The Silent Treatment

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#12 of One Shots

"The bully takes an interest on the quiet nerd."

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The Silent Treatment by RVasil

Inspired by JessiMutt's artwork [1]

Terrance was used to being stared at.

Growing up, he found himself being the target of other kids, finding his height a source of amusement. He was tall, even for someone that was young, and the kids found the idea absolutely hilarious. They cracked jokes at his expense, and made him the laughing stock in the playground. However, unlike other kids, Terrance was the type of person who didn't let others push him around. His hot headed personality got him into fights, and his childhood consisted mostly of schoolyard brawls that resulted in bruises, crying children whose bark was worse than their bite, and adults who scolded him for throwing the first punch.

High School wasn't any better. Put hormonally infused teens that are recklessly impulsive with unpredictable mood swings in one place, and you're bound to have something bad happen at some point. Terrance found himself in questionable company. By that point, he was primarily labelled as a delinquent, and he took pride at being given such notoriety. He, and his peers, must have broken every single rule that the school had. Terrance being seen with a black eye was such a normal occurrence, you'd think it was a normal facial feature for him. Puberty and hormones ravaged Terrance's body and personality. The great dane's tall and lanky frame began to fill, his entire physique changing over the course of months. The 'great' finally began to kick in. His arms grew thicker, his shoulders grew wider, and his entire demeanor went from a bad boy, to a Bad Boy.

That wasn't to say that Terrance was all brawn and no brain. He wasn't dumb; far from it. Terrance was surprisingly book smart, able to keep up with his more academically minded peers. Some even questioned the validity of his grades, wondering if they were made possible because of cheating. Most who called him out were relegated with a proper beating outside of the school campus.

Much like every teen, Terrance was a hornball. He could practically get an erection from the littlest of things. He must have spent more time masturbating in his room than doing anything remotely productive. What he masturbated to was also a curiosity. Terrance's sexual awakening was as confusing as a winter storm on a sunny day. Upon recommendation from his friends, he visited a porn site that hosted a variety of depravity. However, he always found himself more drawn to the hunky and hung male actors rather than the voluptuous and busty women. He liked how the male actors pounded their co-stars. How dominating they were and the level of control they seemed to exert with just their presence alone. He was jealous of the women; in his mind, he wanted to be in their place. The fantasy itself easily stirring his loins. It didn't take long for him to take a peek at the 'males only' category, and from there he never went back. It only spiralled more and more until he eventually realized he was in fact gay. Not that it was a problem for him. He liked cock, and he didn't give a damn what others thought. Anyone who had a problem with it would have been met with a solid fist to the face.

His relationships throughout highschool were as fleeting as a lightning strike. Quick, fast, but instantly disappearing in a flash. One day he was sucking cock in the locker room after gym, the next he was riding a fellow classmate out at the back of the school building. They were fleeting, forgettable, and fueled by nothing but raging hormones. No words were said, and none were needed. They just met, dropped their pants, and went to town.

This went on till he eventually got into college. Now as a young adult, Terrance wanted something more. Sure he liked the idea of sex--who doesn't--but he wanted a relationship, not booty calls. People were more complicated in college. Unlike his teen years, people were harder to read, and Terrance's gaydar wasn't up to snuff. He couldn't tell who was interested in who, and it was a problem for him when he started to develop a crush on a certain individual.

The focus of his interest was a classmate of his, a small corgi named Corry. Terrance would describe the canine as smart, skilled, and earnest. Corry was always on time with his schoolwork, always aced the tests, but surprisingly kept to himself. Terrance never saw Corry with anyone. Even after class, the corgi would just magically disappear into the crowd, and Terrance would never get the chance to speak with him. It bothered Terrance to the point where it annoyed him. He wanted to speak with him; he wanted to befriend him. But the chance never seemingly came, until it did.

One day, Terrance was running late for class.

The lecture hall door slid open, and the exhausted great dane slipped through. The professor standing by the whiteboard looked up and gave him a knowing look. "Glad of you to join us, Terrance. Please have a seat."

Terrance huffed, ignoring his fellow classmates as they lightly chuckled to themselves before turning back to the lecture. The canine turned his head to see if there were any vacant seats available. There was only one. Terrance made a beeline towards it, and parked his ass on the seat. It was only when he began to take out his notebook when he realized who he was sitting next to.

