His True Colours

Story by Orfeous on SoFurry

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A commission created for Frozenthrone! It was an incredibly fun piece to write and I'm excited to share this with everyone! Lots of love, and take care out there <3

It had not been a particularly busy morning at the Carleigh Crown hotel. Jack had just finished booking a family of three - only the second interaction he'd had with anyone since the start of his shift - before he'd slumped against the marble countertop with his chin cradled onto the palm of his hand.

His eyes wandered here and there to take in the familiar sight of the Crown's large, empty, and somewhat plain lobby. He'd always figured that this place had long since moved past its prime, and that the owners were desperately clinging to the final vestiges of their hotel's former glory. There would once have been a day where the cushioned leather sofas were always being sat upon, when the bar in the far end of the lobby was always busy with customers looking to get one more overpriced cocktail, as bellhops hurriedly rushed back and forth from the elevators to the front doors with bags on hand and crisp dollar tips lining their pockets.

But that was years ago -- The Carleigh Crown was nothing more than one of many family-owned hotels in a market that was quickly phasing them out of existence. To Jack, who swallowed and sighed, and wondered just how much longer he'd be working here for, the hotel was just easy money. The pay was good - it kept him floating along just enough for him to afford his tuition - and his bosses, the owners of the hotel, were kind and flexible to his shifting schedule. His only complaint was that the work was so boring.

As if in answer to his silent and desperate pleas for a distraction, Jack caught the gentle ding coming from a far-end corner of the lobby. His long drooping ears perked up for a second as large brown eyes searched for, and finally found, a microwave that once again rang with a buzzing reminder that his food was ready, and thus announcing the beginning of his break.

He straightened out and turned to his companion, who'd been lounging about in the much in the same way he had - a multi-coloured calico whose face was half brown and half cream, and who dressed in the exact same uniform Jack had been wearing. The retriever had to admit, Gus looked good in that outfit. Or maybe it was the bored expression. No, actually, it was a combination of the two. Something about how Gus just appeared to be indifferent to it all really made Jack want to reach out and draw something out of his friend.

If he wasn't already taken...

"Hey," he called out to his friend. Gus blinked and, with a lazy roll of his head, turned to look at Jack. Brilliant emerald eyes, small snout, long silver whiskers - Gus managed a very small smile and acknowledged Jack's call with a slight dip of his head; "I'm going on break. Hold the fort for me, alright?"

"Do I have a choice?" It came off a little cold, but the calico laughed and once again nodded, "Yeah, whatever. Take your time. I'll... ah..." Gus found himself at a loss of words and shrugged as tiny black claws tapped away at the marble countertop of the front desk, "I'll be here."

Jack slipped around his friend, bushy golden tail gently swatting the calico's rear as he patted him on the back and said, "Be back in thirty." That was about as long as the retriever allowed himself to be on break, despite knowing that he had a solid hour before he needed to get back to work. Just in case there was a sudden surge of people that needed to be checked in, he would think to himself, even with the knowledge that it would never happen; the truth of the matter was that he'd rather spend his time in Gus' silent company than remaining lost in his own thoughts.

Now more than ever, in fact.

The retriever fished for his meal, a simple stew of chicken, potatoes, squash, and lentils that he'd prepared the night before. The contents of the plastic bowl bubbled with momentary life before the conditioned air of the hotel's lobby cooled it to a death-like state. Its sad brown colour and paste-like consistency was only betrayed by the aromatic scent of meats and vegetables that wafted up to Jack's nostrils. He hummed, content, as he dipped a spoon and stirred the contents of the bowl - from somewhere behind him, he caught Gus commenting on the pleasing smell of his meal.

Arms came around his midsection, short furred and sandy in colour, and wrapped tight across his abs as a short body curled close into his. There was a soft and pleasant giggle as he listened to her - there wasn't a doubt in his mind of who it was - mumble something incoherent into his back. Then she turned, and with arms still holding tight to his body, she came around to his side to stare up at Jack.

With a bright smile the lioness leaned up on her toes to press a small kiss on the side of his neck. Jack grinned wide as he set down the bowl to finally give his girlfriend the attention she deserved by pulling her into a tight embrace as he rather lightly said, "Didn't expect to see you here, Sarah."

"I thought I'd surprise you," replied Sarah as she pulled away from his hug, but not before parting away with a slight kiss on his chin, which he returned with a peck against her lips. She was still dressed in her uniform, Jack noted, so she must have just gotten off work. "How's my favourite pup doing today?"

"Well enough," he hummed while still holding her hands. Jack leaned back against the side of the desk that currently held his meal and continued; "better now that you're here. I... uh... I thought you were working?"

"I was, but got off early." She gave his hands a tight squeeze, smirked, and added, "Have you thought about it yet?"

"It?" Jack knew what she was talking about -- he hoped that she would mention something else.

"Come on, Jack!" Sarah's smile faltered, if only slightly, before it suddenly came back to her in a flash of infectious joy. He couldn't keep himself from mirroring it back at her. "This weekend. You and I? My place?"

"Ahah! Right!" Jack licked his lips and, after a nervous laugh, turned his head away to look at his stew. Suddenly, the meal did not seem as appetizing as it once had been. The retriever could feel his rapidly waning appetite ease out of him, only to be replaced with a cold and empty chill in the pit of his growling stomach. "That. Y-Yeah, of course. I gave it some thought."

It was an understatement, and Jack knew it. Gus knew it too - Jack caught sight of the calico giving him an exaggerated roll of his eyes from atop Sarah's head. He'd been listening; of course he'd been listening, especially after Jack had practically chewed the calico's ear off with all his worries and concerns. By virtue of that alone, Gus was invested in the conversation. Jack could feel a flush of heat steadily rise to his cheeks.

"Aaand?" Another squeeze of his hands. Those bright eyes were almost innocent -- far too innocent for a lioness like her. As sweet and tender as the smile she wore, and the touch she gave him, and the voice that spoke straight to his heart. Jack knew, from the moment that Sarah had asked him to spend the weekend at her home, that he was going to say yes. How could he refuse a face like that? "I'll take your silence as a yes."

"I - uh," he laughed again and bit down on his bottom lip. She obviously caught him staring, yet seemed to revel in his gaze; "Yeah. I... I do want to spend the weekend with you."


"But, ah -"

"You're going to love it there. You'll never be so comfortable in your life."


"Yeah?" She blinked and brought herself in until her head was nestled against his chest. Jack just sighed and closed his eyes, knowing he was safe from Sarah's ever-watchful gaze. He held her close, the tips of his blunted claws teasing down the length of her spine, till he reached the very base of her slender sandy tail.

