Darian and Dane: Sins and Sleepovers

Story by Otter Ennui on SoFurry

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#7 of Bennett Family Shenanigans


Darian Bennett (Otter)

Dane Bennett (Otter)

Stormy nights. Warm blankets. Comfort food.

"What did you do?"

Darian tried hard not to cry. She stood in the hallway before her brother's apartment door, soaked from the sudden rainstorm that had dropped just as she'd stormed out of the house because of fucking course it did and now her stupid brother was standing here with his hands on his hips like a disappointed parent and she really did not need another one of those right now.

Something of that must have shown in her face--maybe the running mascara or the quivering lip, who could know, it was such a mystery--because Dane Bennett sighed and stepped aside without waiting for an answer. "Go wash up, I'll find you some dry clothes. And yes, you're wearing clothes, because I don't want you to catch cold."

"Okay," she answered miserably as she slouched into his kitchen. She set her soaking wet backpack by the door. It contained a fresh set of clothing that was doubtless as soaked as she was, so that wouldn't do her any good. Rain and wind pelted the kitchen window, and a tree branch scratched menacingly against the glass. Darian shivered and scurried into the bathroom--no windows in there.

It did have a mirror, however, and when she looked at herself in it, she really did start crying. She started yanking at her blouse and shorts, fumbling to extricate herself from the itchy wet clothing, but it kept sticking to her fur and it took an embarrassing number of minutes to complete what should have been a simple task--which only made her cry harder. By the end of it, she was naked and pressed up against the wall next to the sink, shuddering with cold and despair.

Soon after, she found herself wrapped in a big fluffy red towel, her older brother's arms wrapped around her and a mug of something hot in her hands. She caught whiffs of cocoa, honey, and something spicy and alcoholic. She turned puffy red eyes up to him and sniffled.

"It's rum," he said in answer to her unasked question. "Just a little. To settle your nerves. Come sit down on the bed, it's comfier."

"What if I spill?" she asked plaintively.

Dane shrugged. "There are much grosser stains on that bed than rum and chocolate. You put some of them there, remember?" He stood up and offered her his hand. "Come on." She hesitantly took his hand and let him lift her up and lead her to the other room. He plopped down on the bed, his blue silk pajama pants puffing up as he fell. He wore no shirt though, leaving his chest and arms bare. Just the sight of it and what it did to her made her want to start crying all over again. The day had started so fun, and now it felt like her life was over. She had nothing to go back to and nowhere to go.

Dane patted the bed next to him, and she sat as carefully as she could with a hot drink in her hands while wrapped in a thick towel. She sipped the drink as she settled in, not wanting to start the inevitable conversation. Her brother slipped a hand onto her lap and squeezed her thigh reassuringly. Her lip quivered again. Get a hold of yourself, stupid, she mentally chastised. She stared at her exposed cleavage and shoulders. The normally sleek brown fur was poofy and bedraggled, sticking every which way. She looked like she'd licked a lightning bolt.

"Okay," Dane said gently. "I saw into your backpack. You've got two shirts, a skirt, some panties, and basically all the coin you've picked up from tips. Spill."

"Mom kicked me out," Darian sniffled.

"What?? Why?"

Oh, gods, she didn't want to do this part.

"B-because... because I..." She couldn't say it. She broke down into more sobs, hard enough that Dane had to snatch her drink before it splashed all over the mattress or burned her hand.

"Okay," he said, setting the mug on the floor next to the bed and gathering her up in his arms. Gods, it felt nice being there. "Alright. Easy, now." He stroked her hair as she wailed into his chest. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."

How could he say that? Didn't he know his sibling was a gross creep? "You d... don't understand," she gulped. She could feel the snot running from her nose but she couldn't stop it. "It's not..." She sucked in a hitching breath. "... not okay. I'm a m... m... monster..."

Dane pulled her away so she was at arm's length and locked eyes in a fierce stare. "You don't ever say that word about yourself, you hear me? Not ever." He pulled her back in and held tight, kissing the top of her head. She truly didn't deserve him. Might as well make him see how true that was. Better now than later. But what if he kicked her out too? Where would she go?

"I'm sc-cared," she sobbed.

Dane paused. "Of Mom?"

