Hitching a Friend’s Ride

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Aquilan and Eddyboy1805

Written by TwistedSnakes

E-reader link (Mobile-friendly, themes, EPUB and PDF format)

"I don't think it's gonna be that simple."

"It is! I've tested it in small games with someone else. It works!"

"Look, people have tried this before. Once found out, they get beaten up or sent to jail. I'm not--"

"That's the people who get caught. For every nine cheaters out there stupid enough to get found out, there's one smart guy who gets away with it. And that guy will be rich beyond his wildest dreams."

"And what makes you think we're those smart people?"

"Because my plan is much better."

Aquilan sighed, leaning back against his couch and taking another sip of lemonade. Cobra was on the smaller couch beside his, hunched forward with a serious look.

"I have a plan, and it won't get us caught."

The eagle sighed again, massaging his temples. Of all the ideas that the wolgon had suggested over their many years of friendship, this one seemed to be the worst. If they were caught, they'd be marked as convicts for life. That is, if they weren't killed by mobsters who took their money seriously.

But Cobra's ideas had worked before. Well, some of them, anyway. Sure, it didn't make them rich beyond their wildest dreams, but it was satisfying to see the money roll in. They've made an app that helped busy husbands to send scheduled messages and gifts on anniversaries. They've developed an AI-powered diary that helped people reflect on their emotions. It wasn't lucrative, but it made the difference between saving money at a fancy restaurant, and spending that extra cash on dessert.

This, however, was very different. This was cheating on a whole other level. This was fraud.

But if they succeeded...

It wasn't a few extra hundred in their bank accounts at the end of each month. This was tens of millions if they could pull it off. They could make one app each month and still earn less than this undertaking.

It wasn't honest, but it'd make him very rich. Very, very rich. He could retire early, live a carefree life. Travel the world, a new country every month. Not with ten million though. Maybe twenty, thirty million would be safe. Maybe another twenty million for a car and mansion.

"Hundred million. We each walk home with fifty."


Fifty million. That would be a very comfortable life indeed. The risk would be very well worth it. If the plan is as fool-proof as Cobra says it is, Aquilan would have nothing to worry about.

"Fine. Tell me the plan."

In the middle of the table were five cards: the king of spades, ten of diamonds, six of clubs, the four, and nine of diamonds. Cobra glanced quickly at his cards before putting them face-down on the table. After sliding his finger over the corner edges of his cards, he bit his lips. He then glanced at his wristwatch before tapping his index and middle finger on the table three times.

The eagle two seats to his right was skimming the table with his eyes. His clawed fingers drew circles on the table before coming to rest on his forearm. An ace and seven of diamonds. Aquilan should raise, or at least call.


"Fold," Aquilan tossed his cards into the discard pile.

"Raise," the tiger on his left pushed a stack of chips forward..

"Call," the doberman did likewise.

It was Cobra's turn. "Raise."

The pot was worth two hundred now.

The tiger called.

The doberman folded.

The two remaining players revealed their hands. The doberman had a four of hearts and a nine of spades: two pairs. Cobra won with a straight. The dealer pushed the chips towards the wolgon, who added them to his growing stack. If Aquilan had raised, the house would have taken a bigger cut of their winnings.

Cobra had to exercise control and resist the urge to smile at the eagle. Their strategy was working. But there were limits to this plan. Someone was bound to notice their odd betting strategies, or note that they always played at the same tables. With betting limits in place, they could only make so much before the casino noticed their collusion. If they wanted to make millions, they would have to execute the next part of Cobra's plan.

"Your room, sir," the bellboy opened the double wooden doors and gestured within.

Aquilan stepped into a luxurious space that seemed more like a grand lounge than a hotel room. An ornate lantern hung from the high ceiling, illuminating the posh couches and oriental decor. The middle of the living room was two steps lower, and a koi pond was built in the center. Bonsai plants sat on wooden tables in various corners of the room. One door led into a warmly-lit bedroom, and another one led into a wooden-floored bathroom.

The bellboy put Aquilan's luggage in the corner of the room.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" the bellboy asked.

"That will be it, thank you."

The bellboy bowed and backed out of the room, closing the door behind him. Aquilan let out a sigh of relief. He felt like his every movement was being watched. Everything he did had to be a performance. But he knew this wasn't true; his nerves were simply getting to him.

The eagle wanted to pick up his phone and drop Cobra a text, but the wolgon had strictly forbidden any contact between them until they were safely at home. To further obfuscate any connection between the two, Cobra had arrived three days earlier to blend in with the other patrons. Aquilan was to do the same.

The eagle stepped into the bathroom. Potted bamboo lined the walls of the bathroom, and in the middle of it was a raised pool filled with steaming water. Lily flowers floated on top of it, reminding the eagle of a pond he once saw in a chinese garden. He took in a deep breath, letting the leafy and floral scent fill his nostrils. After slipping out of his clothes, he stepped into the warm bath and felt the tension in his muscles wash away.

"Ah..." a satisfied gasp escaped his beak.

