The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 18

Story by dragonshina on SoFurry

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#18 of Spyro Origins

Author's notes:

Having summer school and my work, I have finally returned home after been gone for nearly two months. Home sweet home! Right now, I am enjoying my staying doing 'NOTHING'! What a wonderful way to spend time.

This is a chapter that I consider a little more serious... due to the nature of what it is written (at least, I consider it is).

At the end notes, I will explain a little more.



The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 18

They had just left Warfang and got past the walls. Shockwave had taken point immediately after they had taken off, since he was the only who knew where they would be going. Spyro followed somewhat behind to his left while Cynder flew to the right. Sprax was flying just next to Spyro in his usual place.

Shockwave, as expected, began rambling about such exciting and amazing coincidence that he was flying with them. He asked countless questions about Spyro's and Cynder's adventures during the war. They answered as best they could; but when Shockwave asked them about their past, Cynder remained more quiet, not wanting to bring back to surface her dark history.

"You thought you were a dragonfly?" Shockwave asked, turning his head too look back at Spyro, amusement on his face.

"Could you actually believe that? He doesn't' even look like one! I wonder what made him believe he was" Sparx said sarcastically.

"Yes. I didn't know I was something different that a dragonfly until I first used my fire breath" Spyro answered Shockwave, ignoring Sparx sarcastic comment. "That's when I decided to find out what I was... and where I come from. Thus I left the swamp, and that's where all my adventure begins"

"Your life must have been nice in the swamp" Shockwave agreed.

"Of course it was! Lots of games and fun with no worries about the end of the world!" Sparx exclaimed.

"Well, my clan and I had always had the underlying fear of being killed by the Dark Master forces. That was why we had to be in constant movement. What about you Cynder?"

She did not answer the question, only were looked at the ground below. Spyro knew why. She had caused a lot of destruction in her past, and it was not pretty for her to be remembering it and revive those memories.

Before they could say anything else, they flew over a small hill and watched the land that lay before them.

The Burning Lands.

A place that was completely devoid of life, thanks to Malefor's evil. The charred earth was so hot that burned your paws when you walked on it; and the air so hot and thick with ash that every breath you took seemed to come with the pain of a thousand thorns inside your lungs. Your eyes stung from all the dust and heat that was in the air.

The walls of fire that encircled the land had disappeared with Malefor's defeat. The volcano also had become silent, but the ground was still scarred. It would take a lot of time to heal the barren wasteland.

This place brought very painful memories of Ignitus and his sacrifice.

"Whoa... what happened here?" Shockwave asked out loud at the sight.

"This is where the Dark Master held his power" Cynder answered. "This is a scar that his evil made upon the face of the earth"

"Did he really do this!?"

"Yeah... he did" answered Spyro, his mood still low over his memories.

Cynder, sensing his distress, talked to him.

"I'm sure Ignitus would have been proud of what you did Spyro. His death also shocked me deeply, but do not let his demise be your own undoing"

Spyro heard the wisdom in her words. He knew that Ignitus would not have him mourn over his body, but it did not made it any easier to ease the pain of his passing.

"Anyway..." Shockwave tried to change the subject back at what they were speaking earlier. "I'm sure you miss home Spyro. I'm sure you must want to see your parents again"

Spyro felt a little guilty about that. He had not been to the swamp since he left. That was almost three and a half years ago... although three of those years were spent trapped in a crystal frozen in time. In fact, he had hardly even thought of the swamp! Or his parents!

"Sparx, I think we should go and visit the swamp. I am worried about mom and dad"

"No arguments from me buddy! I have wanted to return for a long time, but it seems that something always drag us into something"

"So where is this swamp located?" Shockwave asked out of curiosity.

"It is the swamp that surrounds the temple that..." Spyro trailed off, remembering something Hunter had told them after he found them and released them from their crystal in which they had been imprisoned for three years.


Hunter had lead Spyro, Cynder and Sparx down the river after their escape from the catacombs to spend the night. They stood atop a high cliff that gave an ample and beautiful sight of the surrounding land. But they were not looking at the land before them. No, they were looking beyond, toward a massive volcano that stood out in the background. It spit fire toward the fire, and the red glow that emanated from the molten rock gave and evil look towards it.

Spyro, along with Sparx, slowly approached Hunter as he stood vigilant. Spyro somehow knew what had happened after their imprisonment.

"The Dark Master... he's returned hasn't he?" Spyro asked, dreading to hear the answer that he already knew.

"I am afraid so..." Hunter responded somberly, "just shortly after your disappearance. He struck quickly, fueled by hatred and malice, reclaiming the throne at the temple, which through some dark magic, he now suspends above the land... a symbol of his dominance" Hunter explained them as he turned around and sat himself in a log, next by the fire that they had made to keep themselves warm. "We've been at war ever since. And every day, his forces grow stronger, and ours lose hope"

----(End of Flashback)----

Spyro thought hard. Malefor had raised the temple above the land to show his power to the world. The temple was located exactly at above the crater of the volcano... then the swap that surrounded the dragon temple had turned into...

Spyro turned to look at... the Burned Lands.

"Mom? Dad?" Spyro whispered to himself as he looked at the devastation, his heart dropping like a rock toward the ground below.

He continued to stare in shock at what his mind and heart refused to accept and believe. The swaps that had once surrounded the temple now were the Burned Lands... were nothing was green and alive.

