave a strong, jovial pat to Fox's balls, before closing his fist and giving them a firm gentle tug.

Fox just let out an unsure moan, and didn't even try to move.

"Look at yourself." He grabbed Fox's jaw and didn't let him look away. He met his own eyes, took in the sight of his relaxed face, slack jaw. "That's the sight of a broken fox. You're the first one to break this quickly. Congrats." Still inside, the wolf stood up, and grabbed Fox by the waist with both hands. "Gonna start now. Watch yourself the whole time. Commit it to memory. Know how _pathetic_you look when I pump a load in you. Got it?"

Fox wasn't given time to answer. His mouth ran dry, and he swallowed. Then, the wolf just started.

"_Nnngh!"_Fox braced as the massive red cock shoved into him. The wolf didn't ease into it. This was a proper rutting pace.

Fox's eyes wandered all over his reflection, and saw how his muscles strained and flexed to hold himself nice and still, to take his pounding. At his lower abdomen, he saw the wolf's fingers curl around to secure a nice, tight grip, digging his claws into the little vulpine's sensitive skin. Further down, he saw the wolf's pumping hips from underneath, how that big, angry-looking shaft kept disappearing, and appearing again, at a rapid pace, or how those big, fluffy balls kept swinging, slapping up at Fox's own groin with a captivating heft.

The wolf let out a big old chuckle that felt like it reverberated through his whole body. "You really love this, don't yuh?"

Fox held still, in silence, and took it, finding himself shockingly unable to lie to himself. Even now, he wasn't even hard; Fox was still recovering from that load to end all loads that he'd blown all over himself. This wasn't a matter of sexual gratification. If anything, this felt like an accomplishment. A feat.

With all his triumphs, and all his potential, it was this, right now, where Fox felt most impressed with himself.

He was really taking that cock like no one else could.

Fox didn't answer with words. He figured he probably didn't have to.

The wolf was getting hectic. "Yeah! Uhn... Oh! Fuck yeah! Time to take it, Pup!"

And while Fox was in no place to say no, he couldn't really complain either. He felt ready.

At his last, harshest thrust, the wolf kept his hips locked forward, and threw his head back, unleashing a booming loud howl that propagated throughout the room. Hot, thick wolf cum gushed into Fox with ease, like it belonged there. That knotted cock twitched and flexed as it filled him up, and it stayed in, buried to the hilt, with no sign of abating.

As the pressure built, Fox didn't realize that the knot had already filled until it was already done. It had swollen up nice and tight; the pressure almost hurt. It made the fox straighten his back, and put his hands on his knees for support. Like it or not, it made him take up some excellent posture.

"Yuh wanna know what's so special 'bout that knotting you just received, Pup?"

Fox grit his teeth and didn't answer.

The wolf answered his own question. "It's the first one I didn't have to hold you for. You just let it happen on your own."

Fox's eyes widened. He looked at his own reflection. At some point, the wolf had let go. The bastard was right.

He's conditioning me. Hell, it's probably already done...

The wolf bent over, put his head on Fox's shoulder again, then grabbed the vulpine's balls, and said, "Well? Why don't you see if you can pull yerself off it?"

"No." Fox spat out his reply before his brain could even fully process it. Still, every subsequent thought agreed. It was best to wait for the knot to go down. However, Fox's next words were not well chosen. "I don't want to."

That gave the wolf a big ol' belly laugh. "Ha! I bet you don't, slut."

And then, the wolf stood up straight.

Fox screamed as he was pulled up by his ass, raised until his feet left the ground, hanging from nothing but the knot inside him.

"Damn!" The wolf was actually impressed. "That thing's in there tight!" He then rocked his hips forward, then back, making Fox swing back and forth, nothing but a fixture on that giant knot. "You know what that means, Pup?"

Fox was beyond words at this point. He just hung there, limp, unable to answer.

In this awkward arrangement, the wolf walked back over to the sink counter, bow-legged, and grabbed Fox by the thigh and by the torso, forcibly picking him up, rotating him around that one axis: "It means my cock is stronger than your whole body."

Fox felt himself get perched on the counter-top, kneeling, as to keep the knot firmly inside. He looked at himself in the proper mirror, behind the sink, and took in the sight of himself. Fidgeting, twitching, breathing shallow, stiff and immobile regarding the foreign object currently inside him. Hopeless and helpless, he let slip a little mewl of disdain.

"God, you're the hottest lil' thing I've ever fuckin' seen. Check this out."