Enjoying himself might be easier than he thought; the Silver Serpent hotel was luxurious beyond his wildest dreams. Many floors below him was the Silver Serpent casino where gamblers were testing their luck at high-stake games. Bets could go so high, Aquilan and Cobra could easily snag millions in a good game. Just a few rounds, and they'd each walk away with enough money to retire to a comfortable life.

Cobra was probably at the tables right now, getting a feel of the games. Aquilan reclined deeper in the pool so that his chin was barely above the water. He should head down later to scout the place too, but for now, he would indulge himself in his first taste of luxury.

As another round of poker ended, Cobra joined the middle seat at the table. He looked to his left and right, sizing up the other players. To his left were a stag and dragon; to his right were a horse and eagle. The eagle gave him a cursory glance before turning back to the dealer. Good. Aquilan was acting well.

They would still have to wait; the other players weren't good at poker. While that meant it was easier to beat them, it also meant that their bets would be smaller. A pot of two to three thousand was low by Silver Serpent standards.

"Gah!" the horse threw his cards on the table. He had just lost another round after betting on winning. He slid his membership card off the scanner and stormed off. A black-scaled snake took his place at the table. His suit was tailor-fitted to the curves of his sculpted form, catching the eye of the two.

The dealer dealt the cards to the players and the game began. This time, the snake's aggressive betting changed the flow of the game. Everyone was competing with the snake, trying to match his formidable raises. The stars were almost aligned; now Cobra and Aquilan had to wait for the opportune moment to strike. The wolgon looked forward to crushing the snake's smug aura.

As if to prove their own tenacities, the stag and dragon began raising more. The bets were going up to the millions, and the winner of each round walked away with two to five million. Money was changing hands quickly, taking the form of digital credits. The holographic display in front of Cobra showed him his balance as it jumped from five to six digits.

All they needed now was one good round.

Aquilan could barely contain himself. It was only a matter of time before the opportunity showed itself. The dealer dealt him two cards and he lifted the corners of the cards to peek at them. A three of spades and three of hearts. This was a good hand, and he passed this information to the wolgon by tapping three fingers on each card.

A round of betting followed. Seven thousand in the pot.

The dealer took three cards off the top of the deck, revealing them face-up one by one in the middle of the table. Three of clubs, seven of spades, and ten of spades. He had a three of a kind.

"Raise," Aquilan said, pushing his chips towards the dealer. The display deducted the corresponding amount from his credit balance. Ten thousand was steep, but this was a fantastic hand.

"Raise," said the snake. Another ten thousand.

"Raise," Cobra followed with another ten thousand.

The dragon hesitated. "Call."


"Call," Aquilan said.


A hundred and fifty-seven thousand in the pot.

The dealer revealed the next card: the queen of diamonds. Not particularly useful, but it was an opportunity to raise.

"Raise," Aquilan said. Hundred thousand.

"Raise," the snake said, raising by two hundred thousand.

"Raise," Cobra raised by two hundred thousand.

The dragon frowned. "Call."

The stag called.

"Raise," Aquilan pushed the bets higher with half a million.



The dragon folded, pushing his cards towards the dealer.


Four and a half million in the pot. The dealer revealed the river: the three of diamonds. This was the game; there was no way Aquilan could lose.

"Raise." Three million up. Aquilan was running out of money for higher bets.

"Raise." The snake put in another three million.

"Raise." Cobra bumped it up by another five.

"Raise," the stag said, pushing in another five million. The game was heating up.

Aquilan wanted to raise further, but with only another fifteen million credits left in his card, there was not a lot he could do to make the calls. But this was THE game. If they did this right, they each walk away with fifty million. He raised five million. If the other players raised too much, he would have to go all-in.

"Raise," the snake pushed it higher by five million.

Cobra was probably running out of funds too, because he called.

The stag raised by ten million.

Aquilan wouldn't be able to make any more money with an all-in. He was prepared to do that when the digital display in front of him alerted him with a prompt.

"Would you like to continue the game with a loan?"

Fuck yes.

He raised twenty million. If everyone stayed in the game, the pot would be worth two hundred million.

The snake smirked at him. Did he think the eagle was bluffing? If so, he would be in for a rough time.

"Raise." The snake put in another hundred million.

Cobra raised his brow, then called.

The stag called.

Aquilan was trembling. The pot was now worth over six hundred million, thanks to the snake's greedy betting. This was enough. This was more than enough. This was a lifetime of luxury and more.


They revealed their cards. The snake had a full house and the stag had two pairs, both losing to Aquilan's four of a kind. Cobra only had a pair. The display in front of the eagle updated the numbers to reflect his new balance. He was shaking. He had never handled this much money before, much less owned it. Now, he had more than half a billion sitting in credits on his Silver Serpent card.

The snake glanced at the cards, then gave Cobra a suspicious look. He then turned to Aquilan with the same glare.

Did he suspect anything?

Surely not. He was probably angry at losing this much money. Salty too. He couldn't have figured out their collusion, not from this game. Aquilan slid his card off the scanner and got off his seat. The ground felt unstable with each step, and his heart was beating vehemently in his chest. They were rich.