It was Corry! The corgi was busy scribbling in his notes as the professor continued to drone on about whatever topic that was being discussed for the day. Terrance couldn't help but smile. He might actually be able to talk to him now.

"Alright class, I'm going to need you all to write this down. This is going to appear in your exam."

A resounding groan echoed across the room as everyone began to pay more attention to what was being taught. Terrance rolled his eyes, opening his notebook to take down notes as well. That was when he realized the pen he brought with him was out of ink. "Fuck..." he muttered to himself, letting out a sigh of frustration. He was about to look into his backpack to see if he had any spare with him when he felt someone poke his sides. The dane turned his head with a scowl on his face. "What?"

The person who poked him was Corry. He was smiling at him, his bright eyes shining behind his circular spectacles. In the corgi's hand was a ballpen, and it seemed he was handing it to him. Terrance was surprised at the gesture. But immediately took it with only a light huff as a thank you. Corry blinked, before going back to his note scribblings.

The class went on, their professor moving from one bullet point to the next. Terrance leaned back in his chair, seeing Corry prop his head up with his hand on the desk from the corner of his eye. The Dane let out a quiet huff. "The name's Terrance, by the way."

The corgi's ears perked up, and he lightly turned his head to address him. He nodded, offering Terrance a kind smile in response. "Are you doing anything later this afternoon?" Terrance ventured to ask. Now was as good a chance as any.

Corry visibly flinched, turning his head fully to look at him. His expression was both of shock and what Terrance assumed was surprise. What for, he didn't know. Terrance figured he should at least elaborate. "Your notes are wrong," he said flatly, giving Corry's notes a side eye. "If you want to solve for the angle you have to use the inverse sign." He then nonchalantly pointed to the formula in question that was written incorrectly. He then pointed to the number that Corry boxed as his final solution. "That's why this is off the mark."

Corry momentarily looked at his notes, and then realized that Terrance was absolutely correct. He had been punching the numbers in the calculator for what seemed like minutes now and was wondering why he kept getting the wrong answer. "If you're getting something that simple wrong then you may need some help," Terrance said, looking back to what the professor was writing on the board.

Corry looked flustered, avoiding his gaze and covering his face. Terrance found it absolutely adorable but equally peculiar that the corgi was remaining silent. Still, he understood that maybe he was coming off a bit too strong. "I might teach you if you ask me nicely." Terrance said, pulling back. "Just hit me up." The corgi nodded, a light blush forming across his cheeks.

Class ended an hour or so later. The professor began wiping down the board, and the students began to file out one after the other. Terrance turned to Corry who was busy placing his notebooks back into his backpack. "Thanks for the pen," Terrance said, and instead of handing it back, he pocketed it. "I'm keeping it. I still have a class after this."

Corry remained quiet, opting instead to just nod and then continue to fix his items. It left the Dane a little bit confused. "I'll give it back if you remind me."

Corry smiled at him, his tail visibly shaking from behind him. He then excused himself, moving past the confused canine and heading out the door. Terrance stood there for a few minutes absolutely confused with their interaction. He was happy that he finally got the chance to interact with the corgi, but he couldn't shake the elephant in the room. Why was he so quiet? Was he messing with him? The thought lingered in the canine's mind as the day went on. Unfortunately, that was the only time that Terrance and Corry sat next to each other that day, so Terrance was never able to ask the corgi directly.

It got to a point that Terrance had to ask another classmate of his to see if it wasn't just him. "Do you know Corry?"

The student looked up, and wondered where the loud voice was coming from. He comically pointed to himself, to which Terrance responded with an irritated scowl.

"Uh, yeah," his classmate responded. "The corgi? What about him?"

"Is he always that quiet?"

His classmate looked at him oddly. "Uh, yeah." He began to stand up, looking like someone that was in danger. "He is. He's always been like that." The student then began to walk away but unfortunately Terrance began to follow him. The Dane cornered him to which the student rightfully yelped out loud. "Please don't hurt me!"

Terrance just rolled his eyes. "I wasn't done talking to you, dumbass." He continued his line of questioning by then asking, "Is he just really like that? Just a man of a few words?"

The student was admittedly confused with the line of questioning but figured irritating the canine any further would result in bodily harm. "Yeah, yeah. He is. He definitely is. Maybe even lesser."

