The Breeding Party

Story by TheBlindTigress on SoFurry

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#4 of Single Stories

Jenn, a horny and kinky housecat, gets together with a group of two other girls for a party with a risky outcome

Jenn tugged at her short skirt as she stepped out of the car, with Rachel and Kim right behind her. The sound of the three doors closing sounded almost like a live thing in the night. The three of them stood in front of a large, fairly nondescript house if Jenn was going to be honest about it. There really wasn't anything to distinguish it from the other houses in the area, but standing here staring at it, Jenn's heart picked up the pace. This was the place. This was what a year of talking, flirting and planning had led up to.

It started a year ago, when Jenn stumbled across a thread in one of the boards that she frequented on a kink site. She'd known that she was into more intense things for a while, and once she turned eighteen, she'd signed up for the site without hesitation. All the collars and whips and floggers, the power dynamics, everything, was like diving into a whole new world, a world in which she found others who were like her. But as she surfed, she found the thing that turned her on the most. It wasn't the stuff that someone would think about when they thought about kink, it was more vanilla, but at the same time, more risque than the stuff that popped up on the front page.

The group that she found was about risking getting pregnant. Breeding. And not necessarily by choice. And that group was the start of it all. There were always threads talking about getting a party together, and what might go down, what might be involved, but none of it ever came to fruition. Not until she'd met Rachel and Kim. They'd hit it off right away, and the three of them got closer and closer, talking about their interests, their kinks, and they'd met a few more times in real life, enjoying each other in every possible way.

But what did it the most for them was talking about organizing a party. So that's what they did. So many of the men were flakes, but after time and patience and persistence, they'd finally gotten a stable. Six guys who lived up to what they said they were going to do, who checked out when they talked with other people, and who'd agreed to the rules.

And now here she was, standing in front of the house where it was going to happen. The tabby cat had stopped her pills a month ago, and she could even now feel the warmth between her legs, that urge that she never could deny. Any normal time, she might have chickened out, turned around and gone home to her hand and nothing more. But that heat was undeniable, and it kept her there. It was the heat that put the first foot out in a step towards the house.

Rachel, a tall and lithe tigress, who Jenn always thought had a savage and exciting grace about her, stepped up beside her with a heavy breath, giggling to cover the nerves that Jenn could hear even through the laugh. "You ready to do this, girl? You aren't going to tuck tail, are you?"

Jenn laughed, wondering if Rachel could hear the nerves in her voice as she could the tigress', "Hell no, are you?"

Rachel laughed right along with her. The tigress always brought out Jenn's competitive streak, and it showed. They always tried to outdo one another, but it was all in fun. When all was said and done, they were nearly inseparable.

Kim, though newer to the idea, was slowly fitting into their banter. "So who do you think it's going to be?" the cougar asked. She didn't seem the least bit worried or nervous, just excited, and Jenn had to admire the girl's spunk.

"That's the point, right?" she answered, keeping her pace towards the house steady. "We don't know. But one of us is coming out of this party knocked up."

The trio grinned at each other, stepping up to the door. Jenn reached out and touched the doorbell, listening to the oddly happy ring that it made on the other side. When the door opened, a huge buck stood behind it, dressed in comfy clothes, it seemed, loose enough that they would come off quickly, but they obscured the body beneath. It hardly mattered, because the trio had seen all there was to see about this friendly giant.

"Hey, Jason," Jenn said as she slipped past and into the house. The others followed along as Jason chuckled.

"Come on in, make yourself at home," he said, a little too late to actually make the words mean anything. "We got everything all taken care of, just like we planned."

The house was tastefully decorated, with just enough style to know that it was Jason's house, with erotic artwork on the walls and more plushy furniture than Jenn had ever seen in one place. Jason was the bachelor's bachelor, though he always kept things clean. She'd played a couple of times with him, and she trusted him implicitly.

In the kitchen, snacks and drinks, including a lot of water. And in the living room beyond, Jenn could hear more voices. They were supposed to be the last to arrive, so those voices had to belong to the other guys that they invited.