Cobra stayed at the table to play more games: leaving now would be suspicious. They needed to hang around for a bit longer, then leave at different times. Once they were both in the safety of home, they would split their ill-gotten gains. They were going to be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

The eagle's nerves couldn't handle any more games. Not with this much money on hand. He made a beeline straight for the elevators and went into the first available one. Tapping his card on the scanner, the doors closed and the cabin rose.

The silence of the elevator provided Aquilan much-needed relief. The noisy games of the gambling rooms below were too much now. All he wanted was to go back to his room, go into his hot tub and soak for hours. He got off the elevator and made his way down the wide corridors of the hotel. Just around the corner and...

Aquilan froze. The snake was there.

Why was he here? How did he know which floor he was staying on? How did he get here so quickly?

The snake was staring at him, as if waiting for an explanation.

"C-can I help you?"

"The name's Sephos, and yes, I'd like a bit of help figuring something out." His voice was deep and smooth. He didn't sound accusing, but that didn't mean he had the eagle's best interests at heart.

Keep calm, Aquilan reminded himself. The snake didn't have any concrete evidence against them, only speculation. The last thing he wanted to do was to give the snake anything that would condemn them.

"Sure. What do you want?" Aquilan said. "And make it quick, I'm busy."

"It won't take long. I just want to understand what happened in that game."

"You were overconfident with your bets, and you lost a lot of money. What else is there to talk about?"

"Ah, I'm alright with that. Gambling is like that, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose," the snake smiled warmly. "No, no. What I'm curious about is why your friend bet the way he did."

"I don't know what you're talking about--"

"His hand was useless. Even his pair was from the community cards. So why then was he betting as if he had a winning hand?"

"Maybe he was trying to get us all to fold?" Aquilan shrugged. "I don't have time for stupid games. If you're going to waste my time with speculations, maybe you should--"

"Cobra, right?"

Aquilan could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. He needed to keep his wits about him. He mustn't reveal anything.

"That's a snake, yes."

Sephos scoffed. "Acting smart with me? I thought you didn't have time for stupid games." The serpent took a step towards him and Aquilan stepped back instinctively.

"I don't. Which is why I'm leaving now."

The eagle pushed past the snake and stormed down the corridor. Fear gripped his heart with icy fingers.


The eagle swung around before he could stop himself. "How did you--"

The image of the gambling room flashed before his eyes. The cards. Tapping his fingers to signal his hand. Him and Cobra in his house, discussing the plans to collude and cheat at poker. Then he was staring into the serpent's deep, blue eyes.

He was reading his mind. He saw everything.



Aquilan could not move. His gaze was locked on Sephos' eyes.

"When I say sleep, you will fall into a deep trance."

The eagle struggled, trying to break free from the serpent's hypnosis. But his eyes bore deep into his soul, engulfing him with their blue hues, pulling him deeper and deeper.

"I will give you instructions, and you will follow them without question."

"You will wake up once you have obeyed all my orders."



Cobra left the gambling table. After Aquilan's huge win, he had no motivation to play any more games. Still, he forced himself to keep up the act. He lost a few thousand in the following games, but all that was nothing on his future wealth.

He went to a lounge to unwind. There, a service staff dressed in a pup hood and harness served him a cocktail. The wolgon sat on the couch and sipped on the sweet alcohol.

Just then, someone else sat on the couch opposite him. The air turned chilly as Cobra saw who it was.

"Let's talk."

Cobra didn't want to talk. He was getting off his chair when...


The wolgon's body disobeyed him, sitting back down on the couch.

"W-what going on?" Cobra asked nervously. "What do you want?"

"I'll get to that in a bit. But first things first, I know you and Aquilan colluded against me."

How? Did Aquilan snitch on him? He just wanted the money for himself!

"I think you're--"


Cobra found himself unable to speak. Shifting uncomfortably on the couch, he could only look at the snake.


"Now, while I don't mind losing, I think it's unfair to part a man from his hard-earned money through cheating, don't you agree?"

This was bad. This was really, really bad.

"We can set things right, though. So back to what I want. I want justice."

Fuck, fuck, fuck. No matter how much he squirmed, he couldn't get to his feet.

"I want you to get up and go to the first dealer you can find. Then I want you to confess everything you did. The Silver Serpent will decide on an appropriate punishment for you."

He wouldn't do it! The money was theirs now, the snake couldn't do this to him!


Cobra rose to his feet. He didn't want to, but within minutes he was confessing all his crimes to a handsome tiger dealer.

Aquilan woke up in a small room. He was kept vertically spreadeagle by metal restraints. Metal bands around his shoulders, neck, and hips were mounted on a standing pole. Similar cuffs held his clawed hands and feet in an "X" shape so he wasn't touching the ground. He had also been stripped of his clothes, leaving him naked in his restraints.

He looked around frantically. The room's walls and floor comprised of clean white panels, except for a wall with a steel door and black glass pane. The pane was likely to be a one-way mirror. Someone was watching him.

Metal claws and clamps hung around him menancingly, mounted on robotic arms on the ceiling.

"Where am I?" he asked nervously. "What's going on?"

The empty room offered no response.

