Swept Away (Two)

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#2 of Healing

Well, people seemed to like Swept Away so i'm going to keep it going, and hope ya'll continue to enjoy it,

Criticism is welcome and all that


Anthony sighed as he closed the book. He had finished the homework, which only took him a few minutes. They never were challenging when the school year began, and it hardly ever changed for him. He pulled out the some of the papers teachers handed out and saw they wanted his parents signatures. He chuckled lightly and forged the paper without a second thought.

Anthony laid down, thinking about the husky upstairs. He tried to push away the thoughts, but couldn't help but wonder what he had done. The husky wasn't from here, and they had only known each other for a few hours, so why did he sleep with him? Why did he open up to the husky? He tried telling himself that Kale started it, and that it was just sex, but couldn't. He growled lightly; he liked Kale, they were friends, weren't they? He went upstairs and into his room where Kale was sleeping. He watched the husky sleep for a moment and then moved over and sat on the bed. He watched Kale sleep, "What am I supposed to do now?" he asked. He saw Kale move in his sleep.

Kale is a husky, who is five feet and eleven inches. He only weighed one hundred and ten pounds. He had white and grey fur; the grey fur along the backside of his arms and legs and wrapping around to his chest, but it stopped there and he had white fur on the front. He had grey along one side of his face and on the other white, making it look like a helmet almost. Kale's stature was small and his ribs were slightly visible, but he had lost weight quickly.

Anthony was a polar bear, who was six and a half feet tall. He weighed two hundred and sixty pounds. He had a big stature, almost like that of a wrestler. He had natural muscle but didn't work out, so he had a small gut. His height and weight worked well and he didn't look fat. His weight was well distributed on him, but he did look big. His legs were large as were his arms. His white fur was thickest around his neck and on his chest. Anthony enjoyed how he looked and felt that he looked good.

He looked over at the clock and saw it was nearly seven. He got up and went to the kitchen. He decided to fix the husky breakfast, and made sure that it was all things that the husky needed-still thinking of Kale's health. After he finished it he gathered it all up on a tray and went back to his room.

Kale woke up in the morning with a freight, a dream about the kidnappers playing in his mind. He woke up with a scream and then stopped and looked around him. He could smell the bear's scent around him and the night before came back to him. Kale laid back down on the bed and put his paw on his head, and wondered where Anthony was. He heard a door open and looked up quickly, and saw the bear.

Anthony still had on the same clothes as yesterday and had a tray with breakfast on it. He smiled at the husky, but didn't change his attitude. He wasn't sure how to react to what happened. He walked over and placed it in the husky's lap, "Here you go...eat up," he said.

Kale ate the breakfast first thing. He looked up at Anthony a few times and saw that the bear was sitting down on the side of the bed reading-not paying him any attention. Kale couldn't help but frown, he was sure that it would be weird between them now. He wanted to try and talk with the bear, but after he finished Anthony took his tray for him and walked off. Kale sat there and tried to think of what he could do.

Anthony kept his appearance in front of the husky. He didn't want Kale to know that he wasn't sure what to do anymore. Thoughts raged in his mind about what to do. He fought back most of them but they continued to attack him, the assault never stopping. He wanted to stay with Kale, but his mind told him it would be impossible. 'He lives on the other side of the country,' it yelled in him.

Anthony walked into his kitchen and threw the tray to the ground and let out a growl. Why did he have to regret sleeping with Kale? Why had he done it to begin with? What was he thinking? Anthony let out a sigh and sat down. He thought that maybe talking with Kale would help, but what would he say?

He paced in the kitchen and then walked back to the couch and looked at the pill container. He shook his head and threw it across the room, he knew that it wouldn't calm him down. He had started to swipe from the hospital after Christmas last year. He didn't steal anything major, or anything that would actually drug him-no hallucinogens or stuff like that. He had swiped some Ritalin and had begun to take it to help him stay awake and focused during the day. Anthony didn't sleep as much as he used too, now only getting four hours a night at the most.

Anthony grasped at his head and let out an angry growl. He looked back at the pills, knowing that they could be used to make him feel different, as a cocaine substitute if sniffed. He shook his head, fighting the idea. He went over and looked at the capsule. He grabbed it and took out a pill and opened it up, revealing the medicine inside. Without really thinking he put it to his nose and quickly inhaled it. He sniffed afterwards and laid back onto the couch. Now the anger only increased. Thoughts began to scream at him in his mind, yelling that what he was doing was not only stupid but an abuse of his power. He sat there and after a bit felt the drug begin to affect him, but it didn't help clear his mind. To his dismay the thoughts only continued in a more high speed fashion.

Anthony stopped and stood up, and ran to the elevator. He went up to where Kale was and found the husky still sitting there. The husky had dressed in his old clothes and he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his paws. Anthony walked over, "Something up?" he asked and sniffed again-the drug still in his nose.

Kale looked up and saw the bear, but something was off. It seemed familiar in an eerie manner. Kale pushed it out of his mind for a bit though. "What now?" he asked, knowing Anthony would understand.

Anthony sighed, "Well...you live on the other side of the country, and I'm here...we'll go our separate ways I guess..." Anthony said and saw the husky frowning.

"That simple huh?" Kale asked. "So...last night was ..."

"Just sex," Anthony answered, and found that he was surprised at his own answer. He saw that Kale was trying to hide his pain. Anthony sighed, and wished he hadn't said it, but knew it was the easiest way to break things off.

Kale had expected it in his mind. He laughed inwardly at himself, what had he thought? That he could stay here and forget about everything that had happened? That the past would just magically go away? Kale sighed and felt pathetic, any happiness gone. He tried to stand up and found that it was difficult. The bear tried to help him and he swiped the paw away, "I'm fine..." he said.

Anthony didn't try to help him after that. It hadn't been what he was expecting. He had expected Kale to be furious or to be distraught, but the husky didn't seem surprised or anything. He seemed focused, but Anthony was sure that he was sad. He watched the husky walk off and close the door.

Once he was outside Kale felt himself sob lightly. He hated himself for having gotten his hopes up. He felt like a fool. Suddenly the friend he had made seemed like just a distant memory. He moved and found he didn't know where the elevator was. He did see the stairs off in the corner and moved towards it. He hobbled down them and after a flight found it was difficult. He stopped and moved to a corner and curled up, and sobbed more. He hated this feeling.

Kale went over everything in his mind. He had never expected not to have to go back home, but when he was kidnapped he thought he may never go back anyway. He knew that he should've been happy-happy that he was alive. Kale kept going over things in his mind telling himself that he had just clung to hope like a fool. He knew better than to expect something, after all, things back home were just as sad as the things here now.

Kale didn't want to go back home. He had thought of running away hundreds of times, and now seemed like a good time. He was as far away from home as he could be, and for all he knew his parents had no idea where he was. The thoughts began to seem more and more reasonable in his head. His mind went back to the bear and he found himself crying more.

Anthony sat on the bed and cursed lightly to himself. Why was he such an idiot, could he not do something to make Kale happy. Kale was the first person he had been with and he threw it off as a one night fling. Though they had only known each other that long he did like the husky. He stood up and hit a wall, cracking the drywall. Anthony looked at it and sighed, "Great...I'll have to call someone to fix that later..." he said with a growl. He turned around and then turned around again and punched the wall harder, his fist going through it. "There..." he said and walked off.

Anthony walked out of his room and looked around. He went to the elevator and moved downstairs and was surprised when he couldn't find Kale. "Kale!" he yelled in the house, concerned.