"SPYRO!" he suddenly heard Cynder yell above him.

Turning quickly to his front, he noticed that the ground was rapidly approaching. In his reverie, he had forgotten to flap his wings, sending him gliding towards the ground.

Luckily, he recovered quickly and voided his crash course ... but instead of rising again to meet his companions, he decided to land. HE turned to look at the Burned Lands with longing in his heart.

Cynder and Shockwave circled above Spyro after he had fallen. Cynder was a little worried about him. She hadn't noticed that he was going lower until he had almost met the ground. She yelled to recover his attention, which he did.

She and Shockwaves waited for him to rise again, but he did not do so. Worry in her chest, Cynder glided closer to him, and try to figure out what happened.

"Hey, buddy, what happened to you? You seemed to be out of yourself for a moment back there" Sparx asked with his sarcastic voice.

Spyro didn't answer. He stood still, shocked at the revelation, which made Cynder worry even more.

"Spyro? Is something wrong?" Cynder asked.

"Mom? Dad?" Cynder barely heard Spyro's whisper.

This was wrong. Spyro was in a state of shock. He wasn't responding and he had his eyes locked into something. Cynder slowly turned to look at what he was staring, but she only saw the Burned lands. What had happened in Spyro's head to make him so?

Cynder turned back and looked into Spyro's eyes. Tears were swelling in them. Something really bad must have happened.

"Spyro, what is wrong?"

Spyro turned to look at her. Is face was that of despair and hopelessness and tear were coming out freely from his eyes.

"The swamp..." his voice was heavy, as if it had trouble getting pass his throat. "The swamp... home... mom... dad"

Suddenly, Cynder understood. The swamp where he had grown up had transformed itself into the Burning Land during Malefor's reign. He had just discovered he lost his home.

"Spyro... I´m sorry"

"They didn't had to do anything with war"

Sparx still didn't get it because he asked.

"Spyro man, you look like a broken fish out of the water. What got into you now?"

"The swamp Sparx! IT'S GONE!" Spyro yelled at his foster brother.

"What are you talking about?" the dragonfly asked. "You are not making any sense"

Spyro continued to sob.

Cynder, although she really didn't want to say it out loud for Spyro's sake, had to say it to Sparx since it was his home also.

"Sparx, the swamp you used to live in surrounded the dragon temple, right?"

"Uh... right!"

"But when Malefor got in power, he raised it above the volcano"

"Yeah... so?" he asked still in confusion.

"The lands that surround now the volcano had turned into the land you see now" she finished. At this, a sob and groan escaped from Spyro.

A few moments passed for the new information to get into the tiny head of the dragonfly. When he finally knew what she meant, his antennae dropped and his usual smile and cheerful demeanor changed. For once, the sarcastic dragonfly had no retort.

Shockwave also seemed to understand what Cynder had meant, because he took a few steps backward, giving them some privacy, but he was still near to offer comfort if needed.

Silence permeated the air for a few minutes, only the sound of the wind could be heard. Sparx floated to his brothers head and sat over it. Spyro didn't comment nor moved at all. He didn't care.

"Spyro..." Cynder began, trying to give him so comfort. "I'm sorry" she whispered.

"They were innocents, Cynder. They had nothing to do with the war. Why? Why did this happen? Why them?"

"Spyro, you know Malefor did not care about innocents or anyone. He just wanted power"

"Malefor..." Spryo said in a very menacing and angry growl. Cynder realized his mistake.

"Spyro, don't! Don't do it! Don't loose control!" she said in desperation.

But he didn't hear her. Spyros face was pure anger, and his eyes showed it. Spyro's scales were starting to turn a deep black color, and his eyes were starting to become completely white, emitting a faint glow.

"Spyro!" she urged him, but he was too far out.

Cynder thought fast of something to say, but nothing came to her.

"They may yet be alive!" Shockwave suddenly interrupted.

Of the many word that could possibly been said, those were the word that were needed to bring Spyro back to his old self. He turned sharply at Shockwave, causing Sparx, who was atop Spyro's head, to stumble downward. Fortunately he recovered before he hit the ground, ignorant of what had happened to Spyro.

Cynder turned to look at the yellow dragon, who had his wings half spread as if ready to flee and his eyes with fear. Cynder gave a loud sight and gave a silent thanks to Shockwave for his quick thinking.

"They yet may be alive" Shockwave said again, relaxing his tense muscles.

"How...?" Spyro began to ask.

"They may have fled before this happened. They may have gotten out of the swamp before the destruction arrived" he offered to Spyro. But those words where more than word to Spyro; they were hope. Hope that they yet may be alive.

"He's right Spyro. They could have escaped all this devastation" Cynder agreed.

"But where they might be?" Spyro asked his tone still desperate.

"Have hope, Spyro. Do not lose it. I'll help you find them"

"Really? Will you help me?" he asked, his normal voice returning.

"It's the least I could do"

"I'll help to" Shockwave put in. "I'll ask my clan if they know anything about some dragonflies that they may have seen. And if they didn't see anything, they could put the word out"

Spyro hung his head. He felt glad that someone cared. He also felt worry for his parent, wherever they might be.

"Spyro, everything okay?" a sudden voice came from the radio the humans had given him. Spyro had forgotten about them.

Remembering how to operate the device, he answered back. "Yeah. I'm all right" he replied, looking at the human vehicles some distance away.