"Are you sure it's alright," he began after a moment of contemplative silence, in which he simply allowed himself to enjoy the heat of Sarah's body against his own, along with the mild tinge of a rose-scented perfume, "for me to stay over for the weekend? I mean... we've only been dating for a month. You know?"

"And we've known each other for how much longer?"

He sighed, and when he didn't reply Sarah gave his rump a tight pinch. He held back the slight huff of air and said, with a smile, "Just over a year."

"Exactly. You've got nothing to worry about. AJ and Heather? They'll be too busy with each other to care about us, and..." Her other hand came around to his stomach, and then slowly inched down to the belt around his waist. Jack would have stopped her - should have stopped her; he and Gus met eyes just as Sarah's hand slipped into the band of his trousers - but... damn, he loved the way she treated him; "... besides, you and I will be too busy to care about them either. The house is big. Just like -- there it is," her hand settled right above his groin, Jack knew Sarah could already feel his twitching member pressing tight against her hand. She rubbed him over his boxers and finished off with, "You can't say no to this, Jack."

He nearly whimpered, then sighed as he brought his hand to her lower back. All Jack could do, under her careful touch, was to press tight against her hand as it barely rubbed up and down his length.

"Alright," said Jack after another moment, "God, I can't say no to you, Sarah."


Theirs was a mansion unlike any that Jack had ever seen -- not that he had ever been to a mansion in the first place. Two floors high, although wide enough for it to feel as if it stretched into the horizon. Jack should have known it would be the case from the moment they started driving up Callfare Way; you didn't get to live up here if you didn't have more spending money than some people made in a lifetime.

Sarah, in her usual way of downplaying reality, did not prepare him for the sight of a home that could have doubled as a hotel by its own right.

"Jesus," he recalled muttering under his breath, wide-eyed, as the retriever stood at the steps of the home's elaborately detailed front door, "S-Sarah?"

She turned on her heels, in her hands carrying a small bag of his that she'd insisted on helping him with. The lioness simply smiled at his dumbfounded look, although she did wait for him to reply while gently easing herself unto the balls of her feet.

"This is the place? You're sure?" Jack pointed at nothing in particular -- the front door, those clear glass panes they called windows, the imposing archway that served as the threshold to the home's front entrance... if he had to say anything, it was that this was all a little too much. And yet... "You live here?" How had she never even mentioned this mansion before?

"Well... yes?" Sarah shrugged, her smile briefly faltering, before she picked herself right back up with a self-assured smirk. Jack could see in her eyes what she was thinking; he was acting cute to her, and she was going to tease him about this for the rest of the weekend. The retriever could almost hear her voice in his head; "Come on, Jack. Let's not keep them waiting."

Them. AJ and Heather; Sarah's older brother and his girlfriend, respectively.

AJ was an absolute tank of a person who had built his body on year after year of sports and exercise. By Jack's quick and vague estimate, now that he was up close and personal with the lion, he would have guessed that the man stood at a good six and a half feet in height. He'd heard of AJ before, of course. A lot of people in his university who had even a small interest in the school's sports teams had heard of him. Jack just... well, he never really connected the dots between AJ and Sarah; looking at them now, the similarities were almost uncanny.

The retriever's eyes couldn't help but glue themselves to a certain number of AJ's features: the strong toned legs that came about the years of running he'd gotten from being captain of the university's lacrosse team; large yet lean muscles that pressed tight to the lion's arguably thin and somewhat small shirt that accentuated his pecs, the strong and chiseled abs, and tight yet powerful biceps and triceps. Above it all, Jack couldn't stop himself from glancing down at the lion's groin. How... how couldn't he? AJ had to be a shower, for sure, and an absolute monster of one as well. He must have --

No... No way in hell that he would be salivating for his girlfriend's brother. And yet, try as he might during their brief introductions, he just couldn't stop himself from peeking yet another glance. It was almost as comical as it was intimidating to think of.

When Jack moved to shake the lion's hand, introducing himself by his full name and presenting himself as Sarah's boyfriend, he was met with a rather still and chilling reception.

It was just them two for a quick moment, as Sarah had been distracted in idle conversation with Heather. AJ didn't so much as move an inch while Jack held a hand between the two of them -- that one second felt like an eternity. Jack quickly withdrew his hand, pressing it tight to his side, as he stiffly tried but failed to stare up at the unblinking lion.

One thought ran through Jack's head as Sarah sidled up to his side and held him in a half-embrace: he was not welcome in this home.

Heather, on the other hand, was a tall and fit gazelle with a pair of proud horns that rose high past her long ears, curving out to the sides, and then curling into one another as if they had meant to, but never quite could, meet at the centre. She was positively excited to meet with Jack, and said to him something along the lines of, "About time Sarah introduced you to us."

In all honesty, Jack hadn't been paying too much attention. He just kept sparing glances at AJ, who'd gone up to Heather's side after roughly bumping the retriever on the shoulder. It was just one of a small number of things AJ had done to Jack since the two had been introduced to one another. Innocent enough at first, if a little annoying, but the more it happened, the less Jack came to believe AJ's few words that tried to make it seem as if it had all been just an accident.

At his girlfriend's behest, he followed the trio deeper into the depths of the mansion, so suddenly uncertain about this whole weekend.

The four of them settled on a set of cushioned chairs just beyond the foyer -- beside the kitchen, where Jack could catch the tantalizing scent of something sweet, smoky, and savoury wafting from behind those doors. Here he mostly kept to himself, watching and listening as the three of them caught up on the day's events, only to speak up whenever the attention was drawn to himself. It wasn't often. Jack took note of the way AJ would roll his eyes, or scoff, or very simply glare at him when all eyes weren't on the imposing lion.

"And that about covers it," hummed Sarah as she set her hand on Jack's thigh, patting it much like she occasionally would between his ears, "right, Jack?" She'd been talking about how they met but he hadn't been paying much attention. Again, AJ took center stage of his thoughts.

"R-Right, yeah." Jack faked a small cough, cleared his throat, and smiled at the three others who stared at him with a sort of expectant look that said they wanted to hear more of what he had to say. The retriever had to suppress a sigh as he steadied his hands against his thighs, one of them settling gently atop Sarah's roaming fingers. "That-that about covers it all, I'd say."

And so the afternoon went. Jack wanted to pay more attention to what was going on around him. He wanted to engage with them. He wanted everything to go right. But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't welcome in this home. AJ just wouldn't stop glaring daggers at him. He wouldn't --

"Oh, that reminds me!" Heather stood from her seat, her slender fingers twirling across AJ's proud mane, momentarily drawing the lion's gaze away from Jack, "Dinner! There's just a few more things that need to be set up. Sarah, would you..." Heather nudged her head in the direction of the kitchen, "Need a little help."