Kale heard the bear calling for him, but didn't respond. He felt like such a pup, crying over something, but Anthony was the first person he'd been with. He tried to rationalize it, that it had been a moment of weakness, that it was just a one night thing with no attachments, but he knew he was lying to himself. He realized that he hadn't just been with Anthony for no reason, that he had moved on the bear and he responded. That for the first time he had opened up to someone else, even though there were no words. Kale knew he liked males, but he never said it out loud, and Anthony was the first person he had let get close to him.

Anthony walked around the first floor looking for Kale. He looked out the window and everywhere. He grew scared that he may have run off. He decided to search floor by floor and walked up the first flight of stairs. He stopped when he heard light sobbing. "Kale?" he asked from the stairs.

Kale stopped crying and looked around him. He still didn't respond. He kept his head in his paws and sighed.

Anthony began to run up the stairs. When he found the husky he couldn't help but frown. It was a sad sight, Kale where he was. Anthony thought about how he had been so cold to him and then how it was just after what Kale had been through. He walked over and tried to sit next to him, "Kale..." he said.

Kale stood up and moved away, "Sorry...I'm fine..."

"Are you? You've been through a lot," Anthony said as the husky walked off.

Kale found a fist forming, and he didn't look back at the bear; "Yeah...I'll be out of here soon...it's that simple," he said and growled the last part out.

Anthony stood there and watched the husky hobble down the stairs. He didn't know what to do now. He had gotten close to Kale and now the husky had cut him off again. Anthony sighed and walked down the stairs, leaving Kale behind him. He stopped and sniffed again, his mind buzzing lightly. He moved and grabbed his book bag and walked to the door.

Kale stopped when he saw the bear's actions, what he did was all too familiar, but Kale couldn't place it at the moment. He continued to hobble down the stairs, and eventually caught up to Anthony. "Time to go?" Kale asked.

"Yeah..." Anthony said with a sigh.

Kale grabbed his crutches and moved with the bear. The bear still opened and closed doors for him. Once they were in the car Kale placed his head on the window and closed his eyes. He tried not to think about what was going on. He tried to keep it simple in his mind; he would either go back to his home with his crappy life and deal with his messed up problems, or run.

Anthony looked over at the husky, sad to see him like he was. Anthony knew that he had caused it, that the husky was only sad because of him. He beat himself up in his mind for it. He felt himself get teary eyed but he pushed it back. After a long, quiet ride they pulled up to Taylor's place. They got out and walked inside.

"Hey! Morning ya'll!" she yelled across the diner as they walked in.

Kale looked up and smiled then moved over and sat at a booth. He sighed and closed his eyes again and put his head on the table. Taylor looked over at Anthony and tried to think of something. "Hey, Anthony, come into the kitchen and help me get out the ice," she said, thinking of the best lie she could.

Anthony walked in and sighed, "I know you don't need help with ice," he said as the door closed.

"Yeah, but what's up with Kale?" she asked, "He's worse than yesterday."

"Guess he just wants to go home," Anthony said, lying.

"What happened?" Taylor asked.

"Nothing...he just started acting like that," Anthony said, lying again. He had to lie to her. He shuddered in his mind with what Kale could say to people in town. No one knew that he liked males, Anthony grew slightly scared at the idea that people could soon learn that. It was something he had hid his entire life, never really opening up to anyone. Taylor was the closest he had to a parent, but he didn't even confide this type of stuff in her.

Taylor sighed, realizing that he wasn't going to say what was wrong. She had known Anthony for his entire life. She got along with him and they became close when he started to come here for something to eat. He had become a regular at the place. She enjoyed his company and slowly they began to hang out for fun. Even though they were close she didn't know much about him. She knew his heritage, and what he thought, but he kept a lot about him hidden. She realized that she had become like a parent figure to him. "Ok...fine...liar...now go to school," she said.

Anthony walked off, his head low. He walked past the husky who looked up at him. Anthony opened his mouth to say something, but stopped and just moved on and walked out the door. He got in the car and went to school, wishing that he could just forget what was happening. They day passed slowly and he didn't expect some of the events that would happen.

Kale laid on the table and sighed. He heard the wolf sit on the opposite side of him and he looked up.

"What's up?" she asked, trying to get an answer out of Kale instead.

"I guess I just want to go home..." Kale said, and sighed.

"You and Anthony are too alike...both lying through ya'll's teeth, but whatever..." Taylor said and gave up. The fact that they both had the same response, but didn't mean it made her wonder, but she knew that if Kale was like the bear then asking would be pointless. She looked at the husky and stood up, "Well, since you broke your leg...you can clean the dishes," she said.

The husky sighed and moved to the kitchen. He cleaned the dishes and then once a crowd came in for lunch he helped prepare the food. It was fun and Taylor was surprised that the husky could cook. Kale's mood gradually got better and he was talking again. "Yeah...I kind of have to cook back home," he said with a laugh.

"Well it should be a treasured ability if you ask me," Taylor said and grabbed a tray to carry out.

When she left Kale returned to his work. He was smiling again. He thought back to his parents and wondered if they cared that he was missing, or just that the car was missing. He wished he still had the car, then running would be easy. He sighed and then decided to focus on the food, not wanting to think about home yet, or the lack of it.

At school Anthony tried to keep to his work, but found that all his attention was on Kale, and the drug hadn't helped. It had worn off quickly, leaving him in a daze and even more depressed. Aside from his thoughts about Kale his mind kept going back to the fact that he had snorted a drug. He felt horrible for it, abusing his power. He knew it was a bad idea and couldn't even think of why he had done it. He sighed loudly and held his head.

"Is there a problem Mr. Hostle?" the teacher asked-a collie.

"No..." he said and put his head on his desk. He was surprised when the teacher dropped the matter.

The day passed slowly and ironically in his chemistry class they talked about pharmaceutical drugs. They got all the chemistry classes together so that everyone could learn it together. Usually Anthony's class only had about ten people as he always took the highest level class available. The teacher even asked him to talk to the class, knowing he knew about them from his time at the hospital. Anthony stood up, "Great...like I need any more crap today...now I got karma kicking my face in," he mumbled as he walked to the front of the class.

"Ok...well where do I begin?" he asked the teacher.

"Just a quick summary and overlook of how they are made and what their purpose is," the teacher said.

"OK...well, you see..." he said and began. After he finished he walked back to his seat and sat down. Some of the class said he had done a good job and the rest would snicker and tell him that he was a nerd and the usual. He didn't really mind it, when the others made fun of him for being smart-he was used to it, and those people weren't the type of company he enjoyed anyway. He just laid his head on the desk and tried to sleep, now feeling tired.

During the last class of the day he had trouble. Once the drug had worn off he tried to get some sleep. He was trying to sleep and heard the teacher calling him.

"What's the answer Mr. Hostle?" Mr. Gears asked, intentionally picking him because he was trying to sleep.

Anthony looked up at the problem. He then looked at Mr. Gears, "Does it honestly look like I care Mr. Gears?" he asked.

The teacher was taken back by the comment, the year had only begun and he had a bad feeling about the bear in front of him. He had heard that Anthony was a good, attentive student, but wasn't sure if he could believe it. Mr. Gears heard the rest of the room snicker and thought he had to keep up his appearance so he called the bear out, "What's wrong, can't solve it?" he asked, jeering the bear.