"We saw you go down" Spyro heard Parker thought the small device attached to his ear. "At first we didn't think much about it, thinking you would rise again. So we waited. But you haven't risen yet, so we are worried. What happened?"

"N...nothing. Just... something personal"

"You sure?"


"Well, if it's not too much asking: could we get going? We haven't traveled very far yet"

Spyro nodded to himself. He wouldn't do any good here; he had to search for them. He might as well start with Shockwaves clan.

"Sparx" he called for his older foster brother. "Can you return to Warfang?"

"Why?" the dragonfly asked, his demeanor and attitude still downcast. He was not in the mood for sarcastic comments right now right now.

"Can you begin your search for our parents there? Ask questions in the city; ask the guardians if they know anything or if they can help. The city is not too far yet, and if we spread out, we can search for them faster"

Sparx gave it a little thought before answering.

"All right...I will" he said, still without enthusiasm. "Spyro... take care"

"You too Sparx, I don't want to lose another member of my family"

And with that, the dragonfly left, slowly flying away toward the city of Warfang. Spyro saw him go, a dark void forming in his heart at the thought of not seeing him again... just like his parents.

"Spyro..." Cynder said in a sweet and tender voice full of concern for his well-being. "Come on. We have to keep going"

Spyro slowly nodded. Shockwave beat his wings in a downward motion and flew up. Cynder looked at Spyro, waiting for him to go up. Slowly, he began to beat his wings in a downward motion and his paws left the ground. Spyro immediately started to follow Shockwave, and he could feel Cynder fell in line behind him.


The trip was long, uneventful, boring and silent. They had to detour around the canyon where the fight with The Destroyed had taken place because. The earthbound human vehicles could not pass the flooded canyon that had filled with salt water when Spyro and Cynder broke the dam.

But other than that, they kept a good pace. The humans vehicles that were traveling below the flying dragons were fast... provided they were moving on even ground.

They group pauses two times to allow the dragons a brief respite before they decided to stop for the night. The dragons landed and shortly after that, one of the human vehicles came into view and stopped.

Lieutenant Parker stepped out of the vehicle, groaning a bit as he stretched.

"Are you all right?" Spyro asked.

"Yeah! I'm just a little bit stiff from sitting the whole trip"

Just then, the second vehicle arrived. Sergeant Jackson stepped out of the door; his face was that of a very annoyed man.

"Come on Sarge... it was fun!" Ramirez called out to him from behind the control mechanism of the vehicle.

"NO! It was not! It was torture!" Jackson shot back at him. The other three humans that had traveled with them seemed to agree with Sergeant Jackson.

Spyro and Parker looked at each other, confused at the situation.

"How could you say that?" Ramirez asked in a hurtful expression. "I just saved us from hour of boredom. And I recall you liking it at some point"

"The first few, yes! But after eight or nine hour of pure heavy metal at a high volume tend to get on someone's nerve"

Spyro heard Parker gave a slight snort of amusement.

"I resent that Sarge!" Ramirez said as he exited the vehicle. "Don't tell me you didn't want to dance a little bit at some point" he said that as he moved his body in a strange way Spyro found amusing.

"No" Sarge said dryly. "And since you have so much energy left... and because you had us pain such a torture, you will have first AND second watch for the night" Ramirez flinched visibly at the pronouncement of Jackson's punishment. "And if I'm not satisfied with your performance, you will also have third... since dealing with you makes me very tired" Jackson threatened.

"So, how are fuel reserves?" Parker asked Sergeant Jackson, preventing further humiliation.

"We have done a lot better than expected, sir. Those modifications McAllister did saved us a lot of fuel"

"We would have gotten this far without those" another human said. Spyro remembered having seen him. "I wonder why McAllister didn't work on Car Company back on Earth. He would surely make a BIG improvement on engine fuel consumption and reduce pollution"

"I guess it was just too low for him" Parker said with a small smile. The rest of the humans also gave some low hearted laughs.

After that, Spyro asked the human he somewhat remembered.

"I have seen you before. But where?"

"Oh, right" Parker exclaimed before any more words could be said. "I guess I should introduce the team"

There were ten humans in total.

"For those that don't know me" started Parker, looking specifically toward Shockwave and Cynder. "I'm Lieutenant Jonathan Parker"

"Sergeant Samuel Jackson"

"Jose Ramirez! Infantryman and supplier... if you know what I mean"

"Matthew Douglas. Demolition"

"Jason Powell. Marksman, sharpshooter and sniper"

"Everybody calls me Romeo. Heavy weapons and support"

"Carlos Miller. Field Medic"

"Mike Steel"

"Corporal Desmond Ambrose"

"Alexander Vastikov" the last one said with a strange accent. "Or you can call me Alec"

Each human introduced themselves, and the dragons nodded at the mention of each name.

"Well, I'm Spyro and this is Cynder and Shockwave"

After the introductions were made, they started to prepare to spend the night. The team spread out and searched for some firewood. Spyro gladly lit up with his fire breath, much to the awe and amusement of the humans.

A small dinner was procured form the ample supplies the humans had brought with them. Ramirez had called them Meal-Ready-to-Eat... or MRE.

The humans opened the small package and poured some water in it. Steam started to come out of the bag, indicating that it was hot. Out of courtesy, the humans offered the dragons. Of course, the dragon some problems while trying to eat them. They would put their tongues in and try to eat their contents.