Sarah stood without saying a word. When Jack did the same to offer his services, and to get away from the lion that clearly wanted him out, he was gently pushed back onto the seat by the comparatively smaller lioness with the single-worded command, "Stay." He almost whimpered.

She leaned in to give him a peck on the lips -- nothing serious; just enough to reassure him that everything was going well, and that he was doing alright. Jack figured that she was willingly ignoring the dirty stares her brother was throwing at him, or she was blissfully oblivious to the fact. Regardless, it meant that he was on his own in that regard.

And now? Now he was alone with the lion, whose large and pointed claws tapped away at cushioned armrests while staring at Jack with clenched jaw and tight fists.

Again he cleared his throat, licked lips that felt so suddenly dry, tapped his foot to the rhythm of a song he couldn't quite catch in his mind, sniffed, rubbed at the back of his head, and heaved a heavy and slow sigh. Jack sat up a little straighter, crossed one leg over the other and then quickly switched them around when that first position felt far-too uncomfortable. He could feel the pop, pop, of his spine settling into place, and could hear the audible crack of his neck finding its right position when he turned it at a slightly awkward angle.

"Well, ah... you have a -- well, this is all very impressive." He cast his eyes about the room. "It's... it's quite the house."

"Yes," AJ finally said. His voice was just... distant thunder. The rumbling one felt inside their chest right before lightning struck; "it is a nice home, isn't it?"

"Uhm... Yes."

"Well," AJ realigned himself, leaning forward now instead of lounging back like he'd been. The lion glanced back to the kitchen with an almost exaggerated turn of his head while saying, "now that you've seen it -- get out."

"I..." Jack swallowed. "W-What?"

"Out," repeated AJ just a tad more firmly, yet not loud enough that the girls would have heard him from the kitchen. To further prove the point, he cast his finger at the front door; "and don't come back, Jack." The way he said Jack's name -- there was a distasteful impact to his voice. For a brief moment, Jack reeled, as equally unsure as he was shaken.

"I don't..."

"Fucking hell, mate." AJ's look of exasperation was matched only by his annoyance at the retriever. "You dogs are all the same, you know that?"

"What are you talking about? What did I-"

"Submissive little cunt." He pointed at Jack. "Can't think for yourself. Can't get out ahead without latching onto someone better than you, is it?"

"Hey, wait -- wait, I think there's been some sort of-"

"Fucking leech. You really don't think I see what you're doing to my sister?"

"I'm not doing anything to her," Jack said, barely keeping himself from stammering as he felt around for something to hold on to -- himself, then, for fear that his claws would rip right through his chair's comfortable cushions.

"Yet," snapped AJ, "and I'm not about to let anything happen. So you can get out, Jack, and go back to wherever you came from. I don't want you in this house, and I don't want you anywhere near my sister. Are we clear?"

"I..." He swallowed hard. AJ's stare was intense. "I can't do that."

"Yes, you can." AJ stood his impressive height. Jack's eyes quickly wandered all over the lion's body -- he didn't stand a chance against this beast. "Get out, and don't talk to my sister again." The lion quickly closed the gap and grasped Jack by the collar of his shirt to hoist him up from his seat. With a dangerous snarl, lips curling back to reveal a tidy row of pristine white teeth and large flesh-rending fangs, AJ finished; "Else I personally make sure you never talk to her again. Do we have an understanding, dog?"

"P-Perfectly," stammered Jack. His hands went everywhere, anywhere, as long as it wasn't AJ. "I... I got it. I'll leave. Just don't..." He swallowed -- how the hell was he going to explain this to Sarah? "Just don't hurt me, alright? I'll go. You won't see me again."

"Good lad," hummed AJ as he pulled the retriever to himself, a sly and dangerous smile playing at his lips. Before Jack could even utter a sound, he felt the long and rough tongue scratch against the side of his cheek. It curled around his sharp jaw and left a trail of slobber right up to the underside of his right eye. "God damn, I can almost taste your fear. Leave your bags, you won't need them. Now -- get the fuck out of my house."


He couldn't just leave her.

God, what was AJ going to do if he found him here?

Jack took a shallow, slow, and steadying breath of air as he huddled in as close to the darkest corner of the walk-in closet as he could. The retriever listened to the sounds coming just outside the door -- the bedroom he'd accidentally snuck into. They were whispering to one another, AJ and Heather, but it sounded like they were about to -

Why? Out of all the damned rooms in this home, why did it have to be AJ's bedroom?

The retriever knew, as he swallowed a hard lump of saliva, that he was just feet away from the lion and his girlfriend. His only salvation was the closet's door. He prayed -- god, he actually let out a prayer to anyone who might be listening -- to keep his hide safe. What had this night come to?

If he'd just broken up with Sarah over the phone, like AJ had implied as Jack was escorted out of the home, then maybe -

"Please," said a young, feminine, sultry voice; it was Heather, "it's my birthday. Come on, it'll be fun."

... this would have all been avoided. He wouldn't be stuck in this mess. But then he thought of her -

"Listen... just," AJ almost stammered, nearly taking Jack by surprise as he listened to the tall lion's uncertainty, "alright, fine, just stop looking at me like that. I've never-"

... those sweet and innocent eyes she had, and the heartbreak she'd feel, and -- he couldn't do that to her. He loved the girl. Jack needed her to know about what AJ had told him, before the one relationship he'd truly cared for went down the gutter.

"-ease into it," murmured Heather's voice as Jack listened to the sound of rustling fabric and a disgruntled sigh. Whatever was happening out there, AJ was not really enjoying himself; "like that. Comfortable?"

"I..." Jack could almost hear the lion audibly swallow, "Yes? I am."

"That's my king. Now... here, these."

"H-Heather, baby, do I really have to-?"

"Yes, you do."

"I can't see."

"That's the point! Half the fun is not knowing what'll happen to you, the other half is... You'll figure it out."

"I swear to god, Heather, the things I do for you..."

"And they are appreciated." The way Heather said that word, with a sort of heavy inflection to the last three letters, outed an accent that he figured she'd been trying to suppress. "The necklace was nice, but this?" Smack! Jack almost felt the sting of an open hand against his own rear -- given the drawn out gasp and subsequent tight, held-in moan, AJ felt it too.

