Ninja's law

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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It was a quiet evening on the Village of the Leaf, as the clouds moved on the sky, the trees clang with the wind, as the village was guarded by the tall watchtowers and walls. Kiowa walked across the busy streets, giving a quick check to the shops with her crimson eyes, shining with the showroom lights. She was on her twenties, with a precious turquoise fur except on the tips of her limbs, tail and ears, which were limited by stripes of purple fur while the tips and belly themselves were in fluffy white fur over her slim vixen body. She was wearing her duty uniform, as a ninja she was, with some green khaki sleeves on both arms and legs, together with some black elastic net bands and also a black net shirt which covered her torso, as her breasts were hidden under a bandage bra, together with the bands of her waists. She also wore small green short trunks, with the usual black sandals. Her black headband showed her high rank ninja (jounin) status, hidden under the grassy green messy plain hair she had. As she walked by the narrow busy streets, she found out something looking out from a window, inside the show. A young wolf male, about her age, was speaking to the keeper of the supposed weapon shopkeeper, who was showing to the male a fine crafted kunai knife.

This wolf was enormous, with a big thick muscled body, quite tall and his fur was dark grayish, except on his hands and chest, where it was white as snow from under his lower jaw to his crotch, showing a messy black haired mass over his head. He stared at the small pointy knife with his bloody red eyes, as his paws were wearing thick black leather fingerless gloves. He was wearing the standard suit of the ninjas of the Leaf Village: Black shirt, dark green jacket, blue long jeans, black boot sandals and, of course, the dog tag headband. His name was Shiro, born as an orphan, and his main skills were tracking as well his good usage of close combat with ninjutsu and a big broadsword he carried on the back.

Kiowa used to know him, as they were partners on the Ninja Academy as well on the squad when they were low rank ninjas (Gennin), some years ago. He left the knife on the box that it was shown and greeted the weapon crafter, leaving the shop afterwards. Kiowa soon stopped watching the shop and hid on a side of the showing window, hiding from Shiro's sight. He walked down the alley, without noticing Kiowa's presence beyond the whole crowd that was stuffing the market. A couple of minutes after walking around, the wolf reached to the end of the market street, where a big sign wrote "Raamen ichiraku". Shiro smiled, entering the small noodle shop and sat on the bar. The owner, with a humble smile, asked 'As always, Shiro?'

The young wolf nodded, and so he replied happily 'Of course, Miso raamen, big size and don't get crook with the pork!'

A few minutes later, Ichiraku picked a big bowl of steaming raamen, flooded with stew as the fried pork floated over it. Shiro quickly picked the chopsticks, split them and devoured the bowl with big noisy slurps. Meanwhile, Kiowa crossed the entrance, looking at Shiro eating his favorite noodles in a wild mood. She silently got close to him and placed her small hand over the right shoulder of the wolf, who reacted by looking at his back.

The kunoichi smiled smoothly, after finding one of her old fellows, so she said 'It's been a while, Shiro' followed by a subtle giggle.

The ninja wolf swallowed the noodles on his mouth, as his eyes showed a quick glimpse of surprise, responding 'Oh, Kiowa. It's been a while, indeed'

Shiro turned his body from the chair he was sit at, left some money on the bar to pay the meal and then he stood up, shaking his clothes for a quick cleanup. The vixen looked at the rest of the food on the bowl, on the bottom, then she looked at Shiro's eyes, saying 'I haven't seen you since you graded as a mid rank ninja (chuunin)... Are you still peeking on girls?' she giggled afterwards.

Shiro blushed harshly, embarrassed, as he sighed clumsily, then she smiled, saying 'Just kidding, besides, I remember what happened at the hot springs'

The truth is that Shiro was interested on females, but Kiowa's presence made that attractive feeling stronger than usual, something he couldn't understand. Maybe it was her plain greenish hair, her charm or that slim quite well balanced body of hers? His mind, guided mostly by instinct, couldn't puzzle that easily, and so it thought it was just a wish of domination and mutual help. He shook his head to clear his confusion, saying with a trembling voice 'Kiowa... I wanted to know if you...' the blush on the wolf became stronger by moments 'I mean, would you like to d...'