The meal was fine and satisfying, but the events of the day had left Spyro drained of energy. He searched for a comfortable place to rest and spend the night. A small area where moss was abundant would suite him fine.

He was starting to dose off when images of the swamp and his parents sprang to his mind. He thought of the old times there, when all was fun and peaceful, when there was no worry and evil, when everything was nice and quiet.

Then, images of the Burned Lands replaced the good old memories. He saw his dragonfly foster parents in dead, as everything was around them in the Burned Lands.

Spyro tried to dispose of those horrible thought, saying to himself they were still alive somewhere... that they had managed to escape the horrible devastation. But no matter how hard he tried to make those thought go away, they always managed to come back to him. And every time he saw them, he started to tremble at the images.

"They are going to be fine, Spyro"

Spyro shot his eyes opened and saw Cynder standing near him. Her face was full of concern.

"They may have escaped the swamp before it happened" she assured him.

"But what if they didn't? What if they are already dead?"


"I don't want to lose them like I lost Ignitus!" Spyro exclaimed. "Not again!" he sobbed

Cynder tilted her head in understanding... and sympathy. She too resented the death of the former Fire Guardian. Of the four, he had been the most accepting of her.

Spyro started to tremble from all the pain and loss that he was feeling. He started to sob in a way that only grief stricken people do. He shed the tears that should have been flowing since he found out about his parents; the tears that he had been repressing.

He needed someone to be with him right now. He needed someone to be there for support, to care for him, to understand him, to listen to him.

Cynder took the few remaining paces that separated them and lay down beside him. Spyro looked up in surprise at her sudden move, but didn't say anything.

"Don't worry Spyro. I´m here for you" he tried to console him.

Spyro moved a little closer to her, as much as he could, and continued to sob. Cynder remained still as he released all of his emotions. She enjoyed what small comfort the circumstances allowed of Spyro body pressing against her own.

A few minutes passed and Spyro fell asleep next to her. Cynder, not wishing to disturb him from the slumber that might not come again if he woke up again, let him sleep against her. She slowly let her head fall in place next to Spyro's and joined him in sleep.


Next morning was uneventful, except for a very sleepy Ramirez which grumbled a lot about injustice when the group tried to wake him up. A little breakfast and they were off again, looking for Shockwave's nomad dragons.

After some hours of flying, Shockwave announced that they should split up and search the immediate area. No one asked a question, and did as they were told. To everyone's dismay, the group they were searching for were not in the area.

They continued traveling some hour again before Shockwave told them to split again. This result ended no better that the last. Spyro knew the humans were starting to get a little bit annoyed at Shockwave. Nevertheless, they kept their emotions in check, Spyro believed Parker had something to do with it, and continued moving.

"We should be close by now!" Shockwave announced after several hours of flying.

"Are you sure? You said that twice already!" Cynder asked with suspicion.

"Yes! I am sure!"

"You said that too"

"So, we split up again?" Spyro broke in to prevent further antagonism.

"I guess that would be the best course of action. We should land in the clearing up ahead and begin from there" Shockwave agreed.

Spyro looked toward the ground. He could see the two human vehicles following him and his flying companions. He activated the device that allowed them to talk to each other.


"We're here" he answered back.

"Shockwave says we should land in a small clear area in front of us and split up again"

Spýro heard Parker gave a small sigh.

"Is he sure that the dragons we are looking for are really here?"

"He says so"

"Fine! We will see each other on the ground then. Parker out"

They flew the distance that separated them from the small clearing that was surrounded by trees up ahead. When they were approaching, the dragons started to glide down until they touched ground. Soon after, the humans got there.

"So, how thing will go on from here?" Parker asked them as he opened the door and exited his vehicle.

"The same as the other two. Look for any sign of dragon habitation in the area" Shockwave told them. "We will meet back here in two hours"

"Right! Okay people, five teams of two; same as before. Try and stay in radio contact" Parker ordered his troops before the search began.

The group scattered and began their search.

The search was slow and boring. And as the other two previous attempts... nothing came out of it. There two hour time lapse was drawing to an end and the teams started to return.

When Spyro returned, he found six humans already waiting at the clearing.

"This was a waste of time!" Douglas complained.

Judging by their expression and their tone, the search had come up with nothing. Spyro somewhat felt the same ad Douglas.

A few minutes later, Shockwave appeared.

"Any luck?" he asked those that were already there. The response was a negative.

"I thought you said your people were here" Douglas started to antagonize the electric dragon.

"I thought so too"

"We have been wasting our time here going around in circles" Douglas started to get angry.

"Hey! It's not my fault that my people are so difficult to find!" Shockwave defended himself.

"You are a part of them, right? So you should know where to find them" the human pointed out.

"We move around a lot and make sure that we do not leave a lot of traces. All I can do is try to figure where they might be"

"Might be?"

"They could have left this area for all I know"

"Listen to me you sorry excuse of a lizard...." he started to say angrily.

"Private Douglas, calm down!" a voice came out of the woods.

Spyro turned to look and saw Parker with Carlos and Cynder walking toward them.

"We are all frustrated that we haven't been able to find anything yet. In fact, we might not find anything. Shockwave is doing his best to find that which is difficult; and we don't need further difficulties of our own making. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir" Douglas said in a low voice.

"Good. Now, are we all here?" he asked out loud.

