Day 25 - Cozy

Story by lantheorc on SoFurry

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#24 of Orctober 2020

With this story, we bring the third batch to a close, leaving only 6 more stories to this Orctober collection. This one in specific could only be made by the helpful suggestions of FabulousMoose thanks for the help big bear, I hope you can enjoy this one. This one is part of a series of short stories based on prompts given by Dnddentist . Remember to leave your comments below and to vote if you liked this story.

Fire cackled before the large bear, the reds, oranges and yellows of the flame eating away the lumber in the hearth. Thick white fur clashed with the rug's own brown as the chubby bear laid on his side. Not a piece of clothing hid his figure, the mounds and valleys of his body bare for all to see. A pleased smirk adorned the bear's muzzle, his cotton like tail wagging happily behind him. The roaring winds that hit the window made the ursine ears twitch, a pleased hum coming from the wide neck.

The bear's eyes slowly traced the vast room, his muscles aching from the harsh climb of the day. Dark brown wooden walls rose around him, tall but welcoming. Dozens of framed pictures spread all over their surfaces, some the bear recognized having seen the original landscapes just a few hours ago but others, mostly those filled with bulky orcs, remained a mystery to him. A few windows showed the ivory storm that raged outside, the darkness of the night making it hard to distinguish anything beyond the cabin. The bear thanked his lucky star for making good time on the hike and quickly resumed his perusal. His eyes moved from the walls to the furniture sprawled over the rough wooden floor. They were all rustic but sturdy, made for persons much larger and heavier than him. Following the unspoken theme of the cabin, they were all made out of wood and leather. Just like the sofas that framed the bear upon the rug he laid on. At a glance they looked comfortable and warm, but the bear knew well they were hard and cold from his first foray into the room. The bear took a deep breath, the scent of leather, sweat and age hung heavy in the air, and it made the bear wonder just how many times his host had brought people here and how many others had done the same.

The bear's musings were interrupted by heavy footfalls, his round ears twitching at the sound. With a lazy move brought by relaxation, the bear turned his head towards the far end of the room, where a large frame led to broad hallway. There stood a heavy set orc with a mane of dark auburn hair, dark green skin bulging with muscles. His red plaid shirt strained to contain his hearty gut while his black furred trousers hugged his thick calves. Spires of ivory rose from his bottom lips to form tusks, proudly decorated with rings of silver. Friendly gold eyes met the bear's dark brown ones, the relaxed smile on his face reflecting on those honest orbs. The clinking of glass brought the bear's attention to the meaty fingers balancing a pair of delicate wine glasses in one hand and a dark green bottle in the other.

"Found them and I see you made yourself at home."

"Once the fire was going, I couldn't resist."

"It's good to know we're of the same mind then. But I think I'll need some help with my own clothes, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, not at all."

The orc's hulking form sat by the bear's side, the floor trembling under his weight. The strong smell of alcohol filled the air when green fingers made quick work of the cork. Dark red liquid poured into one of the glasses, the underlying rich earthy aroma tickling the bear's nose. The white bruin took the offered cup gently, sparks running over his skin where their fingers met. The large orc let out a gasp while a playful smile crossed the bear's muzzle. The orc gulped loudly, his cheeks tinting a soft red as he proceeded to fill his own cup. Their glasses clinked when they tapped them softly, the red liquid sloshing inside. The first sip brought a smile from them both, a low groan leaving the ursine muzzle when the strong sweet taste of the wine woke up his taste buds. The second sip brought a growl from the large orc, his eyes glinting with nerves and desire. The third sip, rounded the experience, spreading the gentle warm of the drink around their bellies.

"Do you like it?" The orc rumbled after a few seconds of silence, a hopeful tone in his voice.

"Yes. I do. It's been a while since I had anything this good." the bear replied with a pleased growl, tail wagging happily behind him.

A smile broke out in the green face, his body leaned forward unconsciously, seeking the bruin's warmth.

"It was worth the climb, then? No regrets?"

"Oh I don't know, there was this big orc claiming we were going to have such a good time," white furred fingers landed on the orc's chest, tracing gentle circles over the big pecs, "but he still has all this pesky clothing on him?"

"Ah, and this orc, is he big and strong?" a mischievous glint shone in the orc's eyes, his hands setting his cup by his side, next to the bottle.

"Yes, he's very big, about your height, with such thick arms and solid pecs."

The orc's pecs bounced under the bear's fingers, a cocky grin appearing on the tusked face. "Like these?"

"Exactly like those, you may know him after all." Quick fingers popped three buttons from the plaid shirt, revealing the forest of red hair beneath it.

"Yes, I may know him, you naughty bear."

"You do? Then, do you think he will show me the promised good time?" the bruin replied with mock concern, his dick rising from his loins.

Large orc hands snuck under the bear's chin, lifting it up so their eyes could met. Lust danced in both of them, the air heavy with their combined musk. A rough thumb caressed the ivory chin, the orc's large body looming over the bear's.

"I think he will after a few cups, if a certain bear is okay with that."

"And if he were?"

"Then, I'd ask if I could kiss you."

"You may," said the bear with a husky voice.

The orc's lips met with the bear's own, the tusks and muzzles forcing the two to find a compromise between passion and convenience. The bear groaned when the orc sucked at his lips, his body shivered when warm hands caressed his plum stomach and were it no for quick reflexes, his cup may have fallen from his hand. The kiss was broken moments later, the bear's eyes catching the tented bulge in the orc's pants.

"Are you still up for it?" the orc asked with a rumble, golden eyes full of life and desire. The bear couldn't help but shudder, his mind running with ideas of what those big hands could do.

"After a few glasses, yeah."

"We got all weekend and there's a storm outside."

"You master plan has been revealed."

"What can I say? I have a weakness for handsome orcs."

"Excellent, I have a weakness for sexy bears."

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The trumpets blared in across the crowded room, announcing the start of the show. The light of the restaurant dimmed down, leaving only small candles on each table as the sole source of light. The drums joined in, their beats cascading like a...

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