He waited in silence. He was uncomfortable, but he had no other choice. His mind jumped to other things. Where was Cobra now? Did the wolgon know they had captured him? If he did, would he come to save Aquilan?

And if Cobra wasn't aware of Aquilan's disappearance, was he already on the way home? What would he think of Aquilan? That he had taken all the money for himself? Where was the money anyway? Would he be able get that money back if he got out of this?

When. When he got out of this. He shouldn't be pessimistic about this. They had overcome insurmountable odds and walked away with half a billion. They were so close now. All he had to do was get out of here. This was probably going to be an interrogation of sorts. He would just have to explain himself, and they would let him go.

Aquilan went over his cover story in his head. He was here on a holiday. He didn't know the wolgon, or why he bet like that. Their signals were innocuous enough: subtle signals that changed every round. Even with recorded footage, there was no way to connect his actions to his cards. Then he would demand to be released, or he would get his lawyer. That should scare them enough to let him go.

The sound of whirring interrupted his train of thoughts. The mechanical arms started to move around him.

"What's happening?" he asked nervously. "Hey! I demand an explana--"

His speech was interrupted as a metal frame was thrust into his beak. Its curved edges pressed against the insides of his upper and lower beak, keeping them open. The straps on the frame were pulled around his head, and their buckles were snapped together. Something cold and pliable was forced into his exposed rear end.


Aquilan tried to shake his head, but the mechanical arms held on tight. There was the sound of crackling as the frame's buckles were welded into solid pieces of metal. In his rear was a hollow latex sleeve with a hard, circular rim that kept his pucker open. The arms released the eagle's head, allowing him to struggle in vain.

This wasn't an interrogation!

The confused eagle could only watch as the arms danced around him. His muffled squawks were hopeless in communicating his cries for help. His squirms were impeded by the unyielding cuffs. He tensed his rear muscles, but the rim of the anal tube sat snugly around his pucker, refusing to shift.

The arms continued their work around Aquilan. Black pads were stuck to various points on his body: one on each pectoral muscle and four on his abs. More were stuck to his upper and lower arms and legs. His balls received one pad each.

Thin, adhesive-coated wires were attached to each pad, and these were carefully stuck to his body. They were pulled behind his back and gathered in a narrow bundle. Rollers coated with black paint descended from the ceiling and hovered around Aquilan. As the other arms pulled away, the rollers went for the eagle.

They rolled across Aquilan's feathers, coating them with a thick layer of black liquid. Unlike paint, it was shiny and sticky. Almost like...

Latex! The rollers were coating him with latex!

They travelled around his body, quickly covering his chest with a shiny layer of black. His arms were coated in the same way. The rollers carefully slid beneath the restraints, making sure nothing was missed.

As the coating continued down his body, the rollers left his cock and balls untouched. His legs and tails were coated next, turning his golden-brown feathers black. The latex sleeve in his rear was fused seamlessly to the latex.

The arms retreated and Aquilan was relieved that they left his head untouched. But from his neck down, the latex was drying. More arms descended from the ceiling, this time with heaters mounted on them. They focused on his chest, engulfing him with a warm sensation. The warmth also served to cure the latex, making it tighten around his chest. The heaters then moved to his arms in turn, drying the latex paint.

"Ngghrt!" he protested.

His legs and tail were next, leaving his body coated with a thin layer of dry latex. The ceiling lights reflected off the curves of his muscles that shifted as he squirmed. The texture of his feathers could barely be seen beneath the rubber.

Aquilan was given only a brief layer of respite before the rollers returned, coating his body with a second layer of latex. He closed his eyes and tried to block out the sensations. The whirring of the metal arms. The rollers stroking every inch of his body. The heat making the latex a permanent addition to his sleek form.

The eagle shook his head in disbelief. This could not be happening. But after coats of liquid latex, his body was permanently smooth and shiny. The heaters retreated into the ceiling and more robotic arms took their place.

Nozzle-tipped arms moved towards him with precise movements. With soft hisses, they began spraying lines of white paint over his latex-coated body. The white highlights were streamline and sleek, following the curves of his body. They went from his shoulders and down the sides of his abs and legs. His arms were similarly painted, and his tail had three rays extending from his spine. The markings reminded Aquilan of a wetsuit.

The eagle hung his head in defeat. He had lost all hope of escaping; whatever they were doing to him felt permanent, as if his captors had no intention of letting him go.

An "X"-shaped body harness was lowered around his chest. Nozzles coated its underside with a thin layer of adhesives before the straps were stuck to his latex skin. At the back, the bundle of wires was attached to a TENS unit on the harness.

"Nfft!" he yelped in pain. A sharp pulse of electricity had shot through the electro-pads on the eagle's body, making his muscles spasn.

Two arms approached his crotch, each with a metal part. The first one slid the metal ring over his member. The unyielding steel was fitted on him as the arm carefully pushed his balls through the ring. It gripped his manhood tightly, and would be impossible to slip off once the second part of the device was on.