The thought of it all... Jack risked a peek from out the closet. Nothing but a slim crack so that he could have a small look into the bedroom. It wasn't the smart thing to do -- he should have stayed put, silent as a mouse, but the thought of Heather putting AJ in his place? It was too damned enticing.

Judging by the lion's reactions, this was his first time too.

"C-Come on, Heather."

"Let me have my fun! And no rushing me. I am going to take my time with you, dear, and I'm going to enjoy every second of it. It'll be -" Something dinged -- her phone. From the darkness, Jack watched Heather reach for it. She suddenly froze and mouthed a near-silent, "... oh."

"Uh... Heather?"

"I... uhm..." She audibly stammered. "AJ, I'm going to be right back, okay?"

"Wait, Heather, what are you-"

"I'll be quick! I swear! Just... I'll be right back!" She'd grabbed some things. Jack noted her handbag, phone, wallet. But it was clumsy -- as if she were in a hurry. Well, she was in a hurry.

"Wait, at least-" Jack held back, hiding deeper into the shadows of the closet as he listened for the clopping of heels against hardwood flooring, then the sharp slam of a door, "... untie me first. Fuck."

For a few short minutes, there was nothing but the silence which had presided over the bedroom when Jack first made his entrance. If he just held still long enough, and closed his eyes, and steadied his breath, then he could have sworn that there was nobody else out there. Wishful thinking, he thought to himself, as he spared another cautious peek around the closet's door.

Tied up? AJ had complained about Heather not untying him when she'd left the room. And then... what was that other thing AJ had said? He couldn't see. Tied up and blindfolded, which meant... if he was quiet enough, he could still slip out of the bedroom. That, or the retriever could stay in the closet for the rest of the night.

Jack already knew the answer, judging by the pins and needles he felt prickling against the entirety of his right leg.

All he had to do was stay quiet. He slowly began easing the closet's door open, and with a soft breath prayed -- god, he prayed -- that AJ wasn't just sitting there waiting for Jack to pop out of his hole.

It almost felt as if he were alone -- almost. Jack looked left to the bedroom's door and saw that it was closed tight, although not locked. Just made it easier on him to get out. From this angle, Jack couldn't see anyone, nor was there anything worth noting except a few odds and ends scattered around the floor; sporting equipment, Jack guessed. Made sense that it'd be in AJ's room.

Speaking of the lion... Jack nudged the closet door a little father, glanced around its solid surface that had kept him hidden away for so long, and for a brief moment tried to understand what he was looking at. Like a... clump of sheets haphazardly strewn across the bed. A dark and amorphous mass that didn't register as anything of importance while Jack frantically scanned the room for signs of AJ. But then... a swish of something -- a tail, and so that mass took shape, and as Jack finally crept out of the closet, he came to understand what exactly it was that he'd been looking at.

AJ was turned out across the bed, stomach down, his head turned to the side so he could afford himself some room to breathe.The lion was draped over a thick pillow, making it so his rear was turned up to the air, giving off the impression that AJ had been willingly presenting himself to all who came across him. His hands and feet were tightly bound to each of the four corners of his bed, a hold so tight that Jack didn't doubt AJ's inability to go anywhere or do anything. Heather had done this?

Jack swallowed hard, curiosity getting the better of him. He knew now, at least, that he had some time to linger. He'd heard the roar of an engine as he came out of the closet, meaning Heather wouldn't be barging in without a moment's notice. .

He just needed to see... The retriever came around to AJ's backside and with timid, careful steps he brought himself close enough that he could see anything he wanted, but far enough to not give AJ a moment to doubt his assumed privacy. Even if the lion found out that someone was in the room, Jack would have preferred for him to think that it was Heather.

No reason to spark any more ire than what there already was.

With the way the lion had his legs spread Jack could see... everything, and he certainly took his time to appreciate everything that AJ had to offer. The lion's toned and strong body looked even more imposing now that it was laid out in the bare; the years of constant activity had left his ass almost as perfectly sculpted as the lion's abs, although these still held that spring-like firmness Jack loved to see; just below them Jack could make out the lion's pair of sandy-furred balls tucked tight between his body and the bed, nestled just above the peeking tip of the lion's barbed feline crown, which --

Small? His eyes had wandered somewhere else already, but he had to look back again. Nothing like the bulge he'd seen stuffed into the lion's trousers earlier in the day. Not a shower nor a grower either. AJ was already fully erect and twitching in nervous delight.

The retriever swallowed hard. He'd barely caught himself salivating at the thought of burying his snout between those cheeks by the time he came up to the foot of the bed. His mind told him no -- this wasn't right; he shouldn't do this to his girlfriend's older brother, and he sure as hell shouldn't be fucking with someone like AJ. And yet...

He brought his right hand up and, for a moment, allowed it to hover just above AJ's right cheek. Plump, firm, tight. He could barely see the lion's waiting asshole, but he knew... just had to spread the man a little so that he could see everything he wanted. This was the retriever's moment to back off, or so he told himself, knowing full well that there wouldn't be another chance like this in his life.

"F-FUCK!" screamed AJ as Jack swatted his hand across the lion's ass, watching mesmerized as the lion's cheeks momentarily bounced and jiggled, before firming right back up as if demanding to be spanked again. "H-Heather?" Jack didn't reply, just held his hand tight against the lion's cheek while waiting out AJ's confused blubbering. A small smile was finally playing across the retriever's snout. "J-Jesus, Heather. You scared me. Have you... have you been in here this whole time?"

Yes, he was. Jack found himself longing to tell the lion this but... No. Not now. Not yet. He knew himself well enough to know that he wasn't leaving this bedroom anytime soon.

He silently drew his finger down across the lion's cheek, allowing the weight of his hand to press down as he rounded the curve to settle on the back of AJ's well-defined thigh. The lion shivered again, then breathlessly turned his head a little as he wrung his hands against the restraint and said, "Silent treatment? Are we really doing that?"

Jack threaded his fingers along the lion's tightened spine as he leaned up to hold his snout to AJ's ear. He let out the low breath he felt like he'd been holding in this entire time and simply watched, amused more than anything, when AJ jumped and tried to turn his head more than he could. It almost made Jack's heart skip a beat, thinking that AJ would do something to him, but then he remembered and almost laughed at his own nervous reaction.

As he allowed his fingers to explore back down AJ's back, and closer to his ass, he started to hear more of the lion's protests. It was almost cute, seeing how this supposed Alpha was squirming under his touch.

"C'mon Heather. You knew we agreed that we wouldn't... you know?" Jack grinned and, without so much as a breath of warning, hooked his fingers between AJ's cheeks to spread him out a little. The tip of one teased the lion's entrance, earning Jack an incredibly satisfying shudder that he found himself wanting to replicate over and over again. "H-Heather!"