Anthony sighed, "...I just don't want to, now if you have any stupider questions could you move on and teach the others?"

Mr. Gears felt blood going into his face and anger growing. "Outside now! And take off that bandana!" he yelled at the bear.

Anthony sighed and moved out of the room, he heard small whispers but didn't care to listen to them. He waited outside for the teacher. When he came out he just listened, "I guess I heard wrong about you...you are by far the most disrespectful, arrogant, least enthusiastic student I have met, and it's only the first week!" he said and waited for the bear's response.

"Sounds to me like you judge too quickly..." Anthony said and waited.

Now Mr. Gears didn't know what to say. He just sighed, "OK...either get out of my class or get serious...I don't care what snobby rich punks think,"

Anthony looked up, now actually angry at the teacher. He didn't even realize that he had grabbed the teacher by his collar. He immediately put the teacher down, and tried not to show he that he was angry and decided to leave. He pushed the teacher, rather forcefully, into the lockers as he walked past him. He got to his car and sighed, thinking about what he was doing. He was making a horrible impression on his teacher and had almost assaulted him. He started the car and went to Taylor's. He arrived around two and saw that Kale and Taylor were talking casually.

"What are you doing here...you should be in school...you still have to attend if you want to pass," Taylor said and stood up.

Kale looked back and saw the bear. He felt his good mood fade again, but he wasn't angry at Anthony. He was just sad to see him. Kale frowned when he came in.

"Yeah I know...just...things popped up..." Anthony said and sat down next to Kale. He looked over at the husky, "How are you doing?"

"Better..." Kale said and left it at that.

The atmosphere was horrible for a moment and then someone else came into the diner. It was a cop, a fox. "Where is Kale Smith?" he asked and looked around.

Kale felt his heart sink but stood up anyway, "I'm right here..."

The cop walked over, "Your parents want you to call them right away..." he said and left.

Kale was shocked. He stood there for a moment. "Wait..." he said and the cop stopped, "What...what about...they..." he said and stammered. He realized that the cops weren't doing anything about his kidnappers and let the cop leave. He looked over at Taylor.

"We'll leave the room so you can call them...sorry... the phone is only a speaker phone...I'm sure you'll want your privacy," she said and gestured for Anthony to follow her into the kitchen.

Once they left Kale walked over to the phone and stared at it. He was scared to call them, wondering what they were going to say. He looked around making sure no one was around and then dialed the phone. He waited and after a few rings the phone picked up, "Hello?" a low voice asked.

"Hey...it's me..." Kale said and waited.

"Where the hell are you?!?!" the voice yelled. Kale's ears instinctively flattened down and he felt himself shake slightly. "What the hell do you think your doing when you should be in school?!?" the voice yelled again.

"Dad...it's just..." Kale began.

"Shut-up, I don't want to hear your damn excuses!" he yelled.

Inside the kitchen Anthony mouth dropped as he listened to the conversation. It's not that they were trying to listen but that with the male yelling it was hard not to hear what he was saying. Anthony realized why the husky may not want to go home. He looked over at Taylor who was just shaking her head with a depressed look.

"But I was-" Kale said but was cut off.

"I told you to shut-up!" his father yelled, "You wanted to be responsible and I let you go out for a week and you pull some bull-shit like this!?! You're the most ungrateful, worthless, stupid son ever!" he yelled.

Kale just listened to his father now, knowing it was pointless to talk. When his dad got like this, which he was usually like, it was useless to try and explain what was going on. When the yelling stopped Kale wondered what was going on then he heard the phone exchange paws, "Kale?" a high-pitched voice asked.

"Mom..." Kale said.

"Sweetie is the car OK?" she asked then stopped, "Are you?" she asked the last part, and it sounded fake.

Kale just stopped and his mouth was open. "The car?!? The freaking car?!? Do you guys know anything!?! I was kidnapped!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Don't you yell at me, and yes we know!" she hissed back. "You're calling so that means you're alive, now suck it up!"

"Yeah...fine I'll do that...You know, it's no big deal, oh and yeah the cars fine. I'm sure my kidnappers will take great care of it," he replied.

"You let them take it?!? We got that car for you and you just let someone take it?!?" she yelled.

Kale could hear his father in the background yelling in agreement. "No I didn't let them take it! They stole it!"

"You come back home now!" his father yelled into the phone.

Kale sighed and tried to remain calm. He knew that if he kept yelling then there would be no doubt the others would hear him. "...and how am I supposed to get home? I have no money or anything..." Kale said.

"Why don't you just walk for all we care?! Get here by the end of the week or else!" his father yelled.

"Forget it! I'm so sick of you guys and trying to make things work, I'm not coming home! I don't have listen to ya'll, I'm almost an adult," he said and found that this nose was running.

"Oh, and where will you live, huh?" his father asked. Kale could practically feel the smirk his father was wearing, "You forget that you're just a mutt, you don't really even belong in this family. My father was a fool to see something in you,"

"You bastard," Kale growled, "Don't talk about him like you know anything!" he yelled.

"The old man can rot for all I care. I can't believe that he turned you into a mutt like him," his father said and scoffed. "Regardless you have no where to go, you can come home or die..."

Kale listened to his father, it wasn't anything shocking to hear for him. They had never gotten along. Kale just waited.

"Hey...if you do decide to walk either die where your body isn't found or get close to home so we don't have to go too far to identify your body," his father said calmly.

Kale was shocked at this part. His father had never made a comment that insinuated that he wanted Kale to die. They had never gotten along, but his family had never actually said they wanted him dead. Kale felt tears begin to roll down his face. He looked at the phone, where the voice was coming from. "How can you say that?!?" he asked.

"Aww, is the 'almost adult' crying?" his father asked. Kale heard his mother chuckle in the background. "Goodbye Mutt," his father said and hung up.

Kale just listened to the dial tone for a minute. He stared at the phone, angry now at his parents. He felt blood running from his paws, clenching too tightly. With a yell he punched at the phone. He sent it flying and he punched through a glass jar with it. Blood ran down his paw and he felt the glass cut into his arm, but he ignored it. He moved over to the phone and stomped on it, but quickly felt someone pulling on him.

"Kale!' Taylor yelled.

Kale stopped and just froze. He looked down at the phone, now destroyed and then at Taylor. He wanted to run away again, to get as far away as he could, but knew he couldn't even if he tried. He felt tears running down his muzzle. He bit down, grinding on his teeth, and growling, but the tears choked him. He saw the bear in front of him, with a depressed look. He wanted to yell, to scream, but he pushed it down, and wished he could do the same with the tears and anger. He felt Taylor hug him. His growl disappeared and he began to sob into the wolf's arms.

Taylor stroked the husky's head soothingly and tried to mollify him. Taylor looked up at Anthony, not knowing what to say or do besides let the husky cry. After a moment Kale pulled away. She looked at him. "You OK?"

"Yeah," he said and wiped his nose on his ruined shirt, "How can I pay you back now?" Kale asked plainly, still sniffling but not wanting to cry.

"I'll take care of it," Anthony said, finally speaking.

"I don't need your sympathies..." Kale said, still wiping his nose.

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked.

"Don't lie...I know ya'll heard that...my family...my 'home' is a hell. Just let me pay ya'll back and I'm getting out of here," Kale said, making up plans in his head.

"Kale..." Anthony said and looked at the husky.

"I don't want your stupid sympathy!" he yelled at the bear.

"OK fine, then how about I just put you in the hospital," Anthony said growling at the husky, "I could easily convince anyone that you're a suicide risk," he said.