Terrance huffed, letting his fellow classmate free from his pointed questioning. The student briskly walked off, feeling immediate relief wash over him.

The notion stuck with Terrance as the days went by. It only made his curiosity and interest in the corgi all the more greater. His interactions with Corry were sparse, primarily filled with nothing more than quiet stares and warm smiles. It eventually dawned on Terrance that maybe Corry was just shy. If there was one thing Terrance knew, was that no one stared at anyone like that for that long unless they were interested in them. Terrance figured it was time for him to just be upfront about things and his feelings.

It was one lazy afternoon. Classes had just ended and Terrance was out and about, looking for the corgi in particular. He walked outside of the class building and tried to guess where Corry would be. At first Terrance assumed Corry would be in the cafeteria but shook his head. They were going to have an exam in a few days, and he rightfully guessed that Corry, being a very studious individual, would have been studying heavily for it. The library was a decent guess, but he had already seen him a day ago checking out some books. Corry didn't need to go back to the library until quite some time. The only place left would have been a quiet place for the man to study, and there was only one place like that on campus that was close enough to where he was.

Terrance began walking and a few minutes later found himself behind the campus gymnasium. Not many students knew of the area, and it was surprisingly peaceful and quiet given that sport practices ended around this time of day. No one was going to bother you here if you were here by yourself

The dane smiled to himself, finding his guess to be on the mark. The corgi was quietly seated on one of the stone chairs, minding his own business and quite possibly buried in the mountain of books next to him. Corry was so focused that he didn't hear Terrance walk up to him, and only noticed his presence when the dane gently poke him on the back.

The corgi jumped up in surprise, fumbling towards the floor as he spun around to see who had poke him. Terrance let out a light chuckle seeing the canine try to pick himself up. "You should have seen yourself!" he said, poking fun at the corgi. "I've never seen anyone jump that high from a seating position!" The dane knelt on the floor, grabbing Corry's eyeglass that flew when he toppled to the ground. "Here," he said, handing it over. "You dropped your eyes."

The corgi cleaned himself up, brushing off the dirt that got onto his clothes. He then took the glasses from Terrance's hand and put them on his face. It took a moment for Corry's eyes to adjust, and it was only then did he recognize who had poked him. Upon seeing it was none other than Terrance, Corry just pouted at him, before eventually relaxing into a smile. He motioned to the empty seat next to him, and Terrance nodded. "I envy you. You have the diligence to actually study a week ahead for the exams," Terrance said, glancing at the various notes and scribbles Corry had on his notepad next to the large tome of a textbook. He then cleared his throat, figuring it was best to just get straight to the point. "Listen, uh, I wanted to talk to you."

Corry's ear twitched, and he turned his head to face him.

Terrance wasn't the type to beat around the bush. "I like you, Corry."

The corgi's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Terrance watched as a light blush formed across Corry's face. He remained silent however, letting his expression speak for himself. Terrance continued, saying, "And I was wondering if you felt the same."

The corgi blinked, seemingly a bit shocked at the sudden confession. He averted his gaze, fixing his glasses and clearly looking flustered given the situation. Terrance decided to be patient, feeling his heart threaten to break out of his chest. The statement hung in the air for what felt like an eternity and throughout it Terrance wondered if he had made a mistake. Maybe he read Corry wrong. Maybe he wasn't interested in him. Terrance wasn't a stranger to rejection. He had been through enough fleeting relationships in the past to know what it's like to reject and be rejected. If anything, he just wanted an answer.

Corry remained silent as ever, instead seemingly focusing on scribbling something down on his notepad. It was at this point that Terrance got really annoyed. It was one thing to be given the silent treatment. It was another to be ignored entirely. In a flash of movement, Terrance grabbed hold of Corry, grabbing his tie and pulling him upward as he stood up. The corgi was rightfully surprised, letting out a meek squeak as the bottom of his chin rested on Terrance's broad chest. He was on his tiptoes as the larger dane forced him to meet his gaze.

"Alright! Listen here, nerd," Terrance said, sounding very frustrated and annoyed. "I'm about sick and tired of you staring at me with nothing to say. I like you alright. If you don't like me, then just come out and say it, damn it! I'm a man. I can take it!"

