Earned Stripes #2: Casting Call

Story by GranTrofeo on SoFurry

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#2 of Earned Stripes

Welcome back to Earned Stripes. Still snowed in, Malcolm digs through his old things, and Ronnie finds something unexpected from Malcolm's past. It's a bit of a long one, but I think you guys will like it. This story also contains sexual acts between consenting adults. You've been warned!

As always, any sort of feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!

A young tiger stood proudly between his parents, donning the traditional cap and gown of high school graduates. Both elder tigers had an arm wrapped around their only son's back, beaming at the camera with pride equal to that of the feline between them. The gowned tiger looked ready to pursue his life dreams, diploma in paw and a head full of ideas about flying off to America and becoming a history teacher, or maybe even a college professor, or designing curriculums, or...

Malcolm thumbed over the glossy photo and sighed. He turned it over to read the words he knew to be there, penned in his mum's curly paw writing.

Malcolm Eugene Winthrop, Brisbane Class of 1998

Graduate With Honors

This is just the beginning.

"Sorry I didn't quite turn out the hot-shot professor you hoped I'd be, Mum and Dad," he whispered glumly to the smiling faces. "Ran to the other side of the world just to piss away all my chances for college, yeah, but I'm living a happy life. I just wish you could see that."

The tiger placed the picture on the carpet and stared into the neatly organized plastic bin where he kept his sentimental treasures. Nothing besides the graduation photo had been touched in over a decade. Each time he felt nostalgic, the piercing gaze of his parents was there to remind him of how much he'd disappointed them, how much of a no good bludger he was for squandering his opportunity, and it was only a week prior when his mum had told him as much.

"Hi Mum! I 'ave some exciting news!"

"Are you going to school again?"

Malcolm frowned. He knew that any answer besides 'yes' would only earn her ire.

"No, sorry."

"Oh." The tiger winced at the bemused tone coming from the other end. "What is it then?"

"Well, I'm taking over leading some fitness courses for a while because one of the instructors quit. My boss said if I do well enough he'd increase my pay to keep instructing and do massages."

"That's nice darling," she replied flatly. "Maybe if you had an education degree you could bargain for more."

"Yeah, maybe it would, but I'll take what I can get."

Malcolm had given up trying to explain how lacking a degree wasn't really hurting him, and that it would be fruitless to start chasing one when he was 40 years old. His parents would never be satisfied unless Malcolm really made something of himself. The inability for Malcolm to change any of it was a pill the tiger was still trying to swallow. God fucking forbid I'm living a stable, healthy life with someone I love. If I had that stupid degree I might not even be happy like I am now, who knows?

"What'cha got there hun?" Ronnie suddenly piped up from behind the kneeling tiger. Malcolm looked over his shoulder to see his boyfriend wrapped up in his favorite puffy fuschia bathrobe, the panther's head glistening with moisture from just exiting the shower.

"Just dusting off some old memories again," Malcolm shrugged. Ronnie joined the tiger on the floor, sitting criss-cross-applesauce with his paws resting in his lap.

"Can I see?"

Malcolm passed the photo to his mate.

"Still hurts, doesn't it?"

Malcolm had talked at length with Ronnie about the friction between him and his parents before. The tiger nodded.

"Well, maybe we can look at some of the other stuff in here. Like, uh, let's see..." He rummaged around and plucked out another picture. This one featured the couple locked in a kiss, a bright flash illuminating their faces but leaving the background pitch black.

"Hmmm," Ronnie scratched his chin. "I can't really recall this one. You'll have to refresh my memory about us making-out in the dark."

"Don't remember our first date as official boyfriends?"

"Shit, that's right! We went into that photo booth at the mall..."

"...Paid extra for the "Big Shot" picture..."

"...And kept making out for an hour after we started..."

"...You could barely keep quiet when I put my paw in your pants..."

"...Almost got caught by that security guard..."

"...Then that lady covered her kid's eyes when we ran out..."

The two cracked up as they remembered frantically zipping up their trousers and jogging back to Malcolm's car, making poor attempts at hiding their bulges the entire way.