It was hard to get a party like this together, but they'd managed to make sure that everyone knew each other and was comfortable around each other. They were all regular faces in the community, and there was an easy flow to their conversation, talking about the latest video game and what was going on with whom in the community. As the trio walked in, the conversation slowly fell to a close and all of them looked up with anticipatory smiles on their faces.

Two tigers, brothers in everything but birth, Raine and Blake were the kind who did everything together, even their girlfriends. Orion, a tawny cougar who never missed a gym day was sitting on the far side of the couch, though sitting was not necessarily the first thing that would come to mind looking at him. Sprawling was more the word that would describe it. Where Jason was wearing entirely loose-fitting and comfortable clothing, Orion was wearing more fashionable clothing, and it showed exactly how much he was looking forward to the evening.

Eden wasn't too far away from Orion. The big wolf had taken a liking to the cougar a while back when they both found out that they went to the same gym. From then on, they worked out together, and it showed. Eden wasn't wearing anything above the waist, his shirt already tossed to the side of the couch. He looked at Rachel with more than simple hunger in his eyes, and that look made Jenn's knees weak. It was like being looked at as a piece of meat, something she never told anyone that turned her on almost as much as what was going to happen tonight.

And last but certainly not least, Peter, who started out as one of those timid people that always hung on to the sides of a party in the community, never quite joining in, but looking ever so longingly at what was going on. The panther was someone that could be defined as a geek, though he was fit and trim. He liked to swim, and he had the body for it. He also had something hidden in the trousers that he wore that most jocks would have been envious about. Once Jenn had gotten him out of his shell, he turned out to be a truly cool guy who fit in with the rest even though every sense said that he shouldn't.

"You ready to get the party started?" Jason asked from right beside Jenn. She jumped, letting out a little squeak. She'd been so distracted by the guys on the couch that she hadn't heard him creep up behind her. His hands on her shoulders, though they'd startled her at first, felt welcome once her heart had slowed a bit.

"Let's do it," Rachel said, moving into the room, shedding her clothes as she went. Kim wasn't far behind, and Jenn had only to turn around to find the person she wanted to start with. She'd enjoyed watching Jason from the first moment that they met, and though she'd had him quite a few times in the past, she still enjoyed it every time that she and he could be together.

"You still sure about this?" he asked as he slid one hand down to lift her shirt up over her head.

"Definitely," she said, and the feeling in her belly agreed wholeheartedly with the words. It didn't take long before she was out of her clothes, and Jason stood as naked as she did before her. She found herself down on her knees, pressing her lips to his admittedly huge cock, licking the underside, letting her hands explore where her mouth couldn't. She had practice in what she was doing, and she put every ounce of that practice to work in what she was doing. Judging from Jason's groans, the practice was paying off. She could hear the rest of them in the room starting to get into it as well, moans and groans and whispers filled the air along with the scent of sex.

With her on her knees, she felt someone step up behind her and hands gently coaxing her ass up higher. She didn't turn around to know who it was, because it hardly mattered. All of them were going to get their turn with each of the girls, for as long as they lasted. She was aroused enough that he slid easily into her, stretching her slightly with his entry. It only pushed the heat higher and higher as he began to thrust, each press of his hips forcing her muzzle down further on Jason's cock, and when she pulled back, it was only to be forced forward once more. There was a rhythm to the pleasure, and she rode it, using every bit of it to her advantage, only stopping when she felt him swell within her, his moan telling her that he'd had his fill of her.

Jason pulled out of her mouth and moved around behind her, and before she even had time to think about it, he was plunging into her, larger than the last, stretching her further. It took only a moment before the pleasure washed over her and she fell over the edge into waves of ecstasy, her cries mingling with the other sounds in the room, sounds of pleasure, of primal need and of lust fulfilled.

Jason left her feeling empty when he was done, but it was only a second before someone else took his place, and time ceased to matter. The rules were simple for the guys, they used a condom with each girl and when they were done, they put the condom on the counter with the others, so she couldn't feel what she really wanted to feel, that being the feeling of one of them letting loose inside her. But there was more to come, and she let herself stop focusing on anything but the pleasure that she was feeling.