"You aren't even a real doctor!" Kale yelled.

"No but I could make it happen like that," the bear said and snapped his fingers.

"You bastard," Kale said and tried to move forward to punch the bear. Kale swung his fist and was surprised when the bear caught it.

"Too slow," he said and held the paw.

Kale swung the other fist at the bear, and it landed on him, but the bear didn't even move. Kale realized that his punch hadn't even hurt. He felt the tears in his eyes building and he leaned forward into the bear, not because he wanted to though. He felt dizzy and cold. He could feel his pulse and he slowly lifted his arm, and saw the blood coming out along with the tears.

Taylor watched and then went and picked up the glass-seeing that Anthony was able to take care of Kale. She was surprised when she felt a tear on her own muzzle. She looked at the husky and then at the bear, wondering why Anthony cared so much.

When the tears stopped again Kale didn't move. He wanted to but couldn't make himself do it. He felt his arm go limp and his vision blur. He noticed that he had bled more than he expected.

Anthony grabbed the husky's arm and looked over the cut, it was bad, and it had nicked a major vein. The chance that the husky would bleed out was low, but there were other things to worry about. With all that happened he worried about the chance of shock in the husky; with the blood loss over the past week and now-it was accumulating. And he was sure all this would make Kale's heartbeat more erratic. He decided that he had best take Kale to the hospital, and make sure it was dressed well. His shirt was covered with the husky's blood, but he ignored it and took off his bandana. He untied it then tied it around the husky's arm, creating a makeshift dressing. He stood up, "OK...time to go to the hospital," he said then picked the husky up, "Doctor's orders," he said with a sad chuckle.

"Want me to go with you?" Taylor asked.

"No, somehow I think that it'd just make him angrier when he woke up..." Anthony said with a sigh. He opened the door and then his car door. He put the husky down and made sure he was OK. He got into the car and quickly drove to the hospital and even took the emergency room's route. He ran out and to the other side of his car and picked up Kale then immediately went inside. He saw that there was no one in the ER and was happy for that. He called over a nurse, "He's nicked a major vein, has previous injuries, is dehydrated and..." he continued and told the nurse everything.

They grabbed the husky and took him into a small room. Anthony went to his own room and sat down. A nurse came in after a few minutes, "He's been stabilized," she told him.

"Hmm...Ok...thanks..." he said, maintaining his calm behavior. Once the door closed he sighed though. He didn't know that the husky had been unstable. After an hour he looked onto his computer and checked where the husky would be. He knew they would've put him under anesthesia and that he had an hour or two before he woke up.

Anthony looked down at his shirt and lifted it a little, and saw that even his fur had been dyed red with the husky's blood. He sighed, knowing he had no clean clothes in the hospital and not wanting to leave Kale here. He was about to go check when the phone rang. "Hello, this is Anthony Hostle, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Is he ok?" Taylor asked from the line.

Anthony dropped his professional demeanor, "Yeah, he'll be fine," he replied and waited a bit, "Taylor?"

"Yeah, what's up?" she asked.

"I know he won't take any charity, but I feel like I need to do something..." he said with a sigh.

"Yeah, but it'll be up to him. To him, he's gotten in this mess and he's only going to depend on himself to get out," Taylor replied.

"He didn't get into it though," Anthony said and realized he was talking with more emotion, "He got kidnapped. He didn't choose any of this!"

"He won't see it that way," Taylor said and chuckled. "How would you see it if it were you?"

"That doesn't matter-" he began but the wolf cut him off.

"No, respond," she insisted.

"I'd...take help if it was offerd..." he said, lying.

"See? You're lying just like he would," Taylor said with a laugh.

Anthony couldn't help but laugh. He smiled, "Yeah...thanks," he replied and waited a second. "So, I was thinking I'd bring him up again for dinner tonight, but the hospital will probably want to hold him" he said, hoping the wolf would catch on.

"So you want me to sneak in food?" she asked teasingly.

"No," he said and chuckled, "You can bring it in on a tray for all I care," he said.

Taylor laughed on the other end of the line, "Want me to bring you in something too?"

"Sure...that'd be cool," he replied, "I'm gonna let you go. I need to go to check some things out," he said, thinking. He hung up before Taylor could respond. He sighed and chuckled lightly, "Man, I'm really abusing my power today..."

He logged into the hospital and looked for all the files with the husky in any of them. He knew he wouldn't find them in any of the state files and then expanded it, to all the hospitals. The hospitals all shared data from across the country and with his access it wasn't hard to find out about anyone he wanted to-medically at least. He narrowed it down and finally found it after a few attempts, and wished that 'Smith' wasn't such a common last name. He looked over the husky's records, including his family too.

The husky was one of the last of the Eukaria tribe. Anthony didn't recognize the name and looked it up. They were just a small tribe from long ago, he didn't see anything very interesting about it. The tribe was small, only having maybe ten thousand at its max amount. The most interesting thing was that this small tribe used its own language.

After he looked over the tribe's history he returned his attention back to Kale's more immediate family. His mother was a husky and had a history as a junkie from the time she was twenty. His father wasn't much better; having a record of alcohol abuse. He looked at Kale's records and saw that he was clean, but that he did visit his home town hospital too often. Anthony knew that no one without a chronological disorder should go to the hospital as much as Kale did. The trips spanned from the past ten years, and repeated. Most of the injuries were just small ones, cuts, bruises, concussions, and other odd injuries. Anthony could only guess that one or two, if any, of those were actually accidents.

Anthony remembered the husky talking about his grandfather on the phone, but couldn't find him. He looked in the obituaries also and found nothing. He gave up and decided he had snooped around long enough. He looked at his clock and thought that the husky should be waking up soon. He checked the room number again and went to it. When he entered he found that Kale was already up. He saw that the husky had an IV and went and checked the husky's chart. They had even given him some blood. Anthony looked back up at the husky. He saw that Kale was staring at him, but there was nothing in his stare.

Kale looked at Anthony, but didn't move. He had woken up a few minutes ago and the memories flooded him again. Kale just sat there, he didn't really feel anything at the moment; he wasn't sure if it was because of the anesthesia or just because he didn't really care anymore. He looked up at the ceiling and thought about everything that had happened, from the visit to his friend to the gash on his arm. Kale lifted up his arm, looking at the dressing and then at the IV in him. He flexed his paw and then put it back down and closed his eyes.

Anthony felt strange around the husky, it was like he wasn't even there. Anthony felt like he was the only one in the room. He guessed that Kale was blocking everything now, it would make since. Anthony thought about asking him about his tribe, but then realized that anything he asked would only be taken as an insult. He saw that Kale was asleep again. Anthony grabbed a chair and moved it outside the room. He sat down and waited for Taylor to arrive.

She arrived, carrying food in some containers. She saw Anthony outside the room and walked up, "How is he?"

"Physically?" he asked, letting it sink in.

"Well, I guess it's to be expected...what's he doing?" Taylor asked then guessed at it, "Fits of rage, crying, denial?"

"He isn't doing anything...I guess you could say that he's blocking things now. It's not denial though, he understands what has happened, but he acts like he doesn't care about it," Anthony said and sighed.

Taylor just nodded. She looked in the room and gestured for Anthony to come with her. She walked in, "Kale?" she asked and waited for the husky to look, "Hey, I brought you some food," she said and showed the containers.