"Of... of... telling you."

Dane squeezed her tighter. "What is it you're scared to say to me? You can trust me."

She shook her head. "I thought I could trust Mom and Dad, too. But she kicked me out."

"Well I won't do that," Dane growled, gently stroking her back. "And not just because there's a serious storm going on out there. I dunno what's gotten into Mom, but I won't have that shit here. You can stay until we figure something out, okay? I don't really have room for a couch anywhere, so you're stuck sharing a bed with me, but it's a pretty big bed."

The very thought of sharing a bed sent a shiver down her spine and made the crying worse. He wasn't even trying to hurt her, but every word kept wounding unintentionally. If he offered one more kindness, she was terrified she'd fall to pieces. "Can I have my c-cocoa first?"

Dane snorted. "Yeah, of course you can." He muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like "freaking adorable" but she wasn't sure if he was being genuine or sarcastic. Probably the latter. That was her luck these days. He leaned over the bed and came back up with her spiked cocoa. "Drink up. I'm gonna pack us a bowl. You need it." She nodded miserably. She didn't care for weed, but she thought he might be right this time.

She took another few sips of the spiked cocoa. The bitter spice of the rum made the saccharine flavor of the cocoa much more interesting, and she found herself sipping it pretty hard while Dane pulled a small bag out of his nightstand drawer with a tiny hand grinder, packing some of the bags contents into it and shredding them with a few twists of his wrist. Darian watched interestedly as he worked. She'd never seen the process before, only the finished product in the form of joints sticking out of Dane and Tom's mouths as they floated on the family's lazy river in the back yard on sunny days. She would never spend another July afternoon back there with them again. She struggled not to break down into tears again at the thought, but it was a near thing.

Dane came up with a glass pipe the color of emeralds, with flecks of yellow, orange, and brown scattered throughout the piece. "Pretty," Darian said quietly.

Dane grinned. "Bertie got it for me last year, for my birthday."

"He's a sweetheart," she said. "You're lucky."

"I am pretty blessed," he said solemnly. "I got good people in my life. Bertie, Nori, Zach. You."

Her lip quivered again. Stop it, not again, she thought desperately, but the thought did nothing to stymie the flood of tears coming back. At least she was able to keep the sobbing to a minimum--she didn't want to spill any more of the cocoa.

"Alright, no more of that," Dane said gently. "Here, trade me." He took the cocoa and handed her the glass piece. He then dug out a tinder-twig and struck it against the surface of his nightstand. Darian could see a rough patch of lines on its side where he'd done this many times before. She put the piece to her lips and he ignited the ground-up herb in the bowl. "Slow inhale, take your thumb off the hole on the side about halfway through." She started breathing in slowly, feeling the smoke burn her lungs. About halfway through, she pulled her thumb off the side and the burning sensation intensified immediately. She pulled away and coughed violently, which rapidly turned into a fit. Dane rubbed her back reassuringly as he took his own pull off the still-burning green. "First hit's always rough," he croaked as he tried to speak while holding in the hit.

It wasn't her first hit, but he wasn't far off either. Regardless, she was too busy coughing to correct him. She felt a pleasant tingle in her brain as the coughs subsided. "Wow," she muttered. "That was fast."

"It's because you're a lightweight," Dane said as he blew his own hit out easily. "You don't smoke as much as me so it's not gonna take much. Here." He set down the piece and handed her the spiked cocoa again. "Finish that, I'll find you some pajamas."

Soon she was wearing a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and a baggy orange T-shirt with the image of Mama Seina printed on it. She gave her brother a quizzical look. "Never knew you to follow the fertility goddess."

Dane shook his head, plopping back down on the bed next to her. "You know me, I'm not really the religious type. I just liked the image. Plus Grandma got it for me before she died. It reminds me of her."

At the mention of family, Darian stared despondently into her cup. The weed made her feel more relaxed, and she didn't feel like breaking down every ten seconds, but it couldn't kill the despair underneath. She folded her legs under her and huddled under the now-damp red towel. How to start...?

Dane scooched up and sat cross-legged in front of her, putting his hands on her knees. "Come on, dude. Tell me what happened. Do I need to disown Mom or what?"