As Ronnie came down from his laughing high he looked into the box, curious as to what else lay in Malcolm's stash. An unlabeled jewel case with a dull gray CD inside caught his eye. Someone had written on the disc in black marker, and the panther picked it up to inspect the faded letters.

Rodger Raine, First Audition-5/23/01

Xcalibur Productions, Eau Claire, WI

"No freaking way. You still have your casting couch video?!"

Malcolm shrugged.

"It's not that special. The vid's on every porn site, and my performance was pretty piss anyway."

Ronnie was caught up in his excitement however, and it wasn't the least bit doused by Malcolm's modest memory. The panther darted into the closet and began frantically scrounging around the storage shelves above.

"Meet me back in here with some food. I'm gonna find my old DVD player so we can watch it!" he called, tail flicking rapidly as he hauled a box down to the floor.

"Yes dear. I'll go make us some brekky."

Malcolm shook his head with a smile; it never ceased to amuse the tiger how his boyfriend could still have such childlike wonder at 39. Ronnie's lack of overwrought self-consciousness was a trait he deeply admired, as Malcolm was often beholden to keeping up appearances. Ronnie was just himself, and the tiger tried his best to emulate that, getting away from being who his parents wanted him to be.

The tiger wasn't much of a cook, but he was capable of following a few simple directions on the side of a box, or a cardboard tube of oatmeal, as it was in this case. According to the fine print he was squinting at, all he needed to do was measure out some milk, boil it, pour some cereal in, and stir for a bit to achieve two bowls worth of the plain goop. Even being as uncouth as he was behind the stove, Malcolm knew oatmeal was more of a blank canvas for other flavors to mingle rather than a dish to be enjoyed on its own.

He decided to go with his old standby of adding peaches and brown sugar for a sweet, savory flavor. Malcolm prepared the additions in the ample time he had while the milk was warming up. The sugar only needed to be taken out of the cupboard, and the bright yellow fruit was found crammed in the jar Ronnie's mom had given them when they visited a month ago. He twisted the outer ring off and extended his claws to pull the lid back.

"Cah'mon ya...errrgh...fuckin'...cunt..."

Not taking kindly to the tiger's bogan tongue, the troublesome tin flew off with a pop, causing Malcolm to splash sticky peach juice over his bare torso and the floor.

"Shit. Fucking bastard," he huffed. Malcolm set the jar down on the counter as he cleaned his mess with a damp towel. Afterwards he washed his paws under the sink and grabbed a knife, fishing out a few dripping wet peach slices with the sharp tip, grinning with amusement at the way they jiggled like gummies when hitting the cutting board. Bits of frustration were released during each downward push into the slimy produce, every chop purging the sour thoughts of his parents and the little spill. Malcolm wrinkled his whiskers in satisfaction when he finished, closing the jar and banishing it to the fridge.

His ears swiveled at the sound of bubbling coming from the stove, and moved quickly to add the dry oat flakes into the capricious liquid. The broth soon thickened as the flakes soaked up the milk like sponges, forming clumps as Malcolm stirred them around. Soon peaches were sliding off into the pot, their pleasant natural color leaving bright spots across the dull gray. Happy with the results, the tiger grabbed two bowls from the drying rack. It ended up being a nearly perfect amount for the two of them, with only a few dregs left in the pot after Malcolm filled both bowls. He sprinkled a pinch of sugar in a circular pattern over each to add some visual flair, but it ended up looking uneven and wavy as the sugar melted into the hot mixture.

Malcolm didn't pay much mind as he was setting up two trays for some romantic breakfast in bed. Both carried one bowl of oatmeal, a cup of coffee (black for Malcolm, half and half with a shot of cream for Ronnie), and a neatly folded paper towel. His magnificent meal hot and ready, Malcolm lifted underneath the trays and made his way back to the bedroom.

Ronnie was lying under their queen sized covers, arms resting behind his head, his robe hanging on the door of the ensuite bathroom. A black DVD player sat on top of the tall dresser that held Malcolm's clothes. Above that hung the flatscreen TV, showing a blurry image of a familiar young tiger staring out at an invisible audience. He sat on a black leather couch, one which reeked of natural scents being masked by industrial grade cleaners, backed by a plain white wall in what could've passed for a waiting room. The tiger's posture was confident, but Malcolm knew he was anything but, as he stared in wonder at his younger self.