Corry looked completely flustered, and was blushing heavily being so close to Terrance. The canine waited for Corry's response when he felt something brush up against his inner thigh. Terrance looked down to see a sizable bulge had formed in Corry's pants and was rubbing up against his own jeans. The Dane loosened his grip on the Corgi, gently letting his feet back on to the grassy floor. "Shit," Terrance said. "I'll take that as a yes then?"

Corry remained quiet, opting instead to nod bashfully. Terrance then moved forward, lowering his hand to gently caress the bulge that was tenting the smaller canine's pants. "You don't have to be so fucking shy, man." Terrance could feel his loins stir, his jeans slowly tightening around his waist. That was when Corry grabbed hold of his hands. Terrance wondered if he did something wrong but realized Corry wanted them to go somewhere more private. The corgi looked at him, and then pointed to the empty gymnasium behind them.

The Dane nodded. "Agreed."

It was moments later when Corry found himself pressed up against the metal lockers, he and Terrance shamelessly groping one another. Clothes were strewn across the floor, and both canines were down to their underwear. Terrance was in his jockstrap, and Corry was wearing his boxer briefs. Seeing Corry's cock imprint itself on his boxers was definitely a sight to see.

Terrance's curious hands travelled down the corgi's crotch, opting to squeeze the canine's penis through the fabric. "You're a bit of a big fucker, aren't you?" he said, breathing heavily into the canine's ears. "I want to see what you're packing."

Terrance then knelt in front of the corgi, licking his lips for the treat he knew that was coming. With practiced hands, Terrance pulled the corgi's underwear down, his eyes growing to the size of dinner plates at the sight before him. Although Corry was someone Terrance would consider as "fun sized" given his stature, his red rocket was anything but. The red throbbing piece of meat had a hefty size, and had a thicker base too. It was already leaking copious amounts of pre, and bits of it dropped down to the floor. The corgi's balls looked like oversized tennis balls, seemingly a tier larger than they should be given the corgi's smaller frame. Terrance had numerous sexual encounters throughout his life, and had played with cocks of all shapes and sizes. Corry was easily etching himself to be the biggest guy he had ever been with.

"Fuck," Terrance said, marvelling at the living flesh in front of him. He tentatively reached forward, watching Corry flinch and roughly back himself into the wall. The corgi's entire body seemingly shook at the slightest foreign touch. Terrance found it quite amusing. Terrance's mouth drooled, and without as much as another word, the canine leaned in. He stuck his tongue out, wanting to get a taste of what the corgi had to offer. The canine's pre was slick, copious, and had a distinct male scent, the kind of which assaulted Terrance's senses. It was both bitter and sweet at the same time, leaving a peculiar after taste in his mouth. Overall, it was an acquired taste that over time Terrance grew being fond of. He wanted more, and the seemingly never ending stream dripping from Corry's tip was just the right solution for his thirst. With an overwhelming gusto, Terrance went in. His tongue started from the tip, slowly going down and eventually stopping by the thicker base. Corry shook, his eyes closed and his tail wagging enthusiastically behind him. It actually struck the metal lockers, causing a light thudding sound that echoed across the room and rivalled the slurping that emanated from Terrance's mouth. The Dane masterfully swirled his tongue around, going from side to the other. He even made sure to go over the corgi's balls, planting loving kisses on them as he went by. By this point, Corry was in cloud nine. It was hard to think. Even harder to control himself. It took everything in his power to not thrust forward when Terrance opened his mouth and began to suck him dry.

The Dane's enthusiasm was unlike anything there was in the world. For someone who showed himself as a no nonsense Bad Boy, Terrance was an amazing cocksucker that would put other whores to shame. The canine knew every trick in the book, and used it to the fullest extent. Terrance swirled his tongue around, making sure to cover every inch, every curve, every bump of the throbby piece of meat in his mouth. It was hot, hard, and Terrance could feel Corry's heartbeat with each pulse of the canine's cock. Slowly, but surely, Terrance took more of the corgi's cock in his mouth, the length disappearing further and further into his mouth. He admittedly had to stop at points to let himself adjust due to it being truly mouthful. It didn't take long till Corry was knocking at the back of his throat, and Terrance actually had trouble breathing. But by then, the Dane's nose was pressed up against the corgi's crotch. He had successfully taken Corry down to the hilt.