"Yeah, this stuff won't make you gag like the food they'd try to give you," Anthony said and laughed, hoping Kale would too.

Kale didn't respond. He stared for a moment then turned away and stared back at the ceiling. In his mind he was calm too. Kale felt like he was just watching his own life from a camera now. He didn't know why. When he woke up he just didn't care anymore, and he only felt tired. He heard them sit down, and they began to eat.

Anthony felt bad to start eating but realized it was the best choice. They ate and talked, like they normally would. When they got ready to leave Taylor looked over at Kale, "I'm going to leave now, but I'll be back tomorrow," she said and stood up.

When she left Anthony waited for a bit. When he stood up he walked over to the husky, "I'm going to stay here tonight," he said and went over and pushed the two chairs together.

Kale looked over at the bear. Anthony didn't look at him. Kale didn't know why but for some reason he was thankful for that. Kale stared at the ceiling again. He found himself growing tired. He looked over at Anthony, "Turn off the lights when you go to sleep," he said and closed his eyes.

Anthony looked over at the husky. That was the first thing he had said since he got here, and he took any words as a good sign. After he grabbed a blanket he went and turned off the lights. He laid down on his makeshift bed and sighed. He didn't even know why he was staying here, or that's what he told himself. He knew that the just wanted to be here for Kale if he did need him. Anthony heard the husky asleep soon and decided that was a good idea, then fell asleep.

Anthony woke up in the middle of the night to Kale's whimpering and it was too loud for him to go back to sleep with. He looked up at the husky who was curled over and was tossing his head in his sleep. Anthony guessed that even if he tried to hide it, he would still show his pain sometimes. Anthony got up and went over to the husky. He reached out a paw to touch him, but stopped. He hesitated and looked at the husky.

Kale's eyes were squinted and he continued to toss and turn. Anthony reached out and put a paw on his head. He was surprised when Kale stopped moving at his touch. He moved his paw, and petted the husky. Kale seemed to be calmed down. He felt the husky nuzzle against his paw. Anthony pulled up a chair and decided to stay with him for a little while. He looked at the husky, who was back in the hospital garment. Anthony stopped and put his paw on the husky's right arm, where the tattoo was. At first he thought it was blood and was happy to see it was only a tattoo.

He resumed to petting the husky, noticing that it seemed to soothe him. Anthony found his eyes growing heavy again. He knew that if he didn't get some sleep then it would be bad. He stopped petting Kale and to his surprise the husky didn't react. He leaned back in the chair and fell asleep.

"Mr. Hostle?" a nurse said and shook the bear. "Mr. Hostle?!?" the nurse asked again, obviously panicking.

"Huh...oh...hello...what?" he said as he rubbed sleep from his eyes.

"Thank goodness your alive...I thought you were dead," she said.

"Why on earth would you think that?" he asked confused.

"Umm, well, sir you have blood on your shirt," she said, embarrassed.

Anthony looked down, "Ohh" he said and just stared. He looked up at the nurse and smiled, "Thanks, but I'm good. Sorry for the scare," he said and stood up and scratched his head. "Umm...where's my bandana?"

"Sir?" the nurse asked as she checked on the husky.

"My bandana, I can't seem to find it," he said with a chuckle. He looked over at Kale and remembered what he had done with it, "Oh, never mind, I know what happened to it. How's the patient?"

"He seems healthy. Vitals are fine, we ran all the tests you wanted us too, and he came back with a clean bill of health," she said.

"Hmm, OK," Anthony said.

"Umm," the nurse began, obviously nervous.

"Go on," Anthony said and waited. He knew that some of the nurses acted nervous around him because he was the son of the owners. He hated that they did that, but he had gotten used to it.

"I don't want to overstep my place but," she began and waited for a moment then continued, "shouldn't you be in school Mr. Hostle?"

"Oh," the bear said and snapped his fingers, "You're right, and please...call me Anthony, and you guys don't have to be so formal with me. I'm still legally just a kid and what not. Your place is actually higher than mine," he said with a sigh.

The nurse nodded her head, and it was obvious that she didn't agree with him, but she dismissed herself. Anthony sat back down, and looked at the husky who was coming back to life. Anthony smiled, "Hey, how do you feel?"

Kale looked at the bear, "Good," he said dully and looked up at the ceiling. He felt better than last night. His head felt clearer too. He guessed that in his sleep he had filtered through it. He continued to stare up at the ceiling. He turned over and saw the bear's shirt, "I guess it wasn't just a dream?" he asked.

"No, it wasn't," Anthony said calmly.

Kale stared at the ceiling again. He felt his emotions coming back, opening the old wound, but it was different this time. It wasn't like the initial pain, this time he could control it. Kale put a paw over his face, "What am I going to do?" he asked no one in particular.

Anthony didn't respond. He knew that offering the husky anything would still offend him. Instead he just continued, "You should be released today. Good?"

"OK," Kale said and looked at the bear. He wanted to ask if they were still friends but he couldn't imagine that they would be. He had done nothing but loaf around and cause everyone trouble since he arrived. He felt the tears return, but he pushed them back and looked away. To think that Anthony would still be his friend seemed like a wild dream.

"Well, I'll be back, but I have some errands to run," Anthony said and stood up. He stopped in the door but didn't look back, "I'm glad you're OK," he said and shut the door.

Kale continued to stare at the ceiling. He didn't feel tired. He thought back to what his parents had said, and for some reason felt a smile across his muzzle. Kale moved a paw to his face and traced the smile to feel if it was real. He realized that he was also crying. He didn't get it. He wasn't sad or happy, yet he was crying. Kale just lay there and let it pass. After he finished he sat up and looked around. "OK," he said to himself, "I can't go back home...that's definite..."

He sat and thought and suddenly he remembered his school, "Crap...did I do all that work for nothing?" he asked and then chuckled and relaxed. He didn't feel too sad about leaving his family. His grandfather had died a few years ago, and the rest of his family treated him and his grandfather like pariah. He knew that it just hadn't sunk in yet, that he had just left them, and been kicked out. He sighed and then let his mind drift for a bit. He hated it, but he did owe a lot to his family. He laid back and silently thought through all that that meant.

Kale knew it would take time to recover, from the family. He saw that he had on a garment, and then looked at his fur. It looked better, and the bald spots didn't look as mangy now. He frowned, and thought back to his kidnapping. His kidnapping, unlike his family, still haunted him. He shuddered and tried not to think about it, pushing it away from his mind. He sighed and tried to get some sleep.

Anthony walked down the hospital, getting lots of looks. Most of them were of concern when they saw him-his shirt still had blood all over it, and his fur was matted now. Anthony dismissed it though. He could take a shower when he got home. He zipped up his jacket to keep people from looking at him. He went to his car and drove to a clothing store. He decided guessed at what the husky's size was. He got a few of everything; underwear, socks, pants, shorts, shirts, and even jackets. He walked up and paid for it quickly and left, and went back to his car. He pulled out his phone in the car and called the school. Once they picked up he began. "Hello, this is Anthony Hostle...I won't be at school today...Yes... Yes, it will be excused...No...OK...OK...Thank you, by-" he began and then thought of something.

"Wait!" he yelled into the phone, startling the person on the other line, "What channels would I have to go through if I wanted to transfer schools...No...Yes...No, I'm not going anywhere....yes....no...its just hypothetical....OK....Really?....OK...Thank you, good-bye," he said and hung up.