"Mike and Ramirez haven't returned yet" Jackson answered the question.

"Then we wait for them"

The group started to have small talk while they waited for the two remaining humans. They didn't have to wait long.

A twig snapped, alerting everyone of someone's presence nearby. As everyone turned to look at the origin of the sound, the saw Ramirez coming out of some bush, with Mike leaning against him. He favored one foot.

"Ramirez! What happened?" Paker asked.

"This idiot fell on a ditch and twisted his ankle!" Ramirez grumbled. "I had to carry him a long way through treacherous terrain. He's not feather weight either!"


"I'm sorry Lieutenant, I screwed up. It was my mistake"

"How are you holding up?"

"I'll be fine, sir"

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Carlos?"

The healer went towards Ramirez and relieved him from his burden and back.

"Halleluiah!" Ramirez exclaimed in relief, stretching and moving his arms.

Carlos put Mike on the ground and removed the boot that covered the human's foot. Mike only winced at every movement and touch the doctor did.

"We can put some ice on it to reduce the swelling. But we have to immobilize his foot, else it will get worse"

"Do it!" Parker agreed with the doctor's assessment.

Carlos started to work with the injured human as the rest of the group watched or began speaking with the other.

"I'm going to have a leak" Ramirez suddenly announced.

"Don't go far" Jackson advised him.

"I won't" Ramirez answered back as he left his weapon reclining against one of the vehicles.

The human started to walk toward some tree. As he neared them, something red and fast dashed out of some bush near ground level.

"What the...?!" Ramirez exclaimed as such thing collided with his legs.

The force of the hit threw the human off balance and fell to the ground. The commotion attracted the group's attention, and they saw something that they did not expect.

A small red dragon, maybe two years of age Spyro guessed, had run headlong into Ramirez.

The small dragon was also dazed by the impact. He was shaking his small head, trying to clear away the stars that were appearing in front of his eyes. When he regained his senses, the small being turned to look at the human that was lying on the ground in front of him. When they saw each other, their eyes were opened wide.

The small dragon gave a high pitched squeal of terror before bolting out of the clearing as fast as his four legs could carry him, squealing as he ran.

"What the...?!" Ramirez said in a low voice. "Would someone mind telling me what happened?"

Before anyone said a word, several strange laughs came from where the small dragon originally appeared.

"Not them again!" Romeo exclaimed.

Several apes burst out of the woods, brandishing swords and axes. Many of them had some kind of armor that looked heavy. They were ugly, strong and had a disgusting smell. All in all, they seemed ready for war.

Ramirez had to scurry away since he was to close. Once the apes spotted the group, they stopped. Apparently they were not expecting anyone here. Then, the apparent leader said.

"Deal with them. I will go for the small one"

All the apes gibbered and jumped up and down in excitement at the idea of killing. Then, as one, the small group of apes went forward.

"FIRE!" Parker shouted without hesitation.

The characteristic thunderous cracks of the human weapons resounded in the small clearing. But the apes did not fall from the wound made by the projectiles, they were only slowed down.

Spyro jumped toward the nearest ape and unleashed his fire. The smell of burned hair soon filled the area as the sound the humans weapons did. The small ape that was Spyro's foe fell with a high pitched scream of pain.

Just after he had finished with it, Spyro had to duck his head to avoid being decapitated by a horizontal slash for an axe-wielding-ape. The purple dragon retaliated by whipping his tail, smacking the ape in the head and leaving him disorientated. Spyro took the chance and began delivering a combination of powerful melee blows that killed the ape.

A sudden scream pierced the battlefield.

Spyro turned to look what had happened. Corporal Desmond had been stabbed from behind with a huge sword. Spyro could see the crimson blood covering the blade that protruded from the human's chest. The ape retracted the ape and Desmond fell to the ground.

Poor Desmond had been caught off guard by some apes that had sneaked form behind. He never saw them coming. A lot of apes were starting to come out of the woods from many directions. Spyro could not comprehend how they could have missed them in their exploration. The humans had their backs against each other, firing at anything that moved, occasionally using some explosive that send bodies flying. Another human had managed to get into the weapon that was atop their vehicles. The rapid fire of the gun tore apart any ape that he aimed at.

Cynder and Shockwave were fighting together, covering each other's back. Cynder used her fear attacks, sending apes running wild in terror away from her. Shockwave used electric attacks, paralyzing everyone that came to close to him.

But Spyro had to focus in the fight again as another ape came rushing toward him.

Using his ice breath, he froze the onrushing ape. The soldier immobilized in mid step as the ice started to cover him completely. When it did, Spyro whipped and used his tail to shatter this frozen ape into thousands of pieces.

The skirmish lasted for two minutes and the apes were slowly beginning to wear out. The dragons received several small cuts from the bladed weapons the apes carried. Shockwave received a nasty gash across his flank. Romeo was also wounded, an arrow sticking out of his torso. Fortunately, none of them were dead.

The last apes started to flee from the seemingly unstoppable group. Over three dozen apes lay on the ground dead.

But it was not yet over.

"Let him go!" Parker shouted.

Spyro turned to look at the situation and he found out that an ape had taken Mike hostage. Mike, with his twisted ankle, was the easiest target in the group; and the apes took the opportunity. He was being held hostage by an ape that was holding an ugly looking knife too his neck. Mike was also immobilized by the ape, preventing motion that could help the human to escape or fight back.