Darian barked a bitter laugh, not looking up. "I think you might need to disown me," she mumbled. She looked up at his bloodshot eyes, feeling the dryness in her own and knowing she must look like a disaster right now--poofy fur, runny mascara, bloodshot eyes. Good grief. She could tell Dane was getting frustrated, so she sighed and looked down again.

"I... almost had sex with Dad."

Dane said absolutely nothing. She looked up fearfully, looking to see anger or horror or disgust. He looked none of those things. He looked sympathetic. Gods, it was so much worse. She didn't deserve sympathy.

"We kind of... showered together. And we... he put his erection in my ass crack. And then I kind of... I asked him to go lower. I wanted him to fuck me. But he chickened out and left. Then he told Mom. We fought at dinner. She..." Darian buried her face in her hands. She couldn't believe she'd actually thought the dinner would be fun. After Mom's reaction in the bedroom, Darian thought maybe everyone could have what they wanted, but Mom had absolutely exploded at dinner. "She called me a slut, and depraved. And Dad just sat there and said nothing. I told her she was a fucking hypocrite."

"Hypocrite how?" Dane asked. She glanced up at him. He hadn't become defensive, or accusatory. He genuinely seemed to want to know.

"I... may have seen her and Dad after he told her. In their bedroom. She looked... turned on. Like, a lot. They sure fucked like they liked the idea. But when she just blew up like that at dinner, out of nowhere..." Darian shook her head. "I destroyed our family. That's why I'm a monster."

Dane plucked the empty mug from her hands, set it on his nightstand, and pulled Darian down onto the bed. He tossed the damp towel off her and wrapped her in a blanket instead. She frowned at him. "I'll get mascara all over your pillows. Let me wash my face first--"

Dane shook his head, lying next to her and propping his head up on his elbow. His fur glistened in the warm orange glow of the electric lamps in his bedroom. Maybe it was the weed, but he seemed to shimmer a little, giving him an ethereal beauty that dried out her mouth. Or maybe that was the weed too, she wasn't sure. "It's mascara, it'll scrub out easy enough. You need to sleep. You're exhausted. Tomorrow I'll go talk to Mom and get her to calm down."

"There's no calming her down," Darian sniffled. "Not after what I did."

Dane sighed. "Why do you say 'I'?"

She blinked. "Huh?"

"You keep saying 'I' instead of 'we,' like none of this is Dad's fault."

"But--I was the one--"

Dane waved a hand. "Yeah, yeah. You asked him to keep going, but only _after_he put his dick on his kid's ass. He started it. He's just as guilty, if not more so. The fact that Mom didn't kick him out too means there's some serious hypocritical BS going on in her head, and I'm going to make sure she sees it. And I can't promise I won't punch out Dad's fucking lights for this."

"Please don't," Darian said. "I wanted it. If you're going to punch Dad, you might as well punch me too."

Dane shook his head. "Not for the sex thing, although he shouldn't have done that. For not standing up to Mom. For not defending you. He was a fucking coward."

Darian wanted to argue, but she had to admit he had a point. Dad had just sat there at dinner, staring at his food, while Mom screamed at her and called her names. He hadn't even looked up when Mom told her to leave and she'd walked out with a backpack of clothes and what little money she had, directly into a powerful rainstorm.

"I don't want you to defend me," she said, closing her eyes and sniffling. "I don't want to be defended. I want to crawl under a rock and die."

Dane grumbled and gathered her up into a hug. She knew it was a bad idea to be this close to him, but she couldn't bring herself to stop it. She needed physical reassurance, and her brother smelled clean and soft, and his arms felt so good around her. She nuzzled her snout against his thick chest fur and pressed herself against him.

"I'm sorry I'm a pervert," she whimpered.

"I'm not," he said. "We're Bennett's, we're born weirdos. I love you just the way you are."

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he said, kissing her forehead.

"I mean... I love you," she said feebly. "And... I'm sorry. That I love you in the way I'm not supposed to. I didn't mean to put that burden on you. I just... I can't help how I feel."

Dane was quiet for a few moments, then one paw came up and lifted her chin to face him. His eyes were apprehensive, but also warm and inviting. "Don't be sorry. You shouldn't have done that with Dad, sure. But you're not a monster. And the only reason I didn't take it further after the threesome was because as much as I wanted to, I was scared what it would do to the family. That ship's kinda sailed."