Jack could see his hands aggressively tightening into balled-up fists over and over again while he kept squirming and shaking his head-- it's all that AJ could do to express his own discomfort.

Jack held the lion's cheeks apart with one hand while the other he used to tease AJ just a little more. It was his discomfort -- Jack wanted to see as much of it as he wanted to turn AJ into a moaning mess. With the tip of his finger, Jack began a slow massage of AJ's hole, all the while he salivated at the thought of really digging into the lion.

He just barely managed to hold himself back. After all, AJ still thought that --

"Come on, Heather! You promised. You-" AJ nearly whined as he gently thrashed on his bed, struggling fruitlessly against his restraints. The lion had been trying to get his blindfold off, if only a little, to look at his girlfriend in the eyes. Jack couldn't have cared less about that, being far too absorbed in slowly beginning to spread the lion's backdoor just a little wider. Slow, careful, and almost methodical in the way he turned the tip of his finger in small circles with an increasing amount of pressure.

Just a little more, and he'd finally pop into the lion. AJ felt it too -- how couldn't he feel the way his ass was starting to give way for that finger. The thought of it must have set panic in his heart, because AJ finally gave one last and strong thrash that even caught Jack off-guard. It was-


With a gasp, Jack looked up to see one fiery eye glaring at him from the side of a blindfold that had barely slipped off. Enough for them to meet eyes. Enough to know who had been manhandling him this whole time.

"You sick fuck! Let me go!"

Jack felt a flash of fear and then... he couldn't help his grin. "Easy, boy. Easy," Jack patted the lion's back and, with a sly and devious grin, leaned down to press a kiss against AJ's right cheek. The lion almost roared his disapproval as he felt the dog's lips against his bare ass. Had this been Jack's bed, it would have rattled itself apart with the way which AJ struggled against his restraints.

"Let me go!"

"You just stay there and... ah, yeah, just let me work my magic." He'd set himself behind the trussed up lion, who was still squirming as he uselessly fought against the restraints -- Jack had to give it to Heather, the gazelle knew how to properly tie a man up. Now that he had no pretense to stay hidden from AJ, Jack spared no moment to grope AJ, feeling the way his ass fell plush to his roaming hands, before he allowed them to fall lower still, to AJ's package. "Tiny fuck, are you?"

"Sh-Shut the fuck up, dog!" spat AJ as he again struggled against his restraints, while doing his best to not think about -- Jack's hand fell around the head of his cock, which flared up with renewed excitement even against his better judgement at the mere touch of someone else. "S-Stop it!"

"Ahah! You're actually enjoying this!" Jack's grin was purposefully turned so that AJ could see it. "I don't know what's got you more excited: being called out for the tiny bitch that you are, or getting groped by a fucking dog."

Neither of those, AJ would have thought to himself. Definitely not the touch of a stupid fucking dog, and yet -- "Fucking... stop."

"You stuff your fucking pants, don't you? Little beta boy insecure about his small package?" Again Jack felt him twitch as the words slipped out of his mouth. The retriever saw it in AJ's wide eye: shock, fear, and horror at what he felt. AJ could deny as much as he wanted to, but his body said something else entirely.

His ass was too enticing of an opportunity to pass up. Jack brought himself close to AJ's rear and buried his muzzle into the lion's ass. The man groaned, something akin to a pleading, "No," barely able to leave his muzzled lips as Jack's tongue found its mark on AJ's backdoor.

Everyone always tasted a little differently.

Jack would always wonder about it whenever he saw someone that he was attracted to. Sarah was one, but she still wouldn't let him get anywhere near this position. Gus was someone else -- brief glimpses of the calico flashed across his mind, making the retriever grin ear to ear as he slowly dragged his tongue up along AJ's asshole, coating it in a thick layer of hot slobber; god, he wanted to do this to Gus so badly.

"S-Fuck! Stop!" His pleading cries fell entirely on deaf ears.

As for AJ's taste? Rich and salty and bitter. Not quite off-putting, but rather the kind of taste that kept Jack coming back for more. With every successive lick he found himself moaning, allowing those dull vibrations to travel up from from his throat, through his snout, and deep into AJ's core, causing the lion to clench all the more tightly as Jack slowly began to tease the tip of his tongue against that tight, slobber-slickened asshole.

Just a small nudge... a little push. That's all Jack needed to finally wriggle the tip of his tongue into AJ's ass. The retriever closed his eyes, reveling in the sensation of finally penetrating the lion, tasting his insides, while he worked himself up with the knowledge that all this was just preparation for the actual fun.

He squeezed tight on the lion's cheeks, raised a hand, and while he pushed his tongue deeper into the lion, Jack let his hand fall on AJ's rear with another resounding smack that echoed loudly through the bedroom. It drew a long and pained moan out of the lion that, for a moment, put a stop to the endless stream of expletives as he squeezed down on the stiff intruder that so relentlessly massaged the insides of his tunnel.

"I-I'm going to fucking kill you, you stupid c-cunt!" Jack rolled his eyes as he pressed his tongue deeper into AJ's ass. He'd have to shut him up soon... "I'm going to -- F-Fuck!"

He was enjoying it. His body was enjoying this. Jack could feel it in the way AJ's sphincter wrung at his tongue, as if to milk it for every little inch that he could get inside. He could sense it with how AJ periodically tightened up all through his body, growing stiff before relaxing, then growing stiff again. Which was nothing to say for AJ's twitching cock, which when Jack reached down he realized it was so helplessly drooling precum -- eager for attention that he wasn't giving it.

Jack gave the inside of AJ's ass one last exploratory lick, making damned sure that he savoured every bit of those tight walls that he could get to, before easing the entirety of his tongue back with a final, parting flick over the lion's asshole.

Too much talking.

AJ's voice was grating on his ears. The only thing he wanted coming out of this lion was the sound of his moans and cries of pleasure. Muffle his mouth much in the same way as he'd been left physically restrained.

Jack left the lion with a simple squeeze against his ass; he barely restrained himself from pushing a finger between those cheeks. Instead he took a gander at his immediate surroundings -- it was a mess of scattered clothing and lacrosse equipment. He had something in mind to help muffle the talkative lion.

He held a pristine white lacrosse ball in his hands. It had weight to it, though held together a little more softly than what Jack had expected. Rubbery. Exactly what he needed.

"Open up, boy."

"Fuck you!" snarled AJ with gnashing teeth. Jack could make out the little bits of slobber that had pooled on the bed -- drooling bitch.