"Let. Him. Go!" Parker said again, his voice full of anger.

"No! This one will serve me as a shield to allow me to escape" the ape replied with a triumphant smile in his face.

Mike had a face full of fear, and at the same time of confusion, half understanding what was happening.

"Lower your weapons!" the ape ordered.

The humans held their positions, waiting for any mistake the ape could make that would allow them an opportunity to finish this. Spyro looked at the two parties, thinking of how to help in this delicate situation. One wrong move and Mike could end with a gash in his neck.

The situation intensified when the ape pressed the knife hared to the human's neck, drawing blood from the pressure.

Just then, a single crack was heard in the clearing, meaning that a human had fired his weapon. The ape jerked his head backward as blood started to slowly trickle down his fore head. The ape's slowly legs started to give out, dragging the body and Mike down. The ape just laid there... dead.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" someone said.

Spyro turned to look and saw Jason, still aiming his weapon at the down ape from behind everyone. The end of his barrel still was emitting some whitish smoke.

Jason lowered his weapon and slowly walked toward Mike, who still paralyzed from the shock. Jason knelt in front of him.

"You okay?" Jason asked.

In response, Mike shook his head.

"Don't worry, you will be" Jason said after a little bit of hesitation.

Spyro turned to look at the situation. Jason and Parker were still trying to calm down a very nervous Mike. Carlos was attending Romeo, who had received an arrow, and Shockwave, that had a long gash in his side. Cynder had some bruised and was looking the dead body of Desmond, the same as Jackson and Alec. Douglas was walking by himself.

The apes had attacked them in a big group, which certainly caused concern.

"So, what do we do now?" Cynder asked as she turned to him and approached.

"I don't know. Romeo's wound looks ugly, and Shockwave is hurt too. He might not be able to continue on. I don't know if we have to continue this mission on our own since Shockwave was our guide"

A sudden shot rang in Spyro's ear, causing him to jump in alarm.

Douglas had his smaller weapon drawn out and had apparently shot an already dead ape. He walked a little more, looking at the dead apes until he stopped at one of the. He raised his weapon and aimed it at a corpse... or so Spyro thought until he saw the ape tried to crawl away from the human.

Douglas fired without a second thought and the ape that was wounded was killed.

Spyro felt a sudden shiver travel down his spine to the end of his tail. He could not believe what he had seen. Douglas had just killed an ape in a heartless way. He had executed him as he lay wounded. But the look in Douglas face was that of someone who did not care if the victim suffered or not... he just killed him.

"STOP!" Spyro shouted at the human.

Spyro felt shocked, disgusted at what the human was doing. He had always felt that the humans were honorable and good willed to a degree; but this... this just was too low... to evil!

"What?" Douglas asked in a manner that indicated that he felt nothing whatsoever at his actions.

"Stop that! Don't kill them!"

"What? The apes? Why not?" he asked annoyed and confused at the same time.

"It's wrong!"

"You didn't feel any regret at killing them a few moments ago. So why now?" Douglas answered as he continued his search from more ape survivors.

"I just defended myself. What you are doing is different!"

"Well, they deserve it"

'How could he say such a thing?' Spyro thought. For the first time, he began to have doubts about the humans.

"Spyro is right"

Spyro turned to look at the voice and found that Parker had come up to them.

"I'm just shooting the wounded, sir. They are too injured to go on"

Spyro looked around at the apes. Several of them were still alive from the battle, but they were wounded. All of them were in pain.

"There is a very thin line between killing to ease an enemies suffering when we can't help him, and just killing them because he is a wounded enemy in pain. But I guess that you are trying to alleviate someone else's pain, is it not?"

Spyro pondered Parker's cryptic words, not understanding what the human had said. But to Spyro, it somehow sounded wise. Spyro's doubts for the human's evil side were eased a little bit. Meanwhile, Douglas glared at Parker, defiance in his eyes.

"Just kill those that you are absolutely sure they can't survive to ease their pain. The rest just might have a chance to live"

"Yes sir"

Although Spyro understood Parker's decision to kill those too injured to help, he still took neither pleasure nor satisfaction, in doing so. All but few apes were left alive. Those that remained, left the search group by their own devices, rather than accept help from the humans.

Shockwave's slash, Romeo's arrow and Mike's twisted ankle, were treated by the supplies brought in one of the human vehicles. Desmond's body was placed in a black bag. The humans closed it, sealing the face of their friend. Then, they proceeded to load the body into one of their vehicles.

"So, what to do now?" Spyro asked Parker.

"Mike, Romeo and Shockwave have to return to Warfang"

"I don't have to! I can still fly!" Shockwave said indignantly form the other side of the clearing.

"Anyway, one vehicle has to return. Sergeant Jackson!"


"Take a Humvee and have Mike and Romeo back to Warfang. You will also take Desmond... we will not leave him here. You should also take............. where the hell is Ramirez?"

The group, informed by this news, took a quick glance at one another and around the clearing.

But just then, four shot sounded far in the distance.

"SHIT!" Parker exclaimed "Jackson, Carlos, Shockwave; stay here and take care of Romeo and Mike Steel. Stay in radio contact! The rest of you, follow me!"

With that, they started to sprint just as other two shots sounded in the distance. Spyro and Cynder took flight and flew as fast as they could toward where the sound of battle was heard.