Darian felt her heart flutter in her chest. "Wh... what are you saying?" His snout felt awfully close to hers, now. She felt lubrication trickling into her crotch just at the thought of what he might have been saying.

"I'm saying," Dane murmured, his lips inches from hers now, "that I love you too. The way I'm not supposed to. The only thing that kept me from expressing it to you has already happened. If you're going to get disowned by Mom for this, then I might as well get disowned too. Because I'm just as much of a freak as you are."

Darian knew, logically, what he was saying, but she was so scared of misinterpreting that she froze. She silently begged him to say it, or to make the first move, but she realized with dismay that he wasn't going to. He was as scared of what he'd just said as she was. It was up to her.

She leaned up and pressed her lips to her brother's. To her utter joy and relief, he returned the kiss passionately, probing her mouth with his wide, flat tongue. She'd envisioned this moment for so long, she didn't know what to do with it. Finally she gathered enough senses to wrap one hand under and behind his head, and send the other one probing into his pajama pants. She grasped his testicles and rubbed gently, softly stroking the fur as she'd seen Mom do to Dad earlier today. Instead of getting scared, Dane leaned into the strokes, kissing her even more aggressively.

"I need you," she whispered frantically between his lips. "I need you in me."

The effect of the words was immediate, and she felt his cock harden in her hand. She'd played with it briefly during the threesome, but she'd wanted so much more of it than just playful touches. Now she was about to have it, and she didn't know what to do with herself, she was so excited. Wetness soaked the crotch of the flannel pajamas in a spreading patch, so she kicked her legs until the pants slipped down. It wasn't hard--she was significantly smaller than her brother, so the pants were already loose. As soon as they were down, two of her brother's fingers found their way into her dripping hole.

She gripped his neck as best she could one-handed and pushed herself down on his fingers, whimpering as the motion sent ripples of pleasure through her stomach. "Oh, Seina," she moaned. "It's so good..."

Dane didn't speak. He gathered up one of her modest breasts in his mouth and sucked hard, tongue lashing against her nipple over and over. Combined with his rapidly thrusting fingers, she began soaking the sheets with her juices. "Make me cum, brother," she moaned.

Dane liked that. She could tell because she felt his throbbing erection poke at her entrance, even while his fingers were still in her. She wondered if she could take all three digits at once, and decided it was unlikely. Dane was not a small boy. Out of the three, she knew which one she wanted in her, and she told him so.

Dane shoved her down onto her back and mounted her, pushing his cock unceremoniously into her dripping pussy. She was so slick, there was no resistance at all, despite his size. She squealed, immediately overcome by sensation. Dane began thrusting hard and fast, panting and frantic in his need, and she started cresting almost immediately, each thrust pushing a wave of bliss up her body. "Cum inside," she whimpered. "Cum inside me, Dane. Breed me. Make me yours."

"No," he said fiercely, slowing down significantly. It immediately killed the orgasm that had been building and she scowled at him. "I love you, but we can't do that. There are too many dangers. And..." He groaned as he thrust again, once, agonizingly slowly. "I... I don't want to be a father."

Darian giggled and gripped his ass as he pumped in and out of her. "It was dirty talk, stupid. I'm on night tea, I can't get pregnant. Now shut up and blow your load in your baby sibling."

Dane's eyes widened, and he kissed her vigorously, pumping harder and faster than before. It took her by surprise and she gasped as the orgasm that had escaped her moments ago erupted and overtook her. She wailed in a low, querulous voice as her big brother shoved all eight inches inside her and trembled as he painted her cervix with his hot, sticky cum. She returned the favor by squirting on his crotch and belly as she lost all sensation but pleasure. Each blast of jizz from Dane sent a new pulse of ecstasy through her tummy, until she couldn't even cry out anymore, driven to silent screams of bliss.

Finally the last of his load dripped inside her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed. Dane collapsed onto her, holding himself aloft on his elbows. The pressure of his body and the thickness inside her pussy still twitching slightly left her with a sense of pure contentment as the last ripples of her own orgasm faded away.