He looked in the bags and sighed. He started the car and began to drive. He then dialed Taylor, "Hey, Taylor...I have an idea so just hear me out and don't interrupt yet;" he began, "I want to get Kale to live here, he needs a place to stay anyway, but I'll need to convince him somehow and he would be troublesome. Ok, umm, actually that's all I've worked out so far," he said with a chuckle.

"Why do you want him here?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know," he said and lied, "pity?"

"Liar, but that would be very sweet of you. He's really grown on you," Taylor said.

Anthony decided to give her something to go on, and hopefully draw her away from any suspicion, "Yeah...like a brother...not that I'd know," he said.

Taylor didn't respond, and Anthony could tell she bought the lie. He smiled and frowned at the same time. He hated that he was lying to her, "Forget I said that..." he said, acting embarrassed.

"Ok, so, if you heard correctly; he isn't an adult yet, so he legally still belongs to his parents," Taylor said.

Anthony frowned, "Yeah, I didn't think about that," he said and felt all his plans go out the window then he remembered something, "Hang on...I can find out when his birthday is...he's seventeen. All I'd have to do is check his records agai-" he said and cut himself off.

"You sly bear," Taylor said, catching what he had said.

Anthony just laughed, "Well, it's not like the info is very well protected...you know, if you happen to have access to the hospital data base and what not..." he finished.

Taylor laughed on the other end. "Well, I'll go visit him later. You don't want me to tell him any of this do you?"

"No, but if you could subtly drop hints that would warm up the idea to him then please try," Anthony said and hung up. He was now at the hospital. He drove in and went to his room. He closed the door behind him and looked at the husky's info again. He saw that Kale's birthday was in three days, in other words Friday. Jake smiled and then called the school again.

"Hello, I'd like to register a transfer student," he began.

"Yes...No....No, I don't have that info yet....Yes, he is real!....No, this is not a joke....What?!?....Wait, what?!? Who do I think I am?!?....Who do you think you are!?!" Anthony yelled into the phone and slammed it down. The attendance person thought he was joking. He did get some important info though. He sighed and then found the husky's school. He dialed the number.

"Hello, I'm calling on behalf of a Kale Smith," Anthony said.

"Yes....could you send all his info to Newsburg hospital via email?....Yes....No, I don't think he'll be returning....Ok, thank you and bye," he said and hung up. That was easy, but Anthony knew that it would've been harder if he wasn't using the name of the hospital as leverage. He expected the emails by the end of the day. He got up and went to see Kale, maybe he would ask him.

He got to the room and saw that Taylor was there. He walked in and saw that the husky was smiling, which made the bear smile too. "Good to see you're doing better," he said and closed the door behind him.

Kale looked over at the bear. Once he sat down Kale looked at Taylor and at Anthony, "I'm sorry I've been such a burden to both of you," he said.

Anthony looked up at Kale, surprised that he was apologizing. He chuckled lightly, "Don't apologize, you kind of deserve a break after the hell you've been through..." the bear said.

"Anthony!" Taylor hissed, but was surprised when Kale laughed. She looked over at Kale and then back at the bear. Taylor smiled and was happy that Kale was smiling again. She didn't know why, but those two seemed to get along.

Kale smiled and looked over at the bear, "Thanks for all the help, how can I repay you...you too Taylor?" he asked.

"Well," Anthony said, guessing now was the best chance, "You have caused a lot of trouble." Anthony said.

Kale frowned, but knew the bear was right.

"So..." Anthony said, "How about you stick around and pay us off gradually?"

Kale looked at the bear. His eyes widened a bit when he realized what the bear meant.

Anthony's ears flattened, expecting the husky to be offended.

"I agree with Anthony," Taylor said before Kale could say anything.

Kale looked over at Taylor. He knew that yelling at them wouldn't be the right thing to do. "I don't want yo-"

"Oh shut-up!" Anthony said, just like before. "We just told you how you're going to pay us back, and now you want to back out?" he asked teasingly.

Taylor looked over at Anthony, she had never seen him like this with anyone else-open. He didn't seem to mind showing some emotions to the husky. She wondered how they had connected so quickly, and guessed that they really did just have a brotherly connection.

Kale looked at them, "But...I have to go to school...I can't drop out," he replied.

Anthony looked down at the floor, "Well," he began, "I kind of know that you're about to be eighteen. Eighteen; that means you can decide things without your parents saying anything about it. So I could help you out and you could join my school by next week..." he said.

Kale just looked at the bear, then looked at Taylor, confused. "How would you know that?" he asked.

Taylor chuckled, "Don't ask...you think I'm connected," she said then nodded to Anthony, "he's even better,"

Kale felt happy, but tried not to show it. He felt happy, and felt like things had taken the first positive step in a long time. He looked between the bear and the wolf a few times, not believing it. "Is this a joke?" he asked, stopping his hopes quickly.

"Nope, besides," Anthony said, "You owe me a bandana..." he said.

"So...you guys...are serious?" Kale asked, in a daze.

"Yeah, serious as smallpox..." Anthony said.

"Yeah...Wait," Taylor said, "did you just say 'serious as smallpox' Anthony, I mean, really?" she asked.

Anthony smiled, "Yeah...what about it?"

Taylor just stared at the bear, and stifled a laugh. The bear made medical jokes when he was happy, but he didn't seem to realize it.

"So this really isn't a joke?" Kale asked, still not sure if he could believe it.

Now Anthony sighed, "If you ask that one more time I'll beat you to a pulp," he replied. He smiled at the husky, "No, this is not a joke. So, what's your answer? Want to hang around town?" Anthony asked.

Kale just nodded. He felt tears coming to his face. He began to cry, and covered his face under the covers, embarrassed. When he thought about it, these two had seen him cry more than anyone else ever had. Kale felt embarrassed and tried to stop the tears, and he started laughing.

Anthony watched the husky, confused. He couldn't tell if he was happy or sad. He sat there and looked over at Taylor, who just smiled back at him. Anthony felt like the only one who didn't know what was going on, and he was the guy who did all this. He laughed too, and soon the room was filled with laughter.

After they stopped, Taylor had to leave. Anthony was left in the room with the husky. He sat there, and for a moment it was silent. Anthony looked at the husky and when he made eye contact he looked away and blushed. He looked down at the floor and shuffled his feet. He looked back up at the husky.

Kale knew he would have to say the first words, "What does this mean...about, well, you know?"

Anthony sighed, "I don't know, but," he said and put a finger to his lips. "We can talk about that later," he said.

"I need to know one thing though. Wa-" Kale began but to his surprise the bear already knew the question.

"No, it wasn't just a one night fling," he said silently and looked around him, scared someone could see or hear.

The husky saw that he was scared and looked at him, "You aren't out?"

Anthony looked back over at him and put his finger to his lips again. He felt the blood running to his face, but behind the blush he felt the sadness and loneliness.

The husky stopped and decided not to say anything more. He looked at the bear, and understood how it was. Kale knew he liked males, but he had never told anyone. That would've been just what he needed back home. It was hard enough for him without people judging him. Kale smiled at the bear, "I get it...you know...everything," he said.

Anthony looked at the husky. He wanted to say something but couldn't find any words to say. He just nodded. After another minute he wondered if they would ever begin a conversation.

"I know this could change your mind about everything, but I have to know," Kale said and waited, making sure the bear was looking, "Do you do drugs?"

Anthony remembered this morning and felt ashamed. "Why would you ask?" he asked, wondering how the husky could tell.

"This morning, your movements, your ways...I just know," the husky said and wanted to leave it at that.