Suddenly, a swift shadow appeared in front of the noodle shop and entered within a few steps: It was Shotaro, the personal guard of the Kitsune clan leader, who that leader was, non the less, Kiowa's father.

She realized the presence of the guard, turning around, then the soldier said 'Miss Kiowa, your father has summoned you for being at his presence on the family courtroom immediately. It seems an important issue for our clan.'

Kiowa's ears lifted up as a sign of fear, sighing for being called by his father, Ryo. She replied with a sad tone on her voice:

'Alright, Shotaro, I'll head as quickly as I can' then she looked at Shiro, saying 'I have to go. See you next time, Shiro' and leaving the post, so she started to jump from each roof, towards the east side of the village, where the Kitsune mansion was settled.

The huge mansion was built with one single floor, which had a big garden set with the big brown wooden corridors around. Kiowa arrived by jumping the rooftops and trees of the village, stopping in front of the entrance. She slid the door aside and walked through the wide corridors of crunchy wood and white plaster, to the center garden, where one of the rooms next to it was open: the meeting room. She entered inside quickly and checked what was happening: Her father was sit on his knees under the table, dressed on a blue kimono, as the spirit fox or Kitsune he was. His fur was clear brown and white, crimson eyes and quite thin but strong looking. He was talking with the leader of the Kizuna clan, Gorô, the leader, and his son, Genjuro. The first was a white furred Shiba Inu, with scars hiding under the fur showing where the furless parts were. His eyes were brown, and looked very deeply within his tall and wide body. Genjuro, however he was the younger image of his father, his eyes were as green as the grass. Both members were suited with their clan suits.

Ryo, the Kitsune leader, noticed Kiowa's presence by his ears and turned his head around, claiming 'Ah, my dear daughter. You have arrived. I was attending my business with the Kizuna ninja clan' pointing his guests with an extended hand. She looked at both dogs quite bad concerned, so she replied

'I see, father' not even surprised.

Ryo cleaned his throat, and kept his conversation with the Kizuna leader 'It is settled then. Tomorrow, your son Genjuro shall marry my daughter, Kiowa. It seems a good deal for our clan as Genjuro seems quite a prestigious male.'

Kiowa gasped with her eyes opened apart, so she reacted by bashing the table with an angry face, screaming 'How dare you, Father!? I... I don't even know him!!!' as she showed her teeth gritted for the nervous mood she had.

Ryo gave a quick skeptic stare to Kiowa 'My daughter, you must comprehend that the clan's situation and our future are at stake now, hence, we need a male so we can continue our linage.'

She said, overwhelmed by deception 'What about love? Didn't you marry mother for the love, nothing else?

The Kitsune leader shook his head in negation, and said 'Remember we are only a few remaining in our clan, apart from the fact you didn't show interest from a particular male to me or your mother. Am I wrong, dear?'

The female kitsune groaned in anger, leaving the room with anger painted on her face and walking straight to her own bedroom. This room was very simple, apart from the various storing shelves for scrolls, weapons, clothes and tools, her slim futon bed, a blue round paper lamp and a black framed classic window where she could sit and enjoy the view of the forest and the mountains outside. The sun was gleaming orange through the window, as evening fade, so she sat on the wooden frame of the window, sighing as she remembered her good old teenage memories.

Kiowa was, by all means, subtle and clear minded. This gave her a lot of her during her training as a ninja. She suddenly thought on the actual look of Shiro, how handsome and strong looked after all this time. It wasn't the lonely wolf she knew before, and by destiny's chance, started to think how handsome he would look naked, as she once peeked him while he was on the outside bath of some hot springs. Her likes were strong males, wild but protective with their couple, and still she was a virgin. At her age, Kiowa didn't broke the last seal for maturity, since in her clan a female should loss her virginity after being mated in soul with her lover. A moment later, someone called at Kiowa's bedroom door, from outside. She opened the door and sighed in relief as she found out who called: A female vixen of slim body, with the same fur color as her but her eyes were like deep green emeralds. It was Sachi, Kiowa's mother, who mumbled with a happy grin on her face 'Are you alright, my dear?' in a conspicuous way to talk.