The other arm pushed a metal cage over his member. The metal was chilling against his warm, sensitive flesh. There was a click as the two parts were locked together. Aquilan instinctively tensed his cock and the metal resisted. The cage was tight, leaving barely any space for his flacid manhood. Getting an erection would be painful, and Aquilan hoped it wouldn't come to that.

The arms retracted into the ceiling.

Were they done with him?

He looked around, but one last arm was waiting for him. In its grip was a leather falcon hood. Before Aquilan could react, the hood was pushed over his face, blinding him.

"Mnfngg!" he protested.

He struggled and pulled with all his might. The hood felt claustrophobic: it covered the upper part of his face, went around his chin, then around the back of his head. The last thing he wanted was for the hood to be permanent too.

But the arm was not letting him go. Aquilan could hear the clicking of metal as the buckles were secured. After that, there was the sound of crackling as the arc welders did their job. The eagle continued to squirm and struggle until he realised the mechanical arms were no longer touching him. There was silence as the arms retracted into the ceiling for the last time.

Their task was complete.

Cobra found himself in another processing lab of the Silver Serpent. He had heard rumours about a whole network of laboratories built beneath the Silver Serpent. Unwilling victims--mostly cheaters or debtors who couldn't repay their loans--would be brought down here and "processed".

They would be brainwashed into obedient slaves, then dressed in all sorts of BDSM gear that would be their uniform. The gear also functioned as a disguise so their former friends and family would be none the wiser about their whereabouts. To the rest of the world, the victim would be just another missing person case.

All rumours, of course, Cobra concluded. Cautionary fables concocted by gamblers to keep the rest in line. Why would sensible adults believe such ridiculous tales? For one, it would not be financially feasible to build a whole laboratory underground, much less "process" people into slaves. Hiring lawful employees would be much cheaper.

All that reasoning, of course, was useless. There was a kernel of truth in the rumours. A large, hard-to-swallow kernel that felt like the lump at the back of Cobra's throat.

He was lying on a white concrete table stripped of his clothes. Steel cuffs around his neck, waist, wrists, and ankles held him down. They held fast as the wolgon struggled against them. There were the sounds of a door panel dematerialising and approaching footsteps. A wolf wheeled a trolley of equipment beside the wolgon and looked him up and down. The wolf turned back and sorted the items on the trolley.

"Hey, please let me go," Cobra pleaded.

The wolf gave Cobra a dirty look and scoffed before turning back to the trolley. Well, that was worth a shot. The wolgon sighed.

"Hey, could you at least tell me what's going on? What's gonna happen to me?"

"I'll explain as we go along." The wolf smirked as he put on a pair of latex gloves. "Don't you worry."

Cobra frowned. Even his curiosity wouldn't be satisfied until he was neck-deep in whatever the SIlver Serpent had planned for him. The wolf picked up a steel collar and snapped it around the wolgon's neck. It snapped in place with a metallic click and a digital beep.

"Hey!" he protested.

The wolf tapped on a monitor on the side of the table. The wolgon shuddered and he found himself unable to move his body. While the collar allowed for tiny actions such as looking around and breathing, Cobra couldn't make any other movements. Even speaking wasn't permitted. Escape was impossible even as the cuffs released him and retracted into the table.

His eyes darted around in panic, but the wolf paid him no heed. Instead, the wolf was picking up a cylindrical silicone object with nubs covering its surface. He was squeezing a bottle of viscous liquid over the object, thickly coating every inch of it.

"First up, I'll be installing the rear fixture," the wolf grinned.

With his free hand, the wolf spread Cobra's legs apart. The wolgon panicked. His instincts wanted him to pull his tail up to defend his vulnerable tailhole, but the collar wouldn't let him. Instead, the wolf faced no resistance as he nudged the rounded tip of the dildo against the wolgon's rear.

Cobra let out a short gasp. Try as he might, he couldn't tense his pucker to expel the anal intruder. With the fluid acting as a slick lubricant, the wolf pushed the toy into the wolgon. Cobra could feel his insides on fire as his muscles were forcefully spread open. Every nub felt sharp against his sensitive flesh, rubbing against his rear tunnel as it slid deeper into him.

Unable to yell in pain or moan in pleasure, he let out frantic huffs. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as his mind attempted to comprehend the overwhelming sensations that were washing through his body. The last bit of the dildo was painful. Just as Cobra felt it was impossible to go any deeper, the wolf would push it in yet another inch. The wolgon's huffs turned into whimpering wheezes as the wolf hilted the toy within him and held it there.

"Once the adhesives have dried, the rear fixture will be impossible to move."

Cobra stared at the wolf in alarm. Surely the wolf was kidding.

"While you were unconscious, we cleared out your gastrointestinal tract with a thorough washing. With a liquid-only diet, your rear can be safely plugged."

Liquid-only diet? Permanently plugged? Was this what other slaves had been subjected to? Had it all been against their wills?

The wolf smirked as he watched Cobra's reaction. The glue was heating up as it cured, warming wolgon's inner parts. The wolgon clenched hard as he attempted to expel the plug, but the glue held tightly to the silicone and tissue, rendering his efforts futile.

"Next, your new skin," the wolf explained smugly.