And just like that, Fox was grabbed by the legs, and lifted just a bit more, tilted just a bit more, just enough to look at himself in that mirror, and see that knotted cock, now buried all the way up his ass. It looked so strange behind the knot. So narrow...

But then, the wolf pulled a little higher.

Fox watched as the knot started to tug on him, pulling on his anus from inside, stretching him as it pulled... and pulled.

It wasn't stopping. At some point, something was gonna give. Instinctively, Fox grabbed onto something, not to push away, not to get away, he reached up and held onto the wolf's big, strong neck, and braced himself.

"Ahhh... hey. Hey!" Fox started to moan, just as the knot started to hurt him. "Hey! Stop! Stop it!"

"Shhh," the wolf dismissed his pleas, "Shh, shh, shh... Listen." And then, he tugged upward.


To Fox's own surprise, he didn't scream as the knot pulled out, at full size. Rather, he let out a breathy little gasp that could only be described as 'cute'. Now, McCloud was making his own stomach turn, doubly so as he felt the cum spill out in a thick, uninterrupted stream, and the cold air rush up inside him. "Uhhh..."

"Crazy, right?" The wolf hefted Fox's body up a little more. "Look. Look!"

Fox was looking, perfectly able to see the reflection of his own gaping asshole, gaped so wide, that the wolf's massive shaft was still deep inside him, but wasn't touching any of the sides.

And he wasn't done. The wolf lowered Fox's body down, until his anus sealed tight with the top of the knot again. Slowly, the pressure built. It was about to pop back in.

"No..." Fox held on tighter. "No, don't-!"


"YOU FUCKER! Ahhh..." Fox's legs kicked out again, but like before, it had no effect. This wolf was having a blast with every new little torment.

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, Pup. Just accept it already."

The wolf pulled Fox up again, then forced him back down. This new, perverse form of 'fucking' became the new norm for about a minute or two, turning Fox into a contorting little ball of tension and pain.

It hurt. Real bad.

"Stop!_Fucking really! I'll do anything you want! Just fucking _STOP!"

The wolf paused, and set Fox back down on the counter, with the knot still deep inside. He made his next demand abundantly clear. "Reach down. And massage. My balls."

That wasn't so bad. Immediately, Fox reached blindly down, between his legs, and found the wolf's big, hot, furry sheath, which was butted up tight against the fox's battered ass. From there, it wasn't much farther to find his balls. Gently, but diligently, Fox cupped, squeezed, and pushed up at the wolf's big, white, fuzzy balls. The sound of a satisfied growl was enough for Fox to know that he was doing a good job.

"Hmmm. That's right. Now lick my tongue."

"What?" Fox turned his head, and the wolf already had his tongue hanging out. He wasn't the sort to often repeat himself.

Knowing that there was no other choice, Fox leaned over, opened his mouth, and sucked on the wolf's waiting tongue. He lapped at it, kissed it, even nibbled on it occasionally.

After a bit of a chuckle, he pulled his tongue back in, and gave Fox a light pat on the ass. "Good boy. Now, tell me your name."


He didn't add to the threat. He just let his demand sit and linger. It was clear that he wouldn't budge.

Not like it would make a difference. Fox knew he wouldn't be getting out anyway. A hostage with no leverage. What could he really even do?

Right now, more than anything, all he wanted was to stop that awful, painful rutting he did with his knot.

"Fox..." the little vulpine trembled as he spilled his last secret. "My name is Fox McCloud." Now with nothing left to give, Fox realized that he had become short of breath. As he collected himself, he asked, "Happy now?"

"Hmm." Indifferent, the wolf grabbed Fox by the arms, bent him forward, and tugged his knot out again.



It continued apace, like nothing had happened. Slowly, steadily, unstoppable, the knot popped out, then in, then out...

"I told you my name! I did what you wanted! STOP!"

The wolf paused, only to say, "You begged me to stop. I asked you your name. Two completely unrelated things. If you thought you were negotiating, that's on you."

And then, he continued.

The wolf didn't stop. He kept wrecking the fox's helpless little hole until the knot shrank back down on its own, nearly half an hour later.

By then, it was not longer popping in and out, but was instead a simple rutting motion, no longer anything special or painful. Nevertheless, Fox felt like something had broken.

Now, he had nothing left to protect for himself. He had a feeling that he had just passed the tipping point, and that everything that followed was a direct consequence of this.