Anthony didn't push the matter. He looked down at the ground then stood up and walked to the bed. He sat down and leaned close to Kale, "I don't," he said and then thought back, "I'm not going to lie. I did today, but it wasn't anything serious, just some Ritalin, but I'm not saying it's an excuse..."

"How long?" Kale asked.

"Today was the first day...I've been taking Ritalin to stay up though for about six months...do you consider that being on drugs? Not if I take it by mouth? ..." Anthony said, correcting himself.

Kale looked at the bear, "I don't know..."

Anthony leaned closer to the husky, "How about this? You stick around and on top of my regular offer, you act as my moral councilor?" he asked, half joking and half serious.

Kale looked at the bear, and didn't respond.

Anthony was taken by surprise when the husky hugged him around his neck. He was about to fight the hug, but decided against it and hugged the husky back. They broke it quickly and Anthony chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes,"

Kale smiled, "So...when can I get out of here?"

"Right now if you want..." Anthony said and stood up. He went to the door and turned around, "I'll be right back,"

He went down the hallway and found a wheelchair that wasn't in use. On his way back he stopped by the desk on that floor. A nurse looked up at him, "Oh, Mr. Hostle, how may I help you?"

Anthony sighed. He hated all the formality of this place, but most of the staff was like family to him. "The patient in room-345 is ready for release. I'd like to pick up the papers, and any of his personal belongings we are holding," he said.

"One moment," she said and looked at the computer. She typed in a few things then looked back, "OK, I shall bring his belongings to his room in a moment, and here are the papers he'll need," she said and handed him a clipboard.

Anthony thanked her, put the things in the wheelchair, and walked off. He entered the room and saw that Kale wasn't there. He was about to call out for him then he heard a door opening. He looked and saw the husky coming out of the bathroom. When he noticed the bear in his room he jumped back, almost falling. "Whoa, easy there," Anthony said, "I got some papers you'll need to sign,"

"For?" Kale asked as he sat down on the bed. He picked his leg up and threw it in the bed then lifted the other.

"Release," Anthony said and handed him the papers, "Nothing hard, just simple stuff,"

Kale looked at the papers then looked up at Anthony, "Umm...they want to know a few things that might be difficult..." he said and looked away.

"Such as?" Anthony asked.

"How I'm going to pay, where I live, and they want proof of an ID," Kale said, his voice dropping.

"Oh, well, good thing I know the answers," Anthony said. "You're not going to have to pay, its on the house, you'll be staying at my place, and I'll fix up the ID later," the bear said.

Kale looked back at the paper and signed everything he needed to. As he was finishing the nurse came in, "Here are your things Mr. Smith," she said and laid them on the end of the bed. Kale handed her the papers and she left.

Kale grabbed his clothes and then looked at the bear. He didn't know why but having to take off and put on his clothes in front of the bear seemed weird, even though they had both been together. He saw that Anthony caught the look and blushed lightly then turned away. Kale had no trouble putting on his shirt and underwear, but struggled with the pants. "Umm...Anthony...can you help?" he asked.

Anthony turned around and saw that the husky couldn't get the cast through the pants. He went over and helped the husky, pulling on the pants, but heard a rip as he jerked them. He looked and saw that as the cast was going through it caught on a tear and took off one of the legs. Anthony chuckled, "Well, it seems you have half jeans and half shorts,"

Kale chuckled too, and noticed the bear's paw on his leg.

Anthony saw the husky's eyes and followed them and realized his paw was still on his leg. Anthony pulled away quickly and coughed, "Sorry..." he said and turned around again.

Kale was surprised how bashful the bear could be. He thought it was funny when you thought about how the bear usually acted. Kale buttoned his jeans, "OK...I guess I'm good to go,"

Anthony ran over and grabbed the wheelchair, "Here, sit,"

"I can-" Kale began, but the bear's glance silenced him. He got in the wheelchair and felt the bear push him along. Kale looked down at the floor as he was being pushed through the hospital. He felt like he was being treated like some oldie who couldn't move anymore. They got to the car and Anthony helped him in the car, then left to put back the wheelchair. Kale looked over and saw bags in the back and saw clothes, he was still looking at them when the bear got in.

"Oh...I see you found the clothes...You like 'em?" he asked.

"I guess," Kale said then looked over at Anthony, "Wait?...They aren't for-"

"Yeah, they are," Anthony said.

Kale knew better than to argue. They started the car and along the way Anthony called Taylor. He learned that she had to head out of town for the day so they wouldn't eat together tonight. He told Kale and they decided to head to Anthony's house. They got there after a bit, and the bear helped him in.

"I'm going to take a shower," Anthony said and looked over at the husky, "I can show you to where another in the house is,"

Kale moved slowly on the crutches, but the bear walked slowly for him. Kale thanked him and was shown where the shower was, "Wow," he said when he saw how large the room was.

Anthony laughed behind him, "This is my parents...I usually use this one. I think you'll like it,"

The shower was built into the ceiling and it was the size of a small room. It looked like it had more features than some entire houses had.

Kale turned around, "Thanks for everything," he said and stared at the bear. He wanted the bear to stay, but didn't know how to ask. He stood there for a moment, and neither of them spoke. Kale moved forward, and hugged the bear. He looked up at the bear and moved up and kissed him, and was happy that Anthony returned it, though he took a bit of time. Once the kiss broke Kale smiled, and hugged tighter on the bear.

Anthony felt himself blush, "Do you want," he said and felt his ears flatten against his head and he looked away, and started over; "Do you want me to stick around to keep an eye on you, ... and make sure you don't fall or anything like that?" he asked.

Kale thought it was cute how the bear tried to make everything they did professional and not intimate. He smiled and pulled the bear down and kissed the bear on the lips, "But there's a place to sit in there," he said teasingly, "Yeah, that'd make me happy," he replied after a moment.

Anthony blushed harder, and then felt a paw under his muzzle. He felt the husky lifting his head, and making him look at Kale. He felt the husky's lips on his and felt the husky's tongue pressing against his teeth. Anthony was about to open his muzzle when he felt Kale pull away. He looked at Kale who had his head cocked. Anthony blushed harder, sure his face was red now, "Sorry...I'm just...not sure what to do..."

Kale smiled at the bear. He was a bit surprised at how Anthony acted. The bear acted smart and confident, until they were along, and then he seemed to act bashful and innocent. Kale licked the bear's nose and pulled away, "You'll learn," he said with a smile.

Anthony was sad when the husky pulled away and felt like he was disappointing the husky. He saw Kale undress and Anthony felt his sheath stir. The husky stopped at his underwear and turned around, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Sorry, I'm just really bad at this..." Anthony said and looked down.

"You can't be bad at something like this...you're thinking like you have to perform well or you'll fail. There isn't any failing," Kale said and moved over to the bear, "...now come-on and show me how the shower works!" he said cheerfully and rubbed the bear's head.

Anthony laughed and took off his jacket. He saw the husky look at his blood soaked shirt. Anthony took it off and it wasn't much better. His white fur had been dyed red and it was black in areas. It looked disgusting as it had sat for almost a day. He took off his pants and underwear. He looked over at Kale, who had stopped looking at the blood on the bear. Anthony watched as Kale turned around and noticed that the husky's tail was wagging.

Kale took off his boxers and stepped into the shower. He looked over at the bear who was standing there, "Well, come-on" he said.