"Fine. If that's how you want it..." With a fat grin -- he couldn't help himself anymore -- Jack raised a hand and -

"AH, FU-AUGH!" The resounding CLAP of Jack's hand striking AJ's rear was matched only by that suddenly choked sound that the lion had let out when his maw was so suddenly stuffed with the firm lacrosse ball -- just small enough to fit inside the lion's mouth, and big enough that that he wouldn't swallow and choke.


Jack wasted no time in making sure that the ball would stay exactly where he wanted it. He had a shirt on hand, which reeked of AJ's musky sweat, and without a moment of hesitation he threaded it around the lion's muzzle, tight as tight as he could get it, before tying together the ends so that it wouldn't slip like the blindfold had. Surprisingly easy to do; almost felt to Jack like AJ wanted this to happen.

The retriever stepped back and simply took a moment to admire his work.

Muzzled. Tied. Helpless. This was a moment worth remembering.

"Smile, boy," hummed Jack in an almost sing-song voice as a bright flash from his phone's camera briefly blinded the two of them. AJ's protests came as nothing more than frustrated grunts and half-chokes whenever the ball fell a little too deeply toward his throat. "That's a good one! Come on, spread those cheeks for me." Jack spread him apart to reveal AJ's tight puckered entrance, still slick with the retriever's thick coating of saliva, winking as if looking for more than just an eager tongue.

A second one -- perfect shot at his ass. Then a third one, of AJ's face this time, so he'd never be able to deny who it was that'd been so exposed to Jack's camera.

"Now, you're going to behave, aren't you?" Jack turned his phone and with a lazy flick of his thumb scrolled through the images he'd taken. Amusingly enough, AJ couldn't keep his eyes off the screen. "Cause I just sent these to a pretty good friend of mine, and... well, anything happens to me, and these pictures get out to the world. Think about it, boy..." Jack threaded his fingers along the lion's thick mane as he pressed his lips to AJ's ear, which flicked and flitted as in a vain attempt at ushering him away, "Whole school's gonna have a perfect look at your tight little asshole. The renowned sporting champion! Nothing but a drooling slut."

Nothing but desperate muffled cries on AJ's end as Jack came back down to the lion's prized ass. He stuck his middle finger into his mouth, suckled and savoured himself, then eagerly pressed the tip of it against the lion's asshole.

"Fuck, AJ." Jack licked at his chops and swallowed as he pressed in a little harder, wriggling his finger to tease the lion apart little by little. "Tight little virgin cunt, aren't you?" The lion was nearly mewling as his hole was spread wider and wider. Too big, he seemed to want to say, but all that came through were more of those desperate grunts and... moans. Subtle, yes, but they were there, and becoming far more prominent with every passing second.

Jack set the phone down and grabbed AJ by the balls with the other hand. He couldn't get the lion to move, not with how tightly he'd been restrained, but it was just enough to get the lion to raise his ass when Jack teased him with the tips of his claws.

"Good boy," hummed Jack in mock words of praise as he watched his finger finally pop into the lion's entrance. Felt like he'd spread him out the widest that AJ had ever been. Then, with another prick of claws against AJ's small package, he felt his finger sink deeper into his ass, carving out AJ's tunnel and moulding it to the shape of Jack's thick digit.

The lion twitched, whimpering now, as his claws dug into the sheets of his bed. Not only was Jack pushing a finger into him, but he was hooking it down, making it touch... Again he gasped and mumbled something incomprehensible, another of his futile attempts at getting Jack to just stop even as he struggled to keep his hips from twitching and rolling against Jack's finger.

Jack started with the slow in-and-out pump of his finger, moving it just enough so that AJ could truly feel it grinding against his walls, without ever actually pulling it back all the way. Jack could tell, even if the lion would have said otherwise, that AJ wanted nothing more than to be properly stuffed. "Doesn't that feel wonderful? God, you're a tight fit."

He gently rolled the finger already inside the lion to ease his ass open just a little more... just enough to -- AJ loudly let off a moan as Jack's middle finger pressed inward, to the knuckle just like his index. It took time -- every painful moment that the lion spent feeling that second finger squirm into his asshole made him dig his claws deeper into his bedsheets. They could both barely make out the sound of tearing fabric.

"Hah -- feels like you've never taken anything back here. Am I your first, AJ?"

The lion did the best he could to shake his head, but Jack knew better. "Don't lie to me, AJ. I can tell when a boy's not done anything like this before." He hooked his fingers down, pads pressing tight to where he knew AJ would get the most pleasure out of the treatment. Not enough to get him off, sure, but it should --

AJ's loud and almost painful moan gave Jack pause. Then he felt it -- the way the lion's asshole tightened up considerably around him, as the rest of his tunnel clenched and clamped so tight around his fingers it felt as if AJ's body didn't want him to pull out at all. The lion tried to kick, and when he found that it wasn't possible, his foot began to tremble, then shake, as toes curled inward and claws dug out from their sheaths. Jack just had to look down between the lion's thighs to really confirm the fact that such a small touch already had the lion twitching and gushing in delight. It was a weak stream of cum, but there was enough to make an impression.

"Wow, AJ..." Jack hummed as he watched the lion tremble on the spot. He just kept clawing away, digging holes into his bed as he worked through that sudden and unexpected orgasm that, Jack knew, had only left the lion wanting for more. He wouldn't have been moaning the way he had, halfway between denial and pleasure, if that hadn't been the case.

He eased his fingers out of the lion, and not without any difficulty with how tightly AJ was clamping down on his digits. "Who would have known that you were so... Oh, I'm going to have fun with you, boy." He brought his other hand down and without warning groped the lion by the balls -- a tight enough hold to remind AJ of who was in charge; not that he needed to be reminded anyway. He could struggle all he wanted, but there was no getting out of this one.

One finger began circling around the now-sensitive head of his cock, smeared with pre and a fresh coating of hot cum, while the other teased back at AJ's now slightly-gaped and winking asshole. It was a quick little motion, pushing his fingers both into the lion's asshole as well as teasing into the comparatively tight sheath of his cock, but it did exactly what Jack had wanted it to do -- AJ groaned, shook his head, and half-begged, half-threatened the dog to stop through his improvised ball gag.

The painful throbbing in Jack's pants was the only thing that could take his attention from fingering both AJ's sheath and ass. That's how the retriever saw it in his mind -- nothing but an eager lion who wanted only to be properly fucked onto his bed.

"Feel that, AJ?" Jack rhetorically asked as he stepped out of his pants and allowed the weight of his dick to fall right atop AJ's ready entrance. He was big, Jack had always known this, and from one quick glance he knew that he was much larger than the lion. It gave him a deep-set sense of satisfaction he hadn't felt in a very long time.