"Mmmm, smells good hun," Ronnie cooed. He beckoned the tiger to lay next to him by rubbing the empty spot on the bed. Malcolm passed the panther his tray, and carefully slid down trying not to spill anything. He managed, by some miracle, and leaned back against the headboard comfortably.

"So, how long's it been since you've watched this?"

Malcolm shoveled a spoonful into his maw and swallowed. "I dunno. Probably only watched it a few times soon after we made it, so...let's say 19 years."

"Should be a fun trip down memory lane then. I get to see how sexy you were back in your prime." Ronnie smiled, and pressed the play button on the remote.

Somewhere behind the camera, a deep male voice spoke.

"Welcome horn balls of the world to our latest audition. This sexy guy here is all the way from Daown Undah, and thinks he has what it takes to join our ranks. Why don't you introduce yourself to our lovely fans, tiger?"

"G'day, my name's, ah, Rodger Raine. I'm from Brisbane, Australia, and I'm 21 years old."

"Fantastic, another young and horny hunk," the faceless voice rumbled happily. "Are you gay or straight, son?"

It was asked so innocently, like it was nothing. The tiger's eyes visibly widened, and Ronnie chuckled.

"Ever answered that before?" he asked.

"That was my first real 'coming out' moment," the tiger admitted.

"Oh, my poor tiger," Ronnie leaned over and planted a kiss on his mate's cheek. "I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. Just keep watching."

"I...I'm uh, gay mate," young Malcolm stammered cutely.

"Ah, wonderful. I'm sure you'd love playing with our boys in the studio. You more of a top or bottom?"

"So what's the story behind the name?" Ronnie asked.

"Ah, thought of it kinda last minute. Spelled Roger with a 'd' so it could be shortened to 'Rod' or 'Roddy', and 'Rain' with an 'e' sounded exotic."

"Hmm. Why not just go with Rodrick or Rodney?"

"Fucks me. Wish I could ask my stupid cunt self to find out." He dragged his spoon around the bottom of the bowl while Ronnie giggled at his remark.

The teen rubbed his thighs nervously. "I could do either."

In truth Malcolm had no idea whether he preferred fucking or being fucked at that point. He just thought it sounded better to give himself more options, and possibly sexy to the aroused viewers. The sultry cameraman continued his questions.

"Versatile, nice. And do you know from experience, or...?"

Even then, Malcolm knew what he was getting at.

"I'm...still a virgin, but I'm willing to get some experience with something other than a dildo."

"Well hot damn. Hear that viewers? Sounds like we might just have to break him in. Uh, Rodger, why don't you take some of those clothes off and show us your foreign assets?"

Malcolm groaned upon hearing the terrible innuendo, and watched as 'Rodger' showed off his body for the first time. He'd worn a button up shirt specifically to take it off slow and sexy, and did just that as the floral shirt hung open to reveal the proud washboard abs. Malcolm could only wish his belly looked like that now.

"Hoo wee, I'm gonna have to call this one 'Hot Off the Boat' folks. Can't wait to see what he's packing in those pants."

"Make that two of us," Ronnie husked. Malcolm was too entranced to notice the panther lightly stroking himself under his tray.

'Rodger' stood up and shucked his shirt off, moving his paws to the fly of his pants. The tiger gave the audience a longing look, as if silently asking them if they wanted to see too. He licked his lips as he pulled the button apart, and unzipped to reveal a jockstrap hiding behind his khakis. It was a simple athletic design, just some white breathable nylon and a black band cutting off the treasure trail leading to the tiger's jewels.

"Well well, someone came prepared."

"You always have to be in porn, right?"

Both men chuckled, helping 'Rodger' ease into doing a few poses to really flex the muscle he'd worked so hard to achieve. He finished by getting on all fours against the back of the couch, looking over his shoulder as he lifted his tail, grinning as he put his pink pucker on full display.

