Moonshimmer Decadence I

Story by Aero_Dragneel on SoFurry

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#1 of Moonshimmer Decadence

Inspired by a pal of mine, we joked about there being an Isekai about the nerdy, chubby, dad archetype and being the horny writer I am I decided to give it a go! Hopefully you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Like most of my content I'll be posting here it's 18+ if it ain't obvious already, so if you're underage, gtfo, otherwise, enjoy!

Chapter I: Revitalization

It'd all happened so fast...

"He's got a gun!"

"Get down!"

Without hesitation, he threw himself between the path of a bullet, several actually. As he lay there, gagging on his own blood, the last images of his mind were of some punk who'd gotten a lucky strike at the cost of his life.

Warmth had begun to take over his body, the intense pain melting away almost instantly. Surely this is what death felt like, he was experiencing it first hand.

But... something, he couldn't quite name it was calling him, pulling him closer into itself. Unsure if he should run, he embraced it.

_ "This mortal shell... broken... a rebirth... new life..." _

_It was all a blur as he found that warmth slowly being taken away, replaced with a bitter cold. That burning pain, he could feel it everywhere. His arms, his chest, his stomach, everywhere. _

_He couldn't move, he could barely think, it all hurt. _

Some new life huh?

But even in his state of agony he was able to pick up on an audible gasp.

_"Holy Hell, Roark! Get over here!" _

_Something touched his neck, and with a sigh of relief a hand rested on his back. _

"H-he.... Help,' he choked.

"Just hold on, we got ya, we got ya."

This new voice was soft, almost fatherly in the way that they spoke. But they faded out, into the darkness.

Art looked up from his desk hearing a soft groan come from the bed across the room. With the fireplace roaring and crackling through the study, he put his pen down and made his way over to the slightly shifting lump beneath the covers.

He pulled back the blanket slightly, casting a sad gaze towards the bloodied bandages adorning the soft frame of the dog laying before him. Their fur was a cobalt blue after they'd gotten him cleaned from all the blood, white covered the expanse of his chest and chubby belly and down to his groin and inner thighs. A strange tattoo was on his forearm, and a mop of unruly green hair rested atop his head if he had to say so, he was cute.

Another groan snapped him out of his analysis. "Hey, you waking up there?"

The blue canine slowly opened his eyes, deep brown staring into Art's blue. For a moment they seemed unaware of where they were.

"Easy, you're in rough shape and I-"

Then they started screaming.


Art was dumbfounded. But his confusion was dispelled when he watched the dog scramble off the bed and impact the floor. "Oh geez, are you okay?"

"S-stay back!" they had started pushing themselves back toward the fireplace, in an attempt to get away.

Art jumped from his seat, and made his way over to the young man. "Look, kid, you're hurt I just wanna help-"

"I said stay away from me!" He batted Art's hand away, but when he did, Bravo felt a shock go through his body and was suddenly sent flying backwards into a pile of books.

Art groaned, 'Repulsion Magic? Golly that was strong,' A book fell on his head, sending him to hiss in pain, rubbing his head. "Shit." he cursed.

"O-oh my God! I-I'm so s-sorry! I-I didn't m-mean," The young man clutched at his side, hissing in pain.

Art quickly dusted himself off, and made his way back over. "Here, let me see," he reached his hand out for the other male to flinch away. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to help."

Art gently took the boy's arm, inspecting it as gently as possible, squeezing an prodding quietly. His hand gently felt along his love handles and and side promptly asking if anything hurt.

"You smell nice..."

Art noticed the pudgy dog was looking away with a light green glow lighting up his cheeks. "Oh. Uh, thank you," Art said. Unable to peel his eyes away, he reached up and cupped his cheek, watching in awe as the glow intensified. "Fascinating..."

"Erm... Mister?"

"Hmm?" Art asked.

"D-do ya gotta keep staring?"

Art blinked, suddenly aware of the younger male's comfort that he was most likely degrading at the moment. "Sorry about that! You're just so... full of mystery I guess." He let out a hearty chuckle.

The blue dog looked Art up and down. Well groomed red hair with a few streaks of forest green, an equally groomed goatee with a thick bushy mustache, and glasses framed his oceanic blue orbs. 'Wow... he's kinda... handsome...'