Terrance laid there, gently rubbing his tongue and forth to tease Corry even further. Eventually Terrance began to pull back, revealing more of Corry's now spit slickened cock. He stopped about midway, when he decided to dove back in. It was at this point that he began to build a rhythm. Corry legs trembled, his entire knees threatening to buckle under the continuous assault to his senses. Terrance was an unrelenting force, sucking on his cock like his entire life depended on it. It eventually broke Corry, the corgi finding himself moving his hips forward to meet the canine's enthusiastic sucking. At first he was worried that Terrance was going to be angry at what he was doing, but Corry found that the canine actually followed his rhythm. It give the corgi the confidence boost to dictate the pace and before long, was practically fucking Terrance's mouth. His hips moved back and forth, his crotch colliding with Terrance's nose as he went balls deep, before pulling back once more. Corry's fat nuts slapped against the underside of Terrance's muzzle, the Dane letting himself be used as a living fleshlight. Terrance admittedly had no qualms on the matter. In fact, he quite enjoyed being used as such. He got off on it, evidence being his jockstrap being soiled by the copious amounts of pre dripping from his very own cock.

Unfortunately, this didn't take long however. Corry was at his end, and Terrance took note. The corgi's face scrunched up, his forehead creasing and he gritted his teeth as his climax came fast and strong. Corry's cock throbbed inside Terrance's mouth before releasing what seemed like a tidal wave of hot jizz. The sheer volume of it surprised Terrance, and he actually struggled to gulp it all down. The excess dripped through the sides of his mouth, going to his chest and matting his fur. By the end of it, Terrance was coughing and hacking, his nose assaulted by the smell of hot man spunk. Corry fumbled to the ground, his glasses appearing crooked on his nose, his cheeks fully red and flushed.

"Fuck..." Terrance said, speaking for the first time. "You came a lot." That was admittedly an understatement. Jizz actually pooled onto the tiled floor below, and Terrance felt bad for whoever was going to clean that mess up later. On shaky legs, Terrance stood up, stretching in front of the still recovering corgi. His knees and jaw actually hurt a little from the somewhat rough treatment. He grinned as he stripped off, exposing his own throbbing red rocket out into the open air. Now that Corry had his fun, it was time for his.

Terrance helped Corry up to his feet, the corgi still somewhat feeling dazed. He led him over to the nearby bench and had him sit down. At first Corry was confused as to what Terrance was doing, but the Dane quickly clarified this with a question. "Do you eat ass?" he asked with the straightest face Corry had ever seen.

The corgi blinked. Before he could even answer, Terrance turned around and presented his backside. For someone who was known for being a hardass, Terrance probably had the bubbliest ass Corry had ever seen. "Well now you will. It's my turn to have some fun, so get to work."

Corry removed his glasses and placed them on the side. Reaching forward, he planted his hands on Terrance's cheeks, taking note of how soft and supple they are. The Dane was undoubtedly proud of all the squats he did in his spare time. Terrance's hole winked at him invitingly, and Corry began to put in work. He stuck his tongue out, starting at the Dane's inner thighs before moving towards the center. Corry's actions spoke of who he was: soft, tender, if a bit loving. He wasn't harsh, but was gentle. He flicked his tongue over Terrance's asshole, savoring the distinct masculine taste. Terrance wasn't shy in letting his voice be heard. "Ohh yeah...just like that..." Corry decided to go in, sinking his tongue further into the canine's loving ass. He easily slipped in, feeling no resistance whatsoever. By this point, Terrance let out a loud howl, feeling his balls quake and his knees tremble.

"That mouth of yours is fucking amazing..." Terrance remarked in between breaths. Corry continued, lapping eagerly at the canine's inner walls. He could feel Terrance involuntarily clench around his tongue, as a shudder coursed through the Dane's entire body. "Fuck..." Terrance said. He wanted more. He needed more. "Get in there," Terrance demanded, slowly moving backwards to push Corry even further. The corgi was admittedly surprised, pulling back slightly to give himself some breathing room. This only served to irritate Terrance. "Fucking hell, I said get in there!" he cried out. He reached out to grab hold of the corgi's head. Corry then found himself getting squished in between the Dane's fat cheeks as they closed around them, his snout planted straight into the Dane's asshole. Corry used his tongue like his life depended on it. He planted kisses on Terrance's balls whilst simultaneously pushing his tongue in and out. The larger canine above him mewled like a puppy, his grip on the corgi's head loosening. "Shit..." Terrance's angry cock throbbed, squirting out a healthy dollop of cum onto the floor. "This isn't enough," he muttered to himself. Rimming was fun and all, but he needed more. He craved for more.