Kiowa showed some sad eyes, very quiet. Sachi knew this was something embarrassing for her, so she suggested 'It's the wedding, isn't it? Your father... such a knucklehead'

The girl looked at her mother, nodding, as Kitsune were able to guess people's feelings. Sachi looked down, thinking, and then she turned her head to the dusk, with the sun hiding slowly. She said, with a clever smile on her face 'Your father was been always like this, since I met him'

Kiowa sighed in despair, saying to Sachi 'Why are they doing this to me, mother? I... I hate that posh head of Genjuro' as tears of frustration filled under her eyes.

Sachi looked again at her daughter, expressing with attitude, and letting her lips say 'Remember what grandma used to say "Follow the path of your heart". If you don't want the family being part of those filthy dogs, do it. I won't stop you'

Kiowa seemed surprised by what her mother just said, like almost frozen. Her mind soon started to make a plan to avoid her father's tyrant control and her unwanted future husband: leaving the village until she wasn't remembered, leaving the past behind.

Sachi stepped away from Kiowa, but then Kiowa, with a decided mood, said 'Alright, mother. I've taken my choice'

Kiowa looked at the window again, watching at the sky turning dark as the stars acted as small spots of light, then she closed the window and left her bedroom. She was heading for the dining room, walking through the white corridors, until she turned one of the corners and found Genjuro sit over the right wall. She gave a warning sign with her usual angry grin at him, crossing in front of him without calling any of his attention. The arrogant dog soon lifted one of his hands to grab her left wrist. The vixen looked backwards, moaning after feeling the male pulling her arm with incredible grip. He soon pinned her on the wall, pressing her with his heavy chest, saying 'Well, well, you don't look so tough as they said to me.

Kiowa grunted as she tried to get off that dumb twit, squealing 'Go away, I'm not your relief tool!' she pulled her limbs with lots of strength, still it was useless.

Genjuro laughed and started to lick her face in obscenity, then he whispered to her pointy ears 'Resistance is useless' while he rubbed her crotch with one of his filthy paws, passing the fingers over her shorts. The kunoichi blushed in anger, reacting to that perverted move with a powerful left jab. After that punch, she gritted her teeth, panting and frowning her brows, screaming at him 'Don't even dare to get close to me, you pervert!!!'

She left the place and ran to her bedroom, closing the door and shutting it with a cupboard that was next to it. After making the entrance stuck, she fell over her knees by the fear, crying as she felt her life collapsing. Then she found a weird shadow on the translucent paper of the windows, stood up and opened the window. She found Shiro looking up, to the full moon, hypnotized by its bright. His thoughts bombed his mind so he wasn't aware of Kiowa's watch. He thought "I must have to say it to her... Am I a wolf, aren't I? Not a coward" with his body trembling nervous. Kiowa, looking at the young wolf's back, silently asked 'Uh...' The wolf turned his head to both sides, confused, then he looked down, gasping with a scream and falling from the rooftop he was sitting at by the surprise. Luckily, his training helped him as he stood under the roof's wooden structure upside down thanks to the force of chakra. Kiowa, who was scared at that instant, blushed after watching the wolf swaying that awful fall, but then she said 'I'm sorry Shiro... were you spying me?' as she made a embarrassed yet silly expression on her face.

The male blushed too, keeping his body upside down and shaking his head side to side 'No, it's just... I wanted to say something while I was looking at the moon'

His heart was pounding faster by moments, yet Kiowa stopped his speech by saying 'I'm sorry though. Tomorrow will be a busy day for me, I have to go to sleep now' and yawned. The wolf, feeling weird, nodded his head and replied 'Alright then...' leaving the rooftop and landing on the garden after falling, hiding his frustration on the shade of the woods. He ran to his flat at the village downtown.

She looked down, as her heart pounded the same as Shiro. She imagined how her family would tale Shiro, a humble lonely ninja. She thought many ideas: They would reject him, chase him, even execute or expel him from the village. Kiowa shook her head in fear to avoid those thoughs and so she started to undress her uniform, leaving only her inner clothes, picking the mattress of her futon to lay, cover up and curl so she fell asleep, letting the night fade quickly.