Ramirez jumped out of the way as the first apes came through the bush following the small red dragon. Just after he had went behind a tree to take some cover, the fight started.

Ramirez took out his pistol from his belt, since he had left his rifle near the car. He lean out form cover and shot an ape that was just about to attack an unaware Shockwave. Five shots and the ape went down. Next, Ramirez shot those closest to him.

But a pistol had not the same amount of stopping power and ammo his rifle had. He had to reload in a matter of moments.

While doings so, he noticed the small red dragon running a though the forest. He was still screaming in terror as some apes followed him.

The little dragon was at a disadvantage. He was outnumbered and he was just still a child, not knowing where he was going or what will happen. In addition, the apes had weapons and a lot more stamina that the child. The little one would end up captured in the end.

Ramirez looked at the fight at the clearing. More apes were starting to get into the fight, and his friends might be overwhelmed. He then turned back to see the little dragon go out of sight behind the vegetation. That dragon could be a member of the groups of dragons that they were looking. If he lost sight of it, he could say good-bye to this mission.

He turned back to the fight... to the dragon. His squad... his mission. His friends... the child.

He made his choice.

He stood up and left the tree that had served him as cover and went after the apes that were pursuing the little dragon.

He followed the tracks of the apes and of the little dragon, since they had already left his line of sight. Not that it was difficult to follow them, because the apes caused destruction wherever they went.

He followed them for a few minutes, running at maximum. He didn't know how long he would be able to keep this up. He would tire out soon.

As he cleared a part thought the dense vegetation, he skidded to a sudden halt. He had nearly run over the apes he had been following. Without thinking, he darted for the nearest cover he could find.

Ramirez waited for a few moments, thinking that the apes must have surely heard him. After a few moments of silence, indicating that the apes were ignorant of his presence, he released the breath that he had been keeping.

He took a few moments to regain his breath after the mad sprint he had just done. After he did, he moved slowly over the rock he had taken cover and took a peep at the apes.

The three apes were near him. They looked confused.

"He must be near. Spread out and find him!" the ape leader shouted at his minions.

Apparently, that little dragon had darted for some place to hide. That was good, since Ramirez didn't know how long he would be able to run that pace.

Parker went back to hiding and fumbled for a grenade. He might be able to take the three of them in one strike. He took the explosive from its place and removed the metal pin with his finger. He stood up and prepared to throw the grenade.

"Got him!" an ape exclaimed in triumph, followed by a shriek of pain.

Ramirez immediately ducked back into concealment, with the grenade in his hand, and saw how one ape pulled out the small dragon by the tail from one of the thick bush. The small creature was clawing frenetically into the ground to try to get away from the ape.

"Damn!" Ramirez muttered.

He could no longer use the grenade, since it would also kill the small dragon. He put the metal pin back into the grenade, preventing it from activating.

The ape lifted by the tail the small dragon as he continued the screaming. The small dragon tried to bite the ape's hand when he prodded his belly with one of its fingers.

"This little one is feisty, isn't he?" an ape chuckled from the pitiful resistance the dragon was putting. He ´prodded the small dragon again, but this time, the dragon sank his small teeth into the apes hand. "OUCH! You little vermin..." the ape spat as he took a knife from his belt.

Ramirez could wait no longer. He took the safety from his pistol and took aim. He could not shoot at the ape holding the dragon for fear of injuring the small one by accident. Instead, he aimed at another one. He fired three consecutive shots, making one of the apes fall.

"What the...?" the two remaining apes yelped and turned in unison at the gunshots.

Ramirez turned and aimed at the other one, but when he pulled the trigger, nothing happened.

"Oh no!" Ramirez exclaimed as he looked at his weapon. It was jammed. Ramirez tried to un-jam it, but those precious moments cost him.

The ape that he had been aiming at started to make a mad rush at him. When Ramirez finished with his weapons, it was already on top of him.

Ramirez managed to fire two wild shots before the ape swung his sword. Ramirez jumped back, but unfortunately, the sword made impact with his pistol, and Ramirez lost its grip.

The ape continued trying to slash and stab, but Ramirez was dodging his every strike. In one moment, Ramirez managed to push away the ape, giving the human soldier enough time to get out his combat knife with the blade pointing down.

It seemed an unfair fight. An ape, clearly bigger, stronger and with a long blade against a smaller opponent with a knife. But Ramirez knew hand to hand combat.

The ape lunged for him and swung his sword in a vertical slash. Ramirez sidestepped and tried to cut the ape with his knife. The small blade connected with the arm of the ape, giving him a shallow yet long gash. The ape turned his furious yellow eyes toward Ramirez, who only returned it with a smug smile.

What the ape had in resilience and strength, Ramirez had it in technique and speed. They two duelist were engaged in a mortal combat that the slights mistake would be punishable by death.

They went like that for about a minute or so... engaged in a furious and rapid pace battle of strikes, slashed, stabs, blocks, dodges and counter attacks.

With the many small cut Ramirez had inflicted on his opponent, the ape started to act more out in anger than with his head. And the first and only mistake was done by the hairy opponent.

The ape raised his sword his in the air to give a powerful downward cut that would have killed Ramirez on the spot. But intend of dodging the attack, Ramirez stepped forward. Just as the sword was coming down, Ramirez gave a small dodge as he tried to deflect the blade. The sword passed a centimeter away from Ramirez head.

