chapter 1: revenge is a bitch

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#1 of bob and co.: a dog's life

Revenge is a bitch.

all that could be heard one dark night were moans and the sound of beastial sex, the culprits bob the golden lab and his mate jenna the chocolate lab, just as bob sprayed his warm sticky cum in jenna, bob's pack brother returned home he walked upstairs and burst out crying.

As soon as bob could remove his knot from his bitch's cunt he would see what was wrong with his pack brother. 10 minutes later he pulled his cock out of jenna and she fell to the bed panting, bob went to find Freddie. "what's wrong buddy?" Asked bob cautiously, "that bastard" he sobbed "he... he... raped me" cried Freddie, "Who?" grunted bob shaking with anger, "that German Shepard down the road" freddie made out. At that point jenna walked in "what's the matter hun?" She asked lovingly "freddie was raped by that German Shepard down the road" answered bob angrily. Jenna suddenly went from happy to pissed off "when I find that bastard I'm gonna rip his cock off and shove it up his ass" jenna swore, bob started to grin "lets do it now" they all got in the car and drove off, "that's his house there... why are we driving past it?" Freddie exclaimed as they drove past the rapists house "i know" said jenna "first we need some... supplies" twenty minutes later they arrived at a sex shop "me and jenna shop here all the time" explained bob "kinky bitch" he muttered, jenna heard this and replied seductively "you know I could buy some stuff for later if you want bob" "what kind of mate would I be if I said no" bob stated wagging his tail.

In the shop the shopkeeper saw the trio and said "holy shit you two again this is the eighth time this week" "we know" replied bob "this time its serious freddie here was raped and we need some stuff to get revenge" stated jenna "incredibly painful revenge" bob added. The shopkeeper started laughing "if you would come out back I will show you some of my special stock" "oh crap that means a special price" stated bob "yep" the shopkeeper replied "a special price... put your wallet away I have something else in mind" he leaned in and whispered something into bob's ear "you can't be serious!" bob cried "what" asked jenna "he wants a night with you... anything goes" "better be good stuff back there" exclaimed jenna. They all walked out back and saw many wonderfully evil toys "we'll take them all" exclaimed freddie grinning.

Back in the car they drove to the German shepherd's house with their new toys in hand. They walked up to the front door and knocked when the German shepherd opened the door a chloroform rag was shoved in his face all went black. Later when he came around he was in a pitch black basement, then the lights turned on he saw his captors faces. He was scared, first freddie walked up to him "hello, do you remember me?" he positioned a huge dildo at the rapists anus pushed it in a bit so it wouldn't fall out took a step back and kicked the dildo into the German shepherd's ass. He screamed as much as he could behind the gag as his anus was savagely entered. This made his cock harden, jenna started laughing then bob saw what she was giggling at and exclaimed "fuck me, that's small" "show him a real dick love" said jenna as she lowered herself and started licking her mates sheath, bob just moaned as her oral attack continued for a few minutes when his canine-cock was hard she took the whole thing in her mouth just as he was about to cum she stopped bob just looked at her angrily jenna replied to the dirty look "don't worry I'll treat you tonight" "can I join you?" asked freddie getting a stiffy "you know threesome" jenna walked over to him and rubbed her crotch on his leg like a pole dancer and whispered in his ear "of course you horny dog" the German Shepherd got the gag out of his mouth "hello I'm still here you mangy bitch get this dildo out my ass or I'll fuck you like I fucked your little friend" yelled the tied up German shepherd in the corner of the room.

Bob ran up to him and kicked him in the balls, so hard the German shepherd threw up all over the floor "no one talks to my mate like that you fucker" cried bob "now then freddie what should we use next?" Asked bob when he calmed down "the hot wax" freddie replied excitedly jenna then lit a candle and held It over the big dog's nipples then a little bit of wax dropped on them and he screamed again, freddie whispered something in Jenna's ear she looked shocked then giggled "ok if you want freddie but put his gag back on we don't want to wake the rest of the town" jenna replied grinning she lowered the candle to his genitals as soon as the German shepherd realised what was about to happen he tried to plead her not to do it but it was to late a big splodge of hot wax dropped on his dick-hole he screamed then passed out.

When he woke up he saw freddie preparing a table with some salt, a candle and assorted metal dildos. He cringed at the thought of what was about to happen when jenna untied him to move him to the table he made a break for the door but bob drew a pistol and shot his ankles he was dragged to the table and tied in a position were both his ass and dick could be accessed. Then freddie walked up to him with a knife in his hand he slashed at the German Shepard's dick and made a big tear in it, the big dog started to cry then freddie picked up the salt and rubbed it in the big dog's bleeding cut, this time he screamed. Then he got the smallest dildo and shoved it it the dog's anus then he brought the candle to the metal toy and it heated up and burned the dog's anal ring, freddie repeated this with bigger dildos until the German Shepherd's anal ring was expanded enough to fit an arm. Freddie shoved his arm up there really deep, in his hand was a tennis ball shaped vibrator. After he pulled his hand out and wiped the shit on the dog's coat he turned the vibrator on, after a few minutes a torrent of shit flew from the gaping hole, the dog just sobbed his gag had fell off during the ordeal but he didn't cry for help, when freddie asked him who's bitch he was he replied "im your little bitch I will please you in any way, please torment me more" "ok" replied freddie he picked up a big cup "you must fill this cup up and then drink it" "what with master?" Asked the sobbing dog "anything" said freddie whilst all this was going on bob and jenna were masturbating over the sight. The German shepherd placed the cup by his dick and a yellow stream came out, he pissed for a few minutes by the time he was done pissing the cup was full "oops" cried freddie as he purposely knocked the cup out of his bitch's hand and spilt the yellow content all over the dog he just thanked him and started pissing again this time freddie didn't knock the cup over he just let his bitch drink it. Freddie called bob over whispered to him and they both pissed on the German shepherd then they wanked and came on him. Jenna walks up to the German shepherd with a knife and sliced his dick off, put it in a hot dog roll put some ketchup and mustard on it and gave it to freddie's bitch he ate it not caring it was his severed dick, he just sobbed, he had brought all this upon himself. "well its time for us to go now" said bob laughing "i do hope you had fun" the German Shepherd's defiance came back "fuck you, you homo" at this bob mercilessly beat the dickless dog until it bled uncontrollably. And then they left, leaving the dog in a puddle of its own blood, sick, urine and crap, but none of his cum, he hadn't let out a drop, then he he saw the pistol bob had used on him he crawled over to it put it against his head and pulled the trigger. From the car all the dogs heard was a muffled bang. "feel any better freddie?" asked bob "no" said freddie "not really" jenna shuffled towards him and seductively humped his leg "i know what will make you feel better" later that night all that could be heard that dark night were moans and the sound of beastial sex, bob taking jenna's cunt and freddie in her asshole

Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 2 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca belongs to alaster this chapter is pretty much just one long sex scene. enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 2 When Arca's tears had stopped flowing he...

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chapter 2: A new member in the pack

A new member in the pack the night after the whole ordeal with the German shepherd, the three labradors were having a threesome bob came in jenna's pussy and freddie humped her anus. Ten minutes later bob and freddie pulled out and jenna took both...

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