It was almost too easy.

Jack drooled all over his canine cock and used his fingers to thoroughly coat his shaft as best he could. Long, hard, and thick as well. He could feel every little vein pulsing under his touch.

"Just relax," whispered Jack as he felt AJ's backdoor tighten when the tip of his drooling tapered head pressed against it, "or don't. Doesn't matter to me anyway. I'm still breaking in a tight bitch."

At that, AJ groaned -- something about the way Jack had said that... the force in his words. Why was it affecting him this way? Why did he... why was he enjoying this?

He was given no time to think of it any further as Jack began to push his head into his ass. The lion squirmed, gasped against his ball gag, moaned and practically pleaded, but none of it dissuaded the retriever from taking what he wanted.

Jack grabbed tight to the base of the lion's tail, then with a gentle huff and deep growl, he pressed in the crown of his cock, and with every successive small thrust he gave AJ yet another inch, spreading him out wider, forcing him to feel the way Jack so overwhelmingly stuffed the lion's rear. When AJ fell so deathly silent, his head overwhelmed with all the painful and pleasurable sensation, Jack was sure to give him a hard swat on his ass. When the lion mewled, then groaned, then struggled to rip off the restraints, Jack rewarded him with yet another inch that further tested the limits of what AJ could take. With every inch that carved deeper into AJ's virgin tunnel, the more Jack came to the realization that he was ruining the man --

Not a man; not anymore. Just a common bitch. Having his ass ruined was exactly what he'd needed. He smacked his lips, savouring the moment, and said to the lion, "You'll never be this tight again. Not after I'm through with you."

God, he was tight. Jack drooled all over AJ's back as he laid down across the lion's torso, burying himself all the way up to the knot. "Every inch," teased Jack as he simply held as still as he could, enjoying the sensation of being so perfectly buried inside AJ's ass. "G-God, AJ. You're a natural cocksleeve."


"Yeah, I know. Don't worry -- I'm going to really stuff you soon. Just..." He brought his hips back and hilted home again. The girth of his dick was enough to really grind on the lion's prostate. Jack could feel it coming again, another one of AJ's hair-trigger orgasms, and he loved it; "take every inch, boy. Squeeze down tight. Show me how much you love to... f-fuck, you're tight!"

Back out again, just a little more, then he hammered back in. The slap of skin against skin was intoxicating. It was the only sound Jack could make out, besides their grunts and moans and his dog-like panting, while he started to truly hammer in on AJ's sensitive, tight, and previously-unspoiled ass.

Nothing would ever please AJ more than Jack's own throbbing cock buried to its hilt, and he loved it.

As for AJ? Jack only spared the lion one quick glance at his face, to see him clamping tight to the lacrosse ball, trembling and shaking, so tightly-wound up that it almost looked as if he was ready to explode.

Which he did, when Jack bottomed out on his ass with enough force that he felt his balls smack hard against AJ's own, which once again tensed as another orgasm was forced out of the lion. He didn't have much else to give in terms of cum, but Jack could still feel how that tight ass just wrapped around him like a proper sleeve, milking him for every drop of pre that he had, begging for his canine cum.

"I'm going to knot you, boy," Jack gasped between pants as he raised himself from the lion's back and, with added vigour, continued to hammer into AJ's ass, "You want that?"

AJ groaned through his gag, a stammered, "MMMHMM!" escaping him as he was was given no reprieve from his orgasm. With an eager roll of his twitching hips, AJ arched his back and pressed as best he could against Jack's own body. The lion couldn't deny how sultry and needy he sounded. He couldn't ignore the pools of slobber that seeped from between his gagged lips. He couldn't even lie to himself enough to say that he wasn't enjoying this because... Fuck, every thought he had was nothing but imagining what Jack's fat knot would feel like buried in his ass. It didn't make sense. It-

The long and methodical strokes grew increasingly desperate as Jack continued to mentally work himself up. He thought about all the things he could do to AJ, now that he had him wrapped around his fingers. The lion would be defiant, but he had the proof, and he'd sent it to someone else. If AJ tried to do anything... Jack could ruin him completely, and AJ was going to learn that the hard way.

"F-Fuck!" Jack gasped as he hammered home. Every successive strike forced AJ's asshole to yawn wider as it struggled to accommodate the retriever's fat knot. "Take it, bitch!" Jack drew his hips back, loving the way AJ's asshole stretched around the girthy length, till only the tip of his drooling tapered head was left lodged in his ass. Then --

It was almost instantaneous. Jack hadn't realized how properly he'd knotted the lion until he heard AJ scream from behind his ball gag. Knowing what was coming, Jack reached around to viciously stroke off the hyper-sensitive lion, whose screams fell to gargled whimpers as yet another dry orgasm was forced out of him.

That initial resistance as he stretched AJ's ass the widest it would ever be, then the way he suddenly slipped the rest of his knot into the lion's ass with so little force -- it felt like AJ's body had finally accepted him. Jack groaned as he roughly humped AJ's ass, taking him like a proper bitch, panting as he felt the pressure in his loins build while AJ's ass relentlessly worked to milk him through his climax.

It finally did him in.

All the frustration. All the confusion. The fears and the lust and the that sense of total domination Jack so desperately craved to impose on others -- it was like an explosion of emotions he'd had bottled up inside as he squirted cum so deep into AJ's ass, he had no doubt that the lion would never get it out of him.

Jack was far from done. With phone in hand, he recorded the way he began to pull out of the lion's ass, loving the stretch as AJ's body struggled to keep him locked in place. It almost looked like he was going to tear the lion apart before, suddenly, it all came free in one sudden move that left him halfway buried into the lion, with cum drooling from the rim of AJ's asshole. In, and out, then back in again. As many times as Jack felt it necessary, until he knew that he'd properly ruined the lion's hole from the little resistance he earned while knotfucking his ass.

One final picture as he finally pulled free entirely. AJ's gaped ass, which pitifully clenched in attempts at trying to tighten up the way it had once been. Then, with a knowing smirk, Jack ran a finger around the lion's stretched rim, absolutely loving the way in which it desperately tried and failed to tighten back up, all the while recording it for future reference. This was a sight he never wanted to forget.

"God, I'm going to have fun with you," Jack said, taking pride in his work as he watched the lion struggle to understand what had happened, all the while his body, with a mind of its own, continuously presented itself to Jack for another chance at being bred.


AJ stopped, hand on his door, and heaved a heavy sigh.

He could smell them: wolf, dog. Jack, and someone else.