Kiowa feel deeply asleep, and so dreams started to work on her mind. She found herself on the woods, covered in thick darken grey fog, feeling lost as cold wrapped around her fine blue sky and white fur, dressed only with her bandage bra and a set of purple slips she had a lot of. Soon, she heard some strong growls, making her ears point frozen, as they came from her back. She turned around to the other side and found a red eyed grey-white furred enormous wolf, just like Shiro. She only could watch that creature, paralyzed by fear. The beast pounded her, fading her sight black in deep shadows.

Kiowa woke up in a scream, sweating and panting, and she looked to the window, looking at the end of the night with the first daylight of the dawn. She knew her father would come to her come to prepare her for the wedding, so she quickly ran to the shelves and dressed her ninja uniform, picking several ninja weapons, traps and gadgets such as explosive paper, trinkets, strings and also the shuriken and kunai set for her own personal defense. She dressed up her net knit shirt, khaki shorts, covered her arms with bandages and wrapped every single of her limbs on the hot sleeves. She was ready to escape home.

Kiowa opened the window and leaped from it, falling at high speed and landing to run quickly to the woods around the village, her favorite field of action. Some minutes later, Ryo was walking slowly towards Kiowa's bedroom, where he opened the door to her daughter's room, finding it stuck. Then, he pushed it, breaking it and pushing the blocking cupboard away. The leader looked in fear how she escaped to avoid the wedding, so he growled 'Darn it...'

He went to the entrance of the mansion, finding his personal guard and he ordered to Shotaro with wrath and betrayed feeling 'My daughter has escaped. Call for a high rank mission at the briefings, this is an important family issue!' and returned to his room.

Shotaro, with a serious look, nodded his head and ran to the mission center, where they soon planned Kiowa's search and capture.

The Hokage pointed that three jounin would come to the woods to track her, find her and finally capture her alive for the final briefing. Those three warriors were chosen by their skill and knowledge of the fugitive: Shinji, an expert in dirty traps of the Maneki ninja clan, Kanbei, a camouflage master of the Kizuna clan, brother of the leader, Gorô, and Shiro, which is tracking skills and relation with Kiowa would have been very useful than anything else.

The squad left the village after receiving the mission and sneaked into the woods, passing the branches over with great speed and so they stopped on a clear part of the forest. Kanbei looked around, just in the case she detected them, and turned around, saying to the rest of the squad 'This is the plan. We shall go each other on our own way and once we found her, regroup altogether for taking her to the mission center. Let's move!"

Both ninjas nodded, though Shiro didn't seem worried, his mind was, as it remembered the good old moments when they were gennin. Shinji and Kanbei fled to the next trees and jumped swiftly from tree to tree, as they started the recon part. Shiro then looked around, finding weird marks on the trees nearby made by a knife of some sort, as he said 'Huh? These marks, have chakra on it. How weird...'

Shiro checked the carvings and sniffed them, knowing that the kind of blade that did those marks had a subtle fresh scent from a vixen, a Kitsune clan kunoichi, with their special chakra trace. He memorized that smell and soon started to run, jump and leap in a different way from his partners, following Kiowa's real track.

Meanwhile, Shinji landed over a branch after leaping from a tree to another for about half an hour, as his ears tingled with the sound of someone's pants. Shinji followed the breathing until he found its source: Kiowa was hidden on a bulky tree, breathing deeply and hard to concentrate for an ambush. The feline ninja grinned as the thrill of capturing her hardened his black and white fur, so he sneaked into the vixen ninja's hide, jumping stealthy over the leaves. She was looking at a path that was in the shade of the pine trees, while Shinji used her distraction and jumped over her, with a kunai at his right hand and yelling 'GOTCHA!'

However, Shinji perceived a thin string shining and broke it with his own body. He saw how the string broke apart, followed by a big log swarming with claws over its surface, a trap. Kiowa looked back, smiling for her trap having worked. The cat swayed the log, which got stuck in the next tree at his right side. Shinji just laughed and said 'Amateur, I can do that trap even blindf...' but before he finished, Kiowa disappeared. The trap expert groaned in frustration, looking confused to his sides.