The tears came back, but this time they felt different. Cleansing. "I love you so much, Dane. Thank you."

"I love you too, Darian," he whispered, kissing her neck softly. "But don't thank me yet. We're not done. I want you to cum more. I want you to soak my face."

She pulled back a little, giving him a look of surprise. "Wait. Are you--?"

Dane grinned and started wiggling his way down her body, planting kisses and gently stroking her fur as he went. Darian whimpered, "Oh. Okay. If you're sure. I think you left a m--" The word mess was cut off when he reached her pussy and shoved his tongue in, using it to scoop out mouthfuls of his own semen from her dripping hole. "Ohhhh, gods," she moaned, as a new orgasm already began to build. Dane was eating his sister and his own cum at the same time. She almost couldn't handle the lewdness, and that was saying something.

She sat up a little, leaning back against her hands, so gravity could push more of Dane's cum into his waiting mouth. His snout wrapped entirely around her opening, pressing his upper lip against her clit, as his tongue probed deeper for more of his salty flavor. She grabbed his ears and pulled him harder against her pussy, legs shivering from the sensation. She felt another orgasm building, but was afraid she'd spray directly in her brother's face. She knew he'd asked for it, but still...

Dane seemed to sense what was coming (ha ha, she was hilarious) because he lapped vigorously inside her, pressing one finger underneath, at the entrance to her asshole. Gods, was he going to oohhhhh yes he was. She gasped and whimpered as his finger pushed inside her ass. She tried not to think about the fact that Dad had almost been in there earlier today, how much she'd wanted it, and the horrible aftermath of that want. She did her best to push it out of her head and focus on the sweet, delicious ministrations of her loving and attentive brother. Speaking of which, she wondered how he'd react to some light teasing...

"How does your baby sibling's pussy taste?" she whispered breathily. Dane looked at her like a feral rabbit frozen by the call of a hawk, then reached a hand down his own body and started stroking his freshly-recovered erection. "Yeah, that's what I thought." She uttered a breathy moan as his tongue thrust as far up her cunt as it would go, and she bucked against his mouth, trying to force it further in. "More," she growled. "Deeper. Eat your cum." Somehow Dane did exactly that, finding new depths to plumb with his tongue. He thrust his finger in and out of her ass vigorously, and soon she couldn't handle it anymore. Another orgasm crashed over her body and brain like a wave, and coherent thought vanished under a sea of girl-cum squirting into her brother's face. He quickly wrapped his lips around her urethra and gulped greedily, lapping at her clit to keep the flow going. The sudden shift in sensation caused another orgasm to build directly on the heels of the last one, and she found herself riding orgasm after orgasm, one right after the other. Minutes or hours passed as the world was obliterated in an onslaught of pleasure.

She finally couldn't take it anymore. She tried to tell him to stop, to give her a chance to breathe, come back to herself, but there was no way in Hells she was forming words at the moment. With a final feeble wail, her vision tunneled and she blacked out.

* * *

Her first thought as she began returning to her senses was that her asshole felt sore. The second thought was, Why am I on my stomach? And why am I jumping?

The second thought was inaccurate, but it was as close as her numb brain could come to describing the sensation. She opened her eyes and realized what it was: thrusts against her asshole were making her jerk back and forth on her tummy. But the soreness was quickly overtaken by a pleasing sense of fullness in her rectum as she realized someone was inside her ass. She craned her head to see her big brother over her, all eight inches of his thick cock inside her ass, as he pumped furiously. He'd started fucking her while she was unconscious. The thought immediately soaked the bedsheets under her pussy as he thrust in and out of her. The stinging sensation of her asshole stretching to accommodate Dane's girth was vastly outweighed by the pleasure. _He... he remembered? How?_A conversation, some months ago, where she'd mentioned off-handedly her interest in somnophilia, and apparently he'd remembered.

"D-did you start fucking your--ah!--unconscious sister?"

"Yes," Dane grunted, grabbing her ear in his mouth and nipping playfully.

"Fucking... uhh.... fucking creep," she moaned, reaching up and craning her head to kiss him.

"You love it," he grunted, returning the gesture and kissing her passionately.