"Fuck. I think you might be best suited as a bottom boy." Even the camera guy sounded like he was getting turned on by watching the tiger show off his stripes. Ronnie spurted some pre at the sight.

Rustling was picked up on the camera's microphone as it was picked up and brought closer to the action. It focused on 'Rodger's' pert butt, and aroused huffs could be heard. The camera pulled back for a full side shot of the sexy tiger, the luxurious curve in his spine on display as his tail swayed invitingly behind him. 'Rodger' began sucking messily on two fingers, giving the audience obvious fuck me eyes.

"You wanna taste something better than a couple fingers kitty cat?"

"Mmmmm yes sir."

Malcolm remembered being fully 'in the moment' then, his arousal peaked and ready to lose his innocence on camera. He didn't care if he sounded like the thirstiest slut in the world, in fact he relished in it. Having a big, DILF-grade dragon right there to play with certainly helped him along, too.

"Here, take it a minute," the dragon daddy passed his camera over to 'Rodger' who proceeded to give the voice a face, or at least a torso and crotch. He wore a tight muscle shirt, which soon lifted to reveal deep crimson scales, and black jeans that were tented like hell. A red paw reached to the side of the camera, taking it back from the tiger and aimed to the classic blowjob angle: straight down at a throbbing cock that was destined to be sucked.

"Heh, here ya go slut. I'm sure you know what comes next."

Ronnie shivered at hearing the tiger, the one he knew as mostly a top, the big hunk of muscle that usually had his dick up some twink's ass on DVD covers, the one who'd told him to shut up and ride his cock less than 24 hours ago, being deemed a slut by some random dragon. Fuck this is hot.

'Rodger' crawled over to the arm of the couch, eyes looking up innocently. The dragon grabbed the back of the tiger's head. Malcolm recalled it being a lighter hold than it looked from this angle, and it was also the most excited he'd ever felt. The red menace suddenly tugged the cat against the fly of his pants, 'Rodger' letting out a surprised noise at being manhandled for the first time. Once again it looked more dramatic than it actually was; Malcolm had also moved his head forward, though the gasp was entirely genuine. He'd never truly experienced the scent of another male, and boy was that dragon putting out. Loud sniffs and purrs sounded from the screen.

"Ya like that huh, stripes?"

"Mmmmmmmmm," was all that could be made out as the tiger practically worshipped the black denim.

"Well, go ahead and help yourself to s'more."

The dragon popped the button off his trousers, likely chosen to undo them one pawed, and unzipped for the hungry cat. Like 'Rodger', he wore a jock, albeit one obviously geared toward bedroom use with its black fishnet material. The cat dove in once more to lavish the semi-exposed dragon bone. He licked just about every inch of reptile loins, from musky balls to leaky tip, letting out pleased purrs all the way that must've driven the dragon wild.

"Damn, I might just have to take you home after this," the scaly daddy groaned.

At that point, Ronnie forced himself to let go of his aching cock. He knew there was likely to be some playtime afterwards when both cats were horny, and he'd feel selfish having an orgasm all to himself. He looked to find Malcolm's stare burning a blush into his cheeks.

"Enjoying the movie?" The tiger raised a brow and grinned mischievously.

"Yeah. Your work is very...inspirational."

Malcolm laughed. "You're too kind, sweetheart. Let me take your tray." The panther moved his arms back to let Malcolm bus the empty dishes. Ronnie hit pause, wanting to experience everything with the tiger there. As wild as it drove him, watching it alone just didn't feel right, perverted in an unsexy way.

Malcolm soon returned. He sauntered into the room and put his paws on his hips, trying to mimic some of the moves from earlier in the video. Ronnie giggled as Malcolm hammed it up, his rounded belly and large bulk a stark contrast to the leaner cat on screen. Before he curled up in bed again, he slipped his pajama pants off, red erection slapping his muscle gut as it was released.

"Hsssssss, arrrrhh. That's more like it."

Both cats snuggled closer than ever, with nothing but their fur between them, as Ronnie started the video again.

The licks over the dragon's crotch only lasted a few more moments before he gently pushed the cat back.

"I think it's time we quit foolin' around 'n get to the main attraction."