A round shadow started to hiss on the air, over Shinji's head. It was a windmill shuriken, thrown by Kiowa towards him. He dodged the flying edge by leaping to a next branch of another tree, then he chuckled 'You are open like a book, you won't impress me with...' but then he noticed the smell and noise of crackling paper burning, coming from an upper place. Shinji looked up, scared, as he saw a set of slow burning explosive paper, clinging with the wind. The shuriken soon changed its direction and cutted the strings that suspended the sheets, so they fell slowly as they burn and got next to him, who said 'Shit...'

A wide blast, which could be heard very far away, burned the tree and the cat's body, which fell from the branch he was, now deeply scorched as charcoal. The blast started a fire on the nearby trees, which turned into a small concentrated gulf of flames, as the wet weather helped with rainy days.

The fugitive kunoichi landed on the ground and approached near to Shinji's body, who was still moving in serious pain, giving a quiet stare and a cold expression, then she passed it around, like if he didn't existed.

Kanbei felt the explosive noise on his ears, so he headed to the source of it, arriving minutes later, running and jumping around the woods. He found the trees green again, with the morning sun piercing the tree leaves with its beams. He found Shinji's body several feet from where he was, so he ran close to it, kneeled at the laid body's side and checked it. Shinji, breathing hard and moaning in pain, only could whisper 'It's a trap' then its life collapsed within the burning pain.

Kanbei looked back, looking at Kiowa, who was looking him with a kunai at each hand. He reacted by throwing three shuriken at her, impacting on her body, but this blew up in a poof of smoke that left a small log on her place. The shiba ninja stood still, watching any movement, but Kiowa sneaked into his back and tried to attack him with a downward slash. Kanbei moved his body with a side jump, landing safely and drawing a set of long metal claws from his robes. The shiba charged towards the vixen with a vicious rage, and so he made a cross slash. Kiowa rolled to the right, making the slash hit the tree towards him, which started to burn in seconds. Kanbei blinked, looking up as he saw the burning tree falling in front of his eyes. He blinked again, and realized that the forest was on fire, since he was on an illusion trap Kiowa made.

The dog looked in the flames, until he saw the silhouette of his objective. He soon started to charge up chakra on his legs and stuck them into a tree, pushing his body with an impulse that threw his body like a cannonball as he roared and placed his metal claws at the front, hoping to deal a finishing blow on her.

Kanbei grabbed the body, as he rolled on the ground by the force, and laid it on the ground, stabbing his claws on it hundreds of times. Somehow, he realized it was too soft and mushy, and the truth was it was a cotton filled ragdoll with several sheets of explosive paper wrapped around, with one of them burning with the singular crackling burn noise. The gunpowder inside the papers exploded, making Kanbei draw back by the power of the blast and crushing his body into a nearby flat rock, braking his limbs and starting to cough blood all over the place. He stood up, whining in the most absolute pain, then he looked forward, looking at Kiowa close to him. She said 'Go away, you don't have a selfish father'

Kanbei, drown in despair, made his last question 'How could you find me? My camouflage is unbeatable'

Kiowa drawn a long sword with spikes over its two blades and stabbed it on Kanbei's chest, so he screamed as his lungs filled in his own blood. She replied 'Dressed with green in a forest in flames? Like a candle in the dark.' Then she twisted the edge and retried the sword brutally, as the spikes shred his insides apart and finished in an unusual blood spring. Kanbei fell to the ground, as he felt his sight going pitch black, as death fade his life.

Kiowa folded her blade, then she heard a wolf growl which made her turn around to its source. Shiro charged with a tackle against her with incredible speed, which lead both to roll on the ground, which lead to pose over the ground kneeled as she was behind him, seized, staring at him. He released her, they both stood up, then she ran and lifted her left leg for a roundhouse kick that hit Shiro's face. His body turned around with the power of the kick, exposing his sword at the back, so she grabbed the sword and before he could finish to complete a 360 degree turn, she gave a up and down slash to his chest. The inner shirt of Shiro's uniform broke to shreds and lead to a wound at his chest. He quickly shook his head to get rid of the stunning feeling, and noticed the cut on his torso. He ran towards her and quickly disarmed her by quick hits of his arms on her wrists and a final open palm punch to her lower jaw, which made her legs leave the ground for a second before falling on the ground like a ragdoll, just when she was almost about to lose her consciousness. The ninja girl tried to stand up, hardly, as she never suffered such a swift and subtle attack, looking at Shiro patching up his wound by wrapping a whole roll of bandages he kept on his pouch for emergencies. After he applied the improvised cure, Kiowa was grabbed by Shiro, staring at her with wrath on his soul as he grabbed her netted shirt with ease, growling in a primitive mood as he looked his lover, wounded by him, showing it's fury too.