He then eased off, and Corry was happy that he could finally breathe easy again. The masculine musk was suffocating and it drove his arousal back up to fighting shape. It was just in time as Terrance then looked at him deadly serious. "You're going to fuck me."

It wasn't a suggestion. It was a command.

The canine then got into position, lowering himself to the floor and exposing his drool slick ass to the corgi. Corry couldn't be any higher, his tail wagging enthusiastically behind him. "What the fuck are you waiting for?" Terrance said impatiently.

Corry then moved forward, getting into position. He wasted no time aligning his throbbing cock into the slick spit hole. He grabbed hold of Terrance's leg and used it to prop himself up and get better positioning. With one deep breath he then eased in, sinking his cock into the larger Dane's asshole. Terrance immediately clenched, the sudden penetration surprising him but ultimately welcomed. Corry's cock was bigger than it looked and he felt it all over. Thankfully the rimming he received prior helped loosened him up, as well as the spit, but it still required him to take breaths to help adjust to the corgi's large size. Corry waited for Terrance to relax, before continuing to ease himself forward. Terrance's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his skull. The overwhelming fullness that came from his ass was just what he was looking for. It scratched that itch that only a thick cock like Corry's could ever satisfy.

He badly wanted more.

"Come on, nerd!" he said. "You call this fucking?"

Corry fumed, his brow creasing and his eyes glaring at Terrance. Deciding to call the Dane's bluff, he began to hump. Terrance's entire body moved, grinding slightly across the tiled floor as his entire body rocked back and forth. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed across the empty locker room. Terrance grabbed hold of the nearby bench to steady himself, his entire body shaking with each thrust Corry gave. He began to pant, his tongue lolling out as the Corry gave it his all. The corgi clearly wanted him to make him eat his words.

"You fuck like a little bitch!" he cried out.

Corry continued his thrust, trying to go deep as he could and fast as he possible. His hips were a blur, his balls slapping heavily against Terrance's taint to the point where it left a visible mark. Both of their breathing was coming out hot and ragged. Terrance was lying. In reality, Corry was doing amazing well, hitting him in all the right places and making his entire body squirm with each thrust. Terrance's cock was squirting pre all over the floor, his red rocket throbbing to the beat of his heart. Terrance had numerous sexual partners before, but Corry was by far the best he has had yet.

Unfortunately, the pleasure train came to an end. Corry's thrust soon lost their rhythm and became erratic. Terrance wondered what was happening, but upon seeing the look of ecstasy Corry's face, he realized why. That was when he felt it. Heat began to radiate from his backside as Corry ejaculated into him unceremoniously. Terrance could feel Corry's cock tremble, releasing fresh cum straight into him. It left the corgi panting, sweat dripping heavily down his face. Corry rode out his orgasms before eventually stopping his thrusts. The corgi leaned on Terrance's foot for support.

Corry was on cloud nine, having just climaxed. Terrance however was rightfully angry and frustrated. He still hadn't gotten off.

"Do I have to...fucking do...everything myself?" He asked out loud, looking at the corgi who was still trying to catch his breath. He gently pushed Corry away, his cock exiting out of Terrance's ass with a lewd pop. Excess cum dribbled down the sides of his legs. Corry's cock was throbbing angrily, the knot forming perfectly at the base and was slick with all the cum. Terrance huffed. He picked up the exhausted corgi off the floor and placed him on the nearby bench.

At first Corry wondered what he was doing, but only then did he realize what Terrance was planning when the Dane squatted. " fuck!" The Dane then proudly sat on the corgi's crotch. Both of them formed their mouths to the shape of an 'O' as pleasure coursed through both of their bodies. The bench creaked under their combined weight with Terrance picking up the pace. It was fast, it was rough, and it was what Terrance wanted. Corry himself felt like a living dildo as the Dane bounced on his cock up and down like a jackhammer. Having just ejaculated a few minutes prior, he was still overly sensitive. The sensations that coursed through his body was borderline torture.