In a nearly identical move to what Malcolm had just done, he pushed the waistband of both his pants and underwear down to let his pink spire spring freely. 'Rodger' let his maw hang open in amazement, his tongue dangling down to fully own his submission. It hit Malcolm then that this may just be his greatest work. There was no script, no second, third, or fourth take to get a rimjob looking just right, and no contrived bullshit plot to give the sex context. Sure, he did try his best to add flair when his horny little brain would think of it to make the audition better, but everything he was doing to this dragon was out of a naïve, hormone fueled need commanding him to get laid. And that, at least to Malcolm, was what people got off on.

'Rodger' looked up at the camera once more with his innocent kitten eyes. He leaned forward and gave the shaft a slow lap, savoring his first taste of male flesh. The tiger's dick throbbed at the memory of what it felt like, the saltiness exploding on his taste buds, the excitement of finally doing something he'd only fantasized in his lonely nights jerking off, hearing the pleased rumbles from the hot guy he was pleasuring, and knowing that other people would see it. He was as hard then as he was now.

The dragon seemed content to let the curious kitten explore the wonders of his long, thick member for the moment. A big red paw rested on the tiger's head, telling him silently how much of a good boy he was. 'Rodger' had closed his eyes, fully lost in lust as he closed his maw around the cock in front of him and began slurping away. Long churs could be made out above the wet suckles that made the dragon's pride glisten.

"Ahhh...you're gonna be great...kid..."

Ronnie couldn't take it anymore. He scrambled on top of Malcolm and smashed his muzzle against the tiger's, rudely shoving his tongue inside. Malcolm gave in, purring around the wet muscle as Ronnie ground their erections together. Pre oozed from both tips and made the contact slick as arousals peaked. The panther pulled his maw away from the kiss, and the cats stared into each other's glazed eyes. With a grin Ronnie mounted the tiger's chest, his throbbing purple pole dangerously close to a warm, wet muzzle.

Malcolm didn't need to be given directions. An orange paw gripped the base firmly as he licked up the globs of pre at Ronnie's tip. The panther groaned, and began teasing his nipples as the tiger went down on him. It was a strange relief for Malcolm to have his boyfriend's dick filling his muzzle. As much as he loved topping, there was a forbidden pleasure in being on the receiving end of another man's willing libido, and the tiger quickly found he was scratching an itch he didn't know he had.


It was all too soon that Ronnie held Malcolm back, pulling out of the eager maw with a lewd slurp. The tiger looked up at his partner, panting, quietly begging to continue gobbling panther cock. While it would've been mutually enjoyed, Ronnie had other plans. He reached over to his side of the bed, picking up a nondescript bottle and drizzling it on his boner like honey.

"Take me, Ronnie," Malcolm whimpered, spreading his legs out and watching intently as the panther spread the filmy fluid around.

"Gonna fuck that hot tiger hole," Ronnie growled, moreso making a statement rather than answering Malcolm's plea. His randiness had completely taken over, now hellbent on mounting his striped partner. He hastily squirted some lube on his fingers and began working them in and out of the tiger's hole.

With Malcolm mewling and yelling out for more, neither cat paid any mind to the remainder of the video. The dragon was getting close, stating as much as 'Rodger' let go of his meat.

"Turn around. Wanna mark that ass."

The cat obeyed, doing an about face so his framed rear was ready for whatever the horny reptile had in mind. He pushed his hips forward and began hotdogging the striped buns, one paw gripping the tiger's hips for stability.

"Can only...imagine...how great...your...hole...iiiiissss..."

A thick, white stream flowed out from the dragon's piss slit, almost blending in with the furs surrounding 'Rodger's' crack. Some shot up against the raised tail, a few specks dotted the tiger's ass cheeks, and the rest left a gooey mess over the flexing pucker.

The cameraman sighed. "Woof. Well, hah, there you have it. Lemme tell ya, he's one hot little piece boys and girls. Kid, if you don't get a job here, somethin's fucked. What'd you think?"

"That was awesome. Wish you would've put it in me, though." He added a lick of his lips as he looked back at the camera.