"You got yourself a name there, stranger? I'm Art, a Mage here in Crullfeld. We found you in the middle of a beach, no ID, and bleeding to death. Can you remember anything that happened?"

The dog racked his brain for any memory of prior events, but it only resulted in just flashes of pictures and a throb in his wounds. "I-I... don't know..."

Art dug around in a pouch attached to his waist and pulled out a leather bound journal. "Amnesia... physically stable... coherent..." He shut the journal and extended his hand, "Well, until we find out your name, mind if I call ya Aero? Feels weird calling ya kid all the time."

Blinking when confronted with his new name he nodded. "Aero it is then." he said.

At that moment, another person burst through the door, arms borderline bursting with bags of supplies. "So the market didn't have any cold compresses, looked everywhere so I figured we'd just soak some rags and--"

Stumbling into his boss's office to see a nude corgi and the aforementioned boss sitting on the floor, was a tad jarring to the brown fox.

"Oh uh, didn't mean to interrupt anything," Roark said with a chuckle.

Art rolled his eyes, "Aero, this is my assistant Roark, he helped to stabilize you when we came across you."

"Howdy! Happy to see you're alive." Roark toddled over to a nearby table and dropped the supplies upon it. Turning around, he watched his employer help him Aero up to his feet. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander between the shorter canine's legs. He let out a long wolf whistle, "Quite the meat stick there, Aero."

At first, Aero, didn't know what he was talking about, but once again, his cheeks lit up a dim green as his hand shot downward to cover himself.

"Y-you wouldn't happen to have clothes that'd fit me, would ya?" Aero asked.

Art couldn't help but chuckle feeling a bit of blood rush to his own cheeks. Aero's bashfulness was nothing short of adorable, but he felt for him. Being in a stranger's house, no memory of who you are, just naked, mentally, and physically.

What if he had a family? Someone had to be looking for him, somewhere.

Art ran a hand through his hair. A simple locator spell would do the trick if he wanted to bring him home, but... why did he feel like he didn't want to?

A loud rumbling drew everyone to stare at Aero once again.

"Gee kid, are ya hungry?" Roark asked.

Aero nodded.

Being seated at the oak table, Aero found himself fixated on the grain of the wood, almost purposefully trying to find something to distract him. Being dressed in nothing but an old t-shirt of Art's with "Party Animal" emblazoned across the front of it, he felt a little less naked, but he still felt it was indecent.

A firm hand rested on his shoulder, snapping the corgi out of his trance just as a bowl of stew was set in front of him. The scent of it made him drool nearly instantly, while his rumbling stomach began to cramp, another sign of ravenous hunger.

Art chuckled at the sight of the young man staring down his meal. "You can eat y'know, it's pretty good."

Aero nodded vigorously before he started to scarf down his food. After that first bite, he couldn't slow himself down, and to some extent, he didn't care if two pairs of eyes were watching him chow down like a wild animal.

"He eats like you there Art," Roark said, with a chuckle, only for a foot to hit him in the shin.

"There's plenty more if ya want it, Aero."

With broth and bits of meat staining his cheeks, Aero nodded again.

With nearly eight bowls of stew in his gullet and the pot cleaned out, Aero was sated, and obviously sleepy.

Art half lead, half carried the boy up to a spare bedroom with an actual bed instead of a cot in his office.

Almost instantly when his head hit the pillow, he was already half asleep. With the moon being the only light to shine through the window, almost making Aero's cobalt fur shimmer against the light.

Art turned to leave, but he felt a hand reach out and grab his own.

"...Don't go..."

Looking back into Aero's brown, Art felt some kind of draw to him. Unknown to him, the marking on Aero's began to glow a dim green. The corgi sat up, as Art brought his face closer, their noses just inches from touching.

Should Art be doing this? This was just a person he'd met not even three days ago. But, his body felt autonomous, unable to stop what he was going to do next.

Pressing their lips together, his hand untangled itself from Aero's and cupped his face, gently stroking his thumb across his cheeks. He'd always liked his partners with fuller, if not chubbier cheeks, but it'd been so long since those days.

Aero pulled away for a second, his eyes now a glowing hazel color. "We gotta get you out of these clothes, Art."