He pulled out a shiny latex suit from the lower rack of the trolley. The jet-black suit was smooth and seamless, with the exception of a frontal opening and a crotch opening. With the same bottle of lubricating adhesive, the wolf smeared generous amounts of the liquid over Cobra's legs, spreading the viscous liquid over his fur. The adhesives flattened his black fur against his skin, making it smooth and shiny.

Cobra was helpless to resist as the wolf lifted his legs and slipped them through the frontal opening of the suit. The tightness of the suit made it hard for the wolf to work the latex up the wolgon's legs. Starting with the left leg, the wolf firmly pushed the legs of the suit up Cobra's crus and thighs, working the excess material upwards.

Each stroke ironed out the creases of the suit, making the smooth latex shine beneath the ceiling lights. Cobra's left leg was soon a rubberised limb. The curves of his muscular thigh and calf were emphasised by the tight suit. The toes of his foot were stuck together within the sock-like shape of the latex suit's foot. In the same way, the wolf suited up Cobra's other leg into smooth, featureless latex.

The wolgon could feel the glue heating up as the latex bonded to his fur and skin. The wolf paid no heed to Cobra's pleading glances as he applied more adhesives to the wolgon's crotch and rump. He continued massaging the liquid into the wolgon's fur, making sure to get it into his crack and over his nuts.

The latex suit was pulled up over Cobra's privates and bum. Its rear crack pressed against the dildo, nudging it deeper into the wolgon and sealing it there. The wolf carefully tucked the wolgon's hanging jewels into a tight pouch in front of the suit's crotch. Cobra felt a bit of pain as the wolf squeezed, adjusting each furry orb into their respective compartment within the pouch.

"You'll need to be erect for the next part. Just relax."

Cobra let out a frantic huff. The wolf was massaging his latex-encased manhood and stroking his sheath, coaxing his red rocket out. But Cobra didn't want to get erect, not like this. Not in the middle of the Silver Serpent while being processed into their latest sex object. Try as he might, though, his body betrayed him. His throbbing rod gave in to his libido's desires, extending to its full length.

Satisfied, the wolf pushed Cobra's erect member through a sheath in the front of the suit. His cock exited through a hole in the latex, but his furry sheath remained encased in the rubber suit. The wolf pressed the rim of the opening inwards, making sure to cover the skin and leaving only the red mast exposed. Cobra whimpered; the heat of the curing latex was painful on his delicate jewels.

"Finishing up the rest of the suit..." the wolf explained, focusing on the task at hand.

His tail was coated with adhesives and packed into a latex sheathe. More glue was smeared over Cobra's chest, abs, and back. The wolf coated his wings with more adhesives and pressed it against his shoulder blades. Just like his feet, his hands were sealed in rubber. The latex sleeves ended in balls instead of fingered gloves, forcing Cobra's hands into fists as the wolf squeezed him further into the suit.

The front opening of the suit was then sealed close with glue, encasing the wolgon from neck to toes in rubber. Only his head and cock were left exposed. The suit hugged his form tightly, as if it had been perfectly tailored to the dimensions of his body.

Cobra whimpered silently. Not too long ago, he'd only just realised the truth behind the rumours of the Silver Serpent, and now he was subjected to their processing. Nothing could have prepared him for this.

"Getting you into position..."

With a heave, he lifted Cobra's limp body off the table. The wolgon watched helplessly as he was put into a kneeling position. The wolf leaned him backwards until his lower back was on the support, forcing him to arch his hips forward. Metal restraints on the support were cuffed around his ankles, keeping his knees bent. His arms were brought down to the support and his wrists were similarly cuffed. Lastly, his sleek latex tail was shoved into a hole in the support and shackled in place.

Cobra felt like he was doing the bridge yoga pose, except with his hips thrust forward with his cock proudly on display. It wasn't comfortable. Adjusting the bound wolgon, the wolf placed a rectangular padded base beneath him.


The wolf picked up a muzzle with a long tube threaded through its front. With his free hand, he pried Cobra's limp maw open and pushed the thick rubber tube between his teeth. The wolgon huffed frantically as the tube was shoved into his maw. Ignoring Cobra's pleading eyes, the wolf secured the muzzle's straps around his head, trapping the tube in his maw.

"I need your collar off for the next part."

With a few taps on the screen, the collar unclasped itself from around Cobra's neck. Motor control immediately returned to the wolgon.

"Mnggh!" he protested and squirmed.

"Struggle all you want," the wolf chuckled. "It's time to complete the suit."

More glue was smeared onto Cobra's face. The wolgon tried to twist his head away but the wolf held him in a vice-like grip, coating the front and back of his head with glue. The lupine pulled up a black latex hood.

Cobra gave it one look and fear gripped his heart. The hood was smooth and featureless; if it were permanently glued over his face, he would be robbed of his vision forever. But there was no escaping it: after threading the tube through a hole in the hood, the wolf pulled and stretched the latex over his face. His horns slipped into sleeves in the rubber, and the glue took hold of him.

The wolgon thrashed about, but his movements only helped the wolf slide his head into place. The flaps at the back of the latex hood were glued together, and the neck of the hood was glued to the rest of the suit.