Halfway off the cock, Fox was rotated around until he faced up, at the wolf, and then received a big, domineering lick up the center of his neck. He gasped, he moaned, but he was getting... used to it.

"Well, then, 'Fox McCloud'," said the wolf, savoring the name. "Looks like you have one of those fancy Species-Names. Well, so do I. My name's Wolf, but you won't be calling me by it, so don't." Wolf then picked Fox up, and put the little vulpine over his shoulder, and carried him back to the bedroom. "I mean, hell, I'm still calling you 'Pup'. Maybe 'Foxy', if you really deserve it. Ehh, fuck it. I'll call you whatever I feel like!"

Oh fuck... Oh FUCK! Fox trembled in Wolf's grip, feeling what must have been the onset of a panic attack. He's gonna rape me again. He's gonna rape me in my own bed and I just gave him all the info he needs to DO IT! My life is over! He owns me now! Even if he lets me go, I'm fucked! LITERALLY!

Quicker than a flinch, Fox lurched forward, and let out a desperate, ugly groan. "Hwaaaah!" It almost felt like a dry heave, or a knee-jerk reflex, but it was something else entirely. Fox's head was swimming. His mouth was watering, his vision spinning.

He felt himself getting turned on, hard and fast. Even as young and spry as he was, he never got a hard-on this quick, so quick it almost made him pass out. And worst of all, that erection was now pressing directly into this wolf's shoulder.

With a perturbed squeal, Fox reached down and wedged his hands between their bodies, not to push away, not to escape, but just to cup over his groin, yet again, like the time they first met.

And now, Wolf was getting curious what all the commotion was about.

"Woah! Hey now! Hey there!" He grabbed Fox by the waist and lowered him down to the floor. "What's all this? Looks like you're ready for round two!"

Immediately, Fox started backing up, covering himself with his hands until he felt his back hit a wall. There, he cowered, froze, and shivered, too furious to move, too terrified to lash out. He was getting too hard to cover up with his hands; he settled for trying to cover his balls with one hand, while just holding his shaft in the other.

"Oh, come on!" Wolf strode up, then squatted down to where he almost lowered to Fox's eye-level. Visibly displeased, he gestured at Fox's newly rediscovered modesty. "What the fuck? I thought we were past this!" Like an impudent tyrant, he reached over and smacked at Fox's hands, expecting them to move, but they didn't.

Fox stayed stock still, staring at Wolf with his mouth open, now unable to process his situation. His feelings were all so intense and incomprehensible. This lupine came across as too many things, all at once. Vicious, cruel, charismatic, abrasive, powerful, attractive, evil, possessive, irresistible...

Fox couldn't sort out all of his contradicting emotions, though they were all blaring at top volume.

Meanwhile, Wolf looked like this little detour was testing his patience. He rolled his violet eyes, then gave out a high, harsh whistle.

A vent door opened up, and out flew a tiny hover-drone, about the size and flight-pattern of a dragonfly. It was small enough for Fox to fit it in the palm of his hand, so it looked downright _minuscule_next to Wolf.

The drone flitted about the room, revealing a little extending lens, before taking a picture of Fox.

It was a quick, quiet process. For a split-second, a bright green grid of lights projected across Fox's body, across every nook and cranny, scanning a quick, high-definition 3D model. It was how most pictures were taken nowadays, ever since the holographic technology was perfected.

At first, Fox considered objecting to having his picture taken in such a way, but he was just too scared to speak up. He flattened his ears, mewled, and tried covering his genitals.

Now, Wolf was smirking. "Come on, kid. The camera loves ya." Then, with a chuckle, he grabbed Fox's wrists and raised them high, exposing the vulpine helplessly before the camera's prying eye. Now that the two were making physical contact, the drone started taking 3D snapshots of both of them.

"Ah!" Fox tried to tuck up one leg, and cross it over, one last effort to conceal himself.

Wolf wasn't having it. A predatory, ferocious growl quickly mellowed into a suave little rumble in the throat. "Hey, kid. You've got a great body. Even your cock is nice and big compared to the rest of ya. How 'bout you let the camera have a look, huh?"

Fox had turned his head away, eyes closed, unable to face his captor. He knew that he couldn't fight back, that he couldn't even surrender and give in on his own terms. Utterly browbeaten, the vupline nodded, and when Wolf let go, he didn't conceal himself.

"Good boy. Now, put your hands behind your head like this..."