The mage nodded as he started to lift his shirt over his head, feeling his cheeks turn a little rosy, with his pudgy belly out in the open. "I-I'm not as fit as I used to be,"

"Nonsense, you're adorable." Aero started to rub circles into his belly, slowly planting kisses along the expanse of flesh. Each peck went lower and lower ever so slightly until he reached the barrier of his belt.

"May I?"

Art nodded as blood pumped into the growing bulge in his trousers and his cheeks.

With permission given, Aero cupped Art's package, smirking at the older dog's sharp intake of breath. He began to undo his belt, letting them drop to his ankles, lustfully oggling Art's tented underwear.

"Are ya sure you-" Art's underwear was yanked down with such fervor, he yelped.

"Oh wow..." Aero mumbled, admiring his elder's twitching member. He was certainly bigger than himself, same thickness just about too.

If Art's cheeks weren't burning right now, he was sure they'd start smoking at this point.

Aero licked his lips, before opening his mouth and taking the whole length into his mouth.

Letting out a low groan, Art steadied himself on the smaller male's shoulders. The warm, wet confines of Aero's mouth felt so good along his cock, especially the way Aero skillfully traced his tongue along the head.

Aero's hands wandered up and down Art's thighs, until they came upon his balls. Taking them in his hands, he felt Art's legs begin to tremble. Pulling off the older dog's cock he let out a sly chuckle, "Sensitive sack, huh?"

"Y-yeah, been a while since I last did somethin' like this," Art muttered.

"Well come up here and we'll see if we can't defeat your memory a bit," Aero said with a wink.

Kicking off his pants and stripping Aero out of his clothes, the two climbed on the bed, their hands exploring every part of one another. The only light in the room came from the bright full moon outside and the bright glow of Aero's cheeks.

As the two stared into each other's eyes, their lips inches closer ever so slightly.

"Can I-?" Art asked.

"Kiss you-" Aero finished.

Grinning at each other, Aero and Art both leaned in, their eyes drifting shut as their lips pressed against one another, pulling themselves into a soft embrace, they're tongues lightly danced for dominance. Art slowly pulled away, heaving as Aero seemed to suck the air out of him.

"God, you're so fucking cute," Art rasped.

Aero's cheeks burned a bit brighter, suddenly made aware of his throbbing meat pressing against Art's own pulsating member.

"Here, lemme," Art reached down, grasping Aero's cock. The corgi let out a yip as he stroked over his member.

Aero returned the favor, hearing a deep rumbling growl in Art's chest. He leaned into the larger canine, whimpering and groaning. This all just felt, great, big gentle hands running over his sensitive flesh, the thumping heartbeat of another person pressed against him, the sheer sexual energy made everything hazy, almost intoxicating.

Art shooed Aero's hand off himself and scooted closer towards the smaller male. "C'mere," he muttered, pressing his manhood against Aero's. His larger hand wrapped around both their shafts, stroking them as a single unit.

This left Aero a gasping and whimpering mess. He leaned further into Art's neck, breathing in that soft aroma of lavender and sandalwood with a hint of masculine musk. His hips gently rocked against Aero's hand, their precum making it even more slippery as it was smeared over their cocks.

"A-Art, I- I-" Aero gasped.

Gently stroking over the young man's forest green locks, Art planted a kiss on his forehead, "You gonna what cutie? What are ya gonna do?"

"F-fuck!" Aero let out a whimpering moan as his cock began to erupt, spraying his seed over Art's pulsating meat and lower belly.

"Atta boy, let it go just cum little buddy," Art cooed, his own orgasm nearing. Using Aero's spunk as lube and hearing him moan and whine against him, rope after rope of sticky cum shot forth, covering his hand and staining the sheets beneath them.

Panting and groaning after what they just did, Art held his hand up to the light, admiring the sticky globs of semen clinging to it. He brought it to his lips, before popping a finger in his mouth and sucking it clean, taking note of how sweet it was, like those sea salt ice pops he and Roark liked so much.

It wasn't until he noticed Aero's cheeks had stopped glowing he realized he'd fallen fast asleep. Briefly looking over the room and then back at the chubby corgi cuddled against him, there was no way for him to leave, not that he wanted to anyway.

Laying on the pillow, Art lovingly caressed the boy's cheeks and hair until he drifted off himself. He wasn't sure what brought Aero to him, but as it stood, he was happy that he was.