What had Sarah told him just a few minutes ago? She was glad that he and her boyfriend were getting along so well? Sure, getting along...

He shouldn't feel this way about a stupid fucking dog. He shouldn't be so fucking worried about what Jack was going to say or what he had planned. And yet... yet he felt the heavy lump in his throat, and the odd and uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. Memories flashed through his head -- it's all he could think of all through the last few days. The way Jack would have him on his knees, struggling to take the length of his massive dick. Bending over to lick up the mess of cum that'd spilled from his ass after Jack had creampied him. Even going as far as being forced to wear Heather's underwear, while being told that he was so small nobody would have guessed that he had a cock.

Humiliating. Infuriating. This was blackmail. Extortion! It was...

AJ gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and sighed as a shudder went through his body. He hated this, he said to himself. He hated this. And he hated Jack. It was all the blackmail. He only did this because of the blackmail, and not because some sick part of him enjoyed this.

He didn't... he didn't enjoy this...

"Fucking... god damn it." He closed his eyes, opened the door, and - "What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?"

"Hey," Jack glared up at him - AJ could see the seriousness in Jack's eyes, something AJ didn't think he'd ever see on the dog, "watch your tone. Close the door." Jack was with someone else, a tall and muscular black wolf. AJ didn't outright recognize him. "That's him, Evan."

"Him? Hah!" Evan's laughter might as well have echoed through the entire mansion. "God damn, Jack! You got AJ?"

"It was..." Jack smiled rather meekly at the compliment, softening up a bit as he felt Evan's hand clap him on the back, "pretty ease to tame him."

"Well, about time someone got to this asshole." Evan stood and sized up the lion. "Hey, AJ."

"Who the fuck are you?"

Evan rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Course you don't remember me. Dumb bitch. Why would you remember a stupid dog, right?" The wolf pressed a finger to AJ's chest, sharp claw digging into the lion's shirt, threatening to push onward past his skin. "Freshman year -- I did nothing to you, and you still humiliated me in front of my girl." Evan turned to look at Jack, finger still tight against the lion. "Pinned me to the ground with his foot, stripped me down to my bares, and forced me to run back to my dorm for everyone to see. I fucking-" And then he shifted his gaze back to the lion, "... I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm, bitch."

AJ snapped, taking a step forward with fists clenched, "Watch your fucking-"

Jack turned a phone around to show the lion what they'd just been watching. AJ felt his heart sink at the sight of the video -- it was him, bent over the bed, mouth agape and begging, as a fat dog knot continuously penetrated his asshole. Just the sight of it... AJ could almost feel the pain and pleasure from the knot-fucking he'd gotten just a few nights ago. The memory of it was still fresh in his mind.

He quickly stammered, eyes wide, not even aware of his own panic as he said, "That's not me!"

"You watch your mouth, AJ," Jack said rather firmly, his dominant persona showing through once again, "and get over here. Give my friend a proper greeting."

AJ almost rolled his eyes -- almost. Jack could do anything with those videos; the fact was, for as long as he had them, AJ couldn't really complain as much as he wanted to. He didn't want to risk it. If anyone else saw what they'd seen...

"Hey," said AJ after a moment of hesitation. Evan was all grins; he fucking hated it. "Welcome to my-"

"I said," Jack raised his voice, "a proper greeting. Strip -- like we trained."

Evan cackled as he fell back on the bed, throwing an arm around Jack's shoulders to give him a proud squeeze. "Trained? Holy -- Oh, this is going to be a sight."

AJ looked to Jack, even as he heard the telltale sound of unzipped jeans, almost as if to silently plead with the retriever to not do this to him. But Jack didn't let up, and rather stared him down until AJ began to do as he'd been instructed.

Slowly, like they'd 'trained'. He first kept his eyes to the ground, a wave of shame overcoming him with how he was exposing himself. Shirt off first -- their eyes were all over him, savouring him without touching. It disgusted him... it excited him. Then his jeans; AJ turned when Jack silently waved his fingers in a circular motion, bent a little, and raised his tail high so they'd get a better look at his ass. With them no longer seeing his face, AJ took the moment to bite down on his lip as he unwittingly shook his hips, as it to entice the two canines to do what they wanted with him.

"Everything, AJ," Jack commanded, and with a sigh AJ did as he was told. Fingers hooked to his tight-fitting sporting underwear, and he turned to reveal a-

"Cock cage!" Evan clapped, grinning wide, as AJ got on his hands and knees to crawl over between Evan's legs. "The gift that keeps on giving."

AJ found that Evan wasted no time in taking what he wanted. He and Jack were about the same length, and yet he still struggled to hold himself together as the tall and dark wolf roughly grabbed him by the back of his head to steady him in place while he hammered home with a ferocious and frightening energy.

"F-Fuck, I've been... fucking pent up." Large furred balls continuously smacked against the lion's chin as AJ struggled to keep tears from his eyes. He gagged hard whenever the cock breached his throat, was barely able to catch a breath of air whenever Evan pulled back, only to have it all knocked from his throat when he hammered in once more. His rough tongue worked at massaging that girthy canine cock.

He hated this. He didn't enjoy this. He didn't want -- The minutes just kept ticking by. Evan didn't stop, didn't slow down, didn't so much as miss a beat as he used AJ as nothing more than a toy.

Then the wolf pulled back, nearly howling in pleasure as AJ felt his cock swell inside his mouth. With the tight grip Evan had on him, the lion had no room to pull back. Nothing one moment, the next AJ spent desperately trying to swallow down mouthfuls of cum that wouldn't stop pouring down his throat. Too much -- it was too much. Those balls just kept pumping more into him... too much for him to swallow down. AJ coughed with Evan's swollen head stuffing his mouth, and felt a deluge of thick and hot cum spill from his lips.

It was Evan's cue to pull out and roughly push the lion down, forcing him to smear his head against the cum that the lion had just spilled all over his floor, while he jerked himself off through the last few spurts of his own oragsm.

"Lick it up, bitch," commanded Evan as he triumphantly set his foot down on the lion's head to keep him in place. AJ just whimpered, the taste of cum and Evan's heavy musk dulling his senses as he worked to clean up the mess he'd made, his rough tongue drawing up and down across his dirty floor.

From above him, AJ heard Jack rather meekly ask, "Well... am I in?"

"With a catch like this? Hell yes." The retriever was practically beaming with pride at this point. "Welcome to ADO, Jack. Now, uh..." He looked down at the lion, who squirmed under his foot while somewhat reluctantly licking up the cum still on the floor, "how about a go at his ass? To celebrate."