Pressure was starting to affect her, because of the bloody red eyes of the wolf looking at her with a maniac gaze, while her blood boiled as she looked down and beheld the muscles showing under his green jacket. The heat on her body stacked up, making her blush in an embarrassing way. She found that body the most attractive thing in the world. Shiro kept his sight at Kiowa's nice thin body, how compensated and beautiful it was, hidden between all that divided clothes and bandages. He whispered at her pointy ears 'Guess it's time for your punishment. It's ninja's law! Betrayal is traded for punishment!'

He smiled like a pervert, so he left her on the ground, and made her look to the her six, until she pushed her to a nearby flat rock that acted as a wall. It was useless for her, as she was pushed by the male, sticking her nice curved back into his forged chest. He said 'It's time for my forbidden jutsu, you bitch' as he laughed evily.

She tried to guess Shiro's idea for a punishment, as she wasn't meant to be killed. He passed his arms behind hers, passing them under her fine shirt, grabbing the place that the bandages covered her body and finding its weakest point. She looked how her breasts were taken very unmannered, watching those thick gloves rubbing her chest in a dirty but lustful way, as he made mellow growling sounds at her ears, small bites on her neck and nipping his teeth on her left shoulder. Her body soon started to tremble like her ears were, with nervous reactions.

Shiro placed his torso at Kiowa's back shape, breathing hard with sudden buffs, as he pulled and loosed Kiowa's bandage bra, unveiling her round white furred breasts, with two popping bright nipples. She felt the big hands of the wolf handing her breasts, with the leather of the gloves rubbing harshly her fur, gritting her teeth with the uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment blushing her face. Shiro lifted the net shirt, letting her breasts be free while the bandages stacked up around her belly, like a belt. He slipped his hands down, touching her short trunks and ragging them from her with a single pull of his powerful hands. With feral fury, the Wolf looked at the tempting purple slip she was wearing for covering her most intimate parts.

With the eyes closed, she couldn't see a thing, but she felt the rubs, exponentially more sensitive because of her will to not see her body being taken, she realized the dream of last night meant something, something deep and about accepting her defeat. The wild wolf looked at the provoking lingerie, licking his lips in hunger and grabbing her tail tightly, which shook by the pressure. She opened her eyes for the pain of being held by the tail, yelling scared 'No, not my tail, it hurts...' but then the wolf pulled that tail again, making her moan as that what her weakness. Shiro sniffed every hair of the vixen's fur, feeling her chakra trace, saying 'your scent looks tempting. You might look like a loner, but you are literally asking for it, as your chakra says' then he made a low laugh, grinning with his sharp teeth, taking down his pants and briefs as he showed his real naked member.

It was a medium-throbbed fleshy cock, about 8 inches, just at the half of his erection. Kiowa gasped after watching that member, so big in the middle of it's way, so she closed her eyes again, as she didn't want to see her virginity being slayed. Altough, her prompting purple lingerie soon got darker in the middle, for the moistness she had held to avoid unnecessary males. The wolf soon perceived such a moist by his nose, so he chuckled and said 'Holding it too much time, huh? You smell like a natural flower, you must be a virgin.'

He turned her body so both looked at each other's eyes, at each's front. The fire soon started to wrap around then, as so did their inner heat. Shiro, holding an almost evil smile, said 'One day you will have to choose the one who will pass the rest of your days with you. Resistance is useless for you, as I have more chakra than you can imagine!'

She growled in anger, feeling one of the fingers of Shiro getting down and more down by moments, held by Shiro and the rock, whispering 'I can take myself alone. You males... are all the same!

The male ninja laughed as he remembered a special day that involved both of them, saying 'What about the hot springs, then?'