"Hmm, maybe I will next time. I gotta say, this was probably the hottest audition I've done in a while. Not often I get to cum on a new recruit, haha. Well, that's it for this video. Hope you enjoyed Rodger Raine here as much as I did, and we hope to bring you more of this little fuck toy in the future. Stay horny, Xcalibur fans!"

The video stopped, remaining on the last frame of the mess left under the cat's tail. The ending was lost on the lusty couple in bed, as Ronnie thrust away at Malcolm's rump.

"Shit you're tight," he moaned close to the tiger's flicking ear.

"Maybe I need to get fucked more often and loosened up," came the reply before his vision blurred as Ronnie hit his prostate.

"Fuuuhhuuhaaack. Urrff, right fuckin' there. HARDAH!"

The black cat was way ahead of Malcolm as he pumped his hips as fast as he could, looking down to watch his length dip in and out of the tiger. Normally they were pretty quiet during sex, only making the occasional exclamation among their gutteral grunts, but Malcolm gained quite the dirty mouth when he had a dick in him, and Ronnie was loving every moment. Both cats were getting near the edge, and Ronnie had a most lewd idea come to him.

He pushed the tiger's legs, going straight up before he was folded nearly in half. Malcolm got the message and held the back of his knees. Ronnie adjusted himself so that he was driving almost straight down into the tiger, and Malcolm's own bone pointed right in his face.

"Errrgh...suck it, slut..."

Malcolm eagerly obeyed the command, loving how his typically gentle panther was taking charge. He couldn't bob his head all the way down his length in his current contortion, but his mind still melted in the erotic feedback loop of getting plowed, leaking pre down his throat, and sucking himself. Each time Ronnie bottomed out it forced more pre out of his tip, tingling pleasantly in his loins. In fact, the image on it's own was almost enough to make him blow: sliding his own erection between his lips, tasting himself, and Ronnie pounding his ass...

Colors exploded across his eyes as he came. Every squirt of cum coated his tongue with its musky flavor, and his swallowing only made him shoot more. Eventually he had to back off as he couldn't keep up the pace, resulting in a few dribbles down his chin and streaks across his face. Ronnie's thrusts became slow and shallow as he was pushed over the edge by the sight of Malcolm making a mess over himself.

"AAAAAHHHAAARRRRggggguuuuuh," the black cat called out. Malcolm groaned as warmth spread through his rear, Ronnie buried balls deep and filling him to the brim. Ronnie's legs shook when he finished, looking into Malcolm's bleary eyes as the haze of afterglow descended upon them. He pulled out with a grunt, letting the tiger's legs return to a more comfortable position before collapsing on top of him.

They both lay there, Malcolm rolling them over to spoon against his lover as they caught their breath. Words failed them as they came down from the immense high of their unusual sex. It was rare that Malcolm would bottom with Ronnie. They'd done it before, both on camera and off, but they generally stuck to their roles because that's what they liked. But this, this went beyond their slower, more loving routine, and...

"Ronnie, that was the best sex I think I've ever 'ad. Every other time we've done it was great of course, but that..."

"Yeah...me too hun. It was really hot watching you suck yourself off."

"And it was hot doing it," Malcolm said with a cheeky grin. "But don't expect it too often, 'cause me back ain't what it used to be."

"I know." Ronnie rolled over to nuzzle against the tiger's creamy chest. "Getting old sucks."

"Just gotta enjoy it while we can, right?"

"Right." He purred as he listened to the soothing beat of his mate's heart.

"Y'know, I also kinda liked...ahm...getting bossed around," the tiger quietly admitted.

"That's a relief, honestly. I was kinda worried you'd think it was too far."

"Nah fuckin' worries, Ronnie. Trust me, I'd 'ave told ya if I didn't like it. In fact I'll do whatever you want."


"My line is drawn at piss and shit stuff."

"Hmmm. Why don't you clean my cock and suck a load out?"

"Yes sir," Malcolm purred as he wriggled under the covers, and Ronnie moaned away as Malcolm unleashed his pent up cock sucking desires though rapid bobbing on the panther's stiffening meat. Dammit, Ronnie, I love you so much.