"For the final touch..."

Picking up a heat gun, the wolf aimed them at the seams of the suit. The latex melted slightly, fusing the material together into one smooth surface. Apart from his throbbing dick, Cobra was completely encased in featureless latex as he squirmed in his tight restraints.

The wolf reached for the bottom of the trolley and brought out a large cover. It looked like a half of a hollow cylinder with semicircular ends and a curved surface. Near one end was a hole, and near the other was a funnel. Taking the other end of the muzzle tube, he threaded it through the funnel hole.

The cover was placed over Cobra and his cock was fitted through the other hole. It fit snugly over the wolgon's body, allowing the cover to rest on the padded base while the wolgon's cock stuck out of the hole.

From within the cover, Cobra could hear the wolf's movements. There was a crackling sound as the wolf welded the cover to the base, keeping Cobra permanently trapped within. When he was done, he put the arc welder down. He pulled the tube through the funnel hole, raising the muzzle and forcing the wolgon to face upwards. He then glued the tube in place and cut off the excess.

A latex cocksleeve was the final addition. Smearing cold adhesive over the wolgon's warm, throbbing cock, the wolf slipped the sleeve on. Cobra could feel the glue and latex press against his shaft, but all his struggling and squirming could not save him from his fate. His cock was turned into a latex dildo. With the rest of the encasement in place, Cobra was reduced to a sybian: just another sex toy for someone else's enjoyment.

From inside the tight latex hood, the wolgon could only make muffled pleas for help. Tears flowed out of his eyes as he begged for mercy. His tight and unyielding latex encasement and his uncomfortable pose only added physical discomfort to his mental agony.

"Now to test the toy."

The wolf gripped the wolgon's rubber cock firmly with one hand as he tapped on a remote control with the other. The wolgon-turned-sybian let out a gasp as the dildo in his rear began vibrating.

"Mnfgg..." Cobra groaned. He thrust his hips forward, pushing his latex cock deeper through the hole in the cover.

"Testing vibration strength."

Bit by bit, the wolf increased the vibration's intensity. It reverberated through Cobra's body, making his rubber cock tremble. The ferocity of the stimulation straddled the line between arousing and agonising, working the wolgon up into a frenzy.

"Toy vibration intensifies accordingly. Checking e-stim functionality."

A surge of electricity shot through Cobra's body through the electrical nodes in his latex suit. The e-stim focused on his erogenous zones, pulsing through his nipples and balls. The plug in his rump was also powered, stimulating his insides. His rear muscles clenched involuntarily, pressing against the nubs of the plug.

Cobra struggled. His cock throbbed against the wolf's firm grip as arousal flooded his mind. He thrust his latex cock forward, grinding it against the wolf's fist. With nowhere else to go, Cobra's franctic breaths escaped through the mouth tube and exited through the funnel.

The current got stronger as the wolf turned up the power. Pleasure turned into pain, making him squirm in agony. Unintelligible begging escaped the funnel as the shocks got too much to bear. His writhes of desperate arousal turned into painful struggles.

"E-stim unit works."

The vibration and e-stim were turned off, leaving the wolgon panting weakly. He caught his breath, recovering from the physical exertion. But there wasn't any time to relax.

"I'm going to finish up the sybian. Sit tight."

Cobra could imagine the wolf smirking from outside his encasement. An odd vinegar-like smell came through the tube. It smelt familiar, but what was it? He struggled against his bonds, feeling something viscous against the bottom of the encasement.

Then it hit him. Silicone.

The wolf was filling the sybian with silicone!

Cobra could only squirm as he felt the silicone level rise within the sybian encasement. The viscous liquid began to harden around him as it filled the container.


He was going to be permanently encased!

But there was no way out of this. Not unless the wolf had a sudden change of heart. Until then, all he could do was wait as silicone was pumped into his prison. Feeling tired, Cobra ceased his struggles. The thick material rose higher and higher, covering his arms and legs. It rose up his latex-encased head before engulfing his chest. Soon, his hips were submerged beneath the silicone as the sybian was completely filled.

"All done. I'll be back in a few hours once it's dry."

Cobra let out a muffled whimper through the tube. As the silicone cured and hardened around him, he knew that there was no escape.

"Mmftt!" Aquilan groaned as a thick, girthy cock was shoved into his open beak.

A top was gripping the eagle's hooded head, forcing the avian's beak up and down his throbbing shaft. The avian hated what was happening to him, but he didn't have a choice. Restraints were cuffed around his thighs and ankles, forcing him to kneel on a sybian. His arms were bound behind his back, taking away his power to resist.

But while his beak was abused like a sex toy, he was fighting his arousal. The dildo on the sybian was impaled deeply in his tailhole, stimulating his prostate as it vibrated with great intensity. Electrostimulation assaulted him throughthe various pads on his body and through the electrified dildo inside him. Each shock forced him to clench and squeeze the firm toy.

His balls were trembling with the incessant electrical pulses, working up his arousal. But his carnal cravings only granted him pain. Stuck in the cock cage, his erection had nowhere to go. His flesh was painfully pressed against the confines of the cramped metal cage, inflicting an aching agony on his member.