"Mmmhmm," she groaned into his mouth as his thrusts picked up pace. The constant jerking motion it caused in her body made her clit rub against the bedsheets as she lay spread-eagle on her stomach, arched back to make out with him as he thrust in and out of her tight rectum. He shuddered and twitched as his thrusts became more erratic. "Yes," she whispered fiercely, moving her hips up to meet his thrusts. "More... all of it... dump it in my ass..."

Dane spasmed once, then pushed all the way inside her and began unloading his cum into his little sibling's asshole. Her brain was still a little fuzzy from the weed, but she was coherent enough to enjoy the sensation of wet heat spraying inside her. She didn't quite cum herself, but that was okay. He'd more than pleased her earlier, so she just basked in the comforting warmth of her brother's thickness.

When he was done, she reached back and placed a hand on his butt, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Don't pull out," she said in a sleepy voice. "Stay in me for a bit. Please?"

Dane leaned down and licked her neck fur. "Of course."

"I don't know if you did this just to make me feel better," she murmured, eyes closed as she focused on the lewd sensation of hot cum sloshing inside her small intestine, "or if you really love me like I love you, but either way, I can't thank you enough for all this. I needed it so bad."

Dane nipped her ear again, eliciting a small yelp and a giggle. "Don't be a dolt. Of course I love you. And you don't ever need to thank me for letting me cum in my sister. Erm--sibling." His ear twitched sheepishly. "Sorry."

She wanted to let him stay inside her, but she needed to roll over so she could kiss him properly, so she did. Dane's partially-erect cock slid out of her with a positively filthy loud pop that made them both giggle uncontrollably. She then reached up and took his face in her paws and pulled him down to her, giving him a long, languid kiss, licking his big, wide tongue with her small pink one. When she pulled away, she said, "No need to be sorry. I mean, I am presenting female right now. And it's not a huge deal either way. But I appreciate your thoughtfulness. And your cock. And... well, pretty much all of you."

She actually felt the heat in his cheeks through her paws. "I appreciate you too. I'm sorry I resisted this so hard. I thought I was helping. I... don't think I was, really." He laid down on his side and gathered her up in his arms.

"No," she said, kissing his chest, "you weren't ready for it. Remember what you told me? Never do something you aren't comfortable with. You took your own advice. And now you were ready to bang your sib into unconsciousness and then bang her awake again. Fucking perv." She gently stroked his flagging member to show she wasn't serious.

"Mm," he moaned as she rubbed him. "You do bring out the pervy in people. I'm coming to appreciate that."

Darian snorted. "You said 'cumming.'"

"Dork," he whispered, pushing his pelvis up to meet her hand. Already his dick was starting to harden again. She wondered if Dad's refractory period was this good. Probably not.

"Let me clean you up," she murmured, and slid down his body to his cock.

"W-wait," Dane said, eyes wide. "That was just in your--!"

"Mmhmm," Darian said through a mouthful of half-erect dick. She wasn't concerned--she kept herself very clean, and the shock on his face from the lewdness was worth it. She licked the head vigorously, savoring her taste and the faint aftertaste of her brother's cum in her mouth. She should have known her brother would not be one to be outdone. He grabbed her hips and pulled them up to his face. She squealed but didn't resist. As soon as she felt his tongue on her, she shoved his cock into her mouth and suckled, relishing in the sensation of it hardening in her mouth and sliding down her throat.

Dane's tongue didn't go for her pussy, though. It went straight to her slightly gaped asshole and lapped up the cum dripping from it. She pulled off his dick with a wet plep and moaned, "Gods, you're such a slut for your own jizz."

"Not my fault I taste so good," he growled, wrapping his lips around her puckered asshole and sucking. He then shoved in two fingers without warning, making Darian cry out in sudden pain, and spread her anus open before shoving his tongue inside, performing the same cleanup he'd done to her pussy earlier. Darian began dripping down his chin within moments.

"I wanna taste you too," she whimpered. "Hurry up and cum in my mouth."

That eradicated any softness left in her brother's dick, and she pushed half of it in her mouth eagerly. She tried her best to hilt him down her throat, but she just didn't have the ability to turn off her gag reflex like she'd have liked. She was able to choke down six inches but no further. She eventually had to cede defeat and focused on pleasuring those six inches she could manage, running her little tongue up and down it, massaging the head with her esophagus between loud, wet gags, trying desperately to breathe through her nose as tears poured down her face and girl-cum poured down Dane's chin from her pussy.