Fox obeyed a long, arbitrary series of commands. He ended up in poses, contorting and swaying for the orbiting holocamera; nothing flamboyant, but still, evocative, highlighting the most lascivious parts of him. At one point, he spread his legs and raised his tail, allowing for the drone to get a single, immaculate scan of Fox's ass, balls and cock. Absolutely nothing was sacred anymore.

Then, Wolf spun him around and put him in a full-nelson, rendering him unable to conceal himself from anything.

"So, you were going to the Academy, right?"

"Yeah..." Fox was simply done standing up for himself. He held still, relaxed, and started to tell the truth immediately, no matter the question. It wasn't like he could lie about anything at this point anyway.

"Is that why you worked out so much?"

"Yeah." Fox's eyes wandered, but never looking at anything in particular, he just glared at the same general area in the carpet in front of his feet. The hoverdrone occasionally floated into view, still taking pictures of his body, but then it drifted somewhere else, for a different angle.

"But they never taught ya how to fight, did they?"

"No." Fox started to feel tense. His body felt anxious for something, it wanted to get to something, but he couldn't even think to himself what it was. It was a strange, aimless, urgent eagerness.

"So lemme get this straight." Wolf flexed, making Fox arc his body even more. "Some rich family trained up a sexy little snack of a fox,incapable of defending himself, then sent him to the one city on the planet where fox-rape is legal, and just hoped for the best?"

Fox didn't answer. He couldn't. He couldn't bear to think about it right now.

"You know what I think, Pup?"

"Wh-what?" Fox shivered, arms held back, with his back held straight. His eyes locked onto the hoverdrone. Just then, he noticed a little orange light in the middle of the device's back. That meant the pictures weren't just being saved; they were being uploaded somewhere.

"I think your body wants another deep, hard raping, but you just can't bring yourself to admit it.

Fox's cock twitched again, still so hard and so sensitive, it almost hurt to move. Fox lurched again with another wave of arousal. He couldn't deal with it. He almost felt ready to pass out. It didn't help when he received yet another big, wet wolf-lick on the cheek.

Fox tried standing high on tiptoe, tried turning his head away, but it was all useless; he was truly in the wolf's clutches. "S-s-stop it..." And yet, a bead of precum formed at Fox's tip, and dripped down his shaft.

"See?" Wolf observed. "You're horny as fuck. Don't worry. You don't have to admit it. I like raping you."

Then, the dragonfly-shaped drone hovered over to the tip of Fox's cock, landed, and folded up its legs, poking directly at Fox's sensitive shaft from six different points.

Fox squealed like a little bitch, trying to shake the drone off, swinging his hips, thrusting his hips, hopping up and down, anything to get the little machine off his cock. None of it worked. "Take it off! Make it stop! Please!"

"Aww, quit bitchin'." Wolf grabbed the base of the vulpine's cock, and gently, but tightly, slid his hand forward, removing the bothersome little drone before setting it on a charger pad. "It just needs some juice. When it's below quarter-battery, it stops hovering, and lands on the nearest thing big enough to carry it." The lupine came back across the room, brushing his hands together, before squatting down again and fondling Fox from behind. "That just means, like I said, you've got a nice cock. That's all."

Fox blurted out, even louder than he intended, "Would you stop saying that?"

Suddenly, Wolf spun Fox around, so that they were facing each other. Then, as he squatted in front of the vulpine, he grabbed Fox by the shoulders and pulled him close, close enough for a hug. Fox stood between the lupine's jutting knees, and became acutely aware of the heat radiating off of the huge, muscular male. It made Fox feel small, and yet, even more reluctantly aroused.

Wolf then locked eyes with him, licked his chops, and flatly said, "You need to be more comfortable with this whole 'naked' thing." He raised his arms, and showed off his magnificent musculature. "See? I'm just as naked as you, and lovin' it."

Fox was speechless. He was brimming over with a violently contrary retort, but he just didn't find the words. He stood there, silent, and let Wolf declare his full, unabashed intent.

Wolf set his hands on Fox's shoulders, and said, "Look, kiddo. I'm gonna shoot straight with you, just tell you exactly what's about to happen. I'll do more than just rape you. I wanna condition_you, change the way you feel about yourself in a neutral state. If you _ever wear clothes again--and that is kinda unlikely--it won't 'feel like it'. Inside, you'll feel just as naked under those clothes as you do without them. You will always feel exposed and vulnerable, no matter what you do, forever. So, if you want to still get all shaky and shit when you're buck-naked, that's on you."