Now, Ramirez was close enough for the use of a knife, not a sword. The ape had already sent his strike and Ramirez had not. The ape could not attack and Ramirez could... and he did.

Grabbing his knife with the pointing down, Ramirez slashed a quick yet powerful strike toward his opponent's neck. The blade cut the throat of the ape and blood started to pour out. The ape moved a hand toward his neck, trying to prevent the blood from escaping. Ramirez backed away and saw how the body of the ape slowly fell to the ground amidst gurgles form the doomed ape.

Then, Ramirez turned toward the last ape that was near... the one holding the small dragon.

Both of them had remained quiet during the duel, watching intently. Now that the duel was over, the ape reacted and brought a knife to the dragon's body.

"Don't move or I'll stick this blade into this one" he threatened.

The dragon resumed his crying in earnest, blocking any other sound.

Ramirez said nothing, only giving a cold stare at the ape. The ape, on his part, was unsettled by the silence and the stare Ramirez was giving.

"I'll do it!" he threatened again.

Ramirez still said nothing and continued his stare, unsettling the ape even more.

"Stay away!" the ape started to panic.

The ape pressed the knife closer to the dragon body, pinching him. The dragon gave a small yelp and moved his head, biting hard on the ape's hand.

"Ahhh!" the ape screamed in pain, as he released his prisoner.

The small dragon felled with a yelp, dazing him as he hit the ground with his head. In anger, the ape raised his knife and tried to stab the little dragon that had bitten him.

Ramirez acted quickly. He grabbed the knife by the blade and threw it with all his might toward his opponent. The knife flew straight and true; burying itself on the apes shoulder. The apes gave a few steps backward, separating him from the dragon.

Ramirez dashed forward and rammed the ape with his body, sending both of them tumbling and grappling with one another. Another small duel began, but this time it was REAL hand to hand. They rolled on the ground, trying to be atop the other as the small dragon's screams could be heard.

After rolling around for a bit, the ape ended on top. The ape, with hatred in his eyes, thrusts his hand forward and grabbed Ramirez neck. Desperately, Ramirez tried to break the hold the ape had on him, but the ape will have none of that.

The pressure slowly started to increase and Ramirez tried more frantically to escape. He was being strangled to death. Ramirez tried to take a few breath of the precious air into his lungs, but hold the ape had him in prevented it. His strength was slowly leaving his body.

He started to begin the world go in a blur as the oxygen inside his lungs was running out.

'Is this it then?' Ramirez thought.

Time seemed to slow dawn and his life started to pass in front of his eyes. All the good and bad moments: his parents playing with him as a child, his grandma preparing some of her delicious food in a family gathering, his joining the armed forces... all his life.

When he started to see the real world again, he turned his eyes to the ape. The evil's being face was that of triumph and a feeling of superiority.

Suddenly, a huge roar was heard nearby. The ape diverted his attention to search for the source. Just as and Ramirez saw how its eyes opened wide, a huge green thing moved into his blurred field of vision; and just as the green thing retreated, the pressure from his neck vanished.

Ramirez took deep breath of the precious air as he started to hear the panicked screamed of the apes. Ramirez rolled onto his stomach and started to cough violently, feeling a tingling sensation where the ape had held moments before.

Just then, Ramirez head something big fall next to him. He turned his head and saw that it was the ape he had been fighting earlier. He noticed the body was completely destroyed, his muscle was completely torn apart!

But that was not what gained Ramirez attention.

Behind the torn body, two thick green scales legs stood firmly in place. Ramirez slowly started to move his gaze upward. A large brown chest was seen. Going higher up, a long neck soon appeared, followed by a big head.

A big green dragon looked down upon Ramirez with two very angry eyes.


Author's notes:

As I said earlier, I want to explain why I wrote some things in this 'darker' chapter.

First: An incognita has plagued my mind ever since the end the 'Dawn of the Dragons'. What happened to Spyro's parents? I guess this was what not many expected.

Second: Spyro's breakdown. In a way, I wanted to show that the 'Great Purple Dragon of Legend' is not something out of the ordinary. He is not invincible. Things can hurt him. In that way, I also wanted to show that he held some darker emotions. As he was consoled by Cynder, I also wanted to show that even the greatest of the great, must have (at some point) support from those that surround him.

Third: I killed a human member of the expedition in order to show that we are not invincible (since I made them appear that way in my story with all the weapons and firepower). Human can die.

Fourth: When Douglas was shooting the wounded enemies, I wanted to show some dark part of humanity that we always have in our hearts.

Fifth: But there is still goodness and hope in our hearts, as Ramirez showed by braving and facing the enemy in order to protect an innocent child.

This was a rather somewhat difficult, yet interesting, chapter to make due to all of the emotions and feeling I wanted to covey. I hope I managed to do so.

Comment, reviews and constructive criticism is appreciated.

The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 34

**Author's notes:** Took me long enough to post this one. Anyway, here we have the third and last part of the Battle at Tall Plains. Some things will happen in this chapter as did in the last...

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 33

**Author's notes:** It's been a little bit more than a month since I last updated. Well, I want to say that I no longer work where I used to,, but I have now another job. A good change in my opinion, so no loss in there. This is the continuation of...

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 32

**Author's notes:** It has been 3 months since i last updated... but they had been put to good use. I started writing this chapter even before i posted the last one, but i never seemed to finish it because it was just too damn long. Yes... i broke...

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