For the moment, her brother ignored her juices in favor of cleaning out her ass. She pulled off his dick again so she could sit up a little on his face, stroking him vigorously while she felt his load slide down her insides toward her anus, where Dane's eager fingers and tongue waited. She shivered as her brother's load oozed out of her into his waiting mouth. "Y..." She gasped, moaned, and tried again. "You're so fucking filthy. Fffuck..." She dipped down and shoved her brother back into her mouth, sucking and licking vigorously, suckling down the steady stream of pre-cum leaking out of him.

The vigorous tasting of her ass combined with her pussy rubbing against the fur of his chin and his pre pouring down her throat made one last orgasm start building. Please let me cum before he's done, she begged the gods, sucking him harder and more frantically as he throbbed harder and harder against her tongue and lips. The gods listened, apparently, because she found herself gushing down Dane's chin as she shuddered violently and screamed against his thickness in her mouth. Apparently that did it for him, too, because he twitched hard twice and began unloading down her throat. Wanting to savor him, she pulled off a little and wrapped her lips around the head, licking furiously against the urethra as it splashed hot, bittersweet jizz against her tongue. She screamed again as her orgasm intensified--instead of freezing up while he came, Dane had half his damn snout shoved inside her gaping asshole and was licking inside furiously, driving her mad while her mouth filled with more and more of his load. How much was he going to put in her mouth?? Surely his third load wouldn't be as big as the first two...

When her mouth was full and she tried to breathe through her nose, she realized it absolutely was as big, because it was dribbling out the sides of her mouth and threatening to shoot out her nose. Threat became reality, and her nostrils burned as her brother's thick cum splashed out her nose and onto the bed.

It was too much. She opened her mouth, causing his twitching cock to squirt more cum into the air and land in his leg fur. Sticky, bittersweet jism splashed out of her maw as she wailed ecstatically from his snout-fucking, and she lost most of her precious mouthful into his pubic fur. She gulped hard, coughed, and shoved his dick back in her mouth to catch the rest of his load. Shockingly, he almost filled her mouth up again before he was finished. Gods, her brother was a never-ending well!

Dane kept going even after the last of his load dripped into his little sibling's eager maw, shoving his snout in and out of her, chin fur bristling against her clit, making more and more juice pour down his face and neck as she struggled not to lose consciousness again. She sloshed his flavor around in her mouth, the musky flavor and sheer lewdness of it driving her orgasm harder and harder, until her vision started to tunnel again. Fuck, was she going to pass out again? Would she wake to him ass-fucking her more? Or something even more filthy and depraved? She swallowed his cum and laid her head in his pubic fur, letting the massive pool of jism soak into her facial fur, her tongue lolled out and lapping feebly at it while she spasmed and moaned from the overwhelming ecstasy.

She came to her senses with her face buried in her brother's pubes, gently lapping at the sticky mess, brain thoroughly scrambled. She decided not to try thinking just yet, letting her tongue run up and down his fur, licking up his cum. She felt like she could stay like this forever, lying face-down in his crotch as his lips gently brushed her ass and pussy with light kisses, feeling entirely drained of everything but contentment. She closed her eyes, still licking lazily at his crotch, as she drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Darian woke to the smell of bacon and eggs, and her stomach gurgled impatiently. She blinked blearily, looking down at the sticky stains on the sheets beneath her with a sleepy grin. She touched her face and was surprised to find her fur didn't feel sticky or stiff with dried mascara. She vaguely recalled something warm, soft, and wet against her face at some point last night, and realized Dane had cleaned her up while she slept.

The smell of coffee mixed into the bacon smell, and she couldn't keep herself in bed anymore. She threw off the sheets and shuffled naked into the kitchen. Dane stood at the wood stove scrambling up eggs while coffee burbled in a pot on a separate burner and bacon sizzled in pan on another. Without looking up from his work, he said cheerily, "Morning!"