With his little speech over and done, Wolf held Fox's jaw with tender affection and ran a thumb over his cheek. "You ready for that, Pup? Don't bother answering, 'cuz you really don't have a choice."

Fox's hands clenched. His ass clenched. The muscles in control of his testicles clenched. He couldn't believe the mountain of misfortune and injustice being thrust upon him.

He only got out a tense little mewl before he was pulled into a tight, lewd embrace.

Wolf ground their bodies together, rubbing fur on fur, muscle against muscle, but most importantly, Fox's insatiable erection against Wolf's fur and muscles. He ended up touching everything: Wolf's abdomen, the greater muscles in his legs, even the crevices of Wolf's armpits and groin. It was like some perverse ceremony. By the end, Fox's erection felt all numb and tingly, brushed lightly all over with the natural odors and oils of Wolf's pelt. Fox felt... claimed.

"And now..." Wolf guiding Fox further in, to the sheath, rubbing the vulpine's swollen cockhead around the large, fuzzy, warm little tube that held the lupine's intimidating phallus. One side, then the other. Top to bottom. Then, Fox's tip was placed against the sheath's very opening.

"Don't worry," Wolf said, "This doesn't hurt."

And then, he slid Fox's cock into place, pushing it slowly, yet undeniably, down into Wolf's own sheath. It was probably the most perverse thing Fox had ever witnessed, done either to his own body, or anyone elses. It didn't hurt, but it just felt so, so wrong.

When Fox felt his cockhead butting up against Wolf's own flaccid, concealed tapered tip, they paused.

"There." Wolf took his hands away and leaned back a bit, taking in the sight of their strange awkward union. "Look at that. You're inside me. Didn't see that coming, did ya?"

Fox trembled as he looked at his own cock. Half its length was still out in the open, but the outer half was fully inside another male's sheath. Fox didn't even have a sheath, and now, he still couldn't imagine what it was like to have one. This was bizarre!

At a loss, Fox looked up into Wolf's eyes, mouth half open, unable to speak, or even moan.

"You're a good boy, you know that?" Wolf cupped Fox's face in both hands and gave him a scratch behind the jaw. "You deserve a kiss."

And kiss they did, deep, wet and sloppy. Wolf did all the moving, all the licking, all the tasting, all while Fox's shaft was technically inside him. He then lowered how he handled the little vulpine, caressing him down his back, down over his tail, then up against that cute, tight rump.

The first squeeze got Fox into returning the kiss. Total surrender. He reached up and hugged Wolf around the neck, opening his mouth wider, finding ways to make their tongues meet even closer, even wider, even wetter.

Fox then lifted a leg, and hooked it over Wolf's thigh. In some strange reverse-missionary position, Fox ended up sitting astride Wolf's squatting lap, while his cock levered low, to remain lodged inside the lupine's sheath. At that point, any and all control was squarely in Wolf's hands.

After a decisively deep, final lick, Wolf pulled free, gave Fox a pat on the ass, and said, "Well? Think you're ready to really be my bitch?"

Now more open, but still definitely as bashful as before, Fox meekly replied, "I don't know."

"Good." He gave Fox a light pat on the ass, and let him go with a kiss on the cheek. "Get on the bed. Face down. Slowly. I wanna see that ass_move_."

"Yes, sir..." Fox obeyed, and slowly ambled over to the edge of Wolf's bed. He climbed up, one leg, then the other, nice and slow, just as requested. From behind, he heard a hungry, snarly 'Mmph!', which hinted that Fox was probably doing it right.

Then, as soon as Fox took up his position, face down, relaxed on the bed, Wolf pounced on him. Something between a stalking predator and a pro-wrestling move, the big, beefy wolf crashed on top of Fox's body and meticulously pinned the helpless little vulpine in place.

Giant, clawed hands on Fox's shoulders pinned him into the mattress, then, with an excited grunt of exertion, Wolf slammed his hips forward. "Hhhnnnggg!"

His sheath slammed up against Fox's ass, meeting neatly with McCloud's asshole. Just the sheath, no penetration. Still, the abrasive nature of such prolonged contact was demeaning enough, and the impact alone made Fox jolt. "Augh!"

And like that, Wolf straddled Fox's ass, low and tight, as he gave the vulpine an aggressive, short shoulder rub. Not direct intercourse, but still clearly sexual and dominant.

"So!" Wolf clapped his hands, and a few dozen holoscreens opened up before him, displaying hundreds of variants of internet search terms on a single subject: Fox McCloud. "Let's have a look at this 'father' you keep yappin' about..."