One after another, she had them all, as did the others, wave after wave of orgasmic bliss cresting over and over again, to the point that time ceased to matter, and all that mattered was the press of their cocks inside her, in her pussy in her mouth, both at the same time, the press of their bodies against hers, fur against fur, sometimes holding her close against them, other times flipping her over so that she was pressed into the floor over and over again. And each time, there was another to take their place.

Until there wasn't. Until they all were spent, laying on the furniture around the house, panting with their exertion, every single one of them spent beyond words. Jenn herself was left laying on the living room floor, fully sated, giggling with the high of it all. But the evening wasn't over yet.

"Now comes the fun part," she heard Orion say as he pushed himself off the couch, his cock still stiff and swollen, leaking just a drip of his seed to the carpet. The cougar made his way to the counter where someone had been taking care of all of the condoms, and all that was there was a single glass half-filled with creamy white liquid. When he came back, he held the glass and three straws stuck out from his other hand.

Movement in the corner drew her eye to the far end of the couch where the guys were moving about a little, ready to play their parts in the final part of the night.

"Okay, girls," Orion said with a heated smile, "pick your straws." Jenn could tell that the party was exciting him just as much as it was her.

Her heart leaping in her chest, Jenn pushed herself off the floor and crawled towards the cougar, her tail high, feeling her lips curl up in a grin. Maybe she wasn't completely sated after all. But she could sate the rest of her when the party was over. She picked the blue straw, pulling it from Orion's grip, and her heart stopped. Was it the short one? When she turned to the other girls, she held it up and her breath joined her heart in stopping. It was.

"Looks like it's all you, Jenn," Jason said, walking up beside her to take her shoulder. Her breath came back quickly and she looked over to the couch, where they were all waiting for her. Her steps felt like she was hardly walking at all, and her knees shook with each step. She knew that it was a possibility, but she truly didn't think that she'd be the one.

Slowly, she sat down on the couch, looking towards each guy in turn, all of them smiling hungrily at her as Orion came closer with the glass. It was her last chance, and she very nearly said something, very nearly called it off. But then they were laying her back. Jason hoisted her hips up and off the couch while Raine and Blake took hold of her ankles. Peter and Eden each took a wrist, and just like that, she was held just as firmly as if she'd been tied to the couch, legs spread, pussy higher than her head. She could see Orion coming closer, and then Rachel lifted a speculum into her view.

"You ready for kittens?" she asked as she reached over and slid the speculum into Jenn's sex. Rachel was slow about opening the wings, spreading them slowly, click after click while Orion stood and watched. With every click, Jenn's heart beat faster. The anticipation was all the worse for the fact that she was fully on display for everyone, her sex spreading so that everyone could see inside her. Finally, when Jenn felt like she was stretched nearly past her limit, Rachel giggled and pulled her hand away.

Jenn could only watch, the heat in her belly warring with the adrenaline in her system, as Orion came closer, setting the warm rim of the glass against her sex.

"One..." the others around her counted. She almost joined them, but her voice didn't want to form the words.

"Two..." Orion started to tip the glass up.

"Three..." and with that last count, the liquid flowed, the combined seed of all six men and along evening of sex and pleasure spilled into her wide-open sex. She could feel it pooling inside her, filling her to the brim, and even when it was too much, Orion kept pouring, letting the remainder drip down her ass to the towel beneath her.

She imagined she could feel the semen slipping past her cervix into her very fertile womb, the seed taking root and leaving her exactly as she thought this night would end for someone else. But even with the anxiety of it all, within, there was something more powerful. The arousal of being filled to the brim with virile seed, her body aching for it.

She heard Jason laugh and she realized that she'd been moving her hips with the excitement, and it took but a flick of his finger against her clit before the strongest climax of her life ripped through her. The men held her steady as her body spasmed with the force of it. It took her breath for long enough that the room dimmed and very nearly went black before it let her breathe again, and when she could, her breath came in small whimpers.

The rules were that they kept her there for thirty minutes, long enough for any sperm to find its way to her eggs, leaving no doubt about the outcome. One thing was for certain, it wouldn't be long before she started to show.