Anthony ran over. He looked at the husky, "If you want....you could put the crutches away and lean on me," he said and blushed again.

"What do you want?" Kale asked, "I want to see some of that decisiveness in you," he said and waited for Anthony's response.

Anthony smiled at the husky, "Ok, hold onto me," he said and took the husky's crutches. He threw them out of the shower, and turned around and felt Kale holding onto him. Anthony was glad that Kale was pushing him. He pulled the husky into a hug, and moved his muzzle to the husky's. He pressed his lips lightly against the husky's, and pushed his tongue into Kale's muzzle. The kiss started slowly and didn't build speed.

Kale let Anthony decide the pace and didn't move on the bear. He held onto him and let the bear hold him. He felt the bear pull on him and run his paws down the husky's back. Kale enjoyed the bear's pace-it felt more sensual. He felt the bear's chest rumble and Kale let out a low moan. After a minute he felt Anthony pull away. Kale caught his breath and smiled up at Anthony, "See, that was great," he said.

Anthony looked down at the husky and blushed. He stared at the husky and continued to rub his body.

"Now, how about we clean off?" Kale suggested.

Anthony came back from his stare. He nodded and showed the husky how the shower worked. At first he decided to just take a regular shower. He turned on the water and it began to pour over them. Anthony felt the blood rinse away from his fur and the original color start to return. He let out a gasp when the husky began to rub at his chest, making the blood go away faster. Anthony grabbed the soap, but the husky took it from him and began to wash him. Soon his chest was clean and he felt the husky pull him into a hug. Anthony held onto the husky and felt his paws washing over his back. When he pulled away Kale smiled at him. Anthony leaned forward and kissed Kale again, the same pace.

Kale leaned on the bear and felt the bear lean on a wall. Kale enjoyed how the bear kissed. With their size difference it was a bit odd, but not too much. If Anthony leaned his head down and Kale lifted up a little then they could easily kiss. He felt the bear's large paws roam over him. The thing Kale noticed most was the bear's tongue though. It was twice as big as his own, and it took up a large space in Kale's muzzle. He guessed it was just the difference in their species. He didn't mind though, in fact, he enjoyed it, and began to coax the bear's tongue further into his own.

Anthony leaned against the wall and pulled on the husky. Anthony's knees felt shaky and he broke the kiss. He smiled at Kale, and then moved over to a place to sit down-one of the showers features. He made Kale sit down and he began to wash the husky. He slowly moved his paws over Kale's chest, exploring it and taking his time. After he finished he moved to Kale's waist. He heard the husky whimper as he washed his sheath, but Anthony moved past it after he finished and washed the rest of the husky's body. Once he finished he looked up at Kale and smiled. He stood up quickly and put the soap in an indented area, at Kale's chest height when sitting. He put it up, and then returned his attention to the husky's waist.

Kale was hard and his cock was pointing at the bear's muzzle. He felt Anthony stroke his cock lightly and Kale let out a moan. He immediately began to pump into the bear's paw. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

Anthony moved his muzzle down to the husky's sack. He licked lightly at the sack, almost shyly. He continued this until he felt the wolf's thrust becoming faster and harder, and then he felt the balls pull up against the husky. He looked up and moved his face in front of the cock.

Kale felt his orgasm coming and he continued to thrust into the bear's paw. He felt the first of his load shoot off and landed across the bear's muzzle. After the first shoot Anthony opened his muzzle and tried to catch the remaining cum. Only a bit landed on his tongue.

Anthony couldn't say he was happy that all the husky's cum was being washed away and that so little had landed on his tongue. He rolled the little he had caught around on his tongue, savoring it. He spread it across his tongue, trying to make the flavor last as long as possible. He felt paws on his shoulders, pulling him up. He rose as the husky pulled on him and gasped as he was pulled into a deep kiss.

Kale tasted his cum on the bear's tongue, and let out a light moan. He kissed the bear as deeply as he could, but Anthony didn't respond. Kale was about to pull away when he felt the bear return the kiss. Kale was happy that Anthony was starting to act more freely. He felt the bear's tongue exploring his muzzle, carefully, and could feel the vibrations from the bear's chest. He felt the bear's cock pressing against him. He reached down and began to stroke the bear's cock, making the bear moan into the kiss.

Anthony didn't break from the kiss and began to do as the husky had and pump into the paw. He felt the husky's tongue leave his muzzle and let he let out a whine, fearing that Kale would break the kiss. He was happy when the husky didn't.

Kale began to lightly suck on the bear's tongue, encouraging the bear to kiss more deeply. He heard Anthony moan at this and he continued it.

Anthony pushed more of his tongue into the husky's muzzle. He hadn't kissed Kale deeply, not sure if the husky was OK with the large difference in the size of their tongues. Kale's was normal, and so was Anthony's. The only thing was that for his species, their tongues were larger than most-in everyway. He was glad that Kale didn't seem to mind though.

Kale began to move his tongue with the bear's, returning every motion the bear did. He felt the bear's thrust speed up and Kale pulled away from the kiss. He smiled at the bear, "I think you'd like something else more than my paw..." he said.

Anthony buried his head under the husky's muzzle, and began to nuzzle him and lick at him. "Like what?"

Kale didn't respond but took his paw away from the cock and down to Anthony's thighs. He put his paws under them and pulled the bear, gesturing for him to stand up. Anthony caught on and looked at the husky, unsure. Kale smiled and nodded, then pulled harder, and Anthony complied. He stood up, and Kale leaned forward and licked the cock in front of his muzzle. He heard the bear moan, and Kale began to lap at it, leaving no area undone. After he finished he began to suck on the bear's cock, taking it slowly into his muzzle. Their size difference also applied to their cocks, but it wasn't that great and Kale only enjoyed it more. He sucked on it and was soon bobbing his head on the bear's meat. Kale pulled away after a moment, "I have an idea," he said.

Anthony felt the husky put a paw around his thigh again, and then encourage him to lift it up. He did so, wondering what Kale had planed and then realized it; the husky placed his foot on the soap holder, kicking the soap out in the process. Anthony set his foot here and realized why Kale did this. This allowed Anthony to thrust into the husky's muzzle and gave Kale the opportunity to play with the bear' balls, which he immediately began to do. Anthony felt the husky's muzzle close around his cock again. He stood there and didn't thrust into the husky, who made a noise, and put a paw on the bear's ass and pulled him forward-encouraging him to thrust.

Kale was glad when the bear began to thrust into his muzzle. He felt the bear's meat sliding across his tongue, leaving pre on it. The bear's pre tasted amazing and Kale tried to get as much as he could. He let out long moans as the bear's cock entered his muzzle and bobbed his head in rhythm. He felt the bear's cock throb and the bear beginning to buck into his muzzle. Kale felt the cock go into his throat and his gag reflex kicked in. He fought it and pulled back as the bear began to shoot, letting out a roar as he did. Kale coughed as the cum shot into his muzzle and it began to drip out of his muzzle, but the bear continued to shoot.

Anthony tried not to bury his cock into the husky's muzzle, but found he couldn't control his thrusts. He felt shot after shot land in the husky's muzzle and could hear Kale cough. When he fially finished he felt his knees buckling. He sat down quickly, next to Kale and panted.

Kale coughed up more of the cum. It tasted great but the bear had taken him by surprise and he couldn't take all of it. It dripped down his muzzle and hung in ropes off the side. He looked over at Anthony and smiled, "That was also great," he said and when the bear looked over he kissed him deeply.