The eagle let out another moan, only to have the cock muffle his voice. Interpreting Aquilan's cry as one of pleasure, he renewed his efforts in fucking the avian. Having been abused by three other people, Aquilan had long given up on struggling. Instead, he found it easier to let his assailants have their way with him.

But his arousal, oh his arousal. He rocked his hips as he rode the latex dildo on the sybian. Driven by the constant stimulation, his mind was consumed by a fierce urge to orgasm. Cage be damned, he would get his release one way or another.

"Fuck yeah!" The top plunged his cock deep into the eagle's maw as he shot his load down the avian's throat. Letting out a satisfied sigh, he took a step back.

With Aquilan's will broken, the eagle let the top's life essence flow down his throat. He abused the sybian with all his efforts, getting the tip of the dildo to grind against his sensitive prostate. Just a bit more...and...

"Nfggnn..." Aquilan moaned as he reached orgasm.

His cock throbbed painfully from within its metal prison and his spunk leaked pitifully out of the front slit of his cage.

"Heh, look at this slut enjoying himself," the top mocked.

But Aquilan was too distracted to hear him. He clenched his muscles, trying to milk the last of the cum from his aching shaft. His seed dripped down the funnel in front of the sybian and into an internal tube.

Cum flowed down the tube and into Cobra's open maw. Unable to close his mouth, he was forced to swallow every last drop of cum so he could breathe. The hardened silicone constricted his chest, further exacerbating his breathing difficulties.

Another wave of electricity surged through his body. The intensity waxed and waned, bringing him between euphoric pleasure and painful anguish. But his struggles were futile in his solid prison, and only his frantic huffs through the tube gave him away.

Outside the sybian, Cobra could feel someone riding his latex-encased cock. His dick was tender from all the forced-fucking, but his rider didn't seem to care. In fact, the person on his cock must've been there for hours, unrelentlessly abusing his sore flesh.

The wolgon didn't want to admit it, but he was getting turned on. Perhaps it was the incessant clenches on his quivering cock. Or maybe it was the vibrating plug that worked his prostate in random intervals. Or perhaps the e-stim overwhelming his senses with its powerful pulses. Whatever the cause was, he was hungry for an orgasm.

But his lust was filling him with embarassment. Here he was, encased in latex and silicone, and turned into a sex toy. He should be trying to escape! He should be finding a way to communicate! But his carnal cravings had gotten the best of him, and all he wanted was sexual release.

Another surge of electricity stimulated the areola of his nipples and the sides of his neck. The slow pulses got Cobra moaning through the tube before he could stop himself. As the stimulation and vibrations increased in intensity, the wolgon found it harder and harder to quell his libido. His rider was shifting their hips and squeezing, massaging Cobra's shaft and knot with firm clenches.

So fucking horny...

He was getting closer to his climax. He could feel it. Just a bit more, and...

There was a muffled gasp as his rider achieved yet another orgasm. In response, the vibrations and e-stim eased out, giving his rider a moment of respite.

But what about him? He wanted, no, needed this orgasm!

The tension was building up in his latex cock, but release was not his to have. Unfortunately for Cobra, all he could do was to wait for the next round of stimulation and try again. Until then, he had yet another batch of jizz to swallow.

Aquilan's mind was lost in a haze. How long had he been here? Weeks? Months? Years? He didn't know. So many people had abused his vulnerable maw that he had lost count long ago. Each encounter was just another one, and their experiences melded together into an indistinguishable blur.

As yet another person unzipped his pants and thrust his cock into Aquilan's maw, the eagle thought about Cobra. How was the wolgon doing? Did he return to his mundane life after leaving the Silver Serpent? Did he know where Aquilan was?

And the money. The money was still in Aquilan's membership card, if it hadn't already been confiscated by the casino. Did Cobra think he stole the money and disappeared with it? The eagle could only hope the wolgon didn't think ill of him.

But it should be alright. Cobra was an ambitious person. All that fiery passion has helped both of them through tough times in the past, so it should serve the wolgon well even now. Surely he'd find another way to get rich and live a comfortable life.

Aquilan could only hope the best for Cobra as he was forced to swallow another mouthful of seed.

Cobra was both physically and mentally tired. The random changes in stimulation intensity made it impossible to tune it out. Each pulse and quiver was a piercing sensation through the blackout of his other senses. If only there was a way out of this. But deep down, Cobra knew there would be no escape for him.

But Aquilan. Aquilan still had a chance. After all, the eagle's betting strategy in that last game should not have raised any red flags. If the snake suspected anything, it would be Cobra's actions that were dubious, not Aquilan's. The eagle should've went home long ago. Hopefully Aquilan would come to terms with his disappearance.

Thankfully, the eagle had more than half a billion in wealth from their last game. That would be enough for a lifetime of luxury and then some. Aquilan deserved it. The eagle had always had it rough. It's time he got a lucky break.

Cobra could only hope the best for Aquilan as he was denied yet another orgasm.

~ End ~

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