Kiowa got paralyzed, frozen, as the lupine hand got inside her slip, rubbing her crotch, and so he said 'Who is the pervert now? I didn't care you watched me naked, but still, even if you can hold stand alone...' he touched his crotch with hers 'your most evil desire is being the alpha male's bitch, don't you?'

Kiowa fell in deep silence, trembling by the unusual cold and lust those intimate rubbings where making to her. He plunged two fingers inside her fresh flower, then she said 'What are you up t...?' her question was cut by a sudden loud growl of the male, as a silence call.

The kunoichi closed her eyes one more time, moaning hard, feeling the thick muscled fingers of that male drilling her flower slowly, as they got lubricated by the nectar of her heat, but she gritted her teeth, to hold the pain that was mixed with that deep pleasure, so much, she hold a bit of her folded net shirt to hold the stingy but sweet feeling that made her mind moan like crazy. The wolf saw the wet flower of her getting moister any second, so he moved both of his fingers inside her in strafed motion, with the middle of her purple thong taken aside to aim his erected now 12-inched meat held in his other hand into her hot oven, which was lubing her outside after all the moisture.

He grabbed her legs, opening them apart, and looked every little bit of her vagina, finding the clitoris and pinching it with his soaked fingers, so her moans became louder and harder, so it did her blush. Those blasts of pleasure weren't nothing compared to her bombs, she bit her shirt harder, closing her eyes harder as small painful awes and sobs came out of her gritted teeth. Shiro pressed his tip on Kiowa's pussy, giving a huge thrust force to his hips as he growled loud and got the rod inside her. The kunoichi, astonished how her body held half of that shaft inside her, got tight to defend her purity, but still, the hymen broke with the wolf's unnatural strength, letting the blood wrap around his cock and faintly got out, as pain and pleasure mixed inside her now defiled mind.

Growling as the wolf he was within, Shiro bit Kiowa's right shoulder, pressing his hips hard to fight the tight walls of Kiowa with his brute force. The pleasure in both of them was strong as the flames that surrounded them, as the forest was on fire. She felt that invading power inside her, leaving the meat blade of Shiro surpass her hard tight wrapping and reached to the deepest limit: the cervix. The shaft hit it with the repeated ramming, so she felt the stinging sensation while her walls were heavily stimulated by the hole pressing the cock's surface, as it got veins all over it, bringing more pleasure to the link. Her moans mixed pain and pleasure, but Shiro tried to take care of them by French kissing the mouth of her prey and, what he thought, new female mate. His grolws became noisy and deep, as his flesh was pressed by her rejecting walls, which made the mutual pleasure almost endless. Kiowa started to suit all that pain and pleasure, holding all of the first and enjoying all of the second, with the frenzy hip movement of the male, even with her eyes closed and her head looking aside, unable to see how the male she most appreciated was raping her in the moment, as she vowed 'No, Shiro, this is... so... gross...' followed by a bashful moan and intense red on her face, ending with 'So... bad...' awing with every pulse of energy the wolf's hip used on the ramming motion.

She might claimed for mercy, but the wolf was as ruthless and stubborn. Kiowa soon paid her attempt for not seeing, her senses became more powerful: the mind boggling male wolf aroma, the impulses on her vagina were felt more powerful, she started to find the code on the growls and snarls that he was making and the series of bites and kisses became more pleasurable, just for not looking at her own will. This peaked Kiowa's mind, as she burst in an orgasmic moan that lead with more flushing liquids pouring out of her, exploding around the block the huge member was doing, and the contractions of her walls and cervix made the cock receive even more pleasure.

Shiro's muscles started to grow veins with the effort, showing his brutal strength with every move his body did. The pressure gave more pleasure in moments to him, and so, his well endowed dick shot his warning pre-cum shot, followed by the growth of its base, forming the most desired part of a female canine: the knot. The ramming became faster and more, with his spine giving him all that pleasure around his body, this made the ramming stronger than ever, forcing the cervix, she felt that pumping and the lubrication so pleasing, even with the squishy noises, she later became curious, trying to peek around with her left eye slightly open, with a total blush behind her eyes, looking that desirable muscled body. Shiro felt the ending was near, so he gave the strongest thrusts he could do, giving her the thoughts she was going to tear apart, and bent his back, lifting his head and growling 'Hell yeah, here it cums!'