Terrance on the other hand was having the time of his life. His dildo at home couldn't even compare to what he was feeling now. He could feel Corry's knot knocking on his back door. The way it would spread him open would have been heavenly. He continued riding the corgi, his own cock trembling as he neared his own completion. Terrance's ass clenched on Corry's cock, milking him bone dry. The corgi flailed around slightly, gripping the wooden bench for dear life. As if having a second wind, Corry's cock throbbed, and came to a quick and fast orgasm. It was just enough to bring Terrance's to the tipping point. With one last might squat, he engulfed the entirety of Corry's knot into him, tying them both together. While Corry's cock ejaculated for the third time inside of Terrance, the Dane himself made a mess at the front. Terrance's cock bounced up and down, the sheer power of his orgasm barely being contained. Ropes upon ropes of fresh seed sprayed outwards, some flying as far down the hall, whilst others splattered all over Corry's face.Terrance made a mess of things, completely giving Corry a facial make over. The corgi's light brown fur was covered with his seed, matting it completely and leaving him smelling of male musk. Terrance's orgasm eventually came to an end, for a split second neither spoke. They just felt contented to lay there, basking in the aftermath of their mind blowing sex.

It felt like ages when one of them finally moved. It was Terrance. With shaky legs he propped himself upward, popping himself out of Corry's cock. A lewd pop echoed across the room as the knot exited him, and he whined instinctively. "Fucking hell..." he muttered, moving off the bench and towards the side.

Corry could barely move, opting instead to just turn his head and wonder what the larger Dane was doing. He was fumbling around with his clothes, seemingly looking for something. "Where the fuck...there it is..." Terrance then pulled out a pen from the pocket of his jeans and began scribbling down. Corry wondered what in the world he was doing.

"Here," Terrance said, waddling over to him. Fresh cum dribbled down the Dane's legs, and he walked with a slight tilt to the side. With all of Terrance's posturing and bravado, a stiff cock still left him walking bowlegged. "You better fucking text me." Corry could barely comprehend what was scribbled on the small piece of paper. He had to squint his eyes to see that it was a bunch of numbers with the Dane's name on it.

Corry just sighed, flopping back down the wooden bench. Although he was exhausted, he couldn't help but smile, finally having the Dane's number. Terrance meanwhile exited the room, going to the nearby showers to freshen up. That was probably the best fucking of his entire life. And he wanted more. He hoped that the corgi would text him.

He badly wanted him to.

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

It was the next day when Terrance and Corry met up once more. An awkward silence hung between them, and Terrance opted to ask Corry about this when it was time for lunch. "Hey fucker," he said, lightly slamming his tray down the lunch table, interrupting the peaceful meal that Corry was having. "I'm eating with you."

Corry blinked, before nodding, acknowledging the larger Dane's presence. At first, Terrance opted to remain quiet, figuring that Corry would start talking. After all, they did just fuck the day before. But after a minute or so passed, he got irritated and broke his silence. "Hey," he said, getting Corry's attention.

The corgi looked up.

"How come you are always so damn quiet?" Terrance asked, deciding to finally be frank. "You didn't make a sound when we were fucking. I'm wondering if you even liked all of that all."

The corgi silently stared at him, before turning around to seemingly look for something in his backpack. Terrance wondered what he was looking for. Corry eventually produced what looked like a small card and handed it over. Terrance read what was written on it.

"Sorry if I don't respond. I'm mute."

Terrance blinked. He then read it again to make sure.

Yep. That's what it said.

The canine let out a sigh. "Oh..."

He then looked up to see the corgi smiling apologetically at him. Feeling his cheeks go red from the embarrassment of being ignorant, Terrance immediately deflected. "W-well good!" he proclaimed. "That way, I don't have to hear you bitching the next time I fuck your brains out!" He then stood up, grabbed his tray of now empty food and stormed off. "Anywho, later loser!"

Corry just smiled, looking down at his phone. He looked at Terrance's number on it and felt giddy. He was already looking forward to the next time.


[1] This story was inspired by this artwork! Be sure to check out Jessie's work! The dude's amazing.

**Author's Notes:

Now the origin of this story is a bit interesting. I was scrolling on Twitter one day when I happened to see this artwork that was posted by this artist.

I loved it so much, I wanted to write a story based on it. Give or take a few days, and BAM! We have this now.

I hope you guys like it. :D**