She shuffled over and dumped herself into a chair at the small kitchen table by the door. "Mmf," she grumbled, her usual morning mood finally kicking in. A mug of black coffee appeared in front of her, along with a small saucer of cream and another of sugar. She dumped half the sugar in her cup and a healthy splash of cream, stirring it with a spoon next to one of the saucers. "How many orgasms did I give you last night?" she mumbled.

"Four," he said. "You were awake for three. I actually came in your ass twice."

"Mm," she said, sipping the insanely sweet coffee. "You deserve another."

Dane snickered, flipping the bacon with a pair of tongs. "I'll hold you to that. Honestly, I felt a little gross fucking you while you were passed out, but I remembered you mentioning it as something you'd wanted to try once upon a time, and besides. Your ass was calling."

"It does that." She sipped again, feeling a little better just having the java pass her lips. "And I did. I enjoyed even more than I thought I would. You're an absolute doll for remembering." She sighed wistfully, then stared down at the swirl in her cup with a furrowed brow. Something was eating at her, a question she was afraid to ask lest she break the blissful mood their rampant fucking had created last night. But it needed to be asked.

"All joking aside, was... was this just a one-time thing? I understand if it is. But I need to know now."

A plate slid in front of her with a big pile of bacon and scrambled eggs, littered with diced peppers and onions. She looked up at her brother, whose face was serious as he sat across from her and sipped a cup of black coffee. "I know it should be," he said thoughtfully, "but I don't want it to be. We can't have a proper relationship, even an open one. I get that. But I don't want this to be the only time. I love you and I loved fucking you."

Darian's ears spasmed bashfully. Now there was an emotion she was entirely unfamiliar with. "Jeez, bro. You're gonna make me heat up." Which was a lie, of course, her cheeks were already heated up.

Dane didn't smile, though his seriousness softened a little. "I'm not kidding. I want to be with you, but we can't do a traditional relationship. I mean, I don't do 'traditional' anyway, but..." He shrugged helplessly. "But I still want you. I don't want to just use you for sex, spectacular as it may be."

Darian reached across the table, and her brother met her halfway, grasping her slender paw in his bigger one. "I know," she said. "But even if this is just something we do once in a while, you're still my brother and I love you. Those things haven't changed."

Dane rubbed his thumb against hers thoughtfully before he spoke again. "You know..." He cleared his throat and looked up at her. "Bertie and I have been talking about finding a place together. We figured a two-bedroom split between us might be more affordable, but maybe we could swing a three-bedroom. I know the choices are pretty limited in town, especially if we want to stay in a place with running water, but..." He trailed off uncertainly, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth and watching his sibling's face.

Darian bit her lip. This was what she'd been hoping for. And Bertie too! She liked Bertie, he was a big softie under all that swagger. Plus he was great with his mouth. She'd loved watching him suck off her brother. An idea popped into her head, and she stirred the spoon in her coffee absently, ears flitting back and forth.

"Why not leave it as a two-bedroom? I could just... you know. Sleep wherever. Bertie's room, your room, couch. Wherever we felt like sleeping on a given night. Might be fun," she added with forced cheer, trying to make it seem nonchalant. She badly wanted him to say 'yes,' but surely there was no way he'd--

"Gods, I love your pervy brain," he said wistfully. "Let's do it."

She squealed and hopped out of her chair and into his lap, snuggling into his naked crotch as she felt his cock thicken under her. "You gonna tell Noriko about us?" she asked as she snuggled into his chest.

"Of course," he said. "I have to. She has a right to know. I... dunno how she'll take it. But I have to tell her."

Darian flushed. "I hope I didn't mess it up with her. I like Miss Hara. A lot."

Dane snorted. "I could tell. You know, I think she might be okay with it. She's pretty weird too. Part of the reason we get along so well, I think."

Darian stared at the kitchen tile apprehensively before positing her final question. "And... what about Mom? And Dad?"

Dane stroked her cheek. "I have the day off. I'll go over there after breakfast and have a discussion. She'll either listen to what I have to say, or disown me too. Either way, we're in this together now."

"I didn't ask for that," she said sadly.

Dane pushed her chin up so she'd meet his gaze. "You didn't have to. That's what family is for."

"Also for fucking, apparently."

Dane laughed and kissed her. "Also that."