His seed blew out inside of her, followed by the slow penetrating thrusts but still strong as ever, filling every corner inside her womb. The cervix injected all that sperm, storing it deep inside Kiowa, until it couldn't hold more and the icky goo soon appeared outside, around the union between her and Shiro. He smiled blushing, growling faintly with a grin as he recovered his breath, feeling satisfied of mating with her while he looked the nice round breasts, plain belly and beautiful face of Kiowa, enduring a test of loyalty from the wolves.

Her belly felt weird for all the genetic material inside, but the heat and pleasure that was filling her slot didn't make her stop after all this time, she found one of her deepest desires: The perfect male.

Kiowa, stuffed with sad and happy feelings at the same time inside, said in a low whispering voice 'Why did you do this? I didn't need it.' with tears peaking on her red blood eyes.

Shiro pulled off his hips from her, retrieving his dignity and giving her a painful but very pleasing shock that made her gasp aloud, followed by licks that shed her tears and some whispers from him 'What if Genjuro did the same to you? Would you prefer having the pups of a real warrior like me, or a spoilt momma's boy tactician?'

The vixen realized the reason of being raped: He loved her so much, he knew she was going to marry Genjuro, so he wanted to assure her body was his most precious keeper, no matter the time or the place. She gulped and asked 'So you did this for having me?' looking conspicuously at the wolf.

Shiro nodded slowly, has he wrapped her body with his arms in a tight hug. Kiowa frowned her brows and slapped Shiro's face very hard, shouting 'You should have asked me then. You scared me... yet, my body couldn't resist to it' trembling with a sad but blushed face, but then, she looked up with tears of joy, smiling, and kissed the wolf's lips deeply.

She was free now, with the kind of male she ever wanted, even if the was a vixen from the Kitsune clan. Rubbing her tummy after the sudden but pleasing experience, she closed her eyes, tired by all what happened to her. Shiro took her in his hands, walking through the woods as he watched her sweet sky blue, white and purple furred face, in a deep slumber. As they arrived to the village entrance, Shiro sneaked into the mansion thorugh Kiowa's bedroom window and both laid together at the futon, hugged at each other. He licked her forehead, kissing her lips afterwards, so she woke up in the dark night. He smiled and whispered at Kiowa's ears "I love you Kiowa. I shall love and protect you, forever'

She smiled, getting closer to Shiro's chest and saying 'That's for everything, Shiro'

The couple closed their eyes, tired in mind and soul. The next morning, Kiowa woke up, looking at Shiro woken up, naked, moving his tail happily. She smiled, then Shiro pointed to her back with the nose, saying 'You got company'

Kiowa, confused, looked at her back, to the door of her room was. She saw her own father, Ryo, staring at them frozen in disgusting anger. He shouted despaired 'You... slept with him without asking me? I... I shall kill you both!'

In a blink, Shiro grabbed Ryo's neck, leaving him without any time for reaction, and lifting him, with a deep intimidating glare on his eyes, as he said to the Kitsune leader 'She desired this. If you ever hurt her, you shall know the worst of the tricks. You can't take her choices' and then released Kiowa's father, who tried to recover the breath for that sudden strong grab, realizing what wrong he did by letting choose Kiowa's husband without her approval and leaving the room.

Shiro returned to bed with Kiowa, laying over his side in front of her, hugging her and licking her nose sweetly. She blushed smiling, until she got rid of her bandages and the panties and tempted at Shiro, saying 'May I learn more dirty jutsu from you?'

The wolf answered 'Guess it is Ninja's law. Come here!'

Kiowa giggled as he laid on the ground, and celebrated their bond. Kiowa laid Shiro on the ground and smiled, looking at his gifted cock, while Shiro looked her full moon shaped tits, purring as he got hard.

That day was the beginning of a great change on the Kitsune clan, Kiowa and Shiro themselves.


© Shiro Uzumaki, 2010

Kiowa belongs to Vidfox

Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto

Contact: [email protected]

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